Author Topic: US Politics Thread |OT| SAD TRUMP  (Read 5530783 times)

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  • Senior Member

Look at the vote count. :lol

But surely this should have been the end of Drumpf?

....Today in Optimus thinking he owned the libs by bringing up discussions that have already been well covered 8 months ago.

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And honestly been common thought in legal circles for decades.


  • Y = λ𝑓. (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥)) (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥))
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  • Senior Member
Today was the first day of Trumps Presidency when I said “you know, I honestly truly think the guy might get impeached.” I’ve thought he deserved it, but today’s news has been unbelievable. Another week or two of Blatant corruption bombshells will spell the slow end of his Presidency.

I'm a Puppy!

  • Knows the muffin man.
  • Senior Member
Today was the first day of Trumps Presidency when I said “you know, I honestly truly think the guy might get impeached.” I’ve thought he deserved it, but today’s news has been unbelievable. Another week or two of Blatant corruption bombshells will spell the slow end of his Presidency.



  • Senior Member
What happened today besides him admitting he paid Cohen for the Stormy NDA?


  • Lieutenant colonel, 26th Hate Machine battalion
  • Senior Member

Look at the vote count. :lol

But surely this should have been the end of Drumpf?

....Today in Optimus thinking he owned the libs by bringing up discussions that have already been well covered 8 months ago.

spoiler (click to show/hide)
And honestly been common thought in legal circles for decades.

I'm just laughing at them downvoting facts they don't like.


  • Senior Member
What happened today besides him admitting he paid Cohen for the Stormy NDA?

The transcripts from DOJ investigation and the Senate panel outright admitting that Russia favored Trump and tried to help him.


  • Senior Member
What happened today besides him admitting he paid Cohen for the Stormy NDA?

The transcripts from DOJ investigation and the Senate panel outright admitting that Russia favored Trump and tried to help him.

But everyone waa saying the transcripts vindicated him.. Lol


  • Senior Member
What happened today besides him admitting he paid Cohen for the Stormy NDA?

The transcripts from DOJ investigation and the Senate panel outright admitting that Russia favored Trump and tried to help him.

But everyone waa saying the transcripts vindicated him.. Lol

Check out Mollie Hemingway’s Twitter feed. She’s amazing. Basically a female Hannity, but mostly in print form. The right has such outstanding partisan hacks on their side, it’s unreal.


Why would I subject myself to that bruh, I'm not a masochist like Benji


  • Lieutenant colonel, 26th Hate Machine battalion
  • Senior Member


  • Senior Member
I love the whole "congress refuses to investigate" lol.

It's like when the right ran Uranium One conspiracies for a few weeks and since they didn't really have any credible evidence and even Jeff Sessions called them on their shit they just had to play the deep state card because it's the only way to make it all fit(before promptly moving on to the next conspiracy a week or so later). Since if they didn't, the obvious question arises of "well you own every fucking branch of government, if this is a legit crime and you have the smoking gun, there is zero reason Trump and his Republican lackeys wouldn't pursue a long drawn out investigation."

Though your article seems like a whole lot of nothing. Hardly a "scandal." Some rebels we trained traded weapons we gave them to secure safe passage. Well yeah, that is always in the cards when you play these proxy war games.

Truth is Optimus, to give them some credit, a lot of these mishaps and failures is why the Obama administration hesitated after Assad crossed the red line, after they knew the political hit they were going to take by opportunistic hawks(even though they did get diplomatic assurances backed by Russia in it's wake), the sort of stuff Susan Rice has mentioned in her exit interviews and the very sort of argument she made toward people like Evelyn Farkas who tried to accost her and the Obama administration for not being more interventionist and hands on toward the Syrian crisis. That the Syrian situation is incredibly shitty because you have a clear monster in Assad gassing and committing genocide against his own people in order to do enough damage to get them to cower back down in fear and re-secure authority. Breaking multiple international laws in the process. Backed by a nuclear power in Russia that has both foreign policy and domestic reasons to remain steadfast in supporting Assad and playing interference and obfuscation for his atrocities. A conflict for which the US has no strong natural allies in the country for which to competently conduct any sort of proxy war. So at best when you get in that game, which we eventually tepidly did for fear of things spiraling further out of control, and since so many of the rebel groups are wild cards, and many of the ones that we can see common cause with are weak and often fluid in their make-up and alliances, including engaging in war amongst each other, or deciding to play nice with groups like Al Qaeda, you end up rolling a loaded dice in backing any number of them. Including seeing them hand over weapons to an Al Qaeda affiliate because they are more concerned with self survival than adhering to American wants.

Then again I can't keep track of your logic these days, yesterday you were screaming about how America needs to be the world police and go all in on interventionism in Israel, today you are back to isolationism....
« Last Edit: May 17, 2018, 02:26:10 AM by Nola »


  • Senior Member
What happened today besides him admitting he paid Cohen for the Stormy NDA?

The transcripts from DOJ investigation and the Senate panel outright admitting that Russia favored Trump and tried to help him.

Seriously, the amount of bombshells in those transcripts is amazing. We’ve just become numb. One year ago about half of those stories would have been oppo-droppo mega tweet storms.

Today only:
- at least some republicans voted to release intel and judiciary reports saying Russia helped trump.
- get to see don jr basically caught out lying in the transcripts. Apparently opened the June 9th meeting with “I understand you have some information for me”
- it’s revealed that Don Jr called Emin in Russia right after Veselnitskaya meeting, then afterwards gets a call from a blocked number, then calls Emin in Russia again. Also revealed that Trump himself usually calls from a blocked number. Shortly after that series of calls. Trump tweets about Hillary’s emails for the first time
- senate report confirms that kremlin used nra to set up back channel with trump campaign. Also says they have evidence suggesting that kremlin used nra to funnel money into trump campaign
- dem report contains email to Ike Kaveldaze (who was in trump tower meeting) that says “why did He (DT JR) release the email admitting to collusion?”
- revealed that a Cohen had been planning a trip to meet with senior government officials in Moscow as late as May 2016 for Trump tower Russia
- al ruhaini (Qatari sovereign wealth fund dude) admitted that Cohen asked him for a bribe
- it’s revealed that Cohen’s SARs May have been scrubbed from FINCEN databases.
- Ike kaveladze says Don Jr asked Veselnitskaya and Rinat Akhmetsin directly “do you have any dirt on Hillary?”

Things that make me change my mind today:
Donald trump Jr went into that meeting with the intent of colluding with the Russians. There really isn’t even the smokescreen of an innocent explanation anymore. We are now arguing about whether or not the collusion worked, not whether it occurred.

Republicans we’re willing to throw Trump under the bus on two separate occasions in one day, by confirming two things trump has denied. 1) Russians helped trump 2) they did it through the NRA. I’m not sure why there’s a shift, but that seems to be a shot across Trumps bow by the GOP to me. I guarantee you he will notice it.

The Cohen story keeps getting worse. I expect that it will continue to get even worse. It might actually be more damaging to Trump than the Russian investigation.


  • Senior Member
Mandark and curly would like you to know that they think was an accident.

Mandark would also like to let you know that these images do not make them think. They're just like the Iraq War to him. A bunch of phooey!
« Last Edit: May 17, 2018, 10:04:07 AM by Great Rumbler »


  • Senior Member
These are facts Mandark does not care about
« Last Edit: May 17, 2018, 10:03:56 AM by Great Rumbler »


  • Senior Member
Here is another lovely photo of how Soveits misconstrued Marx's ideas of the pettiness of national identity, ownership and middle class to eliminate Ukranian identity, upward movement and maximizing your farmland.
« Last Edit: May 17, 2018, 10:03:43 AM by Great Rumbler »


  • Senior Member
Thank Mandark.

Should have really thought about the gains of public education and national health care that kiddo right there, amirite?
« Last Edit: May 17, 2018, 10:02:39 AM by Great Rumbler »


  • cultural maoist
  • Senior Member
I imagine filler will feel like it's christmas morning when he wakes up and sees all these posts


  • Senior Member
Mandark has broken etiolate....and it’s as disturbing and glorious as I suspected it eventually would be

 :holeup :rejoice


  • Senior Member
It's always curious to see the guy who looks at a bunch of pictures of morbid starvation and thinks "this is like Christmas for someone."


  • Icon
Mandark has broken etiolate....and it’s as disturbing and glorious as I suspected it eventually would be

 :holeup :rejoice

I think curly got the lid off the pickle jar, but I softened it up.


  • Senior Member
jesus do you not know how you look?

ffs the audience is bigger than you


  • Senior Member
fuck it

Mandark and curly seriously do not think the people who wrote the communist manifesto and its guidelines have anything to do with what those guidelines produced

here is the result of that thinking

QUICK! Go like their posts!

Or just stare at them awkwardly
« Last Edit: May 17, 2018, 10:02:09 AM by Great Rumbler »


  • cultural maoist
  • Senior Member
when etoilet shows up at my door and fills me full of lead my last words will be ".......................................u mad"

seagrams hotsauce

  • Senior Member
Lol @ etoilet spending a few hours googling pics of dead folks in the middle of the night. cool calm and collected as ever


  • Senior Member
I can't do anything to you that you don't do to yourself on a daily basis.


  • Icon
jesus do you not know how you look?

ffs the audience is bigger than you


  • Senior Member
Congrats kids. Your friends wanted this for you.

Just make sure to act above it all while you excuse it all!
« Last Edit: May 17, 2018, 10:01:57 AM by Great Rumbler »


  • Icon
when etoilet shows up at my door and fills me full of lead my last words will be ".......................................u mad"

"My client will waive his rights, plead guilty to the murder, and not request any sentencing leniency, in return for the state stipulating that he was in fact not mad and found this all quite amusing, and is laughing actually."


  • Senior Member
Don't worry dead little girl. Mandark says you give him no emotion. You're like the Iraq War. Something he can reference later when it conveniences him and not when it ever contractions him.

Look at you kiddo!  A starving to death bit of anecdote for a chubby bitch on the internet! You died! But he's got a forum that likes him! Good for him. Shame on you.
« Last Edit: May 17, 2018, 10:01:43 AM by Great Rumbler »

seagrams hotsauce

  • Senior Member
good point, i'm on your side now. fuck mandark toilet gang bang bang


  • Senior Member
In respect to Mandark's politics and concerns, I apologize for assuming the starving Ukrainian child's gender.


  • Senior Member
Somehow I have a moment of empathy for you etiolate, which I suspect knowing myself and your behavior will be fleeting, but dude, you seriously seem to be tipping over the edge. At first it was  amusing, but after a half dozen more :/ ...I won’t presume to know your situation personally, but at a minimum maybe taking some time off from this internet bubble you are letting yourself get consumed with might not be a bad thing? 


  • Senior Member

I run retreads like you for nothing.

I put you on ignore as mercy. I am angelic when I say get out of this bubble.


but at a minimum maybe taking some time off from this internet bubble you are letting yourself get consumed with

How is a forum that hates me and has always, for a long time before you came here, hated me, a bubble? How is that a bubble? How do I come here and do what I do?

Admit it. If you cam into a realm that reflected me, that you'd run. I see you horsefuckers and come straight at you. That is not a bubble.


  • Icon
If you cam into a realm that reflected me, that you'd run. I see you horsefuckers and come straight at you.



  • Senior Member




even though he thought our families were enemies of the proletariat
« Last Edit: May 17, 2018, 09:26:27 AM by Great Rumbler »


  • 🧘‍♂️
  • Senior Member

 :usacry :tophat :american

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Sure. You can't pin this all on America but my point being: most ideologies have a death count.
« Last Edit: May 17, 2018, 06:26:51 AM by Atramental »


  • Senior Member

I run retreads like you for nothing.

I put you on ignore as mercy. I am angelic when I say get out of this bubble.


but at a minimum maybe taking some time off from this internet bubble you are letting yourself get consumed with

How is a forum that hates me and has always, for a long time before you came here, hated me, a bubble? How is that a bubble? How do I come here and do what I do?

Admit it. If you cam into a realm that reflected me, that you'd run. I see you horsefuckers and come straight at you. That is not a bubble.

You are a grown man successfully throwing an actual temper tantrum on the internet et, it doesn’t get much more childish.

It’s also a bit hard to say you come at people straight when the moment they challenge you on the factual grounds you make your claims on, you either put them on ignore or get triggered so bad you go on multi-thread post rampages with perhaps the most cowardly appeal to emotion meltdown I’ve ever witnessed on the internet. Ironically, constantly bitching about the snowflake mentality of Resetera and praising the intellectual muscle and temperament you claim to possess.

I said what I said out of genuine concern, because this is not a healthy set of behavior you are engaging in. I mean more than most of us are doing that is... if you want to keep self destructing and acting like an asshole though, you certainly make it easy to help dry up any sympathy on your slow decline.


  • Punk Mushi no Onna
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  • Senior Member


  • Senior Member

I run retreads like you for nothing.

I put you on ignore as mercy. I am angelic when I say get out of this bubble.


but at a minimum maybe taking some time off from this internet bubble you are letting yourself get consumed with

How is a forum that hates me and has always, for a long time before you came here, hated me, a bubble? How is that a bubble? How do I come here and do what I do?

Admit it. If you cam into a realm that reflected me, that you'd run. I see you horsefuckers and come straight at you. That is not a bubble.

You just went full Bobby robberts here. Pizza gate lore expert.


  • someday you feed on a tree frog
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  • 🤷‍♀️
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Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
  • Administrator
da fuq?


  • 🤷‍♀️
  • Senior Member
It’s just so... bizarre to try to make a point that someone lacks reverence for the dead by spamming images of dead children. That’s gotta be worth a trip to the shed, maybe if we tell bork that et said he was a bitch

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
  • Global Moderator
Good Lord.


  • Banana Grabber
  • Senior Member
He’s on ignore

What did he do

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
  • Global Moderator
He’s on ignore

What did he do

Spammed pictures of dead/starving kids across multiple threads to make some kind of point.


  • Banana Grabber
  • Senior Member


  • The Smooth Canadian
  • Icon
What the fuck

Like, I don’t even understand the causal sequence for what set him off here....

Regardless, we’re all supposed to learn by our late 20s that late night drinking + posting on the Bore = bad idea

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
  • Global Moderator
It started in etiolate's video thread, which is only ever frequented by etiolate and the handful of people who can be bothered to engage him [mostly Mandark and curly].

Stoney Mason

  • So Long and thanks for all the fish
  • Senior Member
He's always been 100% nuts.

It's not like this is some new thing.


  • The Smooth Canadian
  • Icon
He's always been 100% nuts.

It's not like this is some new thing.

True enough.


  • Now bringing you *Zen*
  • Senior Member
What the fuck

Like, I don’t even understand the causal sequence for what set him off here....

Regardless, we’re all supposed to learn by our late 20s that late night drinking + posting on the Bore = bad idea
i thought that was the only way to post on the bore?


  • Senior Member
Well I guess now that he made himself a martyr he can use that to push the tyrannical mods are banning people left and right narrative


  • Estado Homo
  • Senior Member
lol nice meltdown etoilet


  • 🙈🙉🙊
  • Senior Member
lol nice meltdown etoilet
No, no, this is some kind of lesson. Not a meltdown at all.


  • Senior Member
lol nice meltdown etoilet
No, no, this is some kind of lesson. Not a meltdown at all.

If only you morans could buy some information gain/understanding process.


  • Now bringing you *Zen*
  • Senior Member
What's with the constant bans here now? Geez, Dog.

At least throw out a warning or two. 



  • Banana Grabber
  • Senior Member
I don't think a warning is sufficient for someone posting images of dead children


  • Now bringing you *Zen*
  • Senior Member
I don't think a warning is sufficient for someone posting images of dead children
We're sensitive to the atrocities of history now?