Author Topic: USA Politics Thread |OT| Son of a bitch!  (Read 332618 times)

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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4440 on: December 19, 2021, 02:41:51 PM »
The problem with the NY Democrats is they embody all the stereotypes of regulatory excess that people have of the party nationwide. Their regulations tend to be arcane and questionable (it's like that one desert town in Nier), most in place to suck any penny it can out of a business - it was perfectly fine last summer to have massive, unmasked protests... but god forbid a restaurant stay open past 10! A small business runs out of hand sanitizer on a job site? Major fines!

That being said, considering I have a moderate heart condition, I personally prefer to err on the side of caution instead of a free-for-all like Florida or Texas. And Lee Zeldin, the Republican candidate for Governor, is a huge Trump bootlicker, antivaxxer, antimasker - just an all-around awful person, he's been my district rep for years now. Trust me, even with how awful the Dems have been, Zeldin is worse.

And as for mask/vaxx mandates, a majority of NYers tend to support them. Due to have some big $$ federal contracts, my job made the vaxx and masks when not at desks mandatory at the beginning of Dec - we're one of the largest private/non healthcare/non education employers on (definitely much more conservative) Long Island, and back in Oct when the email about the mandate went out, something like 96% were already vaccinated. And even the healthcare facilities haven't had to let go nearly the amount of people they were expecting to not comply with the vaxx mandate... Northwell Health, the island's largest healthcare system, which has 60k employees, only let 1400 go for failing to comply.
« Last Edit: December 19, 2021, 02:46:47 PM by tiesto »


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4441 on: December 19, 2021, 02:53:28 PM »
The problem is that I think that whatever good Republicans can achieve by simply being opposition to Democrats will be undermined by Trumpism. The only person in the GOP with any kind of status who didn't knuckle under to Trump was Mitt Romney. Ted Cruz could have stood up for movement conservatives and the Evangelicals that made up his primary base and tried to frame an internal constraint on Trump, but instead he immediately kissed the ring. Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell fell all over themselves to get Trump "wins" that went against years of conservative principles. Even in the case of judges, which was the most successful part of the four years of Trump, many of those appointed were simply shitbags with no experience rather than principled conservative judges or originalists or whatever else you'd expect. And this was all despite the fact that Trump didn't really care about any of the specifics in any of this. When they were trying to "repeal and replace" Obamacare some actual conservative opposition to the bill popped up and Trump told them he didn't care about "the little shit, only the big picture" and just wanted something, anything passed that would let him claim he repealed Obamacare and instituted a great superior Trumpcare. (And even at this, they failed.)

The reform plan the party was coalescing around after the 2012 results is dead except for the bad parts. Free trade? Out. Immigration reform? Instead we got zero tolerance, illegal bans, malicious prosecution and pursuit of "the wall" on the wrong border. Budget and debt controls? Gone, he surpassed even Bush on this front and Bush at least had the excuse of the wars he started. A truce on the culture wars? Instead the social moderate Trump did everything possible to amplify them and appointed plenty of fervent nutsos on this. (Although some of this has backfired, Goursch writing gender identity into anti-discrimination laws for example, ACB so far refusing to go along with Alito's social conservatism. Even if Dobbs is a "win" by upholding Mississippi's law, I don't think they're going to touch Roe/Casey. I could be wrong though!) Foreign policy? All over the place, some was actually good, most of it bad and counterproductive to stated goals, never ended the drone wars. Withdrawing from the Iran deal, setting up Afghanistan to fail, etc. Respect for the institutions and constitution? lol, to use just a single example, I'll point out that he targeted ACB as a traitor (to where she gets more death threats from Trumpists than Democrats still) just months after appointing her simply because she agreed with the law and precedent that the Supreme Court had no authority to intervene and overturn an election result in multiple states because Texas wanted it to.

I still don't think Trump is the worst President in history (I'm partial to Nixon) and as noted above I do think he did a few good things even if by accident but he was a unique aberration in terms of his political force. Nobody else can pick up his mantle and run with it. Nobody else can keep his unique base. The GOP is harming everything by continuing to be completely subservient to the man. Ryan and McConnell fucked up when they decided that was the "message" of 2016 but after 2020 and Jan 6th, the party had ample chance to challenge him and they mostly haven't.

It's early, but it's also funny, at the moment the only person it looks like can stand up to Trump is DeSantis. But he might actually be worse than another four years of Trump. Ideally, Trump stays out of 2024, doesn't endorse but also does turn on DeSantis and those two spend it fighting, opening a path for somebody more reasonable like Nikki Haley or Kristi Noem or Tim Scott, or god forbid, even Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio. That seems like the only likely prospect for the Republicans to come back from Trump at this point. I mean, other than him just keeling over sometime soon. But I imagine he'll be one of those types that just refuses to die despite so many reasons why he should. Like Strom Thurmond did.

Anti-Trump efforts that defect blindly to the Democrats (Lincoln Project, Jennifer Rubin) are useless. There needs to be strong anti-Trumpism within the Republican Party. But there isn't. Maybe something can center around Glenn Youngkin, if only to provide an outpost of opposition. But I thought the same about Ted Cruz and Rand Paul after 2016. Both became loyalists instead. (Rand was especially disappointing personally, and it's why I can't take him seriously on anything anymore.) Ryan and McConnell became loyalists. Kevin McCarthy ran to the front of the parade practically. Even Sarah Palin was more skeptical of Trump than these idiots.

The problem as it I see it is within what you note, the Republicans will gain simply because they're not Democrats. But that won't cast Trump out of control, if anything it may strengthen his hold. We'll have primaries where Trumpists win because he backs him, and then they go on to win general elections simply because they aren't Democrats. Trump will claim credit and victory and most of the party will continue to worship him despite the fact that it's not sustainable when he does leave the scene after 2024.

And Lee Zeldin, the Republican candidate for Governor, is a huge Trump bootlicker, antivaxxer, antimasker - just an all-around awful person, he's been my district rep for years now. Trust me, even with how awful the Dems have been, Zeldin is worse.
This is exactly the kind of thing I'm talking about. A socially moderate, reasonable conservative can win New York. Especially when Democrats suck. (And everything about Kathy Hochul indicates that she sucks.) That was George Pataki (and before him Nelson Rockefeller) for three terms! Rudy and Bloomberg did the same in NYC proper. There's similarly politically strong Republican Governors in deep blue Massachusetts and Maryland right now. But a Trumper can't do this. And right now, Republicans seem to accept only Trumpers.


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4442 on: December 19, 2021, 03:05:07 PM »
The problem with the NY Democrats is they embody all the stereotypes of regulatory excess that people have of the party nationwide. Their regulations tend to be arcane and questionable (it's like that one desert town in Nier), most in place to suck any penny it can out of a business - it was perfectly fine last summer to have massive, unmasked protests... but god forbid a restaurant stay open past 10! A small business runs out of hand sanitizer on a job site? Major fines!

That being said, considering I have a moderate heart condition, I personally prefer to err on the side of caution instead of a free-for-all like Florida or Texas. And Lee Zeldin, the Republican candidate for Governor, is a huge Trump bootlicker, antivaxxer, antimasker - just an all-around awful person, he's been my district rep for years now. Trust me, even with how awful the Dems have been, Zeldin is worse.

And as for mask/vaxx mandates, a majority of NYers tend to support them. Due to have some big $$ federal contracts, my job made the vaxx and masks when not at desks mandatory at the beginning of Dec - we're one of the largest private/non healthcare/non education employers on (definitely much more conservative) Long Island, and back in Oct when the email about the mandate went out, something like 96% were already vaccinated. And even the healthcare facilities haven't had to let go nearly the amount of people they were expecting to not comply with the vaxx mandate... Northwell Health, the island's largest healthcare system, which has 60k employees, only let 1400 go for failing to comply.

I'm not saying to have a free for all. We were doing good. New Yorkers try to do the best thing for us. We got vaccinated for our own safety without much behest. This past summer was freedom. You could go to a restaurant and pig out and not show a vax card because it's assumed through good faith that you, as a New Yorker, in a city with a 70% vaccination rate, already got at least one jab. Numbers were down, endless fun at parks (especially Washington Square), things were good! And then they demanded mandates. You need to have a vaccination for your job. You need to show your vaccination card to go inside this business even if you're wearing a fucking mask. It caused unnecessary division in a city that was doing well and healing good. It has completely split communities.

There's a line between Texas "I don't give a fuck" and where we are now in NY and NY used to be that nice middle ground that was juuuust right. I personally blame Biden and his horrific policies. The NY Democrats right now are horrendously overstepping, overreacting, and overregulating.

As said in the Covid thread, the Guv issued a State of Emergency with three measly Omicron cases even BEFORE the current spike (which, to my knowledge, isn't even Omicron!). This hysteria, overreacting, and fear porn from the top of the state brass is completely unnecessary and reflects the weakness in the current administration and state politicians. They need to be voted out.
« Last Edit: December 19, 2021, 03:17:14 PM by Himu »


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4443 on: December 19, 2021, 03:19:36 PM »


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4445 on: December 19, 2021, 03:30:50 PM »
The problem is that I think that whatever good Republicans can achieve by simply being opposition to Democrats will be undermined by Trumpism. The only person in the GOP with any kind of status who didn't knuckle under to Trump was Mitt Romney. Ted Cruz could have stood up for movement conservatives and the Evangelicals that made up his primary base and tried to frame an internal constraint on Trump, but instead he immediately kissed the ring. Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell fell all over themselves to get Trump "wins" that went against years of conservative principles. Even in the case of judges, which was the most successful part of the four years of Trump, many of those appointed were simply shitbags with no experience rather than principled conservative judges or originalists or whatever else you'd expect. And this was all despite the fact that Trump didn't really care about any of the specifics in any of this. When they were trying to "repeal and replace" Obamacare some actual conservative opposition to the bill popped up and Trump told them he didn't care about "the little shit, only the big picture" and just wanted something, anything passed that would let him claim he repealed Obamacare and instituted a great superior Trumpcare. (And even at this, they failed.)

The reform plan the party was coalescing around after the 2012 results is dead except for the bad parts. Free trade? Out. Immigration reform? Instead we got zero tolerance, illegal bans, malicious prosecution and pursuit of "the wall" on the wrong border. Budget and debt controls? Gone, he surpassed even Bush on this front and Bush at least had the excuse of the wars he started. A truce on the culture wars? Instead the social moderate Trump did everything possible to amplify them and appointed plenty of fervent nutsos on this. (Although some of this has backfired, Goursch writing gender identity into anti-discrimination laws for example, ACB so far refusing to go along with Alito's social conservatism. Even if Dobbs is a "win" by upholding Mississippi's law, I don't think they're going to touch Roe/Casey. I could be wrong though!) Foreign policy? All over the place, some was actually good, most of it bad and counterproductive to stated goals, never ended the drone wars. Withdrawing from the Iran deal, setting up Afghanistan to fail, etc. Respect for the institutions and constitution? lol, to use just a single example, I'll point out that he targeted ACB as a traitor (to where she gets more death threats from Trumpists than Democrats still) just months after appointing her simply because she agreed with the law and precedent that the Supreme Court had no authority to intervene and overturn an election result in multiple states because Texas wanted it to.

I still don't think Trump is the worst President in history (I'm partial to Nixon) and as noted above I do think he did a few good things even if by accident but he was a unique aberration in terms of his political force. Nobody else can pick up his mantle and run with it. Nobody else can keep his unique base. The GOP is harming everything by continuing to be completely subservient to the man. Ryan and McConnell fucked up when they decided that was the "message" of 2016 but after 2020 and Jan 6th, the party had ample chance to challenge him and they mostly haven't.

It's early, but it's also funny, at the moment the only person it looks like can stand up to Trump is DeSantis. But he might actually be worse than another four years of Trump. Ideally, Trump stays out of 2024, doesn't endorse but also does turn on DeSantis and those two spend it fighting, opening a path for somebody more reasonable like Nikki Haley or Kristi Noem or Tim Scott, or god forbid, even Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio. That seems like the only likely prospect for the Republicans to come back from Trump at this point. I mean, other than him just keeling over sometime soon. But I imagine he'll be one of those types that just refuses to die despite so many reasons why he should. Like Strom Thurmond did.

Anti-Trump efforts that defect blindly to the Democrats (Lincoln Project, Jennifer Rubin) are useless. There needs to be strong anti-Trumpism within the Republican Party. But there isn't. Maybe something can center around Glenn Youngkin, if only to provide an outpost of opposition. But I thought the same about Ted Cruz and Rand Paul after 2016. Both became loyalists instead. (Rand was especially disappointing personally, and it's why I can't take him seriously on anything anymore.) Ryan and McConnell became loyalists. Kevin McCarthy ran to the front of the parade practically. Even Sarah Palin was more skeptical of Trump than these idiots.

The problem as it I see it is within what you note, the Republicans will gain simply because they're not Democrats. But that won't cast Trump out of control, if anything it may strengthen his hold. We'll have primaries where Trumpists win because he backs him, and then they go on to win general elections simply because they aren't Democrats. Trump will claim credit and victory and most of the party will continue to worship him despite the fact that it's not sustainable when he does leave the scene after 2024.

And Lee Zeldin, the Republican candidate for Governor, is a huge Trump bootlicker, antivaxxer, antimasker - just an all-around awful person, he's been my district rep for years now. Trust me, even with how awful the Dems have been, Zeldin is worse.
This is exactly the kind of thing I'm talking about. A socially moderate, reasonable conservative can win New York. Especially when Democrats suck. (And everything about Kathy Hochul indicates that she sucks.) That was George Pataki (and before him Nelson Rockefeller) for three terms! Rudy and Bloomberg did the same in NYC proper. There's similarly politically strong Republican Governors in deep blue Massachusetts and Maryland right now. But a Trumper can't do this. And right now, Republicans seem to accept only Trumpers.

You make good points especially towards DeSantis, who is nightmare fuel.

My personal picks are Nicki Haley and Tim Scott but I'm concerned about Haley's record.

Have you seen this in Bloomberg?


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4448 on: December 20, 2021, 08:39:54 AM »
is it just me or are a lot of traditionally "ratio'd" people and positions no longer getting ratio'd on twitter

did twitter get more lax on conservative takes or did conservatives learn to play by the rules and not get banned?

is this like a post-parler thing where they stopped trying to have their own space

or is it all russian bots



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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4449 on: December 20, 2021, 05:06:06 PM »
Nobody else can pick up his mantle and run with it. Nobody else can keep his unique base. The GOP is harming everything by continuing to be completely subservient to the man.
Is this post about the caustic effect of his personal qualities or about the broader reactionary forces he capitalized on? A lot of your post focuses on quislings in the GOP but I don't know if I agree that Trump, the man, is here to stay. He's genuinely deplatformed (does/will Fox even book him?). If he runs again then everyone has to cover him but there's a good chance he doesn't and the party relegates him to honored speaker status. Overall I agree there's no going back, just disagreeing on the certainty of Trump's personal involvement in all this.


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4450 on: December 20, 2021, 05:11:58 PM »
Benji if the Democratic party has awful policy, awful results, awful regressive ideas mixed in a cocktail of authoritarian wokism then the only real option for any voter are the Republicans.
You think the negatives of the Republican platform are less bad than COVID overreaction?


  • Haughty and a little naughty
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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4451 on: December 20, 2021, 07:00:24 PM »

Anytime you think the world can't get dumber...

Great Rumbler

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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4452 on: December 20, 2021, 07:14:08 PM »

Anytime you think the world can't get dumber...

Imagine being the sort of person that likes this kind of thing. :notlikethis


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4453 on: December 21, 2021, 01:32:04 AM »
Benji if the Democratic party has awful policy, awful results, awful regressive ideas mixed in a cocktail of authoritarian wokism then the only real option for any voter are the Republicans.
You think the negatives of the Republican platform are less bad than COVID overreaction?

No. After living in super progressive NY I've cooled on many Democratic platform issues and really don't identify with left politics beyond healthcare, housing, and a few other issues.

That isn't to say I entirely agree with the Republicans but right now I disagree with Democratic leadership and agree with the Republican arguments against that leadership. I have no affiliation and my services can be bought at any time. I do not think either party is capable of fully representing my interests so I will vote for the party that does at any one point. Currently Democrats are overreacting to COVID and turning into authoritarian Nancy's that are overly triggered by opinions they disagree with. So I'll vote against them. Either way, I'm participating in a country whose sins are many and whose interests go against mine. Therefore I might as well place my vote up for the highest bidder at any time rather than committing to a select group.

You call it COVID overreacting, I call it fear porn, authoritarian rules, safety over liberty, and destroying the social contract between governance and the populace. Mandates severely go against my morals. I truly believe in a person's ability to choose.

Of the Democratic platform what has Biden's agenda done for black Americans? Black Americans did better under Trump. I might as well consider alternatives. Since Democrats and Republicans neither care I might as well pick which party at one point suits my self preservation and morals. American politics are a push pull. A pendulum swing.

Even if I agree with Democrats wanting better healthcare, supporting that also means I have to support their feminist and LGBT agendas by proxy that go against Islam and racial victimhood narratives that push the country as a social hierarchy. At the end of the day they're both racist warmongering parties operating on greedy capitalistic tendencies. You take the good with the bad.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2021, 01:54:12 AM by Himu »


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4454 on: December 21, 2021, 01:53:27 PM »
Is this post about the caustic effect of his personal qualities or about the broader reactionary forces he capitalized on? A lot of your post focuses on quislings in the GOP but I don't know if I agree that Trump, the man, is here to stay. He's genuinely deplatformed (does/will Fox even book him?). If he runs again then everyone has to cover him but there's a good chance he doesn't and the party relegates him to honored speaker status. Overall I agree there's no going back, just disagreeing on the certainty of Trump's personal involvement in all this.
While I think Trump's personal influence is not going to last much past 2024 he is not as deplatformed as you think. He has a fairly strong network that ensures his stupid press releases get all over Twitter anyway for example. He makes lots of personal calls to people in power (this has always been how he's operated) and while Fox is mildly touchy about him specifically, OANN/Newsmax is not and both have been growing extensively because of this. Donald Trump Jr. has no problem getting on Fox and part of it is that Trump himself is still pissed at Fox for calling Arizona and the Presidency for Biden. He thought their news wing was as devoted to him as the opinion wing is.

That said, my point there was a bit less about Trump's personal power over the party and more about the fact that the GOP as is, and probably through 2024 (Trump running, winning or losing) at least does not seem to have an alternative to Trump. If Trump today decided he was done and was going to just retire the party would be utterly derelict but still within his influence because of all the people who have reidentified themselves as Trump loyalists plus everyone who has gotten into office on the basis of just being Trumpers. The party does not seem to have any alternative prepared for this possibility even though we pretty much know that by the time 2024 passes they will have to or collapse into nonsense infighting for an extended period.

Before Trump you had the different power bases, the neocons, the America First people, the Evangelicals, the economic conservatives/libertarians, etc. Trump shoved this all aside for loyalty to himself. Many of those power bases don't exist as they did and won't be coming back. The Koch's for example are dying off and in any case pulled up stakes and gave up on the GOP. Long time institutions like Heritage have fallen apart and been shredded. Maybe these are good things, but they certainly seem to be negatives for the Republicans. The old farm leagues are decimated and have been replaced by Twitter/Facebook MAGA stars like MTG, Boebert, etc. (This last part does seem to be fairly bipartisan however I think the GOP has gotten the worst of this otherwise positive development.) As much as people suspected, probably correctly, that these groups would have strong influence in the Trump Administration and how Pence (someone who came up in those farm leagues) would be doing most of this, that changed as the Administration went on and Trump started throwing out everyone (even otherwise loyalists like Jeff Sessions) that Pence put into the Administration and propping up his loyalists instead. By the end, Trump was doing things like not just ignoring his own State Department (which he had done from the start, but then many Presidents do this for personal diplomacy) but having incompetent people like Rudy Giuliani instead run alternative diplomatic policy for Trump's personal gain. Trump himself had fallen into the cult.

In other words, the further and longer into Trump they go, the more they're hollowing out the party. One that it's easy to forget had pre-Trump just came off the 2014 elections where it borderline ran the table and would have faced Hillary in 2016 anyway. Maybe I'm wrong, but the party just doesn't seem as strong now as it was then. (Not that the Democrats seem very strong either, they are at least not yet a cult.)


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4457 on: December 21, 2021, 08:33:59 PM »
In other words, the further and longer into Trump they go, the more they're hollowing out the party. [...] Maybe I'm wrong, but the party just doesn't seem as strong now as it was then. (Not that the Democrats seem very strong either, they are at least not yet a cult.)
This is the part I think I'm disagreeing with, and why I was focusing on Trump's personal involvement in the party. Is it hollowing the party, or just another transformation? Not that rampant brain disease and a reptilian instinct to own the libs are enviable but how are the Republicans weaker in a practical sense? A lot of the craziness that happened because Trump just doesn't apply once he's not in the picture anymore. Does the party fall apart after that because the only thing holding it together was a fat orange tv star with the personality of a toddler? No way. Maybe the old values are dessicated but we're clearly living in an age of reaction that values macho foreign policy, backing the blue, hugging the flag as hard as you can, and kicking people off welfare. Actually those do sound like the old values :hitler

With the culture war in full steam, an entire counterattack on progressive education, exasperation with covid regulations, a media craze over the inflation narrative, and images of a national crime wave plastered across right wing social media ... I dunno, it seems like a strong position to me, with consistent messaging, and broad consensus within the party: stop the crime, stop the spending, stop the tyranny. Look at himu - it worked on him!


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4458 on: December 21, 2021, 08:34:22 PM »
in summary, Republicans will win bigly. then they will ban and kill me.


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4460 on: December 21, 2021, 10:44:08 PM »
Putting prisoners who are already in jail into solitary confinement will certainly stop crime and bring back order to this lawless city!


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4461 on: December 22, 2021, 09:08:05 AM »


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4462 on: December 22, 2021, 11:33:32 AM »
Solitary confinement is a really tough one.  On the one hand, Adams is right - there has to be another level of punitive measure for inmates who can't stop attacking others.  On the other, I can't think of a worse kind of torture.  I'd rather bear physical beatings as long as I knew it would end soon, than be stuck in solitary for extended periods of time.  They seem to use solitary too often, too, like as a tool to extract non-violent inmates from a violent population, etc.   I don't envy anyone who has to figure this one out.


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4463 on: December 22, 2021, 11:38:57 AM »
Open back up asylums but make them more humane. Often these people have nowhere to go. Homeless dude went and stabbed a woman to death for no reason just the other day.

Great Rumbler

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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4464 on: December 22, 2021, 05:58:16 PM »
Open back up asylums but make them more humane.

Thanks, Reagan!


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4465 on: December 23, 2021, 12:39:25 PM »

 :what (French, not Hussain. Wait... Hussain!)


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4468 on: December 24, 2021, 12:09:19 AM »

Down 8 points in a week with my bloc (independent). Get fucked, vote red.


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4470 on: December 24, 2021, 12:29:07 AM »


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4471 on: December 24, 2021, 12:38:38 AM »

From a few weeks back.


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4472 on: December 24, 2021, 03:01:10 AM »


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4473 on: December 24, 2021, 08:34:38 AM »
"I told you Joe! I told ya!"

Skullfuckers Anonymous

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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4477 on: December 24, 2021, 10:59:48 PM »

Agreed with Bratton. Before living here I would have agreed with AOC. Interacting with the homeless in person is way different than only seeing them wave a sign from your car. When you see the same guy for months, to the point where you know his name, buy him food regularly, and is as part of your neighborhood as the local park or local hardware shop you start to realize some of them don't want help. Oh, you'll still help them out. But when they try to take advantage of your kindness and boundaries by asking to take a shower in your apartment and they refuse when you suggest they go to a shelter, you start to see the cyclical nature. Sometimes if you say no to a homeless guy he might whip his weiner out and piss in your direction right at you. in Flatbush for a year. Same dudes, same spots. The wheelchair man I have more empathy for and I try to do what I can but it never changes I never feel safe when I get on a train car full of homeless people sleeping on my way to work at 5 am or when I'm harassed on the train by a crazy person. I highly doubt AOC *has* to or even uses the subway on regular basis.

AOC and the leftists are living in an utopia not on planet Earth most likely because they don't have to deal with it.


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4478 on: December 24, 2021, 11:14:42 PM »
it's a complicated problem that shouldn't be boiled down to memes, but I can't help but picture an unarmed holistic wellness counselor forced to approach these guys and say "sirs? you need to move on, you're scaring the other riders, come with me," being told to fuck off or even getting attacked, and then needing actual police support anyway (who are slow to respond because to them the wellness counselors represent an attack on their livelihood)


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4479 on: December 25, 2021, 01:59:50 AM »
Same dudes, same spots.
... Yeah, they're still homeless. Of course they're in the same spots.

I highly doubt AOC *has* to or even uses the subway on regular basis.
She didn't use the subway in the Bronx? I doubt that.


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4480 on: December 25, 2021, 07:20:40 AM »
Not as a congresswoman. So she will bring up "they need medical care and shelter" (they do) as if that's relevant to them sleeping on the train, which isn't its goal nor point. I pay $127 a month to ride the train in comparison.


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4481 on: December 25, 2021, 01:54:14 PM »
If you agree that they need shelter then why is it so appalling that they'd end up on the train, away from the weather?

Aside, I thought NYC was very good about providing shelter, which is why the proportion of housing insecure in NY that rough sleep is extremely small compared to other places. People fall through the cracks though.


  • Senior Member
Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4482 on: December 25, 2021, 07:51:49 PM »
If you agree that they need shelter then why is it so appalling that they'd end up on the train, away from the weather?

Aside, I thought NYC was very good about providing shelter, which is why the proportion of housing insecure in NY that rough sleep is extremely small compared to other places. People fall through the cracks though.

The subway, a public utility, is not a hotel room or dormitory. New Yorkers have a right to not have to step in human poop or deal with homeless people assaulting us. It is not the job of the MTA to take care of the homeless as the trains are not a bedroom. In the year of 2019 New York City invested over 3.2 billion dollars into homeless care. A lot has been invested and whether for good reasons or bad, many homeless people do not want to take advantage of these facilities. Allowing homeless people to fester and live aboard the train where working people commute, children go to school, others literally work unfair to New Yorkers and more than that, isn't an actual solution. It is a band-aid. Police should be used to force homeless off trains and hopefully into shelters where they can get care. Billions are thrown at this and what's happening? Very little. What is happening to all that money? And your solution is to throw more money? More facilities? More medical care? In NY I have medicaid and haven't paid a medical bill all year. What's being done isn't enough.

To crib from a comment thread on Reddit:

"Shelters are often drug-infested, dirty and hostile environments." You people are truly amazing.

If the shelters are unsafe, dirty, and hostile - that's the fault of the elected official. Not the retiree being attacked for apparently asking that people be murdered for lacking a home. More than that - you realize people who make shelters "drug-infested, dirty and hostile" might also impose that behavior in this public space, yes?

None of you seem up in arms about cops enforcing mask rules, but you're ok with this?

"Shelter case workers are extremely underpaid." Indeed, and yet CEOs & lobbyists like Jim Coughlin from Westhab probably make millions. Not my fault. Not my choice. I have no control over this, even with my vote for candidates I hope will work harder against corruption and misuse of funds. The city gives out contracts to these people. It's their problem.

You're giving incompetent, corrupt governance, and the thing people really have a problem with - dudes camping out and doing far worse on subways - a pass.

Nobody gives a shit about the homeless riding the subways, or even dozing off.

"There are often underlying co-occurring substance use or mental health disorders and little to no family support." Yes, and so they can work that out on riders, got it.

It is not riders' fault there's lack of safe shelter.

Stop making excuses. That's all you're doing. That's all people who are entrusted with billions of dollars to deal with this and whose constituents who deserve a feces/assault-free subway ride are doing. It's criminal. I'm sick and tired of people who take my money moralizing and gaslighting me with bullshit. They get away with it because people like you uncritically swallow the tropes you've posted and have been raised to expect nothing of elected officials who campaign on "idealistic" half-truths and sloganeered bullshit, nor to consider the working/middle class people who have no other way to get around as "privileged". And AOC likes it that way, because she doesn't have to do dickshit but tweet.

This is not an acceptable solution and all the babbling about unsafe shelter and the reasons I'm supposed to pity someone shooting up and telling me to get out of his house while I'm trapped underground doesn't really change that.


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4483 on: December 26, 2021, 07:59:49 AM »
Registered independent but I need to take steps to reg Republican asap.

Liked the flips that happened last election but I didn't vote then.

Thank you Democratic Party for making an apathetic non-voter register R just to tell you to f off.
« Last Edit: December 26, 2021, 08:03:52 AM by Himu »


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4484 on: December 27, 2021, 05:29:11 PM »
Ah, so you'd go with it if you didn't have staff shortages.

Yes, I'd very much like to whip out my vaxx card every fucking time I ride the train. Or how about you go fuck yourself and I vote red? Let's go Brandon.

All of this hysteria over a virus that is significantly weaker. Yes, taking out a vaxx card in the city that doesn't sleep, in the city of hustle, in the city of I need to run two blocks within two minutes to catch my train this would absolutely save lives and not make you hated. Keep digging.

The Democrats are completely batshit.

Their policies are utterly ineffectual and the definition of navel gazing. Yes, let's reduce subway services due to Omicron which will result in more packed cars. Of course, that's not the actual reason. It's due to staff shortages. But the constant blaming on Omicron, a novel variant so weak scientists no longer think it's worth studying, is what gets me. The endless fear gymnastics has gotten tiring.


« Last Edit: December 27, 2021, 05:43:22 PM by Himu »


  • Senior Member
Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4485 on: December 27, 2021, 06:16:57 PM »
Hahahahaha I so wish I voted for Trump. Months of screeching how there's no federal plan for COVID. How Trump isn't providing leadership. And this?!

I should have voted for Trump. Oh my GOD. :fbm I'm buying a MAGA hat from Amazon right this second. I'm tired.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4486 on: December 27, 2021, 06:28:57 PM »
Throwing yourself wholeheartedly into MAGA is not a solution to Democrats and the media being bad.

Great Rumbler

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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4487 on: December 27, 2021, 07:03:57 PM »
Hahahahaha I so wish I voted for Trump. Months of screeching how there's no federal plan for COVID. How Trump isn't providing leadership. And this?!

I should have voted for Trump. Oh my GOD. :fbm I'm buying a MAGA hat from Amazon right this second. I'm tired.

“My message to the governors is simple: if you need something, say something,” he said. “We’re going to have your back any way we can.”

The administration plans to distribute the tests free to Americans, support more vaccination and testing sites, and deploy 1,000 military medical professionals to augment hospital staff nationwide.


  • Senior Member
Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4488 on: December 27, 2021, 09:20:21 PM »

TALLAHASSEE — Many prominent Florida Democrats sought a reckoning after their losses in 2020. They wanted a change within the party structure and a rejuvenated party to take on Republicans in 2022.

There were changes at the Florida Democratic Party, as Manny Diaz was elected chairman in January after Terrie Rizzo resigned, but by some measures, their prospects for 2022 have only worsened.

“It’s going to be rough,” said Matt Isbell, a Tallahassee-based Democratic consultant. “It’s going to be pretty bad.”

“The proof is in the pudding,” Niagara County GOP Chairman Rich Andres responded when asked about the success of his party’s efforts in the 2021 local elections.

That “pudding” got a bit sweeter for Republicans with this week’s court ruling over disputed ballots resulting in Chris Voccio being elected legislator in the Sixth District. Of the 15 legislative districts in Niagara County, 12 were won by Republicans, 3 by Democrats.

An analysis of balloting for the 2021 elections here indicates heavy turnout in Republican areas, coupled with low interest in Democratic districts, led to the strong showings by Republicans, who continue to dominate the Niagara County Legislature.

Republican state lawmakers are showing no signs of slowing down the "tidal wave of restrictive voting legislation" that ramped up across the country in 2021, according to a new analysis by the Brennan Center for Justice on Tuesday that warns such attacks are set to continue or even escalate in the New Year.

Oh no, someone stop the Republicans. :lol I have never in my life had trouble voting and I'm from a red Texas. Liberals truly do think black people are incompetents who can't even get a drivers license. But when you put your head together to come up with a thought you realize that in the south, you can't do shit without driving, especially in oil industry Texas where politicians love to slobber all over Big Oil's knob. Everyone and their dog has a DL in the south because it's a basic necessity. But the Democrats point to VoTeRR sUPpreSzion while trying to make it easy for illegal immigrants, people who aren't even citizens to legally vote all in a twisted gamble to maintain power on the misguided assumption - assumption - that illegal immigrants will vote D. lmao Oh, those poor darkies. They can't save themselves. They can't even get a DL to vote! Let me hold your hand and save you darkie.

All this talk of lines while ignoring there were lines in NYC in 2020 too. It's almost as if, Americans want to vote therefore there's lines. It's almost as if a sizable amount of voters want their voices heard. I agree! Let's go Brandon!

As for the Republican gains...Masha'Allah.

« Last Edit: December 27, 2021, 09:24:26 PM by Himu »


  • Senior Member
Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4489 on: December 27, 2021, 09:38:44 PM »

Keeping Latino voters: Latino voters have different interests because they come from different cultures. However, as a rule, be the exact opposite of the Democratic Party and promote family values over purple haired dysfunction. Let's Go Brandon is a great way to do it, because it's clean while also sending a clear message. Remain clean and family friendly. Don't give in to deviance. Find incentives towards nuclear family building. Say Latino and never say Latinx. In fact, mock LatinX. Point to how ineffectual Democrats are and how they wallow in dysfunction, victimhood, and their own form of fear. Express realistic solutions sans gil tossing like it's Final Fantasy. Make serious attempts to reverse and apologize for any mistreatment or miscommunication of illegal latinos under the Trump administration and how you can curb illegal immigration without being inhumane in the future. Sell Latinos on the promise of America: that the only one stopping us are ourselves, nor our race, gender, or whatever. Be positive and sell a dream. Live up to that dream.

By the same token the Democratic party no longer serves the interests of the middle class black.

Target the middle class Latinos and those who desire to be middle class through sheer effort.

Show them the poverty of left-ward solutions.


It won't be 50% but definitely over 25%. In the long run the main strategy is to dismantle the Democratic Party with any shred of power given their poor uses of it. Kill them at the ballot box. I want to make you weak and beg for scraps. I will do anything possible to make this happen.
« Last Edit: December 27, 2021, 11:51:12 PM by Himu »

Cauliflower Of Love

  • I found my bearings, they were in the race
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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4490 on: December 28, 2021, 12:16:22 AM »
you're gross


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4491 on: December 28, 2021, 01:46:18 AM »
I was in Manhattan for a week and had to show my vax card almost everywhere I went. It was not a hassle in the fucking least. You just pull it out. Almost no where even really looked at it. My uncle was using his wife's card while with his wife and no place even noticed.

so what's even the point of that thing? this might be the most distinguished mentally-challenged argument FOR the passports i've ever seen  :lol :lol :lol


  • Senior Member
Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4492 on: December 28, 2021, 02:27:46 AM »
Yeah, just use a fake card.
I resent vaccine card passports. So much. This last summer in NYC was amazing. We were so free and lived like it. Not one restaurant asked for a vax card because the common assumption was that because you're a New Yorker you were likely vaxxed. I like shit like that, good assumptions in fellow man rather than mandating a bunch of rules.  For a goddamn year I couldn't enjoy the small things in life. I couldn't drink coffee in a coffee shop for instance but now I have to whip out a vaxx card just to drink coffee. What if I forget my card? In NY I use cash a lot and often don't even bring my wallet with me because I'll just bring a few dollars. Now I might forget my damn wallet. Then what? No coffee? No lunch? No dinner? No arcade? All of these places have requested a vaxx pass. Never mind some of the most vulnerable populations are racial minorities that aren't vaxx. Think of the implications. Even with a mask you can't go in and enjoy a coffee. I'm sorry but it goes against my morals and speaks to the highly ineffectual virtue signaling of crappy liberal policies. We enjoyed freedom for months. WHY NOW? Moreover, vaccinated people can catch and spread the disease anyways which is precisely we have the (highly logical) mask rule while on trains and buses. Therefore a vaxx mandate for inside dining is re re to begin with.

Telling someone you'll be fired unless you take a vaccination less than a year old is highly immoral. You cannot change my mind on that. It is wrong.

« Last Edit: December 28, 2021, 02:40:52 AM by Himu »

Cauliflower Of Love

  • I found my bearings, they were in the race
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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4493 on: December 28, 2021, 02:39:11 AM »

Cauliflower Of Love

  • I found my bearings, they were in the race
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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4494 on: December 28, 2021, 02:39:44 AM »
At least nintex was entertaining


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4495 on: December 28, 2021, 05:10:47 AM »
So this thread is going well...


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4496 on: December 28, 2021, 06:22:16 AM »
The reality of living with the effects of progressive policy and whistling away, sucking the teet of their golden promise is night and day and more people are waking up thankfully to their dystopian failure. Masha'Allah.

You get it. The problem is progressivism and liberalism. End their rule. White liberals and progressives and leftists are the most racist people I've met in my life and they have a lifestyle that will only lead you to the fire. You too have found the hole behind the veil: progressivism is shit. Kill it. Stab it in the belly and shoot it in the head NOW before it becomes too late.

Since this is America and the only viable party that isn't democratic is Republican voting red is your only real choice to affect change.

A registered D for 18 years? I assume we are nearly the same age with the same wakeup call.


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4498 on: December 28, 2021, 07:33:28 AM »

Oh my God yesss

she doesn't sound like the kind of person who would go right wing, though, she apparently cares about fixing the homeless problem, being charitable and kind etc. and that doesn't seem to be the republican platform

seems like someone who would go leftist rather than liberal

I was in Manhattan for a week and had to show my vax card almost everywhere I went. It was not a hassle in the fucking least. You just pull it out. Almost no where even really looked at it. My uncle was using his wife's card while with his wife and no place even noticed.

so what's even the point of that thing? this might be the most distinguished mentally-challenged argument FOR the passports i've ever seen  :lol :lol :lol

It is dumb when you know places aren't really checking them with any scrutiny, I agree. My point was it isn't some oppressive, major inconvenience at all. You literally just have to flash a card or your phone for less than 2 seconds. Himu gonna Himu, though.

"it's easy to ignore" is the worst possible argument for anything like this, that's how things get worse and worse without you recognizing it like the frog in the boiling pot

I recognize that the vaccine is a good thing, I recognize that everyone should be vaccinated, and the card is probably even innocuous and ok, I will just never back any argument on the basis of "what's the problem, it's easy to show them your papers"

"just wear the star it literally takes 2 seconds to pin it on"


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #4499 on: December 28, 2021, 07:39:57 AM »
Have the police detain the homeless and "force them into appropriate care" (I guess ?), this Shellenberger guy has good points !

Having to flash a QR code, I am a human, not a number !