Author Topic: The Second Impact. BEZOS and the Last Angel. It's exactly like 15 years ago.  (Read 4235 times)

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So after a night's sleep, I feel like I am ok with the concept itself and just disappointed with the execution.

For me Evangelion was never about the story. I love Eva, but couldn't give two shits about Seele or Gendo's plan or anything. It was about the characters and themes executed in a beautiful & at times bombastic style with great music.

My favorite scene in the franchise is the 5 minute theater live action bit in End of Eva. Where does a dream end & reality begin. The music, the direction, the writing. It's just an incredibly beautiful poem about themes of human interaction. And that the major decisions of the main character happen during the poem is even more stylistically perfect.

I don't want to say Eva was always style over substance for me, because the themes it dealt with of loneliness, depression, social anxiety, etc.. have very much substance and it had a lot to say about those themes. But the execution style was a huge part of what made it work.

The robots, the action, the yada yada sci-fi nonsense bullshit... I could toss that all

Eva 3.0+1.0 was really disappointing to me because it was lacking two things: 1) poetic style and 2) characters & themes. It felt like it was more focused on plotting and action set pieces. Mari fucking sucks, Ayanami starts to get character development but then doesn't, Gendo/Asuka are nothing but yada yada infodumps, Misato is horribly underdeveloped in Rebuild, Ritsuko even worse. Basically anything that wasn't Shinji was just paper thin and just plot plot plot or nonsense action.

Without the characters, and since I didn't care about the plot, when the final battle stuff started in the last 30-40 mins, by that point I was ready to just turn the film off because I couldn't bring myself to care about anything going on anymore.

And for my personal tastes, stylistically 3.0+1.0 felt completely off in style from every other entry in the Evangelion franchise. There's like one or two scenes that have some style like the beach, or the opening recap, but it's just so plain it feels very un-Anno and un-Eva.

It also doesn't help that for the first time in an Eva entry they changed the music style. Outside the opening recap there's almost no classic musical, gone are the happy/kiddy songs to violent shit, and instead we get....soft engrish jrock songs that wouldn't feel out of place in a Guilty Gear arcade mode credits roll.

The lack of interesting directorial style, the change in music (classical music was always a large part of Evangelion's identity), the paper thin me it was just a boring bland movie that was way too long. As much as I didn't like 3.0, I feel like stylistically at least 3.0 is closer to Eva's identity and it's also shorter.

I don't hate 3.0+1.0, it's just feels like a nothing movie and seems a bit sad that after all these years this is how Eva ends. Not with a bang, but a whimper.


  • Senior Member
3.0 is the best of the first three Rebuilds, fight me.


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And no, not because of the gay piano scene. Although that significantly enhances my personal enjoyment.


  • Senior Member
I pretty much lost interest halfway. These movies just don't feel like Evangelion. They feel like anime nonsense.

Mari pretty much sums up my feelings towards these movies. She's complete garbage. An anime waifu thrown in with no real character, who talks nonsense and says anime girl garbage like "look at my boobs". Feels nothing like a real character.

Evangelion felt real. The characters felt real. Despite the craziness, the plot goes into, they attempted to create some logic to it. Which further makes the characters feel real. Characters felt raw and broken. They didn't seem to be doing things beyond their station, they had relatable reactions and connections to things. They inhabited a world that had an internal logic. Which of course made the situation despite being a giant robot show more dynamic and relatable.

Evangelion doesn't come off as lame mass market anime. In the tv show a character like Rei is presented as strange, cold, and off. The world reacts like she is. It doesn't have cute dumb slice of life anime garbage. It doesn't have anime grandmoms acting like the cute anime girl is cute when she says she has no name. No in the tv show people find her weird, and Ritsuko treats her with disdain knowing whats going on.

The movie has a white base stand-in, an extreme number of robots made despite being a post-apocalypse, and tons of technology made by supposedly limitless resource anime factions. In the tv show they talk about Nerv's budget and how limited the Evangelions are, how much of an undertaking they are. Here millions are thrown at an Evangelion battle ship.

In the show Kaji isn't some Tony Stark dude, he's a fucking intelligence officer with a realistic relationship with a woman he met in college. A woman struggling with being an alcoholic, a job, and being a good person. Not some captain of the last mankind battleship and a super dramatic relationship with her son.

And then it all becomes nonsense that pulls whatever it wants out of its ass.

Garbage. Thats what these movies are.


  • Senior Member
Also honestly this movie is trash. Gendo is a trash character. A bad person. Yes with a reason he turned out that way, but I don't need some nice and tidy sympathy story. A sad backstory and redemption actions feel so cheap and lame. Removing all the bite and honesty
« Last Edit: August 15, 2021, 02:20:10 AM by Rahxephon91 »


  • Senior Member
I pretty much lost interest halfway. These movies just don't feel like Evangelion. They feel like anime nonsense.

Mari pretty much sums up my feelings towards these movies. She's complete garbage. An anime waifu thrown in with no real character, who talks nonsense and says anime girl garbage like "look at my boobs". Feels nothing like a real character.

Evangelion felt real. The characters felt real. Despite the craziness, the plot goes into, they attempted to create some logic to it. Which further makes the characters feel real. Characters felt raw and broken. They didn't seem to be doing things beyond their station, they had relatable reactions and connections to things. They inhabited a world that had an internal logic. Which of course made the situation despite being a giant robot show more dynamic and relatable.

Evangelion doesn't come off as lame mass market anime. In the tv show a character like Rei is presented as strange, cold, and off. The world reacts like she is. It doesn't have cute dumb slice of life anime garbage. It doesn't have anime grandmoms acting like the cute anime girl is cute when she says she has no name. No in the tv show people find her weird, and Ritsuko treats her with disdain knowing whats going on.

The movie has a white base stand-in, an extreme number of robots made despite being a post-apocalypse, and tons of technology made by supposedly limitless resource anime factions. In the tv show they talk about Nerv's budget and how limited the Evangelions are, how much of an undertaking they are. Here millions are thrown at an Evangelion battle ship.

In the show Kaji isn't some Tony Stark dude, he's a fucking intelligence officer with a realistic relationship with a woman he met in college. A woman struggling with being an alcoholic, a job, and being a good person. Not some captain of the last mankind battleship and a super dramatic relationship with her son.

And then it all becomes nonsense that pulls whatever it wants out of its ass.

Garbage. Thats what these movies are.

Very good writeup.

The characters were bad in this while the characters are what made the original.

I'm gonna need another few watches to fully process this, but I liked it overall.  The plot stuff was... alot, but I found it satisfying.  Plot in eva was always a red herring anyway.  The rebuilds are clearly different and don't follow the same rules as the original, but I also think that with this conclusion that the films do not at all stand alone.  They work better when you are already intimately familiar with the tv series and EoE, because they don't exposit as much on the non-shinji cast, and it plays on your expectations by telling a different story with look-alikes and hitting similar bullet points in completely different contexts.

I really liked that the majority of the conflicts between characters were resolved by talking things out.  The discussion between asuka and shinji about why she was so mad in 3.0, and the nature of their relationship in 2.0 and now, was fantastic stuff.  The gendo conflict being unresolvable with violence, etc.  It's a real response to the OG "hedgehog's dillema" version of events, and the takeaway seems to be that it's worth putting yourself out there even if it hurts sometimes, rather than the more cynical worldview that the original runs with until the end (and the worldview that they ascribe to gendo in this iteration). Empathy seems to be a big part of this finale and I also really took to that.


  • Senior Member

The only take I've been waiting for.

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
  • Administrator
You can tell who's mad in this thread that Mari won. Get rekt Asuka and Rei stans, make way for a true queen.  :jeb


  • Senior Member
I probably need to rewatch these movies and see them as something distinct from the tv show. I am probably too close to the series.

But I don't think Id like them even removed from the tv series. They just seem filled with things I don't like. Characters like Mari and just so many ass pulls that feel like nonsense.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2021, 04:28:58 PM by Rahxephon91 »

There's an anno doc on amazon too.  It's fascinating.


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team filler

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up to ep 9. asuka immediately showing the goods with her first appearance, what a little slut  :rejoice


  • Senior Member
Each character is a little more fucked up than you realize.

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
  • Administrator
so fucked up

spoiler (click to show/hide)
sadly filler will never get this reference because Netflix changed the subtitles for this line in EoE  :'(


  • Senior Member
just got through the opening of the first ep  :whew dat was a bop  :rimshot

feel like I heard it before, it's familiar  :thinking

team filler

  • filler
  • filler
so fucked up

spoiler (click to show/hide)
sadly filler will never get this reference because Netflix changed the subtitles for this line in EoE  :'(
won't be watching netflix version of eoe  :)

so fucked up

spoiler (click to show/hide)
sadly filler will never get this reference because Netflix changed the subtitles for this line in EoE  :'(

I never liked that version of the line.  It was very manga ent.-esque to edge it up like that.

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
  • Administrator
so fucked up

spoiler (click to show/hide)
sadly filler will never get this reference because Netflix changed the subtitles for this line in EoE  :'(

I never liked that version of the line.  It was very manga ent.-esque to edge it up like that.

The 90’s were an xxxtreme time.

team filler

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become a legend, young boy  :lawd

team filler

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tohji  :mjcry


  • Senior Member

You don't want to know how many times I've listened to this. This is on the line between omega-cringe and actually-good. Goddamn.

Come, sweet death.


  • Senior Member
I try to act like I don’t miss you

But I know deep down, you are lonely, too

We both never meant to hurt the other

But we did some things we can never undo  c


  • Senior Member
« Reply #90 on: August 21, 2021, 11:43:09 PM »
It’s only love.


  • Senior Member

Absolutely loved going through the film again with the Mega64 boys on commentary.

Context: In 2009, Shawn watched the series on Rocco's recommendation, and got pissed when Rocco and Garrett made fun of him missing Kaji's death.

Trigger warning: f-slur :o

Then Shawn was almost forced to be Shinji in this year's live-action Eva videos (shot in 2020.)

Now it's full circle with Shawn watching 3.0+1.0. I also picked up a lot of new info on this rewatch, as Rocco and Garrett are Eva superfans.


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  • Senior Member

Damn this should've been in the movie. :o Somewhere in the credits at least.


  • Senior Member

Bye bye, all of Evangelion.

Skullfuckers Anonymous

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team filler

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spoilers  :stahp


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spoilers  :stahp

Sorry! They don't affect the plot and you'll probably forget all about those three pics by the time you even get to that movie. :P


  • Punk Mushi no Onna
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Re: The Second Impact. BEZOS and the Last Angel. It's exactly like 15 years ago.
« Reply #98 on: September 01, 2021, 08:48:17 AM »

This was in my youtube recommendations for some reason.

team filler

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Re: The Second Impact. BEZOS and the Last Angel. It's exactly like 15 years ago.
« Reply #99 on: September 04, 2021, 09:01:43 PM »
asuka  :stahp why is end credits halfway through movie  ???

team filler

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Re: The Second Impact. BEZOS and the Last Angel. It's exactly like 15 years ago.
« Reply #100 on: September 04, 2021, 10:14:23 PM »
that was it?  :foxx

what do I watch next  ???
« Last Edit: September 05, 2021, 01:24:30 AM by team filler »


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Re: The Second Impact. BEZOS and the Last Angel. It's exactly like 15 years ago.
« Reply #101 on: September 05, 2021, 01:38:10 AM »
asuka  :stahp why is end credits halfway through movie  ???

It was produced as two "episodes" corresponding to Episode 25 and 26 of the show.

team filler

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Re: The Second Impact. BEZOS and the Last Angel. It's exactly like 15 years ago.
« Reply #102 on: September 05, 2021, 07:13:23 PM »
does the story continue?


  • Senior Member
Re: The Second Impact. BEZOS and the Last Angel. It's exactly like 15 years ago.
« Reply #103 on: September 06, 2021, 08:13:02 PM »
does the story continue?

The four Rebuild movies are kind of a reboot. End of Eva is the finale for the original continuity.

team filler

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Re: The Second Impact. BEZOS and the Last Angel. It's exactly like 15 years ago.
« Reply #104 on: September 06, 2021, 09:07:07 PM »
hoping the reboots are better, this show was a mess  :snob


  • Senior Member
Re: The Second Impact. BEZOS and the Last Angel. It's exactly like 15 years ago.
« Reply #105 on: September 06, 2021, 11:19:47 PM »
I like them. :)


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Re: The Second Impact. BEZOS and the Last Angel. It's exactly like 15 years ago.
« Reply #106 on: September 08, 2021, 02:49:24 AM »
hoping the reboots are better, this show was a mess  :snob




  • Senior Member
Re: The Second Impact. BEZOS and the Last Angel. It's exactly like 15 years ago.
« Reply #107 on: September 08, 2021, 02:55:50 AM »
Rebuilds are more streamlined and less "messy", IMO.