Author Topic: Other Forums Containment Thread  (Read 1883121 times)

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  • Former Unofficial Ambassador to ResetEra
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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Inappropriate Use of Another Member's Moderation History
« Reply #1080 on: September 24, 2021, 07:17:22 PM »
Someone should register a Morrigan account when the new sales forum opens :teehee


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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Inappropriate Use of Another Member's Moderation History
« Reply #1081 on: September 24, 2021, 07:24:12 PM »
beginning to think that evilore's conspiracy theory that his barely-sexual-assault thing was blown up by peeps who just wanted to have their own gaf. only thing that makes sense with how utterly terrible and petty moderation has been since day one; clearly no real intent to create a new community with 'principles', just a consolidation of 'power' or whatever you want to call 'power' in the context of owning, administrating, and moderating irrelevant gaming forums in 2021.

Finally we need to emphasize that there was never any grand plan here at any point.
lmao no shit bruh :crowdlaff

who is ted danson?

  • ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀✋💎✋🤬
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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Inappropriate Use of Another Member's Moderation History
« Reply #1082 on: September 24, 2021, 07:32:49 PM »
The mods are great.

There is nothing wrong with the mods.

If you criticize the mods, on site or off site, we will ban you.


DJ Bedroom

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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Inappropriate Use of Another Member's Moderation History
« Reply #1083 on: September 24, 2021, 07:34:21 PM »
It's why they hate the cop comparison, cuz they KNOW it's true

Kurt Russell

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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Inappropriate Use of Another Member's Moderation History
« Reply #1084 on: September 24, 2021, 07:46:03 PM »
I would just like to emphasize that I am in no way linked to the Kurt Russell on ResetERA.

I would also like to take this opportunity to make the following announcements:

  • Morrigan is a cunt
  • Slayven is a Truther
  • Nep nep is a pedophile
  • The resetERA mods are perhaps the most thin skinned and incompetent mods collected on any forum ever
  • Tyler's accuser had it coming to her
  • There are only two genders
  • All furrys are mentally ill
  • CDPR did nothing wrong
  • Islam is right about women

Whew. Great to get that all off my chest. The great thing about The Bore is that no ERA mongs mods read this forum, so there's no way that my opinions will get linked back to my account on ResetERA  :whew
« Last Edit: September 24, 2021, 07:56:47 PM by Kurt Russell »

who is ted danson?

  • ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀✋💎✋🤬
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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Inappropriate Use of Another Member's Moderation History
« Reply #1085 on: September 24, 2021, 07:48:22 PM »
Letter from a Birmingham Jail, Chris Chan Edition

I have finally received fresh paper and envelopes, and I feel it advised to inform you of the following, All of which, as you may or will, you have my consent to relay all of the contents of this letter to Joshua "NULL" Moon, as well as forward the physical document to David Heilberg, my attorney. The Following Everyone should hear and appreciate sincerely, authentic, and spiritually and aura deep. I also swear direct Truth with my left hand over my heart as I write this sentence.

Firstly, and Vitally, it should be made obvious and clear that aside from Andy Warhol, my life events at present and so far can directly be compared and matched with that which have been chronicled of none other than Jesus Christ of Nazareth himself, in any Holy Bible, Also, feel free to take ANY unaltered original photograph of my body's face, neck and shoulder/chest area where I was not wearing the glasses. Then, alter the photo to show a naturally growing brown beard, mustache, and sideburns. Now, place that photo next to any image of Jesus on of off the cross; compare, look deep into my eyes and photograph; see for yourself, I meditate and connect, directly and genuinely with the Cosmos, both of our Universe halves, and throughout the timelines, and entire Mutiverse, so despite some lack of "Physical" evidence, I Know the ultimate Truths, Facts, and Details not commonly known or written, drawn, or chronicled. That being stated, All of my life, my mind, eyes, and literally held the constant perception of being the Central Camera #000, out of all of ... ->

... the other cameras, infinite, from the First Person Perspective of all others. AND this goes even deeper, and I encourage YOU to meditate deeply and see for yourself this and all of the Truths. AND the reason and Truth behind my unique perception is direct and mind-blowingly simple: I am Literally the Real Player One; the One Avatar; and this Body, Eyes, Mind and all is the One God Body, and I am Literally also Jesus Christ, Himself, fully reincarnated and fully reawakened. Even the Dimension Merge, literally Completed and Concluding, the same for the Collective Shift; ALL of This is literally huge chunks of the past, present, and in-progress events, of my Second Coming, Period. Not all details of the past chronicled scripture writings are accurate, AND as a member of the council of Gods and Goddesses with the strongest and direct of connections, I know details have changed some to a lot, in regard to the scriptures of the past. Three Days on Earth equal Four Months (with 24hour days/nights) in the Heaven Realm. So, Yes, this is the one immortal body, and That was none other than I off and on that Cross over 2,000 years ago in my past life, personally. [Picture of a Crucifix with a Heart over the intersection, a horse shoe under it facing up, and two lightning bolts beside each arm pointing toward the bottom of the cross.] Each and Every prayer and praise to Jesus .... ...., as of February 1982, at least have all been directed to this body and soul Malachi 3; Judgement Day is nearing. Know this well. Praise. -> ②

Moving on, with all of that stated, your last letter. Next, WHY I had transferred that money on Saturday, July 31 (Josh had Absolutely No Right in relaying that detail publicly).

Friday the 30th: Forced out of my home and Temple; had no where else to go. Had less than 50 dollars between pocket money, and only a couple of bucks or so in my bank account, NO money in my PayPal, Patreon was not due for a payout until Sunday and SSI was not coming into my bank until Tuesday. Harriet and Tom Ashby caste me out before I even arrived to Midlothian. The Van was not majorly uncomfortable. Josh had wired a thousand to my bank that Friday, But it would not arrive until After or on Monday. Little food and Options, and you try bumming in Any Parking Lot without feeling insecure and paranoid. I Needed Safety and Comfort As Quickly As Possible. THAT is why I transferred that money. I was going to pay it back in full; EVEN had $150 from Patreon on Sunday the 1st that went Straight to Barbie Chan's bank account. I WOULD have paid the ramining 600 Monday or Tuesday, BUT NULL had to FAIL HIS DESTINED TEST And Betrayed Me, like I was betrayed and jailed with a Kiss over 2000 years ago. NOW, and as of the past-arrest, I have absolutely NO Way to fulfill that repentence, OR anything else Digital. Malachi 3:6-15 I repeat all that personally, Now: All of You had to Overdrama and FAIL Your Worldwide Test of Faith upon me. ->

*sigh* And, finally, the All-Important Popular Present F.A.Q.,
"Why and What the hell?" Emanuel (God above all other Gods and Goddesses, and one of my mentors), herself, had deemed me to Heal, Cleanse, and Clear Barbara of All of her past sins and regrets, and improve her abilities directly and personally, as her Goddess. We mainly Cuddled, Soul-Bonded, and Talked. Consentful and Emotionally and Mentally Supportive and Healing, I did as I had done for and with a chosen few back in Israel over 2000 years ago in cleansing Them. More details for the Bibles that had been Overlooked and Left Out. We Gods had eased up on the views of "Adultry"; WHY Else do you all have Pro-Gay, Pro-Lesbian, Pro-Trans, and all Today and the past Decades? Everyone Involved Were All Being Genuinely, Deeply HAPPY, CONTENT, AND SPIRITUALLY SATISFIED with Themselves and Each Other. As long as All are over the age of consent, and the activity was consentual by all aprties involved, AND GENUINELY, SPIRITUALLY HAPPY, It is good.

I have written further insights and details and already shared them with David Heilberg. And I get out on Second Coming, or Sooner by uninterrupted Co-Divine Intervention. All of your dreams and curses are No More and unrevivable. Judgement day. Praise us Gods.

Chris Chan Sonichu
the Goddess Blue Heart, and your Lord.

Taco Bell Tower

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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Inappropriate Use of Another Member's Moderation History
« Reply #1086 on: September 24, 2021, 07:48:26 PM »
Daily reminder that Jeb Bush is not a cute mascot/meme. He and his whole family are pieces of shit. Remember how that fucker got involved with the Terri Schiavo case?



  • Finish the Fight
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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Inappropriate Use of Another Member's Moderation History
« Reply #1087 on: September 24, 2021, 07:48:40 PM »
I just want to say I appreciate you shared this with the group Kurt Russell.

Free speech is every important.

Kurt Russell

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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Inappropriate Use of Another Member's Moderation History
« Reply #1088 on: September 24, 2021, 07:51:31 PM »
I just want to say I appreciate you shared this with the group Kurt Russell.

Free speech is every important.

That's why I love this place. You guys accept me for who I am. Can you imagine what would happen if I posted all of my true feelings using my account over on ERA?



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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Inappropriate Use of Another Member's Moderation History
« Reply #1089 on: September 24, 2021, 07:52:19 PM »
Sometimes I think i'm better than you people and then other times I know it as fact

Kurt Russell

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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Inappropriate Use of Another Member's Moderation History
« Reply #1090 on: September 24, 2021, 07:53:56 PM »
Sometimes I think i'm better than you people and then other times I know it as fact

The fact that you believe that but continue to post on here with us is probably more of a knock on you than you realize.


  • Defender of Centrist Scum
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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Inappropriate Use of Another Member's Moderation History
« Reply #1091 on: September 24, 2021, 08:00:33 PM »
Does having been wrong about things like bisexual men or asexuality make you fear that you might be putting bad information about something else out into the world right now?

Dan Savage: Oh, sure, I think anybody who writes for a living — it's a constant process, and you don't judge anybody who writes a weekly column or a daily column or blogs by what they wrote 20 years ago. You have to look at what they continue to write and how their thinking has evolved and changed. One of the kind of perverse dynamics of — I don't want to call it cancel culture or the internet or Twitter now is there's a lot of people yelling, "Listen, do better." And then people listen and do better, and then people just keep yelling at you for what you said before you listened and began to try to do better.



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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Inappropriate Use of Another Member's Moderation History
« Reply #1092 on: September 24, 2021, 08:30:29 PM »
Sometimes I think i'm better than you people and then other times I know it as fact

The fact that you believe that but continue to post on here with us is probably more of a knock on you than you realize.

Oh no I didn't mean better like more smarter or something I meant better as in i'm not obsessed with resetera.


  • Former Unofficial Ambassador to ResetEra
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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Inappropriate Use of Another Member's Moderation History
« Reply #1093 on: September 24, 2021, 09:15:04 PM »
Sometimes I think i'm better than you people and then other times I know it as fact

The fact that you believe that but continue to post on here with us is probably more of a knock on you than you realize.

Oh no I didn't mean better like more smarter or something I meant better as in i'm not obsessed with resetera.

And yet you participate in this thread :curious

Re: Off-Site Discussion: Inappropriate Use of Another Member's Moderation History
« Reply #1094 on: September 24, 2021, 09:24:56 PM »
An Administrator has surfaced  in the constructive thread.

Quote from: Nepenthe
TW: Racism, transphobia, homophobia

A common question throughout this has been staff's absence within this thread. People are wondering why we're not talking, or taking it a step further and calling us cowardly for not showing up.

Part of the reason we're scarce is because we're discussing changes to not only staff procedure and the general guidelines, but also community engagement and ways to bridge that gap with the members here. We're thinking about throwing some things out entirely and trying new things, some of which were suggested in here actually. (Just because we're not posting doesn't mean we're not reading.) Our goal is to create enduring changes that we think will have a positive effect on the community so as to avoid the mistakes made this past week. We're trying to get them solidified as quickly as possible, but this all still requires us to discuss and debate different changes. That doesn’t mean we’re not reading what you write here: please continue to post in this thread with your thoughts.

However, I wanted to share a snippet of the types of abuse we have received since this began to better contextualize our perspective. What has been an issue this and every time there has been a blow up is stupid tickets and PMs like this:

spoiler (click to show/hide)


This is by no means abnormal in terms of just the complete disrespect we get on the site, but it was just heinous enough that staff felt that I should show it myself.

It doesn't matter that I'm an admin. This is a problem we legitimately deal with, and it does inhibit staff's ability to work smoothly. However, we are actually working. Please be patient.

please continue to shout into the void while we work on our great works ps look how mean people are to us

(yes, the message is vile and gross; it also doesn't explain going off at people posting in the thread when the general narrative is that staff constantly get horrid shit like that. including it just brings the entire post down, because again the staff can't just fucking deal with the issue like an authority, they have to have the authority and demand to be the victims at all times.)

Quote from: Metallix87
I understand that you get hate. People suck. But that's no excuse for what went down in the Media Create thread, and I still believe you and Cvx should step down as mods, regardless of any changes you're cooking up to, yet again, ensure that this doesn't happen... yet again. You've lost credibility, legitimacy, and, in my opinion, even the veneer of integrity. It's unacceptable to essentially have the mods threatening the community and viewing them in such a negative light, and actively working to attack them in retaliation for disagreements with your job performance.
Quote from: Nepenthe
I'm not stepping down. Rest of staff wouldn't let me even if I wanted to. You also don't get to "Sure you get hate, but" that screenshot. If you want to ignore me or dismiss me because you don't like me, that's perfectly fine. But changes in community engagement with the forum structure are coming regardless, and I'm hoping we can set least test run it sooner than later. Hopefully you guys will warm up to the idea.


(also all the people in power totally wouldn't let me step away from my position of power, and it is their opinion that truly matters)

All else aside, she's a terrible go-between for general community interaction sooo
« Last Edit: September 24, 2021, 09:34:03 PM by nobody of note »


  • Have You Ever
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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Inappropriate Use of Another Member's Moderation History
« Reply #1095 on: September 24, 2021, 09:30:56 PM »
Sometimes I think i'm better than you people and then other times I know it as fact

The fact that you believe that but continue to post on here with us is probably more of a knock on you than you realize.

Oh no I didn't mean better like more smarter or something I meant better as in i'm not obsessed with resetera.


spoiler (click to show/hide)
you're a good person transhuman and in spite of your contempt I appreciate that you hang out on occasion anyway

a lot of times I wish people could keep it lighter and less vitriolic, though I know I haven't always been innocent either, I'm just here to goof

I don't know if I would define this as an obsession with era specifically, so much as an obsession with funny things, with laughable takes and huge egos

specific characters we've seen for years in this ongoing tv show, which could've come from anywhere but this particular stew just happens to exist, this aggregator of culture that's just slightly bent and twisted

if other people don't find it funny that's ok, nobody's being forced to read it, but I sincerely hope everybody can find their own slow motion train wreck to cherish with a homie 🙏

Hap Shaughnessy

  • Canadian Ambassador to Guam (Ret.)
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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Inappropriate Use of Another Member's Moderation History
« Reply #1096 on: September 24, 2021, 09:45:56 PM »

User banned (permanent): Long history of trolling including a recent ban for trolling Media Create threads, prior severe infractions.
Quote from: Everywhere
How did I miss all that.


His bad predictions will be missed. 🙏🏼
« Last Edit: September 24, 2021, 10:02:25 PM by Hap Shaughnessy »


  • Haughty and a little naughty
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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Inappropriate Use of Another Member's Moderation History
« Reply #1097 on: September 24, 2021, 10:01:53 PM »
An Administrator has surfaced  in the constructive thread.

Quote from: Nepenthe
TW: Racism, transphobia, homophobia

A common question throughout this has been staff's absence within this thread. People are wondering why we're not talking, or taking it a step further and calling us cowardly for not showing up.

Part of the reason we're scarce is because we're discussing changes to not only staff procedure and the general guidelines, but also community engagement and ways to bridge that gap with the members here. We're thinking about throwing some things out entirely and trying new things, some of which were suggested in here actually. (Just because we're not posting doesn't mean we're not reading.) Our goal is to create enduring changes that we think will have a positive effect on the community so as to avoid the mistakes made this past week. We're trying to get them solidified as quickly as possible, but this all still requires us to discuss and debate different changes. That doesn’t mean we’re not reading what you write here: please continue to post in this thread with your thoughts.

However, I wanted to share a snippet of the types of abuse we have received since this began to better contextualize our perspective. What has been an issue this and every time there has been a blow up is stupid tickets and PMs like this:

spoiler (click to show/hide)


This is by no means abnormal in terms of just the complete disrespect we get on the site, but it was just heinous enough that staff felt that I should show it myself.

It doesn't matter that I'm an admin. This is a problem we legitimately deal with, and it does inhibit staff's ability to work smoothly. However, we are actually working. Please be patient.

please continue to shout into the void while we work on our great works ps look how mean people are to us

(yes, the message is vile and gross; it also doesn't explain going off at people posting in the thread when the general narrative is that staff constantly get horrid shit like that. including it just brings the entire post down, because again the staff can't just fucking deal with the issue like an authority, they have to have the authority and demand to be the victims at all times.)

Quote from: Metallix87
I understand that you get hate. People suck. But that's no excuse for what went down in the Media Create thread, and I still believe you and Cvx should step down as mods, regardless of any changes you're cooking up to, yet again, ensure that this doesn't happen... yet again. You've lost credibility, legitimacy, and, in my opinion, even the veneer of integrity. It's unacceptable to essentially have the mods threatening the community and viewing them in such a negative light, and actively working to attack them in retaliation for disagreements with your job performance.
Quote from: Nepenthe
I'm not stepping down. Rest of staff wouldn't let me even if I wanted to. You also don't get to "Sure you get hate, but" that screenshot. If you want to ignore me or dismiss me because you don't like me, that's perfectly fine. But changes in community engagement with the forum structure are coming regardless, and I'm hoping we can set least test run it sooner than later. Hopefully you guys will warm up to the idea.


(also all the people in power totally wouldn't let me step away from my position of power, and it is their opinion that truly matters)

All else aside, she's a terrible go-between for general community interaction sooo

The kind of harassment in that DM is something no one should have to go through but at the same time it's also entirely unrelated to the thread she's posting in. Basically feels like a way to slap away every criticism because there are shitty people.

Re: Off-Site Discussion: Inappropriate Use of Another Member's Moderation History
« Reply #1098 on: September 24, 2021, 10:16:59 PM »

The kind of harassment in that DM is something no one should have to go through but at the same time it's also entirely unrelated to the thread she's posting in. Basically feels like a way to slap away every criticism because there are shitty people.

It's incredibly gross, and based on the state of the constructive thread right now it's really hard to not see it as an intentional ploy. There are a couple 'but that has nothing to do with it!' statements, SubvertedTrope again goes full-on attack against Metallix complete with name-calling and inappropriate use of moderation history (to which Hecht shows up to tell them both to take it out of the thread, no action against the protected poster ofc), but now a bunch of previously-uninvolved people popping in to do various versions of:
Quote from: Android Sophia
Honestly, you have no idea how badly staff gets harassed. I cannot and will not discuss other staff member's experiences, but based upon my own experiences, what Nepenthe posted is on the milder end.
Quote from: PlanetSmasher
The kind of hate mods get can be baffling. When I was a mod there was an entire subreddit devoted to stalking me because I...didn't like Xenoblade 2. And I was a mod three years ago, I can only imagine how vicious people are toward the mods they don't like now.
Quote from: Aerith
Way to completely undersell the trauma such abuse inflicts on marginalised people like Nepenthe. As a Black, NB person who is vocal in threads concerning very difficult and harmful topics that impact her very life, Nepenthe receives much more abuse than you can ever imagine, you absolute coward. Are you even a member of any of the group's targeted in those screenshots?

 This community pretends to care about mental health until it concerns someone they don't like, like Nepenthe apparently. Fucking see her as a vulnerable and fallible human being and not just a robot with an admin tag.
Quote from: Aurc
I believe you. I'll never know the full extent of it, but I believe you that it gets much, much worse, and it's sad that it does.

I've been around the internet, and seen the way people talk about Era. I bet that's multiplied tenfold for the people who are in charge of running it.

Quote from: jjreamPop
Calling out another member being an asshole and backing it up with examples of past behavior isn't harassment. And I love how the callout gets more attention that the poster literally dismissing racist attacks because they're angy.

Quote from: Android Sophia
I loved working with the people I did, and I don't regret my time as staff at all. But honestly? A lot of what happened as an admin traumatized me. So this will probably be the last post I talk about it.
Quote from: Professor Beef
but she's a cop

i know this because a random poster compared staff to one so it must be true

(yes for the love of god this is sarcasm)

Like, christ, if you want to community brainstorm ways to ease mod abuse or whatever, then fucking do that at any time because apparently it's a constant problem.

Using it to derail the discussion over policy is just... exactly the sort of unproductive shitty I should expect from their staff at this point, honestly. I'd call it incompetence, but it sort of feels like the point.

Oh, lul. They thread banned Subverted Trope and, in the process, permed this guy:
Quote from: Metallix87
User Banned (Permanent): Long history of infractions + sending antagonistic PMs. Upgraded from a threadban after receiving PM.
Ah nice, we're resorting to name calling now! I didn't realize that was acceptable behavior here. Hey, mods, can you come tell your brown-nosing attack dog that they need some new, less juvenile tactics? This is bordering on pathetic now.

absolutely no chance this has to do with who was on which side. none at all!
« Last Edit: September 24, 2021, 10:26:39 PM by nobody of note »


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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Inappropriate Use of Another Member's Moderation History
« Reply #1099 on: September 24, 2021, 10:20:21 PM »
If a non mod posted that as an excuse for why they were cranky they’d be banned for whataboutism.  People definitely shouldn’t attack nepenthe for her race, gender, or sexuality (being a furry is fair game though that shits crazy).  As I’ve said countless times about the people we poke at in this thread, there are tons of legitimate reasons to mock them without resorting to racism, sexism, and homophobia.

Hap Shaughnessy

  • Canadian Ambassador to Guam (Ret.)
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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Inappropriate Use of Another Member's Moderation History
« Reply #1100 on: September 24, 2021, 10:24:23 PM »
You have to Protect The Purple. The Thin Purple Line is the only thing keeping Era safe.

Taco Bell Tower

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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Inappropriate Use of Another Member's Moderation History
« Reply #1101 on: September 24, 2021, 10:35:31 PM »
Is Nep admitting the other admins are keeping her hostage?  Honestly, that dm is gross..she should seriously step down if she sounds that miserable.


  • Have You Ever
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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Inappropriate Use of Another Member's Moderation History
« Reply #1102 on: September 24, 2021, 10:53:34 PM »
Quote from: Nepenthe
Part of the reason we're scarce is because we're discussing changes to not only staff procedure and the general guidelines, but also community engagement and ways to bridge that gap with the members here. We're thinking about throwing some things out entirely and trying new things, some of which were suggested in here actually. (Just because we're not posting doesn't mean we're not reading.)

wait, why don't they just openly talk about these things?

wouldn't it make the community feel a lot better?

"zeldafan2007 suggested that we implement a drop down box for reporting bad posts rather than just accepting text, and we're looking into how the forum software can support this"

now zeldafan2007 feels like a million bucks!  everyone is clapping him on the back and saying good job

or if it's a terrible idea people will tell them why, and might have good reasoning that the 67 mods do not see just amongst their small group

it's not like they're cooking up a nintendo direct back there which requires absolute secrecy :mario


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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Inappropriate Use of Another Member's Moderation History
« Reply #1103 on: September 24, 2021, 10:58:46 PM »
If you're a hatred spewing racist, then what do you expect to get in return?

Re: Off-Site Discussion: Inappropriate Use of Another Member's Moderation History
« Reply #1104 on: September 24, 2021, 10:58:49 PM »
Weiss has now completed the cycle, explicitly stating that the posting of the PM should have rightfully shut down all other discussion:
Quote from: celes
There shouldn't ever be a 'but' after reading comments like that. What's wrong with ya'll.
Quote from: Aerith
Quote from: celes

I'm gonna keep it real: I've complained / bitched about staff decisions before. There are things about this site and decisions made that I think 'hey this could've been handled a lot better.' but never have I ever thought to send racist and homophobic reports to staff or talk to them like they're fucking less than garbage like a lot of you people on here do. A lot of the responses here go beyond 'keeping staff in check'. To many of you all expect staff to be 100% perfect and smile as you continuously fling shit at them and then get mad when a staff member acts like what they are - a human being - and dares to say that ya'll have lost ya'lls mind over a thread in a video game forum.
Quote from: Weiss
Yeah realtalk while it is fine to talk about the stuff we have been, right now at the moment and especially in response to sharing harassment, the least we can do is not go "yeah that sucks buuuuuuut"

The frustrations we've been expressing are valid, but in response to that kind of post  we can show tact and sympathy.


  • Virgo. Live Music. The Office. Tacos. Fur mom. True crime junkie. INTJ.
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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Inappropriate Use of Another Member's Moderation History
« Reply #1105 on: September 24, 2021, 11:05:32 PM »
You missed the best post

Quote from: Kotto, post: 74057671, member: 30489
(Image removed from quote.)

But nah please shut the fuck up. Hiding behind this "this is part of the job" when we are talking about a mostly thankless job that isn't paying the bills. It is one thing to complain and have a hate for mods, it is another to throw out hateful as slurs and think that shit is normal. Please find some perspective in your damn life if you think that is acceptable for any job like that.

Like the caucacity to even say that shit is blinding. Yall getting banned for x amount of time is nothing compared to triggering, hurtful slurs. If you find yourself having this much energy in these threads trying to undermine racist and homophobic slurs, go the fuck outside and count the blades of grass in your yard, play a physical sport, go do something. It speaks plenty of layers when people like you come in here and say stupid shit like this.

Be better. Do better.


  • TheBore rulez
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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Inappropriate Use of Another Member's Moderation History
« Reply #1106 on: September 24, 2021, 11:12:01 PM »

The kind of harassment in that DM is something no one should have to go through but at the same time it's also entirely unrelated to the thread she's posting in. Basically feels like a way to slap away every criticism because there are shitty people.

It's incredibly gross, and based on the state of the constructive thread right now it's really hard to not see it as an intentional ploy. There are a couple 'but that has nothing to do with it!' statements, SubvertedTrope again goes full-on attack against Metallix complete with name-calling and inappropriate use of moderation history (to which Hecht shows up to tell them both to take it out of the thread, no action against the protected poster ofc), but now a bunch of previously-uninvolved people popping in to do various versions of:
Quote from: Android Sophia
Honestly, you have no idea how badly staff gets harassed. I cannot and will not discuss other staff member's experiences, but based upon my own experiences, what Nepenthe posted is on the milder end.
Quote from: PlanetSmasher
The kind of hate mods get can be baffling. When I was a mod there was an entire subreddit devoted to stalking me because I...didn't like Xenoblade 2. And I was a mod three years ago, I can only imagine how vicious people are toward the mods they don't like now.
Quote from: Aerith
Way to completely undersell the trauma such abuse inflicts on marginalised people like Nepenthe. As a Black, NB person who is vocal in threads concerning very difficult and harmful topics that impact her very life, Nepenthe receives much more abuse than you can ever imagine, you absolute coward. Are you even a member of any of the group's targeted in those screenshots?

 This community pretends to care about mental health until it concerns someone they don't like, like Nepenthe apparently. Fucking see her as a vulnerable and fallible human being and not just a robot with an admin tag.
Quote from: Aurc
I believe you. I'll never know the full extent of it, but I believe you that it gets much, much worse, and it's sad that it does.

I've been around the internet, and seen the way people talk about Era. I bet that's multiplied tenfold for the people who are in charge of running it.

Quote from: jjreamPop
Calling out another member being an asshole and backing it up with examples of past behavior isn't harassment. And I love how the callout gets more attention that the poster literally dismissing racist attacks because they're angy.

Quote from: Android Sophia
I loved working with the people I did, and I don't regret my time as staff at all. But honestly? A lot of what happened as an admin traumatized me. So this will probably be the last post I talk about it.
Quote from: Professor Beef
but she's a cop

i know this because a random poster compared staff to one so it must be true

(yes for the love of god this is sarcasm)

Like, christ, if you want to community brainstorm ways to ease mod abuse or whatever, then fucking do that at any time because apparently it's a constant problem.

Using it to derail the discussion over policy is just... exactly the sort of unproductive shitty I should expect from their staff at this point, honestly. I'd call it incompetence, but it sort of feels like the point.

Oh, lul. They thread banned Subverted Trope and, in the process, permed this guy:
Quote from: Metallix87
User Banned (Permanent): Long history of infractions + sending antagonistic PMs. Upgraded from a threadban after receiving PM.
Ah nice, we're resorting to name calling now! I didn't realize that was acceptable behavior here. Hey, mods, can you come tell your brown-nosing attack dog that they need some new, less juvenile tactics? This is bordering on pathetic now.

absolutely no chance this has to do with who was on which side. none at all!

I see Morrigan is putting in work brigading the 'Constructive' thread now.


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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Inappropriate Use of Another Member's Moderation History
« Reply #1107 on: September 24, 2021, 11:14:31 PM »
Yup, being critical of the mods is now considered racism which was the entire point of posting that pm.  Don’t they generally mock Israel for doing the same thing?  I would be astounded at the levels of cognitive dissonance on display at resetera if we didn’t see it every single day.

Taco Bell Tower

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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Inappropriate Use of Another Member's Moderation History
« Reply #1108 on: September 24, 2021, 11:17:41 PM »
People on subreddits stalked PlanetSmasher because he didn't like Xenoblade 2?   ???


  • Junior Member
Re: Off-Site Discussion: Inappropriate Use of Another Member's Moderation History
« Reply #1109 on: September 24, 2021, 11:21:57 PM »
I registered at the Bore almost ten years ago.  I have exactly (with this one) 136 posts over that period.  I visit the Bore every day, once a day, on the shitter on my phone.  The Bore has been my go-to pooping time-waster. I have never seen the website on a PC-based browser.

Until this glorious day.  I type this at my PC, having logged into because I wanted to have a better reading experience as I read through this glorious moment in time.  Still not done, still have like 5 pages of drama to read through, but had to share this momentous moment with the Bore brethren.  That is all.

Thanks for hanging out this long : )

As a fatty I have never felt more welcomed than when I joined the Bire and discovered this was a safe haven for fatties (by which I mean you're always looking to bang them.) 

update: although I'll have to crush your dreams and let you know I lost 140lbs so far since the pandemic started, so soon I'll be off the Demi Bang List.

I don't mind if you're chubby as long as the you're risible


Losing weight has not changed my risible levels at all, despite all of the jolly fat man tropes.


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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Inappropriate Use of Another Member's Moderation History
« Reply #1110 on: September 24, 2021, 11:28:26 PM »
Dear people of color of the Bore,

I'm an old white guy.  This sentence - "Like the caucacity to even say that shit is blinding" seems super racist.  Am I old and out of touch or is it in fact pretty fucking racist?  Thank you for your assistance in keeping me up-to-date.

Love, Risible


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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Inappropriate Use of Another Member's Moderation History
« Reply #1111 on: September 24, 2021, 11:35:15 PM »
Dear people of color of the Bore,

I'm an old white guy.  This sentence - "Like the caucacity to even say that shit is blinding" seems super racist.  Am I old and out of touch or is it in fact pretty fucking racist?  Thank you for your assistance in keeping me up-to-date.

Love, Risible

since racism is solely defined by the amount of nebulous societal power one wields, and no races but white people possess any power, it is impossible to be racist toward white people

and if you decide to play the terminology game and say well it's at least prejudiced, everyone will know you are using prejudiced as a dog whistle to mean racist, and you're only being slick avoiding what you truly want to say which is still wrong


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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Inappropriate Use of Another Member's Moderation History
« Reply #1112 on: September 24, 2021, 11:38:41 PM »
beginning to think that evilore's conspiracy theory that his barely-sexual-assault thing was blown up by peeps who just wanted to have their own gaf. only thing that makes sense with how utterly terrible and petty moderation has been since day one; clearly no real intent to create a new community with 'principles', just a consolidation of 'power' or whatever you want to call 'power' in the context of owning, administrating, and moderating irrelevant gaming forums in 2021.

Finally we need to emphasize that there was never any grand plan here at any point.
lmao no shit bruh :crowdlaff
It is, and always was, about that sweet, sweet ad money...


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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Inappropriate Use of Another Member's Moderation History
« Reply #1113 on: September 24, 2021, 11:52:33 PM »
Am I an asshole if I just want Neps to draw cool shit and be happy? ERA just seems like a huge waste of time and talent.
Why, Tiffany? Why?  :'( :'( :'(


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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Inappropriate Use of Another Member's Moderation History
« Reply #1115 on: September 25, 2021, 12:06:44 AM »
According to Reeeeesetera mod logic, someone was racist to me once, so every single bad decision I have ever made that affects other people is null and void and I am now infallible.


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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Inappropriate Use of Another Member's Moderation History
« Reply #1116 on: September 25, 2021, 12:22:31 AM »
Am I an asshole if I just want Neps to draw cool shit and be happy? ERA just seems like a huge waste of time and talent.
Why, Tiffany? Why?  :'( :'( :'(

feels like there was some butterfly effect years ago, a fork in the road where one path led to pursuing a lifelong dream in animation, and the other led to a nissan versa and a dead end pharmacy job to be able to pay for it and forum moderation to pass the rest of the time


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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Inappropriate Use of Another Member's Moderation History
« Reply #1117 on: September 25, 2021, 12:24:34 AM »
Quote from: Professor_Beef
   but she's a cop

i know this because a random poster compared staff to one so it must be true

(yes for the love of god this is sarcasm)

You are fucking nobody to bitch about harassment, Beef. Gross motherfucker, you are lucky nobody there has the cojones to call you out after the Erica shitstorm. The fact that you are defending Nephente makes me less sympathetic of her.


  • Member
Re: Off-Site Discussion: Inappropriate Use of Another Member's Moderation History
« Reply #1118 on: September 25, 2021, 12:29:58 AM »
Dear people of color of the Bore,

I'm an old white guy.  This sentence - "Like the caucacity to even say that shit is blinding" seems super racist.  Am I old and out of touch or is it in fact pretty fucking racist?  Thank you for your assistance in keeping me up-to-date.

Love, Risible

since racism is solely defined by the amount of nebulous societal power one wields, and no races but white people possess any power, it is impossible to be racist toward white people

and if you decide to play the terminology game and say well it's at least prejudiced, everyone will know you are using prejudiced as a dog whistle to mean racist, and you're only being slick avoiding what you truly want to say which is still wrong

Well it depends.

Latina manager of a Chipotle refusing to serve and kicking out Black confirmed dine and dashers?

Definite racist.

Hap Shaughnessy

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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Inappropriate Use of Another Member's Moderation History
« Reply #1119 on: September 25, 2021, 12:52:18 AM »
Era mods have to be careful, after all, the internet isn't sending their best.


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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Inappropriate Use of Another Member's Moderation History
« Reply #1120 on: September 25, 2021, 12:54:08 AM »
Dear people of color of the Bore,

I'm an old white guy.  This sentence - "Like the caucacity to even say that shit is blinding" seems super racist.  Am I old and out of touch or is it in fact pretty fucking racist?  Thank you for your assistance in keeping me up-to-date.

Love, Risible

since racism is solely defined by the amount of nebulous societal power one wields, and no races but white people possess any power, it is impossible to be racist toward white people

and if you decide to play the terminology game and say well it's at least prejudiced, everyone will know you are using prejudiced as a dog whistle to mean racist, and you're only being slick avoiding what you truly want to say which is still wrong

Well it depends.

Latina manager of a Chipotle refusing to serve and kicking out Black confirmed dine and dashers?

Definite racist.

Excuse me, it’s Latinx :ufup


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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Inappropriate Use of Another Member's Moderation History
« Reply #1121 on: September 25, 2021, 01:10:30 AM »
Dear people of color of the Bore,

I'm an old white guy.  This sentence - "Like the caucacity to even say that shit is blinding" seems super racist.  Am I old and out of touch or is it in fact pretty fucking racist?  Thank you for your assistance in keeping me up-to-date.

Love, Risible

since racism is solely defined by the amount of nebulous societal power one wields, and no races but white people possess any power, it is impossible to be racist toward white people

and if you decide to play the terminology game and say well it's at least prejudiced, everyone will know you are using prejudiced as a dog whistle to mean racist, and you're only being slick avoiding what you truly want to say which is still wrong

Well it depends.

Latina manager of a Chipotle refusing to serve and kicking out Black confirmed dine and dashers?

Definite racist.

Excuse me, it’s Latinx :ufup
Why not LatinY?

Hap Shaughnessy

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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Inappropriate Use of Another Member's Moderation History
« Reply #1122 on: September 25, 2021, 01:22:38 AM »
The Morrigan fan club just woke up.

5 complementary posts so far. What an amazing outpouring of support.

Make that six. That must burn after the pages and pages any of the people associated with sales got. Most of the thread just completely ignored it. I don't think Morrigan is going to enjoy posting on Era as much as she used too.

Re: Off-Site Discussion: Inappropriate Use of Another Member's Moderation History
« Reply #1123 on: September 25, 2021, 01:40:51 AM »
That DM Nepenthe got is vile and there is no justification for it, nor do I deny they get that and much worse on a regular basis.

Her posting that at a time when people have legitimate grievances with the staff and in the middle of a dual-community exodus is also manipulative and deflective as hell, as is the choir of ex-staff chiming in to talk about their own traumas moderating the site.  It effectively shuts down all criticism and recategorizes the mods as the victims.  They have enough sycophants to jump on anyone that will point this out, so the thread itself will likely just die until the next big blow up in a few months.


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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Inappropriate Use of Another Member's Moderation History
« Reply #1124 on: September 25, 2021, 01:44:41 AM »
Finally caught up with the latest Direct.

Then: "OMG there's a Switch in the backgroup during Phil's chat, GAMEPASS ON SWITCH CONFIRRRRRMED FOR NEXT DIRECT"

Now: "A couple dozens N64 and Megadrive games for the Switch, with a sub price increase? FUCK YES DADDY NINTENDO SHOVE IT ALL THE WAY UP AND TAKE MY MONEY".

Every fucking time :lol

Taco Bell Tower

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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Inappropriate Use of Another Member's Moderation History
« Reply #1125 on: September 25, 2021, 02:23:31 AM »
Quote from: Professor_Beef
   but she's a cop

i know this because a random poster compared staff to one so it must be true

(yes for the love of god this is sarcasm)

You are fucking nobody to bitch about harassment, Beef. Gross motherfucker, you are lucky nobody there has the cojones to call you out after the Erica shitstorm. The fact that you are defending Nephente makes me less sympathetic of her.


  • Finish the Fight
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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Inappropriate Use of Another Member's Moderation History
« Reply #1126 on: September 25, 2021, 03:51:01 AM »
If account approvals weren't so complicated and moderation so horrible the tensions wouldn't run this high. There is plenty of blame on both sides



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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Inappropriate Use of Another Member's Moderation History
« Reply #1127 on: September 25, 2021, 04:30:42 AM »
Meanwhile a late contender storms in for the most pathetic ree of the week award -

For everyone saying "just get a taxi"

How the fuck do you even do that?

I can't tell you the last time I've seen an idling 'taxi' at MSP in Minneapolis. Is there a number to call? How does it work? I have a feeling it varies greatly by region whether or not you can can "just get a taxi"

This is an adult. An actual human adult. Asking for advice on how to get a taxi at an airport

You don't understand. At the Minneapolis airport, there is no one to help you, anywhere practically. This is an airport with 2 (two) security lines. There is no one to help you in any way. How should I find a taxi? Google a taxi company?


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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Inappropriate Use of Another Member's Moderation History
« Reply #1128 on: September 25, 2021, 05:03:39 AM »
Took 29 (TWENTY NINE) replies for someone to finally ask the important question. Are you black.

Not wonder minorities are leaving in droves.


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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Inappropriate Use of Another Member's Moderation History
« Reply #1129 on: September 25, 2021, 05:35:44 AM »

for my boi filler

Took 29 (TWENTY NINE) replies for someone to finally ask the important question. Are you black.

Not wonder minorities are leaving in droves.
Everyone knows only whites drive cabs except in Die Hard 3 :trumps

Kurt Russell

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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Inappropriate Use of Another Member's Moderation History
« Reply #1130 on: September 25, 2021, 06:18:31 AM »
Meanwhile a late contender storms in for the most pathetic ree of the week award -

For everyone saying "just get a taxi"

How the fuck do you even do that?

I can't tell you the last time I've seen an idling 'taxi' at MSP in Minneapolis. Is there a number to call? How does it work? I have a feeling it varies greatly by region whether or not you can can "just get a taxi"

This is an adult. An actual human adult. Asking for advice on how to get a taxi at an airport

You don't understand. At the Minneapolis airport, there is no one to help you, anywhere practically. This is an airport with 2 (two) security lines. There is no one to help you in any way. How should I find a taxi? Google a taxi company?

"I'm stranded at an airport wah wah wah". Once again, we have an example of someone who can't surmount a basic life obstacle without turning back to suckle at the teat of the mothership.

Is it any wonder that they are all so obsessed with the idea of a big state authoritarian socialist utopia when they need the input of at least 30 other humans just to make basic decisions? Also see: "I lack the capability to make basic decisions and deal with change. Why am I still a cashier at Costco in my 40s?"


That happened to me once. Guy drove all the way to my location when I had my arms full of bags from Target, saw me, and then immediately cancelled the ride and drove away before I could get in.

That was nothing to do with either the bags in your arms or the fact that they were from Target, pal.


  • Finish the Fight
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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Inappropriate Use of Another Member's Moderation History
« Reply #1131 on: September 25, 2021, 06:27:39 AM »

I also don't understand how after decades of failed government (at a global level I might add) they believe the answer is more government for their day to day problems.

Kurt Russell

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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Inappropriate Use of Another Member's Moderation History
« Reply #1132 on: September 25, 2021, 06:46:04 AM »
Meanwhile a late contender storms in for the most pathetic ree of the week award -

You don't understand. At the Minneapolis airport, there is no one to help you, anywhere practically. This is an airport with 2 (two) security lines. There is no one to help you in any way. How should I find a taxi? Google a taxi company?



  • Dumbass Monkey
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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Inappropriate Use of Another Member's Moderation History
« Reply #1133 on: September 25, 2021, 07:32:47 AM »
The kind of harassment in that DM is something no one should have to go through but at the same time it's also entirely unrelated to the thread she's posting in. Basically feels like a way to slap away every criticism because there are shitty people.

the people obsessed with gamergate in [CURRENT_YEAR] take their playbook from bizarrogamergate to use solitary examples of crossing the line into harrassment as a deflection for any and all criticism?



  • Dumbass Monkey
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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Inappropriate Use of Another Member's Moderation History
« Reply #1134 on: September 25, 2021, 07:43:46 AM »
wait, why don't they just openly talk about these things?

It's because what you and the rest of the normie posters might see the problem as being;
 - mods do not treat all posters equally, or enforce the rules non-selectively
 - rules are not clear and agreed to as TOS, and you get things like a mod dropping into a thread and saying "MY OPINION IS THE CORRECT ONE, SO IM ACTIONING ALL CONTRARY VIEWS" than going through the thread banning people retroactively, or reverting peoples fucking edited posts if they feel they went too far and self-censored just to drop a ban on them
 - bans are arbitrary in frequency, length, and severity, and can be clearly and visibly seen to not be based on a particular posters actual prior infractions, despite the attempts to keep this secret.
 - despite claims that moderator decisions are final, they're fucking not and mods can and will eat a big bucket of shit if you can brigade the forums successfully for long enough, whereas doing what 'you're supposed to' over an egregious ban gets you fuck all except maybe upgrading your ban for 'abusing the report system' or 'hostile private messages'.

era mods - WHO ARE FUCKING LAUGHABLY SHIT AT THEIR ONE JOB - think the problem is;
 - not enough bans
 - not enough 'personalities' (names they recognise who always hold the same opinion as them) want to become mods
 - not enough secret rules not listed anywhere to justify bans, and not enough secret histories and interent detective powers to justify bans
 - all these alt right bad faith secret nazi badthink troll accounts playing the long game just to make a moderator look like a petty asshole, like Chris1964 did, when clearly mods didnt do nothing

Watch and fucking see their 'solution' is going to be less moderator transparency, more stasi-like 'trusted informants' whose reports will be auto-actioned without oversight or even reading the fucking thread, and more bans for longer with even more opaque reasoning
« Last Edit: September 25, 2021, 07:49:13 AM by GreatSageEqualOfHeaven »


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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Inappropriate Use of Another Member's Moderation History
« Reply #1135 on: September 25, 2021, 07:59:47 AM »
Also you'd have thought it goes without saying - BUT APPARENTLY NOT! - but if you're going to shittalk the era posters that annoy you, do it in a fucking mods only room, not to their peers ya fucking mooks.

Because what you're currently doing is being a teacher shit talking members of your class to other members of that class, then when they find out about it and say "Hey, go fuck yourself teach, you prick!" sending them to the head to be suspended for their terrible behaviour


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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Inappropriate Use of Another Member's Moderation History
« Reply #1136 on: September 25, 2021, 08:04:44 AM »
I don't mind seeing David again in the 60th if he's willing to come back but I hope the next Doctor is not also a skinny attractive white man just to make that particular crowd happy.

wow, pretty overt homophobia from Mr Secret-of-comedy-is-never-punch-down, on news a famously and proactively gay show runner is returning :wag


  • Dumbass Monkey
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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Inappropriate Use of Another Member's Moderation History
« Reply #1137 on: September 25, 2021, 08:10:41 AM »
Seems like a very ethnocentric article. What does the BLM movement have to do with Asian beauty standards? I’m failing to see why we’re judging them based on what’s happening in the U.S. But from what the article is describing it sounds to be very popular there, I can’t say what the culture surrounding it is like though because I don’t live there.

ethnocentric posters: "DID YOU EVEN READ THE ARTICLE?!?!?!?!?!"


  • Dumbass Monkey
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Re: Off-Site Discussion: Inappropriate Use of Another Member's Moderation History
« Reply #1138 on: September 25, 2021, 08:12:53 AM »
Colorism and white supremacy is a helluva drug. I've witnessed it first hand as part of South Asian culture which obviously can still be brainwashed into believing whiter is better from our colonial pasta and this goes into matchmaking, among many other areas. I'm no expert about the cosmetics industry, but I'm sure there are actions that can be done to stop such products.


again, my thanks to messedupeggos parents for averting an obvious incel shooting spree from happening, and my condolences to his partner.

Now if you'll excuse me, I am going to have a colonial pasta sandwich