Author Topic: RedLetterMedia Thread  (Read 263130 times)

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Re: RedLetterMedia Thread
« Reply #420 on: August 29, 2018, 01:45:08 PM »
What the fuck are they going to do for Episode IX? Short of a massive time skip that’s 10-20 years in the future after the rebellion rebuilds I’m not sure how they fix this?
Add some cute creatures nobody cares about


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Re: RedLetterMedia Thread
« Reply #421 on: August 29, 2018, 03:00:04 PM »
How about one without a rebellion/resistance

I’d like that but they’ve set the tables for there to be a resistance.


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Re: RedLetterMedia Thread
« Reply #422 on: August 29, 2018, 03:02:05 PM »
Okay. I’m sorry stro for all our heartache. I like you now after meme post. Forgive me.


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Re: RedLetterMedia Thread
« Reply #423 on: August 29, 2018, 03:42:26 PM »


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Re: RedLetterMedia Thread
« Reply #424 on: August 29, 2018, 04:50:37 PM »
Yesterday after my storm trooper turned Jedi master idea I thought of how *I* would reboot Star Wars.

Let’s play a game. What would you do if you had the task of making a new Star Wars trilogy?

Me? No empire, no rebels. No Skywalkers. Unlike the previous Star Wars that take place “a long time ago”, this one takes place in “the far future” enabling the setting to avoid the aesthetic and motifs of Lucas’ original trilogy and more futuristic (think Mass Effect). The setting is two nations (that make up multiple planets) are at war for territory.

The trilogy stars a black female rogue that does anything for cash with. She has a Twi’lek partner in crime. The first movie starts with them chasing a prey with a star ship chase and killing them for bounty. There’s another main character that’s a Jedi in training along with their master. The rogue happens upon a bounty for them that says kill on sight. They meet them and rather than kill, because although the rogue is full on bad, they still a hint of good in them. One nation is after the two Jedi because they feel they are a tremendous threat to the war effort given how many supporters they have. They go on adventures evading the nation that wants them as the jedis train. The rogue doesn’t believe in the force but tags along anyways for promises of riches. She witnesses first hand how the Jedi is trainednand unknowingly grows closer to the force by witnessing it. They build a lightsaber and everything which for some reason is red but the audience won’t think of it. The rogue is hinted as having some light but is still overwhelmingly dark to the point where you feel they’re past redemption. The Jedi apprentice is light but they have a hint of darkness but it shows that they are able to suppress it easily. Then in the climax of the first movie it’s revealed that the master is a Sith Lord and the apprentice, who has ignored their darkness decides to feed it and joins and goes full on KOTOR II.

The next film jumps ten years, and the same for the one after that.

The trilogy encompasses a thirty year war and shows how a low life piece of shit non believer becomes the greatest Jedi master in the galaxy as she fights her former friend to win the war of ideals.

How shit is this idea?


  • Finish the Fight
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Re: RedLetterMedia Thread
« Reply #425 on: August 29, 2018, 05:19:50 PM »
My Star Wars

Act 1: We see a bunch of different interesting planets with cool characters. Fast cuts of space ships, bounty hunters, Jedi and Sith.
The CG effects burst off the screen. OH WOW

Act 2: We cut to the Senate. There Palpatine preps for debate on important issues such as migration, trade policy, economic policy and more.
We watch an hour or so of intergalactic political deliberations only equal in tension to the Frost/Nixon debates.

Act 3: We learn about Chewbacca's history. We watch Chewbacca go to school and learn Chewbacca things. He can talk in a way actually. Not only make noises. He likes his friends and has a love interest.
His planet gets invaded by space Nazi's. They gas all the other Chewbacca's to turn them into coats, some they skin alive and they make him watch. He makes a terrible noise.
That's the only noise he will ever use for communication. He loses his speech out of sheer horror. The Nazi's make jokes about furries while they're doing it.

Act 4: Palpatine is given the coats. "What is this garbage?" he says and asks his guards to trash them. "OH have you been genociding again?"
He quips to his guards: "I did Na-zi that coming". He says the bored Nazi's should find a new hobby, like fishing.

Act 5: Chewbacca has sneaked into a city aboard one of the space Nazi ships. He gets out and starts eating Nazi children and even babies. The movie cuts as Chewbacca devours a sweet little girl in gruesome detail

Act 6: We see an old man narrate and summarize what just happened. Cheap Rock Music. "STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT INSTALLMENT OF STAR WARS"

For comedic effect the Nazi's have a droid voiced by Rich Evans. Which does nothing but laugh at the horrific stuff they do.
Chris Pratt plays Chewbacca, Whoopi Goldberg is his love interest. The fucked up Home Alone actor plays the space Nazi commander. If he's dead the role goes to Kevin Spacey.

seagrams hotsauce

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Re: RedLetterMedia Thread
« Reply #426 on: August 29, 2018, 05:38:04 PM »
i'm saying, disney just needs to say fuck it and give us the inevitable conclusion we're gonna get in thirty years anyway: star wars vs the avengers vs the simpsons vs wwe


  • Nebuchadnezzar
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Re: RedLetterMedia Thread
« Reply #427 on: August 30, 2018, 01:26:31 AM »
My Star Wars - Copy the fuck out of Legend of Galactic Heroes and just make the protag and antag force users.


  • Senior Member
Re: RedLetterMedia Thread
« Reply #428 on: August 30, 2018, 01:27:22 AM »
My Star Wars - Copy the fuck out of Legend of Galactic Heroes and just make the protag and antag force users.

That's where my 30 years war idea comes from. It can't be 100+ like it was in LOGH tho.

I also don't think Yang Wenly works with force powers.


  • Nebuchadnezzar
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Re: RedLetterMedia Thread
« Reply #429 on: August 30, 2018, 01:29:54 AM »
My Star Wars - Copy the fuck out of Legend of Galactic Heroes and just make the protag and antag force users.

That's where my 30 years war idea comes from. It can't be 100+ like it was in LOGH tho.

I also don't think Yang Wenly works with force powers.
It could be a long war if you set it near the end and for extra spice it's the war that wipes out the Sith

EDIT: Drunk Uncle Yang would be a great force user  :lol


  • Senior Member
Re: RedLetterMedia Thread
« Reply #430 on: August 30, 2018, 01:46:31 AM »
Star Wars is an adventure pulp story. I don't want senates, schools, politics, or anything that seems to reflect our  world.


  • Senior Member
Re: RedLetterMedia Thread
« Reply #431 on: August 30, 2018, 01:48:25 AM »
He's not drunk, just tipsy :) Yang is someone who doesn't like power. He's not someone who sought rule. He's a history student who joined the war because of bad circumstances. So Yang or a Yang-like character with powers

What Rah said as well. Star Wars is a fantasy adventure space opera. Not a space opera with...depth.  :doge So LOGH inspired wouldn't really work. The basic template of a really, really long war between two nation states would work and little else.


  • Senior Member
Re: RedLetterMedia Thread
« Reply #432 on: August 30, 2018, 01:57:00 AM »
The above point is also why Star Wars kinda sucks as a universe and story-telling device. :idont

It took Rogue One for me to realize it, but Star Wars will only ever be lightsabers, Jedi, Sith. In my draft I wanted to limit that but I realize you can't or won't be Star Wars. Star Wars is a specific, very limited sort of thing that can tell only specific kinds of stories. Even Rogue One, which has no Jedi in the main cast still deals with things like Darth Vader cameos.

Star Wars should have just been the original trilogy.  It should have never, ever been revived beyond remasters. They decided to not only make a prequel trilogy but also a sequel trilogy and the result? Now almost everyone is tired of Star Wars. Star Wars has been over exposed and shown to be what it ultimately is: aside from a few movies it's nothing special. It isn't Gundam, which can tell all sorts of stories since its main theme is of war and how awful it is. Gundam can be hokey like Wing or Seed, but also deep and depressing like in 0080: War in the Pocket, or fantastical like in Turn A. It's not Star Trek. It's not LOGH. It's not BSG. It's not even Dune.

Star Wars is the Superman of space opera. It has very few tricks and is good at only specific things.
« Last Edit: August 30, 2018, 02:02:34 AM by Cindi Mayweather »


  • Nebuchadnezzar
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Re: RedLetterMedia Thread
« Reply #433 on: August 30, 2018, 02:56:13 AM »
Star Wars is an adventure pulp story. I don't want senates, schools, politics, or anything that seems to reflect our  world.
Star Wars can be whatever you want it to be. I was hopeful with the announcements of side stories they would do more politics and war etc and do the main crap as pulp.


  • brutal deluxe
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Re: RedLetterMedia Thread
« Reply #434 on: August 30, 2018, 08:29:34 AM »
playing tie fighter as a kid felt more star wars than star wars did. the films became a propagandic retelling that skewed the facts and grossly simplified the complex state of things.


  • Nebuchadnezzar
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Re: RedLetterMedia Thread
« Reply #435 on: August 30, 2018, 08:53:55 AM »
playing tie fighter as a kid felt more star wars than star wars did. the films became a propagandic retelling that skewed the facts and grossly simplified the complex state of things.
you're going to need to expand on this point a bit, in universe propaganda? real life politics? Also what was simplified, I never found anything inside the Star Wars lore to be at all complex, unless you mean real world stuff, if so what?


  • Senior Member
Re: RedLetterMedia Thread
« Reply #436 on: August 30, 2018, 08:55:44 AM »
The expanded universe, while considered shitty, was still a fountain of ideas and stories that could have helped the new trilogy over a soft reboot. While I think Star Wars is limited to an extent, I also think there  that can be explored.


  • Senior Member
Re: RedLetterMedia Thread
« Reply #437 on: August 30, 2018, 10:00:42 AM »


  • brutal deluxe
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Re: RedLetterMedia Thread
« Reply #438 on: August 30, 2018, 12:51:04 PM »
you're going to need to expand on this point a bit, in universe propaganda? real life politics? Also what was simplified, I never found anything inside the Star Wars lore to be at all complex, unless you mean real world stuff, if so what?

like watching the patriot after indulging in a deep history of the successes and failings of the british empire.

we weren't the good guys, but shit was complex.


  • Senior Member
Re: RedLetterMedia Thread
« Reply #439 on: August 30, 2018, 01:42:50 PM »
you're going to need to expand on this point a bit, in universe propaganda? real life politics? Also what was simplified, I never found anything inside the Star Wars lore to be at all complex, unless you mean real world stuff, if so what?

like watching the patriot after indulging in a deep history of the successes and failings of the british empire.

we weren't the good guys, but shit was complex.

Well, that is a bait...


  • Nebuchadnezzar
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Re: RedLetterMedia Thread
« Reply #440 on: August 30, 2018, 03:05:16 PM »
I'll allow headwalk to troll me once a year, continue sir.


  • brutal deluxe
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Re: RedLetterMedia Thread
« Reply #441 on: August 30, 2018, 03:10:33 PM »
it was a massive logistical undertaking and morality is always going to get muddy when you push the borders of possibility. the empire brought the promethean light of civilised order to the universe. can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs, which was all the rebellion concerned themselves over.

episodes VII-IX should've been about the slow descent into financial ruin and the breakdown of society at the weak hand of the idealistic bureaucrats.


  • Nebuchadnezzar
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Re: RedLetterMedia Thread
« Reply #442 on: August 30, 2018, 03:15:49 PM »
it was a massive logistical undertaking and morality is always going to get muddy when you push the borders of possibility. the empire brought the promethean light of civilised order to the universe. can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs, which was all the rebellion concerned themselves over.

episodes VII-IX should've been about the slow descent into financial ruin and the breakdown of society at the weak hand of the idealistic bureaucrats.
Who's going to throw the tea into the sarlacc pit?  :thinking

EDIT: Can you make it more simple than this?  :thinking


  • Senior Member
Re: RedLetterMedia Thread
« Reply #443 on: August 30, 2018, 09:13:23 PM »
Star Wars is an adventure pulp story. I don't want senates, schools, politics, or anything that seems to reflect our  world.
Star Wars can be whatever you want it to be. I was hopeful with the announcements of side stories they would do more politics and war etc and do the main crap as pulp.
I don't really agree. While I don't agree with cindi that it has to be always be jedis and whatnot. But eh, I'm not really looking for mature adult Star Wars, A realistic and gritty Star wars with realistic characters with realistic problems. I don't want Law and Order Star Wars, 500 Days of Summer Star Wars, super adult Star Wars, and so on.

This is just me, but to me Star Wars kind of has to stay in the high fantasy adventure genre.


  • Junior Member
Re: RedLetterMedia Thread
« Reply #444 on: August 30, 2018, 10:05:32 PM »
Star Wars is an adventure pulp story. I don't want senates, schools, politics, or anything that seems to reflect our  world.

I do


  • Senior Member
Re: RedLetterMedia Thread
« Reply #445 on: August 31, 2018, 02:49:25 AM »
Well then you got the prequels. Hope you’re happy.


  • Nebuchadnezzar
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Re: RedLetterMedia Thread
« Reply #446 on: August 31, 2018, 03:33:38 AM »
Well then you got the prequels. Hope you’re happy.
No, It's treason then.

If you try and put this into a mainline movie expected to sell to a general Star Wars audience you get the prequels. If you specifically put it in side movies while still feeding the general Star Wars people their schlock you dont have to cater to that market and can make something a bit smarter.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: RedLetterMedia Thread
« Reply #447 on: August 31, 2018, 06:11:06 AM »
A lot of the EU excuse me Legends...was pretty schlocky pulp. Even Thrawn is more that than it's politics or "gritty" or realistic. The only part that makes it seem so, is that it keeps the universe logically setup for events of ROTJ, unlike TFA and TLJ where they were like "whatever, fuck it, there's a rebellion again, and maybe an empire sorta, plus like a death star too, whaddya mean what happened to the New Republic? Didn't you see us blow up that single planet thus eliminating it totally?" Even KOTOR is pretty pulpy when you get down to it except for some of Obsidian's various sidetwists.

As bad as Lucas' whole decision two parts into his three six part story that it really should be "Anakin's Story" starring Anakin in two and a half parts. It at least was a concept to tie things together. (Even if he also subtly realized it was really Palpatine's Story.)

I still can't figure out what in the fuck is supposed to be tying these new films together other than they exist in the Star Wars franchise. Or like, what is even happening in them at this point. They're wiping out characters faster than Lucas was taking them out in the prequels and with half as much character development and establishment. And people are just constantly showing up places with plot drive to do one thing then disappearing, and there's never any kind of follow up. Why the hell aren't they doing the side stories for the side characters in the main films? Or fuck, the MAIN CHARACTERS in those films?

And the throwing out directors, reshooting things, major edits, etc. It's like Disney really did burn down everything Lucasarts/Lucasfilm gave them and told JJ and Kennedy to "get her going, times a wastin!"

Even the games are completely fucked up management wise! If DICE didn't have that slave farm to put out BF-mod-based FPSes until the end of time they'd have literally nothing else at this point. They ditched all the stuff Lucasarts gave em, they restarted and then dropped the Visceral titles, and then restarted it at Motive yet again only to shuffle it off to another studio and then go quiet on it. I think Respawn is probably running some kind of scam where they toss art over Titanfall then cash out. And even they're setting their game between the prequels and A New Hope. Nothing to do with the new films. I heard even that Android/iOS MOBA does shit sell throughs.

I really never saw this becoming such a management and production clusterfuck so quickly. I assumed all that shit they announced like Solo or the Boba Fett film or 1313 or whatever was like in pre-production and they were just announcing it early like with the MCU. If IX flatlines James Gunn is probably going to be thankful he got away from Disney before they murdered everyone they could get their hands on. (Or forced him onto Star Wars, just to kick him off, reshoot half the thing and then re-edit half the thing from there before throwing him under the bus.)


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: RedLetterMedia Thread
« Reply #448 on: August 31, 2018, 06:13:02 AM »

Writing long ass careposts about Star Wars  :mindblown
Writing long ass careposts about Star Wars :nope

Writing long ass careposts about Star Trek :ohyeah


  • Nebuchadnezzar
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Re: RedLetterMedia Thread
« Reply #449 on: August 31, 2018, 07:40:34 AM »
Star Wars isnt anything that needs to be preserved in it's original form for me, I'd just like it to be a vehicle to put budget behind interesting sci-fi or other stories, it's the preservation force that's really killing the franchise for me, hence why i had hope for the spin-offs until I saw it's just the same old crap  :idont


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: RedLetterMedia Thread
« Reply #450 on: August 31, 2018, 08:36:31 AM »
I think it's less of any kind of preservation force and more of a "we have no clue what the hell to do with it" and they've gone overly safe with it and now have even less of a clue what to do with it. They dumped the EU to supposedly unbind themselves, only to immediately stick themselves almost purely to the existing films and place nearly everything within Lucas's "no go" zone anyway.

They really don't seem to be truly planning things at this point except IX since they pulled back on everything after Rogue One, TLJ and Solo didn't meet their completely absurd expectations. They're secretly trying to dumb on Rian Johnson even though he made $1.3 billion and they handed him a trilogy of his own before the movie came out. They started slashing like mad through the side stories which were all already playing it safe crap like Obi-Wan or whatever.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: RedLetterMedia Thread
« Reply #451 on: August 31, 2018, 08:39:13 AM »
Although that Obi-Wan film needs to happen no matter what, we all need to know canonically what made him age so much over just 19 years. Even non-Star Wars fans want to know this. Everyone who has ever lived wants to know this.


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Re: RedLetterMedia Thread
« Reply #452 on: August 31, 2018, 09:26:23 AM »
There's only 19 years between the trilogies? :heh I guess he aged through the same magic that made all the worlds and technology of 19 years prior feel like they belong to a different universe altogether.
« Last Edit: August 31, 2018, 09:51:34 AM by Spieler1 »


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Re: RedLetterMedia Thread
« Reply #453 on: August 31, 2018, 10:04:41 AM »
How do you take a billion dollar franchise and make a new trilogy without a plan?


  • Senior Member
Re: RedLetterMedia Thread
« Reply #454 on: August 31, 2018, 10:22:34 AM »
Gotta disagree with the review in that the movie looks great and I'm surprised that nowhere on the internet there's any talk about all the horrednous cgi. Episode 7 wasn't perfect in that regard, but at least tried to look less fake. Ep 8 went straight back into prequel-territory with all the shitty looking cgi animals and goblins etc everywhere cluttering up the screen. Then during the invasion on the snow salt planet, all I could think about is how the tanks in ESB look way more believable than their new cg equivalent.


  • relapsed dev
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Re: RedLetterMedia Thread
« Reply #455 on: August 31, 2018, 10:48:08 AM »
The above point is also why Star Wars kinda sucks as a universe and story-telling device. :idont

It took Rogue One for me to realize it, but Star Wars will only ever be lightsabers, Jedi, Sith. In my draft I wanted to limit that but I realize you can't or won't be Star Wars. Star Wars is a specific, very limited sort of thing that can tell only specific kinds of stories. Even Rogue One, which has no Jedi in the main cast still deals with things like Darth Vader cameos.

Star Wars should have just been the original trilogy.  It should have never, ever been revived beyond remasters. They decided to not only make a prequel trilogy but also a sequel trilogy and the result? Now almost everyone is tired of Star Wars. Star Wars has been over exposed and shown to be what it ultimately is: aside from a few movies it's nothing special. It isn't Gundam, which can tell all sorts of stories since its main theme is of war and how awful it is. Gundam can be hokey like Wing or Seed, but also deep and depressing like in 0080: War in the Pocket, or fantastical like in Turn A. It's not Star Trek. It's not LOGH. It's not BSG. It's not even Dune.

Star Wars is the Superman of space opera. It has very few tricks and is good at only specific things.

SOLO had none of those things.


  • Senior Member
Re: RedLetterMedia Thread
« Reply #456 on: August 31, 2018, 10:52:53 AM »
Haven’t seen it.


  • Senior Member
Re: RedLetterMedia Thread
« Reply #457 on: August 31, 2018, 10:54:17 AM »
Gotta disagree with the review in that the movie looks great and I'm surprised that nowhere on the internet there's any talk about all the horrednous cgi. Episode 7 wasn't perfect in that regard, but at least tried to look less fake. Ep 8 went straight back into prequel-territory with all the shitty looking cgi animals and goblins etc everywhere cluttering up the screen. Then during the invasion on the snow salt planet, all I could think about is how the tanks in ESB look way more believable than their new cg equivalent.

There’s a scene in the review where Rose is in the machine (AT-ST?) and meets Finn and it looks like bad 90’s cg.


  • Nebuchadnezzar
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Re: RedLetterMedia Thread
« Reply #458 on: August 31, 2018, 10:54:18 AM »
Will never see it


  • Nebuchadnezzar
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Re: RedLetterMedia Thread
« Reply #459 on: August 31, 2018, 11:15:05 AM »


  • Junior Member
Re: RedLetterMedia Thread
« Reply #460 on: August 31, 2018, 10:16:01 PM »
I feel like Disney Star Wars dumped the old EU to be able to mine bits from it later. Kind of like Marvel comics, though that's not exact.


  • Junior Member
Re: RedLetterMedia Thread
« Reply #461 on: September 04, 2018, 06:45:59 PM »


  • Senior Member
Re: RedLetterMedia Thread
« Reply #462 on: September 04, 2018, 08:08:50 PM »
Next video is:

spoiler (click to show/hide)
another two-parter 2018 catch-up Half in the Bag.


  • Nebuchadnezzar
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Re: RedLetterMedia Thread
« Reply #463 on: September 05, 2018, 01:31:17 AM »
So much vapid shit they didnt flay yet

seagrams hotsauce

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Re: RedLetterMedia Thread
« Reply #464 on: September 05, 2018, 03:11:06 PM »


  • Finish the Fight
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Re: RedLetterMedia Thread
« Reply #465 on: September 05, 2018, 04:02:25 PM »
Mission Impossible officially approved by Mike  :rejoice


  • captain of my capsized ship
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Re: RedLetterMedia Thread
« Reply #466 on: September 05, 2018, 04:52:11 PM »
That riff on the new Oscar awards was great.


  • Senior Member
Re: RedLetterMedia Thread
« Reply #467 on: September 05, 2018, 06:58:13 PM »
I can watch the recent MI films without watching the first three ones? Ghost Protocol and Fallout seem to be very good...
« Last Edit: September 06, 2018, 12:39:15 AM by Boredfrom »

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
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Re: RedLetterMedia Thread
« Reply #468 on: September 05, 2018, 08:05:23 PM »
I can watch the recent MI films without watching the first three ones? Ghost Protocol and Fallout seem to be very goos...

Ya, they’re all pretty self-contained


  • Senior Member
Re: RedLetterMedia Thread
« Reply #469 on: September 05, 2018, 08:39:22 PM »
MI6 is'nt self-contained. You need to watch 5 beforehand. But yes 4 and 5 are self contained.


  • Junior Member
Re: RedLetterMedia Thread
« Reply #470 on: September 05, 2018, 09:17:28 PM »
Mission Impossible 1 thru 4 are self contained, while 5 and 6 are linked but I think they're still watchable on their own.

M:I 7 will have to have Tom hang off the helicopter blade because there's basically nothing else crazy for him to do.


  • Do the moron
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Re: RedLetterMedia Thread
« Reply #471 on: September 06, 2018, 05:09:30 AM »
I can watch the recent MI films without watching the first three ones? Ghost Protocol and Fallout seem to be very good...

The first M:I is a pretty awesome film so don't sleep on it.

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
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Re: RedLetterMedia Thread
« Reply #472 on: September 06, 2018, 09:05:45 AM »
Mike giving a semi-pass to Winchester because it was on an episode of Skost Hunters, how embarrassing.

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
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Re: RedLetterMedia Thread
« Reply #473 on: September 06, 2018, 09:54:02 AM »


  • Senior Member
Re: RedLetterMedia Thread
« Reply #474 on: September 06, 2018, 02:40:18 PM »
90% sure when Mike gets bleeped out he says "I said 'steal art,' not fucking rape a bunch of kids." :lol

seagrams hotsauce

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Re: RedLetterMedia Thread
« Reply #475 on: September 08, 2018, 10:15:40 AM »


  • Nebuchadnezzar
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Re: RedLetterMedia Thread
« Reply #476 on: September 11, 2018, 02:08:38 AM »
I need more roasts :'(


  • Finish the Fight
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Re: RedLetterMedia Thread
« Reply #477 on: September 11, 2018, 05:28:01 PM »
Woof-splaining  :dead


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Re: RedLetterMedia Thread
« Reply #478 on: September 11, 2018, 09:07:58 PM »


  • Senior Member
Re: RedLetterMedia Thread
« Reply #479 on: September 11, 2018, 09:52:37 PM »
I fucking love Mike so much