My biggest complaint about this game is the lack of mission variety. I love the game, but I'm not finding it as fun as Dynasty Warriors 7, where every map was different and every map had a specific goal. Sometimes you have to run away in DW7, maybe you need to take control of a catapult station so you can storm a castle, maybe you need to protect someone, maybe the enemy is planning an ambush and you can sneak up behind them for a sneak attack or just rush in. No matter what it is, every stage on DW7 offers something new.
I enjoy the more large scale battles of DW more than the skirmishes of DWG3. Not only do they make the game feel more "epic" (I hate using that word) but they lend to the game's design as well by giving it a ton of more variety.
I love the whole strategy motif in DWG3, but every map doesn't have to be the same thing with the same goal.