Author Topic: Shenmue III OT - I CAN believe that it's bad!  (Read 157032 times)

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Coffee Dog

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Re: Shenmue III OT - I still can't believe this is real!
« Reply #1020 on: November 13, 2019, 05:50:27 PM »
I just..don't understand. Here is a link to a trailer from a couple months ago.

It shows combat, minigames, talking to old people. That IS what the game is. It's almost like people didn't make a big deal out of these trailers because don't actually give a shit about the gameplay, Cindi. Like the game has been pretty fucking obvious about what it contains and it isn't resonating with people

pretty much every pre-release promise they made was a lie so the devs and the pr can both eat dicks. glad i got my dough back.

Except for the part where they made shenmue 3 and it looks like a good sequel

But I understand if you gave them that interest free loan for reasons completely unrelated to that.

team filler

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Re: Shenmue III OT - I still can't believe this is real!
« Reply #1021 on: November 13, 2019, 05:51:05 PM »
Is this on PC? If it makes you feel better, Cindi, if this runs acceptably I’ll suffer through it just so I can loudly shit on it in here. I legitimately hate these games, so I’d hate this one even if it were a “good” Shenmue game. It would make you smiiiiiiiiiiiiile. I’m almost guaranteed to hate this even more than Death Stranding, and I promise you that I will play S3 until its sloppy, disappointing finale.
what's your twitch, pomp daddy? I wanna watch you play vidya, long play style  :esports


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Re: Shenmue III OT - I still can't believe this is real!
« Reply #1022 on: November 13, 2019, 05:52:07 PM »
i gave money to them to play the game on steam. they aren't letting me do that and i have no other console that will play it, so i asked for my money back.

all their other fuckups just made it easier to do that.


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Re: Shenmue III OT - I still can't believe this is real!
« Reply #1023 on: November 13, 2019, 05:52:22 PM »
i mean, it's shenmue. gameplay is gonna be walking and talking with a handful of virtua fighter fights and some qtes. as far as i know they aren't shaking up the formula.

What in the bloody FUCK are you talking about?

Shenmue barely has cutscenes. Despite its story focus it is all about the gameplay.


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Re: Shenmue III OT - I still can't believe this is real!
« Reply #1024 on: November 13, 2019, 05:55:06 PM »
As far as kickstarters or kickstarted games go, Shenmue 3 is going to be viewed less favorably as Mighty Number 9.  :-\


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Re: Shenmue III OT - I still can't believe this is real!
« Reply #1025 on: November 13, 2019, 05:55:56 PM »
I think Cindi soured on it because of how it went Epic game store exclusive.

It's more than that. I HATE Shenmue fans. Not only have I soured on the developers but also the fanbase. I know these don't matter in the grand scheme but they were all I had while waiting ten plus years. I defended Shenmue for years. I wrote articles with thousands of views on why Shenmue III is worth being excited about. I streamed the games for the dojo. I spread and advertised that site as much as I could. I have been kicked out of the Shenmue community for being too negative and skeptical. They banned me for that very reason and then registered a fake user, pretended they were me, because they know it'd look bad of you just banned someone who has been a part of the community for OVER TEN YEARS simply because they fairly criticized the site owner.

The developers? Snakes.

The fans? Also snakes.

I have tried for months to get excited again. I was going to buy 5-6 copies.

Now I no longer care, have cancelled multiple copies, and just want this to all end so Shenmue can die forever.
Shenmue is already dead, has been for years.
This 3rd one will do like the JSR remaster and just remind people how dated the series is and how little they actually care, beyond the meme itself.

I say this as a fan, since i consider Shenmue 1, one of the greatest achievements in the gaming space.

Good. It and its fans fucking deserve it.


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Re: Shenmue III OT - I still can't believe this is real!
« Reply #1026 on: November 13, 2019, 05:56:35 PM »
also it wasn't an interest free loan cause they refunded me about $15 more than i pledged :lol


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Re: Shenmue III OT - I still can't believe this is real!
« Reply #1027 on: November 13, 2019, 05:57:11 PM »
I just..don't understand. Here is a link to a trailer from a couple months ago.

It shows combat, minigames, talking to old people. That IS what the game is. It's almost like people didn't make a big deal out of these trailers because don't actually give a shit about the gameplay, Cindi. Like the game has been pretty fucking obvious about what it contains and it isn't resonating with people

pretty much every pre-release promise they made was a lie so the devs and the pr can both eat dicks. glad i got my dough back.

Except for the part where they made shenmue 3 and it looks like a good sequel

But I understand if you gave them that interest free loan for reasons completely unrelated to that.

That is the only trailer to show gameplay. The ONLY. TRAILER.


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Re: Shenmue III OT - I still can't believe this is real!
« Reply #1028 on: November 13, 2019, 06:06:25 PM »
I do agree that they should have left this in the grave.  Lord knows the movie industry bringing back old ass sequels has been nothing but shit. (Matrix 4??!  Whyyyy?!?) However, with this already made, and with the success that Bloodstained was with a industry vet doing his thang, I'll remain hyped.  Sorry this has turned out as a shitshow for alot of people.  I'm enjoying the piss outta Death Stranding too.  What a time to be alive and capable of gaming.  :rejoice


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
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Re: Shenmue III OT - I still can't believe this is real!
« Reply #1029 on: November 13, 2019, 06:12:56 PM »
filler, talk me into trying to Twitch Shenmue 3. Keep in mind I’ll only do it if stosta joins me via voip and provides me with ‘90s 900-number-style phone sex for the duration of the hour or two.

team filler

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Re: Shenmue III OT - I still can't believe this is real!
« Reply #1030 on: November 13, 2019, 06:59:00 PM »
shenmue and chill  :rejoice


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Re: Shenmue III OT - I still can't believe this is real!
« Reply #1031 on: November 13, 2019, 07:17:32 PM »
Would shota even know what 900 number phone sex was like? Is he even old enough to know that was a thing? How would he learn about such a forgotten subject, unless some exhibitionist recorded their calls 20+ years ago and uploaded them, which is... likely. Anyone got any leads?


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Re: Shenmue III OT - I still can't believe this is real!
« Reply #1032 on: November 13, 2019, 07:21:02 PM »
i'm not sure why i should care how they're promoting it or if it's gonna sell more than 10 copies? i don't have a fucking stake in the company.

sales and interest were always going to be middling at best because that's how the original games were received too. there's no angle where they were gonna be able to get this ponderous-ass game to catch on with streamers or something. and none of that shit matters to me; what i care about is that now i have a new entry in a series i enjoy and the game looks faithful to its predecessors. everything else is gamers getting extremely worked up over little to nothing.


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Re: Shenmue III OT - I still can't believe this is real!
« Reply #1033 on: November 13, 2019, 07:54:20 PM »
i assumed 900 numbers still existed but then i realized there's just camgirls now. how lame.


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
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Re: Shenmue III OT - I still can't believe this is real!
« Reply #1034 on: November 13, 2019, 07:57:44 PM »
This is what I’m talking about. That REAL USA Up All Night shit... with Gilbert Gottfried and Rhonda Shear.



  • GunOn™! Apply directly to forehead!
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Re: Shenmue III OT - I still can't believe this is real!
« Reply #1035 on: November 13, 2019, 09:18:07 PM »
Edit: and dammit, i actually bothered to check their official channel, where there's 3 fucking videos of gameplay uploaded in the past few weeks.

woah it's almost like you have an axe to grind or something

If you think I have an axe to grind for the sake of discussion, I dunno what to tell you. :idont

I'm just letting you know where Himu is coming from: The game has had like next to no actual gameplay (3! Wow!!!!) trailers while a bunch of story/pre-rendered trailers are shown. If that doesn't really give you alarm bells ringing, I don't know what to tell you. :idont

Now that Himu is actually discussing their point, I'm going to drop this shit because it's dumb. I was just letting you know what they were talking about. Toodles. <3

Edit: No fucking wonder Himu thought there was no gameplay shown: These are uploaded for the Japanese audience (at least, apparently has English subs) no fucking wonder someone would think there was no gameplay when the English/western uploads basically show none of that shit  long-form. WTF Deep Silver/Yu.


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Re: Shenmue III OT - I still can't believe this is real!
« Reply #1036 on: November 13, 2019, 09:47:50 PM »
This is what I’m talking about. That REAL USA Up All Night shit... with Gilbert Gottfried and Rhonda Shear.



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Re: Shenmue III OT - I still can't believe this is real!
« Reply #1037 on: November 13, 2019, 09:53:41 PM »
Wow three gameplay videos. Fucking finally, actual gameplay that isn't the E3 demo.

Fuck Shenmue.

Don Rumata

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Re: Shenmue III OT - I still can't believe this is real!
« Reply #1038 on: November 13, 2019, 09:58:06 PM »
I do agree that they should have left this in the grave.  Lord knows the movie industry bringing back old ass sequels has been nothing but shit. (Matrix 4??!  Whyyyy?!?) However, with this already made, and with the success that Bloodstained was with a industry vet doing his thang, I'll remain hyped.  Sorry this has turned out as a shitshow for alot of people.  I'm enjoying the piss outta Death Stranding too.  What a time to be alive and capable of gaming.  :rejoice
I'll go on a big rant on why Shenmue wouldn't work today, but let me stress that i'll still likely enjoy this thing (even though i'm pretty sure i'll never receive a copy i paid 100€ for, because i have no way to fix the shipping address, so i'm just gonna have to pirate it or something).

Anyway, my point is, i played Shenmue 1 & 2 on Dreamcast when they came out, they were incredible, mind blowing experiences, to this day i'd rank them among my top 5, because of how unique they are... and yet i don't think without that technical marvel, they would've worked as intended.
The story of Shenmue was peculiar for games, because of how grounded it felt, compared to shit with demons and aliens you'd get in any other action game, in this one you talked to shop keepers and grandmas, about where to find common thugs, you worked your way up some massive Triad ring, from the ground floor, it was like a martial arts action movie mixed with a spy thriller.
That part is still unique to this day, and would still find its niche i think (even though the hints of supernatural shit already started to creep in).

What was in support of all that though, was a massive budget to create the most realistic, immersive, and just plain amazing looking world you'd seen by that point in a videogame.
If Shenmue didn't look as it looked, if you couldn't touch and rotate tangerines, if you couldn't go to an arcade at opening hours, with a realistic day/night cycle, talk with any npc (all voice acted), etc. it wouldn't have made the impact that it has.

Now 20 years later, we've had GTA, Red Dead, Assassin's Creed, BotW, about a million open world games and about 15 of which are Yakuza games; the bar for what is considered an incredibly immersive environment has been raised a hundredfold (and even Yakuza, structurally the most similar game to Shenmue, relies a LOT on meme magic, to get by in the space).

What's left?

The tank controls?
The sub par combat?
The QTEs (cool idea at the time, but everybody got fed up with them)?
Below average graphics and world building (in terms of AI routines, interactions, weather cycles, etc)?
Small world with minigames that Yakuza already tested the stress point of, anyway?

All you have left, really, is the story, which only nostalgia-ridden fans are going to engage with, and it's not gonna be finished in this entry (or any other  :lol) anyway.

Shenmue couldn't realistically be made today, because to be what it was back then, it'd need to impress in the way those ones did; to do it, it'd need 200 million dollars, an international team of top developers... i mean even Final Fantasy failed to do that jump, with XV.

Cindi, they're selling the story BECAUSE it's the only realistic thing they CAN sell, not to a general audience, but the handful of people who still care, and a couple of extra weirdos, who jumped in because of the memes.


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Re: Shenmue III OT - I still can't believe this is real!
« Reply #1039 on: November 13, 2019, 10:00:50 PM »
I'm really trying. I should by all rights be excited by what I'm watching.

But I'm not.

I just don't care anymore.

I was going to replay I and II before III last month, but I said fuck that. It really sucks to feel this way. In a way I'm happy they're releasing it for the fans that care. But I truly feel like I'm done with the franchise.

I gave them over 200 dollars, put the entirety of my faith in them and they completely bungled it like incompetent re re's. I'll have to play it myself to win me back.


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Re: Shenmue III OT - I still can't believe this is real!
« Reply #1040 on: November 13, 2019, 10:06:09 PM »
I just watched the 10 hours of YouTube cut scenes over the past few weeks, and I can't believe how engaging it still seemed. (I forgot more than I thought) Needless to say, it's refreshed my hype and I look forward to some VF style brawling. 


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Re: Shenmue III OT - I still can't believe this is real!
« Reply #1041 on: November 13, 2019, 10:14:29 PM »
I do agree that they should have left this in the grave.  Lord knows the movie industry bringing back old ass sequels has been nothing but shit. (Matrix 4??!  Whyyyy?!?) However, with this already made, and with the success that Bloodstained was with a industry vet doing his thang, I'll remain hyped.  Sorry this has turned out as a shitshow for alot of people.  I'm enjoying the piss outta Death Stranding too.  What a time to be alive and capable of gaming.  :rejoice
I'll go on a big rant on why Shenmue wouldn't work today, but let me stress that i'll still likely enjoy this thing (even though i'm pretty sure i'll never receive a copy i paid 100€ for, because i have no way to fix the shipping address, so i'm just gonna have to pirate it or something).

Anyway, my point is, i played Shenmue 1 & 2 on Dreamcast when they came out, they were incredible, mind blowing experiences, to this day i'd rank them among my top 5, because of how unique they are... and yet i don't think without that technical marvel, they would've worked as intended.
The story of Shenmue was peculiar for games, because of how grounded it felt, compared to shit with demons and aliens you'd get in any other action game, in this one you talked to shop keepers and grandmas, about where to find common thugs, you worked your way up some massive Triad ring, from the ground floor, it was like a martial arts action movie mixed with a spy thriller.
That part is still unique to this day, and would still find its niche i think (even though the hints of supernatural shit already started to creep in).

What was in support of all that though, was a massive budget to create the most realistic, immersive, and just plain amazing looking world you'd seen by that point in a videogame.
If Shenmue didn't look as it looked, if you couldn't touch and rotate tangerines, if you couldn't go to an arcade at opening hours, with a realistic day/night cycle, talk with any npc (all voice acted), etc. it wouldn't have made the impact that it has.

Now 20 years later, we've had GTA, Red Dead, Assassin's Creed, BotW, about a million open world games and about 15 of which are Yakuza games; the bar for what is considered an incredibly immersive environment has been raised a hundredfold (and even Yakuza, structurally the most similar game to Shenmue, relies a LOT on meme magic, to get by in the space).

What's left?

The tank controls?
The sub par combat?
The QTEs (cool idea at the time, but everybody got fed up with them)?
Below average graphics and world building (in terms of AI routines, interactions, weather cycles, etc)?
Small world with minigames that Yakuza already tested the stress point of, anyway?

All you have left, really, is the story, which only nostalgia-ridden fans are going to engage with, and it's not gonna be finished in this entry (or any other  :lol) anyway.

Shenmue couldn't realistically be made today, because to be what it was back then, it'd need to impress in the way those ones did; to do it, it'd need 200 million dollars, an international team of top developers... i mean even Final Fantasy failed to do that jump, with XV.

Cindi, they're selling the story BECAUSE it's the only realistic thing they CAN sell, not to a general audience, but the handful of people who still care, and a couple of extra weirdos, who jumped in because of the memes.

you're forgetting that modern open world games are about bigger is better while shenmue is very much personal and small, even III. In an age when most game players are getting sick of open world games that are big for the sake of it, they could have honed in on what makes Shenmue stand out: its more smaller, bite sized every day open world. Shenmue still has something to offer unique. They could have marketed Shenmue as the antithesis of modern open-world (which it is).

Instead they just gave people a bunch of story to folks who aren't invested in it because they're dumb shits without one inkling as to what the game has to offer.

Fuck Shenmue, Deep Silver, and YsNet. I'm tired of being disappointed and emotionally invested with this franchise.
« Last Edit: November 13, 2019, 10:21:40 PM by Cindi Mayweather »

Don Rumata

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Re: Shenmue III OT - I still can't believe this is real!
« Reply #1042 on: November 13, 2019, 11:27:31 PM »
you're forgetting that modern open world games are about bigger is better while shenmue is very much personal and small, even III. In an age when most game players are getting sick of open world games that are big for the sake of it, they could have honed in on what makes Shenmue stand out: its more smaller, bite sized every day open world. Shenmue still has something to offer unique. They could have marketed Shenmue as the antithesis of modern open-world (which it is).

Instead they just gave people a bunch of story to folks who aren't invested in it because they're dumb shits without one inkling as to what the game has to offer.

Fuck Shenmue, Deep Silver, and YsNet. I'm tired of being disappointed and emotionally invested with this franchise.

That shit costs money.
Having that level of small and personal interaction means a whole lot of animations and voice acting, for modern standards, because games like Detroit let you do a whole lot of it, for example, and look positively insane while doing it.

Now, they can barely put together a 3d model that looks human, do you think they could've had any interesting interaction system, even on a small scale (and keep in mind they are ALREADY operating on a small scale) that wouldn't have looked pathetically simple compared to any other modern AAA game?

Story is really the only thing that was "free" for them to leverage on, because people will tune in for it regardless of quality (those who care, anyway).

They went the nostalgia-bait angle, and i think it's an angle that makes sense, given the circumstances, but of course they still managed to fuck that up with external problems, such as the Epic Games thing.

Although you're talking marketing, while i'm talking design, it seems.

Coffee Dog

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Re: Shenmue III OT - I still can't believe this is real!
« Reply #1043 on: November 14, 2019, 10:10:06 AM »
I still don't know what is "concerning" or "worrying" when the game seems fine. That's the only thing worth worrying about.


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Re: Shenmue III OT - I still can't believe this is real!
« Reply #1044 on: November 14, 2019, 12:08:49 PM »
Because I was emotionally invested in a project I waited for since 2006 and they've done everything possible to fuck it up to the point where I don't care anymore because I'm sick of being emotionally invested in a cursed franchise.

Trent Dole

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Re: Shenmue III OT - I still can't believe this is real!
« Reply #1045 on: November 14, 2019, 12:13:14 PM »
You are not the products you consume. :doge


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Re: Shenmue III OT - I still can't believe this is real!
« Reply #1046 on: November 14, 2019, 03:32:23 PM »
You are not the products you consume. :doge

who said i was? that doesn't stop your emotions getting involved or the fact that the people in charge are incompetents


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Re: Shenmue III OT - I still can't believe this is real!
« Reply #1047 on: November 14, 2019, 09:43:12 PM »
Pre-ordered and I already hate it. Why didn't anyone tell me the Epic Store was so fucking terrible? I have a 4k monitor and it has an interface fit for a cell phone screen.


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Re: Shenmue III OT - I still can't believe this is real!
« Reply #1048 on: November 14, 2019, 11:01:50 PM »
Why didn't anyone tell me the Epic Store was so fucking terrible?

mMarSu right now: :trumps


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Re: Shenmue III OT - I still can't believe this is real!
« Reply #1049 on: November 14, 2019, 11:16:22 PM »
Sure, but Himu's point is more: This is for non-backers. You still haven't shown gameplay to non-backers through official channels. That's pretty... worrying... dude.

"Worrying". About what? What exactly is worrying? The status of the game? Here's an hour and a half, just from a search of "Shenmue 3 gameplay".

Looks like Shenmue.

The only thing "worrying" is the level of bitch eating crackers shit over their PR, all because of storefront warzzzzz.

I really hope that’s not the real start menu in the final game cuz it some serious struggle shit. I’d be legit mad if I paid cash money and was greeted with that.

"How could it be?" - I asked myself before clicking on it. Yeah that looks like "Hey we got a demo on Wednesday someone throw together a start screen!" level of effort. (Speaking purely from experience)


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Re: Shenmue III OT - I still can't believe this is real!
« Reply #1051 on: November 16, 2019, 03:22:20 PM »



Fuck EGS fanboys. I just wanted a chance to play with a poorly modeled kitten or capsule toy

Pissy F Benny

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Re: Shenmue III OT - I still can't believe this is real!
« Reply #1052 on: November 16, 2019, 04:16:13 PM »
A 2 days post release embargo? That’s the softest shit I’ve read in at least 4 hours.

This is gonna be an epic turd  :smug


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Re: Shenmue III OT - I still can't believe this is real!
« Reply #1053 on: November 16, 2019, 04:32:52 PM »
Hmm, I have a vague idea for a Bore Event Extravaganza for when I complete Shenmue.  It could bring honor and shame and words and deeds to this forum.


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Re: Shenmue III OT - I still can't believe this is real!
« Reply #1054 on: November 16, 2019, 04:53:02 PM »
Hoohoo, this one is cooking fast. demi’s going to love this one


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Re: Shenmue III OT - I still can't believe this is real!
« Reply #1055 on: November 16, 2019, 07:48:36 PM »
:lol How do you even enforce a post-release embargo.

Trent Dole

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Re: Shenmue III OT - I still can't believe this is real!
« Reply #1056 on: November 16, 2019, 08:37:38 PM »
Clicking through to that thread the two day post release embargo is just for the Eu who notoriously ignore such things anyway. Still funny that they'd try that in any territory.


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Re: Shenmue III OT - I still can't believe this is real!
« Reply #1057 on: November 16, 2019, 08:51:12 PM »

Fuck this game


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Re: Shenmue III OT - I still can't believe this is real!
« Reply #1058 on: November 16, 2019, 10:20:59 PM »
Embargo is only for UK/Europe it seems. US is launch day.

I'll also get the game on Monday. Probably won't have impressions as I am a busy bee.

Tvc let me keep your dragon mirror if you get one.
« Last Edit: November 16, 2019, 10:27:18 PM by Cindi Mayweather »


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Re: Shenmue III OT - I still can't believe this is real!
« Reply #1059 on: November 17, 2019, 10:58:39 PM »

Yo 18 years, goddamn.

Heartwarming message, and he looks noticeably healthier than prior appearances I've seen of him. :thinking


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Re: Shenmue E3 thread of disappointment
« Reply #1060 on: November 17, 2019, 11:01:26 PM »
It's a good thing I only stan popular, long-running game series. :aah

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Though I still want a new House of the Dead. Sega plz

:jeb HotD5 came out last year :jeb

:rejoice HotD5 console port next year (probably) :rejoice


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
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Re: Shenmue III OT - I still can't believe this is real!
« Reply #1061 on: November 17, 2019, 11:02:03 PM »
Ugh, I can’t believe I committed to this. Does anyone know a good CONCISE story summary for the first two games on YT?

Joe Molotov

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Re: Shenmue III OT - I still can't believe this is real!
« Reply #1062 on: November 17, 2019, 11:14:06 PM »
Ugh, I can’t believe I committed to this. Does anyone know a good CONCISE story summary for the first two games on YT?

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Big Bear Burgers Guy: "All the sailors are BIG."


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Re: Shenmue III OT - I still can't believe this is real!
« Reply #1063 on: November 18, 2019, 04:59:09 AM »
Oh my god.

It's been 84 18 years...

Trent Dole

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Re: Shenmue III OT - I still can't believe this is real!
« Reply #1064 on: November 18, 2019, 08:49:57 AM »


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Re: Shenmue III OT - I still can't believe this is real!
« Reply #1065 on: November 18, 2019, 09:03:16 AM »
Anyone do PS4 digital?  Been waiting for my dl code through fangamer, but haven't gotten one yet... and least not that I know if. 


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Re: Shenmue III OT - I still can't believe this is real!
« Reply #1066 on: November 18, 2019, 09:06:29 AM »
Ugh, I can’t believe I committed to this. Does anyone know a good CONCISE story summary for the first two games on YT?
I recently watched these over the past month or two...  if you have the time  :-[

Edit:  Wasn't S3 suppose to come with like a 10-15 minute summary of the prior installments?


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Re: Shenmue III OT - I still can't believe this is real!
« Reply #1067 on: November 18, 2019, 09:14:00 AM »
Anyone do PS4 digital?  Been waiting for my dl code through fangamer, but haven't gotten one yet... and least not that I know if.

If it's like Bloodstained, check your backer rewards page.  Might already be there.


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
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Re: Shenmue III OT - I still can't believe this is real!
« Reply #1068 on: November 18, 2019, 11:51:29 AM »
WHAT THE FUCK. I am more likely to finish Death Stranding than I am to watch 10 fucking hours of objectively terrible Shenmue 1 + 2 cut scenes. I am more likely to insert a closed set of scissors into my meatus and slowly open them


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Re: Shenmue III OT - I still can't believe this is real!
« Reply #1069 on: November 18, 2019, 01:15:27 PM »
WHAT THE FUCK. I am more likely to finish Death Stranding than I am to watch 10 fucking hours of objectively terrible Shenmue 1 + 2 cut scenes. I am more likely to insert a closed set of scissors into my meatus and slowly open them

All you need to know:

Ryo's father is killed by Lan Di with mysterious kung fu no one has seen before. Ryo then becomes obsessed with revenge and drops out of school during his senior year, neglects his social relationships. He finds a letter sent to his father by a mysterious man from China to find a Mr. Chen. He finds Chen and Chen instructs Ryo to find a second mirror - a phoenix mirror. Immediately upon receiving the mirror Ryo starts having dreams of a girl in China. Of mystical creatures and legends.

In Chinese legend there's four gods that helped create the skies: the dragon, the phoenix, tortoise, and tiger (note that Ryo has a tiger on the back of his jacket).

These are known as the four symbols, or four gods, in Chinese mysticism:

Ryo pursues Lan Di and finds he's left for Hong Kong so he tries to get a ticket. He works the dorks to find out more about the gang that transported Lan Di. Ryo eventually gets a boat ride to Hong Kong.

Shenmue 1 ends.

Shenmue II is about Ryo's kung fu journey. He's told to find a Master Mo and Man Mo Temple and is told that in order to talk to them he has to have the WUDE, which are four principles of kung fu. Ryo, who is increasingly incendiary, finds them and demands to see the master. It's a woman and he gets his shit wrecked.

She says that Ryo is lacking as a martial artist and should give up on his quest.

The rest of the game is about Ryo building his kung fu. Either physically, or mentally (airing out books as punishment, catching three leaves in a row as they fall to the ground).

The game is very similar to kung fu film classics like The 36th Chamber of Shaolin which tell of an angered kung fu disciples training for revenge.

Ryo's obsession for revenge is so bad that he gets violent with people. He beats the crap out of people to get answers and starts hanging out with gangsters.

The story is about revenge and the cycle of its pervasive tendencies. The kung fu master that beats Ryo's ass? Her parents were murdered when she was young too. And her brother decided to go off and get revenge. It's hinted he's a part of the same crime organization as Lan Di now.

Ryo has two paths: the spirit or revenge.

This is further explored by the fact the game is ultimately about loss and how you deal with it. Every major character has lost someone. You meet Fang Mei, an asisstant to the Kung fu master. She's an orphan and makes the best of it. Her rationale is that she's grateful for being an orphan because otherwise she wouldn't have met Xiuying or Ryo. Every character has their own ways of dealing with loss and act as foils to Ryo's need for revenge.

At the end of the game Ryo overcomes adversity and ends up beating the foe he lost to three times before. His kung fu is leveling up. The strong hint is that he's not ready for Lan Di and will lose when they finally confront, which makes for extremely well made build up.

They find that the mirrors act as a map and in order to complete it Ryo has to go to where the mirrors were made: the Guillin region of China.

He takes a boat and meets the mysterious girl he's been dreaming about. He of course doesn't remember her.

What happens is a spiritual walk as they chat. There's hints that Ryo may be turning inwards and get rid of his desire for revenge as he's practicing tai chi, surrounded by the beauty of nature.

The game ends as they go in a cave searching for Shenhua's father and find two giant mirrors.

Themes in Shenmue series:

spirit vs hate
man vs nature (Ryo goes from the dilapidated Kowloon to the forest soaked Guilin for example)
urban vs rural
forgiveness and overcoming loss/grief
Ryo's struggle with revenge. He's ultimately a good kid but is losing himself because of it. The game strongly hints he could become the next Lan Di or maybe he could become more spiritual like Xiuying. He has two paths and the fun of the story is seeing where he falls along them.

TLDR: Shenmue is kung fu Star Wars.

You're welcome.


  • Senior Member
Re: Shenmue III OT - I still can't believe this is real!
« Reply #1070 on: November 18, 2019, 01:16:24 PM »
Also, thanks to TVC and forcing me to write that fucking shit I have forgiven the Dojo and I'm actually excited for III for the first time in months.


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Re: Shenmue III OT - I still can't believe this is real!
« Reply #1071 on: November 18, 2019, 01:24:33 PM »
Also, II is full of kung fu film nods.

For example it uses the Jackie Chan multiple angle instant replay editing thing.

Seen here at 3:50

Shenmue II is the most realized kung fu game of all time. It's all about Ryo's growth as a martial artist.

More this

than something like Drunken Master.

36th Chamber of Shaolin is currently on Netflix. I highly suggest watching it before Shenmue III.

Note that at the end of 36th Chamber, the main character fights the villain he was training the whole film for and the treats the fight as if it's nothing. His desire for revenge is utterly gone.



  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
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Re: Shenmue III OT - I still can't believe this is real!
« Reply #1072 on: November 18, 2019, 01:33:53 PM »
Also, thanks to TVC and forcing me to write that fucking shit I have forgiven the Dojo and I'm actually excited for III for the first time in months.

Thank you, Cindi. I really appreciate it. I find the VA in these games fun in the context of video games, but when you give me a multi-hour block of Shenmue or MGS VA to watch, it starts turning my brain into pudding the same way paying attention to a children's TV show does. It feels like there's so much effort placed on clear enunciation or something (which I guess is kinda understandable given the gaming medium).

Oh, question: does the PC version of 1+2 offer better control options? I might be able to play the original games if I can use an analog stick to move around. Or are the PC ports just bad? I remember a lot of complaints about the rereleases, but I'm not sure if they were just about the console versions.


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Re: Shenmue III OT - I still can't believe this is real!
« Reply #1073 on: November 18, 2019, 01:41:32 PM »
They added analog control to Shenmue 1.

II already had analog control. It was non-tank and I loved it. And they changed it in the remaster to make the analog control to behave like the d-pad and be tank link.  They essentially downgraded the analog controls for Shenmue II HD.

Again, another example of shenmue devs fucking up.

I don't know about PC but I hear they're better now.


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Re: Shenmue III OT - I still can't believe this is real!
« Reply #1074 on: November 18, 2019, 01:43:07 PM »
Anyone do PS4 digital?  Been waiting for my dl code through fangamer, but haven't gotten one yet... and least not that I know if.

If it's like Bloodstained, check your backer rewards page.  Might already be there.
Yeah, still not seeing it.  I emailed them, so waiting on that.   Not like I have time to play it anytime soon anyway.   :doge
Also, thanks to TVC and forcing me to write that fucking shit I have forgiven the Dojo and I'm actually excited for III for the first time in months.
Nice!  Welcome back


  • Senior Member
Re: Shenmue III OT - I still can't believe this is real!
« Reply #1075 on: November 18, 2019, 02:15:25 PM »
I got Shenmue III and don't know how to feel.


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Re: Shenmue III OT - I still can't believe this is real!
« Reply #1076 on: November 18, 2019, 02:16:34 PM »
lol of course there's already dlc made, shenmue 3 is a modern game in the wrong ways :lol


  • Senior Member
Re: Shenmue III OT - I still can't believe this is real!
« Reply #1077 on: November 18, 2019, 02:38:19 PM »
How TF do I get my backer code and lmao at this start screen


  • Senior Member
Re: Shenmue III OT - I still can't believe this is real!
« Reply #1078 on: November 18, 2019, 03:10:59 PM »
This is very cheap.

Changing run from L to R and zoom from R to L is an odd decision. Even more odd is that I can't change the buttons.

Pissy F Benny

  • Is down with the sickness
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Re: Shenmue III OT - I still can't believe this is real!
« Reply #1079 on: November 18, 2019, 04:04:39 PM »
Post a pic of the start screen, is it the same as the horrific one from the demo?