General => Dysfunctional Hall of Fame => The Borecast/Cruncheons => Topic started by: Eel O'Brian on May 19, 2009, 05:32:58 PM

Title: Borecast Question of the Show: Best/Worst Direct-to-Video Movies you've seen?
Post by: Eel O'Brian on May 19, 2009, 05:32:58 PM
Self-explanatory thread title.  Let's hear the best and the worst direct-to-video movies/features you've seen.  Some answers read on the show, etc etc
Title: Re: Borecast Question of the Show: Best/Worst Direct-to-Video Movies you've seen?
Post by: Van Cruncheon on May 19, 2009, 05:37:46 PM
man, the recent spate of d2v hellraiser movies were awful, although i think fourth robocop movie takes the cake for me
Title: Re: Borecast Question of the Show: Best/Worst Direct-to-Video Movies you've seen?
Post by: Eric P on May 19, 2009, 05:42:33 PM
stfu there was no fourth robocop was there?
Title: Re: Borecast Question of the Show: Best/Worst Direct-to-Video Movies you've seen?
Post by: Herr Mafflard on May 19, 2009, 05:44:09 PM
I recently got JCVD and that was a good movie. Van Damme being given a bit more range, and what do you know, the guy can actually act. Who knew! 

Title: Re: Borecast Question of the Show: Best/Worst Direct-to-Video Movies you've seen?
Post by: Akala on May 19, 2009, 05:47:54 PM
Jack Frost. The snowman horror movie one. Best and worst.
Title: Re: Borecast Question of the Show: Best/Worst Direct-to-Video Movies you've seen?
Post by: Human Snorenado on May 19, 2009, 05:50:47 PM
That's pretty easy.

It's National Lampoon's Dorm Daze 2: College @ Sea.  It's about a bunch of mid 20's/early 30's actors pretending to be college students out on a semester at sea.  It has fat Topenga from Boy Meets World in it, as well as that skanky Vida Guerra chick with the fat ass- the one who's been on all sorts of FHM and Maxim covers, as well as in lots of rap videos.  PD knows who I'm talking about.  It's easily more terrible than you might think.  I netflixed it a couple of years ago because I met one of the chicks ( in it at our retail convention in Vegas and she was kind of hot... I rented it hoping to see her boobies, because I am a shallow, shallow man-creature governed by my reptile brain, and that's just how we are.  Of course, I sit through 90 minutes or so of the worst "comedy" EVAR and not only does the one kind of hot chick NOT get nude, but NONE of the chicks get nekkid.  NONE.

Still, it was easily twice as good as Transformers.
Title: Re: Borecast Question of the Show: Best/Worst Direct-to-Video Movies you've seen?
Post by: Eric P on May 19, 2009, 05:51:06 PM
do you want like the good american dtv stuff or foreign stuff that gets tossed onto Dimension Extreme which is released to theaters in foreign countries and then only here is it dtv?
Title: Re: Borecast Question of the Show: Best/Worst Direct-to-Video Movies you've seen?
Post by: Arbys Roast Beef Sandwich on May 19, 2009, 05:51:11 PM
Deadly Toys ( scared the shit out of me as a kid.
Title: Re: Borecast Question of the Show: Best/Worst Direct-to-Video Movies you've seen?
Post by: Great Rumbler on May 19, 2009, 06:05:47 PM
Batman: Return of the Joker [PG-13 version]

For "best", of course.
Title: Re: Borecast Question of the Show: Best/Worst Direct-to-Video Movies you've seen?
Post by: WrikaWrek on May 19, 2009, 06:06:15 PM

Title: Re: Borecast Question of the Show: Best/Worst Direct-to-Video Movies you've seen?
Post by: Veidt on May 19, 2009, 06:07:54 PM
S.Darko  [obviously worst.]
Title: Re: Borecast Question of the Show: Best/Worst Direct-to-Video Movies you've seen?
Post by: Bloodwake on May 19, 2009, 06:08:27 PM
Best: Behind the Mask

Worst: Die You Zombie Bastards
Title: Re: Borecast Question of the Show: Best/Worst Direct-to-Video Movies you've seen?
Post by: Human Snorenado on May 19, 2009, 06:25:28 PM
I think all of the direct to video/dvd horror stuff should be disqualified, as the bulk of the genre falls into direct to video stuff.  Also, the bulk of the genre is absolutely unwatchable crap.  Put it this way- when the stuff that's "good enough to get released to theaters" is the SAW/Hostel crap, your genre sucks by definition.
Title: Re: Borecast Question of the Show: Best/Worst Direct-to-Video Movies you've seen?
Post by: Phoenix Dark on May 19, 2009, 06:33:42 PM
Mulan 2. My cousin brought it over once when I had to babysit. She laughed at everything...smh. It's horrible
Title: Re: Borecast Question of the Show: Best/Worst Direct-to-Video Movies you've seen?
Post by: Eric P on May 19, 2009, 06:34:39 PM
I think all of the direct to video/dvd horror stuff should be disqualified, as the bulk of the genre falls into direct to video stuff.  Also, the bulk of the genre is absolutely unwatchable crap.  Put it this way- when the stuff that's "good enough to get released to theaters" is the SAW/Hostel crap, your genre sucks by definition.

i think "good" is the wrong term for a lot of that.  marketable is the best term for that.

Title: Re: Borecast Question of the Show: Best/Worst Direct-to-Video Movies you've seen?
Post by: cool breeze on May 19, 2009, 06:59:54 PM

No Escape

and best, just in case the trailer didn't rock your socks off.
Title: Re: Borecast Question of the Show: Best/Worst Direct-to-Video Movies you've seen?
Post by: Eel O'Brian on May 19, 2009, 07:18:13 PM
do you want like the good american dtv stuff or foreign stuff that gets tossed onto Dimension Extreme which is released to theaters in foreign countries and then only here is it dtv?

Title: Re: Borecast Question of the Show: Best/Worst Direct-to-Video Movies you've seen?
Post by: Human Snorenado on May 19, 2009, 07:21:22 PM
I think all of the direct to video/dvd horror stuff should be disqualified, as the bulk of the genre falls into direct to video stuff.  Also, the bulk of the genre is absolutely unwatchable crap.  Put it this way- when the stuff that's "good enough to get released to theaters" is the SAW/Hostel crap, your genre sucks by definition.

i think "good" is the wrong term for a lot of that.  marketable is the best term for that.

i'd settle for just plain "watchable" but none of it is that either.  it doesn't help that there's a niche market for it so uncritical of their preferred genre that no matter how bad the flick is, it will get watched and talked about.
Title: Re: Borecast Question of the Show: Best/Worst Direct-to-Video Movies you've seen?
Post by: Eel O'Brian on May 19, 2009, 07:31:39 PM
they're mostly for the fangoria set, anyway
Title: Re: Borecast Question of the Show: Best/Worst Direct-to-Video Movies you've seen?
Post by: Eric P on May 19, 2009, 07:40:58 PM
the best:

Gingersnaps (entire series)
The Changeling (george c scott, made for HBO in the 70s. does that count?)
dog soldiers
call of cthulhu (2005 silent movie version)
cemetery man

though i'm certain many of the above saw theatrical releases in festivals if nothing else

i'm looking at my netflix queue stuff too so this may be a bit

Title: Re: Borecast Question of the Show: Best/Worst Direct-to-Video Movies you've seen?
Post by: Eric P on May 19, 2009, 07:41:10 PM
they're mostly for the fangoria set, anyway

Title: Re: Borecast Question of the Show: Best/Worst Direct-to-Video Movies you've seen?
Post by: Van Cruncheon on May 19, 2009, 07:42:40 PM
stfu there was no fourth robocop was there?

my bad, there was a tv series titled robocop prime directives, of which i have seen the pilot

it is even worse than i imagined :'(
Title: Re: Borecast Question of the Show: Best/Worst Direct-to-Video Movies you've seen?
Post by: Eric P on May 19, 2009, 07:45:08 PM
yeah i knew about that and the cartoon
Title: Re: Borecast Question of the Show: Best/Worst Direct-to-Video Movies you've see
Post by: drew on May 19, 2009, 07:49:22 PM
first the url change

now the borecast is taking over the forum

this will not stand, i have an army of guerrillas behind me, ready to fight
Title: Re: Borecast Question of the Show: Best/Worst Direct-to-Video Movies you've seen?
Post by: Human Snorenado on May 19, 2009, 07:51:36 PM
Cemetary Man was indeed awesome.  Hot chick was hot.
Title: Re: Borecast Question of the Show: Best/Worst Direct-to-Video Movies you've seen?
Post by: Kara on May 19, 2009, 07:52:55 PM
Starship Troopers 2 is way worse than Starship Troopers 3.
Title: Re: Borecast Question of the Show: Best/Worst Direct-to-Video Movies you've seen?
Post by: Diunx on May 19, 2009, 08:03:51 PM
The best: The Mechanik.

worst: the lion king sequel.
Title: Re: Borecast Question of the Show: Best/Worst Direct-to-Video Movies you've seen?
Post by: Eel O'Brian on May 19, 2009, 08:04:10 PM
first the url change

now the borecast is taking over the forum

this will not stand, i have an army of guerrillas behind me, ready to fight

we've done a QotS off and on for a while now
Title: Re: Borecast Question of the Show: Best/Worst Direct-to-Video Movies you've seen?
Post by: muckhole on May 19, 2009, 08:11:35 PM
Pffft. Best/worst goes to Moon 44.

From Wiki:
Video box description
"Robots mining priceless chemicals are being hijacked from Moon 44. The Galactic Mining Corporation send their Internal Affairs Investigator, Felix Stone (Michael Pare) to track down the hijacker. Stone goes undercover as one of a group of Company prisoners being sent to Moon 44 to pilot the special helicopters, unaware as are the other prisoners that most pilots who trained before them crashed and died...and that if Moon 44 is attacked, the men will be sacrificed and the robots saved!"

If I recall correctly, they use kids as the prisoner's "eyes" when flying. The chopper pilots can't actually see anything.

Prisoners + kids. Hmmmmmmmm. Thankfully, any implied buggery occurs offscreen.

All that plus Malcolm McDowell, equals a film that is absolutely terrible but compelling.

This is absolutely prime borecast material.

Title: Re: Borecast Question of the Show: Best/Worst Direct-to-Video Movies you've see
Post by: ch1nchilla on May 19, 2009, 08:35:02 PM

Admittedly one of the worst movies ever, but that was in theaters for a week or so.
Title: Re: Borecast Question of the Show: Best/Worst Direct-to-Video Movies you've seen?
Post by: BlueTsunami on May 19, 2009, 08:39:22 PM
I can't pinpoint any but I used to watch these videos while working Security on Fridays. My Shift Manager would bring in these Dollar Store kung-fu films. There was one film where the climax took place in some obvious landfill that they just set up shop on with a camera. Lots of jumping, cut to underside of the jump and cut to the landing. Just hilarious.
Title: Re: Borecast Question of the Show: Best/Worst Direct-to-Video Movies you've seen?
Post by: Great Rumbler on May 20, 2009, 12:20:39 AM
Pffft. Best/worst goes to Moon 44.

From Wiki:
Video box description
"Robots mining priceless chemicals are being hijacked from Moon 44. The Galactic Mining Corporation send their Internal Affairs Investigator, Felix Stone (Michael Pare) to track down the hijacker. Stone goes undercover as one of a group of Company prisoners being sent to Moon 44 to pilot the special helicopters, unaware as are the other prisoners that most pilots who trained before them crashed and died...and that if Moon 44 is attacked, the men will be sacrificed and the robots saved!"

If I recall correctly, they use kids as the prisoner's "eyes" when flying. The chopper pilots can't actually see anything.

Prisoners + kids. Hmmmmmmmm. Thankfully, any implied buggery occurs offscreen.

All that plus Malcolm McDowell, equals a film that is absolutely terrible but compelling.

This is absolutely prime borecast material.

It was directed by Roland Emmerich!
Title: Re: Borecast Question of the Show: Best/Worst Direct-to-Video Movies you've seen?
Post by: Joe Molotov on May 20, 2009, 01:03:23 AM

The best American Kung-Fu movie ever. :rock

Warlords 3000

Half-assed Road Warrior rip-off, it's pretty much the worst thing I've ever seen, it only gets worst from the intro on.
Title: Re: Borecast Question of the Show: Best/Worst Direct-to-Video Movies you've seen?
Post by: muckhole on May 20, 2009, 11:40:39 AM
It was directed by Roland Emmerich!

Reading up on it, I also found out that one of the kids in the flick (the one who looks like he's doing a bad Jack Nicholson all the way through) went on to become an adult film star in gay porn.

Bigger, better things indeed.
Title: Re: Borecast Question of the Show: Best/Worst Direct-to-Video Movies you've see
Post by: tiesto on May 20, 2009, 12:24:03 PM

Probably "Kracker Jack'd", a blaxploitation horror film with like a $25 budget. What starts out is with a fat wigger going up looking cool to a bunch of black people, and then he drops an n bomb, ending with the black people beating him down. Then, the wigger takes revenge on a house party, by killing all the guests, in Friday the 13th fashion (but instead of the "che-che-che-ahh-ahh-ahh" sound from the Friday movies it goes "kra-kra-kra-ker-ker-ker-jack-jack-jack"), complete with ketchup-as-blood. Contains a musical interlude where a bunch of people sing about Kool Aid, and a twist at the end:

spoiler (click to show/hide)
You find out it's not really the wigger who is the murderer, but rather the Maurice-esque light-skinned black guy who everyone constantly picks on for acting "too white".

Here's the plot:
Kracker Jack’s the ghetto fairytale of five brothas who throw a house party in The Dirty south, despite previous mythology of a house-party killing spree. PLAYA (the singing ladies’ man), BLING (the rhyming DJ), SWOLE (the muscle), SPLIFF (the smoker), and CARLTON (the light-skin nerd) are shuffling flyers on campus, when Krackerjack (the wanna-be-a-brotha white boy) sweats the fellas about the party. A white boy beat down ensues as the boyz mud hole Krackerjack for the inquiry. Well day turns to night, and of course the party is jumpin’ like a fat girl on a trampoline. Everybody and their momma shows up, but this “killer” party soon turns deadly! Will anyone make it out alive? Is the party all she wrote, if the DJ takes a record to the throat?!! Can a brotha be choked, if he’s used to holding his breath from the weed smoke?!! Find out what really happens when “white bread” goes bad.

Scored a whopping 1.0/10 on IMDB too.
Title: Re: Borecast Question of the Show: Best/Worst Direct-to-Video Movies you've seen?
Post by: Eric P on May 20, 2009, 12:27:55 PM
the dimension extreme label is actually pretty good stuff sometimes too.

another great dtv film is Botched


a simple heist goes hilarious horribly wrong on every level and ends up with our "heroes" fighting their way out of a high rise building against viking hillbilly cultists

Title: Re: Borecast Question of the Show: Best/Worst Direct-to-Video Movies you've seen?
Post by: Robo on May 20, 2009, 08:19:01 PM
Wasn't Troll 2 direct-to-video?


Title: Re: Borecast Question of the Show: Best/Worst Direct-to-Video Movies you've see
Post by: WrikaWrek on May 20, 2009, 08:31:26 PM

Admittedly one of the worst movies ever, but that was in theaters for a week or so.

How the hell did that happen. And why don't i remember it.
Title: Re: Borecast Question of the Show: Best/Worst Direct-to-Video Movies you've see
Post by: billyofcourse on May 22, 2009, 02:20:44 PM
Best: Behind the Mask

Worst: Die You Zombie Bastards

Just stop nick.  You know you loved die you zombie bastards.

As for me, I watched S. Darko  on monday night.  Easily the worst movie I have ever seen.   It did however exceed my expectations.  I was expecting a shitty movie.  What I got, was a shitty movie that ended with an awesome song(heaven or las vegas by the cocteau twins), which totally came out of left field.
Title: Re: Borecast Question of the Show: Best/Worst Direct-to-Video Movies you've see
Post by: Tauntaun on May 22, 2009, 02:40:04 PM

:rofl  I saw most of that.  Best part was when the murderer cuts this one guys throat in a hot tub and when this chick comes out to get it on with him she sees he has a MASSIVE boner and gives him head which resuscitates him.  :lol
Title: Re: Borecast Question of the Show: Best/Worst Direct-to-Video Movies you've see
Post by: Mondain on May 23, 2009, 03:53:10 AM
Gay distinguished black fellows from Outer Space and Ricky 1


t tells the story of a group of intergalactic homosexual black men from the planet "Anus" who discover the presence of female creatures on planet Earth. Using guns which shoot deadly rays, they proceed to eliminate females one by one from Earth, which ensures them the ecstatic gratitude of the previously oppressed male population.[1] Before leaving the planet, they leave behind a "Gay Ambassador" to educate the Earthlings about their new way of life. Gayniggers from Outer Space begins as a black-and-white film, but later turns to color. According to Lindberg, this was a "dramatic special effect" to illustrate "the world being freed from vicious women."


Ricky 1 is a 1988 low-budget spoof film, parodying the first film in the Rocky series. The titular character, Ricky Wanero, is a male gigolo, stripper (The Italian Donkey), and fish market trainee[1] who sets out to beat the "Silver Shadow" (known throughout the film as "The Champ") in the boxing ring. His other adversaries include the Bolivian Bomber and the Mafia. It contains many sight gags, as well as slapstick comedy in the vein of Airplane!. The film never had a theatrical release, being a direct-to-video release. It's also possible that there are only a small number of VHS copies of the movie. As of September 12, 2006, the film has been re-released to DVD.

Perhaps that Baby Geniuses sequel too
Title: Re: Borecast Question of the Show: Best/Worst Direct-to-Video Movies you've seen?
Post by: ferrarimanf355 on May 23, 2009, 01:40:25 PM

That was released theatrically, I remember...