General => The Superdeep Borehole => Topic started by: Himu on July 19, 2009, 04:07:10 PM

Title: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Himu on July 19, 2009, 04:07:10 PM
I wanted to not reveal this but...

I was arrested and put in jail on Thursday. It was the first time I was ever arrested.

Basically, I was in my car driving home from work. I was on the freeway and I went to take an exit towards the airport. A ways into the lane some guy rear ends me, which shook me up, forcing me to stop.

It seemed like everything was in order, as it wasn't that big of a crash. The thing is, I was in the middle of a freeway exit and I'm not exactly willing to become a pancake, so I kept driving after the initial hit. He followed. I was looking for a safe place to stop that wasn't on the freeway, but the cops came as soon as I got into the airport.

They filed it a misdemeanor, not stopping at a crash site. Which I didn't want to do because I didn't want to stop and exchange insurance info and call the cops in the middle of a freeway exit if we were both completely mobile and healthy.

I gave the police my insurance and they said my car wasn't insured when it most undoubtedly was.

They put in jail with a misdemeanor charge and a $2600 ticket for not having an insured vehicle, which I did have insurance for.

I was in jail for 2 days and yesterday they released me. I went to court and got the ticket issue settled, case was dismissed. On the 24th I have a court date in regards to the misdemeanor. Hopefully things go smoothly.
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: demi on July 19, 2009, 04:08:30 PM
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Himu on July 19, 2009, 04:09:45 PM
100% truth.
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: demi on July 19, 2009, 04:10:31 PM
Pic or didnt happen
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Himu on July 19, 2009, 04:14:54 PM
I'll post my release papers then.
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: bachikarn on July 19, 2009, 04:19:24 PM
That sucks. In Florida it is the law to move your car after an accident if its blocking traffic.
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Crushed on July 19, 2009, 04:23:12 PM
he was actually arrested for vagrancy; no sleeping in the park
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Himu on July 19, 2009, 04:27:39 PM
How was jail life?

Boring. Pretty much slept for 48 hours.
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: muckhole on July 19, 2009, 04:29:19 PM
Were you in a cell by yourself? Or were you in with a group of guys?
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: demi on July 19, 2009, 04:30:54 PM
Did you scream and bang the bars telling them this isnt how you should treat a future member of the military
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Phoenix Dark on July 19, 2009, 04:31:16 PM
Himu traded 4 bean pies for a bj
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Crushed on July 19, 2009, 04:36:18 PM
Did you scream and bang the bars telling them this isnt how you should treat a future member of the nation of islam anti-whitey military

Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Oblivion on July 19, 2009, 04:43:19 PM
Hope you're okay, himu. I hear prison's not too kind to white folk.
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Himu on July 19, 2009, 04:53:44 PM
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: AdmiralViscen on July 19, 2009, 04:55:32 PM
Muslim + Airport, predict the ending
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Phoenix Dark on July 19, 2009, 04:56:40 PM
smh  :lol
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: The Fake Shemp on July 19, 2009, 05:01:53 PM
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: FatalT on July 19, 2009, 05:02:59 PM
Wait, what was $31.81?
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Himu on July 19, 2009, 05:08:44 PM
The cash I came in jail with. They made it back out to me as a check.
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: The Fake Shemp on July 19, 2009, 05:12:40 PM
So, wait, you got rear ended and somehow thrown in jail and having to go to court to protest a misdemeanor charge?  Where's Boogie, because my PO-PO SENSE is tingling.  This doesn't add up.
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Boogie on July 19, 2009, 05:14:26 PM
So, wait, you got rear ended and somehow thrown in jail and having to go to court to protest a misdemeanor charge?  Where's Boogie, because my PO-PO SENSE is tingling.  This doesn't add up.

Agreed.  The lack of details regarding the interaction with the officer and/or particulars of the arrest have me scratching my head.

No reason to get arrested AND HELD FOR COURT just for a failing stop charge and allegedly driving without insurance.  You're either full of shit, or holding something back, himu.

Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: FatalT on July 19, 2009, 05:17:24 PM
You guys are all forgetting that Himuro is black. That's like, a +10 on the jail scale.
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Crushed on July 19, 2009, 05:17:40 PM
they assumed his car was stolen, duh

You guys are all forgetting that Himuro is black. That's like, a +10 on the jail scale.

Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Himu on July 19, 2009, 05:18:45 PM
Were you in a cell by yourself? Or were you in with a group of guys?

4 other guys.

There was a toilet, 2 bunks. So 4 beds.

That cell was actually preferable to the other stuff I had to sleep on such as on the floor of cells that were over glorified bathrooms at the sheriff's office in downtown.

On Friday they took us to the sheriff's place to get some filing done and all that jazz at 6am. We came out at 4pm. I just slept and sat on the floor all day.

The cells at the sheriff's contained on rough average, at least 25-50 inmates in total at their largest. We moved down from people who were going to county and people like me going to a city jail all the way down to people like me who were gong to be released. So the inmate number in the sheriff's office gradually decreased as the day went by.

Most boring experience of my life. I migrated to at least 6-7 different holding cells that day, each with their own unique funky smell.

Food...on Thursday I was given one sandwich, some cookies, and orange drink. I don't know what time they gave it to me. All I know is that they gave it to me at night. When incarcerated you lose any sense of time and place. I would gauge it was at 8 or 9 they gave me that food, but when I finally managed to be able to call home and get an answer it was 1 in the morning.

Friday, I was given the same meal as above only twice.

On Saturday they gave us the following for breakfast:

- scrambled eggs
- grits
- apple
- cornbread (yes, cornbread)
- orange drink (yes it says orange *DRINK* on the label of the container, same for lemon flavor)


- Cabbage
- Spaghetti
- Carrots
- Cornbread
- Lemon Drink

Overall, the experience wasn't *so* bad, it was just mind numbingly boring. If I were to describe it I'd use three words: scary, stressful and boring. Inmates weren't so bad, and were actually nice to talk to. Lots of people had crazy stories and were fun as hell. So it wasn't too depressing, thankfully.
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: The Fake Shemp on July 19, 2009, 05:21:50 PM
Himuro already acclimating to life behind bars. :lol
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: demi on July 19, 2009, 05:22:32 PM
Wow you're such a survivor himuro. Maybe you can go on roadtrips to colleges across the country and tell your life experience
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Boogie on July 19, 2009, 05:24:27 PM
Hell, in Canada, an officer can't arrest for a summary offence (misdemeanour) unless the officer sees the offence being committed.

And for an indictable offence, you only arrest if:
-there are concerns with proving the identity of the individual
-concerns that the individual will continue or repeat the offence if not arrested
-concerns that the individual won't show up in court
- the individual must be arrested to preserve or secure evidence of the offence

Assuming the laws of the States are similar, Himu's story doesn't quite add up.
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Van Cruncheon on July 19, 2009, 05:25:22 PM
we're all skirting around the real question here: himu, did anyone use your anus for pleasure?
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Eel O'Brian on July 19, 2009, 05:26:50 PM
well, they did have carrots on saturday
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: The Fake Shemp on July 19, 2009, 05:27:45 PM
<Himuro> I may have left out that I was doing a line of coke on the steering wheel.
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on July 19, 2009, 05:29:30 PM
Himuro's real crime was DWB: Driving While Black
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: The Fake Shemp on July 19, 2009, 05:32:09 PM
Driving while black won't get you tossed in jail for two days and charged with misdemeanor.  Usually, you get racial profiled, harassed and a bullshit ticket, but none of my black relatives have been tossed in the slammer as a result.
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: cool breeze on July 19, 2009, 05:34:13 PM
did you ask the other inmates which video game world they would live in if they could live anywhere?
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: E-DuB on July 19, 2009, 05:36:37 PM
we're all skirting around the real question here: himu, did anyone use your anus for pleasure?

More importantly did you smuggle anything into jail in your anus? :o

In all seriousness though, I'm sorry you went through this ordeal. Here's hoping you get it cleared asap
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Himu on July 19, 2009, 06:11:14 PM
we're all skirting around the real question here: himu, did anyone use your anus for pleasure?

Unfortunately, they didn't give us showers so I didn't get the opportunity to experience this wonder.  :'(
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: brawndolicious on July 19, 2009, 06:28:28 PM
There's a lot of very weird things about this story.  First I thought that courts were closed on the weekends?  Also the officers didn't even try to check your insurance on their computers before arresting you?  I don't know but you need to really get a good jew.

Also what happens with the impound fee?  Do you need to wait until Friday to possibly get that canceled or should you just go to the lot now?
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Himu on July 19, 2009, 06:28:37 PM
Driving while black won't get you tossed in jail for two days and charged with misdemeanor.  Usually, you get racial profiled, harassed and a bullshit ticket, but none of my black relatives have been tossed in the slammer as a result.

That's nice, Willco. I'm merely reporting what happened. The cop who said I didn't have insurance flat out said that the DA filed it as a misdemeanor and that I was going to jail.
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Himu on July 19, 2009, 06:30:55 PM
There's a lot of very weird things about this story.  First I thought that courts were closed on the weekends?  Also the officers didn't even try to check your insurance on their computers before arresting you?  I don't know but you need to consult with a Jew.

I'm sure that's true for civilians but for inmates I guess it's different. I went to court yesterday at 11am.

They ran my proof of insurance through the computers and they said I didn't have any.

Also what happens with the impound fee?  Do you need to wait until Friday to possibly get that canceled or should you just go to the lot now?

We already got my car out.
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: The Fake Shemp on July 19, 2009, 06:45:48 PM
While I believe you about the insurance nonsense, your account of being arrested for a misdemeanor charge when you are the victim is clearly bogus.  The fact that you haven't addressed Boogie pretty much cements that.

When will you tell us what really happened?  Did you flip out on the officer?
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Himu on July 19, 2009, 07:05:36 PM
No. I haven't addressed Boogie just because.
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Himu on July 19, 2009, 07:09:50 PM
So, wait, you got rear ended and somehow thrown in jail and having to go to court to protest a misdemeanor charge?  Where's Boogie, because my PO-PO SENSE is tingling.  This doesn't add up.

Agreed.  The lack of details regarding the interaction with the officer and/or particulars of the arrest have me scratching my head.

No reason to get arrested AND HELD FOR COURT just for a failing stop charge and allegedly driving without insurance.  You're either full of shit, or holding something back, himu.

What is there to say about the officer? I gave him my proof of insurance, I walked outside the car. He had his hand on his gun. He and another car came by and they started to chat.

They had me put my hands on the car, strip searched me and asked me questions like,"Is this your car?" "Do you have anything illegal in there?" "Blah blah". Police officer comes and says that the car doesn't have insurance for it. I call him out and say that is wrong, that the car is insured.

After what seems to be an hour they get off the phone with what was supposedly the DA and the dude says I'm going to jail for a misdemeanor - not stopping and trading info after the incident and a ticket for not having insurance.
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: etiolate on July 19, 2009, 07:12:40 PM
how could they strip search you on a freeway
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Himu on July 19, 2009, 07:13:30 PM
It wasn't on the freeway. It was at the airport.
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: AdmiralViscen on July 19, 2009, 07:16:25 PM
The exposed your pucker to the cold night air? lol that's awesome
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Hollywood on July 19, 2009, 07:20:24 PM
So, wait, you got rear ended and somehow thrown in jail and having to go to court to protest a misdemeanor charge?  Where's Boogie, because my PO-PO SENSE is tingling.  This doesn't add up.

Agreed.  The lack of details regarding the interaction with the officer and/or particulars of the arrest have me scratching my head.

No reason to get arrested AND HELD FOR COURT just for a failing stop charge and allegedly driving without insurance.  You're either full of shit, or holding something back, himu.

What is there to say about the officer? I gave him my proof of insurance, I walked outside the car. He had his hand on his gun. He and another car came by and they started to chat.

They had me put my hands on the car, strip searched me and asked me questions like,"Is this your car?" "Do you have anything illegal in there?" "Blah blah". Police officer comes and says that the car doesn't have insurance for it. I call him out and say that is wrong, that the car is insured.

After what seems to be an hour they get off the phone with what was supposedly the DA and the dude says I'm going to jail for a misdemeanor - not stopping and trading info after the incident and a ticket for not having insurance.

Did you tell them that you were going to a safer area where to trade info? Did you tell the other guy in the accident to meet up off the ramp to trade info?

It seems to me like you:

a) don't have insurance
b) you knew that and you left the scene of the crash for that reason

I don't see why if you mutually told the other guy in the accident to drive to safer area to meet up and you also told the officer that, why you would be put in jail. You did that right? And was the other guy arrested?
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: AdmiralViscen on July 19, 2009, 07:32:15 PM
I don't think cops are able to check insurance status in all states, especially if they don't give a shit. I had an out of date card in my glovebox and he still gave me a ticket. I had to get a special letter from my insurance company and give it to a judge to have the ticket wiped away.
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Himu on July 19, 2009, 07:36:59 PM
:lol @ all these accusations.

Now I don't have car insurance. :lol
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Hollywood on July 19, 2009, 07:40:35 PM
:lol @ all these accusations.

Now I don't have car insurance. :lol

Hey I'm just wondering if the guy who hit you knew to follow you off the ramp in some way, and if you told the police officer you were getting off the ramp to exchange info. Did you tell them that? It seems really odd they would put you in jail if you told them you were trying to get to a safer area.
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Madrun Badrun on July 19, 2009, 07:54:37 PM
And here I thought internet posters never sided with cops!

apparently the scale of trust goes like this.  People being shot by cops > cops > himu.   
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: The Fake Shemp on July 19, 2009, 08:46:47 PM
This story doesn't add up.  Two police cruisers came, one officer with his hand on the holster, to investigate the victim of an accident?

I'm sorry, but if you got strip searched and wrongly sent to jail with these facts then the NAACP would be all up in this precinct.

Story stinks.
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Crushed on July 19, 2009, 09:15:17 PM
even on evilbore, The Establishment is down on the Black Man
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Himu on July 19, 2009, 10:38:32 PM
The cop said that I was at fault after I explained the situation. He said that there was no way you could get a dent like that if it wasn't my fault, forgetting (probably on purpose) that the vehicle that did it was a giant white van while I drive a buick le sabre.
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: etiolate on July 19, 2009, 10:45:34 PM
Cops made dickmove mistake. Story at 11!
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Bocsius on July 19, 2009, 10:45:51 PM
Oh, now I see. You were driving drunk on a suspended license and nearly killed a child.
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Van Cruncheon on July 19, 2009, 11:17:10 PM
i heard he was spraying aids and steel reserve at white women from the front window while carrying fifteen of mupepe's relatives in the trunk
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Eel O'Brian on July 19, 2009, 11:19:27 PM
open republic of gamers laptop on the passenger seat, trying to get a loli rpg to run on a ps2 emulator
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Saint Cornelius on July 19, 2009, 11:22:27 PM
And here I thought internet posters never sided with cops!

apparently the scale of trust goes like this.  People being shot by cops > cops > himu.   

Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Hollywood on July 20, 2009, 12:30:47 AM
The cop said that I was at fault after I explained the situation. He said that there was no way you could get a dent like that if it wasn't my fault, forgetting (probably on purpose) that the vehicle that did it was a giant white van while I drive a buick le sabre.

Fault or no fault, did you tell the guy you were pulling off the ramp to get to a safer area in which to trade info with the other driver?
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: BlackMage on July 20, 2009, 12:44:42 AM
this is how it went down

Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: pilonv1 on July 20, 2009, 02:44:28 AM
The cop said that I was at fault after I explained the situation. He said that there was no way you could get a dent like that if it wasn't my fault, forgetting (probably on purpose) that the vehicle that did it was a giant white van while I drive a buick le sabre.

Fault or no fault, did you tell the guy you were pulling off the ramp to get to a safer area in which to trade info with the other driver?

The fact this is being ignored is exceptionally telling.
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Himu on July 20, 2009, 03:38:24 AM
The cop said that I was at fault after I explained the situation. He said that there was no way you could get a dent like that if it wasn't my fault, forgetting (probably on purpose) that the vehicle that did it was a giant white van while I drive a buick le sabre.

Fault or no fault, did you tell the guy you were pulling off the ramp to get to a safer area in which to trade info with the other driver?

Waved to him to follow. He followed.

Either way, I should have stayed there:

Sec. 550.022. ACCIDENT INVOLVING DAMAGE TO VEHICLE. (a) Except as provided by Subsection (b), the operator of a vehicle involved in an accident resulting only in damage to a vehicle that is driven or attended by a person shall:

(1) immediately stop the vehicle at the scene of the accident or as close as possible to the scene of the accident without obstructing traffic more than is necessary;

If i recall, there weren't any safe places to park on the freeway exit heading to the airport, though; no side lanes for an occasion but it would have been preferable to stopping in the middle of a two lane exit seeing that Houston freways have 4, sometimes 5 lanes.
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Himu on July 20, 2009, 03:39:57 AM
The cop said that I was at fault after I explained the situation. He said that there was no way you could get a dent like that if it wasn't my fault, forgetting (probably on purpose) that the vehicle that did it was a giant white van while I drive a buick le sabre.

Fault or no fault, did you tell the guy you were pulling off the ramp to get to a safer area in which to trade info with the other driver?

The fact this is being ignored is exceptionally telling.

Or maybe I was playing WoW. :P
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Himu on July 20, 2009, 03:59:29 AM
Yes, I can swim. If only there were water nearby!
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: BlackMage on July 20, 2009, 04:06:19 AM
Yes, I can swim. If only there were water nearby!

whip your big cock out and piss me a lake.
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Hollywood on July 20, 2009, 05:02:38 PM
The cop said that I was at fault after I explained the situation. He said that there was no way you could get a dent like that if it wasn't my fault, forgetting (probably on purpose) that the vehicle that did it was a giant white van while I drive a buick le sabre.

Fault or no fault, did you tell the guy you were pulling off the ramp to get to a safer area in which to trade info with the other driver?

The fact this is being ignored is exceptionally telling.

Yeah exactly. Plus the fact that he's not even exactly ticked off about this "Injustice."

Seriously Himu, did you tell the cop that you were trying to get off the ramp with the guy to meet up? I still don't get why you can't answer if you told the cop that or not, or if the other guy was arrested too.  :lol
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Himu on July 20, 2009, 05:08:20 PM
When did I ever say this was injustice?

Not once in this thread have I asked for anyone's opinion on what happened. You are misconstruing my reasons for posting this topic; I don't care what you think about the arrest, or your internet detective schemes seeing that it has already happened.

I'm going to court either way. I'm more worried about how I'm going to get out of court than this "injustice".

I told you the other guy wasn't arrested and that I told the cop I signaled for the guy to follow me.
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Himu on July 20, 2009, 05:13:13 PM
And for the record, it wasn't injustice. It was well deserved. I fucked up.
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: FlameOfCallandor on July 20, 2009, 05:53:04 PM
Hey Himumu, I'm not sure if Houston laws are the same as austin, but if nobody is hurt than you are supposed to get out of the way of traffic. You might not have done anything wrong. In fact when I got hit, all that happened was the police came and told us we didnt even need to have the cops show up. Where you on the beltway? Their might be special rules for that.

Also leave your turban at home on your court date.
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Himu on July 20, 2009, 06:07:43 PM
You know how on 45 north there's an exit for Inter-continental Bush and there's a huuuuuuge ramp? There.

Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Boogie on July 20, 2009, 07:53:04 PM
And for the record, it wasn't injustice. It was well deserved. I fucked up.

Bullshit.  IF your account of events is accurate, (and again, I view that as a big "if") it was an unnecessary, possibly even illegal arrest.

The fact that you're not even pissed about it just has me feeling that you're holding something back, or distorting something.

ie.  Even when prodded, you didn't actually mention the arrest.  Your story of the scene ends when the officer tells you that you're "going to jail for a misdemeanor."

Also:  strip searched out in broad fucking daylight?  When you haven't even been arrested?

And yet, you're not pissed, and say there was no injustice?

what the fuck is wrong with you?
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: demi on July 20, 2009, 07:53:57 PM
:lol himuro is so lying. where is mupepe, he probably knows the real story.
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: etiolate on July 20, 2009, 08:02:31 PM
what the fuck is wrong with you?

Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: The Fake Shemp on July 20, 2009, 08:18:43 PM
And for the record, it wasn't injustice. It was well deserved. I fucked up.

Bullshit.  IF your account of events is accurate, (and again, I view that as a big "if") it was an unnecessary, possibly even illegal arrest.

The fact that you're not even pissed about it just has me feeling that you're holding something back, or distorting something.

ie.  Even when prodded, you didn't actually mention the arrest.  Your story of the scene ends when the officer tells you that you're "going to jail for a misdemeanor."

Also:  strip searched out in broad fucking daylight?  When you haven't even been arrested?

And yet, you're not pissed, and say there was no injustice?

what the fuck is wrong with you?


I really don't believe Himuro's story and the fact that he says he was wrong just shows us that something is seriously wrong with his version of events.
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Boogie on July 20, 2009, 08:54:07 PM
Oh, and I missed this little gem:

After what seems to be an hour they get off the phone with what was supposedly the DA and the dude says I'm going to jail for a misdemeanor -

No police officer is going to be fucking consulting with a District Attorney at the roadside scene of a collision where no one was hurt, and the only charges are a misdemeanor of failing to stop, and driving without insurance.   :rofl

Boogie:  "High, Crown Prosecutor (Canadian version of DA)?"

CP: "Yes?"

Boogie: "Yeah, I've got a situation here."

CP: "Okay"

Boogie: "Ya, you see, this black guy got rear-ended.  Nobody was hurt, but he didn't stop his car.  Instead, he pulled away a little ways to get his car to safety.  Oh ya, and he's driving without insurance.  "

CP: "..."

Boogie: "So, like, what do you think I should do?"

CP: "...Are you fucking kidding me?  Why the hell are you wasting my time with this shit?"  *click*
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: etiolate on July 20, 2009, 08:57:54 PM
They had themselves a muslim heading to an airport.
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Crushed on July 20, 2009, 09:01:51 PM
yet another cop distrusting a black man. smh
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Himu on July 20, 2009, 09:05:38 PM
I haven't lied about anything in this thread.
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: etiolate on July 20, 2009, 09:11:01 PM
The question is, what have you held back from saying?
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: The Fake Shemp on July 20, 2009, 09:11:51 PM
Anyone want to bet he had pot on him or something?
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Bocsius on July 20, 2009, 09:12:04 PM
He failed to mention his trunk full of cocaine, which perhaps not so coincidentally left a trail from the site of the crash to the airport.
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Crushed on July 20, 2009, 09:13:42 PM
Quote from: The Arresting Officer
Anyone want to bet he has pot on him or something?
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Himu on July 20, 2009, 09:14:13 PM
And for the record, it wasn't injustice. It was well deserved. I fucked up.

Bullshit.  IF your account of events is accurate, (and again, I view that as a big "if") it was an unnecessary, possibly even illegal arrest.

Don't tell me what's bullshit if something happened. In Texas if you move away from the crash site you're the one at fault. Final.

The fact that you're not even pissed about it just has me feeling that you're holding something back, or distorting something.

What is there to be pissed about? Sorry I'm not an angry stereotype addicted meathead. I was angry when I was arrested, more scared than angry however, but what reason do I have to be angry for? I'm out of jail and I have trial on Thursday. What reason do I have to be angry?

ie.  Even when prodded, you didn't actually mention the arrest.  Your story of the scene ends when the officer tells you that you're "going to jail for a misdemeanor."

What is there to say about the arrest? It was an arrest; typical procedure. Cop takes my insurance, checks it, says I don't have insurance. They contact the station, do a background check, whatever the fuck. I'm standing around for what seems to be thirty minutes and the cop tells me the lowdown; I'm charged with a misdemeanor. So he puts handcuffs on me and puts me in the car.

There's very little to argue, I had to take it all in. I'm not arguing with a cop when he tells me to put my hands on the car when he searches me.

That is what happened.

Also:  strip searched out in broad fucking daylight?  When you haven't even been arrested?

Oops, not strip search, but he searched me. He had me put my hands on the car as he felt me up.

And yet, you're not pissed, and say there was no injustice?

what the fuck is wrong with you?

I broke the law. Laws are laws for a reason.
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Beezy on July 20, 2009, 09:14:24 PM
Did you really get strip searched Himuro? That makes no fucking sense.

Edit: nvm
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Himu on July 20, 2009, 09:14:46 PM
The question is, what have you held back from saying?

I haven't held back anything.
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: BlackMage on July 20, 2009, 09:14:59 PM
Himuro is wayy to goodie two shoes to have pot. It was probably the dynamite strapped to his chest.
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: etiolate on July 20, 2009, 09:17:59 PM
Laws are just a temporal moral statute which are the end effect of personal morals that have been pushed by somebody/some group. Breaking the law doesn't mean you did something wrong. If you go about that way of thinking then your morality changes as you travel from state to state.
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Himu on July 20, 2009, 09:18:08 PM
I haven't smoked pot in months.
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: The Fake Shemp on July 20, 2009, 09:18:38 PM
You can continue to lie, but Boogie's points are valid (especially since he's actually law enforcement) and your story doesn't add up.  If you don't feel comfortable divulging the details, that's your prerogative, but don't expect us to buy this load of bull.
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: etiolate on July 20, 2009, 09:20:04 PM
And also,

Sec. 550.022. ACCIDENT INVOLVING DAMAGE TO VEHICLE. (a) Except as provided by Subsection (b), the operator of a vehicle involved in an accident resulting only in damage to a vehicle that is driven or attended by a person shall:

(1) immediately stop the vehicle at the scene of the accident or as close as possible to the scene of the accident without obstructing traffic more than is necessary;

It doesn't seem you broke the law by your own post. You claim there was no safe and non-traffic hazardous place to stop.
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Himu on July 20, 2009, 09:21:11 PM
What reason at all do I have to lie to a bunch of strangers on the internet?

Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: The Fake Shemp on July 20, 2009, 09:21:51 PM
If Himuro's story was remotely true, the NAACP would be all up in this cop's business and Al Sharpton would march to his court proceedings to let freedom ring.

So this the current story:

Himuro was rear ended - the victim of a motor vehicle accident! - he drives a little bit until he can pull over to an airport, where he's greeted by the police.  He is cited for not having insurance and then waits thirty minutes to find out he's being arrested for a misdemeanor?

I mean, does anyone buy this?
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: The Fake Shemp on July 20, 2009, 09:22:58 PM

Again, this doesn't add up if you're the victim of an accident.  And does failure to give information also mean failure to give information to the cops?
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: BlackMage on July 20, 2009, 09:23:00 PM
If Himuro's story was remotely true, the NAACP would be all up in this cop's business and Al Sharpton would march to his court proceedings to let freedom ring.

So this the current story:

Himuro was rear ended - the victim of a motor vehicle accident! - he drives a little bit until he can pull over to an airport, where he's greeted by the police.  He is cited for not having insurance and then waits thirty minutes to find out he's being arrested for a misdemeanor?

I mean, does anyone buy this?

he's black.
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Barry Egan on July 20, 2009, 09:23:32 PM
And yet, you're not pissed, and say there was no injustice?

what the fuck is wrong with you?

I broke the law. Laws are laws for a reason.

Wow, you really are religious!  "oooh, cant wait to deeply internalize all these rules and regulations, yummy yummy!  The hurt is so good!" *Sadist Deity Cackles At Your Unpleasure*  
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Himu on July 20, 2009, 09:25:48 PM
What is it like to have no one to arrest except Inuit, Boogie?


Get out the thread, faggo. Another meathead losing his cool for no reason at all. Also see: that one pet thread at gaf/
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: The Fake Shemp on July 20, 2009, 09:26:45 PM
So, you weren't the victim of the accident.
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: etiolate on July 20, 2009, 09:28:02 PM
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Himu on July 20, 2009, 09:28:27 PM

Did I ever say once in this thread that I was the victim?

Or was that the jew breathing down my neck and forcing words into my mouth that I was?

Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: The Fake Shemp on July 20, 2009, 09:28:37 PM
The truth is revealed.

Himuro damaged the other driver's car, and failed to stop and give information until he reached the airport, where the authorities got called in.

Why didn't you say that in the first place?
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: etiolate on July 20, 2009, 09:29:36 PM
This wouldn't even make sense as an anime plot
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Himu on July 20, 2009, 09:30:25 PM
The truth is revealed.

Himuro damaged the other driver's car, and failed to stop and give information until he reached the airport, where the authorities got called in.

Why didn't you say that in the first place?

No, he rear ended me.
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: etiolate on July 20, 2009, 09:30:52 PM
I have never heard of the one rear ended as the one at fault. Unless you don't have working brake lights.
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: The Fake Shemp on July 20, 2009, 09:31:05 PM
Did I ever say once in this thread that I was the victim?

I was on the freeway and I went to take an exit towards the airport. A ways into the lane some guy rear ends me, which shook me up, forcing me to stop.

A ways into the lane some guy rear ends me, which shook me up, forcing me to stop.

A ways into the lane some guy rear ends me...

some guy rear ends me...

rear ends me...

Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Himu on July 20, 2009, 09:32:02 PM
I have never heard of the one rear ended as the one at fault. Unless you don't have working brake lights.

The accident isn't the problem. The problem was that I didn't stop and exchange info at the crash site, being a freeway exit.
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Mr. Gundam on July 20, 2009, 09:33:28 PM
If Himuro's story was remotely true, the NAACP would be all up in this cop's business and Al Sharpton would march to his court proceedings to let freedom ring.

So this the current story:

Himuro was rear ended - the victim of a motor vehicle accident! - he drives a little bit until he can pull over to an airport, where he's greeted by the police.  He is cited for not having insurance and then waits thirty minutes to find out he's being arrested for a misdemeanor?

I mean, does anyone buy this?

he's black.

In Texas.
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: The Fake Shemp on July 20, 2009, 09:33:45 PM
Actually, that is the problem.  A quick look at that law shows that only applies when you are the one that caused the damage.


So when are you going to admit what etoilate stated or come clean.  Either your break lights don't work or you dinged the other guy.
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Himu on July 20, 2009, 09:34:13 PM
But, I'm hiding something Distant!
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: The Fake Shemp on July 20, 2009, 09:35:31 PM
You obviously are.  You initial statement implies you were the victim of an accident and now you're claiming otherwise.

You just need to come clean and tell everyone you dinged this other guy's car.
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Fresh Prince on July 20, 2009, 09:36:25 PM
Close this thread. zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Mr. Gundam on July 20, 2009, 09:36:53 PM
There are instances where you can be at fault if you're the one who get rear ended. It's rare, but it can happen.
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Boogie on July 20, 2009, 09:37:11 PM

Don't tell me what's bullshit if something happened. In Texas if you move away from the crash site you're the one at fault. Final.

Ya, you're the one at fault, final.  But not, "you must be arrested"

What is there to be pissed about? Sorry I'm not an angry stereotype addicted meathead. I was angry when I was arrested, more scared than angry however, but what reason do I have to be angry for? I'm out of jail and I have trial on Thursday. What reason do I have to be angry?

For being put under arrest illegally?

What is there to say about the arrest? It was an arrest; typical procedure. Cop takes my insurance, checks it, says I don't have insurance. They contact the station, do a background check, whatever the fuck. I'm standing around for what seems to be thirty minutes and the cop tells me the lowdown; I'm charged with a misdemeanor. So he puts handcuffs on me and puts me in the car.

There's very little to argue, I had to take it all in. I'm not arguing with a cop when he tells me to put my hands on the car when he searches me.

That is what happened.

Fine.  You just didn't say that when asked.

It's just me, but I would think that the particulars of an arrest would be something I would be more likely to articulate when telling the story then what kind of breakfast they served in cells. :P

Oops, not strip search, but he searched me. He had me put my hands on the car as he felt me up.

Gee, big difference there, dontcha think?

I broke the law. Laws are laws for a reason.


The police are guided by laws too, you know?  Ones that guide our powers and authorities to arrest people?

What is it like to have no one to arrest except Inuit, Boogie?


Get out the thread, faggo. Another meathead losing his cool for no reason at all. Also see: that one pet thread at gaf/

Why are you posting tiny, out-of-context snippets of these court/police documents?  These tell us nothing that is in dispute.  I'm not necessarily doubting that you were charged with a misdemeanor, nor even that you were arrested.
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: demi on July 20, 2009, 09:37:58 PM
You could say Himuro rolled right... inuit
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: etiolate on July 20, 2009, 09:38:07 PM
Did you cut the guy off and got rear ended?
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: The Fake Shemp on July 20, 2009, 09:38:18 PM
There are instances where you can be at fault if you're the one who get rear ended. It's rare, but it can happen.

Nobody is disputing that but Himuro, who isn't telling the whole story of the accident.  It now sounds like he fucked up and was not the victim of the accident and mistakenly drove away to the airport.

Which makes much more sense then what was initially said.
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Himu on July 20, 2009, 09:39:23 PM
Uh, Willco, the initial accident was always a small part of the equation. That is the part that has no bearing to this case. The accident is the catalyst. It is in no way the reason I am going to court. The statement that he rear ended me is only a fact, not an opinion. It's not construing any entitlement - victim or otherwise. But it did happen.

Like most fancy liberals, turning a mole hill into a mountain.
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: The Fake Shemp on July 20, 2009, 09:39:40 PM
Also, can "I'm driving to the airport!" be the new "I'm going to the park!"?
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: demi on July 20, 2009, 09:40:07 PM
you libruls *fist shake*
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Himu on July 20, 2009, 09:40:30 PM
Fuck it. I'm done.
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: The Fake Shemp on July 20, 2009, 09:41:17 PM
Uh, Willco, the initial accident was always a small part of the equation.

No, it's not.  Victims of accidents don't get arrested in those situations.  You initially implied in your statement that you were a victim, which is why nobody bought your story.

If you had said, "The guy rear ended me, but it was my fault!" it would make actual fucking sense.

If this is your logic, I can see why you were tossed in jail.

Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Boogie on July 20, 2009, 09:41:54 PM
Himu, how far did you drive from the location of the collision to wherever it was you came to a stop?
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Crushed on July 20, 2009, 09:42:34 PM
willco has gone fucking crazy
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: demi on July 20, 2009, 09:42:45 PM
himuro... were there any hot dudes in jail. i wouldnt mind being violated in a prison cell, screaming for a guard only to be met with silence and my dried tears as my rapist wipes himself on me.
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: etiolate on July 20, 2009, 09:44:15 PM
the Law, as far as it has been said here, that you must stop at the site of the incident to exchange info unless you are the victim or unless it blocks traffic


-Himu stated he moved to the airport because there was nowhere else to stop
-Himu says he was rear ended, which would lead to think that 99% of the time he was the victim, but he says he was not the victim but gives no explanation as to why other than the cops claiming he was not the victim

So there is two likely possible explanations of it not being a misdemeanor. And one highly unlikely explanation as to it being a misdemeanor.
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: The Fake Shemp on July 20, 2009, 09:44:35 PM
No, just don't try and sell me a bogus story that implies you were sent to jail on a crazy miscommunication when it's not really the case.

It's like, he's incapable of recognizing that the reason he was arrested for failure to stop and give information is because he damaged the other driver's car.
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: The Fake Shemp on July 20, 2009, 09:46:32 PM
the Law, as far as it has been said here, that you must stop at the site of the incident to exchange info unless you are the victim or unless it blocks traffic


-Himu stated he moved to the airport because there was nowhere else to stop
-Himu says he was rear ended, which would lead to think that 99% of the time he was the victim, but he says he was not the victim but gives no explanation as to why other than the cops claiming he was not the victim

So there is two likely possible explanations of it not being a misdemeanor. And one highly unlikely explanation as to it being a misdemeanor.

Not only that, if I just rear ended someone and they drove away - I'm thinking I won the lottery.  The last thing I'd do is get the cops involved.  Are you kidding?  Himuro's lack of judgment just saved me on my insurance premiums.
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Boogie on July 20, 2009, 09:54:22 PM
the Law, as far as it has been said here, that you must stop at the site of the incident to exchange info unless you are the victim or unless it blocks traffic


-Himu stated he moved to the airport because there was nowhere else to stop
-Himu says he was rear ended, which would lead to think that 99% of the time he was the victim, but he says he was not the victim but gives no explanation as to why other than the cops claiming he was not the victim

So there is two likely possible explanations of it not being a misdemeanor. And one highly unlikely explanation as to it being a misdemeanor.

Not only that, if I just rear ended someone and they drove away - I'm thinking I won the lottery.  The last thing I'd do is get the cops involved.  Are you kidding?  Himuro's lack of judgment just saved me on my insurance premiums.

 :lol There's that too.
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: BlackMage on July 20, 2009, 09:57:29 PM
you guys are being fegs. im outtie this biznitch
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: etiolate on July 20, 2009, 09:58:50 PM
I just assume that Himu is being honest, yet disingenuous and not forthcoming. To what purpose there is none.
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: CurseoftheGods on July 20, 2009, 10:30:09 PM

willco has gone fucking crazy


you guys are being distinguished effete fellows. im outtie this biznitch

Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: AdmiralViscen on July 20, 2009, 10:43:41 PM
I think it's most likely that Himuro is downplaying exactly how long this 'exit ramp' was. If it was a roadway from a highway to an airport it could be like 2 miles long. That's probably what turned him into the bad guy, rear ended or not. Being black clinches it.

I got rear ended once and I just drove off and went home because I was driving a piece of shit and didn't want to deal with it. Dunno if that was legal in NY but I felt dirty doing it, even though I was the 'victim'

And yea, Willco is going three or four steps past where he has to, and trying to draw out too much from too little information.
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Boogie on July 20, 2009, 10:48:51 PM

And yea, Willco is going three or four steps past where he has to, and trying to draw out too much from too little information.

Agreed.  Relax, Will, calm down!
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Powerslave on July 20, 2009, 10:51:47 PM

Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: lordmaji on July 20, 2009, 10:59:13 PM
that's fucked man.


Reminds me of this second verse on this. :lol
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Fresh Prince on July 20, 2009, 11:04:49 PM
Yeah the, 'himu is black-lol', 'himu is muslim-lol' got tired on page 2.
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: lordmaji on July 20, 2009, 11:18:36 PM
Yeah the, 'himu is black-lol', 'himu is muslim-lol' got tired on page 2.

bully :(
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Fresh Prince on July 20, 2009, 11:25:28 PM
You're cool though atleast you posted a video
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Flannel Boy on July 21, 2009, 12:27:35 AM
Hell, in Canada, an officer can't arrest for a summary offence (misdemeanour) unless the officer sees the offence being committed.

Has himuro stated whether the police saw the accident and followed him to the airport? In Texas, the police can arrest people caught committing minor misdemeanors, such as violating seat belt laws (upheld by the US Supreme Court in Atwater v. City of Lago Vista). Even if they didn't catch the accident, they allegedly caught him driving without insurance, which is also a misdemeanor. Based on Texas statute and US case law, Himuro's story seems believable.

note: Atwater was a white, middle-class woman and the failure to wear a seat-belt is only punishable by a $50 fine.
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Barry Egan on July 21, 2009, 01:22:32 AM
Yeah the, 'himu is black-lol', 'himu is muslim-lol' got tired on page 2.

my joke was more about himu being emotionally stunted then anything, though.
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Hollywood on July 21, 2009, 02:42:11 AM

This is one of the funniest threads I've seen on here. I guess Himu is done with it. Dude, I don't see how you can't see why people think you're holding something back You basically said you went to jail for this:

- Had an accident, where you were rear ended, which sounds like it wasn't your fault. I don't even know how its possible to be rear ended and it be your fault, unless like Wilco said, you just didn't have break lights or something

- You didn't stop, but apparently waived the guy over to a safer area off the ramp, where either the cops happened to be, or were called. And you told the cops you left to get to a safer area

You get arrested and in jail, which also doesn't make complete sense to be held over a weekend. They didn't even let you post bail? And also, you're completely calm about it and admit fault??

It makes no SENSE.  :lol Can't you see this? The way you explained it, you got rear ended, which means it was the other guys fault unless you were doing something really stupid driving you didn't mention. You didn't stop in the middle of the off ramp because it was too dangerous, and wasn't a big crash anyway. You waved for the other guy to get to a safer area, which I'm guessing was close by. You explain that to the cops but get arrested anyway.

I'm sorry, if someone rammed into me with their car and I was in danger of getting hit again on the expressway and moved my car, and I got arrested for it and in jail for TWO days I would be completely pissed. Unless there was something I know I did wrong and deserved it, which is what you act like, without explaining what part you fucked up on.

Someone should file an open records request and get the police report, LOL.
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Hollywood on July 21, 2009, 02:52:26 AM
To get a Houston police report:

Please be aware a criminal offense report and associated items such as videos, photos, etc are not considered public information and will not be released unless the case was closed by conviction (someone was arrested, convicted and received jail/prison time and/or deferred adjudication and/or a fine). The only portion that will be released in most cases is the public information page and suspect information if a suspect(s) was arrested and charged. The public information contains a brief summary of the crime, the complainant's name, address, date, time and location of the incident and can be obtained via:

    * Email –
    * Fax - 713 308-3260
    * In person - Records Division, 1st floor, 1200 Travis
    * US mail - Records Division, 1200 Travis, Houston, TX 77002

Provide as much information as possible so the report can be located, such as the:

    * name(s), DOB, TDL and/or SSN of the parties involved
    * date/location of the incident
    * type of incident
    * include the incident number if available

If you just want the public information page, you can go to the HPD Administration Bldg, 1200 Travis, 1st floor, Monday through Friday, 7am - 6pm, and request a copy of the public information page or you can submit an Open Records request via the above email address.

If the case was not closed by conviction and you submit an Open Records request for the whole report, your request will be forwarded to the Texas Attorney General's Office for a ruling which can take up 60 business days.

Someone please e-mail them and get the info on it,  :lol
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: drew on July 21, 2009, 02:57:42 AM

spoiler (click to show/hide)

edit: you editing son of a beach
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Flannel Boy on July 21, 2009, 03:50:14 AM

This is one of the funniest threads I've seen on here. I guess Himu is done with it. Dude, I don't see how you can't see why people think you're holding something back You basically said you went to jail for this:

- Had an accident, where you were rear ended, which sounds like it wasn't your fault. I don't even know how its possible to be rear ended and it be your fault, unless like Wilco said, you just didn't have break lights or something

- You didn't stop, but apparently waived the guy over to a safer area off the ramp, where either the cops happened to be, or were called. And you told the cops you left to get to a safer area

You get arrested and in jail, which also doesn't make complete sense to be held over a weekend. They didn't even let you post bail? And also, you're completely calm about it and admit fault??

It makes no SENSE.  :lol Can't you see this? The way you explained it, you got rear ended, which means it was the other guys fault unless you were doing something really stupid driving you didn't mention. You didn't stop in the middle of the off ramp because it was too dangerous, and wasn't a big crash anyway. You waved for the other guy to get to a safer area, which I'm guessing was close by. You explain that to the cops but get arrested anyway.

I'm sorry, if someone rammed into me with their car and I was in danger of getting hit again on the expressway and moved my car, and I got arrested for it and in jail for TWO days I would be completely pissed. Unless there was something I know I did wrong and deserved it, which is what you act like, without explaining what part you fucked up on.

Someone should file an open records request and get the police report, LOL.

1. He was held for two days. In Texas, he can be held for up to 48 hours before seeing a magistrate and released.
2. It's not important that he didn't cause the accident. Both parties involved in an accident are legally required to stop in a safe place. Himuro said he "was looking for a safe place to stop that wasn't on the freeway." If there was a shoulder lane anywhere on the freeway between where the accident took place and the airport, he probably should have pulled over. If there wasn't a safe place, he can use that as a defense during his court date.
3. He should be angry that he was arrested and jailed for two days. But Texas police officers seem to have a lot of discretion (see my earlier post). So if he's angry at anyone, it should be at Texas and at the US Supreme Court.

edit: typo was changed wasn't
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: demi on July 21, 2009, 12:06:59 PM
To get a Houston police report:

Please be aware a criminal offense report and associated items such as videos, photos, etc are not considered public information and will not be released unless the case was closed by conviction (someone was arrested, convicted and received jail/prison time and/or deferred adjudication and/or a fine). The only portion that will be released in most cases is the public information page and suspect information if a suspect(s) was arrested and charged. The public information contains a brief summary of the crime, the complainant's name, address, date, time and location of the incident and can be obtained via:

    * Email –
    * Fax - 713 308-3260
    * In person - Records Division, 1st floor, 1200 Travis
    * US mail - Records Division, 1200 Travis, Houston, TX 77002

Provide as much information as possible so the report can be located, such as the:

    * name(s), DOB, TDL and/or SSN of the parties involved
    * date/location of the incident
    * type of incident
    * include the incident number if available

If you just want the public information page, you can go to the HPD Administration Bldg, 1200 Travis, 1st floor, Monday through Friday, 7am - 6pm, and request a copy of the public information page or you can submit an Open Records request via the above email address.

If the case was not closed by conviction and you submit an Open Records request for the whole report, your request will be forwarded to the Texas Attorney General's Office for a ruling which can take up 60 business days.

Someone please e-mail them and get the info on it,  :lol

distinguished mentally-challenged fellow. Do it yourself, or are you scared?
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Himu on July 23, 2009, 12:17:27 PM
I'm really getting scared about going to court tomorrow. I just know they're going to convict me and my life will be over. I'm fucked.

The only thing keeping me sane right now is an escape to a virtual world created by a bunch of dudes in California; how pathetic.

This is the worst thing that has happened to me in my life.
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: tehjaybo on July 23, 2009, 12:19:15 PM
Don't worry about it so much.  It'll probably be cool.

...but if it's not.  You don't need your possessions while you're in the big house, do you?  Can you ship those to me?  If you need them, I can just mail you cartons of cigarettes.
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Himu on July 23, 2009, 12:21:02 PM
Chances of me going to jail are slim.

However, getting a fine in this case is just as bad going to jail: you're still getting a misdemeanor.
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: tehjaybo on July 23, 2009, 12:23:26 PM
So are you mailing me stuff or not, because I don't wanna wait by the mailbox all day if you aren't.

But really, don't worry man.  The worst thing you can do is worry and get nervous. 
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Himu on July 23, 2009, 12:24:10 PM
I'm such a klutz. For some reason this whole week I was thinking the 24th was Thursday. Thankfully my lawyer corrected me yesterday. I guess when they gave me the charge and court date in jail I counted wrong.

Either way, tomorrow is the day.

I just wanted to say I appreciate all the help and encouragement you guys have given me and that if anything happens even if we've never met, I love you guys.
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Junpei the Tracer! on July 23, 2009, 12:30:48 PM
Good luck himu.
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Madrun Badrun on July 23, 2009, 01:10:32 PM
You'll do fine and if not you can always play the race card!
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Great Rumbler on July 23, 2009, 01:16:48 PM
You'll do fine and if not you can always play the race card!

It's worked out pretty well so far for the black professor that got arrested a few days ago.
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Hollywood on July 23, 2009, 11:21:25 PM
To get a Houston police report:

Please be aware a criminal offense report and associated items such as videos, photos, etc are not considered public information and will not be released unless the case was closed by conviction (someone was arrested, convicted and received jail/prison time and/or deferred adjudication and/or a fine). The only portion that will be released in most cases is the public information page and suspect information if a suspect(s) was arrested and charged. The public information contains a brief summary of the crime, the complainant's name, address, date, time and location of the incident and can be obtained via:

    * Email –
    * Fax - 713 308-3260
    * In person - Records Division, 1st floor, 1200 Travis
    * US mail - Records Division, 1200 Travis, Houston, TX 77002

Provide as much information as possible so the report can be located, such as the:

    * name(s), DOB, TDL and/or SSN of the parties involved
    * date/location of the incident
    * type of incident
    * include the incident number if available

If you just want the public information page, you can go to the HPD Administration Bldg, 1200 Travis, 1st floor, Monday through Friday, 7am - 6pm, and request a copy of the public information page or you can submit an Open Records request via the above email address.

If the case was not closed by conviction and you submit an Open Records request for the whole report, your request will be forwarded to the Texas Attorney General's Office for a ruling which can take up 60 business days.

Someone please e-mail them and get the info on it,  :lol

distinguished mentally-challenged fellow. Do it yourself, or are you scared?

You get an achievement for it. So I'm not enough of a f@g to do it.
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Himu on July 24, 2009, 01:57:41 PM
Just came back from court. They set my trial to another date: August 13.

My attorney says that if we have insurance settle or help pay for the damage of the other vehicle we could probably lower the charge from Misdemeanor Class B to Class C, which would be far more preferable but not ideal.

He's trying to come up with a negotiation with the prospector so I can get out of this without something on my record and my case expunged.

I'm so damn split. On one hand, I'm disappointed we didn't just get over with today, because now I've gotta worry about this for 3 more weeks. On the other, I'm glad it was rescheduled because this gives us more time to prepare my case.

At least there wasn't any bad news today and I'm glad, because my girlfriend is flying in from New Jersey today and we're going to Dallas for the weekend. That will be something good to get my mind off of this crap.
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Himu on July 24, 2009, 01:59:05 PM
Yeah the, 'himu is black-lol', 'himu is muslim-lol' got tired on page 2.

my joke was more about himu being emotionally stunted then anything, though.

In what way am I emotionally stunted because I feel that laws exist for a reason and sometimes it's not my place to argue them, especially at times when it was I that broke them?

I won't make an excuse for anything. I have smoked weed and I dl music and anime. I've done my share of law breaking, but fuck. Get a clue.
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: FatalT on July 24, 2009, 02:10:59 PM
Get on irc more often Himu.
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: GilloD on July 24, 2009, 05:54:30 PM
I still don't buy it. There's no way you get nailed on a misdemeanor for this. I shot an e-mail to the addy above, we'll see how it turns out. Maybe I'm wrong, but it seems completely strange.
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Mr. Gundam on July 24, 2009, 06:00:19 PM
Just came back from court. They set my trial to another date: August 13.

My attorney says that if we have insurance settle or help pay for the damage of the other vehicle we could probably lower the charge from Misdemeanor Class B to Class C, which would be far more preferable but not ideal.

Why should you pay for the damage of the other vehicle? I thought you got rear ended?
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Great Rumbler on July 24, 2009, 06:06:30 PM
Just came back from court. They set my trial to another date: August 13.

My attorney says that if we have insurance settle or help pay for the damage of the other vehicle we could probably lower the charge from Misdemeanor Class B to Class C, which would be far more preferable but not ideal.

Why should you pay for the damage of the other vehicle? I thought you got rear ended?

That's the part of this whole thing that I can't wrap my brain around.
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Flannel Boy on July 24, 2009, 06:39:02 PM
Just came back from court. They set my trial to another date: August 13.

My attorney says that if we have insurance settle or help pay for the damage of the other vehicle we could probably lower the charge from Misdemeanor Class B to Class C, which would be far more preferable but not ideal.

Why should you pay for the damage of the other vehicle? I thought you got rear ended?

That's the part of this whole thing that I can't wrap my brain around.

A driver can cause a crash even though he was the one rear-ended. He can slam his brakes, change lanes quickly or without signaling, or fail to turn on the car's lights at night. (I'm not saying Himuro caused the crash; he's given few details about the actual accident.)
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Himu on July 24, 2009, 07:18:25 PM
Prospector? wtf, I don't remember writing that.

Went to HPD after leaving the courthouse and got a police report for the incident. I read it when we got to Dallas and apparently the guy got three tickets on the matter. Holy shit?! 
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Himu on July 24, 2009, 07:20:28 PM
Just came back from court. They set my trial to another date: August 13.

My attorney says that if we have insurance settle or help pay for the damage of the other vehicle we could probably lower the charge from Misdemeanor Class B to Class C, which would be far more preferable but not ideal.

Why should you pay for the damage of the other vehicle? I thought you got rear ended?

Well seeing that his vehicle was damaged as well, and I'm not exactly in the position to argue, settling would be a good step.

Just came back from court. They set my trial to another date: August 13.

My attorney says that if we have insurance settle or help pay for the damage of the other vehicle we could probably lower the charge from Misdemeanor Class B to Class C, which would be far more preferable but not ideal.

Why should you pay for the damage of the other vehicle? I thought you got rear ended?

That's the part of this whole thing that I can't wrap my brain around.

A driver can cause a crash even though he was the one rear-ended. He can slam his brakes, change lanes quickly or without signaling, or fail to turn on the car's lights at night. (I'm not saying Himuro caused the crash; he's given few details about the actual accident.)

I was heading for the exit, checked my blind spots, didn't see the guy. Headed for the exit, right when I get in the lane, dude beeps and he hits me on rear passenger side/tail.
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Van Cruncheon on July 24, 2009, 07:22:52 PM

i agree: there's something you aren't telling us here. you could at LEAST speculate why ANYONE might think this accident is your fault.

my suspicion: dead kid in the trunk. normally a class a felony, but since the kid was a mexican, they dropped it to a class b misdemeanor.
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Himu on July 24, 2009, 07:25:43 PM
They are charging me with a class b misdemeanor because I failed to stop after the initial accident and exchange information. It appeared that i was fleeing the scene.
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Van Cruncheon on July 24, 2009, 07:28:54 PM
seems that unless you drove a rather long way from the scene -- which it sounds like you DIDN'T do since you were just looking for an unobstructive turnoff -- they would throw it out. i know cops freak out on behalf of insurance companies when the accident scene gets moved around since it makes declaring fault very difficult, but come ON.
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Himu on July 24, 2009, 07:29:32 PM
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Van Cruncheon on July 24, 2009, 07:31:17 PM
you WERE hit, and you didn't run far. on the other hand, BLACK MAN + TEXAS JUSTICE
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Great Rumbler on July 24, 2009, 07:45:38 PM

Well, there's a difference between "Oh god, I can't have this on my record!! *slams on the gas and speed away*" and "I don't want to get killed on the freeway so I will calmly drive until I find a safe place to stop.".
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Flannel Boy on July 24, 2009, 07:47:31 PM

A driver can cause a crash even though he was the one rear-ended. He can slam his brakes, change lanes quickly or without signaling, or fail to turn on the car's lights at night. (I'm not saying Himuro caused the crash; he's given few details about the actual accident.)

I was heading for the exit, checked my blind spots, didn't see the guy. Headed for the exit, right when I get in the lane, dude beeps and he hits me on rear passenger side/tail.

I was heading for the exit, checked my blind spots, didn't see the guy. Headed for the exit, right when I get in the lane, dude beeps and he hits me on rear passenger side/tail.

So you accidentally caused the collision.

How far did you drive? Was there a shoulder lane?
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Himu on July 24, 2009, 08:17:05 PM

So you accidentally caused the collision.

I agree.

How far did you drive? Was there a shoulder lane?

Distance? I'd guage 3-5 miles before he flashed his lights towards a police cruiser. The exit ramp is really long too. I signaled the guy to follow me after the incident and I drop at a speed slower than traffic so he could continue donig so.

However, given the distance, I can understand why the officer would construe the offense as a hit and run. I fucked up badly. I'll admit I probably missed a few places I could have stopped at on the way, but at that point I was panicking and didn't know what to do.

And no, there was not a shoulder lane in the exit. It's a one lane exit ramp with no shoulders.

I was unable to talk to the guy after the police intervened because they seemed semi-threatening and I was scared shitless; the authorities also told me not to move from that spot. I really only got a glimpse of his vehicle, himself, and the damage done. However, looking through the police report reveals he had his 14 year old son behind the drivers seat. They're claiming a possible injury, which I find to be bullshit because on the same report they claim they were both buckled up AND the kid wasn't even in within the same radius of the collision, which was closer to the front left side bumper and driver's door than it was to any passenger seats.

The trouble with this is that the website I linked above cites this,"If the injury is not serious, it is a felony punishable by up to one year in a county jail or up to five years in a state prison and/or a fine of up to $5,000".
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: AdmiralViscen on July 24, 2009, 08:24:35 PM
If your lawyer is recommending that you pay off the other driver then you definitely were at fault somehow, I guess Willco is partially vindicated. I don't really see how paying off his damage has anything to do with your criminal case though.

lol @ prospector

...scrolling down, I see that it wasn't a rear end at all. There you go. So you veered into this poor sap and then drove how many miles away from him before stopping?

edit: lmfao, 3-5 miles. I called it.
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Flannel Boy on July 24, 2009, 08:31:18 PM

You kept driving for upwards of five miles? and you didn't stop until he flashed a cruiser? Injured minor?

I know you didn't intend to run, bit it doesn't look good. I hope your lawyer can work out a deal for you.
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Himu on July 24, 2009, 08:32:37 PM
Paying off the damage could help decrease the class of the crime probably. Over 200 dollar damages is a class b misdemeanor, under 200 is class c. the goal is to lower the class from b to c.
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Boogie on July 24, 2009, 08:33:02 PM

Distance? I'd guage 3-5 miles

Holy shit, dude.  

However, given the distance, I can understand why the officer would construe the offense as a hit and run.

No, the officer didn't "construe" it as a hit and run.  At 3-5 miles, it WAS a hit and run.

Please explain how it was necessary to drive 3-5 miles just to get to safety from freeway traffic.  I know everything is bigger in Texas, but a 5 mile exit ramp?  Really?
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: archie4208 on July 24, 2009, 08:33:37 PM
I hope things work out for the best, but 3-5 miles is a pretty long distance dude. :/  I was assuming it was a few hundred feet.
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Boogie on July 24, 2009, 08:35:14 PM
 I was assuming it was a few hundred feet.

I wasn't assuming anything considering how hard it has been to pull the real story out of him.
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Mr. Gundam on July 24, 2009, 08:42:01 PM
So you cut the guy off, caused an accident, and then fled the scene for three to five miles?

Yeah, you're at fault. Still surprised you got jailed for 2 days, but you're at fault.
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: The Fake Shemp on July 24, 2009, 08:54:51 PM
As the Himuro Turns

spoiler (click to show/hide)
... Into Oncoming Traffic
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Barry Egan on July 24, 2009, 09:47:56 PM
Why did you drive that fucking far man?? What were you thinking?


"what final fantasy local would I most want to be arrested in?"
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Hollywood on July 24, 2009, 10:32:28 PM
You said 3-5 miles ... so saying you went 30 mph as an estimate, maybe faster .. thats 0.5 miles per minute.

So that means you drove up to 10 MINUTES without stopping? are you serious dude?  :lol I'll give a conservative estimate of say 6 or 7 minutes without stopping based on you going faster and not as long based on that. But thats still a fucking eternity in a car, especially after an accident.  :lol

After about 30 seconds after an accident, my spidey sense would be going off to find a way to stop somewhere remotely reasonable. Damn, do you not have common sense here?

Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: AdmiralViscen on July 24, 2009, 11:39:39 PM
He definitely fucked it up, but isn't he pretty young? He got nervous and fucked it up. He shoulda just said so in the OP though.
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on July 24, 2009, 11:44:37 PM
Real talk; the first collision I got into, I drove off.  My friends were much smarter than I and convinced me to turn around.  That was a light bumper tap in a parking lot.  The woman that I bumped into attempted to take me to the cleaners, quoting $1200 repair costs.  The insurance companies agreed to $180.
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: etiolate on July 26, 2009, 04:53:17 PM
himu is busy poorly explaining his story to the judge
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Don Flamenco on July 26, 2009, 06:41:31 PM
Why did you drive that fucking far man?? What were you thinking?


Alerted NPCs usually forget about chasing you about a minute or two after you leave the screen.
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Barry Egan on July 26, 2009, 06:45:43 PM
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Madrun Badrun on July 26, 2009, 06:48:20 PM
Why did you drive that fucking far man?? What were you thinking?


Alerted NPCs usually forget about chasing you about a minute or two after you leave the screen.

 :lol :lol :lol :lol
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Phoenix Dark on July 26, 2009, 08:32:26 PM
Why did you drive that fucking far man?? What were you thinking?


Alerted NPCs usually forget about chasing you about a minute or two after you leave the screen.
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Fresh Prince on July 26, 2009, 08:45:27 PM
Why did you drive that fucking far man?? What were you thinking?


Alerted NPCs usually forget about chasing you about a minute or two after you leave the screen.
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Tauntaun on July 28, 2009, 10:57:57 AM
Why did you drive that fucking far man?? What were you thinking?


Alerted NPCs usually forget about chasing you about a minute or two after you leave the screen.

oh man  :rofl
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: Arbys Roast Beef Sandwich on July 28, 2009, 02:09:16 PM
"what final fantasy local would I most want to be arrested in?"
Alerted NPCs usually forget about chasing you about a minute or two after you leave the screen.

:bow :rofl :bow2
Title: Re: I was put in jail for 2 days
Post by: ManaByte on July 28, 2009, 03:34:58 PM