General => Video Game Bored => Topic started by: Joe Molotov on June 22, 2023, 09:53:11 AM

Post by: Joe Molotov on June 22, 2023, 09:53:11 AM
Post by: Bebpo on June 22, 2023, 11:27:04 AM
Played an hour last night. Been in full media blackout so didn't know a thing about it.

I have no issue with FF games not being turn-based, that's fine.
But, I do want my FF to be more Japanese videogame-y. This is way too western looking for me. All the characters look wrpg bland and the environments dull and muted colors. Can't say I'm interested in the characters or world so far.

Feels like taking FF15's look and going even further into western territory. Even the Japanese VA is bad and feels like a half-asses dub.

Hopefully it feels more FF as it goes along. Just getting that PS3/X360 era feeling initially of Japanese devs chasing western styles, which they don't do very well.

If not, eh, at least 14 still exists and is super Japanese.
Post by: Svejk on June 22, 2023, 05:21:47 PM
Played an hour last night. Been in full media blackout so didn't know a thing about it.

I have no issue with FF games not being turn-based, that's fine.
But, I do want my FF to be more Japanese videogame-y. This is way too western looking for me. All the characters look wrpg bland and the environments dull and muted colors. Can't say I'm interested in the characters or world so far.

Feels like taking FF15's look and going even further into western territory. Even the Japanese VA is bad and feels like a half-asses dub.

Hopefully it feels more FF as it goes along. Just getting that PS3/X360 era feeling initially of Japanese devs chasing western styles, which they don't do very well.

If not, eh, at least 14 still exists and is super Japanese.
The devs even suggested to first play through with English dub, then play the Japanese afterwards.  :yeshrug
Post by: Bebpo on June 22, 2023, 05:55:38 PM
Yeah, it's cool to Japanese players because they mostly don't understand English and it just sounds like movie English acting like watching a medieval europe movie with subs.

I haven't listened to the dub yet, may check it out for a bit. I generally can't stand English VA in Japanese games unless it's purposefully goofy/terrible like Devil May Cry/Resident Evil. If it's a good dub maybe I'll go English VA. Otherwise I'll just listen to the bad JP dub.

Even MGS which Kojima is focused on making it like a western movie at least has a very, very good JP VA track in all of them because I think Kojima is such a perfectionist even if he prefers the English dub he can't have anything less than an A+ JP VA track (and also he's buddies with some of the JP voice actors like Akio Ohtsuka who does Snake).

FF16's a bit weird too in that this is the FF14 team and FF14 has a pretty good JP VA track. But it's also way more anime. Still, you can do a western medieval style with a good Japan VA. FFXII has more of that style and still has a good JP VA track.
Post by: Himu on June 22, 2023, 07:29:14 PM
Played an hour last night. Been in full media blackout so didn't know a thing about it.

I have no issue with FF games not being turn-based, that's fine.
But, I do want my FF to be more Japanese videogame-y. This is way too western looking for me. All the characters look wrpg bland and the environments dull and muted colors. Can't say I'm interested in the characters or world so far.

Feels like taking FF15's look and going even further into western territory. Even the Japanese VA is bad and feels like a half-asses dub.

Hopefully it feels more FF as it goes along. Just getting that PS3/X360 era feeling initially of Japanese devs chasing western styles, which they don't do very well.

If not, eh, at least 14 still exists and is super Japanese.

This is why I'm not getting it. It doesn't even look like Final Fantasy. I noted on the initial reveal trailers how utterly boring it looked. Where's the FF pizazz? The character designs looked like they were made in Europe. Then there's the action combat. If I wanted a full on action with FF, I would play Devil May Cry (which seems to be what they're going for) instead. Besides names like Ifrit and stuff like it doesn't even resemble FF.

The fact that 14, an MMO, is the only other option is lol and pretty much shows the franchise, depending on what you want, isn't worth investing in anymore unless you're a die-hard.

That said, people seem to really like it so I'm happy they're enjoying it. This will be the first mainline FF since I became a fan with FFVII that I probably won't end up purchasing. In fact, I think it's the first mainline FF I haven't bought on day one since FFVIII. The critics love it and audience loves it so it seems this will be the direction for the franchise going forward. We had a good run but sometimes it's best to say good bye to old friends. Maybe in time they'll draw me back with a Final Fantasy Tactics 2. Who knows! But the current direction excites me not a nill.

I'm surprised you went complete media blackout. I own no loyalty to any franchise, so they have to earn all of my purchases. Final Fantasy as a franchise does not deserve blind loyalty after twenty years of fuck ups so I'm shocked you would do a black out. lol, why?
Post by: Bebpo on June 22, 2023, 07:54:48 PM
FF is great. I’m a fanboy so I’ve got no major complaints with the franchise.

15 was fun, Stranger in Paradise was sick as hell, Theatrythm’s fantastic, FF7r is the best, FF14 expansions have been amazing.

But I go into everything blind these days because why bother watching shit for games you know you’re going to play anyhow. I like game announcements so I know they exist and mark them down as getting someday, but after that I just kind of ignore all games until I play them anymore.
Post by: Bebpo on June 22, 2023, 07:56:53 PM
I’ll probably like/love this one.

Just a bit put off by the westaboo. I always feel like westaboo games are a waste of dev years. Dragon’s Dogma looks more Japanese than FF16 so far.
Post by: Himu on June 22, 2023, 07:58:42 PM
Ah. I'm not a fanboy anymore. I'm glad you get to still enjoy FF like that. I'm very jealous!
Post by: Bebpo on June 22, 2023, 09:20:06 PM
Yeah, and I forgot about the very great Pixel Remasters of 1-6. Series has been on a roll last 3-4 years.

Also I think FF15 gets a bad rap. I had a lot of fun with it, the music was great, characters were good, cities/towns were cool. Had a very great European x Japanese halfway between aesthetic vibe. Really FF15's one big flaw is that the story is unfinished and feels like it's missing the last 1/3rd of a game (which is instead in a novel).

But you know what other FF felt unfinished and missing the last 1/3rd of the game? FF12. And people don't hate on FF12 the way they hate on FF15 (tbf FF12 has a better battle system and better cities though).

FF15 is flawed but was very much worth playing. FF14's been great after it's initial hiccup. FF13 is really the only fuck up for the FF series in the last 20 years imo. It's just a boring game with a boring cast and the only thing it has going for it is the incredible art direction and graphics at the time and some good music.  Worst game in the whole franchise imo. 13-2's cool though.
Post by: Coax on June 23, 2023, 12:01:00 AM
I haven't listened to the dub yet, may check it out for a bit. I generally can't stand English VA in Japanese games unless it's purposefully goofy/terrible like Devil May Cry/Resident Evil. If it's a good dub maybe I'll go English VA.

From the gameplay I've watched it's very good and without the type of Saturday morning cartoon English VA affected schtick one often hears in Japanese-to-English anime/game dubs (probably helped by the fact they're all British VAs).
Post by: Himu on June 23, 2023, 12:04:49 AM
Is it FFXII quality?
Post by: Coax on June 23, 2023, 12:42:22 AM
Is it FFXII quality?

The dub? Looking up gameplay I could charitably say FFXII sounds like what I'd expect a mid-00s English dub would sound like :doge
Post by: Bebpo on June 23, 2023, 12:59:46 AM
I haven't listened to the dub yet, may check it out for a bit. I generally can't stand English VA in Japanese games unless it's purposefully goofy/terrible like Devil May Cry/Resident Evil. If it's a good dub maybe I'll go English VA.

From the gameplay I've watched it's very good and without the type of Saturday morning cartoon English VA affected schtick one often hears in Japanese-to-English anime/game dubs (probably helped by the fact they're all British VAs).

Yeah, this is what generally turns me off of English VA in jrpgs. Will check out the English track tonight.
Post by: Himu on June 23, 2023, 01:04:37 AM
Is it FFXII quality?

The dub? Looking up gameplay I could charitably say FFXII sounds like what I'd expect a mid-00s English dub would sound like :doge

I mean, that's the era of MGS and Cowboy Bebop so...

If anything, dub quality has gone down since the 2000's.
Post by: Bebpo on June 23, 2023, 01:09:07 AM
I'm at least glad that multiple FF aesthetics currently exist in the AAA front. You have styles like FF16 realistic western,

styles like FF14 cartoony




And styles like FF7r realistic anime




At least SE isn't betting the farm on just one style and you get some variety.
Post by: recursivelyenumerable on June 23, 2023, 02:03:40 AM
FFXVI apparently recorded its voice tracks in English first, did all its motion capture with European actors, and the lead English translator worked closely with the Japanese lead writer from the beginning of the writing process and basically co-wrote the script, so it's not even exactly a Japanese-to-English dub really?
Post by: Himu on June 23, 2023, 07:50:01 AM
I'm at least glad that multiple FF aesthetics currently exist in the AAA front. You have styles like FF16 realistic western,

styles like FF14 cartoony




And styles like FF7r realistic anime




At least SE isn't betting the farm on just one style and you get some variety.

I think it shows that SE has no actual idea what it wants for the franchise. No one vision. No one plan.
Post by: Svejk on June 23, 2023, 09:25:22 AM
I'm at least glad that multiple FF aesthetics currently exist in the AAA front. You have styles like FF16 realistic western,

styles like FF14 cartoony




And styles like FF7r realistic anime




At least SE isn't betting the farm on just one style and you get some variety.

I think it shows that SE has no actual idea what it wants for the franchise. No one vision. No one plan.
It never is for FF. Look at the differences just between FF6 -> 7 -> 8 -> 9 -> 10.  They're changing the art direction all the time.  I see no problem with this, other than a certain installment not jiving with some people. 

For example, I think the FF9 style is vomit inducing, but allot of people love it.  Still, good on them for trying a different approach yet again.  FFXVI is no different.
Post by: Svejk on June 23, 2023, 09:30:50 AM
I’ll probably like/love this one.

Just a bit put off by the westaboo. I always feel like westaboo games are a waste of dev years. Dragon’s Dogma looks more Japanese than FF16 so far.
Interesting. I would have to disagree. I see way more anime influence in this over DD.. just by Clive and Jill alone from what I've seen; their face builds and hair.  So far, all the characters look like they're all from the same KILLING CHAOS boat style realistic anime, and DD edges closer to trying to emulate a western/European style.
Post by: Himu on June 23, 2023, 09:48:37 AM
I'm at least glad that multiple FF aesthetics currently exist in the AAA front. You have styles like FF16 realistic western,

styles like FF14 cartoony




And styles like FF7r realistic anime




At least SE isn't betting the farm on just one style and you get some variety.

I think it shows that SE has no actual idea what it wants for the franchise. No one vision. No one plan.
It never is for FF. Look at the differences just between FF6 -> 7 -> 8 -> 9 -> 10.  They're changing the art direction all the time.  I see no problem with this, other than a certain installment not jiving with some people. 

For example, I think the FF9 style is vomit inducing, but allot of people love it.  Still, good on them for trying a different approach yet again.  FFXVI is no different.

VIII, X, XII, XIII all have a pretty consistent style. IX is the main anomaly.

1-VI are also consistent as well. VII was a transition game but once VIII rolled around it was realistic-esque anime designs.
Post by: HardcoreRetro on June 23, 2023, 10:14:26 AM
Still feels really anime to me so far. It's basically like the anime Vinland Saga crossed with the action spectacle of old God of War games.

It's hilarious that I have to play the newest installment in the FF series to get what I actually wanted from the new God of War games. I think the setpieces I played so far were basically the demo section and it's some of the coolest shit I've seen in gaming in years.
Post by: Svejk on June 23, 2023, 10:39:39 AM
Asura's Wrath and OG GOW looking at FFXVI like..

Post by: thetylerrob on June 23, 2023, 11:53:30 AM
The Dub doesn't sound like a dub and they didn't really dub this dub either. W

Also, the aesthetic of FF has only been inconsistent since the PS1 because they went for Tetsuya Nomura's high-fashion style for half of those games. Culminating in FFXIII, where the characters actually became fashion billboards and they forgot to give them human qualities.
Post by: Fortus on June 23, 2023, 12:47:26 PM
Combat reminds me of my Insect Glaive wielding hunter from Mon Hunter World. Odd for a Final Fantasy but pretty satisfying when I'm in the groove
Post by: Bebpo on June 23, 2023, 01:37:04 PM
Yeah, tried the english track last night and it's pretty good. Will probably play my first jrpg in English VO lol

I will say that just comparing the english script to the JP script they're definitely a bit different. I generally play games in the language of the developers/writers to get the original intent, so it's a shame the JP track is pretty mid and the lip sync is so off it's very off-putting.

English script seems fine, might even be better. It's just depends on whether wanting to read the original lines by the writer or not. Localization is definitely doing its job to make it more modern acceptable though, like one of the first lines in the game is basically the gist of (going from my memory, not looking at the scenes now)

(JPN script)
Person A: The Mission is to go after Shiva's dominant
Person B: What's a woman doing on a battlefield, LOL

(English script)
Person A: The Mission is to go after Shiva's dominant
Person B: Just her?

But yeah basically went through the intro in both versions to compare them and it's interesting to see the localization approach. Another one I remember was in the sword training the captain guy tells Clive something like:

(JPN script)
Captain Guy: You want to try again? A Knight [Shield in US script] shouldn't have to be the one that's protected.

(English script)
Captian Guy: You want to try again? Otherwise there's always jobs in the stables.

English script is probably better in both examples, but yeah, just interesting seeing the differences. If I had the time I'd play it twice in each language to check out both.
Post by: Bebpo on June 23, 2023, 01:48:14 PM
Anyhow, I'm just super nerdy about localization. But that's what happens when you get a degree in Japanese supplemented by practicing on jrpgs the whole time.
Post by: Rahxephon91 on June 23, 2023, 02:08:40 PM
Game sucks.
Post by: Rahxephon91 on June 23, 2023, 02:09:13 PM
I'm at least glad that multiple FF aesthetics currently exist in the AAA front. You have styles like FF16 realistic western,

styles like FF14 cartoony




And styles like FF7r realistic anime




At least SE isn't betting the farm on just one style and you get some variety.

I think it shows that SE has no actual idea what it wants for the franchise. No one vision. No one plan.
I mean they think thats the point of FF..
Post by: Himu on June 23, 2023, 05:02:44 PM
I'm at least glad that multiple FF aesthetics currently exist in the AAA front. You have styles like FF16 realistic western,

styles like FF14 cartoony




And styles like FF7r realistic anime




At least SE isn't betting the farm on just one style and you get some variety.

I think it shows that SE has no actual idea what it wants for the franchise. No one vision. No one plan.
I mean they think thats the point of FF..

Y'all? Can we lay this argument on a chopping block and chop its head off?

Because it's completely ahistorical.

Final Fantasy as a franchise from 1 to X always had a consistent and coherent vision. 1-5 were all directed by Sakaguchi, with Uematsu doing music, and Amano as character designer. From VI to X, the director changed from Kitase, and character designer to Nomura starting with VII, but the Kitase era has a completely different vision than the Sakaguchi era. IX was an aberration but still fit the new Kitase vision. The vision changed but it was still its own vision. Now FF changes directors every single new game, with a new composer every new game, with a new character designer every new game. Ever since XII (or arguably XI) they've treated FF as a brand rather than a franchise with a cohesive vision.

In its 30 year history, the constant changing of visions is actually fairly new. A big problem with FF now is that each new FF is made by a different team with different goals. This was not always the case and in its classic era (FFIV - X) , there was definitely a unified vision for the franchise. To say "different visions = Final fantasy" is flat out bullshit and I don't understand when this rhetoric took off.
Post by: Rahxephon91 on June 23, 2023, 05:30:39 PM
I mean you can complain all you want Himu, but the actual creative people behind this series disagree with you.

They have all said a FF can be anything. Kitase recently said it can be a FPS. The Forbes article mentions Kitase telling Yoshida to stop asking him what a FF has to be.

And even in your examples, FF4 is quite different than 1-3. 5 is different than 4, and then 6 throws out what 5 did with its systems.

But I also don't know what you're arguing about. Because you were talking about the visuals. The 3d FF's all look different than each other and no doubt had 1-6 been 3d games made after the PS1 they would as well.

Now I will agree with you that people do overplay the "series is always changing card", as there is a clear dna running through 1-13, but I mean the people behind the series think each installment should be different.
Post by: Svejk on June 23, 2023, 06:16:04 PM
The obvious reason for 'changing up visions' now, is that it takes 6-8 fucking years to make a FF when compared to 1-2 back then.
Post by: Let's Cyber on June 23, 2023, 06:17:10 PM
Game is gud but hurts my hands after 2-3 hours of playtime. DMC5 did the same thing, unfortunately. I think I'm just getting old.  :-\

The soundtrack is stellar.
Post by: Bebpo on June 23, 2023, 06:37:20 PM
The obvious reason for 'changing up visions' now, is that it takes 6-8 fucking years to make a FF when compared to 1-2 back then.

I would guess the bulk of the team gets burnt out after one and wants a break.

Also SE wants to hedge their bets. If one team keeps making them and the public doesn’t like that team’s vision, the brand is fucked. By switching it up they can try different styles and staff and try to get a huge hit and then maybe stick with that again.
Post by: Bebpo on June 23, 2023, 06:39:24 PM
That said it’ll be interesting to see what’s next for Kitase team after FF7r is done. Wouldn’t be surprised if they do another remake project and stick to those since it’s less risk.

I’d take an FF8r three game remake.
Post by: Rahxephon91 on June 23, 2023, 06:47:56 PM
I want Kitase's team to at least make one more new FF.
Post by: Joe Molotov on June 23, 2023, 07:29:23 PM
Lmao, people are really like "omg this game is too western it's just Game of Thrones"? Are you seeing this shit where people are doing anime grunts to charge up their power levels and then randomly there will just be a kaiju battle? This game is anime as fuck. :rejoice
Post by: Beezy on June 23, 2023, 08:55:57 PM
Game sucks.
I thought you were skipping it?
Post by: Svejk on June 24, 2023, 03:41:02 AM
This shit's fucking good.  It's ticking more boxes than expected.
This is a FF.
Post by: Bebpo on June 24, 2023, 04:01:50 AM
Played a bunch of this.

Game is great. English audio is very, very good. Could almost think this is a real western game if it wasn't for the weirdly non-emotive facial animations and odd general animations everywhere. It's like this AAA God of War Ragnorak Sony thing but with that AA budget, but it works.

Only negatives so far are:
-The level design feels like it's FFXIII all over again where you just are walking down a corridor. The lack of any environmental interaction at all and the inability to go explore around and jump over a branch that's a foot high is a real bummer.
-Way too much cutscene watching vs game playing, hopefully that's just the first 4-5 hours and then it gets better balanced
-Grunt fighting is boring and mashy. I wish the game had a hard mode.

Positives are:
-Mini-bosses and boss fights are fucking GOOD, really enjoyable combat for them, though again needs a hard mode because the tells so far are way too easy to just dodge and counter
-Music is fantastic
-The FF throwbacks are pretty great and well done. The Dragoon fight was badass as fuck. The FF boss battle music arrangement, etc... all great stuff.
-Story is solid so far
-Graphics are pretty nice outside character models which are a bit last-gen

So far the game seems unfortunately a huge course correction reaction to FFXV's gameplay-focused open world/light story design because some people complained about it. Which I think is a shame because FFXIII's design was BAD and FFXV's design was a good "first" open-world FF and had a lot of potential.

I was hoping FFXVI's design would be more like FFXII since it's a lot of the same staff. Was hoping for big wide MMO-like zones and big MMO-like cities. But so far it's basically just...FFX/FFXIII corridor design again. I feel like there is a midway between FFXV's sandbox world and corridors with lengthy cutscenes that FF could be hitting for the sweet spot but it doesn't seem like that's this one. FFXIV is a bit closer to that with exploring the MMO zones at least.

But yeah, this game really cements to me that as a long time jrpg player who loves turn-based combat, that I don't really care what the combat is in an rpg anymore. It can be a turn-based menu system or it can be an action game like this and they're both essentially the same to me. As long as there is some degree of depth to an rpg battle system to help carry it, that's good enough. RPGs are mostly about the story/questing and hitting things in combat in-between. Doesn't really matter how you hit things as long as the hitting is fun and not brainless (arpgs that are mindless are the worst because you just mash a single button).
Post by: Pissy F Benny on June 24, 2023, 08:11:06 AM
My only quibbles after 5 or so hours are the kinda shitty face models and it's game of thrones influences being a bit too on the nose (you literally are Jon Snow and
spoiler (click to show/hide)
totally not Ned stark has his head cut off :comeon

Shits fucking rad.
Post by: Svejk on June 24, 2023, 01:37:33 PM
The VA along with the facial expressions are top tier.  This is practically ND levels of human emotions coming through, with a realistic anime layer slathered over it.  Haven't felt this enthralled in a videogame story in a long time.  I love this game already. 

Combat is fantastic. Haters can hate, this shit is quality fun.  And stunning to see play out.  The production levels are through the roof and polished AF... What you'd expect from a FF of old.  This is my GOTY so far.  Way more fun than Zchmelda, by a long shot.

Guess we're reaching that point where current gen consoles are starting to plateau in performance.. which is fine, but it was sure nice the past 2.5 years of playing practically everything at 60fps.  That being said, I'm playing this in Graphics mode.  It just looks too good and crisp and beautiful not to.  The lighting and texture work is tits.  And transitions from cutscenes to fighting with zero hiccups is really stable.  Longest loading took like 3 seconds so far. 

SE has done it again somehow... The story, emotions, spectacles, drama, intense action, Easter eggs, the fucking beautiful ass music... This is the FF that I only dreamed of back in the 90's.  Straight up having a great time with this.
Post by: Pissy F Benny on June 24, 2023, 03:10:14 PM
I'm getting GOAT tier feels so far ive not had since witcher 3 :thinking 
Post by: Fortus on June 24, 2023, 04:51:08 PM
Typhon fight
Post by: Let's Cyber on June 24, 2023, 06:38:10 PM
I feel bad for the first big budget western fantasy RPG to follow this up...

The devs at BioWare working on Dreadwolf must be playing this and falling into despair  :stahp
Post by: Let's Cyber on June 24, 2023, 06:42:19 PM
And so many modern AAA games drop the ball on their soundtrack that this is a breath of fresh air.

Probably the best OST since Nier: Automata  :lawd
Post by: Rahxephon91 on June 24, 2023, 06:51:39 PM
Dragon Age will probably be an actual rpg with an actual decent game world. Why would they be worried about a poor FF title?

Hell, at this point I belive any developer could make a better rpg than Yoshi P’s team.
Post by: Svejk on June 24, 2023, 08:42:30 PM
Well, Dragon's Dogma 2 will spackle astronomical heights above this or any feeble attempt of a western dev for a fantasy RPG forever more, so...

Post by: bork on June 25, 2023, 01:51:22 PM
Game sucks.
I thought you were skipping it?

After all that pre-release hating, he still bought the Collector's Edition.

Post by: Rahxephon91 on June 25, 2023, 04:14:04 PM
Game sucks.
I thought you were skipping it?

After all that pre-release hating, he still bought the Collector's Edition.

Yeah, I see now it would have been healthier for me to actually not do that.
Post by: HardcoreRetro on June 25, 2023, 04:32:34 PM
At least Bioware has track record of releasing banger rpgs the last few years.

Post by: Bebpo on June 25, 2023, 05:01:15 PM
I will say I never want another walk and talk and fight and cutscene game again. Especially not an FF.
FF13 is my least favorite in the series because it’s so boring gameplay-wise. People say FF10 is like that too but I haven’t played it in 20 years so I don’t remember how it’s executed there.
So far this is running a close second and a big step down from FF15 in gameplay for me. When they don’t even give you a mini-map because the whole area is just a corridor…

Story is solid, graphics outside frame rate are great, music excellent but it’s a total snore to play outside boss fights early on.

Would have rather Yoshi-P just made an offline MMO with nice graphics and a good story.
Post by: HardcoreRetro on June 25, 2023, 05:33:25 PM
The only thing I'm thinking so far is. Give these guys a crack at a Malazan book of the Fallen game. They'd nail something like Moon's Spawn or the way mages operate in that universe.
Post by: Bebpo on June 25, 2023, 05:49:15 PM
I also feel like boss fights are kind of boring because of the boss HPs and not having enough of an offensive arsenal to do anything interesting.

I'm still really early on, just finished the forest area and got to uh Stillglade I think it's called? But on boss fights/mini-bosses all I can do is just dodge and mash slash until my cooldowns finish and then pop them and then it's another 60 seconds of just dodging and slash slash slash slash slash. Ranged magic seems pointless so far and weaker than slashes and even the hold down slash for a flamed slash seems like less DPS than just doing 2-3 slashes in the same time frame. So there's basically no point in doing anything other than slash slash slash.

Learning the boss patterns and dodging them is fun for a bit each fight, but they usually don't have a lot of attacks and once you figure them out and counter a few times and stagger them down and pop your cooldowns you've seen everything there is to the fight and then it's just doing it another 2-3x times until the HP is gone.

I'm really hoping that as I get more abilities the combat gets more varied on the offensive side.
Post by: Fortus on June 25, 2023, 06:44:04 PM
I also feel like boss fights are kind of boring because of the boss HPs and not having enough of an offensive arsenal to do anything interesting.

I'm still really early on, just finished the forest area and got to uh Stillglade I think it's called? But on boss fights/mini-bosses all I can do is just dodge and mash slash until my cooldowns finish and then pop them and then it's another 60 seconds of just dodging and slash slash slash slash slash. Ranged magic seems pointless so far and weaker than slashes and even the hold down slash for a flamed slash seems like less DPS than just doing 2-3 slashes in the same time frame. So there's basically no point in doing anything other than slash slash slash.

Learning the boss patterns and dodging them is fun for a bit each fight, but they usually don't have a lot of attacks and once you figure them out and counter a few times and stagger them down and pop your cooldowns you've seen everything there is to the fight and then it's just doing it another 2-3x times until the HP is gone.

I'm really hoping that as I get more abilities the combat gets more varied on the offensive side.

There's definately some pacing issues with this game. Have you gotten any other aspects yet aside from Ifrit? Your moveset expands as you progress through the story and bosses/mini-bosses will be a bit more varied. I'm with you on the enviroments, there's a lot of XIII here like it or not. My advice; grit your teeth and get to the Typhon fight. If after that you're still disillusioned set it aside and come back after a break
Post by: remy on June 25, 2023, 07:15:50 PM
Game definitely needs the earlier encounters to be harder.

I also wouldn't mind maybe one more basic combo on the ground and on the air. Although once I figured out the magic burst thing and the dog I kinda like the tap tap, tap tap, tap tap, rhythm of playing it. Maybe I'm a freak but once I figured out I could do my dmc nero special of launch -> slash slash slash -> jump cancel -> slash slash slash -> jump cancel -> slash slash slash downsmash I was having fun.

Boss designs so far have been awesome imo. I love the varied patterns and shades of FFXIV don't stand in the glowing spot mechanics being layered on top of a typical action game boss, then interspersed with asuras wrath/platinum games cinematic madness

Ranged magic seems pointless so far and weaker than slashes and even the hold down slash for a flamed slash seems like less DPS than just doing 2-3 slashes in the same time frame. So there's basically no point in doing anything other than slash slash slash.
I believe the charged smash is used for guard breaking resilient enemies and charged magic are most often used on downed enemies to get a launcher.

I have no idea what the standard magic shot is for, but both the charged attacks do a lot more damage than the regular hits. I think you are meant to weave them and use them to cancel recovery on laggy hits like dmc.

With the charged magic, if you're sweaty, you can do stuff like slash slash slash (hold magic) slash finisher (release charge magic) to get a combo that ends in a launch, which you can then follow by phoenix shifting. they showed this in a couple of the trailers.

I'm not super sure about burning blade usage but I tend to either use it as a parry or charge it during long skill animations like the downthrust and release at the end.
Post by: Beezy on June 25, 2023, 09:22:50 PM
Played the intro which is what I'm assuming was the demo section. This is really FF Thrones. :lol
Post by: Svejk on June 25, 2023, 11:09:05 PM
I never played XIII, but the linearity starting off has been completely fine by me.  With such a story and presentation, you want it to keep moving to see where it's going.  I'm gonna assume that the areas and side quests will grow in their complexity some as the game progresses.  Definitely not expecting a labyrinth type final dungeon, but with this bombastic combat, I'd rather it just bring the hoards and bigger baddies.  But yeah, the bosses so far have been a bit too easy, but I imagine that will ramp up later as well.  Still cool as shit though.

That title/map screen music.  :preach
Post by: remy on June 26, 2023, 01:30:38 AM
bioware  :lol
Post by: Bebpo on June 26, 2023, 09:33:51 PM
So this game is legit pretty bad. They really fucked up a mainline FF...again

It's crazy how the side games keep getting it right like FF7 Remake, World of FF, Stranger of Paradise. They find a good design that balances gameplay and story and they run with it. Yet, the mainline FF games just keep fucking up hard. All I can think is that the mainline games have too many cooks in the kitchen problem of every producer/creative at SE wanting it to go one way or another, whereas the side games they're more hands off.

Like for FF16:

Ditch the turn-based combat into all action? Ok, that's fine.
Ditch the world exploration, dungeons, rpg systems for action stages? Ok, that's fine
Make spectacular QTE fights like Asura's Wrath? Ok, sure.

But like instead of just copying Devil May Cry/Asura's Wrath and making a pure Platinum stage-based action game with cutscenes between, it feels like they're still trying to be like 20% a jrpg and that just pulls it in different directions.

Like if this was just a DMC/Bayonetta-clone, you'd have a style meter, you'd have different rewards at the end of each battle based on your performance. You'd replay stages in arcade mode to get rewards for getting higher scores. All of this would motivate mixing up the combat and replaying the stages. But for whatever reason they fuck it up? There's a style meter, but it's only in arcade mode, and it doesn't reward anything for the main campaign.

If it was a DMC/Bayonetta clone, the combat should flow better, easier to launch, easier to move around, less weighty, especially for the enemies. It should be more fun, less mashy.

The combat feels like it's trying to be Dragon's Dogma and be more an arpg combat, while also trying to be a stage based action game, while also trying to be an FFXIII walk and talk cutscene story. It just doesn't really work. They should have focused on ripping off a single genre and executed that really well with a good story/music/gfx. Either make a pure action game, or make a dragon's dogma kind of game, or make an rpg. Idk, but they need to pick one.

The game just feels really unsatisfying to play. Might as well just watch all the cutscenes as an interactive movie. FFXIII was like this too.

I really never expected that out of the FF13/15/16 trio of modern AAA FF mainlines, that FF15, as a bastardized unfinished game made in 18 months by a PSP team, would turn out of the best of the three by far. When I was playing FF15 and driving around and riding chocobos and doing FFXII style hunts and eating foods and hanging with the bros and discovering mysteries in the desert I was having way more fun than I am walking down another corridor with grumpy Clive to another fight with the same group of enemies over and over. Also as much as FF16 has a great score, so did FF15 with Shimomura putting in the work.

I'll stick with FF16 for the story/music/gfx and see it through. But considering FF14 and Heavensward were very good, this is an incredibly disappointing game from this staff. Especially the staff being like Matsuno's proteges. Vagrant Story, TO/FFT, FFXII were pretty technical gameplay games that had interesting mechanics along with their stories. The game aspect of FF16 is kind of pathetic coming from this team. I had no idea that Yoshi-P who made zone and gameplay-based FF14's deep desire was to make interactive movies.

Feels like about a 7/10 so far. No idea how FF16 reviewed so well. Maybe the story will be worth it in the end. But I just can't see this being anything beyond the 2nd worst mainline FF of all time (with FF13 being the worst).

Strangers of Paradise hilariously is a much better FF than this. Should've just called that one FF16 and tightened up the visuals and called it a day. At least that one had good gameplay and the story was decent as well.

This and Zelda were the two big 2023 games for me. Zelda was amazing and better than I expected by far. While this is worse :( I guess 1 for 2 is better than both games being a disappointment. Yeah I'm also interested in Spider-Man 2, but it's Insomniac, so I'm sure it'll just be more of the same from the last two ones, which is fine but nothing interesting or special.

I guess next game that has a chance to wow me will be FF7r Rebirth. As long as they don't tinker with the combat/stage flow that much for the worse, it should be good. What I would have given to have a new original story FF game in the style of FF7r :\
Post by: Bebpo on June 27, 2023, 01:34:07 AM
Ok, got to Eastpool. A little more ok with the game now that there are actual zones where you can explore around and kill monsters and get loot and do crappy sidequests. Game still needs way more optional content to do. Like towns are so non-interactive outside a merchant or two. At least AC which isn't particularly interactive has mini-games like playing cards or something in the tavern. Give me some mini-games and some fishing or something.

Also didn't realize that jumping hold [] is a launcher until I was upgrading abilities and saw the demo video do it. Enjoying the combat more now that I can easily air juggle stuff.

Still not great, or even as good as a modern Star Ocean level of rpg, but passable I guess.
Post by: HardcoreRetro on June 27, 2023, 04:30:25 AM
Honestly, if the game is that button mashy for you it sounds like you either got those "game journalist" items equipped. Or you are barely using the full extent of your abilities.
Post by: Fortus on June 27, 2023, 10:51:03 AM
Honestly, if the game is that button mashy for you it sounds like you either got those "game journalist" items equipped. Or you are barely using the full extent of your abilities.

To be fair, early on when you only have Ifrit there's not much alternative. Not that there's a great need in combat for anything except timely dodges and "button-mashing" for the majority of mobs even without the 'crutch' medallions. This goes back to my complaint about pacing. In XII one of the first things you do is go on a Hunt. In XVI Hunts don't unlock until you're pretty far along in the story. There's an annoying 'drip drip drip' of features that even when unlocked don't start out fully fleshed. It's why I recommended Bepbo grin and bear it 'til the Typhon fight and then decide.
Post by: Rahxephon91 on June 27, 2023, 12:50:48 PM
Honestly, the Typhoon fight is where it started to click.
Post by: Bebpo on June 27, 2023, 02:34:35 PM
Honestly, if the game is that button mashy for you it sounds like you either got those "game journalist" items equipped. Or you are barely using the full extent of your abilities.

By mashy I mean the enemies just sit there and it's brainless.

I phoenix dash in, do a hold [] jump launcher, slash x 3 double jump slash x 3 double jump, slash x 3, []+[x crash down to triangle (usually enemy is dead by now), holding [] or triangle while doing the last part and then do a burning slash or magic shot at the next enemy and either phoenix dash to them or jump at them and garuda grab and air juggle, etc...also weaving in Torgal attacks between attacks.

technically that's not mashing because I'm doing technical things, but compared to DMC or Bayo it feels brainless to me because the enemies just sit there.

Even the larger enemies, I'm basically doing the same combos and stuff only with keeping an eye on them and R1 evading at the last second whenever they do their moves (btw the evade timings in this are weird and a lot earlier than most games). I don't even understand the parry mechanic. It says just slash them right when the attack is about to hit you but I do that and just eat it, meanwhile I've activated parry on a pheonix dash at the initial dash part which isn't an attack wat. So I just evade and counter and don't mess with the parry at this point.

On larger enemies I also pop all my R2 cooldowns when I can because normal combos take forever to stagger them. Unfortunately this usually means when they do stagger it's while 3/4ths of my R2 attacks are in cooldown which isn't great for damage but oh well. Also mashing on a staggered enemies sitting there doing combos is boring. Feels like no matter if I do some fancy combo or just mash slash slash slash until cooldowns pop it does the same damage when they're staggered.

Also at this point in the game the enemies don't even seem to have attributes in terms of weaknesses/strengths. Like the combat would have a bit more variety/edge to it if these enemies were weak to fire and these enemies were weak to wind, and these enemies were weak to physical and these enemies were strong against physical and weak against magic. That would cause me to use a different approach on each enemy set which at least would add variety. But so far there is nothing to differentiate the enemies that just stand there.

Plus if you pop your cooldowns on grunts you can basically just one-shot them and end the battle in 5 seconds. And your cooldowns are recharged by the next grunt battle.

If I was making the game, here's what the game could use to make it 10x better in combat (maybe some of this will unlock as the game progresses):

-Style meter with XP/Gold/Ability points/drop reward chance increasing based on your style rank at the end of each battle

-Enemies with actual fucking stats and a Libra-type ability to check them, strengths and weaknesses, maybe even go the extra mile and have different body parts take more damage like Monster Hunter. I guess the Adamantoise enemy sorta does this since only the head takes real damage and the rest of the shell bounces off weapons, but I'd like to see this on every enemy and shown in a libra-like breakdown.

-I'd also like to see MonHun style drops based on breaking horns or claws before you kill the enemy.

-A better goddamn camera. This camera really sucks when big enemies can come swinging in from off-screen and do huge damage. I would not want to do Smough and Ornstein in this game.

-A hard mode available from the start. And don't do a bullshit hard mode where you just pad HPs because the big enemies/bosses have enough HP already. Keep the HP the same, but bump the aggressiveness of every enemy in the game so that you can't just wail on mannequins but actually have to keep moving and dodging and weaving in attacks between. From small grunts to bosses. Right now boss fights feel like an MMO where every 10 seconds there is a boss attack that you dodge and between that you just wail on them with whatever combo you want over and over. Really should be more of a dance of moving and dodging and attacking constantly.
Post by: Bebpo on June 27, 2023, 02:37:29 PM
Also outside of battle, I would add fishing. FF games really lack the fishing mini-game.

Except FF15. It got a whole VR game dedicated to it! Maybe that's another reason why I enjoy the gameplay of 15.
Post by: Fortus on June 28, 2023, 01:37:50 PM
Also outside of battle, I would add fishing. FF games really lack the fishing mini-game.

Except FF15. It got a whole VR game dedicated to it! Maybe that's another reason why I enjoy the gameplay of 15.

Hey now, XII had fishing too! Ok, it was more of a rhythmn game but dammit they called it fishing and you were on a riverbank and...and...

Back on topic. Some of the design choices are pretty disappointing. Yiazmat fight in XII was long as hell but entirely optional. Forcing me to endure some multi-phasic battle which doesn't particularly challenge my dexterity or wits in order to continue the game is just tedious. I have five aspects now and I'm dreading my next showdown with a Dominant :/
Post by: Himu on June 29, 2023, 11:54:22 AM
I will say I never want another walk and talk and fight and cutscene game again. Especially not an FF.
FF13 is my least favorite in the series because it’s so boring gameplay-wise. People say FF10 is like that too but I haven’t played it in 20 years so I don’t remember how it’s executed there.
So far this is running a close second and a big step down from FF15 in gameplay for me. When they don’t even give you a mini-map because the whole area is just a corridor…

Story is solid, graphics outside frame rate are great, music excellent but it’s a total snore to play outside boss fights early on.

Would have rather Yoshi-P just made an offline MMO with nice graphics and a good story.

FFXIII is just a straight trek outside of Gran Pulse. It hinges itself on battle system but that's all it has going for it: battles. No dungeon design, just holding up, and cutscenes.

FFX is far better. For one, the story is better. Two, there's actual interactivity. FFXIII doesn't even have the luxury of having NPCs or towns to explore. There's no start -> stop -> start, hot -> cold -> hot, town -> dungeon -> town RPG loop in XIII in the way that even FFX has despite its linearity. The result is just a boring game with a good battle system, nice graphics, and a cringe and poorly executed story.

This is without mentioning that FFX, especially FFX International, has actual choices within its game design, particularly in the sphere grid and ability system. FFXIII restricts each character to a specific grid until 20 hours in.

Anyone that compared FFX with XIII is delusional.
Post by: Himu on June 29, 2023, 12:02:41 PM
So this game is legit pretty bad. They really fucked up a mainline FF...again

It's crazy how the side games keep getting it right like FF7 Remake, World of FF, Stranger of Paradise. They find a good design that balances gameplay and story and they run with it. Yet, the mainline FF games just keep fucking up hard. All I can think is that the mainline games have too many cooks in the kitchen problem of every producer/creative at SE wanting it to go one way or another, whereas the side games they're more hands off.

Like for FF16:

Ditch the turn-based combat into all action? Ok, that's fine.
Ditch the world exploration, dungeons, rpg systems for action stages? Ok, that's fine
Make spectacular QTE fights like Asura's Wrath? Ok, sure.

But like instead of just copying Devil May Cry/Asura's Wrath and making a pure Platinum stage-based action game with cutscenes between, it feels like they're still trying to be like 20% a jrpg and that just pulls it in different directions.

Like if this was just a DMC/Bayonetta-clone, you'd have a style meter, you'd have different rewards at the end of each battle based on your performance. You'd replay stages in arcade mode to get rewards for getting higher scores. All of this would motivate mixing up the combat and replaying the stages. But for whatever reason they fuck it up? There's a style meter, but it's only in arcade mode, and it doesn't reward anything for the main campaign.

If it was a DMC/Bayonetta clone, the combat should flow better, easier to launch, easier to move around, less weighty, especially for the enemies. It should be more fun, less mashy.

The combat feels like it's trying to be Dragon's Dogma and be more an arpg combat, while also trying to be a stage based action game, while also trying to be an FFXIII walk and talk cutscene story. It just doesn't really work. They should have focused on ripping off a single genre and executed that really well with a good story/music/gfx. Either make a pure action game, or make a dragon's dogma kind of game, or make an rpg. Idk, but they need to pick one.

The game just feels really unsatisfying to play. Might as well just watch all the cutscenes as an interactive movie. FFXIII was like this too.

I really never expected that out of the FF13/15/16 trio of modern AAA FF mainlines, that FF15, as a bastardized unfinished game made in 18 months by a PSP team, would turn out of the best of the three by far. When I was playing FF15 and driving around and riding chocobos and doing FFXII style hunts and eating foods and hanging with the bros and discovering mysteries in the desert I was having way more fun than I am walking down another corridor with grumpy Clive to another fight with the same group of enemies over and over. Also as much as FF16 has a great score, so did FF15 with Shimomura putting in the work.

I'll stick with FF16 for the story/music/gfx and see it through. But considering FF14 and Heavensward were very good, this is an incredibly disappointing game from this staff. Especially the staff being like Matsuno's proteges. Vagrant Story, TO/FFT, FFXII were pretty technical gameplay games that had interesting mechanics along with their stories. The game aspect of FF16 is kind of pathetic coming from this team. I had no idea that Yoshi-P who made zone and gameplay-based FF14's deep desire was to make interactive movies.

Feels like about a 7/10 so far. No idea how FF16 reviewed so well. Maybe the story will be worth it in the end. But I just can't see this being anything beyond the 2nd worst mainline FF of all time (with FF13 being the worst).

Strangers of Paradise hilariously is a much better FF than this. Should've just called that one FF16 and tightened up the visuals and called it a day. At least that one had good gameplay and the story was decent as well.

This and Zelda were the two big 2023 games for me. Zelda was amazing and better than I expected by far. While this is worse :( I guess 1 for 2 is better than both games being a disappointment. Yeah I'm also interested in Spider-Man 2, but it's Insomniac, so I'm sure it'll just be more of the same from the last two ones, which is fine but nothing interesting or special.

I guess next game that has a chance to wow me will be FF7r Rebirth. As long as they don't tinker with the combat/stage flow that much for the worse, it should be good. What I would have given to have a new original story FF game in the style of FF7r :\

It wants to be an RPG but doesn't have the depth of an RPG. RPGs are 40 + hour games. DMC games can be beaten in 10-12 hours. High paced action and thrills can last for so long. At the end of the day, the only resolve is to make it a 20 hour long game but FF doesn't want to fully abandon its RPG roots either. Maybe turning an RPG series into an action game is a bad idea? Hmm. Better to play the real thing, maybe? The more it leans into DMC the more you expect DMC rather than Final Fantasy and you're docking points that Final Fantasy wants more of an RPG? Okay.

Like I said: franchise without a vision.

Honestly, if the game is that button mashy for you it sounds like you either got those "game journalist" items equipped. Or you are barely using the full extent of your abilities.

By mashy I mean the enemies just sit there and it's brainless.

Sounds like DMC then. DMC enemies aren't that aggressive. DMC is a more offense oriented game all about combos and looking cool. It's not Ninja Gaiden.
Post by: Coax on June 29, 2023, 12:20:37 PM

That new avy is nice btw
Post by: Himu on June 29, 2023, 12:28:05 PM
Post by: remy on June 29, 2023, 06:39:51 PM
IDK I see a lot of negativity about this game but I really like it  :doge

Even though I can scoop like 6 imperial knights at once and kill them in 30 seconds in feels fun  :doge

Clive is a great protagonist and the setting is pretty interesting. As it goes on I feel it gaining steam too.

If I had a whine it's that it can be a little too stop start especially with side quests. The menus where the game freezes and says "ENEMY DEFEATED!" and presents the random crafting items takes too long esp when some of the fights against fodder take about 10 seconds lol. Doing things like hunts later in the game once it gets started is much better flow wise because you get a decent battle before you sit at the results screen.

I also think the combat is repetitive complaints might have been alleviated by exposing the somewhat hidden style system they've built in, there's a lot of shit you go do between the dog, skills, and Clive's own actions but from what I can tell a lot of people are not engaging with it at all. The little shit that pops up on the side is okay but then maybe a style bar filling up at the same time would be a nice "yeah buddy! you're doing it!" and encourage people to not be repetitive, but then I guess people would complain about being graded and not being able to "play the way they like" in an RPG.

I saw people elsewhere suggesting that the combat would be improved by "elemental weaknesses" as if match the color gameplay would somehow make this game more interesting and not more annoying. I think it's a fundamental misunderstanding of what the eikons are, they're like DMC styles, not actual different elements. And turning it into a lock and key game design in a system like this would not make it better. we got enough of that in DmC

I would agree that the fodder fights are fairly braindead but the bosses and bigger enemies are great. The MMO esque boss mechanics with them casting FF type skills on you is really cool IMO.  The game also seems to be ratcheting up in complexity after every main boss/chapter as Clive unlocks more shit to use. People are talking about it like it's DMC lite or something but it really isn't lite. Clive is basically a dmc6 Nero with a pet/puppet assist.

 I'm reserving judgement until I beat the game, which will take awhile as I am hella SF6 brained at the moment but I'm positive on it.

I don't even understand the parry mechanic. It says just slash them right when the attack is about to hit you but I do that and just eat it, meanwhile I've activated parry on a pheonix dash at the initial dash part which isn't an attack wat. So I just evade and counter and don't mess with the parry at this point.
It's activated like the DMC parry almost exactly. You just have to have one of your own attacks hit right as their attack would hit you. It's slightly easier if you use attacks with longer active frames/bigger hitboxes like the lunge. It's like a clash in guilty gear.
Post by: Bebpo on June 29, 2023, 08:03:46 PM
I got Ifrit and this point I like the game outside the "action" stages. The action stages are just too stop/start for me and boring. That Fallen Ruins thing was literally just arena -> hallway -> arena -> hallway -> cutscene -> hallway -> cutscene -> arena.... and puts me to sleep.

Walking around the zones though and talking to NPCs and doing quests is cool though. I still wish the towns had more interactivity though.
Post by: Bebpo on June 29, 2023, 08:07:11 PM
I don't even understand the parry mechanic. It says just slash them right when the attack is about to hit you but I do that and just eat it, meanwhile I've activated parry on a pheonix dash at the initial dash part which isn't an attack wat. So I just evade and counter and don't mess with the parry at this point.
It's activated like the DMC parry almost exactly. You just have to have one of your own attacks hit right as their attack would hit you. It's slightly easier if you use attacks with longer active frames/bigger hitboxes like the lunge. It's like a clash in guilty gear.

Isn't parry in DMC a royal guard button? You just wait until the attack is about to hit and then hit O or whatever. I haven't parried much in DMC since DMC3 though.

Hmm, I'll have to practice with it. Even with really big easy to see slashes from bosses I try hitting slash to slash into their approaching slash and nothing happens and I eat it. Then again if it's anything like the dodge timings for attacks, the timing for what frame to do it in is probably weird and unintuitive. The dodge timing is ridiculously early in this game. Feels wrong to me.
Post by: remy on June 29, 2023, 08:19:40 PM
I don't even understand the parry mechanic. It says just slash them right when the attack is about to hit you but I do that and just eat it, meanwhile I've activated parry on a pheonix dash at the initial dash part which isn't an attack wat. So I just evade and counter and don't mess with the parry at this point.
It's activated like the DMC parry almost exactly. You just have to have one of your own attacks hit right as their attack would hit you. It's slightly easier if you use attacks with longer active frames/bigger hitboxes like the lunge. It's like a clash in guilty gear.

Isn't parry in DMC a royal guard button? You just wait until the attack is about to hit and then hit O or whatever. I haven't parried much in DMC since DMC3 though.
Royal Guard is the meme parry due to the fact that most nerds crank their hog to DMC 4 Dante clips on YT but you've actually been able to parry with weapons since DMC 1. a more accurate way to explain it is you hit their attack with your attack and it will parry

here is a dry video demonstration

An example of this is the hell scissor guys, they're a pain in the ass normally but if you hit them mid swing you parry and can shoot them to instakill.
Post by: Bebpo on June 29, 2023, 08:30:31 PM
Wow, never knew that and I enjoy my DMC.
Post by: remy on June 29, 2023, 08:39:42 PM
I think the other reason this game presents poorly is it basically has two long ass prologues before it takes the training wheels off
Post by: Fortus on June 29, 2023, 10:36:18 PM
I think the other reason this game presents poorly is it basically has two long ass prologues before it takes the training wheels off

Pacing is my biggest gripe with the game. I'm apparently 4/5 of the way through according to the little graphic on the dashboard and sidequests/hunts are where they should have been much earlier imo. I agree it's fun to find ways of burning through the trash. Opening with Aerial Blast then painting the helpless sods with Blind Justice is my current go to :D
Post by: recursivelyenumerable on June 30, 2023, 01:47:55 AM

Sounds like DMC then. DMC enemies aren't that aggressive. DMC is a more offense oriented game all about combos and looking cool. It's not Ninja Gaiden.

Didn't Itagaki even trash talk DMC about that at one point?
Post by: remy on June 30, 2023, 03:29:26 AM

Sounds like DMC then. DMC enemies aren't that aggressive. DMC is a more offense oriented game all about combos and looking cool. It's not Ninja Gaiden.

Didn't Itagaki even trash talk DMC about that at one point?

It was about Dynasty Warriors, actually:
1UP: What do you think of the Dynasty Warriors series?

TI: As a real man, I find no feeling of achievement in beating up millions of defenseless enemies. As for my opinion as a gamer, my free time is too valuable to spend it hacking away at an endless stream of dumb-as-a-brick opponents.

In the same article he says he likes Prince Of Persia and DMC3. Don't ask me how I knew it  was this 1up article.
Post by: Bebpo on June 30, 2023, 04:18:44 AM
I think the other reason this game presents poorly is it basically has two long ass prologues before it takes the training wheels off

Am I still in the 2nd prologue
Post by: Himu on June 30, 2023, 05:45:13 AM

Sounds like DMC then. DMC enemies aren't that aggressive. DMC is a more offense oriented game all about combos and looking cool. It's not Ninja Gaiden.

Didn't Itagaki even trash talk DMC about that at one point?

You can look at the video clip Remy provided. Enemies are just fucking sitting there unless they're bosses.

I don't even understand the parry mechanic. It says just slash them right when the attack is about to hit you but I do that and just eat it, meanwhile I've activated parry on a pheonix dash at the initial dash part which isn't an attack wat. So I just evade and counter and don't mess with the parry at this point.
It's activated like the DMC parry almost exactly. You just have to have one of your own attacks hit right as their attack would hit you. It's slightly easier if you use attacks with longer active frames/bigger hitboxes like the lunge. It's like a clash in guilty gear.

Isn't parry in DMC a royal guard button? You just wait until the attack is about to hit and then hit O or whatever. I haven't parried much in DMC since DMC3 though.
Royal Guard is the meme parry due to the fact that most nerds crank their hog to DMC 4 Dante clips on YT but you've actually been able to parry with weapons since DMC 1. a more accurate way to explain it is you hit their attack with your attack and it will parry

here is a dry video demonstration

An example of this is the hell scissor guys, they're a pain in the ass normally but if you hit them mid swing you parry and can shoot them to instakill.

Post by: Fortus on June 30, 2023, 08:28:56 AM
I think the other reason this game presents poorly is it basically has two long ass prologues before it takes the training wheels off

Am I still in the 2nd prologue

My guess is that Remy's two sections are 1) basically the demo and just beyond when you team up with a certain someone and 2) the stuff up to your acquisition of a third aspect
Post by: Bebpo on June 30, 2023, 01:36:41 PM
I think the other reason this game presents poorly is it basically has two long ass prologues before it takes the training wheels off

Am I still in the 2nd prologue

My guess is that Remy's two sections are 1) basically the demo and just beyond when you team up with a certain someone and 2) the stuff up to your acquisition of a third aspect

Ok, yeah I haven't played since I got the 3rd aspect. Hopefully will pick up now.
Post by: Let's Cyber on June 30, 2023, 02:24:18 PM
This game is fantastic.

Game picked up for me after getting Garuda powers w/ Nero's Snatch  :whew

Linearity doesn't bother me a bit and it's actually a nice change of pace coming off TotK.
Post by: Joe Molotov on June 30, 2023, 04:37:48 PM
The Eikon fights are so dumb, I love them.

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Beat Bahamut last night.

So far my favorite abilities are Titan's charge attacks. Clive Smash!
Post by: Bebpo on July 01, 2023, 04:17:35 AM
Got past Typhon. Idk, story was never the issue. Will see if the gameplay gets any better.

I wish there was an easy mode that cut all enemy/boss HPs in half. Game would be so much better. Bosses take fucking forever. Not hard, just tiring.
Post by: Let's Cyber on July 01, 2023, 08:10:57 AM
Ironic that CC2 split from FF7R mid-development but Square just ripped off their gameplay for the Eikon fights in FFXVI.  :lol

It's like Ultimate Ninja Storm Biju battles, Asura's Wrath Quick Time event cutscenes, DMC4 gameplay with Game of Thrones inspired story in a Final Fantasy wrapper. It's weird but it works.
Post by: Himu on July 01, 2023, 10:16:16 AM
Post by: Fortus on July 01, 2023, 11:37:33 AM
Got past Typhon. Idk, story was never the issue. Will see if the gameplay gets any better.

I wish there was an easy mode that cut all enemy/boss HPs in half. Game would be so much better. Bosses take fucking forever. Not hard, just tiring.

Bebpo on suicide watch for the next two Eikon battles. If they were something I was watching on Cruchyroll I'd probably give a thumbs-up but...I REALLY wish there was a fast forward button for those fights. That being said I have a sixth aspect now and the game is where it should have been a long time ago. Good Hunts, a slew of sidequests many of which are engaging and some of which are meaningful and impactful. I doubt you'll change your mind on combat but there might be enough in other areas to keep your interest
Post by: Let's Cyber on July 01, 2023, 12:21:19 PM

Post by: Bebpo on July 01, 2023, 02:33:37 PM
Got past Typhon. Idk, story was never the issue. Will see if the gameplay gets any better.

I wish there was an easy mode that cut all enemy/boss HPs in half. Game would be so much better. Bosses take fucking forever. Not hard, just tiring.

Bebpo on suicide watch for the next two Eikon battles.

See, I don't even mind the Eikon battles because they are flashy Asura Wrath stuff.

But like normal bosses with huge health pools are so boring. The Akashic Dragon boss felt like it took forever and after all the fights and mid-bosses in the stage before it I was just over it by midway through that fight.

I think the bosses/mid-bosses just have too much HP. Every time you get more damage abilities the enemies get more HP so it never feels like you're getting stronger. If there was a way to grind rpg-style and be overpowered so you could blow through these fights I would totally do that.

Also I realized the game really is just the FF14 team making the game like FF14 structure, but it doesn't necessarily transition solo and with action combat. Like you have the field zones with towns and quests and then the action stages are just FF14 dungeons. FF14 dungeons you just go down a straight line in Call of Duty style scripted stages with grunts -> midboss -> grunts -> midboss -> grunts -> stage boss. But the difference is the stage bosses in FF14 dungeons are shorter (these ones are closer to raid bosses in FF14 that take 8-10 mins) and FF14 dungeons in ARR days were like 45 mins long, but now they're like 15-20 mins long and that's made the pace so much better. These are more like the old ARR dungeons.

So basically, shorter stages, and stage bosses with less HP would greatly improve the action stages imo.

I do like the MMO style enemy/boss attacks. That's fun. Though the patterns are all very simple so far.

Typhon seemed kind of lame tbh, was expecting something that looked more like its FF character. Also doesn't FF Typhon use WIND?


spoiler (click to show/hide)
why the fuck was Typhon Lightning based
Post by: demi on July 01, 2023, 03:12:42 PM
This game rules. So glad I can finally enjoy a game and not an empty uncreative shitfest like Zelda. Glad that Final Fantasy can still be enjoyable
Post by: Bebpo on July 01, 2023, 06:51:08 PM
At least once you have three Eikons there starts to be at least a very slight amount of strategy in which abilities to use in which order with which accessories. Combat feels a bit more interesting than when you just had two Eikons.
Post by: Fortus on July 01, 2023, 07:24:14 PM
At least once you have three Eikons there starts to be at least a very slight amount of strategy in which abilities to use in which order with which accessories. Combat feels a bit more interesting than when you just had two Eikons.

Spend some time in the Hall. Respec is free which is fantastic so you can try various synergies
Post by: demi on July 02, 2023, 03:52:26 PM
Did the Garuda fight holy fuck this game is so sick. So glad this game exists and doesnt waste my time like Zelda
Post by: tiesto on July 02, 2023, 05:19:54 PM
Just beat
spoiler (click to show/hide)
Typhon, and got to the new HQ

Holy shit that fight was awesome. Liking this game quite a bit, probably the best FF since 10 so far.
Post by: Bebpo on July 02, 2023, 05:57:14 PM
Game is a bit better after Typhon, but still just a decent 8/10. I don't hate it, but I could take it or leave it. Honestly I need more gameplay in my "videogames" than this provides.
Unless it changes dramatically, probably will be the 2nd worst FF for me after FFXIII. Can't see this being better than FF1-10, 14, or even 12/15.

Definitely feel like mainline FFs are a lost cause at this point. Not gonna look forward to them much anymore. At least series like DQ are still putting out bangers like XI. Like I have a million issues with the story/pacing in the modern Trails of series, but gameplay-wise it smokes FF16 and gives me more of what I want from an rpg.
Post by: Bebpo on July 03, 2023, 12:19:39 AM
So uh, what's the downside of titan parry? It's like if you just defend you counter, but if you hit it too early you just...block and don't take damage? Seems pretty risk free.
I wish training mode said how much total damage attacks did instead of just battle performance. Hard to tell which moves are stronger.

I feel like the combat would be stronger if you had different base weapons besides the special attacks. Or let you play as Jill or other characters for different movesets.
Post by: MMaRsu on July 03, 2023, 04:35:51 AM
This game rules. So glad I can finally enjoy a game and not an empty uncreative shitfest like Zelda. Glad that Final Fantasy can still be enjoyable

 :lol :lol :lol :lol

Yea this game is super creative lmaooooo
Post by: Beezy on July 03, 2023, 11:19:27 AM
Did the Garuda fight holy fuck this game is so sick.
Got to this point last night also. I'm loving the boss and miniboss fights so far.
Post by: Joe Molotov on July 03, 2023, 07:50:27 PM
Beat the game, time to put my PS5 back in the closet until FF7-2 comes out.
Post by: Bebpo on July 04, 2023, 02:50:21 AM
Alright, I'll stop being a grump and say this is a good action game. More of an action game like original three God of Wars than a character action game.

I think if it hadn't been called "16" and was an action game spin-off like how Stranger of Paradise is a souls game spinoff, it'd be a better game than I would have expected coming from FF's shoddy history of action games and I'd be very positive on it.

As an rpg it's ok. It reminds me of FF10 a lot, especially the way the towns are. Except without the party members and a less good story (FF16's story is...barebones so far, not really expecting more than that. FF has had storytelling issues since XII).

The storytelling itself feels more like the story in an action game than your usual rpg storytelling. Hard to describe, but mostly just action movie chases and big flash events and missing the usual low key moments of party bonding on a journey in an rpg. Like even 15 had a lot of bros hanging around a campfire chilling and having some fun times together. If the storytelling and character development was more like an rpg I'd probably be more into it. As it is it's closer to Asura's Wrath Thrones.

But yeah, I like it at this point. It's a good action game. Not really the direction I'd like to see the mainline series go and prefer if the franchise goes in the open world sandbox concept of FF15 or something like Xenoblade direction in the future, but I guess I can live with FF being god of war action games with light rpg elements if that's what they want to stick with. But maybe next time an actual party.
Post by: Himu on July 04, 2023, 07:16:29 AM
You said you were fine with FF being an action game. Make up your mind. If you make an action game you will get all that comes from an action game. This means the storytelling of an action game, the lore of an action game, the emphasis on playing one character. This is not an action RPG. It's an action game with RPG elements. what are you expecting? This game sold 300k in Japan first week. Worst debut for FF in Japan ever. This was tailor made for western audiences that do not like Jrpgs. In an interview YoshiP flat out says that the word Jrpg became poison because of western gaming journalists. You said you were fine with FF having this kind of combat - combat literally made by DEVIL MAY CRY'S combat designer - but now you're not. I do not understand. I can look at that sentence, shudder, and say with certainty that I have zero interest in such a product from a MAINLINE FINAL FANTASY so I refused to buy or support this game on principle. Yet you're not realizing these issues. Help me understand, Bebpo. This is their new direction. It is called FFXVI. You must accept this.

Honestly, having one character isn't even bad. There's so many great jrpgs with one character: DQ1, Vagrant Story, Parasite Eve, Ys, Xanadu, Faxanadu, Brave Fencer Musashi and yet these all retain their RPG features.

The problem first and foremost is that FFXVI is not an RPG. That's something you must accept.
Post by: Bebpo on July 04, 2023, 01:02:06 PM
I'm ok with the combat being action. I expected the rest to be more rpg-ish like yeah, say Nier.

Also given the combat designer was from DMC, I expected the combat to be more DMC/Bayo/GoW Ragnorak, but it's a lot closer to GoW1-3/Dante's Inferno in that it's mostly just basic  low damage attacking while popping cooldowns instead of having your full kit  at all times to mix and match with. Ragnorak has cooldowns, but I think it works better because the cooldowns are very short and you have a huge arsenal of very strong damage moves even without the cooldowns. Also want to note that GoW 2018 isn't GoW Ragnorak in combat if you haven't played Ragnorak. 2018 was an unoptimized character action game. It had the pieces but they didn't flow and it wasn't Japan-tier character action. Ragnorak was basically taking that combat but making it work and bringing it to the level of a Japan-tier character action game. Personally I find Ragnorak's combat much more satisfying than FF16 (hell the encounter design is better than Bayo3's combat).

Anyhow, FF16 is fine as a big dumb flashy PS2/PS3-ish action game. Just saying game should've been a spin-off imo like Strangers of Paradise was.
Post by: Svejk on July 04, 2023, 03:01:25 PM
Funny how this and TOTK are huge releases for their franchises.. Yet some people love the change in formulas, others don't.  It is what it is. 

FFXVI had grabbed me by the balls and hasn't let go.. All the while, TOTK has been the biggest chore to play with insulting rewards for time and effort put it.  It's not a traditional Zelda anymore than this  not being a traditional FF.  However, This has been the more fun and rewarding $70 game by far. 
Post by: MMaRsu on July 05, 2023, 04:36:24 AM
I think FF16 looks really cool, albeit a bit boring in some parts. Stuff like the world, side characters and quests are def mediocre.

Aside from that, the boss fights are amazing. The music is so good. Too bad I had to watch my friend play through it, instead of playing myself but I dont think im getting a PS5 anytime soon.
Post by: Bebpo on July 07, 2023, 01:26:09 AM
Did the Titan fight.

Was big and dumb.

Great game  :clap
Post by: Bebpo on July 07, 2023, 01:49:43 AM
Also, every time Ifrit shows up in this it cracks me up how you can tell they based his 3d model design off...the Gozer dogs in Ghostbusters. You're basically playing as a big fire doggo  :doge
Post by: Bebpo on July 07, 2023, 02:30:06 AM
So yeah, I can pinpoint the exact moment when FF16 clicked for me.

spoiler (click to show/hide)

at 23:52 in the final phase transition when the music kicks in and Titan tears open the tunnel and does stone throw at you.

Best 30 seconds of the entire game so far.

This fight made me wish the game was more like Strangers of Paradise/Asura's Wrath channeling epic stupid 100% of the time, instead of trying to be a more serious GoT thing for most of it and then just occasionally switching over to epic stupid. I like big dumb stupid FF16.
Post by: Fortus on July 07, 2023, 07:46:31 PM
Finished and playing through again. I've a feeling you're going to love Final Fantasy mode in NG+ Bebpo
Post by: Himu on July 08, 2023, 12:09:03 AM
What is Final Fantasy mode?
Post by: Joe Molotov on July 08, 2023, 12:43:56 AM
What is Final Fantasy mode?

Hard Mode that you unlock for beating the game.
Post by: demi on July 08, 2023, 02:13:31 AM
Its just ng+ mode where enemies are scaled higher and theres no qte prompts.
Post by: Fortus on July 08, 2023, 09:42:47 AM
Having all your earned combat skills carry over and available at the start of NG+ is the best feature, at least for me. They also change up the beastiary a bit; I fought a Chimera on the way to Lostwing for instance 
Post by: Bebpo on July 08, 2023, 10:27:35 AM
I think one of the issues with the combat design (of which there are many, just goes to show DMCV's battle designer wasn't the main brains behind DMCV's combat), is the enemies have like zero hit-stun reaction to hits. It really makes the registering of hits feel less satisfying and more an rpg grinding numbers game.

I went back to look at FFXV's cinematic boss fights to compare them to the Titan fight in FFXVI and that was what stuck out the most to me. FFXV's enemies actually hit stun react to each slash. Dunno why they didn't do that for FFXVI. Mid-sized enemies/bosses are even worse since you can't juggle them and it's just like hitting a wall until they stagger.

Having all your earned combat skills carry over and available at the start of NG+ is the best feature, at least for me. They also change up the beastiary a bit; I fought a Chimera on the way to Lostwing for instance

Hmmm, that sounds good actually.

Are enemies more tanky?
Post by: Fortus on July 08, 2023, 11:29:59 AM
Hmmm, that sounds good actually.

Are enemies more tanky?

Things do scale in Final Fantasy mode so bosses are still spongy hp-wise but having all your tools to deal with that is why I think you'll find it much better. Also, since I know the story already, skipping some cutscenes helps with pacing. I'm already in the Desert :O
Post by: Bebpo on July 08, 2023, 11:57:40 AM
Hmmm, that sounds good actually.

Are enemies more tanky?

Things do scale in Final Fantasy mode so bosses are still spongy hp-wise but having all your tools to deal with that is why I think you'll find it much better. Also, since I know the story already, skipping some cutscenes helps with pacing. I'm already in the Desert :O

Yeah, I'll see how it goes.

I haven't found boss HP an issue in the 2nd half after a bit because since the game opens up with more optional content and the story is tuned for players who aren't doing it, you can get a bit overpowered and midbosses/bosses go down pretty quickly in 1-2 staggers.

Boss HPs in the first half was kinda much though. Akashic Dragon fight was probably the longest normal boss fight in the game for me. Took maybe 3-4 staggers which was way too long.
Post by: Nintex on July 08, 2023, 05:26:02 PM (

Post by: Bebpo on July 08, 2023, 05:42:01 PM
Isn't Elwin just Sean Bean/Ned Stark?
Post by: Svejk on July 09, 2023, 01:49:06 PM
Yeah, this is definitely not an RPG and totally just an Action Adventure with "RPG elements" sprinkled in.. just like most character action games nowadays... And it's completely fine.  It works and is still fun to play and gorgeous to watch.  Unlike other games of late *ahem, I have to stop myself from engaging in every enemy encounter because the fighting is so fun and actually rewarding.

Not too far still.. guess I went through a pacing slump; heading back to Phoenix Gate with Jill.  Some of the side quests are total snoozers, some are actual fat slices of background lore/scenarios. 
Only big boss fight so far was Geruda.. which was really fun.  My damn muscle memory keeps making me faulter in fights though; hitting O to dodge instead of R1.   :duh

I need the OST.  Good shit.
Post by: Bebpo on July 10, 2023, 02:15:40 AM
I'm getting towards the end of this.

I like it. I think after Typhon it's not immediately "good" but rather that's the baseline point where the game actually starts and gets better as it goes and grows on you. I like Clive and the NPCs.

I think my biggest complaint besides the combat being whatever, and basically for all the effort they put in the combat isn't all that much deeper than FF15's simple combat, is that HD CITIES ARE STILL TOO HARD FOR SE which is extremely pathetic all these years later. Especially after FF15 has two real legit big ass HD towns with tons of NPCs and shit to do in them. Going back to FF13's "HD TOWNS ARE HARD" is sad. The little enclave towns in FF16 are ok, but considering the game's premise of these giant cities adjoining each mothercrystal, the way the story has to write around them in the plot to avoid the dev team having to actually make explorable cities is  ::)

If this game had at least one real ass city I'd probably bump my endscore of it by like a whole point.

Probably will still end up being the best of the HD series of FF13/15/16, but not like significantly better and they're all still a big downgrade from 1-10 and 12 in single player FFs. Maybe some day we'll get an HD FF that is up there with the quality of the games pre-HD, a good start would be if it had some actual cities to walk around. FF14 has two cities per expansion and that goes a long way.
Post by: Bebpo on July 10, 2023, 02:32:29 AM
Also the game kinda suffers from having a shit antagonist so far, kind of like FF13. At least FF15 game had Ardyn whose alright and FF15 novel had

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Space probe Bahamut

Which had a great villain origin story

Rpgs are better with a cool/interesting antagonist on the other side. Hence why people love FF7 for Sephiroth and FF6 for Kefka even though both are kind of dweebs but they had strong personalities and visual looks.
Post by: MMaRsu on July 10, 2023, 08:22:59 AM
Yeah, this is definitely not an RPG and totally just an Action Adventure with "RPG elements" sprinkled in.. just like most character action games nowadays... And it's completely fine.  It works and is still fun to play and gorgeous to watch.  Unlike other games of late *ahem, I have to stop myself from engaging in every enemy encounter because the fighting is so fun and actually rewarding.

Not too far still.. guess I went through a pacing slump; heading back to Phoenix Gate with Jill.  Some of the side quests are total snoozers, some are actual fat slices of background lore/scenarios. 
Only big boss fight so far was Geruda.. which was really fun.  My damn muscle memory keeps making me faulter in fights though; hitting O to dodge instead of R1.   :duh

I need the OST.  Good shit.

this is definitely not an RPG and totally just an Action Adventure with "RPG elements" sprinkled in


Fun game to watch though.

Sidequests, NPC's and world building is kinda shit tho. No interesting final boss either. Oh yeah the guy trying to kill us with his boring talks that last 45 minutes
Post by: Bebpo on July 10, 2023, 12:29:32 PM
Also FF16 could have benefitted from a different style of soundtrack.

Yeah the Eikon battle songs are awesome, Cid's hideaway song is good, battle tracks are great. But like 75% of the ost is really minimalist film-like scores for the field music and cutscene music and it's totally unmemorable.

I like Soken a lot, but compare FF16's soundtrack to any of the FF14 osts and it's a huge difference in style. FF14 every field zone has distinct strong night and day tracks, cutscene music is made to be in the foreground and melodramatic.

FF16's ost is fine. But to me it feels like it's got like 10 amazing tracks and the rest is zzz. Which for a 50 hour+ rpg is kinda disappointing. Prefer Shimomura and Hamauzu's work on 15/13 because of that. Those also have some minimalist cinematic score stuff, but I feel like they've got more distinct tracks for fields and cutscenes in addition to the good battle stuff.
Post by: Svejk on July 11, 2023, 10:39:04 AM
Like I said: franchise without a vision.
I can agree with this in the aspect that labeling the titles as "main line" numbered entries is completely pointless now.  Didn't they say they're going to do away with them anyway?  I think they should at this point.  There's just too many spin-offs, sequels, mobile/handheld fodder, etc., that too much is hung and expected on that numbered entry.  Personally, I would've prefered they only stuck with them since the beginning and didn't do any of the spin-offs of sorts; Kept the scarcity of the franchise pure and solid... But I can only admit that I have only recently in the past few years grown to see that.  It's too late now. 

Zelda had a chance, but they're fucking it up now.  These games are just not what they use to be, and not necessarily in a good way. 

As for this entry, this is what GOW should have done... The epic scale of boss fights that GOW3 had is all here.  Glad I skipped GOW:R and played this instead.
Post by: Himu on July 11, 2023, 02:51:38 PM
Like I said: franchise without a vision.
I can agree with this in the aspect that labeling the titles as "main line" numbered entries is completely pointless now.  Didn't they say they're going to do away with them anyway?  I think they should at this point.  There's just too many spin-offs, sequels, mobile/handheld fodder, etc., that too much is hung and expected on that numbered entry.  Personally, I would've prefered they only stuck with them since the beginning and didn't do any of the spin-offs of sorts; Kept the scarcity of the franchise pure and solid... But I can only admit that I have only recently in the past few years grown to see that.  It's too late now. 

Zelda had a chance, but they're fucking it up now.  These games are just not what they use to be, and not necessarily in a good way. 

As for this entry, this is what GOW should have done... The epic scale of boss fights that GOW3 had is all here.  Glad I skipped GOW:R and played this instead.

I agree that the numbers helps create baggage for Square Enix. But it also another thing: prestige. Problem is that the prestige of the numbered entry is now gone. It used to be, when a numbered entry FF came out it was a huge effing deal. But after XIII and XIV screw ups the franchise is kind of tainted. Not everyone liked XV either. This is the first time I've heard of SE wanting to get rid of the numbers but it makes sense if they did. People would be less mad when come out with entries they don't like and can move on to the next game that does interest them. It would also allow them the opportunity to do something no one else could think of: create a high budget turn based ATB FF of yore without it having to be tied to the numbered entries. Put it on Switch and it'd sell. People wouldn't get bogged down with the number and those that don't have an interest in that kind of thing could ignore it. They could drop the numbers and focus on two audiences: their classical Japanese audience and their new western hack and slash audience. Either way, we as fans win. If you want both, you get both. If you want one, you can pick which one and still get your cake and eat it too. Win win. After X the numbers lost any sense of significance anyways. That was when Final Fantasy as we knew it truly died. There's a giant number of people that want classical Final Fantasy. Stuff like Bravely are advertised as FF but not but let's be real, they're not Final Fantasy nor are they approaching the acclaim of FF's classic years (FFIV-X).

If I were SE I would do the following:

I would announce Final Fantasy XVII, XVIII, XIX, and XX. All at once. I would also say that Final Fantasy XX would be the FINAL, LAST NUMBERED FF. A true Final Fantasy. I would put one director on this project with one composer, a consistent writing team, and one character designer to give it one consistent vision, in the same way classical FF had. This project would be one full saga of games in the same way Mass Effect trilogy was, telling one complete story. Then when it ends Final Fantasy continues but no more numbered entries come out.

The amount of money to be made with this project...


The project would have to be the highest of quality. A true going away. Hire Sakaguchi. Make him producer. Do whatever you can. This project would help give the numbered games prestige again so that when they do away with the numbers they make everything with FF's name on it high quality, allowing them to make less FF overall, but make the name mean something again. FF could become like Zelda: an event game. Currently isn't an event anymore.
Post by: Pissy F Benny on July 11, 2023, 02:57:43 PM
First big beef about the game, the titan fight is way too fucking long.
Post by: Bebpo on July 11, 2023, 03:19:56 PM
Even if they don't use numbers, it'll be really clear which ones are the mainline due to the budgets.

Although are we counting FF7r games as mainline? Because those seem to have similar budgets to main numbered entries. I think I'd consider them mainline FF games like FFX-2.
Post by: Himu on July 11, 2023, 03:38:46 PM
Mainline or not, the problem is the number, their expectations, and the baggage they create. XVI looks like it has less budget than VIIR despite the fact XVI is the latest numbered game and therefore should be a bigger deal yet VIIR is the bigger game. Yeah, it comes from one of the most popular game entries, but it's still a remake. Therefore the number doesn't mean much anymore when even the numbered entry is getting outclassed and more interest is garnered for a remake. XVI had SE worried until they released that free demo for XVI. That's how in the toilet numbered FF games are.

I find it interesting how FFVIIR is the latest FF event game but FFXVI kind of isn't. I will probably get a ps5 slim for FFVIIR. I won't be buying XVI.
Post by: Pissy F Benny on July 11, 2023, 06:18:32 PM
ff16 doesnt look low budget at all aisde from the kinda shitty faces which is a design choice more than anything  :doge
Post by: Bebpo on July 11, 2023, 07:57:29 PM
ff16 doesnt look low budget at all aisde from the kinda shitty faces


which is a design choice more than anything  :doge

Yeah, choice to not crash their already struggling engine with higher poly counts  :lol
Post by: Svejk on July 11, 2023, 08:15:47 PM
If I were SE I would do the following:

I would announce Final Fantasy XVII, XVIII, XIX, and XX. All at once. I would also say that Final Fantasy XX would be the FINAL, LAST NUMBERED FF. A true Final Fantasy. I would put one director on this project with one composer, a consistent writing team, and one character designer to give it one consistent vision, in the same way classical FF had. This project would be one full saga of games in the same way Mass Effect trilogy was, telling one complete story. Then when it ends Final Fantasy continues but no more numbered entries come out.

The amount of money to be made with this project...


The project would have to be the highest of quality. A true going away. Hire Sakaguchi. Make him producer. Do whatever you can. This project would help give the numbered games prestige again so that when they do away with the numbers they make everything with FF's name on it high quality, allowing them to make less FF overall, but make the name mean something again. FF could become like Zelda: an event game. Currently isn't an event anymore.
:obama I'd buy into it.  Sounds like a proper swan song for the numbered entries of olde.
Post by: Himu on July 11, 2023, 08:18:22 PM
ff16 doesnt look low budget at all aisde from the kinda shitty faces which is a design choice more than anything  :doge

I'm going off the trailers and the lighting and boring faces/character designs really screamed low budget.
Post by: Rahxephon91 on July 11, 2023, 09:04:26 PM
There's nothing low-budget about XVI.

And the numbered entries shouldn't end. Thats stupid. FF is an anthology series, where Square puts its best people and best money to see what they will make. It doesn't need to go away, it needs new creatives interested in tackling what that entails.
Post by: Bebpo on July 11, 2023, 09:41:40 PM
That Svarbog or whatever S-rank dragon fight was pretty legit.

Felt like a proper FF14 raid boss fight.
Post by: Himu on July 11, 2023, 10:37:30 PM
There's nothing low-budget about XVI.

And the numbered entries shouldn't end. Thats stupid. FF is an anthology series, where Square puts its best people and best money to see what they will make. It doesn't need to go away, it needs new creatives interested in tackling what that entails.

But that's the thing. XIII and OG XIV happened so clearly it doesn't have their best people. FF has had blunder after blunder. Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy XVI and Final Fantasy Fantasy XIV are in the same franchise and all numbered which makes no sense. The numbers are utterly pointless and mean nothing any more.
Post by: Rahxephon91 on July 12, 2023, 12:53:04 AM
There's nothing low-budget about XVI.

And the numbered entries shouldn't end. Thats stupid. FF is an anthology series, where Square puts its best people and best money to see what they will make. It doesn't need to go away, it needs new creatives interested in tackling what that entails.

But that's the thing. XIII and OG XIV happened so clearly it doesn't have their best people. FF has had blunder after blunder. Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy XVI and Final Fantasy Fantasy XIV are in the same franchise and all numbered which makes no sense. The numbers are utterly pointless and mean nothing any more.
But those were the best people.

XIII's director was Toriyama. Someone who is still a major employee at Square and had major involvement with X and X-2. Produced by major FF player and brand manager Kitase. It's the next game from the VII, VIII, and X team.

XIV was produced by Tanaka, a longtime square vet from pretty much the beginning. Hell Yoshida was the art director, pretty much one of the best Square artists.

They did have the best people. Them being questionable games doesn't mean Square didn't have their best staff on them.

They gave XIII to a director who had proven himself with X and X-2.

XIV was directed by Nobuaki Komoto, who had worked on IX and directed XI. Who still works as a main game designer after 2.0

The numbers simply mean big Square rpg and thats what every numbered FF game has been. The numbers are the brand. People don't show up for FF Origin, they show up for FFX whatever, because it without question will be a big game. XVI was everywhere, I don't see how it wasn't as big as VIIR. Besides, this is the not the series problem.

The series at this point is pussyfooting around what it needs to do.

It needed to build on 15's open world.

It needs to decide what kind of combat it's going to be. To me VIIR is the path, not 16.

It needed to seemingly grow up in dialogue and storytelling, which 16 is attempting.

It needs to keep its cinematic and story-focused approach which 16 is mostly doing.

To me, it's clear 17 needs to basically take the building blocks and strengths of 15, 16, and 7R. Then combine them into something that pushes Japanese role playing games next to their peers for the series Breath of the Wild Moment.

16 should have had VIIR's battle system and rpg aspects, kept 16's storytelling and presentation, and improved upon 15's open world. Then we'd see a game that sells more than 10 million easily.

FF17 needs to remind people why people ever gave a damn about jrpgs, but it needs to bring them to the modern age. While 16 and VIIR are good games, they don't do that. They take half-measures, probably so Square can wrap its head around actually developing them.
Post by: demi on July 12, 2023, 12:55:45 AM
Svarog was probably the best fight in the game, and its optional. I actually died - though that was me being dogshit
Post by: Bebpo on July 12, 2023, 01:17:37 AM
Svarog was probably the best fight in the game, and its optional. I actually died - though that was me being dogshit

That's what I just said.

I also died for the first time in the game on it. Actually had to change up some skills. Was fun. Good FF14 boss fights play pretty similar to that one imo.
Post by: Rahxephon91 on July 12, 2023, 12:17:37 PM
Yeah that was the first Hunt that was great.

There is also a Chimera hunt that is basically the same from XIV.
Post by: Fortus on July 12, 2023, 01:39:43 PM
Finished Final Fantasy Mode. Hunts were the highlight. Second playthrough was suprisingly entertaining throughout, aside from the Dominant fights after Typhon. Those were just downright tedious. "Oh you've finally worked your way through that masssive HP bar...looks like you had fun. Here's ANOTHER full HP bar to keep the party going!" and another...and another...
I'd give the game 4 out of 5 stars if it weren't for those fights. Still would recommend it though. Think I'll try a speed run of regular NG+ to clear up some trophies though I doubt I'll bother getting the Platinum like I did for 13. All in all game was a step up from 15, for me anyways, which I never finished. Got to chapter 5 in that and just...set it aside and never went back. Hopefully the next mainline will return to turn-based, party, jobs etc
Post by: Bebpo on July 12, 2023, 02:27:41 PM
I’d recommend giving FF15 another shot. Especially on PC if you can with the royal edition and 4k/60fps.

Game is majorly flawed but fun. DLCs are enjoyable too and I’d seriously recommend the novel Dawn of the Future to everyone that finished the game + DLCs. The novel improved my opinion of the game by a lot.
Post by: Olivia Wilde Homo on July 13, 2023, 10:33:31 PM
Like I said: franchise without a vision.
I can agree with this in the aspect that labeling the titles as "main line" numbered entries is completely pointless now.  Didn't they say they're going to do away with them anyway?  I think they should at this point.  There's just too many spin-offs, sequels, mobile/handheld fodder, etc., that too much is hung and expected on that numbered entry.  Personally, I would've prefered they only stuck with them since the beginning and didn't do any of the spin-offs of sorts; Kept the scarcity of the franchise pure and solid... But I can only admit that I have only recently in the past few years grown to see that.  It's too late now. 

Zelda had a chance, but they're fucking it up now.  These games are just not what they use to be, and not necessarily in a good way. 

As for this entry, this is what GOW should have done... The epic scale of boss fights that GOW3 had is all here.  Glad I skipped GOW:R and played this instead.

I agree that the numbers helps create baggage for Square Enix. But it also another thing: prestige. Problem is that the prestige of the numbered entry is now gone. It used to be, when a numbered entry FF came out it was a huge effing deal. But after XIII and XIV screw ups the franchise is kind of tainted. Not everyone liked XV either. This is the first time I've heard of SE wanting to get rid of the numbers but it makes sense if they did. People would be less mad when come out with entries they don't like and can move on to the next game that does interest them. It would also allow them the opportunity to do something no one else could think of: create a high budget turn based ATB FF of yore without it having to be tied to the numbered entries. Put it on Switch and it'd sell. People wouldn't get bogged down with the number and those that don't have an interest in that kind of thing could ignore it. They could drop the numbers and focus on two audiences: their classical Japanese audience and their new western hack and slash audience. Either way, we as fans win. If you want both, you get both. If you want one, you can pick which one and still get your cake and eat it too. Win win. After X the numbers lost any sense of significance anyways. That was when Final Fantasy as we knew it truly died. There's a giant number of people that want classical Final Fantasy. Stuff like Bravely are advertised as FF but not but let's be real, they're not Final Fantasy nor are they approaching the acclaim of FF's classic years (FFIV-X).

If I were SE I would do the following:

I would announce Final Fantasy XVII, XVIII, XIX, and XX. All at once. I would also say that Final Fantasy XX would be the FINAL, LAST NUMBERED FF. A true Final Fantasy. I would put one director on this project with one composer, a consistent writing team, and one character designer to give it one consistent vision, in the same way classical FF had. This project would be one full saga of games in the same way Mass Effect trilogy was, telling one complete story. Then when it ends Final Fantasy continues but no more numbered entries come out.

The amount of money to be made with this project...


The project would have to be the highest of quality. A true going away. Hire Sakaguchi. Make him producer. Do whatever you can. This project would help give the numbered games prestige again so that when they do away with the numbers they make everything with FF's name on it high quality, allowing them to make less FF overall, but make the name mean something again. FF could become like Zelda: an event game. Currently isn't an event anymore.

No way, it needs to end at Final Fantasy 30.
Post by: Himu on July 14, 2023, 05:56:03 PM
You just want XXX, you fucker. :lol
Post by: Bebpo on July 16, 2023, 02:45:15 AM
At endgame and kind of burnt out on the pacing structure of "do a short story mission" -> "do 90 mins of sidequests" -> repeat.

The world feels pretty small so all the side stuff is just going through the same areas over and over again. I guess because like 50%+ of the game's budget goes into the action stages, so the open world zone areas are limited by the remaining budget.

Story's also kind of losing me after

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Will see how I feel about it overall when it's done.
Post by: demi on July 16, 2023, 02:54:33 PM
Finished every trophy beyond NG+, going to finish the game tonight.

The later half definitely slows down tremendously, and they do one last cumload of side quests hoping you won't beat the game immediately to pad out the playtime.
Post by: Bebpo on July 16, 2023, 03:50:39 PM
Just tired of doing the sidequests for the same 3 people over and over.

This feels like the most budget limited FF game to me with how small the world is (Maybe on par with FF15, FF15's world map is definitely much bigger, but less dense), then again like I said I think most of the budget went into the Call of Duty stages which are one and done bits.

Even the combat gets old. I feel like all the good eikon attacks are in the first couple. The last few Eikons I try out their moves and never bother with them because they aren't any better than the kit I have going. Like phoenix dash basically beats out everything and you need to keep garuda on for mid-stagger grabs. Also seems like zero point in titan's guard counters since they do tiny damage and lock you into animation to get hit.

Game's a good game and I think it'll be a memorable FF, but yeah it's pretty mid. Probably like an 8/10.
Post by: demi on July 16, 2023, 05:02:58 PM
Holy FUCK the final boss is so sick. Oh my god what a conclusion
Post by: demi on July 16, 2023, 05:18:32 PM
Zelda TOTK straight destroyed my will to play videogames, but FF16 was like a shot of adrenaline. I love videogames
Post by: Bebpo on July 16, 2023, 06:49:55 PM
Zelda TOTK straight destroyed my will to play videogames, but FF16 was like a shot of adrenaline. I love videogames

Glad you enjoyed it!
Post by: Fortus on July 17, 2023, 09:05:34 PM
Just tired of doing the sidequests for the same 3 people over and over.

This feels like the most budget limited FF game to me with how small the world is (Maybe on par with FF15, FF15's world map is definitely much bigger, but less dense), then again like I said I think most of the budget went into the Call of Duty stages which are one and done bits.

Even the combat gets old. I feel like all the good eikon attacks are in the first couple. The last few Eikons I try out their moves and never bother with them because they aren't any better than the kit I have going. Like phoenix dash basically beats out everything and you need to keep garuda on for mid-stagger grabs. Also seems like zero point in titan's guard counters since they do tiny damage and lock you into animation to get hit.

Game's a good game and I think it'll be a memorable FF, but yeah it's pretty mid. Probably like an 8/10.

Those repeating sidequests lead to some good fights and in the case of the blacksmith the game's best weapon. Yeah there are a lot of mmo type 'fetch' quests and I wish they had spread things out more over the course of the game. Like Demi said the closer you get to the end the more side stuff becomes available. Curious to know what skills you use since the only Eikon tree I didn't slot from was Odin
Post by: demi on July 17, 2023, 09:09:24 PM
Odin is "ok" he was fun to use in the Chronolith trial.

I used:

- Phoenix (Rising Flame / Heatwave)
- Garuda (Aerial Blast / Wicked Wheel)
- Bahamut (Impulse / Gigaflare)

The whole game pretty much
Post by: Bebpo on July 17, 2023, 10:13:14 PM
My kit hasn't changed since post-Titan. I try the new moves but they don't seem better for my playstyle. I pretty much just min/maxed for damage/stagger using the moves with the most stars into damage or stagger.

Phoenix - main movement w/dash, (Will o Wykes shield on almost all the time / Ramuh's Pile Driver for grunt AoE)
Garuda - for mid-stagger grabs (Phoenix Rising Flame for quick big damage / Gouge for stagger)
Whatever since all the rest of the O attacks suck ass (Titan's Windup for big damage / Ramuh's Judgment Bolt for midboss/boss killer)

Basically just put on Will o Wykes shield buff and go to town with Rising Flame/Pile Driver which mid-staggers -> garuda grab -> gouge -> full stagger -> pop strength tonic -> limit break -> bunch of hits for multiplier -> Titan Windup and Judgment bolt before stagger finishes.

I wish I had a few more AoE attacks for grunts, but most AoE attacks suck for midbosses/bosses and I don't want to have to keep changing the kit so I just stick with that.
Post by: Fortus on July 17, 2023, 11:55:26 PM
Interesting that neither of you use Diamond Dust. It's fantastic for eating Stagger bar on Bosses and does nice AoE for trash

My set-up at end game was:
Ifrit slotted with Scarlet Cyclone and Gigaflare
Garuda with Gouge and Aerial Blast
Ramuh with Diamond Dust and Judgement Bolt

I like Aerial Blast not just for picking up trash but it's a nice Stagger DoT for Bosses
Post by: Bebpo on July 18, 2023, 12:39:14 AM
Will o Wykes negating a fuckton of incoming damage lets you play fast and risky and almost never take damage. Best attack in the game imo. The added chip stagger multiplier increases is a nice bonus, but it's basically a win button shield that I never take off.
Post by: Bebpo on July 18, 2023, 12:59:02 AM
I'll give the game's combat system credit that different people use completely different setups and combat strategies.
Post by: Joe Molotov on July 18, 2023, 10:35:06 AM
I liked Titan's HULK SMASH moves.
Post by: Bebpo on July 18, 2023, 02:03:19 PM
Hmm, I'll have to mess with Diamond Dust. I saw it was mostly a stagger move and gouge already does craaazy good stagger with a short cooldown so didn't think I needed another stagger skill slot.

I liked Titan's HULK SMASH moves.

I mean, it's fun, but the ground toss Hulk move while a decent grunt AoE killer seemed like shitty boss damage and wasting a long cooldown spot on a low boss damage attack hurt my min/max pride too much to use.

The windup punch is great, fast cooldown, high damage. The AoE one was ok, just never used it much, and the counter one was fun to use a few times but even when you trigger the damage bonus parry on first hit the damage was piddly so wasn't worth the effort.

But actually maybe I'll go back to the quick cooldown AoE attack and add it to Ramuh's AoE Pile Drive for a double grunt killer. Game has a lot of grunts.
Post by: Bebpo on July 18, 2023, 02:05:26 PM
What level are you supposed to do the time trials? I tried the one by Martha's Rest once they unlocked at like lvl.40 and got to the 2nd part (i.e. cleared 1-1, 1-2, 1-3) but had like 15 secs left and ran out of time. I thought I was playing pretty fine and hitting time bonus objectives, so I figure I'm just underleveled and they're like the last things you do in endgame.

Do they even give good loot? Time trials are such a pain in the ass design.
Post by: demi on July 18, 2023, 05:02:56 PM
Chronoliths are pretty easy, though I did them as the last thing I needed. The loot isnt really worth it. You need to do them all for a thing for Clive's sex dungeon.

The only one I really had issue with was Garuda's because Garuda's moveset is really not that good

As long as you focus on the bonus time perks, you should have plenty of time for the final boss
Post by: Rahxephon91 on July 18, 2023, 09:41:21 PM
The time trials are super fun. The only one that suck was Bahumet.

also what are you talking about with Titan. Titan's basic counter and his counter attack melt stagger metters.
Post by: Bebpo on July 18, 2023, 09:57:07 PM
The time trials are super fun. The only one that suck was Bahumet.

also what are you talking about with Titan. Titan's basic counter and his counter attack melt stagger metters.

It locks you into animation if you counter attack. So if the enemy is doing a 3 hit move, you counter perfectly the first hit and start your counter attack and take damage from the 2nd and 3rd hit to do a bit of stagger and damage. Basically any multipart combo you need to wait until the final hit to titan counter attack.

Even single attacks, you can guard counter it but the midboss/boss has moved to another attack while you are locked in the counter attack animation and hits you. The fact the counter attack move has no invincibility frames makes it worthless imo.
Post by: Rahxephon91 on July 19, 2023, 02:17:06 AM
eh I guess.

I played with the timely focus accessory(I don't care) so it was easy to use Titans counter for each attack during an enemy's move and then follow up with the attack counter.

My set-up was.

Phoniex-Because I preferred Phoniex Shift above Grauda's ability:

Rising Flames: With a cooldown decreasing accessory as this is always a useful combo attack for me.

Scarlet Cyclone as this was always a useful CC

In a way, I saw Phoniex as my all-rounder/basic opening paradigm ala FFXIII.

Titan-The Once I'm in Close Paradigm

Dancing Steel-With an accessory to increase how much it fills the gauge, this became the best way to fill it, often hitting level 4 and sometimes level 5

Raging Fitsts-When this connects as a counter it melts the stagger.

At first, I also used Gouge and  Grauda for a good portion of the game, but once I realized that using Dancing Steel during that half-stagger window was workable. I passed on using Garuda. And with making Odin usable to me and just wanting to counter, gouge wasn't really worth it.

Odin-The Stagger attack Paradigm
1. Switch To Odin right when they stagger.

2. Ignition to close in quickly.

3. Thunderstorm to get some damage going quickly while you:

After getting Titan 3rd slot become Grauda, but then once I made Odin fun for me, Odin became my 3rd slot.

Post by: Svejk on July 19, 2023, 11:36:01 AM
OST released today.  8 discs?!  How’s there so many tracks?  :mindblown I’m only like 45% through, but I’ve heard repeat tracks for different instances already.  Like hearing the same track for when
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fighting Garuda and then again when Cid dies

The Lion and the Hare track is so dope.. It's as if Hanz Zimmer made a FF track.  :lawd

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Post by: demi on July 19, 2023, 12:56:39 PM
I'm not sure how theres 6 discs either. Felt like I only heard 3 songs the whole game
Post by: Bebpo on July 19, 2023, 12:58:33 PM
Even the jukebox only has like 20-30 tracks...
Post by: Himu on July 19, 2023, 01:35:45 PM
Glad everyone is enjoying it.

I saw the FFXVI OST on Apple Music. I'll give it a listen.
Post by: Bebpo on July 19, 2023, 06:47:33 PM
This game's really easy to bounce off of and hard to get back into.

Still doing a sidequest or two a day, but the game's kind of boring at endgame and I'm disinterested in the story so not really motivated. Feels almost like work. Probably one of those games that's better if you skipped all the sidequests and just ran the main plot in 30 hours.

I think I'd prefer if this team doesn't do another mainline FF in the future. It's just so aggressively mid. I'd rather have an interesting mess like 15 over this.
Post by: Rahxephon91 on July 20, 2023, 08:33:42 PM
spoiler (click to show/hide)
I went into FFXVI pretty cautious about the direction. A lack of a real traditional party felt like a move that was really moving away from core jrpg battle concepts. Compound that with real time action combat that looked more like DMC and a seemingly adoption of western tastes in writing and aesthetics(begone anime pretty boys with emotions) and yeah I was a little cautious. I like jrpgs to be jrpg ass Japanese role playing games and it looked like Square in it’s increasing desire to have FF grow bigger was abandoning certain aspects for a western audience.

And you know what? I don’t think I was wrong, but that doesn’t mean I disliked the game. 100 hours later all side quests complete, all eikon trials complete, all hunts complete, and so on. I can safely say past a round 2 I got a lot out of XVI. Clearly, I did not dislike it, but it’s unevenness keeps it from reaching the heights that other FFs do for me. Perhaps, though that’s impossible. FF as a series I think for many fans grabs them at a young age and is a formulating experience for them and it makes it harder for instalments afterwards to match the special feelings those gave. That said, every FF is a special moment, a game that offers an experience like no other.

Now the combat was one of the most worrisome aspects going into the game for me. I like systems in JRPGS. I like crafting a party with specific roles and seeing how the game engages with me. I like finding the point of these systems and utilizing them to my fullest. I like party members, because I just like building a team and seeing what I can do with it. People seem to yell turn based elitist whenever fans don’t seem to jive with the real time action. I mean I have no problem with action gameplay, VIIR was fantastic and the direction I’d like the series to go. Star Ocean 6 was one of my favorite games of last year. But both of those games gave me what I want from jrpgs, which is to “think”.

Before people scoff at that, but jrpgs usually give me some thinking behind why I’m having a character in my party, why this weapon, and what’s why and how when it comes to utilizing these systems. It doesn’t mean they are some thinking man big brain game, it just means they engage me on a different level then some games. Even if most FF games are piss easy, I still think about what I want to do with my characters and party, they still give me systems I like to engage with. FFXVI’s combat system meant to me it was going to go for something else.

But did it give me what I like about jrpgs? Yes and no.

A little ways into the game I noticed that attacks had a stagger and attack rating. I had already felt that the Eikons were meant to have certain utility, more so styles than different weapons. Obviously, Gruada’s gouge is great at weaking stagger gauge, maybe best used after that embrace stagger attack. Or maybe not, maybe Titans block counter is better, the jojo like counterattack sure melts stagger when you use it as a counter. Then you get Odin’s attacks and at first I thought trying to fill the Zan guage just isn’t worth it. But then you get an accessory that you know boosts steel dancing gauge filling. Then you realize steel dancing basically pauses when it connects. So now to me Odin has become a lot viable. While Grauda is great and all, I’d rather have Phoenix, Titan, and now Odin. And I decided that because now when I get that half stagger window, I can use steel dancing and the gauge is pretty much full right there. I keep Phoenix because it has a great CC ability and an easy to use combo ability that works in pretty much every situation. Titan is great because the counters deplete stagger fast, and Odin to me worked as a great damage dealer. With Ignition for a good quick start to lead into staggered enemies (or crowd control) and then throw down thunderbolt before you LB/or Hold the Zan button. My friend himself found great use for Ramuh’s ability and preferred Grauda over Odin. Really the only one I found lacking was Bahumet, even after the Eikon trials. My point is that I actually think there’s perhaps more rpg to this then people give credit. More nuance to the battle system.

In a way, I started to somewhat see the Ekion selection like the paradigm’s of XIII, but based on a more action situation. Phoenix to start off with as a general attacker complete with it’s zero in shifting ability and good CC attack. Then shift to Titan when closer to an enemy for counters and Odin’s ability that I want to use at a specific window that will most likely happen as I’m closed in. Lastly, Odin himself for my attacks I want to make sure I get in during a staggered phase.

There was thought I put into these decisions. Maybe they weren’t the most “efficient”, but they were how I played. I started to think about equipment and how those little bonus would effect. Maybe having Phoenix’s CC attack on a shorter cooldown would be worthwhile, it was for Odin’s attacks.

At first I wished XVI was a jrpg framed as a DMC game. Later it seemed like they actually did adopt DMC combat to an rpg. And it’s fun, everything feels great. But it’s not without criticism. Most encounters do feel the same, your kind of are always doing the same thing. If you’re say a FFXIV fan and you really enjoy making sure you’re rotation is done well all the time, this may not bother you. It didn’t for me, but I enjoyed always trying to do my best. The grunt battles are extremely thoughtless, but again if you enjoy doing your best it may not bother you. I think this comes down to personal taste, but I think it can be said the combat is very fun and a great entry game into character action.

Boss battles and staggered enemies are where the battle system does really excel, they actually ask you to engage with these systems. That’s really the problem with XVI’s combat, it does not really ask you to engage with it on a deep level. Getting by with really no effort is extremely possible. Which despite what people say, I disagree about that being the norm. Even for 13. The encounter design for 16 I believe is pretty weak, while I have learned to agree that the argument for elemental weakness would maybe limit players freedom, I somewhat also think so what? It’s a jrpg and encounters should maybe force some rethinking.

I also still think the lack of party members is disappointing. Something like Scarlet Nexus does party members better and could have been an influence. Maybe there are elemental weaknesses, but if you chose the party member that has the Ekion of water it buffs and negates these things. I don’t know, just something. Speaking of the Eikons, I kind of don’t care for their battles. Yeah, the spectacle is there, but in the end they are kind of what I expected. It often really feels like you really don’t have any impact in them. Whatever progression or choices you’ve made are irrelevant. Just keep attacking with what we’ve given until they are dead. These numbers are for show, nothing you’ve done would really change how easy or hard this battle is. On repeats they will lose their luster.

One thing that I really think lost its luster quick was the general quest design of XVI. The sad part of XVI is for all Yoshi P’s talk about feeling like a roller coaster, it sure didn’t. If anything, it reminded me of XIV. Honestly to me XIV is boring outside of dungeons. Every zone feels the same. New zone, do a bunch of tedious quests that talk about the zone, story starts building again, dungeon/Primal time, and repeat. Its like this in XVi, you go to a new zone and have to deal with tedious quests and then the pacing restarts for exciting things. In general the game has I feel weak momentum, it lacks those exciting story moments like in X where your on the airship, then you have the boss battle with the red carpet, then Beveille, then some rest, and then shift where you control Yuna. Things that feel like good paced story and gameplay moments. XVI really lacks these coalescing of memorable story and gameplay moments. Everything feels very structured and segmented thanks to the quest design. It does not feel like a constant seamless cinematic adventure, nor does it feel like a journey thanks to the hub design. If there’s anything it took from GoT, it’s the instant travel from season 8.

So that kind of sucks to me and while I think the hub design helps in the sense of community that the game is strong in, it does make the world feel small. It does add to the world feeling like a level select world. In XII all the zones are connected, you must walk to most of them first, and so on. When its time to go Mt. Bur Ominse you can talk there and it feels like an actual journey. XVI misses these feelings. Hell, there are parts of the world that seem like they should connect, and they don’t. The first warning sign of course was “Journey with Cid to the Hideaway” and instead of a set-piece moment where you trek through the world and Cid talks to you giving you more worldbuilding, you instead open a menu and that’s that.

So much of XVI feels like CBU3 maybe doesn’t understand what a single player jrpg should be like. How you should pace them, how you should make the adventure feel. The level design of the world is fine on paper, but it has no good allusion to it. People dislike XIII because it fails at this. X on the other hand is just as linear and yet this problem doesn’t exist, because that game does many things to make it feel like you are traveling a world. The pacing, the scale of the world, and so on. XVI fails at that.

Like the structure, the side quests are kind of mmoy, but I will say plenty of hem provide interesting context which is an upgrade from a lot of jrpgs. Few are exciting in a gameplay way. Some are less exciting in a story way, but some complete whole character and/or town story arcs. The plus ones do have worthwhile rewards, but in general the equipment crafting and whatnot is simply there.

Some of this sounds uneven and well I mostly think the game is uneven. Plenty good, but also plenty bad or just dated. In general, I don’t think the game 100% takes FF to the next level. That applies to the story as well.

I like Clive, he is a personable character. He has an interesting character arc. Having great promise, and then finding himself with a purpose, and then maturing into someone who has purpose and a goal in life. It’s relatable, but also kind of stops halfway and then kind of becomes him banging the same drum.

I already think the story lacks exciting momentum, losing it after Cid’s death.

Before Cids death you had a lot of momentum complete with an ok arc for Benditka. I know people have some issues with her depiction in regards to how women are depicted. They have their points, but Im not as interested. Though I do think the women are weak in this game as Jill is a wet blanket. It became pretty clear to me that the Dominants would basically be arcs to themselves, which makes sense if you’re trying to structure a story. But Ben feels the most realized. It comes at a time where the story is really starting to get going. Her arrival brings interesting intrigue, but also a good first examination on the story’s themes. To me we see through her how a Dominant effects a person and how because of her connections to people being damaged she becomes a more cold walled off person, tying her being to her power. When she loses it, it becomes a terrible force. This is all decent first heavy stuff, its even well-paced with some nice linear map design.

And then the game kind of starts to falter.

“We’re going to sneak into the city to destroy our first crystal”

“Sneaking happens off-screen” and we never go to this city we keep hearing about. In fact we don’t really go to any of these cities the game constantly talks about. Adding to the ill-feeling of the world.

Then we flash forward and we’re with a more well realized Clive and the arc we are in is the Hugo arc and it’s not compelling. Because honestly, what nuance is there to Hugo. He’s angry about a relationship we really did not feel or see outside of one cutscene. One that I feel we are mostly left with the feeling of her kind of using him. But we don’t really delve into what Hugo feels or what drives him beyond being angry. I guess that fits into the themes of how our connections with people shape us, and in his case it leads him into fury, but I’m unsure if makes for interesting storytelling the way it’s presented. And how it connects to Ultima’s overarching goal I am less enthused.

Then we have Dion and again, I’m less enthused. We never saw when his father was a decent man and we also don’t get a good take on how Annabelle(maybe actually Ultima) is really influencing beyond he’s bad. But to what ends?

Which ties into this game’s problems. For all the Game of Thrones talk, it amounts to nothing. The maclhations of these states and whatnot in the end feel like whatever. They have so little to do with the actual plot that I’d rather the game just embrace the jrpgness and get to the Ultima stuff faster. The conflict between them feels distant and I guess that leads me to caring about Dion less, because what’s going on is his kingdom is whatever. A lot of this story is about Climate Change and maybe Sanbreqe is the America equivalent here, but there’s not a lot of commentary that could help push that. I just think it failed to really connect with me. It does not help that Anabelle feels like Cersi without any of the interesting elements. Just a villain for the sake of it and poorly written. Is her motivation to keep her bloodline pure, but she also props up her clearly infantile son? Who was never real maybe? It’s just not well done and so a lot of this arc falls flat for me.

Not as flat as Banabras whose nihilism perhaps serves as maybe an interesting mirror to Clive, but lacks a real punch after all the build up. The War of the Ekions does not feel like this war of philosophies and motivations symbolized by powerful characters, instead isolated episodic episodes that feel often undercooked.

Maybe not us undercooked as Ultima. We arrived a point where Ultima started to explain his backstory, I thought we were going to experience a Shadowbringer’s tier backstory dungeon. Hey, it’s worked twice there. I wish that’s what happened. I’m sure much has been said about Ultima and I think his problems kind of symbolize a lot of what the problems XVI’s story is. I don’t think it makes strong enough connections and explorations of it’s themes, which is rather ironic about of a s tory about connections.

Ultima is also driven by his connections. His goal is to bring back his own people, so he must be experiencing a great loss. Unlike Clive though he’s taken this task all on his own and formed a god complex. His problem is seeing humans as tools, just like people see the bearers and that is his weakness. I also found it interesting how he seems to use people’s connections against them, perverting them. Using their images against them.

But I also think the game does a poor job laying out exactly the mechanics and themes.

It starts off with these nation sates and whatnot, but in the end the conflicts of them are rather irrelevant.

There’s thematic elements with the slavery aspect and I would say in the end it’s better then who say a Tales game would handle it, but there doesn’t seem to be some really impactful connection to Ultima and the main plot. Like what I mean is that in FFX, pretty much all the world building ties into the plot on a surface and thematic level.

Yu Yeveon is a religion of death, even the masters are dead and clinging unto an everlasting cycle, as is the manifestation of this the theme, the villain itself.

But either way, it can’t be said I didn’t enjoy the game. And maybe a playthrough that avoids the most of the sidequest will create a more faster paced and eventful feeling game. The fact that I’m already interested in a replay I think says it all.
Post by: Coax on July 21, 2023, 04:13:18 AM
Post by: Fortus on July 21, 2023, 01:02:08 PM
Give Final Fantasy Mode a shot Rahx. I'm a bit OCD and didn't skip any sidequests but I did skip all the cutscenes and that helped the pacing quite a bit. It won't address some of your valid criticism but I found myself really enjoying it. Game doesn't merit the hyperbole, good or bad imo, but that's the price of being a mainline FF I guess
Post by: Svejk on July 23, 2023, 01:38:40 PM
Finally feel like I'm hitting another ramping up of this rollercoaster. 
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Just destroyed the fire mother crystal and got spiked in the feels on Jill's Father scene.  :leon :whoo
These high moments are fantastic. I'm fearing the last fat padding of side quest that's coming the second half, but i may skip some.  I think I've skipped one already back before a point of no return, so it doesn't matter.  Not trophy hunting or anything. 

Meant to ask anyone; Graphics or Performance mode? 
I've been playing Graphics since the beginning, but get tempted to change it up, but just convince myself to stick with it.
Post by: Bebpo on July 23, 2023, 03:35:17 PM
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I went into FFXVI pretty cautious about the direction. A lack of a real traditional party felt like a move that was really moving away from core jrpg battle concepts. Compound that with real time action combat that looked more like DMC and a seemingly adoption of western tastes in writing and aesthetics(begone anime pretty boys with emotions) and yeah I was a little cautious. I like jrpgs to be jrpg ass Japanese role playing games and it looked like Square in it’s increasing desire to have FF grow bigger was abandoning certain aspects for a western audience.

And you know what? I don’t think I was wrong, but that doesn’t mean I disliked the game. 100 hours later all side quests complete, all eikon trials complete, all hunts complete, and so on. I can safely say past a round 2 I got a lot out of XVI. Clearly, I did not dislike it, but it’s unevenness keeps it from reaching the heights that other FFs do for me. Perhaps, though that’s impossible. FF as a series I think for many fans grabs them at a young age and is a formulating experience for them and it makes it harder for instalments afterwards to match the special feelings those gave. That said, every FF is a special moment, a game that offers an experience like no other.

Now the combat was one of the most worrisome aspects going into the game for me. I like systems in JRPGS. I like crafting a party with specific roles and seeing how the game engages with me. I like finding the point of these systems and utilizing them to my fullest. I like party members, because I just like building a team and seeing what I can do with it. People seem to yell turn based elitist whenever fans don’t seem to jive with the real time action. I mean I have no problem with action gameplay, VIIR was fantastic and the direction I’d like the series to go. Star Ocean 6 was one of my favorite games of last year. But both of those games gave me what I want from jrpgs, which is to “think”.

Before people scoff at that, but jrpgs usually give me some thinking behind why I’m having a character in my party, why this weapon, and what’s why and how when it comes to utilizing these systems. It doesn’t mean they are some thinking man big brain game, it just means they engage me on a different level then some games. Even if most FF games are piss easy, I still think about what I want to do with my characters and party, they still give me systems I like to engage with. FFXVI’s combat system meant to me it was going to go for something else.

But did it give me what I like about jrpgs? Yes and no.

A little ways into the game I noticed that attacks had a stagger and attack rating. I had already felt that the Eikons were meant to have certain utility, more so styles than different weapons. Obviously, Gruada’s gouge is great at weaking stagger gauge, maybe best used after that embrace stagger attack. Or maybe not, maybe Titans block counter is better, the jojo like counterattack sure melts stagger when you use it as a counter. Then you get Odin’s attacks and at first I thought trying to fill the Zan guage just isn’t worth it. But then you get an accessory that you know boosts steel dancing gauge filling. Then you realize steel dancing basically pauses when it connects. So now to me Odin has become a lot viable. While Grauda is great and all, I’d rather have Phoenix, Titan, and now Odin. And I decided that because now when I get that half stagger window, I can use steel dancing and the gauge is pretty much full right there. I keep Phoenix because it has a great CC ability and an easy to use combo ability that works in pretty much every situation. Titan is great because the counters deplete stagger fast, and Odin to me worked as a great damage dealer. With Ignition for a good quick start to lead into staggered enemies (or crowd control) and then throw down thunderbolt before you LB/or Hold the Zan button. My friend himself found great use for Ramuh’s ability and preferred Grauda over Odin. Really the only one I found lacking was Bahumet, even after the Eikon trials. My point is that I actually think there’s perhaps more rpg to this then people give credit. More nuance to the battle system.

In a way, I started to somewhat see the Ekion selection like the paradigm’s of XIII, but based on a more action situation. Phoenix to start off with as a general attacker complete with it’s zero in shifting ability and good CC attack. Then shift to Titan when closer to an enemy for counters and Odin’s ability that I want to use at a specific window that will most likely happen as I’m closed in. Lastly, Odin himself for my attacks I want to make sure I get in during a staggered phase.

There was thought I put into these decisions. Maybe they weren’t the most “efficient”, but they were how I played. I started to think about equipment and how those little bonus would effect. Maybe having Phoenix’s CC attack on a shorter cooldown would be worthwhile, it was for Odin’s attacks.

At first I wished XVI was a jrpg framed as a DMC game. Later it seemed like they actually did adopt DMC combat to an rpg. And it’s fun, everything feels great. But it’s not without criticism. Most encounters do feel the same, your kind of are always doing the same thing. If you’re say a FFXIV fan and you really enjoy making sure you’re rotation is done well all the time, this may not bother you. It didn’t for me, but I enjoyed always trying to do my best. The grunt battles are extremely thoughtless, but again if you enjoy doing your best it may not bother you. I think this comes down to personal taste, but I think it can be said the combat is very fun and a great entry game into character action.

Boss battles and staggered enemies are where the battle system does really excel, they actually ask you to engage with these systems. That’s really the problem with XVI’s combat, it does not really ask you to engage with it on a deep level. Getting by with really no effort is extremely possible. Which despite what people say, I disagree about that being the norm. Even for 13. The encounter design for 16 I believe is pretty weak, while I have learned to agree that the argument for elemental weakness would maybe limit players freedom, I somewhat also think so what? It’s a jrpg and encounters should maybe force some rethinking.

I also still think the lack of party members is disappointing. Something like Scarlet Nexus does party members better and could have been an influence. Maybe there are elemental weaknesses, but if you chose the party member that has the Ekion of water it buffs and negates these things. I don’t know, just something. Speaking of the Eikons, I kind of don’t care for their battles. Yeah, the spectacle is there, but in the end they are kind of what I expected. It often really feels like you really don’t have any impact in them. Whatever progression or choices you’ve made are irrelevant. Just keep attacking with what we’ve given until they are dead. These numbers are for show, nothing you’ve done would really change how easy or hard this battle is. On repeats they will lose their luster.

One thing that I really think lost its luster quick was the general quest design of XVI. The sad part of XVI is for all Yoshi P’s talk about feeling like a roller coaster, it sure didn’t. If anything, it reminded me of XIV. Honestly to me XIV is boring outside of dungeons. Every zone feels the same. New zone, do a bunch of tedious quests that talk about the zone, story starts building again, dungeon/Primal time, and repeat. Its like this in XVi, you go to a new zone and have to deal with tedious quests and then the pacing restarts for exciting things. In general the game has I feel weak momentum, it lacks those exciting story moments like in X where your on the airship, then you have the boss battle with the red carpet, then Beveille, then some rest, and then shift where you control Yuna. Things that feel like good paced story and gameplay moments. XVI really lacks these coalescing of memorable story and gameplay moments. Everything feels very structured and segmented thanks to the quest design. It does not feel like a constant seamless cinematic adventure, nor does it feel like a journey thanks to the hub design. If there’s anything it took from GoT, it’s the instant travel from season 8.

So that kind of sucks to me and while I think the hub design helps in the sense of community that the game is strong in, it does make the world feel small. It does add to the world feeling like a level select world. In XII all the zones are connected, you must walk to most of them first, and so on. When its time to go Mt. Bur Ominse you can talk there and it feels like an actual journey. XVI misses these feelings. Hell, there are parts of the world that seem like they should connect, and they don’t. The first warning sign of course was “Journey with Cid to the Hideaway” and instead of a set-piece moment where you trek through the world and Cid talks to you giving you more worldbuilding, you instead open a menu and that’s that.

So much of XVI feels like CBU3 maybe doesn’t understand what a single player jrpg should be like. How you should pace them, how you should make the adventure feel. The level design of the world is fine on paper, but it has no good allusion to it. People dislike XIII because it fails at this. X on the other hand is just as linear and yet this problem doesn’t exist, because that game does many things to make it feel like you are traveling a world. The pacing, the scale of the world, and so on. XVI fails at that.

Like the structure, the side quests are kind of mmoy, but I will say plenty of hem provide interesting context which is an upgrade from a lot of jrpgs. Few are exciting in a gameplay way. Some are less exciting in a story way, but some complete whole character and/or town story arcs. The plus ones do have worthwhile rewards, but in general the equipment crafting and whatnot is simply there.

Some of this sounds uneven and well I mostly think the game is uneven. Plenty good, but also plenty bad or just dated. In general, I don’t think the game 100% takes FF to the next level. That applies to the story as well.

I like Clive, he is a personable character. He has an interesting character arc. Having great promise, and then finding himself with a purpose, and then maturing into someone who has purpose and a goal in life. It’s relatable, but also kind of stops halfway and then kind of becomes him banging the same drum.

I already think the story lacks exciting momentum, losing it after Cid’s death.

Before Cids death you had a lot of momentum complete with an ok arc for Benditka. I know people have some issues with her depiction in regards to how women are depicted. They have their points, but Im not as interested. Though I do think the women are weak in this game as Jill is a wet blanket. It became pretty clear to me that the Dominants would basically be arcs to themselves, which makes sense if you’re trying to structure a story. But Ben feels the most realized. It comes at a time where the story is really starting to get going. Her arrival brings interesting intrigue, but also a good first examination on the story’s themes. To me we see through her how a Dominant effects a person and how because of her connections to people being damaged she becomes a more cold walled off person, tying her being to her power. When she loses it, it becomes a terrible force. This is all decent first heavy stuff, its even well-paced with some nice linear map design.

And then the game kind of starts to falter.

“We’re going to sneak into the city to destroy our first crystal”

“Sneaking happens off-screen” and we never go to this city we keep hearing about. In fact we don’t really go to any of these cities the game constantly talks about. Adding to the ill-feeling of the world.

Then we flash forward and we’re with a more well realized Clive and the arc we are in is the Hugo arc and it’s not compelling. Because honestly, what nuance is there to Hugo. He’s angry about a relationship we really did not feel or see outside of one cutscene. One that I feel we are mostly left with the feeling of her kind of using him. But we don’t really delve into what Hugo feels or what drives him beyond being angry. I guess that fits into the themes of how our connections with people shape us, and in his case it leads him into fury, but I’m unsure if makes for interesting storytelling the way it’s presented. And how it connects to Ultima’s overarching goal I am less enthused.

Then we have Dion and again, I’m less enthused. We never saw when his father was a decent man and we also don’t get a good take on how Annabelle(maybe actually Ultima) is really influencing beyond he’s bad. But to what ends?

Which ties into this game’s problems. For all the Game of Thrones talk, it amounts to nothing. The maclhations of these states and whatnot in the end feel like whatever. They have so little to do with the actual plot that I’d rather the game just embrace the jrpgness and get to the Ultima stuff faster. The conflict between them feels distant and I guess that leads me to caring about Dion less, because what’s going on is his kingdom is whatever. A lot of this story is about Climate Change and maybe Sanbreqe is the America equivalent here, but there’s not a lot of commentary that could help push that. I just think it failed to really connect with me. It does not help that Anabelle feels like Cersi without any of the interesting elements. Just a villain for the sake of it and poorly written. Is her motivation to keep her bloodline pure, but she also props up her clearly infantile son? Who was never real maybe? It’s just not well done and so a lot of this arc falls flat for me.

Not as flat as Banabras whose nihilism perhaps serves as maybe an interesting mirror to Clive, but lacks a real punch after all the build up. The War of the Ekions does not feel like this war of philosophies and motivations symbolized by powerful characters, instead isolated episodic episodes that feel often undercooked.

Maybe not us undercooked as Ultima. We arrived a point where Ultima started to explain his backstory, I thought we were going to experience a Shadowbringer’s tier backstory dungeon. Hey, it’s worked twice there. I wish that’s what happened. I’m sure much has been said about Ultima and I think his problems kind of symbolize a lot of what the problems XVI’s story is. I don’t think it makes strong enough connections and explorations of it’s themes, which is rather ironic about of a s tory about connections.

Ultima is also driven by his connections. His goal is to bring back his own people, so he must be experiencing a great loss. Unlike Clive though he’s taken this task all on his own and formed a god complex. His problem is seeing humans as tools, just like people see the bearers and that is his weakness. I also found it interesting how he seems to use people’s connections against them, perverting them. Using their images against them.

But I also think the game does a poor job laying out exactly the mechanics and themes.

It starts off with these nation sates and whatnot, but in the end the conflicts of them are rather irrelevant.

There’s thematic elements with the slavery aspect and I would say in the end it’s better then who say a Tales game would handle it, but there doesn’t seem to be some really impactful connection to Ultima and the main plot. Like what I mean is that in FFX, pretty much all the world building ties into the plot on a surface and thematic level.

Yu Yeveon is a religion of death, even the masters are dead and clinging unto an everlasting cycle, as is the manifestation of this the theme, the villain itself.

But either way, it can’t be said I didn’t enjoy the game. And maybe a playthrough that avoids the most of the sidequest will create a more faster paced and eventful feeling game. The fact that I’m already interested in a replay I think says it all.

I only read some of this 'cause don't want to spoil the ending story stuff, but 100 hours??

Howlongtobeat say doing game + all side content = 55 hours and I'm ~50 hours in and feel like I'm in endgame (Ash).

If there's another 50 hours of game/content I'm never going to finish this. I thought I could push through the end in the next week forcing myself to play an hour or so a day.

If there's a shitload of side content left, maybe I'll just bail on side stuff entirely from this point and just finish the main story and shelve it.

Every time I pick this up I feel like it's the most dull unmotivating rpg to play since DQ7. I don't think it's a bad game. I still think it's about an 8/10, but just personally Barnabas/Odin ruined the game for me. Everything through

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Was pretty exciting, but Barnabas is such a nonsense overpowered underdeveloped loser character full of magical story deus ex machina BS to get around his power level that it's made the story a complete bore and I don't care about anyone or anything anymore. At least prior to this there were some interesting characters, but now there's just

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Barnabas and Ultima

Who are the two most dull characters in the entire story.

Honestly feels like FFXII all over again where the game just falls apart in the last act. The only thing I enjoy in the game anymore is when I fight a new boss with new attack patterns to learn. Everything else is zzzzzzzzzzz
Post by: Bebpo on July 23, 2023, 03:39:00 PM
I also want to add how 90% of the hunts fucking suck because they are just enemies you've already fought with the same move sets. Just giving them more HP or damage doesn't change the fight if you've already learned how to dodge and counter all their attacks from fighting the same enemies in the past.

Imo, pretty much all the grunt combat in this game sucks and is unfun after a while because it's so shallow. The midbosses/bosses where you need to actually dodge are fun, but there's so much repetition it kind of kills it. Which makes sense when you're stretching this out 50+ hours like an rpg length.

If this was a 15-20 hour action game like Dmc/Bayo with this amount of enemies and their moves to learn it'd be more than what's needed and a much better game.
Post by: demi on July 23, 2023, 10:00:04 PM
its insane what a visual powerhouse the final fight is. what a masterpiece. just watching it again gets me so hype. zelda TOTK could learn [many] things from it
Post by: Rahxephon91 on July 23, 2023, 10:27:49 PM
I mean I don't know if it's exactly 100 hours, thats just what the PS5 clock says. There is no in-game clock. But I believe it, because I did feel like I was playing for a long time with all the good and ill that implies.

Either way, sometimes yeah it was a slog. Yeah I gotta agree that having what is basically a character action game be stretched thin kind of is a flaw. But still, I really enjoyed the game in the end. I don't look back at it with negative views.
Post by: Himu on July 24, 2023, 01:35:38 AM
Great review, Rah Buddy.
Post by: Pissy F Benny on July 24, 2023, 04:19:35 PM
Have to agree with Barnabas being a bit shit, and he has my least fav current jrpg trope, the psych out boss fight where you get yourass whipped in the following cut scene :nope

The other villians were characters with motivations you could understand, he's just some tit talking vague jibberish about consciousness
Post by: Bebpo on July 25, 2023, 02:46:52 AM
Also want to talk about how pointless the zones are and why I just run through them on my chocobo instead of exploring.

...because there's nothing to explore. They spent all this money handcrafting these large zones without a single thing to do in them except fight normal enemies. And since this entire game I've never needed a normal enemy drop for any crafting, there's zero reason to even fight them.

Yeah, eventually they use some of the map for hunt spawns or sidequests, but it's crazy how there's like nothing to explore and find in these large zones.

And separate nitpick, but now that I'm at the end, the game is visually too drab. Occasionally there's some color like the Iron Island exterior and the art direction is top notch regardless, but for a fantasy game or rpg, the lack of pretty environments is a downer. Dead empty towns are zzz.
Post by: Bebpo on July 25, 2023, 05:38:05 PM
Another nitpick is how silly some of the insertions of classic FF melodies are in the game.

Like we've got these hyper realistic blood stained individuals going RAH RAH LETS GO BEAT UP SOME BADSSS and it starts playing the FF prelude theme and it's just...  :rofl 

I appreciate the nods like the boss/midboss battle theme arrangements, but sometimes stuff like that just does not fit the gritty real style at all.
Post by: Bebpo on July 26, 2023, 10:55:02 PM
Alright, finished it with doing all the content.

Kinda shit game, peaks at Titan and then it's all downhill since the story sucks once they explain things. Some fun optional bosses in the S rank hunts, final part of the final boss is solid.

But basically story sucks, way too many cutscenes/wordy dialogue, cast is not as actively dislikeable as FFXIII's cast (outside Sazh) but they're the most boring set of rpg characters you can get. The best character in the game

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gets written out a quarter in. Seriously, it's fine to kill Aerith, no one's ever said Aerith was the best character in the game, but don't make the character you kill off early on be the best character in the game. That's just dumb even if it makes plot sense.

The worldlore is the stupidest shit ever with the bearers thing. Like how that got past the first draft is beyond me. It's like a slavery story written by 5 year olds. This game has a worse world story/plot than Tales games.

The amount of quests and cutscenes in the last chunk before the final dungeon is disgusting. I literally got angry with how long and boring ass some of these sidequests were at that point. It's like "I don't care", I just want it to be over so I can go do the final dungeon. They should have spread out the side character sidequests to be one character between each major story section to spread them out instead of dumping them all together at the end.

Combat is decent but shallow. It's fun enough for a shorter game, but doesn't really keep it fun for 50+ hours. Just too repetitive. Non-combat gameplay is jack and shit because there's absolutely fuck nothing to do in the game except run over the same few maps a million times with slow ass chocobos that can't even fly because that would actually make the game pacing a bit spiffier.

Probably with the sidequests the worst paced game in a while. Very reminiscent of A Realm Reborn and it's awful pacing.

Also pretty reminiscent of ARR in that ARR is plain and boring and it wasn't until the expansions that built off that, that we actually got something good. So maybe if they build off this they'll make a good game next time.

In the end I'm going to put FF13 over this and call this the worst game in the series. I'll take FF13's combat and music and color over this even if it's almost equally as boring and the story is almost equally as bad/nonsense and the cast in 13 is even worse.
Post by: Bebpo on July 26, 2023, 11:15:11 PM
Also, my hot take is that Strangers in Paradise is a better action game FF than this.

Better combat
Better boss fights
Better story
Jack > Clive

Strangers should've had this game's budget and been the real FF16.
Post by: Bebpo on July 26, 2023, 11:47:47 PM
Actually some of the side NPCs are good in FF16.

Gav/Mid/Byron are better than the main cast. They really did Jill dirty and Clive is a total player standin with no personality.
Post by: Bebpo on July 27, 2023, 01:17:41 AM
So I'm reading the Reddit thread on FF16's plot and it seems most people think the plot is shit after Bahamut with Barnabas/Ultima and the game is full of plot holes and plot armor and the usual rushed mess of jrpg finale.

Basically it's FF15's last 1/3rd all over again.

Or FF12's.

Seems like with big budget stuff like FF, they figure a lot of players/critics never get past halfway, so they focus on the first half and then they rush to fill in the back half to get it out by release date and on budget, cutting stuff left and right and trying to retrofit plot writing to make it work, which results in these plots falling apart. Really annoying.

At least stuff like Xenoblade 3 have the decency of never having a good plot to begin with so it's not really falling apart (although I like the XB3 cast a lot and the character mini-stories in the world).
Post by: demi on July 27, 2023, 07:24:10 AM
Yes Barnabas takes up too much screen time and he doesn't really accomplish anything besides looking powerful and sucking off Ultima who shapeshifts into Kopka because he needs that meaty bear dick
Post by: Pissy F Benny on July 29, 2023, 03:00:11 PM
Not that bothered by Barnabas now I know he's basically the end of disc 3 boss, it not like a villain who talks vauge rubbish that has given himself over to the god or alien who also talks vaugue rubbish that you puny humans will never comprehend isn't a final fantasy thing anyway :trumps
Post by: Pissy F Benny on July 29, 2023, 03:05:04 PM
He basically needed better hair and a less candy ass name.
Post by: Bebpo on July 29, 2023, 04:04:36 PM
He basically needed better hair and a less candy ass name.

What. His hair's good. He looks hot, that's one of the reason why he sucks so bad. He's hot and brooding and has the power of darkness/Odin and yet he has zero personality.

He's also bullshit overpowered until he magically isn't.

And then there's the eikon Odin fight

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Which is missing almost entirely

Just a total letdown character. Ash as a whole is a total letdown. Also the whole thing with the sea is kind of too physics defying for me even in a magical final fantasy game.
Post by: Pissy F Benny on July 29, 2023, 11:13:41 PM
His hair is fine in an irlsense, just lacks the anime flourish even a more grounded ff charcter needs imo.
Post by: Rahxephon91 on July 30, 2023, 02:14:43 AM
Some of the Visuals during the odin arc were pretty amazing though.
Post by: Svejk on July 30, 2023, 01:05:16 PM

The highs are so incredible... Then the slogs are fucking almost unbearably bad.  I skip so much dialogue just to get to the next action set piece now.   Tired of looking the same too.  Sure, it's a cool get up I guess, but good grief..
Post by: Pissy F Benny on August 09, 2023, 04:05:44 PM
Finished it the other day, loved it for the most part but probably falls short of being a GOTY contender imo.
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I also found the ending too brief and a bit of a let down. I did like the little nod to FF7 with the epilogue tho
Post by: Bebpo on August 09, 2023, 05:49:42 PM
I still haven't watched the ending proper. Like I was so disappointed by the end, after the final boss died I just started doing other stuff and sorta watching it in the background. Just didn't care about the plot by that point and was only in it for the gameplay and music in the final boss fight.

I think I totally tuned out on the plot 100% after

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they just kill off Joshua like that

Joshua >>>>>>>> Clive. Wish he was the lead.

One day when I'm bored I'll actually watch the ending.
Post by: Himu on August 12, 2023, 10:41:42 AM
Seems this game isn't doing well in sales. Good. Especially at a time when BG3 (a turn based rpg which apparently westerners hate) is at the top of steam. Lol get rekt sell outs.
Post by: Svejk on August 14, 2023, 11:16:20 AM
Finally did the Bahumut battle last night.. Just when I was borderline wanting to shelf the game from boredom, this game just piledrives the shit out of your face, locks your balls in a figure 4 till you say matte..
Wow.  :whoo
Post by: Tuckers Law on August 14, 2023, 05:21:28 PM
Finally did the Bahumut battle last night.. Just when I was borderline wanting to shelf the game from boredom, this game just piledrives the shit out of your face, locks your balls in a figure 4 till you say matte..
Wow.  :whoo

I was just about to come here and post that I did the bahamut fight this morning before work, and -Holy Shit- is it something else.  I've barely been able to think of anything else all day but getting back to the game.
Post by: tiesto on August 15, 2023, 03:44:39 PM
Finally did the Bahumut battle last night.. Just when I was borderline wanting to shelf the game from boredom, this game just piledrives the shit out of your face, locks your balls in a figure 4 till you say matte..
Wow.  :whoo

Honestly, I felt the game really falls off after the Bahamut battle.
Post by: Akala on August 17, 2023, 11:32:46 AM
I finally beat it and man...not saying it's worse than 13 cause come on now, but really unevenly paced and collapses at the end.

I was actually kinda coming around to it right at the end with all of the sidequests, at first I was kind of ready to be done with it, but it won me back around by the end so I took my time and did everything but the trials. In general I liked the cast.

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How did they really tease an airship then not do it. Just throwing everyone away and trying to be slightly ambiguous with the end was annoying.

I think I was expecting an epilogue or something, they were building on a bunch but after it was done you realize that last drop was kind of the end.

Overall 7ish/10 with a lot of good bits. That embarrassing beach scene up there with the 10 laugh scene as most embarrassing in the series.
Post by: Bebpo on August 17, 2023, 11:52:27 AM
That embarrassing beach scene up there with the 10 laugh scene as most embarrassing in the series.

Haha, definitely. So awkward. Same thing with the stuff at Jill's island stage. The game stumbled whenever it tried to handle anything serious that didn't involve punching.
Post by: Tuckers Law on August 17, 2023, 09:42:50 PM
I just finished the Jill and Clive on the beach scene, and was fine with it.  I ship em  :yeshrug
Post by: Svejk on August 18, 2023, 09:45:40 AM
I'll be back on this tonight.  Haven't played all week.  All my hype is in Dragon's Dogma, so this'll be a chore again...

So... are the end game side quests worth it at all?  (Besides the (+) marked side quests)  If they're the usual fodder they've been, I'll probably just b-line the main quests. Too much shit about to release I need to move on to.
Post by: Tuckers Law on August 18, 2023, 10:07:07 AM
Not sure how close I am to endgame, but I just did a regular/non- (+) sidequest that I thought had surprisingly good story moments (it involved that merchant Eloise and her brother Theo), as opposed to the usual boring MMO quest shit from most sidequests.
Post by: tiesto on August 18, 2023, 11:31:29 AM
Not sure how close I am to endgame, but I just did a regular/non- (+) sidequest that I thought had surprisingly good story moments (it involved that merchant Eloise and her brother Theo), as opposed to the usual boring MMO quest shit from most sidequests.

I think you're approaching the end of the game, the ones where you get the 'signposts' from the different primary NPCs (and usually come in 2 parts) are the endgame quests.

What was the last main quest objective you've done?
Post by: Tuckers Law on August 18, 2023, 05:10:56 PM
Definitely approaching endgame then, been getting signposts out the wazoo for my serial killer trophies wall.

I think my last MSQ objective was still
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returning from Clive and Jill clapping cheeks on the beach of Ash
.  I generally try and do all the sidequests and hunts as they become available before continuing the story.
Post by: Tuckers Law on August 19, 2023, 10:50:33 PM
Finished the sidequests and hunts, only have the last main story quest remaining.  These endgame sidequests are so much better overall than a lot of the others, I think it would've done the game a lot of good to cull maybe half of all sidequests that are basic-bitch stuff like item fetches, and just increase the rewards for the rest.
Post by: Bebpo on August 19, 2023, 10:55:34 PM
Finished the sidequests and hunts, only have the last main story quest remaining.  These endgame sidequests are so much better overall than a lot of the others, I think it would've done the game a lot of good to cull maybe half of all sidequests that are basic-bitch stuff like item fetches, and just increase the rewards for the rest.

They're good but they are paced horribly packing them all in the end. I hated most of them because I just wanted to go do the final dungeon and not spend a dozen hours listening to people talk.
Post by: Tuckers Law on August 19, 2023, 11:21:44 PM
That's fair criticism, some of the stuff gets awfully wordy and those bits are an aspect of FF14-style story writing that I wish had not carried over.
Post by: Tuckers Law on August 21, 2023, 10:50:53 AM
Finished the game, overall really enjoyed my time with it.  One of the biggest things I've come away from it thinking: all the VO work, from scripted dialogue writing to direction and acting, did quite a lot to elevate the game to where it's at.  If SE management is smart (that's a coin flip, really), they would make sure all those people involved are their first choice for any new VO heavy game they want to do in the future.

Other takeaway's:
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I wouldn't say no to some Leviathan-centric DLC, as long as it doesn't overstay its welcome.  A good 10-hour experience maximum, IMO.
Post by: Svejk on August 22, 2023, 09:48:19 AM
I need to hurry up and finish this thing.  :doge  Finished a Dragon's Dogma run, so that relieved me some to focus back on this some more.
Post by: Svejk on September 02, 2023, 09:35:58 PM
New character skins dlc available today for free..  This works perfectly for me because Im striding towards the end and the new looks will feel appropriate for the end game.
Just got past..
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getting the Shiva ikon

Paid dlcs and PC news coming by the end of the year.
Post by: Svejk on September 04, 2023, 02:04:36 PM
Defeated Barnabus and should be in end game.  Skipping all the side quests and need to finish this game... Got Starfield on the brain nonstop and yearning to play some more..
Post by: Svejk on September 10, 2023, 01:36:06 PM
Finally finsihed this last night.

As a character action game, 8.5-9-ish...

As a traditional FF game, 7...  and that's being generous. 

The grahics and drama were there, full-on... But the mechanics and choices/options were practically non-existent.
Post by: Bebpo on September 10, 2023, 01:41:06 PM
Sounds about right. Congrats on the clear!
Post by: Tuckers Law on October 02, 2023, 05:38:38 PM
The farther away in time that I get from having finished this, the more fondly I start thinking on it, and the more I think it might be my personal game of the year (so far), even compared against TOTK.
Post by: Pissy F Benny on October 02, 2023, 07:02:07 PM
I'm the opposite, further away I get the less I care. Probably cos it ends with the typical 'mwuhahah you puny humans could never comprehend my wicked scheme' shite most final fantasy ultimate villains end up saying.
Post by: Bebpo on October 02, 2023, 07:29:26 PM
The farther away in time that I get from having finished this, the more fondly I start thinking on it, and the more I think it might be my personal game of the year (so far), even compared against TOTK.

I hate the game at this point and it's killed my love of my favorite IP, but glad at least some people enjoyed what it did.
Post by: Tuckers Law on October 03, 2023, 02:17:07 AM
Admittedly, I am a longtime FF14 fan, so it would make sense for 16 and it's storytelling to be in my wheelhouse.  The ridiculously good music and excellent voice acting probably helped, too.

EDIT: Also, there are several games from this year that I know I'll love but have put on the backburner for various reasons, such as Pikmin 4, so it could be I just haven't played all that many great games from this year.
Post by: Svejk on October 03, 2023, 09:24:17 PM
I was telling my kids the other day, if I could take it back and not fall for the hype, I would've passed on it.  I didn't hate it, but I didn't love it either... I would've rather put my $70 into something else and waited for a sale. 

It had such a strong ass start; Barked all four wheels at the green light, but then coasted in 3rd gear most the time, with only a few drops into 5th, only to fall back to 3rd.  Feels like it wanted to be more, but not with another 3-4 years of development could they have achieved it.  Glad it was polished for what it was though.
Post by: Himu on October 05, 2023, 11:42:03 PM
Glad I skipped it. Fuck this game, you sellout cunts.

I hope and pray FFXVII is a command based/turn based FF on Switch 2 or something. Hire a competent writer. Give it its own vision. Make it Final Fantasy.
Post by: Pissy F Benny on October 06, 2023, 07:16:19 AM
It doesn't suck in the slightest, just goes from GOTY shoo in at the start to tailing off big time into convoluted gibberish like a lot of the games in the series. 8/10.
Post by: Rahxephon91 on October 06, 2023, 08:36:27 AM
The game was fine.

Post by: Svejk on October 06, 2023, 09:46:17 AM
It felt $40-$50 fine to me... Not $70. 
(Kinda like TOTK feels like $40 dlc... Definitely not $70.)

FFXVI would have such stunning locales and battles... only to fall into ultra boring/non-interactive and empty maps and conversations.  You get the illusion of little secrets around every corner, but it's really empty.  It was clearly made for people that just want to charge forward and fight...  I completely skipped the last 30-40% of the side quests.  Cared nothing for the people.

Again, it's a great character action game, but not a great FF by any means of a traditional sense.   Definitely not my GOTY. 

But it's all good.. Rebirth is only 4 months away.  FF is not lost yet.