Katie Couric (who is deemed a miserable failure by media press) recieves almost TEN TIMES the viewers of a Keith Olbermann.
I don't think there's any denying that, but it's not like Olbermann is that bow tie-clad fucker Tucker Carlson.
You claimed Olbermann was ahead of O'Reilly in certain demos, yet you failed to provide any evidence of this. In fact, you used a link that proved you wrong. So you lose. Will you admit that you were wrong on that?
I claimed Olbermann was ahead of O'Reilly in some demos, and he was, albeit it was this week. In fact, I proved a link that proved me right. You post quarterlies outside of October, his highest month of viewership, because it somehow validates your spin.
You are just trying to spin this, because you've been humiliated in public, once again, for speaking out of your ass and claiming Olbermann is a low rated journalist. Especially considering he ranks ahead of CNN now, you're so wrong about this it's just sad.
The spin your selling is so awful. You should work for O'Reilly.