Author Topic: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba baaaa  (Read 466333 times)

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Olivia Wilde Homo

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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #2340 on: October 03, 2008, 01:36:59 PM »
The thing is that while Palin proved she could answer a question without rambling, there was no material that McCain could actually use to bolster the campaign.  Palin had no zingers, no burns, nothing.  Basically this debate temporarily reinforced that she wasn't a total blunderer.  However, I don't expect her to give too many interviews from now until November 4th.  McCain succeeded in preventing a total Palin meltdown on live TV.

I don't think Obama's campaign will take a hit from this.  Biden was mostly cool (he got angry for a bit there), had facts, and came up with some great burns (Ultimate bridge to nowhere).  Biden did great up there.  More and more moderates are calling this a Biden victory.  Connies are circle jerking over Palin because she wasn't a total fuck up.  Her PTA style of debating was a step up from her rambling interviews but that doesn't necessarily translate more confidence in her personally.  It just means she isn't always a total fuck up.  Not that optimistic.

I expect a one percentage point gain for Obama/Biden.  With the new job figures posted, Obama and Biden will put the GOP on the defensive, giving them almost no time to celebrate their "victory."


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  • I have the most sensible car on The Bore
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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #2346 on: October 03, 2008, 06:38:19 PM »
-159,000 jobs in September
-760,000 for the year
Unemployment at 6.1%

"My name is John McCain and I approve these numbers."

Whatever, mang.

siamesedreamer explained to me this is just teens being laid off from Checkers because of the minimum wage hike.


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Flannel Boy

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Great Remixed Version with Bonus Bite

Madrun Badrun

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Just got a call for my mom from the bank, saying that she (the bank woman) would like to talk to my mom about her investments.  When I said my mom wasn't here she gave a sigh and said she's calling a lot of her clients today because of market turmoil and that she'd be there till 6.  Then hung up.

If you stupid Americans have fucked up my inheritance I'ma going to shit on your faces!!!  :maf :maf :maf

The Fake Shemp

  • Ebola Carrier
He sounds like DeVito's Penguin.


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Why, hello there, folks! May I call you "folks"? I'll be your pilot today. What? Am I "qualified" to fly this jalopy? You betcha! Why? Because I'm a mom, that's why. No, I don't know what all these switches and handles and whatnot are. I don't CARE what they are, to tell ya the truth. The important thing is that I'm ready, I'm willing, and (wink) I'm eager as heck to get the job done! THAT'S what matters.

Doncha think? O-kay then. Here we go!

Whoops! Whew. That's a lotta noise. And just a teeny bit of fire back there. But what the heck, right? It's fuel, and energy happens to be my specialty.

What? Who's that fella yellin' over the radio? Air traffic control? Well, who the heck cares? No, honestly, really: Who cares? I sure as heck don't, and I don't think my passengers do either.

What's my heading? What's my heading? We're on the right track and we know where we want to go, that's for darn sure.

No, I'm not going to give you my "bearings," or whatever it is you call those little numbers. Look here, Buster, I might not answer those questions the way you or the other pilots might like. But you know what? I'm going to talk straight to my passengers here, without the filter of any darned air traffic controllers or FAA or whatever the heck you all are calling yourselves now.

I mean, how good can you all be at your jobs, anyhoo? There are just heck of a lot, I mean a HECK of a lot of plane crashes all the darn time. So real people like me and my passengers figure it's time for some fresh air in this whole flying business anyway.

What? What are you saying there in your fancy-dancy tower down there? We don't have towers like that on Main Street in Wasilla, buster, you can bet your life. Nope. Just a whole heck of a lot of common sense, which is all too rare in this world today, doncha think?

And don't you think that if I can handle a crying baby and ban a book and milk the federal government for all the pork my little town can hold then I can fly your darn little airplane, for crying out loud?

What? are you TALKING again? Saying that most crashes are due to pilot error? Like, because the pilot didn't KNOW stuff?

There you go again with your LOOKING BACK. We'd rather look FORWARD where I come from. But then, heck, I guess that's just the darned difference between you and us, isn't it? But you're a good talker, though. I'll give ya that.

Why aren't I changed my heading to zero-one-niner as instructed? Because I'm the mommy, that's why, Mr. Smarty-Pants. I think I've got enough sense to know when to turn a darn airplane.

What's that? Raise flaps? Raise FLAPS? Raise flaps or we'll CRASH? There you go again, raising the white flag of surrender just when we ....

..... [static] ...

Wait. Wait. Team, I think we found a couple survivors. They're in critical condition - looks like they'll need surgery right here at the crash site. But a routine depressurizing of the skull should save this guy's life. Can we get the neurosurgeon over here stat? Here she is. Thank God. We got the expert here just in time.

Oh, heck. Ouch. That's gotta hurt, right? No, I didn't go to any fancy-dancy medical school but I'm a Mom so believe-you-me I've seen a booboo or two in my day and if somebody around here just has a sharp thimgamajig we'll have you fixed up in a jiffy. Don' worry. This won't hurt a bit!


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The McCain camp didn't even bother telling Sarah Palin about pulling out of Michigan. She said she found out this morning reading one of those media outlets she probably can't name.

But wait, there's more.

"Todd and I, we'd be happy to get to Michigan and walk through those plants of the car manufacturers," Palin said, referring to her husband. "We'd be so happy to get to speak to the people in Michigan who are hurting because the economy is hurting."

Palin acknowledged the GOP ticket's lackluster poll ratings in the state, but said: "I want to get back to Michigan and I want to try."

Pull out of Michigan because you think you have no chance, or send Palin in and know you have no chance. Hmmm.


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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #2354 on: October 03, 2008, 10:41:23 PM »;_ylt=Avne_3FbQ66GzCzfRtK6EDOs0NUE

The McCain camp didn't even bother telling Sarah Palin about pulling out of Michigan. She said she found out this morning reading one of those media outlets she probably can't name.

But wait, there's more.

"Todd and I, we'd be happy to get to Michigan and walk through those plants of the car manufacturers," Palin said, referring to her husband. "We'd be so happy to get to speak to the people in Michigan who are hurting because the economy is hurting."

Palin acknowledged the GOP ticket's lackluster poll ratings in the state, but said: "I want to get back to Michigan and I want to try."

Pull out of Michigan because you think you have no chance, or send Palin in and know you have no chance. Hmmm.

Between that and her suggestion to have more debates so she could get across to the American people "unfiltered," I almost feel bad for her. She's obviously chafing against the strict sequestration policy the McCain campaign has her on now--she signed up for this so she could be famous, not sit around while her handlers hope she goes away!

cool breeze

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I really shouldn't be finding this McCain laugh as funny as I am.


  • is calmer than you are
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Then again, if Palin is in Michigan, that means she is not someplace else they still might win.

I think McCain will have her on a plane to Flint by tomorrow morning.

Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
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I saw that McCain got a bump in polls on today.


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I dunno, gallups worse than ever. Then again, POLLS lol

Olivia Wilde Homo

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I don't put too much stock into polling but it is a pretty decent barometer of momentum.  I don't see what McCain did exactly to deserve that minor bump.  Is it just people are so tired of pro Obama coverage that they're automatically going to switch to the GOP?

LOL the thought is depressing

also, you must remember that back when Palin debuted on national stage, her approval was like 41%, and right before the VP debate, 26%-ish.  That means 26% were teh neocons, and the extra 18-20% were unsure undecided voters who were attracted to Palin for the sole reason taht she was a white squeaky clean mom whose name doesn't rhyme with Yo Mama.  What tha ttells me is 20% or so who are undecided moderates are so unintelligent that they would be swayed by 'liberal' pro-obama coverage, or palin appearing cute and primpy like in the debate.  So again: do not underestimate the effect of the GOP strategy.

and to those who are so sure obama will win:  there's still a month left.  I remember when in 04, bush practically flunked the first debate, bullied the mod on teh second one, and came away with a 'draw' on the third one [by 'draw', i mean by the war of perception  and style, not substance].  Of course, back then the times were more fearful and phobic, but still...the man won.

So don't make too many assumptions.


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I dont think anyone is so sure obama will win, but numbers are numbers. If they lean Obamas way I will start suspecting a better outlook. Its only natural.

Olivia Wilde Homo

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When in doubt, it is always a good idea to bank on American stupidity.

I don't think Obama has an easy shot but McCain has done a bad job on both the issues front and the image front.  All he does now is making angry responses and pull out of what was once considered to be swing states or not a guaranteed Democratic victory states.  Bush at least lacked the issues but kept his image intact.  McCain doesn't even have that.  Which explains my surprise.  His campaign is a giant clusterfuck, which almost makes me wish for the days of Rovian GOP strategy of tightly controlled disinformation.  The manic, borderline schizophrenic Hail Mary game plan of McCain is just baffling.

I still think that Americans in general are wanting to find reasons to not vote for Obama than they are reasons to vote for McCain.  Which is why Obama pretty much needs to run the perfect campaign.  I think he does a very good job but October is going to see a lot of desperate straw grasping from McCain/Palin.  I just hope Obama calls him out on his shit immediately and turns McCain's attacks back on him.  Which was something that Kerry and Dukakis failed to do, which cost them big in the elections.


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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #2364 on: October 04, 2008, 11:07:11 AM »
I don't put too much stock into polling but it is a pretty decent barometer of momentum.  I don't see what McCain did exactly to deserve that minor bump.  Is it just people are so tired of pro Obama coverage that they're automatically going to switch to the GOP?

What bump are you talking about? The Minnesota outlier?

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #2365 on: October 04, 2008, 01:03:51 PM »;_ylt=Avne_3FbQ66GzCzfRtK6EDOs0NUE

The McCain camp didn't even bother telling Sarah Palin about pulling out of Michigan. She said she found out this morning reading one of those media outlets she probably can't name.

But wait, there's more.

"Todd and I, we'd be happy to get to Michigan and walk through those plants of the car manufacturers," Palin said, referring to her husband. "We'd be so happy to get to speak to the people in Michigan who are hurting because the economy is hurting."

Palin acknowledged the GOP ticket's lackluster poll ratings in the state, but said: "I want to get back to Michigan and I want to try."

Pull out of Michigan because you think you have no chance, or send Palin in and know you have no chance. Hmmm.

Sounds like a fake story. ie she knew he was pulling out of Michigan and was told to say something along these lines. Seems like the McCain camp's new plan to show Palin's competence is to have her disagree with McCain on small issues

Olivia Wilde Homo

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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #2366 on: October 04, 2008, 01:22:54 PM »
I could easily see that as the new Palin strategy - pretend to not give up.  It is a way for her to seem concerned about the masses but at the same time, not actually be interviewed.

I don't put too much stock into polling but it is a pretty decent barometer of momentum.  I don't see what McCain did exactly to deserve that minor bump.  Is it just people are so tired of pro Obama coverage that they're automatically going to switch to the GOP?

What bump are you talking about? The Minnesota outlier?

Well, McCain got a one point increase yesterday and had Obama from 336 to 332.8.  I'm not sure what he did exactly to get that boost, even if it was insignificant.

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #2367 on: October 04, 2008, 01:50:57 PM »
Anyone else getting nervous now that October is here? McCain is going 100% negative right now. That's what allowed him to tie up the polls during the summer (before the conventions). It was a short term solution and ran out of gas eventually, but with 30 days left short term solutions could work.

That being said it's pretty fucking hard to come from behind on a state level. National polls fluctuate like crazy but it takes time to make progress in some battleground states. For instance Obama was down in Missouri for months, now he's creeping towards a slim lead. Ohio has turned around, as has Florida.

I guess the last 30 days will come down to whether people can be distracted again. Voting with your wallet vs voting based on bullshit.

The Fake Shemp

  • Ebola Carrier
McCain will still win, because October is the Devil's month and people are back in love with Palin!

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #2369 on: October 04, 2008, 01:56:40 PM »
Palin has nothing to do with it. She lost the debate according to every poll, her negatives continue to go up, etc

But this is definitely a dangerous month, election wise. Whether it's an Osama capture/video or maybe more Wright shit...who knows


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McCain will still win, because October is the Devil's month and people are back in love with Palin!

Its more that 2008 has sucked.

Phoenix Dark

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Olivia Wilde Homo

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I'm not necessarily worried but I do know that McCain's strategy since August has been to make huge plays.  I expect nothing to be sacred.  At the same time though, he is making a lot of concessions right now.  People can't be expected to funnel money into this failure.  The second debate is what is going to determine the race.  Again, this town hall thing is supposedly McCain's thing (much like foreign policy was) and if he can't make it here, he sure as shit won't move any numbers in the third debate, which is about economics.

It all depends on how Obama and Biden deal with it.  If they have functioning testicles, they will hit just as hard.  New unemployment figures are coming out.  I hope that Obama and Biden aren't going to just sit back if McCain keeps bringing up Wright.  Wright is over and done with.  The celebrity ads did some damage but considering the celebrity treatment of Palin, they can't use that card anymore.  If they play it right, they can make it look like McCain is being desperate, not effective.  The Democrats though have a tendency to fumble the ball before reaching the end zone, which worries me more than McCain's desperate attacks.  I would like 2008 to be an exception.

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #2373 on: October 04, 2008, 03:34:22 PM »
And here we go!

Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin is accusing Democrat Barack Obama of "palling around with terrorists" for his association with a former 1960s radical.

Palin was referring to Bill Ayers, one of the founders of the group the Weather Underground. The group took credit for bombings, including nonfatal explosions at the Pentagon and the U.S. Capitol four decades ago.

In remarks to GOP donors in Englewood, Colo., on Saturday, Palin said Obama seems to see the U.S. as being so imperfect that, in her words, "he's palling around with terrorists who would target their own country."

Obama served on a charity board with Ayers in Chicago and has denounced his past activities.

The economy is the biggest issue of this election. September's job numbers were horrible across the board. All Obama has to do is continue hammering that, over and over again. McCain=Bush. I'd love for Obama to bring up the 2004 election where people were indeed fooled by personality politics and distractions: look what happened.

McCain has supported de-regulation for 26 years (I'd love for Obama to explain what that means at the town hall). Being a 10% Maverick is nothing to brag about.

so ...just so you know...if mccain wins.   not that i'm saying he will, but.  are we going to have a group hug

i think, speaking very honestly:  the bush 04 re election, all those debates, all teh tactics have really just changed my view of how the US world works. Whenever something amazing and improbable happens - like Obama being this close - this close - to the presidency, that 04 election creeps up at the corner of my eye.

Howard Alan Treesong

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maybe I am totally naive but I find the Ayers connection spurious at best

Positive Touch

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obama didn't rip ayers' throat out the instant he met him, so it proves that he secretly wants to bomb america too!

Human Snorenado

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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #2378 on: October 04, 2008, 05:04:45 PM »
And here we go!

Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin is accusing Democrat Barack Obama of "palling around with terrorists" for his association with a former 1960s radical.

Palin was referring to Bill Ayers, one of the founders of the group the Weather Underground. The group took credit for bombings, including nonfatal explosions at the Pentagon and the U.S. Capitol four decades ago.

In remarks to GOP donors in Englewood, Colo., on Saturday, Palin said Obama seems to see the U.S. as being so imperfect that, in her words, "he's palling around with terrorists who would target their own country."

Obama served on a charity board with Ayers in Chicago and has denounced his past activities.

The economy is the biggest issue of this election. September's job numbers were horrible across the board. All Obama has to do is continue hammering that, over and over again. McCain=Bush. I'd love for Obama to bring up the 2004 election where people were indeed fooled by personality politics and distractions: look what happened.

McCain has supported de-regulation for 26 years (I'd love for Obama to explain what that means at the town hall). Being a 10% Maverick is nothing to brag about.

I wonder if she thinks it would be fair game for someone to point out her ties to a party that promotes the secession of the state she governs from the USA.  Or maybe that would be sexist or just the darned "filter" of the media poking back in?


  • you might think that; I couldn't possibly comment
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i think, speaking very honestly:  the bush 04 re election, all those debates, all teh tactics have really just changed my view of how the US world works. Whenever something amazing and improbable happens - like Obama being this close - this close - to the presidency, that 04 election creeps up at the corner of my eye.

this year feels a lot different to me than 04, I'm pretty sure the dems will clean up.  too bad the dems are worthless.

Eric P

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ha ha



“There is a lot of interest, I guess, in what I read and what I’ve read lately. Well, I was reading my copy of today’s New York Times and I was interested to read about Barack’s friends from Chicago.

Eric P

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i think, speaking very honestly:  the bush 04 re election, all those debates, all teh tactics have really just changed my view of how the US world works. Whenever something amazing and improbable happens - like Obama being this close - this close - to the presidency, that 04 election creeps up at the corner of my eye.

this year feels a lot different to me than 04, I'm pretty sure the dems will clean up.  too bad the dems are worthless.

better worthless than maleficent



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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #2382 on: October 04, 2008, 10:22:08 PM »
Palin is crossing over to complete dirtbag now. I don't think anyone is going to buy into this shit.

Fresh Prince

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Human Snorenado

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Looooong read, but good. 

In its broad strokes, McCain's life story is oddly similar to that of the current occupant of the White House. John Sidney McCain III and George Walker Bush both represent the third generation of American dynasties. Both were born into positions of privilege against which they rebelled into mediocrity. Both developed an uncanny social intelligence that allowed them to skate by with a minimum of mental exertion. Both struggled with booze and loutish behavior. At each step, with the aid of their fathers' powerful friends, both failed upward. And both shed their skins as Episcopalian members of the Washington elite to build political careers as self-styled, ranch-inhabiting Westerners who pray to Jesus in their wives' evangelical churches.

In one vital respect, however, the comparison is deeply unfair to the current president: George W. Bush was a much better pilot.



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Flannel Boy

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Looooong read, but good. 


That is a great article. I knew McCain was a phony ass, but . . . wow!


  • Nylonhilist
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Holy shit at him causing a blackout in spain. :lol

Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
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That RS article was great.

Apparently now Omaha, Nebraska is in play because Nebraska electoral votes are not winner take all.  So now the Democrats are going to try to get an electoral vote from there.

Having lived a portion of my life near that area, I have to say that it is kind of a crapshoot to invest any time there.  Omaha is firmly a Republican city.  I will think that the only reason why Obama might have a shot there is that a lot of Omaha residents listen a lot to what Warren Buffett has to say and he is an Obama supporter.

That said, I would find it very interesting if an electoral vote can be squeezed from there; considering how it is a very solid GOP state.
« Last Edit: October 05, 2008, 12:54:22 AM by The Experiment »

Fresh Prince

  • a one-eyed cat peepin' in a seafood store
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Holy shit at him causing a blackout in spain. :lol
No wonder he hates it so much.


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Soooo... if Hilldawg got the nomination, what do you think the situation for the dems would have been like?


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Just saw that.  Tina Fey, who I already liked from 30 Rock, is now forgiven for everything she's done on SNL, including the infliction of Jimmy Fallon on an unsuspecting public.

Soooo... if Hilldawg got the nomination, what do you think the situation for the dems would have been like?

My guess is she'd still be ahead comfortably.  It's rough repping an unpopular incumbent party in the middle of a financial meltdown.

She'd be looking better in some states (FL, OH, AR, WV) and having a rougher time in others (VA, NC, CO) and without the focus on ground game and voter registration she might not have as big coattails.  There's a chance that her high negatives (which Obama hasn't approached, despite being the subject of attacks) would have been a problem, but I think any of the Democratic candidates outside of Gravel or Kucinich should have been a favorite this cycle.


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I really liked the Biden impression in the SNL skit too lol

cool breeze

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I thought the Biden one was pretty bad if only for not saying "Dead Wrong" even once.  The Sarah Palin one is spot on if not a bit too coherent.


  • Senior Member
Oh, man. SNL is normally pretty wretched. But these Election skits are fucking gold. :lol I mean the jokes practically write themselves (kinda like Family Guy, except you know, good).


  • Nylonhilist
  • Senior Member
Holy shit at him causing a blackout in spain. :lol
No wonder he hates it so much.
McCain's military record ranges from below average to disasterous (the Spain thing is not the worse part).  His worst personal quality has to be his temper though.
at the end of a long day, McCain's wife, Cindy, mussed his receding hair and needled him playfully that he was "getting a little thin up there." McCain reportedly blew his top, cutting his wife down with the kind of language that had gotten him hauled into court as a high schooler: "At least I don't plaster on the makeup like a trollop, you cunt." Even though the incident was witnessed by three reporters, the McCain campaign denies it took place.
I feel really bad for his wife, she was young and stupid when she married him and now she's stuck.  That RS article made me realize that McCain is not just stupid and evil, but fucking insane as well.

Howard Alan Treesong

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« Last Edit: October 05, 2008, 04:06:48 AM by Synthesizer Patel »

Flannel Boy

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 That RS article made me realize that McCain is not just stupid and evil, but fucking insane as well.

I don't think McCain is stupid; like Bush, he's just intellectually incurious. Palin, on the other hand, is both stupid and intellectually incurious.

Howard Alan Treesong

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first details on Palin porn emerge: NAILIN PALIN (I was close)

spoiler (click to show/hide)
There's also a threeway with Hillary and Condoleezza look-alikes. :o

:hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump :hump