Author Topic: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba baaaa  (Read 466325 times)

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Van Cruncheon

  • live mas or die trying
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i don't doubt that plumber joe has laid a fair bit of pipe


Flannel Boy

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He has used his rod to prevent some back flow while relieving pressure from the ballcock.


  • I have the most sensible car on The Bore
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If he was a plant the McCain camp would make double sure he meets qualifications like BEING REGISTERED TO VOTE

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #3183 on: October 16, 2008, 09:16:45 PM »
Black people who dont vote for Obama should be lynched. AMIRITE guys?

Do you get your strawmen on discount from Glen Beck or do you make them yourself?

No one is suggesting that, and liberals who insinuate "black republicans are traitors to their race" get dick slapped by yours truly

Van Cruncheon

  • live mas or die trying
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If he was a plant the McCain camp would make double sure he meets qualifications like BEING REGISTERED TO VOTE

i dunno; they didn't exactly verify their veep candidate's qualifications!

ba dum pish

i'll be here all night



  • A lot of shit pisses me off
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Well, it's not as if the McCain campaign doesn't have regional headquarters in Ohio. And while I was initially using the term somewhat jokingly, given all the shit that has been going on, I really don't think there's any tinfoil alert in suggesting that the McCain camp would at this point use plants. They are running a scumbag campaign of the historical sort.


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Atlas Shrugged has been on my mind a great deal these past few weeks. I don't hold with Ayn Rand on everything -- her view of what constitutes "morality," for example, is in complete opposition to my closely held religious faith. And she could have used a good editor; the damn book could have been half its size but just as effective. However, Rand did have incredible foresight into the political and socioeconomic ills that were occurring around her and that abound, nearly unchecked, in our world of 2008.

Apparently, I'm not the only person who has been thinking along these lines -- for example, see Ask Dr. Helen's article "Is It Time to 'Go John Galt'?". This is very much the question that has been plaguing me: what will I be doing in response to the presidential election?

Regardless of the outcome of next month's election, a great deal of pain lies ahead for most Americans. The American financial market and business environment are currently in big trouble -- either in complete meltdown or overdue correction, depending on your viewpoint -- and the heavily burdened American taxpayers have been handed the tab for the "fix" instituted by politicians.

If McCain/Palin should win the election:

Senator McCain, I've never been a big supporter of you -- I don't like your past and/or present positions on illegal aliens, the First Amendment, oil drilling, etc. However, I'm supporting you in this election for two reasons: your excellent (and surprising) choice of a vice presidential candidate, and your recent apparent modifications of your positions on some issues.

However, be very clear about one fact: you are this country's last RINO politician. Should you carry the day, I am going to stay on top of your policies and positions. If I may channel Steinbeck for a moment… When you propose opening America's doors to illegal aliens, I'll be there. When you start to discuss limiting the freedom of speech, I'll be there. When you start waxing rhapsodic about the phony science of "man-made global warming," I'll be there, too. To paraphrase a line from your acceptance speech: "I will make you famous, and others will know your name." Betray me -- as I have been betrayed in the past, time and time again, by Republican politicians too numerous to count -- and I will be at the front of the pack, demanding your ouster.

Governor Palin… what can I say? "You had me at 'Hello'." I was a proponent of you running for president at the beginning of 2008, at a time when most Americans (outside of Free Republic) had no idea who you were. You have my encouragement, my support, and my admiration. The only warning I will give to you is to stay on McCain's tail in those areas where he is deficient: energy policy, "immigration" (i.e., dealing with illegal aliens), constitutional rights, and -- heaven help us -- "crossing the aisle" to work with the enemies of this country (viz., Democrats). Steer him in the right directions, with your wit, your charm, and your plainspoken manner, and we'll have him turned around in no time.

The economic situation is very bad. I'm counting on the two of you to help move this country back to a pro-growth, pro-capitalism, pro-America world view.

If Obama bin Biden should win the election:

If this scenario occurs, it will be catastrophic, as it will likely be accompanied by a Democrat takeover of both houses of Congress. American voters (including Deceased Americans and those allowed to vote more than once) will have elected their first openly Communist president.

For years, we have heard liberals throw around (incorrectly) the word fascist in supposed reference to conservatives. If the Obama ticket prevails, bona fide, literal fascism will soon be coming to a street corner near you. Should this nightmare come to pass, I -- and many tens of millions of others, I suspect -- will be implementing any of a number of possible actions, including the following:

    * I promise you, Mr. Hussein Obama, my income will disappear from the books, to the greatest extent that I am able to carry it out. This may involve setting up foreign trusts, working under the table, putting money in tax-free investments, participating in barter systems in my local area (perhaps even with a homemade local currency), shopping in tax-free zones, etc. But I will never allow you to get your hands on my hard-earned money to "share the wealth" according to your godless, communistic worldview. When you try to implement your trillions of dollars of liberal spending and bad debt, let your well-heeled Hollywood supporters foot the bill -- because my dollars won't be there anymore.
    * If I have children, I will pull them out of the indoctrination camps currently known as the public school system; I will encourage others to do the same. And I will support financially those organizations that fight in the public arena against those who wish to ban homeschooling, which will become the new "last line of defense" against the brainwashing of this country's citizenry.
    * My privacy will become a paramount concern, even more so than it is now. Whatever new hardware and software products become available to guard against government snooping, I will employ them. As government spooks find ways to crack these safeguards, I will align with the hackers and phreaks who continually search for ways to stay one step ahead. I will employ anonymizers, new firewall technologies, satellite hookups -- heck, even ham radios and Aldis lamps, if they'll help -- if they will maintain my privacy and keep your thugocratic government out of my life.
    * My Second Amendment rights will not be infringed -- not by you and not by your thugs. The moment you try to take any steps against gun owners, you will instantly create the largest "black market" that the world has ever seen -- one that will exist in every state, every county, every town. Should you ever try to restrict or eliminate my right, then I and 50 million other gun owners, in the spirit of Thomas Jefferson, will peaceably assemble in Washington and not leave until you have been removed from office.
    * Your support of the twin cultures of death (abortion) and degeneracy ("norming" of homosexuality) will not go unchallenged. Through every means available, I will fight your support of these horrors and expose your double-talking support of them.
    * Don't even think about trying to suppress the voice of the people. You and your criminal accomplices in the Capitol may try to revive the so-called "Fairness Doctrine"; you may try to regulate newspapers and television; you certainly will try to clamp down on the Internet. But information always has prevailed and it always will -- even if we return to the days of wood-carved letterpresses, messages sewn into coat linings, or notes passed from horseback rider to horseback rider.
    * As for your Muslim connections and your anti-Christian policies…. well, you've done a poor job trying to hide them, even as you present yourself to the foolish and the stupid as "a man of belief." I have no doubt that you would soon begin to move against those who believe in Christ and who try to live His teachings. But your efforts ultimately will fail -- my people started in the catacombs; being forced back there will simply be like going home again.

There could be many, many more points made (I haven't even touched on energy policy and "global warming"), but these should suffice for now. Be warned, Mr. Hussein Obama: This country holds many Spartacuses. For every one you and your jackbooted thugs cut down, two more will rise to take his place.

 :gun :gun


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C'mon Demi. :maf
I love you and all but.... some thing should be unseen. :'(

Eric P

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may channel Steinbeck for a moment… When you propose opening America's doors to illegal aliens, I'll be there. When you start to discuss limiting the freedom of speech, I'll be there. When you start waxing rhapsodic about the phony science of "man-made global warming," I'll be there, too

well i don't think he quite got what Steinbeck was doing in that work, but ok


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  • I have the most sensible car on The Bore
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Flannel Boy

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 :wtf :wtf :wtf

That's a very interesting case of paranoid-narcissistic-antisocial disorder.

Eric P

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 :wtf :wtf :wtf

That's a very interesting case of paranoid-narcissistic-antisocial disorder.

yes, but what about the content of his post?


  • i am terrified by skellybones
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I wonder what's gonna happen in a year or so when they realize that Atheist-Caliph Osama Hussein isn't actually a Muslim sleeper agent who rallies the turrists into attacking, and that he hasn't destroyed the country.

Wait, never mind. They'll still say that the destruction will come any day now.

Flannel Boy

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 :wtf :wtf :wtf

That's a very interesting case of paranoid-narcissistic-antisocial disorder.

yes, but what about the content of his post?

 :lol :lol

poor recursivelyenumerable

o cmon guys.  first off, what does it matter that Joe Plumber was a republican with an agenda, what he raises is i think a valid question.  I think it's a fundamental question: should being too rich and successful merit higher taxing, and to what extent? Furthermore, he seems smarter than all the idiot racists out there, with his 'dont rely on second hand opinion, research for yoruself' etc etc.   Nothing wrong with what he SAID, unpaid taxes be damned...



  • I have the most sensible car on The Bore
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There's nothing American about being rich at the expense of others. If the rich actually DID use the extra money to create jobs in the united states instead of hiring children in a third world country for chump change, maybe i'd be more open to the idea. Like communism, the concept is completely ruined by selfish people. Solution? Cut out the middle-man Mr. Rich and give relief right to the people who need it.

Flannel Boy

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Is it not fair that those who receive the most benefits from society also contribute the most to the maintenance and well-being of that society?

um, 'american'? ok.

in any case, globalism [which is what you're referring to] has had enormous consequences, both negative and positive, depending largely on which end  of the barrel of Globalism you're facing.   I'd argue globalism's enormous positive results are slightly larger than its almost equally enormous negative results. 

and to the gist of what Joe Plumber and I was referring to: the qquestion of whether more success merits higher giveback towards society at large [aka taxing] is quite a fundamental debate, one where i can see both sides.  Capital accumulation, even massive ones, is the strongest known motivator for succeeding in history; obviously the seriose side effects associated with it wawrrants debate.

man i can spell.


  • I have the most sensible car on The Bore
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I can't see both sides, and I dont really want to. There aren't many things I believe in strongly enough to soapbox, but giving back to the society you benefit from is one of those things. Pay it forward or go live in a cabin somewhere.

Is it not fair that those who receive the most benefits from society also contribute the most to the maintenance and well-being of that society?
if you register under a welfare democracy suchas in many ueropean countries...sure. and there's nothing inherently wrong with registering yourself under that belief, at least in my moderate political view.  but you also gotta ask other questions. Like, how can govt - the supposed representative of the collective will of society - ensure that tax money is well spent, is not bribed away, or wasted, etc.

this complaint would not exist if government was automatically well vested in maximizing tax money for the good of all its poeples.

I can't see both sides, and I dont really want to. There aren't many things I believe in strongly enough to soapbox, but giving back to the society you benefit from is one of those things. Pay it forward or go live in a cabin somewhere.
indeed, taxation along with some degree of governmental oversight and regulation is one of the pre requisites of a civilization [as opposed to social darwinism, which many lolbertarians advocate].

the key question mark is the "degree" part of that above statement.


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Clearly, going by the last 8 years, we need more regulation

Flannel Boy

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Is it not fair that those who receive the most benefits from society also contribute the most to the maintenance and well-being of that society?
if you register under a welfare democracy suchas in many ueropean countries...sure. and there's nothing inherently wrong with registering yourself under that belief, at least in my moderate political view.  but you also gotta ask other questions. Like, how can govt - the supposed representative of the collective will of society - ensure that tax money is well spent, is not bribed away, or wasted, etc.

this complaint would not exist if government was automatically well vested in maximizing tax money for the good of all its poeples.

Unfortunately, some tax dollars will always be used inefficiently, some tax dollars will often be used pointlessly, and some tax dollars will occasionally be used criminally to enrich large corporations who win no-bid contracts. A perfect allocation of tax dollars will never happen. Tax payers, therefore, have to live with some of their money being spent badly.


  • I have the most sensible car on The Bore
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SNL's crazy McCain Rally lady rocked


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There should be a thread where the only posters are laesperanzapaz, The Experiment, and am nintenho.

Is it not fair that those who receive the most benefits from society also contribute the most to the maintenance and well-being of that society?
if you register under a welfare democracy suchas in many ueropean countries...sure. and there's nothing inherently wrong with registering yourself under that belief, at least in my moderate political view.  but you also gotta ask other questions. Like, how can govt - the supposed representative of the collective will of society - ensure that tax money is well spent, is not bribed away, or wasted, etc.

this complaint would not exist if government was automatically well vested in maximizing tax money for the good of all its poeples.

Unfortunately, some tax dollars will always be used inefficiently, some tax dollars will often be used pointlessly, and some tax dollars will occasionally be used criminally to enrich large corporations who win no-bid contracts. A perfect allocation of tax dollars will never happen. Tax payers, therefore, have to live with some of their money being spent badly.

i'm the kind of person who usually goes against the grain of what has happened around me.  the idiocy of the conservative movement - mostly from the social conservatists, but a little bit from the political conservatists as well - as gotten me tired of small govt.  So really at this stage, the main reason i support more regulation as espoused by obama is because i'm sick and tired of the failure of the attempt at deregulation so far....not because i believe more regulation is better per se.

Flannel Boy

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Certain institutions are so important to society that they can't be left to the control, or lack thereof, of the invisible hand.


  • Nylonhilist
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I think that messages and ads like this are going to just make people even more afraid of a McCain/Palin whitehouse.

Green shinobster, the minimum wage is never going to be perfect in meeting the needs of most people living alone, much less those supporting families.  This is largely due to the minimum wage not being adjusted to inflation which is the only way that the minimum wage would make sense.   It's kept open as an issue so that politicians can use it to swing the voters who are for it or against it.  40 years ago, people earning minimum wage were much better off than the people earning minimum wage today (in the USA, I don't know how it is around the world).

The differences between us and Native Americans is that we have to have a balance making people comfortable and making people useful.  Back then, the jobs were either male or female jobs so it's not exactly comparable to today.  And an "entry level humanities major" could be a teacher or just a guy who jacks off to french philosophers.  I wouldn't support paying them the same wage so obviously it's not just your school and level of education that matters but what specific field that you're going into.  I'd gladly support paying teachers a shitload more money.  Maybe even having the federal government match their current salary if they were a teacher for 10 years.  That's not necessarily financially possible but it is sad how most people in such an important "government" job can't afford a house.

There should be a thread where the only posters are laesperanzapaz, The Experiment, and am nintenho.

That freerepublic post is hilarious.

I feel for anyone that shares his catastrophic nightmare vision of the USSA... when it comes down to it, a lot of average workers, who are well informed about politics and the workings of their country would fall neither left nor right, liberal nor conservative, socialist nor capitalist, libertarian or fascist -- not in any sort of clearcut black and white terms. I can't fathom why people still see things in such simple terms. NOTHING political should be boiled down to such divisive and damaging dychotomy.

Clinton and Blair both cut their cloth on the idea of a third way, of appealing to all sorts of sensibilities. No-one wants to sacrifice the "sweat of their brow" as bioshock recalls it, and be taxed, but in the same breath -- plans like Obama's resonate with people because the disproportionate earnings of people at the top -- like CEOs and the investment bankers that are widely blamed for the current climate -- that is all percieved as unfair. The 'free market' isn't percieved as free by normal people, its percieved as toxic, and manipulated by the most priviledged in society, to the detriment of the average citizen. Again though, while a lot of those people would love to see the screws turned on such people, a lot of people understand that if you tax business in a way that hurts business, you lose business... to other countries for example. There has to be a balance, an intelligent approach to fed budgeting and state budgeting, a measured response that suits the context that the country and each state finds itself in. That should always be the case. And personally, it strikes me, that Obama is the candidate closest to offering that.

You can never please everyone, you can never please both sides, and sometimes that adage of being jack of all trades, master of none is true. But being more centrist, left on this, right on that, a mix of the two as appropriate -- maybe thats the best way to break the cycle of the electorate swinging, era to era, across the aisle whenever it wants some sort of mess cleaning up. America really shouldn't fear introducing so-called 'socialist' programmes that the country needs -- I don't care what anyone says: healthcare shouldn't be a commodified, premium product. Not exclusively. It should be every free citizen's right. If you can afford premium healthcare and health insurance, then even with a national healthcare system, you could still take it out. That's how it works in the UK, and although its not perfect, its a great system. America could actually learn from that decades old system and avoid for example - "post code lotteries", where standards differ geographically, or the drawn out debates around certain drugs / drug-companies needing to meet FSA-style approval first. It could even pioneer some sort of opt-in/opt-out funding system to calm and allay the fears that peoples' hard earned money is being pissed away because of the lifestyle choices of others. There could be a model that is implimented on a state by state basis, per referendum. America has the potential to lead in these areas, improve quality of life for all, and pull up that quality of life to the standards that many in other parts of the world enjoy. Thats nothing to be afraid of imo.

Human Snorenado

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I can't see both sides, and I dont really want to. There aren't many things I believe in strongly enough to soapbox, but giving back to the society you benefit from is one of those things. Pay it forward or go live in a cabin somewhere.
indeed, taxation along with some degree of governmental oversight and regulation is one of the pre requisites of a civilization [as opposed to social darwinism, which many lolbertarians advocate].

the key question mark is the "degree" part of that above statement.

Some fun facts:  from the 30's to the 70's or so the tax rate on the top bracket was 70%.  Let me say that again:  70%.  Obama is talking about increasing it like 4 points up to 38%.  Honestly, I don't think that's enough.  To be blunt, I think there should be a "CEO tax bracket" for those earning more than 5 million a year, and it should be at 45% or so.  But then again I'm a (not so) closet socialist.


  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
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Damn these pundits are hammering on the "Spread the wealth" thing. Some douche was on GMA this morning saying how the average American doesn't like the govt. taking their money for programs. They are conveniently leaving out that the it is not the average American who's wealth is going to be spread. Chalk up another lie.


  • I have the most sensible car on The Bore
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Beat the press

The McCain campaign, today unhappy about the attention Joe the plumber is getting, has been running against the press off and on for a while, and the hostility from some supporters to the press does seem to be getting more intense.

As usual, anecdotes are just that. But this one, from a reporter working on a piece for the Greensboro News-Record, stands out. He writes that he wandered to the back of a Palin event to talk to some protesters:

I sidled up to one of the Obama supporters and asked why they were there, what they were trying to accomplish.

As he was telling me a large, bearded man in full McCain-Palin campaign regalia got in his face to yell at him.

“Hey, hey,” I said. “I’m trying to interview him. Just a minute, okay?”

The man began to say something about how of course I was interviewing the Obama people when suddenly, from behind us, the sound of a pro-Obama rap song came blaring out of the windows of a dorm building. We all turned our heads to see Obama signs in the windows.

This was met with curses, screams and chants of “U.S.A” by McCain-Palin folks who crowded under the windows trying to drown it out and yell at the person playing the stereo.

It was a moment of levity in an otherwise very tense situation and so I let out a gentle chuckle and shook my head.

“Oh, you think that’s funny?!” the large bearded man said. His face was turning red. “Yeah, that’s real funny…” he said.

And then he kicked the back of my leg, buckling my right knee and sending me sprawling onto the ground.


  • A lot of shit pisses me off
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See, I don't necessarily trust a government to run things properly. These entities were not built for efficiency, transparency or market savvy. But then I also absolutely do NOT trust a corporation to run anything in the interest of anything but the gains of the corporation itself. So the solution becomes a private sector under strict supervision and control of government, with the government having claims in the companies themselves so as to regain some of the profit and hopefully allow it to go back into the system, and for the benefit of tax payers. Not perfect and certainly prone to corruption, but I don't think any other system could work. Asking for deregulation in these times is to spit in the wounds of those affected by the fat pigs running their corporations into the ground.


  • I have the most sensible car on The Bore
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Damn these pundits are hammering on the "Spread the wealth" thing. Some douche was on GMA this morning saying how the average American doesn't like the govt. taking their money for programs. They are conveniently leaving out that the it is not the average American who's wealth is going to be spread. Chalk up another lie.



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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #3218 on: October 17, 2008, 11:54:18 AM »
um, 'american'? ok.

in any case, globalism [which is what you're referring to] has had enormous consequences, both negative and positive, depending largely on which end  of the barrel of Globalism you're facing.   I'd argue globalism's enormous positive results are slightly larger than its almost equally enormous negative results. 

and to the gist of what Joe Plumber and I was referring to: the qquestion of whether more success merits higher giveback towards society at large [aka taxing] is quite a fundamental debate, one where i can see both sides.  Capital accumulation, even massive ones, is the strongest known motivator for succeeding in history; obviously the seriose side effects associated with it wawrrants debate.

man i can spell.

It's not like Obama is hitting the wealthy with a crippling tax rate. Isn't he going back to the tax model of the Reagan years?


  • I have the most sensible car on The Bore
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Assaulting Obama's tax plan from the Joe Plumber is Rich angle is a slippery slope argument. McCain n Co are banking on fear to win this election; whether its warping the tax plan or robocalling suggesting that Obama is hanging out with Ayers and killing Americans.

I think what would be more disappointing than McCain winning at this point, would be the media allowing it. I cannot BELIEVE how many opportunities they pass up to tell the plain truth. I dont think this type of shit should be rewarded, and if McCain wins we can all be certain that there will not be a REAL presidential race for the next 50 years.

Human Snorenado

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:drudge Ohio voter screen ruling overturned by Supreme Court; 600k not to be disenfranchised; McCain am cry.


  • Banana Grabber
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Ohio does something right :rock

Human Snorenado

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If they keep this up and do the right thing on the 4th, I might not want to build a wall around the state.


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  • Banana Grabber
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If they keep this up and do the right thing on the 4th, I might not want to build a wall around the state.

Oh no, it's beyond saving.  Keep Northern Ohio but purge fucking anything below Columbus.

Human Snorenado

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  • is calmer than you are
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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #3226 on: October 17, 2008, 01:43:00 PM »
Colin Powell is going to be on Meet the Press this week. Politico is reporting that it may be to endorse Senator Government.

Eric P

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  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
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That comic is awesome.


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Flannel Boy

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That comic is awesome.

meh, it's just an eight panel monologue of an obvious take.


  • Banana Grabber
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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #3231 on: October 17, 2008, 04:05:06 PM »
Colin Powell is going to be on Meet the Press this week. Politico is reporting that it may be to endorse Senator Government.

I'm honored.

Flannel Boy

  • classic millennial sex pickle
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How can you support a candidate who won't legalize sibling incest.


  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
  • Senior Member
That comic is awesome.

meh, it's just an eight panel monologue of an obvious take.
It's still fun to see it in summary.


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Van Cruncheon

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on the plus side, the scholastic children's poll ( -- 57% osama bin barack over 39% jesus mcpalin) has kids picking obama in a landslide, and hasn't been wriong in 40 years. i suspect this is because kids (6-13) vote what their parents are endorising in private, which is a good sign!
« Last Edit: October 17, 2008, 06:08:40 PM by Professor Prole »

Van Cruncheon

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it's american to marry a secessionist WHAT WHAT



  • I have the most sensible car on The Bore
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I've always enjoyed the slow needling Matthews over the CRAZY LIBRUL one. I love when he just asks her 'so whats the connection, liberals are unamerican?'

This kinda shit will kill swing votes for the republicans, because if you arent with the pubs all the way YOU R UNAMERICAN
« Last Edit: October 17, 2008, 07:10:24 PM by MrAngryFace »


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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #3239 on: October 17, 2008, 07:29:42 PM »
It's weird seeing the nationalist right wing accuse their opponents of being anti-America, turning around and hating on a majority of Americans, and finally rationalizing it by explaining that the people they don't like (gays, minorities, urbanites, liberals, academics) aren't really American Americans.

Which I know has been going on forever, but still.