Author Topic: Movie News, Reviews, and Discussion Super-Thread  (Read 4525612 times)

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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23280 on: October 03, 2015, 06:30:23 PM »
The trailer showing that he was able to communicate with the ship was a bad decision IMO. It basically confirmed in the trailer that everything was gonna be alright.

Movie trailers are almost all universally terrible.


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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23281 on: October 03, 2015, 09:37:44 PM »
I liked The Martian more than the book, but I also didn't like it as much as Interstellar or Gravity.

/Stoney Mason'd


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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23282 on: October 04, 2015, 12:03:51 AM »
The trailer showing that he was able to communicate with the ship was a bad decision IMO. It basically confirmed in the trailer that everything was gonna be alright.

Movie trailers are almost all universally terrible.


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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23283 on: October 04, 2015, 01:51:23 AM »
The Martian was a real let down. I had high expectations from a Scott/Damon film and they were not met. The score was weak, the cinematography was weak, the CGI was jarring sometimes, the acting was weak, the
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skinny body double for Damon
was lazy.

Maybe the book ruined it for me, but I never really felt like any of the characters were in danger and it's a film about being left behind on a lifeless planet 30 million miles from Earth where the average temperature is -70 F.

I was never bored but I was never captivated either. Intergalactic and Gravity were much better.

Book Spoilers:

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The last third or so of the book sucked ass anyway. This whole god damned thing for a "and they all lived happily ever after"? Fuck off.

Was better watching that part of the movie than reading even if they skipped over the last couple of roadblocks to Mark's return home.

Give me a Three Body Problem movie any day of the week over The Martian though.  :ohhh

Great Rumbler

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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23284 on: October 04, 2015, 01:53:43 AM »
People saying Interstellar was better than anything... wtf? Better than Sharknado maybe. Movie was fucking awful.



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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23285 on: October 04, 2015, 02:20:32 AM »
Interstellar had 130 minutes of good music so it's at least pretty decent for that alone.



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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23286 on: October 04, 2015, 02:47:22 AM »
1. The Blair Witch Project (yearly rewatch)

Every year, at the start of October, I watch this movie. It's a ritual. It is my favorite horror film of all time and a testament to the independent process. Every year, I unravel new subtleties and insights. It is more than a movie. It is a horror classic.

And to me, it is the horror film.

5 / 5

2. Red Eye

I've finally filled this gap in the Wes Craven filmography - been meaning to watch it for years. This flick was great. The pacing was tight, the music was surprisingly good, and the camera framing was consistently on-point.

The leads - Rachel McAdams and Cillian Murphy - were easily the highlight. McAdams feels like a real character most of the time, and her performance is constantly giving subtle clues to further depth. If this were the start of a franchise, she'd easily be the series' Jamie Lee Curtis. Cillian was really good as the antagonist. Instead of going full HAM he downplays every threat and spoken line, though each still drips with contempt and menace.

The movie falls apart for me in the last 20 minutes or so, becoming more of a political-action movie than tense thriller, but it's not an ending that comes out of nowhere either so I can't beat it up too much. The movie builds so much pressure that it kinda has to explode, and it definitely does.

4 / 5

3. The Exorcism of Emily Rose

Another horror movie I've been keen to watch since it came out but never found a good opportunity to.

What this movie nails is the atmosphere. Even though most of the runtime is spent in a courtroom, the dread never really seems to let up. The flashbacks hit with excellent timing and sustain the momentum of perturbance that keeps the movie's blood pumping. And every flashback scene is really great, culminating in my favorite exorcism scene on film.

The movie loses some points for me with some plot contrivances mostly around the third act, and for never really going anywhere with the spooky happenings with the lawyer protagonist. I understand that the movie was meant to be open-ended, with alternate secular and supernatural explanations for all the events in the film, but in order to be scary the movie gives up a little too much to the supernatural side. In light of that, the present-day scare scenes could have gone a little farther or gone a little less, but the middle ground it was in didn't satisfy either side IMO.

But in any case this is probably my second-favorite exorcism movie after The Exorcist. Jennifer Carpenter is absolutely fantastic and they apparently saved a ton on special effects because she was able to contort her body to do the stunts herself. Insane. A must-watch for exorcism movie fans.

4 / 5


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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23287 on: October 05, 2015, 10:54:10 AM »
Yea, that was my only knock on Mad Max (being considered one of the all-time greats). There was no real "Holy Shit!" moment like some of the great action films have had (Helicopter scenes in Die Hard and Matrix, nuclear explosion in T2, bank robbery in Heat). The fight scene with Max and Furiosa was probably the most gripping scene looking back on it.


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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23288 on: October 05, 2015, 10:56:22 AM »
The Martian

It was basically this

In space but funny. 10/Matt Damon would save him again.
Solid adaptation though, they made the infodump sciency moments from the book work extremely well.
Worst part of the whole film was Bino's character. I rate his acting a 1.6
« Last Edit: October 05, 2015, 11:00:23 AM by studyguy »


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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23289 on: October 05, 2015, 11:02:47 AM »
I saw The Martian over the weekend as well. Really well made flick. Shows that Scott is still very capable as a director as long as he is handed a good script/screenplay.

Damon managed to play the character in a way where I didn't feel his quips were out of place or over the top.

The film did a good job at portraying the science aspects and streamlining it enough so it makes sense to the general public but retained enough of the intelligence of the book.

The cinema shows the trailer for The Revenant before (which I'm stoked for) and did anyone notice how much like Leo DiCaprio Matt Damon looks at the end when he was all malnourished and beardy? It was really weird.


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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23291 on: October 05, 2015, 03:40:13 PM »
4. The Thing (2011)

A really, really competently made prequel to John Carpenter's masterpiece. Naturally, I gave that movie a 5 / 5 last year, so anything trying to connect to that movie has a tall glass to fill. It retreads a lot of the same story beats, with the same paranoia theme, but it's done differently enough for it to be a nice homage if you haven't seen the original in a while.

I'm tempted to give a 4 for just how well the ending syncs up.

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The whole movie doesn't use the Carpenter score, tricking you into thinking it won't be used at all, but then the synths kick in as the helicopter takes off after the dog and it's just... great. Absolutely goosebump-inducing.

Looking at the production, they did an amazing job of matching the compound and events of the movie to what was shown in the 1982 film - down to an axe in the wall.

What's unfortunate is that the director took a lot of care to include a lot of practical effects, and they look fantastic, but the studio replaced them with CG which not only doesn't look nearly as good, but doesn't even look like competent CG at points. A true shame.

Honestly though, I might recommend watching this movie and then the 1982 The Thing afterwards because of how well it syncs up. And hell, the 1982 movie had better effects so that's sort of an even better progression!

3 / 5


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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23292 on: October 05, 2015, 08:07:57 PM »
The cinema shows the trailer for The Revenant before (which I'm stoked for) and did anyone notice how much like Leo DiCaprio Matt Damon looks at the end when he was all malnourished and beardy? It was really weird.

Yeah, it was eerie. And yes, that trailer was fucking AWESOME.


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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23293 on: October 05, 2015, 08:11:59 PM »
Yeah, I hope Revenant is good.  Trailer looks gorgeous and I love me some Dicaprio fine acting.


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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23294 on: October 05, 2015, 08:34:12 PM »
5. The Visit

Hahaha, holy shit, this movie. This movie is hilarious. And not in a "so bad it's good" way you'd expect based on M. Night's past couple movies. Genuine humor. This is a black comedy if there ever was one.

Some of the humor had me cringing the most I've done in a movie theater (the boy's rapping), but I can't fault the movie for it because it feels like it has lampshading built-in. And it was funny, especially the credits rap.

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Glad to know that the two kids aren't traumatized for life after savagely murdering two people.

I believe one of the trailers spoiled the twist but honestly I kinda forgot about it. Not that you couldn't figure it out yourself, but my impression of the movie beforehand had me thinking it was some kind of demon possession or cult/witch coven. Thankfully they didn't go that route.

The ratio of believability to crazy shit the grandparents do is kept in check pretty nicely until around Thursday, with the grandma acting like a lune at night and the grandpa explaining it the next day. And honestly he seems pretty grounded and reasonable for most of the movie.

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The reveal of the twist was pretty good. It might have been more shocking to have Becca find the bodies first and then call their mom, but because of how the plot was set up I can understand why they couldn't do that.

My biggest complaint is how forced the kids' arcs are. I can picture M. Night sitting in a room saying "OK, so what's each kid's thing."

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Girl doesn't like looking in the mirror, boy is upset over some peewee football game and has become a germaphobe. The overall divorce thing felt a little forced too, but not too bad. The girl overcoming her issue is sorta clever, but the theater was hysterical when the boy was tackling the grandpa (not sure that was intentional, but I'll give it the benefit of the doubt.)

Best part of the movie:

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dirty diaper to the face.


The movie mostly gets by on humor, but there's some decent tension. It never really is given enough time to build to anything, and too often gives way to jump scares, but there are some really short, tense bits here. Overall, a great rental for next Halloween if nothing else.

3 / 5


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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23295 on: October 05, 2015, 08:40:28 PM »
The Visit is awesome. It's just fun. M Night deserves this success.

My favorite things was

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The tie in for Officer Jerry from the police station. The payoff for that joke had me actually LOL'ing

I missed that? ???

Edit- Just remembered. :rofl


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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23296 on: October 07, 2015, 07:53:32 PM »
Forgot to mention I watched Jurassic World over the weekend.

Big dumb stupid movie. Mostly not really great.

Until the last 15 minutes. The last 15 minutes are incredible.


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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23297 on: October 07, 2015, 08:02:32 PM »
The Martian

It was basically this
(Image removed from quote.)

In space but funny. 10/Matt Damon would save him again.
Solid adaptation though, they made the infodump sciency moments from the book work extremely well.
Worst part of the whole film was Bino's character. I rate his acting a 1.6

Interstellar spoiler:
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But if Interstellar taught us anything, it's that you shouldn't save Matt Damon when he's an astronaut.


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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23298 on: October 07, 2015, 08:12:39 PM »
I watched Interstellar recently, as it popped up on netflix (norwegian, but not american?). It was way dumber than I had anticipated ("this is impossble!", "no it's necessary") and none of the space shit looked cool (water world, ice world, tetris piece robots). Also, it was long as shit.

Berberian Sound Studio and Duke of Burgundy are also on netflix now, so I saw those again.


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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23299 on: October 07, 2015, 08:14:09 PM »
4. The Thing (2011)

A really, really competently made prequel to John Carpenter's masterpiece. Naturally, I gave that movie a 5 / 5 last year, so anything trying to connect to that movie has a tall glass to fill. It retreads a lot of the same story beats, with the same paranoia theme, but it's done differently enough for it to be a nice homage if you haven't seen the original in a while.

I'm tempted to give a 4 for just how well the ending syncs up.

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The whole movie doesn't use the Carpenter score, tricking you into thinking it won't be used at all, but then the synths kick in as the helicopter takes off after the dog and it's just... great. Absolutely goosebump-inducing.

Looking at the production, they did an amazing job of matching the compound and events of the movie to what was shown in the 1982 film - down to an axe in the wall.

What's unfortunate is that the director took a lot of care to include a lot of practical effects, and they look fantastic, but the studio replaced them with CG which not only doesn't look nearly as good, but doesn't even look like competent CG at points. A true shame.

Honestly though, I might recommend watching this movie and then the 1982 The Thing afterwards because of how well it syncs up. And hell, the 1982 movie had better effects so that's sort of an even better progression!

3 / 5
I'm glad to see a positive review of that. I've been meaning to watch it, but have been afraid to, just as an beyond-the-pale fan of the original Carpenter movie. I will take any excuse to watch Mary Elizabeth Winstead, but not if it means pissing on one of Carpenter's great works.

That YouTube is great! Those are amazing pieces. Did they show up in the movie, or were they replaced with CG?

Also, is that a vagina dentata AND a gaping asshole at the 0:46 mark?


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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23300 on: October 07, 2015, 09:07:07 PM »
Yeah, almost all of it was replaced unfortunately. I think the studio that did the effects made some replies in the comments about it.

It's a pretty decent prequel,  I thought.


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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23301 on: October 07, 2015, 10:10:52 PM »
Yeah, almost all of it was replaced unfortunately. I think the studio that did the effects made some replies in the comments about it.

It's a pretty decent prequel,  I thought.

Ah, yeah; I try to NEVER read the comments section on YouTube.


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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23302 on: October 07, 2015, 11:20:14 PM »
Sicario is so frigging bleak, cynical, and tense. I loved it. Its about every bit as good as the positive reviews its pulling down merit.

Madrun Badrun

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Re: The Movie News Topic
« Reply #23303 on: October 08, 2015, 09:07:36 PM »


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Re: The Movie News Topic
« Reply #23304 on: October 08, 2015, 09:57:15 PM »
Gil Kenan of Monster House (and, um, the Poltergeist remake) will direct the Five Nights at Freddy's movie. Says it'll be canon to the games.

F. Gary Gray will wrangle the Diesel and carwrecks that will be Fast and Furious 8. Good choices both.


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Re: The Movie News Topic
« Reply #23306 on: October 09, 2015, 05:17:50 AM »
Anno is doing a Godzilla movie  :beli

The Evangelion movies are never gonna be finished, aren't they ?

Madrun Badrun

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Re: The Movie News Topic
« Reply #23307 on: October 09, 2015, 08:40:23 AM »
:lol  Evangelion movies


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Re: The Movie News Topic
« Reply #23308 on: October 09, 2015, 10:08:00 PM »

:hyper !!!

Great Rumbler

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Re: The Movie News Topic
« Reply #23309 on: October 09, 2015, 10:15:32 PM »
Well, there's pretty much nothing about that I don't like. Sign me up for Day 1!


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Re: The Movie News Topic
« Reply #23310 on: October 09, 2015, 10:42:14 PM »
the Coen bros making a good movie? Gee, I dunno bout that?

and along with a Japanese Godzilla movie in 2016, we may have a brand new Gamera film by then as well.

Dickie Dee

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Re: The Movie News Topic
« Reply #23311 on: October 10, 2015, 12:13:57 AM »

:hyper !!!

That just looks like some good damn fun

Phoenix Dark

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Re: The Movie News Topic
« Reply #23312 on: October 10, 2015, 12:24:41 AM »
in before Why The Coens Have A Diversity Problem


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Re: The Movie News Topic
« Reply #23313 on: October 10, 2015, 02:08:14 AM »
The Coen looks great but I'm a bit weary of a Clooney gallery of funny faces. Bird after reading did fall a little bit flat, in my opinion...


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Re: The Movie News Topic
« Reply #23314 on: October 10, 2015, 12:30:14 PM »
A disappointing Coen bros movie is still probably in the running for best of the year at least.

Madrun Badrun

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Re: The Movie News Topic
« Reply #23315 on: October 10, 2015, 10:05:12 PM »
Avengers 2 for the third time.  Pretty sure I like it better each time.  Outside of Thor not getting enough time for his vision quest I can't think of a major flaw.

Also The Infinite Six feature on the bluray got me super hyped. 

edit: wrong movie thread.  What ever, fuck it. 
« Last Edit: October 10, 2015, 10:09:19 PM by TheInfelicitousDandy »


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Re: The Movie News Topic
« Reply #23316 on: October 12, 2015, 03:30:15 AM »

Works surprisingly well.

That aspect ratio tho...


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Re: The Movie News Topic
« Reply #23317 on: October 12, 2015, 04:02:13 AM »

Works surprisingly well.

That aspect ratio tho...

C'mon andrex baby...

Joe Molotov

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Re: The Movie News Topic
« Reply #23318 on: October 12, 2015, 06:40:05 AM »
Andrex acts like his standards are too high to watch movies with us in Cytube, but he's outchea watching Keanu Reeves AMVs.


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Re: The Movie News Topic
« Reply #23319 on: October 12, 2015, 10:30:01 AM »
That wasn't my standards, I just found it personally distasteful.

Unlike Keanu Reeves, John Wick, and Chris Cornell. :aah

Joe Molotov

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Re: The Movie News Topic
« Reply #23320 on: October 12, 2015, 11:20:11 AM »
Okay, we won't watch anymore movies that contain slug rape. :badass

Madrun Badrun

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Re: The Movie News Topic
« Reply #23321 on: October 12, 2015, 11:54:16 AM »
Well then I'm out, Joe.  I only fanned interest so that I could watch slug rape in a group setting.  That's my fetish. 

Joe Molotov

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Re: The Movie News Topic
« Reply #23322 on: October 12, 2015, 12:38:41 PM »
You were the one that demanded Ghosts of Mars over Galaxy of Terror. The only reaon we didn't have a full-frontal slug fuck fest last night is because I tried to be the nice guy, and look where it gets me. :beli

Madrun Badrun

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Re: The Movie News Topic
« Reply #23323 on: October 12, 2015, 12:44:51 PM »
To be fair I did that because I thought there would be martian ghost rape in Ghosts of Mars instead all I got was an Ice cube who learns to respect the police. 

Joe Molotov

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Re: The Movie News Topic
« Reply #23324 on: October 12, 2015, 12:51:23 PM »
I've seen some movies with ghost rape before, but martian ghost rape remains beyond the pale.

Plus, they were barely even ghosts, they were like homeless people in bad makeup.


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Re: The Movie News Topic
« Reply #23325 on: October 12, 2015, 01:33:45 PM »
I only fanned interest   

Wait, you did what?

Madrun Badrun

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Re: The Movie News Topic
« Reply #23326 on: October 12, 2015, 01:48:11 PM »

Madrun Badrun

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Re: The Movie News Topic
« Reply #23328 on: October 12, 2015, 01:56:33 PM »
Can you summarize that article in the form of an AMV?


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Re: The Movie News Topic
« Reply #23329 on: October 12, 2015, 03:33:13 PM »
Can you summarize that article in the form of an AMV?


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Re: The Movie News Topic
« Reply #23330 on: October 12, 2015, 04:12:49 PM »
Can you summarize that article in the form of an AMV?

Much better than the John Wick one


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Re: The Movie News Topic
« Reply #23331 on: October 12, 2015, 05:34:23 PM »

official paramount account with lots of full movies. Mainly older stuff, but still cool. (the channel is region locked to USA)

edit: the link goes to the playlist tab of the channel, but the bore still tries to auto embed it as a video? ???


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Re: The Movie News Topic
« Reply #23332 on: October 12, 2015, 05:49:54 PM »
Put it in [url]


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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23333 on: October 13, 2015, 09:47:55 PM »
6. Cropsey

A really creepy documentary about an actual Staten Island, NY urban legend and child kidnapper. Not really much to comment on here since I had no idea what it was going in, but it was just a documentary featuring real interviews with real people about some really horrific child kidnappings and murders in the 70s.

The footage was super amateurish but I doubt the budget was over $10k so it's forgivable. The audio quality surprised me though, it was crystal clear. There were some really creepy parts, but the pacing was a little uneven and I found myself losing interest at points. Overall, I'd recommend it only if you have a lot of free time and are interested in a real life horror creep.

2 / 5

7. Resolution

I hesitate to even put this movie here. It's sort of a weird cross-genre thing and if you think it's one genre going in, having the rug pulled out from under you at the end is an amazing thing.

This movie was recommended by Max Landis (screenwriter) on Twitter, and he stressed how important it was going into the movie knowing nothing but the title. Its presence on my horror list unfortunately betrays that a little.

While not much happens in the movie until the ending, I'm not as unforgiving about it as I normally am. The actors are excellent for a bunch of unknowns, and while there's pretty much no tension for most of the movie there is a general sense of uneasiness. It all comes together pretty well by the end, and seems almost too clever for its own good.

3 / 5

8. Below

I had seen this movie about a haunted WWII submarine shortly after it came out and I remember it scaring the bejezus out of me as a young teen. Rewatching it years later, obviously it isn't as frightening but the "shock" moments still absolutely hold up. The acting is generally good, and although the story has a bit more depth than expected the "twist" is entirely too obvious. Still, this movie gets some points for the fresh and quite ingenious setting - you can't really run away when on a submarine, and the tight quarters makes for great claustrophobia.

3 / 5

9. Secret Window

I've been meaning to give this a watch since it came out as I generally like Johnny Depp when he's not a cartoon, but... this movie was so bad. In fact, I think I kinda hated it.

The twist was completely predictable 20 minutes in.

The Mississipi dude was too laughable to be imposing.

The twist itself is dumb.

The ending is stupid.

Depp does the best he can, but he can't salvage this steaming pile. Avoid.

1 / 5

10. Shutter (2004)

My roommate recommended this Thai horror film that routinely makes various "scariest movie ever" lists. I didn't think it was quite that terrifying, but it has some really inventive scares and some fantastic atmosphere. The plot is a little predictable, but my roommate insists it's because this movie was copied by so many others. High marks for this one, give it a watch.

4 / 5

11. As Above So Below

This movie got murdered by reviews but I knew I'd eventually have to see it - found footage + the Parisian catacombs? Sign me the heck up. But as I said, the reviews weren't kind and the commercials made me less and less interested. By all accounts, it was a shallow movie with few scares piggybacking off a legitimately creepy place. (There have been video cameras recovered from the catacombs in real life with their owners still missing.)

However, I was pleasantly surprised by this flick. It's not amazing or anything, but it actually does have a neat setup instead of just being "some jackoffs go thrillseeking and get lost" as I thought. The main character is searching for the tomb of Nicholas Flamel, which supposedly holds the Philosopher's Stone. It routinely crosses over the line of believability with some National Treasure "inspired" bits, but I didn't expect this movie to be realistic anyways so I went with it.

The location being real and legitimately horrifying adds a lot to this movie and I wouldn't like it nearly as much without it, but if you were worried it's all the movie was then I can confirm it isn't. Like I said, the movie isn't great, my main complaint is that it starts pulling out supernatural stuff a little too early, but for me it was definitely worth the watch.

3 / 5


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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23334 on: October 14, 2015, 04:13:51 AM »
Secret Window is crap all the way through. Pretty insulting experience as a viewer.


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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23335 on: October 14, 2015, 06:24:48 PM »
Drop Live action movie based on this Yankee manga.


« Last Edit: October 14, 2015, 06:57:34 PM by D3RANG3D »


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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23336 on: October 14, 2015, 09:09:57 PM »
The Overnight was pretty great. That ending! :lol


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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23337 on: October 15, 2015, 12:57:02 AM »
12. Funny Games (1997)

There's not really much for me to say here. I didn't hate this movie but it neither did anything for me either. The meta aspect is the movie's saving grace and the only reason anyone remembers it, and it's neat if mostly wasted on a by-the-numbers torture-fest.

2 / 5

13. The Ward

How the mighty have fallen. This John Carpenter-directed horror flick from a few years ago probably deserves its forgotten status. There really isn't anything compelling here - a stock horror setting, utterly unlikable characters, poor writing, and a predictable twist are all working against the movie. The highlight is the score, but for a Carpenter flick it falls woefully short of its pedigree. I wouldn't say this movie is a complete waste, but I'm at a loss for any kind of recommendation outside Carpenter die-hards. And even then, it'd still be a disappointment.

1 / 5


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Re: The new and improved "Movies you've seen recently" thread
« Reply #23338 on: October 15, 2015, 01:30:05 AM »
I watched Resolution a little ways back and really enjoyed it. As you said, it's mostly just unsettling and creepy until the finale, but it's enough to establish the dread both of these characters fates. I also agree that the acting is pretty great for a completely unknown cast. There's nobody in it who isn't believable.

You guys have mentioned Black Mass, but I've been meaning to watch the documentary WHITEY: United States vs. James Bulger for a long stretch, and it was 99¢ on iTunes, so hey. In the end, the documentary is not as clear-cut as I'd hoped. Bulger is clearly a horrible human who should have been destroyed earlier in his career, but it appears law enforcement also was corrupt as hell in ignoring his gang's activities, and instead want to absolve themselves of wrong. It doesn't matter in the end though, because that would be a separate trial from the one which is the focus: RICO charges for Bulger.
« Last Edit: October 18, 2015, 09:33:05 PM by chronovore »


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Re: The Movie News Topic
« Reply #23339 on: October 15, 2015, 05:13:08 AM »
So it seems they are trying to do a Battle Angel Alita movie and James Cameron who produce it is in talks with the not so awesome Robert Rodriguez  :lol

Cameron always teased about doing that but I guess he went the Avatar hole deep back then.
Also a Ghost in the Shell film with Scarlet Johansson ?
Last I heard the Akira thing was not dead either.

EDIT : Oh and they are working on a Die Hard 6, because there's still a few bits of the corpse to grind for the money god I guess.

The future is there and it sucks balls.
