Author Topic: "A black sheriff?!": The Official Topic of Obama and New Era American Politics  (Read 1881252 times)

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I feel quite confident our credit rating is fucked and we'll be wasting even more money on the interest on our debt.


Well-deserved it will be, unfortunately, and well past time.  There is no rational reason to have faith in this federal government's ability to pay the debt when it makes no effort to do so.

Herp fuckin' derp.

A credit rating is not meant to answer the question "will they ever be completely debt-free?" but "will I get my money back if I lend it to them?"  Considering the US has never welched on a single cent, and both parties emphasized that bondholders would get paid even if a deal fell through, I'd say that the government's been making every effort to pay back its creditors.

TMonday after this report, what happens?  There's a stampede by people to buy US Treasury bonds.  Funny that.

Phoenix Dark

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And the dollar strengthened today hm. Banks are in a better position now than 08 so there doesn't seem like we'll crash over this.

Olivia Wilde Homo

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Time to buy some treasury bonds in light of this credit downgrade.

Fresh Prince

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Mandark, you were around then. Is it worse now or in the 70s?

Human Snorenado

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At this rate, I'm gonna have to pick something else to major in when I go back to school.  Majoring in economics when there's no economy left will be almost as bad as when I was originally a History major.

Fresh Prince

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You could be the next Marx! Sure you'll die penniless but you'll be remembered in history.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Why major in economics? At least go for accounting or finance so you'll make some money when you graduate

Fresh Prince

  • a one-eyed cat peepin' in a seafood store
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This is the thing. Do economics, become a professor, have sex with students.


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At this rate, I'm gonna have to pick something else to major in when I go back to school.  Majoring in economics when there's no economy left will be almost as bad as when I was originally a History major.

 :'( :'( :'(

Human Snorenado

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Why major in economics? At least go for accounting or finance so you'll make some money when you graduate

Money isn't important to me.  I'm probably going to double major in Spanish as well and then go to work for my friend's company that does lobbying work for Latino issues, honestly.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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DOW: 11,045.41 +235.56 (2.18%)

US= :patel

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Interesting article on Perry, from a Texan's perspective

Pretty good, outside of the stretch about his aides gaining any worthwhile experience running Gingrich's failure of a campaign. Dude sounds like the perfect candidate for tea party acolytes and big business.

What's going on in Wisconsin? Did those fucks get recalled?

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Looks like an epic fail for democrats. Two seats picked up, needed three to flip the senate. And two dems seats are up for recall next week, meaning dems could potentially lose both and wind up in the same position they were in before the elections

Republicans came out in force.


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Why major in economics? At least go for accounting or finance so you'll make some money when you graduate

Money isn't important to me.  I'm probably going to double major in Spanish as well and then go to work for my friend's company that does lobbying work for Latino issues, honestly.

I respect this. And you know how hard it is for me to say anything nice about a Braves fan.


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  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
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I'd really like to see fox news' take on dinosaurs.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Republican picks for super congress

One tea partier, but all six have signed the Norquist "no tax" pledge. Say hi to more hostage taking, this time over the triggers in this shitty deal.

Great Rumbler

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We'll have to wait and see whether any of these members are willing to budge on taxes, or whether they're hell-bent on giving Democrats a choice between caving and triggering a $1.2 trillion penalty of steep cuts to defense and Medicare providers

hold on, are you fucking serious? there's a clause that says if taxes go up then there is a -penalty- gutting of social services? How fucking abhorant is that?

No, no, the clause is that social services [and other things] get gutted if no deal is reached in the Super Committee. The article says this could happen if the Democrats demand tax increase but the GOP digs in its heels [which is likely].


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Of all the excuses I've seen so far for why Obama governs the way he does, this one is probably the closest to reality:

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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So basically: Larry Summers.

Human Snorenado

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Of all the excuses I've seen so far for why Obama governs the way he does, this one is probably the closest to reality:

The thing is, tho, that the Republicans were NEVER going to give him that many votes in the Senate.  DURING HIS INAUGURATION, the GOP started to get their marching orders when Limbaugh came out and said "I hope he fails."  They were always going to knee jerk oppose everything he supported or proposed, and you can clearly see that's what happened- even if Obama flip-flopped on an issue, the Republicans would just think up a new excuse or scream about socialism and spending and blah blah blah and oppose it.  They're really good at that sort of thing.

I think that Obama honestly believed he could be that sort of above partisanship, bring people together, kumbaya type figure.  And yes, I kind of buy the "surely the economy will bounce back in 3-4 years" theory, but knowing what I know about the serious systemic failures of the US crony hyper capitalism system, that was stupid on his part.  Mainly, though, I don't think Obama has seriously ever gone on the offensive against anyone because he would immediately become The Uppity Negro President, which probably 1/4 of the country thinks he is anyway and another 1/4 is just looking for an excuse to think that way, even if it's subconsciously.

And he still may win reelection after all that bullshit.  Who knows.


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On librul dolchstoss
« Reply #13342 on: August 11, 2011, 12:10:07 AM »
That Westen "Obama should be more like FDR" article has gotten completely taken apart in the last few days.  I wish Eric Rauchway was still blogging so he could get in on it.

I think that Obama honestly believed he could be that sort of above partisanship, bring people together, kumbaya type figure.

Thing is, Obama has said plenty of harsh stuff about both financiers and Republicans, and has achieved most of his domestic agenda through a much more partisan strategy than, say, George W Bush.  There's no reason to think that Obama had any delusions of being a particularly transcendent figure if we go by his actions.

I don't think his approach needs "excuses" so much as I think he's a mainstream Democrat a relatively effective politician.  Rather, Obama has become an excuse for economic liberalism.  Blaming him is comforting, because we can still act like liberals have all the winning cards and all we need is a single person "with balls" to take advantage of it.

It's a lot more troubling to think that the country's political makeup and institutions means that liberals are in the minority and might never really win the way we want, but it's probably more useful to face up to the facts and get back to rolling that boulder up the hill.

Human Snorenado

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Obama might say harsh things (very occasionally, and usually probably just to toss the base a bone) but it's pretty undeniable that he's been very amenable to Wall St.  While the Westen article's very premise (that we need a "story" from a daddy figure POTUS) is vomit inducing, one thing that I can't agree enough with is that Obama should have made kicking Wall Street's ass a priority- it would have made political and economic sense to bring those fuckers to heel.  Instead he handed the economy over to Summers and Geithner.

You're probably right about his track record being the best we could probably hope for, but honestly that doesn't make me feel any better about things.  People are fucking stupid... for fucks sakes, a half-bright Republican Texas Governor is probably about to become the odds on favorite to win the GOP nomination and maybe even become President.  It's like we REALLY didn't learn anything.

Phoenix Dark

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Obama had quite the mandate to walk into the White House and address the mass looting Wall Street did, as well as the housing market crisis. He failed on both counts and it has marred his presidency, and the economy.

Obama rarely attacks republicans or Wall Street. The last time he truly tore into anyone was when he took it to Paul Ryan (with him in the audience during the speech, no less). Outside of that it's just been the same "come on guys" rhetoric. I'm not asking him to throw us red meat, and I think he draws lines well enough when he has to. He's simply not the type of politician who tears into opponents, at least not anymore; dude was kind of ruthless on the come up in Chicago. I'm fine with that. I just wish he would make his positions clear instead of constantly letting republicans drive the narrative.

And I'd argue Obama's actions are geared towards achieving "big things" regardless of poor policy, with short term politics constantly in mind. He's still talking up the 4T Grand Bargain. That type of deal would no doubt impress S&P, but it doesn't help anyone but Obama with mythic independents. That's all it is. Cutting billiosn/trillions during a recession makes absolutely no sense, nor do the various entitlement cuts and changes
« Last Edit: August 11, 2011, 01:35:36 AM by Phoenix Dark »

Fresh Prince

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Maybe he'll change thing when/if he gets reelected.


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Is there anything that sums up the tea bagger movement better than this:

Tea Party aligned Georgia Rep. Tom Graves (R), who castigates Washington for fiscal irresponsibility, reached an out of court settlement Wednesday after he was sued for defaulting on a $2.2 million loan—which his attorney argued is the bank's fault for lending him the money in the first place.$22-million-loan?via=blog_1


  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
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When you are white, it's the bank's fault.

When you are black, it's your fault you dirty poor. You over extended your means. Thanks for ruining it for everyone.

Phoenix Dark

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Anyone watch the GOP debate?

-Gingrich gave Chris Wallace a smackdown over "gotcha" questions

-Michelle Bachmann is truly insane. Nearly every relevant candidate, even Ron Paul, accused her of being ridiculous over a string of weird, constantly repeated attacks she hurled at them.

-It was perhaps the worst debate I've seen. Candidates weren't going over their time with answers, but the moderation asked a series of horrible questions and didn't let anyone differentiate themselves from the typical "cut taxes hurrr" shit.

-Ron Paul continued to school the candidates and audience on a wide variety of foreign policy, including Santorum's ridiculous claim Iran started the aggression with us in 1979 lol

Yeah and I agree with you mostly.  Gingrich and Paul were the clear winners.  Both had a good night.  I thought Gingrich was done, but if he can continue performing like that, he might just turn it around like McCain.  Pawlenty was sacrificed tonight IMO and he should bow out now.  Hahaha @ Santorum, he was given a historical smackdown and when Paul gave him the finger of shame or was that the finger of silence "let me finish", it made me chuckle.  And it would be nice for once to have a question asked with each candidate given around two minutes to answer and differentiate themselves on that particular issue.

So is anyone going to take Pawlenty up on his dinner offer?
« Last Edit: August 12, 2011, 02:55:59 AM by ShogunOfFear »


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I like how republican caniddates can now draw applause by demanding that we bring our troops home


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Ratigan's the smartest and most infuriating pundit on cable news.

Human Snorenado

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So, the 11th circuit court of appeals has ruled that the individual mandate in the ACA is illegal, which is at odds w/ the 6th circuit court of appeals.  This pretty much guarantees that the issue goes to the SC.

Van Cruncheon

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(ne'er mind)

Phoenix Dark

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So, the 11th circuit court of appeals has ruled that the individual mandate in the ACA is illegal, which is at odds w/ the 6th circuit court of appeals.  This pretty much guarantees that the issue goes to the SC.

It was a three judge panel, not the entire court. So most likely the full 11th will rule on it soon, before the SC

Looks like Perry is officially in the race. 
« Last Edit: August 13, 2011, 02:47:43 PM by ShogunOfFear »


Bachmann wins Iowa straw poll, Paul in second, and Romney got hammered.

Barry Egan

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Re: "A black sheriff?!": The Official Topic of Obama and New Era American Politi
« Reply #13357 on: August 13, 2011, 07:50:15 PM »


  • Banana Grabber
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Good lord, its beautiful

Human Snorenado

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Looks like Perry is officially in the race. 

I'd like to think that America has learned it's lesson re: electing half-bright Governors from Texas, but I'm sure we haven't.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Perry seems like the best of both worlds: tea party appeal and corporate backing. Romney might be fucked  :o


  • Senior Member
Perry seems like the best of both worlds: tea party appeal and corporate backing. Romney might be fucked  :o


 :yuck :-\

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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From a republican perspective, not mine!

Fresh Prince

  • a one-eyed cat peepin' in a seafood store
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President Rick Perry sounds like something out of a movie. Hell he even looks like an actor playing the POTUS. He's a good looking man.

Fresh Prince

  • a one-eyed cat peepin' in a seafood store
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Saw this on gaf. Pretty scary. At least Obama's greatest attribute is that he's inoffensive.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2011, 12:38:11 AM by Fresh Prince »

Human Snorenado

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Saw this on gaf. Pretty scary. At least Obama's greatest attribute is that he's inoffensive.

Holy fucking shitballs, that woman is scarier than an AIDS infected werewolf on a full moon.


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Barry Egan

  • The neurotic is nailed to the cross of his fiction.
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Barry Egan

  • The neurotic is nailed to the cross of his fiction.
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Quote from: new yorker
Marcus Bachmann plopped down on the seat next to me, in the back of the plane. He pointed at my laptop and asked if he could take a look. “All I want to know is what they’re saying about me,” he said. “Newsweek came up with the word ‘silver fox.’ Tell me what ‘silver fox’ means.”

“Do you want me to tell you honestly?” I asked.

“Oh, don’t tell me it’s something gay!” he [shrieked]

...I explained that “silver fox” probably had more to do with the color of his hair.


Quote from: new yorker
The Bachmanns attended Carter’s Inauguration, in January, 1977. Later that year, they experienced a second life-altering event: they watched a series of films by the evangelist and theologian Francis Schaeffer called “How Should We Then Live?”....

The first five installments of the series are something of an art-history and philosophy course. The iconic image from the early episodes is Schaeffer standing on a raised platform next to Michelangelo’s “David” and explaining why, for all its beauty, Renaissance art represented a dangerous turn away from a God-centered world and toward a blasphemous, human-centered world. But the film shifts in the second half. In the sixth episode, a mysterious man in a fake mustache drives around in a white van and furtively pours chemicals into a city’s water supply, while Schaeffer speculates about the possibility that the U.S. government is controlling its citizens by means of psychotropic drugs.

« Last Edit: August 14, 2011, 11:00:55 AM by My F*cking Grandpa »

Pawlenty is out officially now.  I was looking forward to his campaign slogans too. 

"Tim Pawlenty 2012 - he can lead America back to prosperity, he'll cook your dinner and feed your kids so you don't have to, oh and illegal immigration, you want cheap labor, well did he mention he'll mow your lawn for free?"

I'm surprised Paul has done as well as he has being that the media has done everything in their power to see to it that he doesn't get the nomination.  Fox for example post debate, interview every candidate except for Paul and mention his name only.   A lot of people seem to be ignoring the media now or maybe more people are paying attention to the debates.  Paul is more aggressive now than he was in 08, he's no longer letting people just cut him off when they don't like what he's saying.  And the majority of the country are exhausted with the wars and the debt so his foreign policy views are more popular now.

But going forward I think the media will just ask him less questions in the debates and when they do it'll be drug related.  Next up though I see Cain or Santorum dropping out.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Quote from: new yorker
Marcus Bachmann plopped down on the seat next to me, in the back of the plane. He pointed at my laptop and asked if he could take a look. “All I want to know is what they’re saying about me,” he said. “Newsweek came up with the word ‘silver fox.’ Tell me what ‘silver fox’ means.”

“Do you want me to tell you honestly?” I asked.

“Oh, don’t tell me it’s something gay!” he [shrieked]

...I explained that “silver fox” probably had more to do with the color of his hair.


Quote from: new yorker
The Bachmanns attended Carter’s Inauguration, in January, 1977. Later that year, they experienced a second life-altering event: they watched a series of films by the evangelist and theologian Francis Schaeffer called “How Should We Then Live?”....

The first five installments of the series are something of an art-history and philosophy course. The iconic image from the early episodes is Schaeffer standing on a raised platform next to Michelangelo’s “David” and explaining why, for all its beauty, Renaissance art represented a dangerous turn away from a God-centered world and toward a blasphemous, human-centered world. But the film shifts in the second half. In the sixth episode, a mysterious man in a fake mustache drives around in a white van and furtively pours chemicals into a city’s water supply, while Schaeffer speculates about the possibility that the U.S. government is controlling its citizens by means of psychotropic drugs.


I saw it years ago lol

Barry Egan

  • The neurotic is nailed to the cross of his fiction.
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I suppose it was part of your home school education smh. 

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Nah, played basketball at a Baptist church. We watched most of that, and Left Behind  :lol

Fresh Prince

  • a one-eyed cat peepin' in a seafood store
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That what I was thinking  :lol

Olivia Wilde Homo

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It's really bizarre how they just glaze over Ron Paul on the news even though he seems to be actually a pretty strong runner.

Paul will never really be a viable candidate because of his huge closet of skeletons and he doesn't have that angry, reactionary, bloodthirsty, and authoritarian streak in him that mainstream conservatives love.  That streak that gleefully gives the go ahead to bomb brownskins in a show of strength.  The streak that screams about the excesses of big government while cutting a large subsidy check to his butt buddies in the defense sector.  To conservatives, big government just translates to Democrat run government.  Republicans have no idea swelling the size of government so long as their friends get a generous cut of the action (see: Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush).

Instead, Paul just plods along and repeats his mantra over and over again.  The fact that he is consistent is somewhat admirable but once they find out that he doesn't want to by principle turn Iran into a glass parking lot or object to legalizing pot, any conservaboners people in Oklahoma or Kansas might have had for him turns flaccid.


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lol. T-Paw on Thursday:

Now as to Congresswoman Bachmann's record.  Look, she has done wonderful things in her life, absolutely wonderful things, but it is an indisputable fact that in congress her record of accomplishment and results is nonexistent.  That's not going to be good enough for our candidate for president of the United States, that is not going to be good enough for the president of the United States to serve in that capacity.

T-Paw today:

    I think she's qualified to be President.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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lol. T-Paw on Thursday:

Now as to Congresswoman Bachmann's record.  Look, she has done wonderful things in her life, absolutely wonderful things, but it is an indisputable fact that in congress her record of accomplishment and results is nonexistent.  That's not going to be good enough for our candidate for president of the United States, that is not going to be good enough for the president of the United States to serve in that capacity.

T-Paw today:

    I think she's qualified to be President.

He went at her hard in the debate and it seemed to backfire. She certainly didn't look good throwing insane bombs at him, but that's the type of shit these crazy voters in Iowa want to see. If the first primary was in NH who knows, maybe Pawlenty could carve a spot for himself as a sane republican alongside Romney. Iowa? lol

Perry is already making an impact. CNN:
Romney 17%
Perry 15%
Giuliani 12%
Palin 12%
Paul 12%
Bachmann 7%
Gingrich 5%
Cain 4%
Huntsman 4%
Pawlenty 2%
Santorum 2%


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Olivia Wilde Homo

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