Author Topic: "A black sheriff?!": The Official Topic of Obama and New Era American Politics  (Read 1878047 times)

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  • I have the most sensible car on The Bore
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Im enjoying THE MADDOW's new book Drift

Also, the GOP Def Force in the amazon reviews = hilarious.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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The freak out over her Jefferson quote is weird. Sure she mis-quotes it in terms of the orignal sentence...

I told him that the idea of having no military posts on either side was new to me: that it had never been mentioned among the members of the executive: that therefore I could only speak for myself and sa that, prima facie, it accorded well with two favorite ideas of mine, of leaving commerce free, and never keeping an unnecessary soldier; but when he spoke of having no military posts on either side, there might be difficult in fixing the distance of the nearest posts.


...but he does clearly state that not keeping unnecessary soldiers is a favorite idea of his. She should have just said "Jefferson once said that not keeping unnecessary soldiers was a favorite idea of his." It's something you'd probably lose points over in an English class, but it's not deceptive or a lie.


  • I have the most sensible car on The Bore
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Thats the kind of stuff you go after when you dont have anything legitimate to bitch about.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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what the fuck

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
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Wow, Mitt Romney must be Hitler plus Satan if he's actually WORSE than Obama!

Joe Molotov

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It's true, I got a $50 quickie abortion just last week at the Mitt Romney Memorial Abortionplex and Job Killingnasium.

Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
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It's true, I got a $50 quickie abortion just last week at the Mitt Romney Memorial Abortionplex and Job Killingnasium.

That's where I'm getting gay married next month!  Small world!

Phoenix Dark

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Eric P

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Just got my 2012 Presidential Platform Survey from the Republican Party in the mail

This thing is a hoot.
Section 1.  Presidential performance Issues

2. How Important is it to voters in your state for republican candidates to give attention to the following issues during the 2012 campaign?
aside from stuff like Keep taxes Low and Reducing Federal Spending I have
Exposing Obama's radical left-wing policies; _ Very Important _ Somewhat Important _ Not Important
Repealing Obamacare: _ Very Important _ Somewhat Important _ Not Important
Reining in government employee's unions; _ Very Important _ Somewhat Important _ Not Important
I'm too lazy to type it all out, but you can read it here


  • Banana Grabber
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Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
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So they're going to wait until January 2017 to hire again ???

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Speaking of which, looks like tomorrow will be another 200k+ jobs report. With the participation rate rising who knows whether UE will decline, increase, or remain stagnant.

Barry Egan

  • The neurotic is nailed to the cross of his fiction.
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So they're going to wait until January 2017 to hire again ???

And that's only if OBUMMER doesn't repeal the two term presidency limit, abolish democracy, and announce himself Kenyan Emperor of the Americas. 


  • I have the most sensible car on The Bore
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All those jobs are McDonald's level jobs they're saying, I realize a job is a job but damn

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Manufacturing has been ticking up for awhile, a lot of those jobs aren't bad


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I'd expect the new jobs to be disproportionately low-skill, cause I'm pretty sure those are the ones that got really hammered by the recession.  There were some stats about relative unemployment rates and the "no college" rates were pretty horrendous, iirc.


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Isn't the UE rate for college graduates around 7%? 

Anyways, jobs report came in completely underwhelming at 120,000. 


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Isn't the UE rate for college graduates around 7%? 

Probably even lower if you don't count those with philosophy/theology majors.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Pretty shocking jobs report. Every economic indicator suggested we'd see a big jobs number today, from UI gains to the ADP's estimates to increased manufacturing. I don't remember the last time the BLS was nearly 100k off of the estimates. Usually it's like 10-30k, maybe 40k. But 100k?

In terms of good news, UE dropped despite the participation rate going up, and some revisions:

The change in total nonfarm payroll employment for January was revised from
+284,000 to +275,000, and the change for February was revised from +227,000
to +240,000.



  • I have the most sensible car on The Bore
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  • I have the most sensible car on The Bore
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Restaurants and the food service industry added 188,500 jobs in March, well more than the net gain of 120,000 jobs in the economy as a whole when jobs losses in other sectors are factored in, according to the Labor Department.

Yet the food service and restaurant sector carries another distinction: This is one of just two sectors with wage declines over the past year, according to a new report by PayScale, an online compensation data website. Wages for food service and restaurant jobs dipped 0.6 percent, from March 2011 to March 2012. In contrast, U.S. wages in all industries rose 1.4 percent on average during that same stretch. (The legal sector also experienced wage declines.)

Restaurant and food service jobs are traditionally among some of the lowest paying positions in the U.S. economy, with the average wage in 2010 at just $18,130 per year, according to the Labor Department.

"The growth that is happening in this sector is not really encouraging for the economy," said Katie Bardaro, PayScale's lead economist. "A lot of people are going into [food services who] could have gone into higher-paying better jobs that they are more qualified for. But they can't find them."

Food service wages plunged more than 3 percent from mid-2008 to mid-2009, according to PayScale.

Americans have begun to dine out more often, a reason for the numerous openings in the food sector, but consumers are also eating less per meal, Bardaro said. That means restaurants want to hire more hands at minimum wage or part-time, she said.

The boom in low-wage restaurant jobs may provide much needed relief to some, but it's not necessarily good for the economy as a whole in the long run, she said. The skilled workers who are taking positions in restaurants to make ends meet are losing the skills that they developed through higher education or other jobs, Bardaro said. If that happens, the economy misses out on potential innovation and job creation.

"We have all of these college graduates who are trained in a particular field, and they cannot find jobs in their chosen field," Bardaro said. "Those fields are losing out on new fresh minds and new fresh ideas."


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Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Shit gets really good on the second page.

I took it as a typical conservative false equivalency/satire. In response to black parents telling their male kids to be careful to avoid police or race tensions, a white parent telling their kids to be careful to avoid black criminals. My brain hurts too much from shaking my head to possibly get mad over this.

My parents drilled safety into my head at a very young age. It wasn't a case of them telling me that white people are racist, and therefore I must protect myself pre-emptively. Just simple stuff: don't have your hands in your pockets while in a store, make sure your hands are easily viewable if you're stopped by the police in your car, always carry ID on you, even if you're just walking down the street to a friend's house, etc. I'd imagine many parents of all colors give similar advice to their kids; I have an Arab friend whose parents give her a long list of do's and don'ts while on an airplane. The difference being it's more serious for black kids throughout the country due to stereotypes.



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Oh, he's using the false equivalency as a framing device, but he's dead serious.  Derbyshire has also written that women reach their peak attractiveness at ~15 years old, which is why teen girls get raped so damn much.

Wish I were kidding.

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
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Shit gets really good on the second page.

After finishing that I had to glance up at the top to check if the posted date was April 1st.  :-\

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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I've seen "I have a black friend" disclaimers, but I've never seen a "I have a 13yo daughter" disclaimer before. He has to be a long standing troll, there's no way this is a serious adult


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Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
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Some of my best friends are IWSBs.


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I definitely don't like David Brooks, but he should be kept around if only to give someone like Charlie Pierce a reason to continue blogging:

Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
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Interesting legal viewpoint on upholding Obamacare:

Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
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Here's another story that is kind of interesting:

It compares what Americans bought in 1949 vs. 2011.

Human Snorenado

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I definitely don't like David Brooks, but he should be kept around if only to give someone like Charlie Pierce a reason to continue blogging:

bububububububububut he fisked him obviously everything he said should be discounted

Positive Touch

  • Woo Papa
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Shit gets really good on the second page.

absolutely fucking disgusting; the saddest thing is that this is just explicitly laying out what most white people tend to believe


white dude drives around shooting random black people, injures 2 and kills 3


Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
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white dude drives around shooting random black people, injures 2 and kills 3

crime rate has already dropped, keep on shooting

Its high time vigilantism made a huge comeback, and we took out the drug dealers like this guy did...

I'll bet my recent MegaMillions winnings the shooter is black. They are killing themselves and yet still want to blame it on the whites for all their inadequecies. When will they ever wake up and see the enemy, and the enemy is THEM!

Who is out walking at 1:00 a.m.? I'd say the neighborhood watch is on its toes.


Positive Touch

  • Woo Papa
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my local paper just switched their comments section over to facebook-linked posting, so now people have to use their real faces & names.  i hoped it'd cut down on the ignorance, but of course it hasn't.  most of these fucks think they're speaking truth to pc liberals, so they go right ahead with their bullshit.  makes me sick

Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
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my local paper just switched their comments section over to facebook-linked posting, so now people have to use their real faces & names. i hoped it'd cut down on the ignorance, but of course it hasn't.  most of these fucks think they're speaking truth to pc liberals, so they go right ahead with their bullshit.  makes me sick

I don't know why you would think this.  Personally, a lot of the conservatives I know love to spout their bullshit to anyone, even without provocation to do so.

Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
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my local paper just switched their comments section over to facebook-linked posting, so now people have to use their real faces & names.  i hoped it'd cut down on the ignorance, but of course it hasn't.  most of these fucks think they're speaking truth to pc liberals, so they go right ahead with their bullshit.  makes me sick

Around MLK day, there were a bunch of fb posts where people felt a-ok about posting "Happy Dead N***** Day" like it was just a cool thing to do, and didn't care that they were basically publicly exposing themselves as racists.  People are fucking stupid.

Phoenix Dark

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To nobody's tears.

Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
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I wonder if they turned the comments off for that announcement, I'd expect lots of pissed off people concerned about FREE SPEECH up in there. 


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Whoa, NRO canned Derbyshire

Political correctness scores another victim, it seems.  :'(

Positive Touch

  • Woo Papa
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Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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I wonder if they turned the comments off for that announcement, I'd expect lots of pissed off people concerned about FREE SPEECH up in there.

If his name was Derb'Shawn he'd still have a job!


  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
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I wonder if they turned the comments off for that announcement, I'd expect lots of pissed off people concerned about FREE SPEECH up in there.

Free speech is still free. The consequences of free speech aren't.


  • HastilyChosenUsername
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Quote from: Max
We all know Iran is less than a decade away from a viable nuke.  Pakistan already has 'em, and they're just a rat's fart away from a full-blown Islamic revolution.  Same for Saudi.

Which do you think is scarier -- a Sharia state controlling our energy resources, or a Sharia state with nuclear weapons?  Because that's what we're looking at, within our lifetime.

Meanwhile, the world keeps getting hotter and before you know it, honest soccer moms won't be able to afford to run the air conditioners in their SUVs!  Unless we act.

Its time we took the bull by the horns, mister President.  The people are looking to us for leadership.  We've always known that World War Three would be fought in the middle east...
...and I say we get our retaliation in first.
quick question, is this a comic book villain from 2005, or the current Republican platform on Iran today?
spoiler (click to show/hide)
its the main bad guy from the Vertigo comic, The Losers.
This probably belongs more in the comic thread, but it was so damn close to what's considered mainstream political opinion that I felt compelled to post it.  I can't wait until Mitt Romney gets tips from Lex Luthor's run for president.

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
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Quote from: Max
We all know Iran is less than a decade away from a viable nuke.  Pakistan already has 'em, and they're just a rat's fart away from a full-blown Islamic revolution.  Same for Saudi.

Which do you think is scarier -- a Sharia state controlling our energy resources, or a Sharia state with nuclear weapons?  Because that's what we're looking at, within our lifetime.

Meanwhile, the world keeps getting hotter and before you know it, honest soccer moms won't be able to afford to run the air conditioners in their SUVs!  Unless we act.

Its time we took the bull by the horns, mister President.  The people are looking to us for leadership.  We've always known that World War Three would be fought in the middle east...
...and I say we get our retaliation in first.
quick question, is this a comic book villain from 2005, or the current Republican platform on Iran today?
spoiler (click to show/hide)
its the main bad guy from the Vertigo comic, The Losers.
This probably belongs more in the comic thread, but it was so damn close to what's considered mainstream political opinion that I felt compelled to post it.  I can't wait until Mitt Romney gets tips from Lex Luthor's run for president.

That was easy, the giveaway was that he acknowledged global warming.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Let me get this straight. Iran is the most dangerous rogue nation OF ALL TIME. They're mere moments away from getting a nuclear weapon, meaning we have to strike as soon as possible or face the destruction of Israel. It's only a matter of time before -

Abbasi said Tehran could stop its production of 20 percent enriched uranium needed for a research reactor, and continue enriching uranium to lower levels for power generation.

This could take place once Iran has stockpiled enough of the 20 percent enriched uranium, Abbasi told state TV. The 20 percent enriched material can be used for medical research and treatments.

The enrichment issue lies at the core of the dispute between Iran and the West, which fears Tehran is seeking an atomic weapon - a charge the country denies, insisting its uranium program is for peaceful purposes only.

Uranium has to be enriched to more than 90 percent to be used for a nuclear weapon, but with Iran enriching uranium to 20 percent levels, there are concerns it has come a step closer to nuclear weapons capability

You've got to be shitting me.


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Most actual US intelligence reports have shown that Iran isn't doing anything to make nuclear weapons, just that there is a will within the country's leadership.  That's why the entire military leadership is saying "hey it's not a good idea to act" while know-it-all presidential nominees are beating the war drum and causing a ruckus. 


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I'm gonna meet radical black neo-nazis Tavis Smiley and Cornell West later this week. :hyper

Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
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I'm gonna meet radical black neo-nazis Tavis Smiley and Cornell West later this week. :hyper

Describe Maurice to them.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Isn't West on the anti-Obama far left brigade, and isn't Smiley still mad Obama won't do his show now that all these white people are watching his every move?


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West in particular has made some pretty insulting speculations on Obama's psychology, iirc.

Phoenix Dark

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Eric P

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a conservative is a liberal who's been mugged

Dickie Dee

  • It's not the band I hate, it's their fans.
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First comment got it

Quick translation: MY bike got stolen, and I've always been a racist, but now I'm going to say so out loud and will accept no criticism, because see the thing before about my bike. MY bike.

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
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It’s time to push back against liberals who have goaded whites into guilt. In light of the crimes blacks have committed against whites in the last 100 years, I say it’s even. Move on.

Nailed it. Blacks may have had it rough for a few hundred years, but surely enough bikes have been stolen to make up for that.


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Can we stop discussing that article now please?  Haha.  Yes.  So funny.  Because I am suffocated in a white guilt shithole every day, I don't need it online.


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Santorum quits:
POLITICO Breaking News
Rick Santorum is suspending his GOP presidential campaign, a source close to the campaign told POLITICO. He will make the announcement in Gettysburg, Pa., shortly.
Rick Santorum called Mitt Romney Tuesday to say he is ending his presidential campaign, Yahoo News has learned.

Santorum is scheduled to make an announcement at a press conference in Gettysburg, Pa., at 2 p.m. ET.

Calls to several campaign aides from Yahoo News were not returned before the event.

Also, Herman Cain dumps Newt:
Herman Cain made clear Tuesday that he is ready to throw his support behind Mitt Romney, making no mention of his endorsement of Newt Gingrich.

“I have always said I will support whoever the nominee is and it looks like Mitt Romney’s going to be that nominee, and we do need to get behind him,” Cain said on Fox News. “I remind people all the time … ‘Keep your eye on the mission.’ And the mission is to get control of the Senate, maintain control of the House and defeat Barack Obama. That means get behind the nominee, so, yes, I’m ready to get behind the nominee.”
« Last Edit: April 10, 2012, 02:20:20 PM by benjipwns »

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
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Nooooooooooooooooooooooo...  :'(