Author Topic: "A black sheriff?!": The Official Topic of Obama and New Era American Politics  (Read 1881188 times)

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Eric P

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Dickie Dee

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republican amnesia is setting in so hard

"deficit spending!? animals!? slight faux-pas with foreign leaders!? this is unprecedented! impeach this monster, hold a tea party to protest taxes (that are actually being cut)"

I'd been watching a piece on Prince Bandar of Saudi Arabia and it went into some arms deal between the UK and Saudi's and how he helped negotiate them, anyways that part was pretty unimportant but I did notice that even Maggie Thatcher with her iron vagina did a proper curtsey when meeting the Saudi royalty, made me kind of chuckle considering the faux outrage over O-Bow-ma. Nevermind Bush's PDA while tip-toeing through the tulips with a Saudi prince while still spouting lines about not seeing the difference between terrorists and the states that harbour them.

Despite it currently being their downfall, I've always thought their lack of self-awareness is the right's greastest asset.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2009, 12:32:38 AM by Mamacint »

Human Snorenado

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Never mind all this dog shit.  Yes it's cute, whatever.  Bigger game is afoot.

Did Texas just secede or something?  Should we be trying to airlift citizens of Austin out?

Eric P

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Dickie Dee

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I wish so much that this materialized...



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Even I couldn't have predicted how bitter this black president would make sd.  It's delicious.

edit:  I mean, a black guy trains dogs to fight each other and kills them, and sd flips out.  Another black guy gives a dog a loving home, and sd flips out.  Negro-canine relations just can't get a break with this guy.

Dickie Dee

  • It's not the band I hate, it's their fans.
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Did Texas just secede or something?  Should we be trying to airlift citizens of Austin out?

Fire up the Underground Railroad!

Eric P

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edit:  I mean, a black guy trains dogs to fight each other and kills them, and sd flips out.  Another black guy gives a dog a loving home, and sd flips out.  Negro-canine relations just can't get a break with this guy.

i guess SD just hates dogs.


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Its funny they're trying to say that the dog was technically rescued because the original owners returned the dog to the breeder. Nevermind the fact that the breeder is the Kennedy's own personal dog breeder.


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When you realize that sd's posts are broadly representative of the Republican strategy for regaining power, he becomes a very reassuring figure.


  • Murdered in the digital realm
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And he just keeps on going. Does he have every single other poster on ignore?

Human Snorenado

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Its funny they're trying to say that the dog was technically rescued because the original owners returned the dog to the breeder. Nevermind the fact that the breeder is the Kennedy's own personal dog breeder.

:lol :lol :lol


  • i am terrified by skellybones
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When you realize that sd's posts are broadly representative of the Republican strategy for regaining power, he becomes a very reassuring figure.

keep proclaiming victory even when it's abundantly clear that they've lost both the culture war and the political war?


  • i am terrified by skellybones
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The SD posting machine seems to be malfunctioning.  It no longer even pretends to listen.

That's not a malfunction, it's just working properly again.


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When you're complaining about the President's dog you know you're grasping for something.  There's something about Obama that has just destroyed the Republican party.  They're clueless on how to deal with him.

I like SD, btw.  I don't agree with him on most things.  But they're something lovable about his ramblings.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2009, 12:53:49 AM by Rman »


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When you realize that sd's posts are broadly representative of the Republican strategy for regaining power, he becomes a very reassuring figure.

keep proclaiming victory even when it's abundantly clear that they've lost both the culture war and the political war?

Construct an elaborate reality in which a foreign radical has won the presidency through the seduction of an effete, elitist media.  One where all opposition is malign and nefarious, and ACORN is behind the scenes of every breach of justice.  Reinforce that bubble until it completely supplants the physical world.

Then win the midterm elections in that reality.


  • i am terrified by skellybones
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WE'RE STILL THE SILENT MAJORITY *loses elections and public support, increasingly becomes irrational* MAJORITY I TELLS YA


  • Senior Member
Bah...just in a pissy mood.

2G2D reared its ugly head in the interview today with one of the most lolz-worthy lowball money offers in the history of lowball money offers. Dude even had the gall to use figures from 1998 when he worked in a similar position. Nineteen ninety fucking eight. Had to pick my jaw up off the floor.

Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
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When you're complaining about the President's dog you know you're grasping for something.  There's something about Obama that has just destroyed the Republican party.  They're clueless on how to deal with him.

I like SD, btw.  I don't agree with most things.  But they're something lovable about his ramblings.


Guess who the Republicans are in that video.

Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
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Bah...just in a pissy mood.

2G2D reared its ugly head in the interview today with one of the most lolz-worthy lowball money offers in the history of lowball money offers. Dude even had the gall to use figures from 1998 when he worked in a similar position. Nineteen ninety fucking eight. Had to pick my jaw up off the floor.

Well, on the plus side does this mean you'll be able to hang out with Hannity and Boortz at the tea bagging event tomorrow?

Dickie Dee

  • It's not the band I hate, it's their fans.
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When you realize that sd's posts are broadly representative of the Republican strategy for regaining power, he becomes a very reassuring figure.

keep proclaiming victory even when it's abundantly clear that they've lost both the culture war and the political war?

Construct an elaborate reality in which a foreign radical has won the presidency through the seduction of an effete, elitist media.  One where all opposition is malign and nefarious, and ACORN is behind the scenes of every breach of justice.  Reinforce that bubble until it completely supplants the physical world.

Then win the midterm elections in that reality.

while i think derision is the most appropriate response to the modern right's incoherence, it's hard not to forget that just a few short years ago this shit wasn't funny at all


  • Senior Member
When you're complaining about the President's dog you know you're grasping for something.

Nobody is complaining about the dog. Its the river of saliva and semen flowing down the WH lawn.

Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
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When you realize that sd's posts are broadly representative of the Republican strategy for regaining power, he becomes a very reassuring figure.

keep proclaiming victory even when it's abundantly clear that they've lost both the culture war and the political war?

Construct an elaborate reality in which a foreign radical has won the presidency through the seduction of an effete, elitist media.  One where all opposition is malign and nefarious, and ACORN is behind the scenes of every breach of justice.  Reinforce that bubble until it completely supplants the physical world.

Then win the midterm elections in that reality.

while i think derision is the most appropriate response to the modern right's incoherence, it's hard not to forget that just a few short years ago this shit wasn't funny at all

It also becomes much less funny when you remember OKC and the fact that DHS people (rightly) consider domestic terrorism the bigger threat.


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  • i am terrified by skellybones
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When you're complaining about the President's dog you know you're grasping for something.

Nobody is complaining about the dog. Its the river of saliva and semen flowing down the WH lawn.

i've actually seen a lot of mainstream media people saying "hey this isn't that big a deal" but whatever


  • Murdered in the digital realm
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In a world with Jennifer Aniston and Madonna and Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan, we're saying that the media is gabbing over some famous person's dog for political purposes?


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« Reply #3446 on: April 15, 2009, 01:10:16 AM »
while i think derision is the most appropriate response to the modern right's incoherence, it's hard not to forget that just a few short years ago this shit wasn't funny at all

Ha, from the Glenn Beck Comedy Tour thread:

I used to think the lunatic right should be ignored, to keep people like Anne Coulter from getting a megaphone.

Now that I don't worry about the GOP being in power, I want nutcases like Beck front and center to make everyone who allies with him an object of ridicule.  If this guy doesn't make you rethink the direction of your party, what would?

The crazy people are a lot less scary when their guys aren't in power.

AdmiralViscen:  I think we've established that puff pieces on presidential pets are completely unprecedented and unique to Barack Obama.

The real story should be the tea party movement, which is completely huge, purely grassroots, and totally not filled with insane people.


  • i am terrified by skellybones
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Was going to wait for a good setup, but I really wanted to be first on this
« Reply #3448 on: April 15, 2009, 01:13:07 AM »
More like Porkuguese water dog, am I right fellas?
« Last Edit: April 15, 2009, 01:14:56 AM by Mandark »


  • i am terrified by skellybones
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More like Porkugese water dog, am I right fellas?

man free republic has had a field day comparing obama to a dog

Howard Alan Treesong

  • キング・メタル・ドラゴン
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wow, outrage over Bo Obama is so cute

it's a presidential pet and one that belongs to two cute little girls, to boot

of COURSE it's going to be overexposed

this is not a partisan issue


  • i am terrified by skellybones
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Howard Alan Treesong

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are you guys aware of the Stormfront shadow organization now infiltrating college campuses? they even have the same logo...


Youth for Western Civilization

news stories


  • Senior Member
edit:  I mean, a black guy trains dogs to fight each other and kills them, and sd flips out.  Another black guy gives a dog a loving home, and sd flips out.  Negro-canine relations just can't get a break with this guy.

i guess SD just hates dogs.

Nah, it's the other possibility.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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I've seen some of their fliers on campus. They're not as nice as the LaRouche folks

Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
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I've seen some of their fliers on campus. They're not as nice as the LaRouche folks

Of course they're not, you're black. 

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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I am?


  • HastilyChosenUsername
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he is?

Howard Alan Treesong

  • キング・メタル・ドラゴン
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you are?


  • i am terrified by skellybones
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free republic agrees: women are subhuman, should not vote


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Wow lol....I put on fox news out of curiosity to see if they were hyping up those TEA PARTIES yet and I saw a commerical for their coverage of Obama's first 100 days and went went something like

"Saving the economy...or socialism?
Bringing home the troops....or losing the war?
Opening up our borders....or allowing the terrorists in?

We report, you decide."

Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
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Wow lol....I put on fox news out of curiosity to see if they were hyping up those TEA PARTIES yet and I saw a commerical for their coverage of Obama's first 100 days and went went something like

"Saving the economy...or socialism?
Bringing home the troops....or losing the war?
Opening up our borders....or allowing the terrorists in?

We report, you decide."

Yeah, yeah, Olbermann is a blowhard etc etc- this clip largely doesn't feature him AT ALL.  Just letting the Fox teabaggers expose themselves.  Ahem.


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funni u guyz r

Barry Egan

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Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
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he mad

Eric P

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like letter to the editor or chasing the mailman?

Barry Egan

  • The neurotic is nailed to the cross of his fiction.
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fuming in his underwear


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Obama invokes the "already identified $2 trillion in savings" line once again.


Eric P

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i was curious what the world opinions were regarding our tea party things so i did some searching.  Turns out the G20 leftists had their own tea parties in protests.  I was curious to see how the phenomena had jumped the ocean and political ideologies.

but no.

G20 protesters held a tea party outside the Bank of England today, kicking off demonstrations against the summit of world and financial leaders a day earlier than planned.

The group behind tomorrow's G20 Meltdown protests sent Twitter messages urging demonstrators to meet at the Bank at 11am, bringing cake.

Around a dozen protesters gathered, spread out a picnic blanket, sipped tea and ate shortbread and cupcakes in a square in front of the bank.

One of the group, Michael Rainsbro, said: "We've to come to the Bank of England because it has presiding over an economic system that has given out Sir-Fred-[Goodwin]-style bonuses for years and years. We need a long-term change in our economy."

He said today's tea party was aimed at raising awareness for tomorrow's G20 meltdown protest. "Come on down to the Bank of England tomorrow. This will be the first bank holiday on a Wednesday."

He added: "The real issue is that the G20 is an unelected and undemocratic instutution. People are very angry."

Marina Pepper, a former Liberal Democrat councillor who is co-ordinating a planned procession of four theatrical "Horsemen of the Apocalypse" at the Bank tomorrow, said today's protest was designed to highlight a long-hours working culture.

"We are here to reclaim elevenses," she said. "You used to have elevenses written in to your work contract, now you're expected to drink tea at your desk and not spill it on your keyboard.

Police officers guarding the Bank exchanged banter with the protesters and did not intervene to prevent the tea party. "The police are not the enemy, the enemy is the system," said Pepper. "After the revolution we will still need the police."

Police have warned that protesters plan to bring the capital to a standstill and say they are preparing for possible violent confrontations.

Last night, five people were arrested in Devon on suspicion of planning to use fireworks to disrupt the G20 meeting.

Gordon Brown said today that violence would not be acceptable.

"No violence can be tolerated, no intimidation of people is allowed, and the police will act very quickly if there is any threat to property or people," he told GMTV.

The prime minister said most people who wanted to make their views known on subjects such as jobs, climate change and global poverty were doing so peacefully and were entitled to their opinions.

"After all, people are talking about jobs, about protecting the environment and helping the poorest countries," he said.

Brown said he would be speaking to some of the protesters at St Paul's Cathedral today.

Eric P

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and Americans were always self righteous little whiny bitches per the bbc

The War of American Independence began in 1776. The popular idea that it started with the Boston Tea Party is wrong, although the off-loading in America of cheap tea from the East India Company was an aggravation. There was no single reason for the war. The transition from colonies in dispute to full scale war was one full of sometimes complex contradictions.

For example, it was not a popular uprising. Most of the British in America (they were not Americans until after the 1783 Treaty of Paris) were not in rebellion. Many were doing very well under the Crown. Also, the rising was not from the oppressed classes - the slaves and Indians or Native Americans we now call them. Neither slave nor Indian got anything out of the doctrine of liberty. British soldiers fought white, often comfortably off British middle class. The merchant British in American were probably richer than most families in England. The average tax and tithe payer in England paid twenty five times more than someone in America. Trade preferences and the working of the Navigation Acts made Britain a big and easy market for American goods and products.

The reasons for the war include the following: the 1765 Stamp Duties imposed by PM George Grenville on America (and West Indies) to raise 15% of the overall administrative costs as well as paying for the army; the Declaratory Act; the Boston Massacre; the fall in the price of tea in India; the first 1774 Congress meeting in Philadelphia and, in 1775, the first shots fired at Lexington Massachusetts. If the British army had been competent enough, it could have put down the rebels at Lexington and Concord. The British army was not good enough and badly commanded.


  • Senior Member
How in the sam fuck can the WH sit there and vow transparency in the stress tests with a straight face when unemployment has already exceeded the tests' worse case scenario and will undoubtedly get much worse? This is the kind of shit that pisses me off because nobody in the media is calling them on it. Go out and peruse some of the econ blogs and read some of the comments. Tons of people are now convinced that Summers and Geithner have to go. You see it here too. But, in all reality, is that really going to happen? I mean, you're talking about a president who is so narcissistic that he named his own dog after his initials. Firing Summers or Geithner (especially Geithner after he had to expend political capital during the confirmation) would be admitting that he was wrong. A guy who's narcissism is that ingrained will never admit that he is wrong because he truly feels he never can be wrong. When you've got Krugman and Newt on the same page about the odds of another stimulus plan, then you know something is lacking from the leadership. The longer they drag this out and the more they protect the people who were responsible for this, the more painful they are making it.


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How in the sam fuck can the WH sit there and vow transparency in the stress tests with a straight face when unemployment has already exceeded the tests' worse case scenario and will undoubtedly get much worse? This is the kind of shit that pisses me off because nobody in the media is calling them on it. Go out and peruse some of the econ blogs and read some of the comments. Tons of people are now convinced that Summers and Geithner have to go. You see it here too. But, in all reality, is that really going to happen? I mean, you're talking about a president who is so narcissistic that he named his own dog after his initials. Firing Summers or Geithner (especially Geithner after he had to expend political capital during the confirmation) would be admitting that he was wrong. A guy who's narcissism is that ingrained will never admit that he is wrong because he truly feels he never can be wrong. When you've got Krugman and Newt on the same page about the odds of another stimulus plan, then you know something is lacking from the leadership. The longer they drag this out and the more they protect the people who were responsible for this, the more painful they are making it.

You've got to shitting me. You can't truly believe this. No fucking way.

The Fake Shemp

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You are telling me you didn't notice the hidden secret agenda behind the Obama girls when they named their puppy?   >:(

Eric P

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they named it after natty boh, his favorite beer, national bohemian, from baltimore



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He was named after "Bo Diddley".

Obama's initials.....oh sd.  :lol

The Fake Shemp

  • Ebola Carrier
they named it after natty boh, his favorite beer, national bohemian, from baltimore

That beer is truly awful and only purchased by Maryland rednecks.

Eric P

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Maryland Hipsters like it too!



  • Senior Member
i like natty boh. :'(

The Fake Shemp

  • Ebola Carrier
Jesus, I had so much respect for you, RoboJ.

All gone now.