Author Topic: Jesus will pick 3 new members to ascend to Icon this Christmas. WHO WILL IT BE?  (Read 15167 times)

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  • Poster of the Forever
  • Senior Member
You have access to the cock pic forum too! Gah!


  • sy
  • Senior Member
so whose the third
« Last Edit: December 25, 2009, 01:45:51 AM by Drewsy »

Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
  • Senior Member
Congrats to the XFE and Boogie.  All three were overdue.

well deserved on all 3.  I guys get a secret forum?  or are there other perks...

and it looks like some people mentioned me in this thread, thanks.  I don't chat with anyone outside the forum/stay in touch on facebook..all anyone knows of me are my insane ramblings that are sometimes for real and sometimes not, so iconization is not in my future  8)  (i swear that's not a sad stealth "popularity contest" complaint! i don't know/care about the hierarchy of the site...sometimes I spam bullshit for days on end and that's not icon behavior.)  

You're a pretty good poster.  Whatever you do works.

I'll never be an Icon but I will say that I do like the prospect of some kind of perks or incentives to keep people to stay.  Pretty much everyone on GAF (well, people who are decent posters) and OA are well aware of this place.  So I don't think there would ever really be a surge of new members anytime soon.


  • Senior Member
whooooooooow...ICONS ::)


  • Senior Member
I'll probably never get icon'd. I thought being a nice person was all we needed.  I'll go end life now.

I'll probably never get icon'd. I thought being a nice person was all we needed.  I'll go end life now.

Keep hope alive! That's apparently how I got Icon'd in 2008.

Keep being a nice dude, and one day you too will have access to the world's best cock pics.

The Fake Shemp

  • Ebola Carrier
Except, unlike you - Mr. Glen Shinobi of The Glen Shinobi Academy of Overrated Arts - I don't get all emotional and huffy-puffy. I could care less what you think about me, but I will say the fact that you get all flustered at the mere sight of a reply from yours truly is kind of a pick-me-up.

Just think, when I am going home, I'll think, "I wonder how angry Glen Shinobi is now, especially since he saw his argument over characterization in Avatar crumble in front of him."

But, alas, I am nothing compared to frightening on-screen creation of velociraptors.

The Fake Shemp

  • Ebola Carrier
You're right, you looked like ten times the idiot. :lol

Remember when you compared a human antagonist to raptors and a robot? :rofl

The Fake Shemp

  • Ebola Carrier
Wow, it's like you are completely unaware of the fundamentals of creative writing. :o

The Fake Shemp

  • Ebola Carrier
I guess you should probably wait to be a paid film critic before you lecture me on what qualifies as a Best Picture nominee. :smug

The Fake Shemp

  • Ebola Carrier
Hey, shouldn't you be somewhere getting cockblocked by a gay dudebro? :smug


  • Merry Christmas
  • Senior Member
You know, GS, there's an ignore feature in this forum for a reason.  Instead of bitching about Willco and Boogie ("worst icon ever" just smacks of sour grapes and Comic Book Guy-ness), just don't reply to them.

The more you reply to them, the more they'll annihilate you.  And you obviously don't want THAT.


  • Used to worship Muckhole. Now worships Robo.
  • Senior Member
This is not a thread for you two to argue films and movies. This is a thread to splooge over the new Icons!!!



  • Merry Christmas
  • Senior Member
The day someone annihilates me, I'll be the first to give that person credit.

You should use your time machine to go back and save your rabbit while you'r at it.

Green Shinobi annihilated.


  • A lot of shit pisses me off
  • Senior Member
I'd say something about being mighty catty in here considering the thread topic and all, but I guess Green Shinobi just sort of brings that with him wherever he goes.


  • Merry Christmas
  • Senior Member
Pretty sure that Boogie getting iconed was just a fuck you from Willco. The dude's made like 1900 posts. What on earth has he done to be icon worthy when there are guys like Fafka, Cohen, Great Rumbler and others who are far more deserving?

dcharlie and Cajole definitely deserve it.

You should be proud, then.  It seems annihilating you does wonders to raise people's esteem of the annihilator.

Barry Egan

  • The neurotic is nailed to the cross of his fiction.
  • Senior Member
Pretty sure that Boogie getting iconed was just a fuck you from Willco.

::) get over yourself


  • A lot of shit pisses me off
  • Senior Member
Not only do you take yourself way in the hell too seriously, but now you're taking the icon thing way in the hell too seriously. Have you ever considered taking a step back, dropping the pride or whatever the hell it is that keeps you going, and looking over your posts a bit with a self-critical eye? I for one sure as hell have a tendency of going the fuck on and suffering meltdowns on the stupidest subjects (not exactly unique behavior around here), but most of us can at least give it a chuckle and an admission of galloping dumbassity in hindsight.


  • Used to worship Muckhole. Now worships Robo.
  • Senior Member
Jesus Christ, this is the Icon splooge thread, not the Green Shinobi annihilation thread.


  • Fastest selling shit
  • Senior Member
looking forward to your thread about the bore on teamxbox.


  • A lot of shit pisses me off
  • Senior Member
I'm done here.


You're right.

I'm taking a month's break from this forum. I'm sure things will improve tenfold while I'm gone.

Annihilated, lulz


  • Merry Christmas
  • Senior Member
I wanna annihilate Green Shinobi next.  It seems like it's EB's national sport.

Flannel Boy

  • classic millennial sex pickle
  • Icon
boogie has been brought up for 2 years as an icon candidate.

That's a lie. Willco chose Boogie, a long-time member at both neogaf and evilbore, to spite Green Shinobi.


  • Used to worship Muckhole. Now worships Robo.
  • Senior Member
I wanna annihilate Green Shinobi next.  It seems like it's EB's national sport.



  • cooler than willco
  • Administrator
What other explanation is there? A guy who barely posts gets iconed ahead of at least ten more deserving members?

I'm done here.

I dont know why Boogie was picked either, tbh. Not that I care about this whole icon thing anyway


  • Merry Christmas
  • Senior Member
I wanna annihilate Green Shinobi next.  It seems like it's EB's national sport.


Seems like it's fairly easy to do, too.


  • A lot of shit pisses me off
  • Senior Member
I wanna annihilate Green Shinobi next.  It seems like it's EB's national sport.

(1) Add him to your ignore list. (2) Await angry PM. (3) Repost PM.

Calling it a "sport" is an insult to rock-paper-scissor champions everywhere.


  • QUIT
  • Ebola Carrier
I still wish I atleast got some respect.


  • Fastest selling shit
  • Senior Member
What other explanation is there? A guy who barely posts gets iconed ahead of at least ten more deserving members?

I'm done here.

I dont know why Boogie was picked either, tbh. Not that I care about this whole icon thing anyway
says the admin.


  • Merry Christmas
  • Senior Member
I wanna annihilate Green Shinobi next.  It seems like it's EB's national sport.

(1) Add him to your ignore list. (2) Await angry PM. (3) Repost PM.

Calling it a "sport" is an insult to rock-paper-scissor champions everywhere.

I added him to my ignore list two minutes ago and I ALREADY got a PM.

Shit works fast!!!!!  :hyper


  • Merry Christmas
  • Senior Member
Shit, I just checked it and it's not.  THANKS A LOT GREEN SHINOBI :maf

Flannel Boy

  • classic millennial sex pickle
  • Icon
Boogie was picked cause him and some other icons partied it up IRL or something.

Drinky was only made an icon because he gave Willco a handjob.


  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
  • Senior Member
Congrats Boogie! :rock


Barry Egan

  • The neurotic is nailed to the cross of his fiction.
  • Senior Member
ya know, for at least a year now there have been a jokes about an Icon Conspiracy.  And now I finally get what it's about.  It's all in an effort to spite Green Shinobi.

Purple Filth

  • This cosmic dance of bursting decadence and withheld permissions twists all our arms collectively, but if sweetness can win—and it can—then I'll still be here tomorrow to high-five you yesterday, my friend. Peace
  • Senior Member
Congrats to all who ascended.

The Fake Shemp

  • Ebola Carrier
Boogie was picked cause him and some other icons partied it up IRL or something.

He's a cool guy, but THATS the reason he got picked.

Except not really. I am the only one Boogie has met in real-life, and to be honest, it was because a) Genghis Cohen asked us to bring in new Icons for Christmas, b) he was nominated by two other Icons before I even said anything and c) people were asking for years now for him to be let in.

If it was a popularity contest with yours truly, then muckhole would have been named an Icon (and he will at some point because some of the Icons nominated him as well) because he is actually assisting me with a project in real-life. Out of everyone on the forum, he is the only person that makes a tangible difference in my life.

I did feel guilty, because we have a bunch of great posters, like Chipopo and muckhole and Cormacaroni and RoboJ so on (and even you, Kosma), that didn't get brought in this round, which is why I will make it a point to create a new way to reward our senior members in other ways in the near future. I think we should use it as a way to celebrate guys that have made a legitimate contribution to the forum - and not noise - rather than be divisive or even worse... a Glen Shinobi.

And that's all I really want to say about forum politics. Let's rock on. I love you guys, and have a Merry Christmas.


  • cooler than willco
  • Administrator
wow ok, i only got you a killer hosting deal and saved you a ton of money. i'm like the fucking geico gecko. this is some BULLSHIT

i want a cock pic. or something resembling one. i dont care. you fucking GLEN SHINOBI


  • Merry Christmas
  • Senior Member
Every single one of those posters you named is a far better contributor to this forum than you are, Willco. You're like the worst admin in history. Pretty sure even Evilore over at GAF makes a better contribution to his forum than you do here.

Weren't you leaving?


  • sy
  • Senior Member
thank you baby jesus for sending this guy to this website to avert the negative attention away from myself this holiday season

Every single one of those posters you named is a far better contributor to this forum than you are, Willco. You're like the worst admin in history. Pretty sure even Evilore over at GAF makes a better contribution to his forum than you do here.

Weren't you leaving?

Not until we all recognize and acknowledge his intelligence.


  • cooler than willco
  • Administrator
wow ok, i only got you a killer hosting deal and saved you a ton of money. i'm like the fucking geico gecko. this is some BULLSHIT

i want a cock pic. or something resembling one. i dont care. you fucking GLEN SHINOBI

You're an awesome admin, demi. PM me your email address, and I'll send you a cock pic.

Oh that was addressed to willco. Unless you cant see your belt buckle I'm not interested in your wang. No offense. I'm sure it destroys korean vagoos like hiroshima.

Flannel Boy

  • classic millennial sex pickle
  • Icon
I'm sure it destroys korean vagoos like hiroshima.



  • Merry Christmas
  • Senior Member

The Fake Shemp

  • Ebola Carrier
Because the only one who has made an ass out of themselves is you. The only other person that has even attempted to argue with me in the Avatar thread is Great Rumbler and Tieno, pretty much everyone else is laughing at you. It's like, you're the butt of every joke, but you can't see it. That's not my problem - it's yours!


  • cooler than willco
  • Administrator

You cant ignore the men in red, I'm afraid. Unless theres some cool FireFox script that can do that.

thank you baby jesus for sending this guy to this website to avert the negative attention away from myself this holiday season

It doesn't make any sense, Drewsy. Willco makes an ass out of himself in the Avatar thread, then lists me as an option in a poll for which member got annihilated the hardest this year, using overblown or downright fictitious examples to put me in the same category as people who actually got owned, and hard, on this forum, I react angrily to this, and all of a sudden I'm the bad guy?

The fucking double standard is ridiculous. Willco has been little more than a full-time troll for days now, and yet I'm the only getting shit flung my way.

Maybe I wouldn't take shit so seriously if other people got called out for their ridiculous bullshit once in awhile.

We do get called out on shit. The difference is that we don't take it personally and things go back to normal. You, on the other hand, can't let anything go and drag it out until it gets this bad.


  • A lot of shit pisses me off
  • Senior Member
thank you baby jesus for sending this guy to this website to avert the negative attention away from myself this holiday season

I was going to say, this dude's presence works to make other meltdowns and dramas fade quite a bit in comparison.

The Fake Shemp

  • Ebola Carrier
Also, demi, this might be the last year for you to get pics of my Dinty Moore Beef Stew can before it begins its gradual decline to Hebrew National proportions. I'm getting a physical trainer (my father, ugh) next week, all my Christmas goods were workout oriented and I'll probably start transitioning to pre-packaged meals next month. I'm afraid I might only be Seth Rogen fat next Hannukah. :-\


  • A lot of shit pisses me off
  • Senior Member
It doesn't make any sense, Drewsy.

Willco makes an ass out of himself plenty. We all do, really. Most of us don't get all bloody serious about it, and even when we do let ourselves get worked up, we get the fuck over it. You don't, and that's just amazing. You clearly need to deflate that ego of yours a bit, as it seems to interfere negatively with your self-distancing abilities.

edit: or, what distantmantra said.

It's the god damned internets for fuck sake. Will may be annoying in movie threads, but you don't see anyone else having a mental breakdown over his opinions. Learn to roll with the e-punches.

And like I said, ITS THE INTERNET FOR FUCK SAKE. I'd be afraid to ever discuss anything with you in real life if this is how you handle AN INTERNET MESSAGE BOARD.


  • A lot of shit pisses me off
  • Senior Member
Well, if it's well known that I take certain things personally, then maybe, just maybe, I shouldn't have been an option in a poll for Annihilatee of the Year.

:wtf Are you suggesting that we should respect your humorless nature and avoid messing with you because, hey, you just can't take it?

The Fake Shemp

  • Ebola Carrier
Duckman said it best, and we came close to fisticuffs. Like with a broken beer bottle. I was going to fuck his shit up. But you know what? We moved on.

... I mean, Glen, you know how bad your shit is when Drewsy says, "Thank you for being the most emotionally unstable person on the site?"

As for our contrasting film opinions, y'know, the ones where you praise Peter Jackson's King Kong and want to nominate Cameron's Delgo 3D Jungle Safari for Best Picture - I just chalk that up to one of us having taste.*

spoiler (click to show/hide)
* And you know you don't have much when you're arguing against me, possibly the most lenient of the film critics around here.
« Last Edit: December 25, 2009, 10:20:11 PM by Willco »


  • Merry Christmas
  • Senior Member

You cant ignore the men in red, I'm afraid. Unless theres some cool FireFox script that can do that.

He doesn't have to put him on ignore, he can just skip past the man's posts and not reply to them.


  • A lot of shit pisses me off
  • Senior Member
Okay, you guys are right.

Congrats Cajole, dcharlie and Boogie. Merry Christmas to all of you motherfuckers.

You've sort of already said that. Right after you said that you were done here. And then you said that you were leaving for a while.

And here you are.


  • cooler than willco
  • Administrator
lol, am i the only one who thinks hes just toying you guys along? cmon... trollface.jpg

get real guys. you are acting like hes on the edge of a building. if the man wants to jump let him jump

The Fake Shemp

  • Ebola Carrier
Ichirou, you bring up a valid point, BUT THIS IS THE INTERNET.


  • Merry Christmas
  • Senior Member
Duckman said it best, and we came close to fisticuffs. Like with a broken beer bottle. I was going to fuck his shit up. But you know what? We moved on.

... I mean, Glen, you know how bad your shit is when Drewsy says, "Thank you for being the most emotionally unstable person on the site?"

As for our contrasting film opinions, y'know, the ones where you praise Peter Jackson's King Kong and want to nominate Cameron's Delgo 3D Jungle Safari for Best Picture - I just chalk that up to one of us having taste.*

spoiler (click to show/hide)
* And you know you don't have much when you're arguing against me, possibly the most lenient of the film critics around here.

Okay, Green Shinobi.  See this post I just quoted?  This is an obvious, blatant troll designed to elicit a response from you.  Skip past the bait, close this thread, and go out and get a bite to eat or something.

For Christ's sakes, please don't reply to it.


You're going to reply to it, aren't you?


  • Merry Christmas
  • Senior Member
Okay, you guys are right.

Congrats Cajole, dcharlie and Boogie. Merry Christmas to all of you motherfuckers.

You've sort of already said that. Right after you said that you were done here. And then you said that you were leaving for a while.

And here you are.

He also PM'd me to tell me he was leaving because he was taking the forum too seriously.

The Fake Shemp

  • Ebola Carrier
You will be missed.*

spoiler (click to show/hide)
* Because all eyes are on Kosma again.


  • A lot of shit pisses me off
  • Senior Member
In any event, this is waaay catty now. I'm going to blow up some buildings in Bad Company 2, and I'll mentally name each character that I annihilate after one of the new icons. So, 3 kills.