Author Topic: FitnessBore - 2018 edition  (Read 816896 times)

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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2760 on: July 01, 2011, 02:47:54 PM »

Well it's the idea that was shoved down people's throats for years that low fat diets were the way to go.  When it's actually sugar and carbs that promotes diseases and obesity.  There's nothing wrong with a banana and raisins really.  But if you're trying to lose weight, they're counter productive and empty calories.  Wait to eat them after you get to the weight you want. 

But yeah, absolutely nothing wrong with healthy fats and protein.  Cook the bacon and then cook the eggs in the bacon grease!  it's glorious and you won't get near 900 calories for one meal and you won't hate yourself for eating such a painful breakfast.


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2761 on: July 01, 2011, 02:58:36 PM »
uhhhh, I dunno really.  They're all full of sugar really.  So they'll all cause an insulin spike and cause you to stop burning fat for a time. 

By the way, the biggest contributor to the calories (by far) in your meal were the nuts.  1/4 cup of almonds has 207 calories and a 1/2 cup of walnuts has 392 calories.  They're mostly fat.  That's why they make a good snack IMO.  They'll keep you feeling full because of the prolonged breakdown of fat.  The banana was only 130 calories but it has 15 grams of sugar and 27 grams of carbs.  1 gram of protein and no carbs.  Completely empty calories. 

I'm a bacon, eggs and sausage (:teehee) guy for breakfast so I guess that's why the breakfast sounds bad to me, but hey!  to each his own.  But it is a pretty worthless meal if you want to lift weights.

Smooth Groove

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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2762 on: July 01, 2011, 10:04:49 PM »
I'm currently on the Fatkins West Beach one-sack abs diet.  It's definitely effective.

Here are some pics of my lunch.  I usually get a 3rd plate but the steak salad at Panera Bread was a more filling breakfast than I expected. 


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2763 on: July 01, 2011, 10:17:51 PM »
what the fuck


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2764 on: July 01, 2011, 10:41:53 PM »
DCharlie and I used to eat like that all the time...I still do minus the naan and rice on occasion.

Not that I don't enjoy a bit of it, but the trolling and counter-trolling is starting to get a bit old, and getting counter-productive. Anyone wanting to get some real advice is going to have to fight through a bunch of 'XXX food is awesome and I'm eating it anyway! Fuck you dieters!' posts plus counter-attacks from defensive dieters like myself. If you're not interested in eating right, fine...go post in the food thread or something


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2765 on: July 01, 2011, 11:11:38 PM »
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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2766 on: July 01, 2011, 11:44:37 PM »
So in the gaf fitness thread, someone linked to this article:

I have to say I'm skeptical. The idea of doing like 10 reps an hour sound great. But it feels like one of those pitches for diet pills that say "eat everything you want without worrying about gaining an ounce!". It goes against pretty much every instance of conventional wisdom that says there's no such thing as an easy way to gain muscle. Am I off base with this assumption?


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2767 on: July 02, 2011, 01:08:38 AM »
Well, pretty much all the answers you're looking for are already here in this now 66pg thread. Your situation of being relatively untrained, wanting to lose 10lbs or so and also gain some muscle is far from unique - it seems to be the norm, quite honestly. So my answers are all there.

It has been stated many times ITT that losing weight and gaining muscle simultaneously is a tricky proposition. They are antagonistic to each other, so you have to make some decisions. Are you prepared to get fat now to get strong later, then lean out again? Or would you rather lean out first, then add weight? Or do you not care how long this takes and just want to make slow and steady improvement on both fronts at once? You also have to be realistic about what you are prepared to go through to get there as well. I mean, everyone wants the fastest possible fat loss diet, but once they see it...they realize that they couldn't stick to it for more than a few days, never mind a few weeks. Ditto for strength training, or conditioning.

For people who really have no specific goals beyond 'get in shape, look better naked', I recommend eating Paleo style (because it is fairly easy to drop weight, the best I can see for long-term health, and - this is key - by far the easiest 'diet' to stick to that I've found.

To kick-start fat burning, I recommend lifting heavy a couple of times a week to gain muscle, and some high-intensity conditioning (Crossfit or HIIT style workouts) or sprinting. Maybe 20-30 mins a week of intense activity. Maybe as little as 10 if you're not used to it. That's it. The rest of the time, just stay active and recover.

What I eat - it's summer here so I'm not cooking as much as normal. Normally there would be a lot of roast meat, curries, stews not so much. The heat brings my appetite down and I don't like heating the whole apartment with the oven :lol

So right now, it's a lot of bacon and eggs for breakfast, omelettes for lunch or a light dinner, full-fat yoghurt as a snack, heavy cream (straight from the carton!). Dinner is usually 'meat and 2 veg' of some sort. Last night I had a chicken breast (herb-crusted!), some pureed broccoli (lots of cream and butter), and an avocado (with some salt, pepper and lemon juice).  I make salads as well, mostly cause the wife likes them. Most leaves are basically useless food but they do no harm either and they are a decent olive oil delivery method. I eat a bunch of spinach as well, usually sauteed in bulk and stored in tupperware.

For today, I have some pork steaks marinating, no idea what I'll eat them with. I'm thinking tomatoes and olives or maybe a mustard and cream sauce but to be honest I usually just make it up as I go.

I eat almost no fruit, no pasta, no bread, no sugar, almost nothing processed (bacon is probably the biggest exception. I can actually taste the syrup in many brands now - watch out for excessive carmelization when you fry it and you'll start to notice too). Rice and potatoes - once in a great while, and not in great amounts. Like I'll throw some potatoes in the roasting tray along with the pork or beef and have some on the side. No french fries.

Never be scared of calories. If the appetite-regulating hormones in your body are not completely deranged by sugar and carbs, your body will do a pretty good job of regulating your calorie intake and usage all by itself. If your system is not awash in insulin, you won't store much fat. If you are going to train meaningfully, you need to fucking eat. And if you are going to be long-term healthy, you need to train somehow (unless you have an active job, which is of course increasingly rare).

If you want to get hardcore, I recommend:

1) a ketogenic diet for rapid fat loss (as close to zero carb as you can get, think steamed chicken and broccoli all day everyday)
2) Starting Strength for rapid strength gains
2) Crossfit for broadbased conditioning and strength

...or any of the increasingly common variants on those 3. All 3 require fairly serious commitment though.


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2768 on: July 02, 2011, 01:12:06 AM »
So in the gaf fitness thread, someone linked to this article:

I have to say I'm skeptical. The idea of doing like 10 reps an hour sound great. But it feels like one of those pitches for diet pills that say "eat everything you want without worrying about gaining an ounce!". It goes against pretty much every instance of conventional wisdom that says there's no such thing as an easy way to gain muscle. Am I off base with this assumption?

It may not be 'complicated' but I am pretty fucking sure it isn't 'easy'. Go try it! But bear in mind that t-nation is a bodybuilding site aimed at people who are already fairly advanced in their chosen field. You aren't going to go from pudgy deskworker to Mr Olympia (or whatever the fuck) doing 100 reps a day at puny beginner weights.


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2769 on: July 02, 2011, 01:53:15 AM »
Gym is mostly optional. I'm actually in the middle of a workout right now, in my little Japanese man cave. Using a single kettlebell.

Distance running seems to be mostly good for racking up knee injuries and generating massive hunger pangs...I am not a fan really. Jogging (i.e. padding along slowly for 20 mins plus) counts as recreation, not training. If you enjoy listening to your podcasts that way, fine...

(btw, there was a whole massive thread BEFORE THIS ONE, which I think I linked to one like the first page of this thread. And yes, back then I was ranting at everyone to read the old one first as well :lol  There is only so much to say about this before you either start repeating yourself or getting into the kind of minutiae that make most people think you are insane)

Smooth Groove

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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2770 on: July 02, 2011, 01:53:59 AM »
Cormac, Indian food, at least restaurant cooked, is way too salty to eat without bread or rice.  Also, I really need the calories since I'm not just doing a 5 minute warm-up cross-fit routine once every two weeks.   ;)


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2771 on: July 02, 2011, 01:57:53 AM »
Uhh, i eat it all the time without bread or rice. You know what's good for salty food? Water.

Smooth Groove

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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2772 on: July 02, 2011, 02:00:49 AM »
Yeah, but then water fills my belly faster.  I like seeing the joyless faces on the stingy Indian bosses everytime I come into their restaurants. 


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2773 on: July 02, 2011, 02:22:01 AM »
Hey Smooth, you're a doctor right? I gots a question for ya. I have really brittle bones, probably a result of a lifetime of notoriously shitty eating habits. I'm 26 years old (gonna be 27 soon), and I know that your bones stop growing around the early 20s. Am I passed the point where I can do something to strengthen my bones? Do calcium supplements actually work?

So in the gaf fitness thread, someone linked to this article:

I have to say I'm skeptical. The idea of doing like 10 reps an hour sound great. But it feels like one of those pitches for diet pills that say "eat everything you want without worrying about gaining an ounce!". It goes against pretty much every instance of conventional wisdom that says there's no such thing as an easy way to gain muscle. Am I off base with this assumption?

It may not be 'complicated' but I am pretty fucking sure it isn't 'easy'. Go try it! But bear in mind that t-nation is a bodybuilding site aimed at people who are already fairly advanced in their chosen field. You aren't going to go from pudgy deskworker to Mr Olympia (or whatever the fuck) doing 100 reps a day at puny beginner weights.

Personally, I'd prefer going with a proven regimen. Don't want to waste 6 weeks or whatever on something that's seems too pie in the sky, ya know!

Smooth Groove

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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2774 on: July 02, 2011, 02:24:39 AM »
How do you know your bones are brittle?  Have you done a blood test?

And yes, calcium supplements or drug treatment would usually work if you do have some kinda defect. 

Smooth Groove

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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2775 on: July 02, 2011, 02:34:15 AM »
So in the gaf fitness thread, someone linked to this article:

I have to say I'm skeptical. The idea of doing like 10 reps an hour sound great. But it feels like one of those pitches for diet pills that say "eat everything you want without worrying about gaining an ounce!". It goes against pretty much every instance of conventional wisdom that says there's no such thing as an easy way to gain muscle. Am I off base with this assumption?

I have tried something similar in the past, basically because I hadn't read anything about working out.  I would work on a body part in the morning, then again in the afternoon and then again at night.  It did get me bigger but that was my first exposure to lifting so many other things could have worked. 

Personally, I think the Superhero routine I posted a few days ago would lead to faster and more long term gains in strength and muslce.

The only problem is some of the exercises require equipment that most gyms don't have although it shouldn't be too hard to find equivalent exercises. 


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2776 on: July 02, 2011, 02:36:45 AM »
Funny, I'm reading a book right about how calcium supplements have been fairly comprehensively discredited in clinical trials.  ::) Once people found out they were giving heart attacks to old women, they stopped prescribing them. Also, you can dose people with all kinds of things, but that doesn't mean the body will absorb them. We've been trying for decades to correct our calcium levels with milk, and failing. But what would I know.

Ya know how to strengthen your bones? LIFT HEAVY THINGS. SPRINT.

Smooth Groove

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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2777 on: July 02, 2011, 02:39:56 AM »
except, that usually makes things worse for senior citizens who are the most common osteoporosis patients. 


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2778 on: July 02, 2011, 02:44:37 AM »
Anyway, on board the Good Ship Sanity, this is what we are having for lunch, post-workout - chicken breast, pureed broccoli, tomatoes with salsa. And a big-ass glass of ice water.

This is not intended as an advertisement for Paleo as delicious cuisine, it's just the sort of thing I actually eat most of the time. I enjoy cooking, and I'm a good cook, but increasingly I can't be bothered. Everything here is precooked, all I did was dish it up (which is what you need for a post-workout meal, really, if you believe in the 30 minute window for muscle growth. And a lot of smart people do). It may not look it but this was a hefty amount of food.

Why is there a rubber glove in the picture? It is a mystery. Maybe I'll make that my sig, like OnkelC's watch :lol



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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2779 on: July 02, 2011, 02:45:11 AM »
except, that usually makes things worse for senior citizens who are the most common osteoporosis patients. 

except, I'm recommending it to a 27 yr old concerned about building his bones before he can't do so anymore


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2780 on: July 02, 2011, 02:52:08 AM »
How do you know your bones are brittle?  Have you done a blood test?

And yes, calcium supplements or drug treatment would usually work if you do have some kinda defect. 

No, I haven't done a blood test. I don't know if I have like osteoperosis level bones, but they seem to start aching fairly quickly. I don't know if that's normal.

Smooth Groove

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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2781 on: July 02, 2011, 02:52:41 AM »
Glove is for eating with your hand, paleo style?  

TBH, I cheat a lot on weekends but most of my meals on the weekdays have been devoid of processed carbs.  Aside from fueling me, the high carb & high calorie meals give me more motivation to up the intensity on the next workouts.

In terms of diary products, I've cut out most of them except for a big serving of ice cream once a week and cottage cheese every night.  I thought it was just some bullshit bodybuilder myth but a bit of cottage cheese actually has kept me from losing weight too quickly.  

except, that usually makes things worse for senior citizens who are the most common osteoporosis patients.  

except, I'm recommending it to a 27 yr old concerned about building his bones before he can't do so anymore

Hard to know what's his problem without seeing his lab tests.  For example, he could have bad kidneys, in which case exercise isn't likely to make things better.  

Smooth Groove

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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2782 on: July 02, 2011, 02:54:26 AM »
How do you know your bones are brittle?  Have you done a blood test?

And yes, calcium supplements or drug treatment would usually work if you do have some kinda defect. 

No, I haven't done a blood test. I don't know if I have like osteoperosis level bones, but they seem to start aching fairly quickly. I don't know if that's normal.

That doesn't mean you have brittle bones.  A sedentary lifestyle would cause almost anyone to have achy joints eventually. 


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2783 on: July 02, 2011, 02:57:57 AM »
well yeah, he is self-reporting here. If his kidneys are bad, taking supplements isn't going to do any more good either. So I propose we compromise on the following:

1) neither of us can diagnose him over the internet
2) weight-lifting and sprinting is gonna help him anyway, and not hurt him, so he should do that
3) if he thinks it's still a real problem after a few months deadlifting and squatting, he should go see an actual doctor

just for interest's sake, here's an abstract of a randomized, controlled trial on calcium supplements and heart disease:



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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2784 on: July 02, 2011, 02:59:16 AM »
How do you know your bones are brittle?  Have you done a blood test?

And yes, calcium supplements or drug treatment would usually work if you do have some kinda defect. 

No, I haven't done a blood test. I don't know if I have like osteoperosis level bones, but they seem to start aching fairly quickly. I don't know if that's normal.

That doesn't mean you have brittle bones.  A sedentary lifestyle would cause almost anyone to have achy joints eventually. 

And what is a good solution to a sedentary lifestyle...? Come on this is too easy

Smooth Groove

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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2785 on: July 02, 2011, 03:01:28 AM »
yeah, he should definitely get some tests if he feels that his bones hurt unnaturally.  I doubt there's any major problem though from what he's describing.  

How do you know your bones are brittle?  Have you done a blood test?

And yes, calcium supplements or drug treatment would usually work if you do have some kinda defect. 

No, I haven't done a blood test. I don't know if I have like osteoperosis level bones, but they seem to start aching fairly quickly. I don't know if that's normal.

That doesn't mean you have brittle bones.  A sedentary lifestyle would cause almost anyone to have achy joints eventually. 

And what is a good solution to a sedentary lifestyle...? Come on this is too easy

One step at a time.  Youporn and JO in different positions. 


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2786 on: July 02, 2011, 03:03:43 AM »
Smooth - have you tried full-fat greek yoghurt? To me, it's just as delicious as ice cream (because I've pretty much lost my sweet tooth at this point). It's a ton of calories, and good for digestion too.

Smooth Groove

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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2787 on: July 02, 2011, 03:05:27 AM »
I was just looking for it the other day but the crap, typical US supermarket didn't have it.  Guess I'll have to try to find it at a store that sells "natural" foods. 


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2788 on: July 02, 2011, 03:07:20 AM »
No one cares that I've gained the weight I was talking about about a month ago :(

Smooth Groove

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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2789 on: July 02, 2011, 03:10:17 AM »
Post a pic of you wearing nothing but a sock on the only leg that matters if you want EB to care. 


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2790 on: July 02, 2011, 03:57:45 AM »
Okay, thanks for the advice,  guys!

Van Cruncheon

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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2791 on: July 02, 2011, 10:31:23 AM »
Smooth - have you tried full-fat greek yoghurt? To me, it's just as delicious as ice cream (because I've pretty much lost my sweet tooth at this point). It's a ton of calories, and good for digestion too.

love dat shit :drool


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2792 on: July 02, 2011, 11:05:30 AM »
eating some now!'s actually becoming a problem for me, I think. I've been steady at 800g of the stuff daily for about a month now.

Van Cruncheon

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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2793 on: July 02, 2011, 04:24:47 PM »
i gorge on indian frequently, but how bad are the sauces in like, say, tikka masala? clearly it ain't hurtin me, but it tastes too good to be, y'know, FAIR


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2794 on: July 02, 2011, 07:55:27 PM »
i gorge on indian frequently, but how bad are the sauces in like, say, tikka masala? clearly it ain't hurtin me, but it tastes too good to be, y'know, FAIR
It's a yogurt base with tomato and spices, so I wouldn't consider it terrible.  Some have a cream base.  Highly caloric, but it's not full of sugar so I wouldn't worry about it.


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2795 on: July 02, 2011, 09:44:02 PM »
Cormac in the fitness thread: "Gym is mostly optional"

People never got fit before gyms? Do you own a barbell, Biz?

Smooth Groove

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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2796 on: July 02, 2011, 10:24:27 PM »
dcharlie, you should buy a set of jump boxes.

I've been dropping off 30" and then jumping onto another 30".  Although I'm doing it to jump higher, I've noticed that it's made my first step much faster as well.  Having that extra bit of acceleration should come in handy for football. 


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2797 on: July 03, 2011, 12:55:43 AM »
Cormac in the fitness thread: "Gym is mostly optional"

People never got fit before gyms? Do you own a barbell, Biz?

I must have misunderstood you.  My mistake!  :)

Highly selective quoting...given that the rest of the sentence was about working out with a kettlebell...

Anyway, it's a point I've made many times, because people (like Awesome-O most recently) are always saying things like 'I want to start working out but haven't found a gym yet...' or 'I'm saving up for a membership'. Rather than joining a gym, it's far more cost-efficient to just buy some gear that you can use for a lifetime. Barbell, weights, kettlebell, medicine ball, dumbells, skipping can cobble that together for the cost of a few months' membership at a city gym, no sweat. Of course if you have a good YMCA or college gym or something to use, I say go for it! If money is stopping you from exercising though...time for a different approach.

I have a gym membership through my company (I pay a small drop-in fee) but really the only thing I use it for is really heavy lifting. I do most of my non-gym workouts in this tiny space:

Why not? It's still more space than you get to yourself at a corporate gym, and I don't have to line up for the squat rack! (I have a bunch of stuff not pictured here btw, including a squat rack, barbell etc..)

Smooth Groove

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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2798 on: July 03, 2011, 03:05:26 AM »
Cormac, have you tried doing parkour by climbing down to ground level and then back up again?  Seems like it would be a great workout. 

Lately I haven't been progressing quickly as I desire.  I think I"m gonna hire an Eastern European trainer to teach me their famous powerlifiting techniques.

spoiler (click to show/hide)


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2799 on: July 03, 2011, 03:39:05 AM »
mmm, i have something she can reverse curl

cool breeze

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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2800 on: July 03, 2011, 02:31:12 PM »

iirc, it's like if a hybrid car runs out of electricity and resorts to using fuel.   from this post you should realize I don't know how hybrid cars work.

Olivia Wilde Homo

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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2801 on: July 03, 2011, 05:52:09 PM »
So ketosis = intense fat burning?

While under ketosis, your body burns fat for fuel.

A good thread to see a lot of success stories is the SA Low Carb Megathread.  A lot of fatasses (think Willco fat) lost 100+ pounds in six months.

Lyle McDonald has a book called The Rapid Fat Loss Handbook where there are people who lost about that much in three months.  It even has recipes in the back.

Both require getting into ketosis.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2011, 05:56:39 PM by The Experiment »

Phoenix Dark

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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2802 on: July 03, 2011, 07:56:42 PM »
Well, I'd be proud to have Smooth as a brotha. Sheit, the man likes basketball more than me. Though I used to be a NBA fanatic in the 90's, if that counts for anything.

People thought he was black? We have a special PM relationship but I assumed everyone knew he was white and pasty

Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2803 on: July 03, 2011, 08:56:49 PM »
Talked with my massage therapist friend last night, I basically done fucked my IT band, so it's time for lots of yoga-like stretches.


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2804 on: July 03, 2011, 09:15:56 PM »
hmmm - now i'm wondering about some sort of lunchtime J-bore Indian pig out - unfortunately seems most the all you can eat places have gone (and the one i know in shibuya is absolute shiiiiiiiiite)

Kormacaroni - any ideas if there's anything going on in Shinjuku curry wise at Lunch? i know the Raj Mahal vanished but perhaps it's reappeared ?

no idea...but with restaurants folding left, right and center in the quake of 3/11, it seems everywhere is cutting back and going to shit. You are better off paying for a la carte IMHO. Or making your own, like moi.

Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2805 on: July 04, 2011, 03:20:45 AM »
There's a really good Indian place just off the Yanaka ginza, if you ever find yourself out in Taito-ku.


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2806 on: July 05, 2011, 03:39:02 AM »
I think I've had about as much of this sympathy, "hope you feel better", "if there's anything i can do" food that I can take.  I've still been exercising a little, but I'm going back to paleo and re-quitting another bad habit.  My wife would kill me if she knew that I'd let myself go for this long.


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2807 on: July 05, 2011, 03:46:54 AM »
Dude, even I am prepared to cut you some slack right now :gloomy

If working out gives you something to focus on to get through this, though, go for it. Great to have you back though :)


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2808 on: July 05, 2011, 04:21:59 AM »
Okay, I seem to be doing fairly well on my recent diet. I've been drinking a gallon of milk every two days. I'm gonna try and get that down to a gallon a day, then I should really start seeing results.


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2809 on: July 05, 2011, 05:27:43 PM »
Cormac is going to yell at you, Wrath.

Smooth Groove

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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2810 on: July 05, 2011, 06:52:54 PM »
Wrath, you'd reach your goals faster if you don't waste time on dumb crap like biceps curls.  Try to squat and deadlift your bodyweight before doing anything else.  Also start doing military presses although it'd take much longer to get to 1x bodyweight. 


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2811 on: July 05, 2011, 07:46:48 PM »
I really should try a bicep curl one of these days. Given the amount of flak they get for being an isolation exercise though, I seem to see most people doing them as basically a limited power clean, with lots of hip thrust :lol

Smooth Groove

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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2812 on: July 05, 2011, 08:31:29 PM »
To be fair, once you start to curl >100lbs, there's a fair bit of stablization involved so that it's not just biceps and forearms being worked.  But then again you could get a lot more of that from a barbell row and gain much more functional strength.   



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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2813 on: July 05, 2011, 08:44:02 PM »
You could do weighted pull-ups, but that wouldn't allow you to throw down a smouldering Blue Steel at your own bicep in front of the wall of mirrors


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2814 on: July 05, 2011, 10:39:16 PM »
So how long do I go with this creatine? Finish the bottle (300g, taking 5g a day). I can't say I notice a whole lot of difference, maybe a bit more energy but could be just a placebo effect. No negative effects of note though.


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2815 on: July 06, 2011, 01:40:46 AM »
In my first round, I went six weeks.  I might go month to month though now, which starts me back on it in another two and a half weeks instead of four.  I didn't notice much of an "energy boost" but I did feel like I had more strength and my recovery time was fantastic while I was on it.

In other news, I went to GNC the other day to pick up some fish oil, and got a 7-day trial of USPlabs OxyElite Pro.  It's an appetite suppressant with an energy booster.  I don't normally condone these things, but I'm looking for something to really put me back up on the band-wagon.  I've been so non-paleo over the past few days that it's like I'm not the same person.  I also started smoking again for just a few days, but I picked the patch up today and I'm going to start on it tomorrow.  It worked the last time really well, so I expect good results this time as well.

Now, more than ever, I need this.  I'm doing it for my son who's only got me now, and I'm doing it for my wife who would be so pissed if she found out that I let myself go.  And honestly, I feel better when I'm taking care of myself.  (Fucking imagine that!)  I mean that eating more-natural foods and getting out there and regularly exercising really made me feel physically and mentally better.

In other news, I'm going to be moving closer to my family in all of this.  They live on a bigger piece of land than I do, they have a pool, they have free-range chickens that are laying eggs, and they have a garden!  And I hear the local gym isn't bad at all...


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2816 on: July 06, 2011, 02:05:58 AM »
No experience or knowledge, other than that humans make it, probably by doing heavy deadlifts and squats! (and beating dead horses)


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2817 on: July 06, 2011, 02:28:04 AM »
Well, I know something about creatine...i.e. I know why I'm taking it and what the typical prognosis is. Unlike HGH. Not even Tim Ferris, an avid proponent of all kinds of supplements and treatments, discusses it as an option. (I know he did it but that's it...he doesn't recommend using it so I assume it was unsatisfactory).


  • Unofficial Bore Prude
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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2818 on: July 06, 2011, 02:34:38 AM »
I'm with Cormac on this one.  It's not talked about a lot and I think it's for a reason.  Sounds too risky and under-researched to me.


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Re: FitnessBore - 2011 edition
« Reply #2819 on: July 06, 2011, 02:50:03 AM »
As a naturally-occurring hormone, I guess I know plenty about it. I mean, it gets secreted due to a bunch of the things we already talk about here. But it's just one part of the process and we have no real way of measuring it directly so...

Taking it as a supplement is a whole other deal. You'd have to look at bodybuilding sites like t-nation to get any true life stories I think. If you just want to get unskinny fast though, you already know what to do.