Author Topic: Random Gaming Talk Thread  (Read 3200956 times)

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Re: Random Gaming Talk Thread
« Reply #33180 on: September 14, 2023, 09:59:07 PM »
Stink Ocean outside of 2  :yuck


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Re: Random Gaming Talk Thread
« Reply #33181 on: September 14, 2023, 11:15:48 PM »
Star Ocean 6 was good.


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Re: Random Gaming Talk Thread
« Reply #33182 on: September 15, 2023, 10:15:38 AM »

Take the Reflex tree: in vanilla Cyberpunk, being a "Reflex" V meant you were somewhat better at shooting SMGs and rifles, which was OK, but not very interesting. You could dump a dozen perk points into that old tree and have nothing but a 10% damage buff and some recoil reduction to show for it. In 2.0, Reflex has been reimagined around freedom of movement. Nodes that used to grant tiny percentage boosts now enable entirely new abilities.

The very first perk I unlocked was not a 3% damage buff, but a passive ability called Slippery that makes enemies more likely to miss me while moving. Branching off Slippery are perks that let me shoot while sprinting, combat slide farther, and climb faster. Around level 7 I unlocked the next branch of perks, and now I can dash around the battlefield like a Dragon Ball Z character and deflect bullets with katanas.


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Re: Random Gaming Talk Thread
« Reply #33183 on: September 15, 2023, 05:01:53 PM »
Star Ocean 6 was good.

The fact there are six Star Oceans and only two Valkyrie Profiles is precisely why I hate Star Ocean.


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Re: Random Gaming Talk Thread
« Reply #33184 on: September 15, 2023, 05:22:13 PM »
haha, I mean it's kind of true.


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Re: Random Gaming Talk Thread
« Reply #33185 on: September 15, 2023, 05:24:25 PM »
I waited decades for a VP3 only for them to spit in my face as they churn out another Stink Ocean. Fuck that franchise.


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Re: Random Gaming Talk Thread
« Reply #33186 on: September 15, 2023, 05:30:03 PM »
Well it's more that it's sad we got a new Star Ocean and a New VP and Star Ocean 6 is apparently a legit rpg and VP is a mediocre action game.

If the new VP was at least as good as SO6, it'd be a different story.


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Re: Random Gaming Talk Thread
« Reply #33187 on: September 15, 2023, 05:40:40 PM »
What's so good about SO6 anyways? My mind goes auto blank regarding SO. The fact they're cheesy animu games always made me even more bitter regarding that franchise.

Well it's more that it's sad we got a new Star Ocean and a New VP and Star Ocean 6 is apparently a legit rpg and VP is a mediocre action game.

If the new VP was at least as good as SO6, it'd be a different story.

On the contrary. The fact they took decades to make a new VP, decided to make it an action game, and made Stink Ocean 6 an actually good RPG (apparently) gives even more reason to hate Stink Ocean even further.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2023, 05:49:34 PM by Himu »


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Re: Random Gaming Talk Thread
« Reply #33188 on: September 15, 2023, 06:09:55 PM »
I don't think SO6 is "so good" from what I've heard.

It's more that SO4 was bad and SO5 was extra bad and most modern AA jrpgs are mediocre, so SO6 being sort of a decent jank budget jrpg for 2023 makes it good in comparison.

Like I'm going to play SO6 now that they're adding it to PS+ next week. But I'm not expecting it to be a great jrpg. As long as it's better than FF16 in gameplay that'll be good enough.


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Re: Random Gaming Talk Thread
« Reply #33189 on: September 15, 2023, 06:23:34 PM »
The fact they keep making SO and the fact people keep buying em despite SO4 and 5 makes me hate those games even more


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Re: Random Gaming Talk Thread
« Reply #33190 on: September 18, 2023, 03:55:48 AM »
Also does asmorongold do any playing of games or he just reacts in his basement to other people?

That guy is such an annoying guy as well

He played Starfield for 60h.

A lot of people aren't super impressed by yet another round of Bethesda jank that's just the same decade+ old formula with a space skin applied, I think that's fair :yeshrug


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Re: Random Gaming Talk Thread
« Reply #33191 on: September 18, 2023, 04:29:14 AM »
Well to each their own but its a lot better than fallout 4 ever was, in every way possible. I think there could have been a lot of improvements and yes its basically another one of their games, but in my eyes its still the best one of those theyve done.

Im over 60 hours in and havent done a faction quest yet nor am I very far into the main story. Depending on how you play you can sink hundreds of hours into this game, and thats not even counting the amazing mod possibilities.. or replay value in rerolling and choosing vastly different perms / traits

Just the entire look and feel is amazing and nothing like Ive encountered in other space games like Elite Dangerous or Rebel Galaxy Outlaw. Space and planets are very well done

I love space games ever since Freelancer and I feel like this is a step in that direction that I love
« Last Edit: September 18, 2023, 04:46:41 AM by MMaRsu »


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Re: Random Gaming Talk Thread
« Reply #33192 on: September 18, 2023, 06:15:27 AM »
The Cyberpunk 2077 previews are very positive. I wonder if the review scores will be adjusted it sounds like an entirely different game.

Forza Motorsport previews are... meh. Turn10 got caught reusing old inaccurate car models again and there's a point system that basically forces you to stick with a car for 3-5 hours before you can upgrade it.


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Re: Random Gaming Talk Thread
« Reply #33193 on: September 18, 2023, 10:24:05 AM »

If they revamped Super DD by removing the horendous SNES slow down, that game could be even more dope than before.

This is worth it for DDA alone though.


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Re: Random Gaming Talk Thread
« Reply #33194 on: September 18, 2023, 05:38:14 PM »
Kinda disappointing that the DD for that weird Brazilian Zeebo console isn't in this collection since supposedly it's the best DD ever, you can't get the game anymore since the console is digital only and there is no emulation for it.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2023, 06:03:03 PM by D3RANG3D »


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Re: Random Gaming Talk Thread
« Reply #33195 on: September 18, 2023, 08:22:42 PM »
Meanwhile, in That other Bethesda game fka as Skyrim....


 :whoo  That fighting.  Holy shit.

I can NOT get sucked back into the Skyrim mod scene...  :shaking
« Last Edit: September 18, 2023, 08:28:29 PM by Svejk »


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Re: Random Gaming Talk Thread
« Reply #33196 on: September 19, 2023, 12:57:25 AM »
The Avengers game is leaving stores on the 30th, will remain playable and the events will cycle but can't be bought anymore, is $4 on Humble:


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Re: Random Gaming Talk Thread
« Reply #33197 on: September 19, 2023, 05:58:39 AM »

New Xbox leaked by the FTC..also Oblivion and Fallout remaster (why for gods sake)


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Re: Random Gaming Talk Thread
« Reply #33198 on: September 19, 2023, 07:51:55 AM »
Also LMAO at gaming Twitter and probably Reddit and shit going nuts because Xbox wanted to buy Nintendo/Valve.

These are just logical business chances you have to look at, ofcourse it would a career achievement for Phil if he could get some shit like that done.

Not that it was ever going to happen, zero chances of them actually pulling something like that off.

But people going crazy about it is just distinguished mentally-challenged.


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Re: Random Gaming Talk Thread
« Reply #33199 on: September 19, 2023, 09:57:25 AM »
As someone that has an Xbox even I don't want MS to buy Nintendo or Valve, especially Nintendo.


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Re: Random Gaming Talk Thread
« Reply #33200 on: September 19, 2023, 10:03:42 AM »
As someone that has an Xbox even I don't want MS to buy Nintendo or Valve, especially Nintendo.

That is never happening dude.

I'm just saying it's only logical from a business standpoint to investigate and look at acquisitions.

You don't think Sony would want to buy Nintendo or Valve?

This is just business as usual. It doesn't mean that Nintendo or Valve would ever sell.


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Re: Random Gaming Talk Thread
« Reply #33201 on: September 19, 2023, 10:09:00 AM »
Valve is never going to sell while Gabe's alive. They're smart and stay private for a reason.

I wouldn't even put it past Gabe to have something in his trust that whoever takes over Valve when he dies can never make it public or sell it outside of a bankruptcy.


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Re: Random Gaming Talk Thread
« Reply #33202 on: September 19, 2023, 10:11:24 AM »
I could see valve doing some kind of partnership with MS, streaming or something, but not a full-on acquisition.

Nintendo, I would expect them to never stand down and go out like The Last Samurai, as long as they keep up with tech.  They got it figured out though.  Keep things cute and kid friendly, and the generations will follow.


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Re: Random Gaming Talk Thread
« Reply #33203 on: September 19, 2023, 10:12:50 AM »


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Re: Random Gaming Talk Thread
« Reply #33204 on: September 19, 2023, 01:35:42 PM »
I could see valve doing some kind of partnership with MS, streaming or something, but not a full-on acquisition.

Nintendo, I would expect them to never stand down and go out like The Last Samurai, as long as they keep up with tech.  They got it figured out though.  Keep things cute and kid friendly, and the generations will follow.
Spencer says the "problem" is Nintendo having big cash reserves.

Anyhow this stuff is wild. We have Spencer figuring out he has no games for 16 months after Starfield is delayed but also Spencer confident about a roadmap up to 2030.
From what I can tell they try to make it look like they're focused but Xbox is all over the place with these plans.


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Re: Random Gaming Talk Thread
« Reply #33205 on: September 19, 2023, 02:51:23 PM »
I could see valve doing some kind of partnership with MS, streaming or something, but not a full-on acquisition.

Nintendo, I would expect them to never stand down and go out like The Last Samurai, as long as they keep up with tech.  They got it figured out though.  Keep things cute and kid friendly, and the generations will follow.
Spencer says the "problem" is Nintendo having big cash reserves.

Anyhow this stuff is wild. We have Spencer figuring out he has no games for 16 months after Starfield is delayed but also Spencer confident about a roadmap up to 2030.
From what I can tell they try to make it look like they're focused but Xbox is all over the place with these plans.

Most of this stuff is years old and plans change.

I liked the part where Spencer said they need to do better, and not having 1/2 games a year.

Also I don't own an Xbox but personally, Sony has been arrogant as fuck for years, and I'd love to see them taken down a notch again.

Sony at the start of the PS4 was amazing, humbled by their PS3 losses. Actually doing their best to win over customers.

It's not good for gamers if Sony keeps coming out on top.

I don't have a specific allegiance. I had a 360 most of that generation, then bought a PS3 later.

But switched to a PS4 because of the DRM bullshit MS tried to cook up.



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Re: Random Gaming Talk Thread
« Reply #33206 on: September 20, 2023, 02:54:31 AM »
It's stuff that was filed to the FTC last year, I doubt a lot of it is "years old".

Also their midgen refreshes are all digital only? Good luck with that.


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Re: Random Gaming Talk Thread
« Reply #33207 on: September 20, 2023, 05:52:24 AM »
It's stuff that was filed to the FTC last year, I doubt a lot of it is "years old".

Also their midgen refreshes are all digital only? Good luck with that.

The bethesda thing is dated pre 2021.
The other Xbox stuff is a year old

Its not gonna be digital.only afaik


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Re: Random Gaming Talk Thread
« Reply #33208 on: September 20, 2023, 09:11:25 AM »
Apparently with those leaked MS docs, their strategy was, if GP doesn't grow enough by 2027, they exiting the gaming market. GIGALOL


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Re: Random Gaming Talk Thread
« Reply #33209 on: September 20, 2023, 09:15:51 AM »
Mech Musashi?...OK   I guess no Brave Fencer Remake yet..?  :doge

For thos that liked the SaGa games...

Polident Hive

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Re: Random Gaming Talk Thread
« Reply #33210 on: September 20, 2023, 09:27:32 AM »

tbh it feels like it’s leaning a bit much into wackier side. Combat is slightly more involved than 7. Characters moving on their own never bothered me there.

Spikeout as one of the arcade games is awesome. If they’re emulating Model 3, they should’ve put in Scudracer, too.


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Re: Random Gaming Talk Thread
« Reply #33211 on: September 20, 2023, 02:30:02 PM »
Its not gonna be digital.only afaik

Right, it's going to be adorably digital only.


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Re: Random Gaming Talk Thread
« Reply #33212 on: September 20, 2023, 02:31:29 PM »

tbh it feels like it’s leaning a bit much into wackier side. Combat is slightly more involved than 7. Characters moving on their own never bothered me there.

Spikeout as one of the arcade games is awesome. If they’re emulating Model 3, they should’ve put in Scudracer, too.

I'm just glad we're getting Yakuza in America. That has the potential to be hilarious fun.

Probably going to commit blasphemy and skip Y4->Y7 and just play this one and get back to the other ones later on.

Polident Hive

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Re: Random Gaming Talk Thread
« Reply #33213 on: September 20, 2023, 03:47:56 PM »
Y7 is a soft reboot and this is a direct sequel to that. But it’s a full blown jrpg and double the length of previous games, so it is a time investment.

If there’s a third Judgment game, safe to assume it’ll take place in Hawaii. Yokohama map has already been used four times, including 8.

Joe Molotov

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Re: Random Gaming Talk Thread
« Reply #33214 on: September 20, 2023, 04:05:36 PM »
Y7 is goated


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Re: Random Gaming Talk Thread
« Reply #33215 on: September 20, 2023, 04:05:52 PM »
Apparently with those leaked MS docs, their strategy was, if GP doesn't grow enough by 2027, they exiting the gaming market. GIGALOL

Thats just posturing to make sure the deal got closed, make it a bit more dramatic. I dont see them leaving the industry and I dont think they would have done it


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Re: Random Gaming Talk Thread
« Reply #33216 on: September 20, 2023, 04:06:39 PM »
Its not gonna be digital.only afaik

Right, it's going to be adorably digital only.

(Image removed from quote.)

Thats one version, there already is a disc based X, and for the refresh they could just sell a external drive like Sony already does.


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Re: Random Gaming Talk Thread
« Reply #33217 on: September 20, 2023, 06:16:44 PM »
Apparently with those leaked MS docs, their strategy was, if GP doesn't grow enough by 2027, they exiting the gaming market. GIGALOL
And they're already stagnant in 2022.  :doge

Even when they realized they had no games when Starfield/Redfall got delayed and they went shopping there wasn't much to buy. Publishers were either unlikely to put the big titles on gamepass, unlikely to have capacity to develop a PC version or they thought it unlikely the game would be a hit (Baldurs Gate 3 lol).

I just don't see a scenario where enough big games are released every year (let alone exclusive) that ensure such growth. For that to happen they probably need to chase something like HoYoverse, not WB Games.
The original plan was probably to put Call of Duty on GamePass but with all the 'deals' they had to cut with other cloud services that becomes less and less appealing. The Series S | X split being 75/25 also isn't a good sign for where things stand.

The entire back catalogue of Activision on GP? Neat, but hardly game changing. Browser gaming or streaming through a TV or smartphone app will never be the #1 choice to play videogames either.
Handhelds from companies like ASUS will never reach the popularity of Steamdeck or the mass market distribution of Nintendo.


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Re: Random Gaming Talk Thread
« Reply #33218 on: September 20, 2023, 09:42:39 PM »
Probably not taking in consideration of GP downloads, Starfield already dropped to #8 in the UK for sales... While Hogwarts jumped back up to #1.  Is it the coming Halloween or something? Lol


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Re: Random Gaming Talk Thread
« Reply #33219 on: September 21, 2023, 09:51:41 AM »


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Re: Random Gaming Talk Thread
« Reply #33220 on: September 21, 2023, 02:53:36 PM »
Probably not taking in consideration of GP downloads, Starfield already dropped to #8 in the UK for sales... While Hogwarts jumped back up to #1.  Is it the coming Halloween or something? Lol
It's usually a promotion of price cut that does that. I noticed the price dropped 33% here too.


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Re: Random Gaming Talk Thread
« Reply #33221 on: September 21, 2023, 04:28:45 PM »


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Re: Random Gaming Talk Thread
« Reply #33222 on: September 21, 2023, 05:20:42 PM »
Yeah, I've never stuck with a souls-like even though I've played through every Souls game and love them. The knock offs just are always missing something that makes Souls work and compelling.

Lies of P looks like the best one yet in more of a Bloodborne style. When it's cheap I'll definitely give it a shot.
Also going to keep my eye on the Lords of the Fallen remake. The first Lords of the Fallen seemed good in some Souls ways, but it was also kind of boring and I dropped it after the first area or two.


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Re: Random Gaming Talk Thread
« Reply #33223 on: September 21, 2023, 06:14:39 PM »
In all the Xbox Studios shit show I forgot that they somehow have



And you wonder why Xbox is going absolutely nowhere.


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Re: Random Gaming Talk Thread
« Reply #33224 on: September 22, 2023, 06:14:07 AM »

The way the entire industry is trolling the fuck out of Unity's collapse is kind of hilarious.

I may try Godot before trying Unreal Engine since I'm mostly interested in making small 2d games.

Ended up getting this. Probably never gonna make anything, but getting even a basic understanding of how game engines work is fun.


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Re: Random Gaming Talk Thread
« Reply #33225 on: September 22, 2023, 06:36:18 AM »
Yeah, I've never stuck with a souls-like even though I've played through every Souls game and love them. The knock offs just are always missing something that makes Souls work and compelling.

I think it's something called 'Soul'



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Re: Random Gaming Talk Thread
« Reply #33226 on: September 22, 2023, 06:38:11 AM »

Preliminarily approval for the Xbox / Activision Blizzard deal from the CMA.

Hopefully this should all be cleared up and we get Sekiro on Gamepass


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Re: Random Gaming Talk Thread
« Reply #33227 on: September 22, 2023, 06:43:11 AM »
Lies of P looks like the best one yet in more of a Bloodborne style. When it's cheap I'll definitely give it a shot.

I've seen two Souls players, including a Sekiro speedrunner, say it's harder than Sekiro :doge


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Re: Random Gaming Talk Thread
« Reply #33228 on: September 22, 2023, 06:54:18 AM »
I mean harder in a good way or in a bad way tho?

It certainly seems to lack a bit in the weapons department. And it's more a parry style game than anything else (which is a true for Sekiro as well ofc)


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Re: Random Gaming Talk Thread
« Reply #33229 on: September 22, 2023, 07:03:31 AM »
Those I mentioned praised it highly but they were just commenting that mostly due to the tighter parry windows and beefy boss fights they consider it harder. They had no personal problems with it being that difficult though.

Strength build with throwable items seems to be what a speedrunner I've seen is going for to maximize DPS and creating opportunities to hit with tougher bosses.


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Re: Random Gaming Talk Thread
« Reply #33230 on: September 22, 2023, 09:00:11 AM »


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Re: Random Gaming Talk Thread
« Reply #33231 on: September 22, 2023, 10:46:21 AM »

Preliminarily approval for the Xbox / Activision Blizzard deal from the CMA.

Hopefully this should all be cleared up and we get Sekiro on Gamepass

The acquisition isn't going to automatically lead to that without FromSoft's approval (and cash). Activishite only published the game outside of Japan.


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Re: Random Gaming Talk Thread
« Reply #33232 on: September 22, 2023, 01:04:22 PM »

Preliminarily approval for the Xbox / Activision Blizzard deal from the CMA.

Hopefully this should all be cleared up and we get Sekiro on Gamepass

The acquisition isn't going to automatically lead to that without FromSoft's approval (and cash). Activishite only published the game outside of Japan.

Thats a shame

Tony Hawk 1+2 on Steam then, and possibly a Warcraft 4? MS is much more into RTS than most publishers


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Re: Random Gaming Talk Thread
« Reply #33233 on: September 22, 2023, 03:05:52 PM »
So Unity walked back so incredibly far they actually made Unity a better product than it currently is (getting rid of splash logo for personal, higher threshold to change from personal to business) and offered a self-reporting 2.5% cut instead of the dumb installs thing which is lower than Epic's 5% but Unity still charges a per seat cost to license. Also none of this is retroactive to released games and only for games being made on the 2024 version next year.

But they've destroyed their goodwill so hard, they're probably fucked for good.

My take is that most projects currently in dev for Unity will finish the project but anyone starting a new project will probably jump ship. I'm still going to look into starting over learning Godot or Unreal, not because I'm paranoid Unity will change the terms later and fuck me, but more that I think enough people are going to jump ship that Unity will go bankrupt and fail and don't really want to waste time learning a soon to be dead and unsupported engine.

Apparently the biggest game currently in dev on Unity is Hollow Knight Silksong.


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Re: Random Gaming Talk Thread
« Reply #33234 on: September 23, 2023, 06:09:27 AM »
What is interesting about the new way they present Cyberpunk 2077 is that they stopped to try and make it an imperfect immersive sim where you could pick paths.
Instead they just doubled down on the action both when it comes to perks as well as the gameplay. It suits the game better and gives the player a clear focus.
You no longer have to worry if blowing shit up fits your character or path because it always does.


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Re: Random Gaming Talk Thread
« Reply #33235 on: September 24, 2023, 01:53:27 PM »
I'm looking into buying a new GPU after seeing what DLSS 3.5 can do

My RTX 2070 Super is now 4 years old and the market seems to have calmed down a bit.
From what I can tell these are the options in the 600 - 700 Euro range:

(or older cards)

4060 Ti

AMD is pretty much a non-starter because they don't have all this fancy new tech and Nvidia has leapfrogged them in Ray Tracing and AI to a point that experts question if they ever will.
4060 Ti doesn't seem to have enough VRAM. The 4070 seems to be the best somewhat affordable option. Should offer twice the performance of a 2070 Super, which is a significant increase.


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Re: Random Gaming Talk Thread
« Reply #33236 on: September 24, 2023, 06:55:26 PM »
I would wait for a 5070 myself, and im on a 3070

Ray reconstruction is also available for rtx 20 series cards and im hoping for improvements still that will benefit older cards as well, that space seems to be moving fast


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Re: Random Gaming Talk Thread
« Reply #33237 on: September 26, 2023, 10:07:48 PM »


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Re: Random Gaming Talk Thread
« Reply #33238 on: September 27, 2023, 12:18:56 AM »
Phil Spencer visiting Kojima Productions...


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Re: Random Gaming Talk Thread
« Reply #33239 on: September 27, 2023, 06:32:12 AM »
Did he really have to take a shit?  ???