Oh, actually I do have something to say other than that. I'm going to have call Prole out here a bit, with regard to complaining about some of the major game Kickstarters preying on nostalgia and hoary franchises. As of right now, there's probably more major game Kickstarters that are about brand new games than there are reboots/sequels of old games. You've got Jane Jensen, Tim Schafer, and Two Guys from Andromeda doing new adventure games unrelated to their previous work, then there's Grim Dawn, Starlight Inception, The Banner Saga, and even Republique [despite obviously taking a page from Metal Gear]. The only sequels/reboots that really come to mind are Wasteland 2, Leisure Suit Larry, Shadowrun, and Carmageddon.
And even games like Wasteland 2 and Shadowrun appealed more to me from the genre buzzwords [RPG, post-apocalyptic, party-based, cyberpunk, ect.] than they did on the merits of the name and developer pedigree alone. Like, if the Shadowrun guys were doing a new Shadowrun game but it was a third-person shooter, I'd far, FAR less interested.