Author Topic: Game  (Read 373314 times)

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Eel O'Brian

  • Southern Permasexual
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username is EelOBrian

Eel O'Brian

  • Southern Permasexual
  • Senior Member
There are a few puzzling things about the OS I hope they fix in updates, like the lack of wallpapers, little things like that. For the most part I like it, it's simple and clean, and none of the social stuff gets in my way.

cool breeze

  • Senior Member
yeah, there's a lot to be improved with the os.  it's nice that the functionality and speed were there for launch, but they need to start building on it.  the actual annoyances I want fixed are the lack of audio options compared to the ps3 for for dvd/blu-ray playback, finding friends' streams, no organization/'folders, and the dumb lightbar.

you'd think it'd be as simple as:  go to 'live from playstation,' select filter by friends. or go to friends list, select 'watch friend's stream.'


  • Murdered in the digital realm
  • Senior Member
I'd also like it if creating/deleting invitations and alerts didn't take half a dozen button presses


  • A lot of shit pisses me off
  • Senior Member
Is it even worth game flying it?

KZ has turned out better than I initially gave it credit for. SP feels like a tech demo so it's worth a few minutes to ooh aah (unfortunately, the most visually striking mission is nowhere near the beginning of the game) but multiplayer is actually pretty good. I had a hard time figuring out the abilities and stuff (like air drones and shit) but that's all on me.

Speaking of which, what's this new trend of twits playing shitty music into their mics?


  • Senior Member
FFXIV is a mess to get working.  Been an hour now going through the registration -> character creation process and now I'm sitting in a lobby in a queue to even start the game.


  • Senior Member
And now I'm kicked out to the title screen.  Basically they don't have enough servers and by making the game free for everyone there's too many people and you can't get in and play :\


  • Icon
Yeah even registering is a goddamn joke. They're using basically the same software they used in like 2001 for ff xi. Its so fucking outdated. And I forgot my password to their account so they send me an email with a confirmation code. I put it in and to change my password I have to answer my security question. But they make you choose what security question you originally filled out AND its case sensitive AND each time you fuck up it erases all the text you filled in for email and new password. So I just created a whole new account. Good lord.

Is it even worth game flying it?

KZ has turned out better than I initially gave it credit for. SP feels like a tech demo so it's worth a few minutes to ooh aah (unfortunately, the most visually striking mission is nowhere near the beginning of the game) but multiplayer is actually pretty good. I had a hard time figuring out the abilities and stuff (like air drones and shit) but that's all on me.

Speaking of which, what's this new trend of twits playing shitty music into their mics?
someone was doing this on battlefield. And he was singing. I fucking hate people


  • Icon
Oh and also updates galore. I downloaded the beta last night. Started it today. Gotta update first. Ok. Took thirty minutes. Then I registered and the game tells me basically wait thirty more minutes we got more shit to update.

square sucks. It feels like installing ff xi on the ps2, 360 or even the PC except that shit was 5 to 10 years ago. What the hell

G The Resurrected

  • Senior Member
FIFA, bf4, ghosts and ass crud

what did you do get rid of you Xboxone? lol we should get some BF4 going on and you reminded me I have AC4 to play on that thing.


  • Icon
Still got my xbone. Not getting rid of that. Still my console of choice so far

got into ff xiv finally. This shit is pretty damn fun and works much better on consoles than xi did.

g, I'll be on bf4 tonight. What's your psn name?
« Last Edit: February 22, 2014, 06:07:53 PM by Mupepe »

Eel O'Brian

  • Southern Permasexual
  • Senior Member
i'll play with you guys tonight if it's not too late


  • Senior Member
Yeah, finally got in with FFXIV and it was suprisingly fun after the intro boringness.  It's convinced me to give MMOs another try, so grabbed it on steam for $15 and will give it a month and see.

Sho Nuff

  • Senior Member
You shouldn't be playing this

Nobody on their deathbed ever says "MAN I WISH I'D PLAYED MORE FF14"


  • Icon
You shouldn't be playing this

Nobody on their deathbed ever says "MAN I WISH I'D PLAYED MORE FF14"
I regret not playing more ff xi. :yeshrug


  • Senior Member
You shouldn't be playing this

Nobody on their deathbed ever says "MAN I WISH I'D PLAYED MORE FF14"

Eh, I regret not being able to get into FFXI the one time I tried it and after 3 hours I was beating up grass turtles or something in a fight that was "they hit me...wait 10 seconds I punch them...wait 10 seconds they hit me..."; I mean the game wasn't for me, but I've heard nothing but good about the storyline, music, towns, and world that I missed out on because I couldn't get into the game as an MMO.

I'm hearing FFXIV again has a great storyline, music, art, towns, world to explore and this time the battle system is faster, the controls/UI are more single player rpg-like, and you can solo most of the game like FFXII/Xenoblade.  So...would like to give it a fair shake.  It's definitely a nice looking game!


  • Senior Member
FFXIV is pretty lame. Nice visuals and art ,but thats it. Extremely boring quests. Even the main story quests leave little to like, so it's hard to care about whatever lore there is if the actual game is boring to play.

On top of that character progression is quite limited. Mixing and maxing class skills has it's limits and in the end you need very specific things. Classess are specific roles offering no real experimentation. Loot is much the same. It's all a straight line in how you progress your character making the grind more obvious.

It is only really fun in dungeons and boss battles which are quite involved and almost a bit puzzly. Those are group activities. The sole stuff is low rent mmo fair, offering nothing cool. If you just want to solo, I'm not sure why you'd want to play this game. The story? You're a hero who does things....There's not much else to it.

It's just a real run of the mill mmo that's pretty.


  • Senior Member
I dunno, early on it doesn't seem too much of a grind.  I played a couple of hours and got to lvl.7 and a bunch of story quests done along with lots of sidequests and explored a bit of the land.  Most people are saying you can get through the whole story campaign in 1 month of play for around 50-60 hours total like an offline rpg.

I really like how the game lets you take on a bunch of quests at once so while you're out you are just constantly making progress on quests and always finishing quests and getting xp/money/gear.  Fates are cool because it lets you get the party experience without actually having to party up, you just run in the area and join up with a bunch of strangers and beat up some monsters woooo; combat skills seem kind of standard but not bad so far.  Been playing as Al-axehander the Great and smashing dudes up with my grisly beard and giant Marauder axe.  After the wipe if I start over on Steam, maybe I'd do a mage character to get AoE spells.

Game is pretty user friendly with quick travel everywhere, quest markers on the map, good interface.  Feels like FFXII/Xenoblade without the dramatic storytelling.

My only real complaints are the lack of full voice acting which loses the dramatic storytelling feel of an offline rpg and that money is a bit hard to come by early on (since monster drops give like 1gil and you only get cash from questing)


  • the ex-XFE, now 3rd in-line for SFE
  • Icon
I played a fair bit of FF14, level 30 Pug, level 26 Pal, etc etc. Just dredging through Lancer so i can get my Monk.

I like it, it's fun. #shrug

It is only really fun in dungeons and boss battles which are quite involved and almost a bit puzzly. Those are group activities. The sole stuff is low rent mmo fair, offering nothing cool. If you just want to solo, I'm not sure why you'd want to play this game. The story? You're a hero who does things....There's not much else to it.

It's just a real run of the mill mmo that's pretty.

well, um , yeah - the stuff you do on your own is pretty standard stuff - the duty stuff/online/um.. actual MMO stuff is pretty good.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2014, 07:41:57 AM by DCharlieJP »


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
  • Global Moderator
and you can solo most of the game like FFXII/Xenoblade.

I don't get this.  Why do people want to solo massively multiplayer online RPGs?

a slime appears

  • retro king
  • Senior Member
I'm super interested in playing FFXIV, it's free after all.

Also what was up with the TINY ASS little window for most of the install? Was it just a quick 'n dirty port of the PC version?


  • Senior Member
and you can solo most of the game like FFXII/Xenoblade.

I don't get this.  Why do people want to solo massively multiplayer online RPGs?

Why do people like FFXII?

a slime appears

  • retro king
  • Senior Member

what is going on in your avatar?


  • Senior Member

well, um , yeah - the stuff you do on your own is pretty standard stuff - the duty stuff/online/um.. actual MMO stuff is pretty good.
Um yeah......too bad the mmo stuff is sandwiched and outnumbered by that "standard" stuff. Hell standard is being nice for what is some of the most unimaginative quests in modern MMOs.

And even the "mmo stuff" is lacking. FATES get old fast as they really are just players spamming crap. Too bad they are the easiest way to level Jobs and so you'll do a ton of them. It's really just the dungeons that are fun and since people for some reason want to solo MMOs, why would they want to do the dungeons? Dungeons get old too in the endgame and become a huge grind. You have to do them over and over to not score loot, but the points for the loot you have to buy to progress. The fastest way to do that also involves doing the worst dungeon in the game what? Like 50+ times?

The game has nothing to offer if you've played any MMO before other then it's pretty and it's a FF game.

and you can solo most of the game like FFXII/Xenoblade.

I don't get this.  Why do people want to solo massively multiplayer online RPGs?

Why do people like FFXII?
Because it takes out all the repetitive and tedious things an MMO like 14 has and gives you a single player jrpg with a decent story and systems.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2014, 12:38:45 PM by Rahxephon91 »


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
  • Global Moderator
and you can solo most of the game like FFXII/Xenoblade.

I don't get this.  Why do people want to solo massively multiplayer online RPGs?

Why do people like FFXII?

FFXII, being a regular JRPG, has story stuff all over the place, yes?  And no tedious grind.  Again-  Why do people want to solo massively multiplayer online RPGs?  This isn't a jab at you, it's me legit asking why anyone plays MMORPGs by themselves.  Makes no sense to me.  They're not designed for that.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2014, 01:58:17 PM by bork laser »


  • Senior Member
Yeah playing an mmo by yourself is distinguished mentally-challenged. Lets play a fighting game without fighting other humans brehs. Story/arcade mode only.


  • Icon
Being able to solo is nice for when you can't find a party. Ever try jumping into an mmo thats not WoW AFTER the initial release rush? Its usually empty as fuck. I originally jumped on XI at launch and loved it. I had to stop for a year or so and when I went back everyone had moved on to higher level areas but I couldn't even level up because it was impossible to solo past a certain point. So at around level 20 I just hit a wall and couldn't play anymore.


  • Senior Member
Yeah I agree. Soloing when you cannot find a party is huge. But the people saying OH YOU CAN SOLO THE WHOLE GAME, as if anyone really wants to do that in an mmo confuses me.


  • The baby...
  • Senior Member
Being able to solo is nice for when you can't find a party. Ever try jumping into an mmo thats not WoW AFTER the initial release rush? Its usually empty as fuck. I originally jumped on XI at launch and loved it. I had to stop for a year or so and when I went back everyone had moved on to higher level areas but I couldn't even level up because it was impossible to solo past a certain point. So at around level 20 I just hit a wall and couldn't play anymore.
It's really easy to solo XI now, they added all these exp bonuses. I would jump back in but I'm completely broke atm :'(


  • Senior Member
You may not have a hard time getting a party in XIV for the dungeons(which plenty are story required) since people will use them for leveling up other jobs. The only problem may be the actual main story bossess(Ifirt, Garuda, the one Judge dude)who as far as I remember have no actual rewards so once people are finished they won't want to do them again. The actual final dungeon also has little reason to be repeated. Still, people should be playing the story still obviously and those things can always be changed later.

But the party finder(which was pretty slow) is cross world so I guess it dosen't matter. Though for some that is a pro and a con.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2014, 02:47:38 PM by Rahxephon91 »


  • Icon
Being able to solo is nice for when you can't find a party. Ever try jumping into an mmo thats not WoW AFTER the initial release rush? Its usually empty as fuck. I originally jumped on XI at launch and loved it. I had to stop for a year or so and when I went back everyone had moved on to higher level areas but I couldn't even level up because it was impossible to solo past a certain point. So at around level 20 I just hit a wall and couldn't play anymore.
It's really easy to solo XI now, they added all these exp bonuses. I would jump back in but I'm completely broke atm :'(
motherfuckers. The last time I tried was 2011 and I got to level 22 but when I got to the dunes it was so dead I gave up


  • Senior Member
Yeah playing an mmo by yourself is distinguished mentally-challenged. Lets play a fighting game without fighting other humans brehs. Story/arcade mode only.

This is stupid. 

MMOs are like Skyrim, Fallout, FFXII, Xenoblade.  They are R.P.G. experiences where you have a giant exciting world to explore and uncover with quests everywhere and a character that you can customize in different ways as you make your way through the world, subquests and main story.

Yes there are other people, that's cool if you want to play with your buddies.  Or make a group with strangers and beat up some monsters.  Some people just want a traditional rpg experience of exploring a world and making their way through a story; so it's a plus when an MMO lets you do that without being forced to play with other people.


  • Senior Member
It's in the name. Massively Multiplayer Online....

It's like playing Battlefield with bots.

Yeah you can do it, but that's not really what the game is for.

Either way, you'll have to party up in XIV at some points.


  • Senior Member
So if they took Skyrim, added multiplayer to the sequel, all those 10 million+ players who enjoy going out and exploring a realm on their own will be playing it wrong?

Bots are different, fighting games are different, those are competitive where an AI will never be as good as a live human being to play against.  MMOs (outside of PvP which I don't care about) are single player games where the addition of multiplayer is basically optional co-op.

Another example is Dark Souls/Demon Souls.  If they made a sequel where all those players you can see playing at the same time and can summon in are actually just in one world, one server and everyone is running around, would people be confused why some people wouldn't party up and would stick to playing it solo because they liked that experience in the previous games?


  • Senior Member
Anyhow, yeah MMO progression is slow and more grindy, but Skyrim/Oblivion/Fallout 3 are friggen slow and people have 150+ hours sunk into these games without 100% all the quests.  It's not like a decently paced MMO is any slower than progression in that.

I still don't like MMOs and think they're a ripoff and wish they just sold an offline single player version for $60 with no monthly and faster progression, but they make so much money from MMO subs they'll never do that.

a slime appears

  • retro king
  • Senior Member
I finally got to play some FFXIV. They just shoehorned a PC MMO onto a fucking controller and called it a day, didn't they? At least the touchpad makes menu navigation bearable to a certain extent. For all my griping it's at least much better presented than FFXI. I remember trying to play that on a PS2 and 360; what a horrid experience.


  • Senior Member
Understandable. I can see the appeal of playing an mmo  by yourself, like I said. But the whole game? I guess people enjoy different things. The skyrim comparison Bebpo made kind of makes sense. But mmos for are me a big social hub and the socialization is a big thing for me. Different strokes. You're right that mmo players stress efficiency and that's why I've never played an memo beyond level 30.


  • Senior Member
So if they took Skyrim, added multiplayer to the sequel, all those 10 million+ players who enjoy going out and exploring a realm on their own will be playing it wrong?
Would that Skyrim sequel make healing yourself and other things not easy and thus you can't be completely  self-sufficient? Would it make one trash enemies challenging enough that it can easily kill you? Would it make those dungeons require many different party roles that you being say an archer can not hope to fill yet you still need a healer or a tank?

If yes then yes going solo would be playing it wrong. What makes an mmo fun to me is playing my role well and teaming up with other people to do things.

When I think of Final Fantasy I think of the party.

FFXIV excels when you are in a party and each person is doing thier role correctly. That's what makes the boss battles and dungeons fun. It's a game that for better or worse(because roles are kind of limited) makes you know your role.

Yes the game outside of that is soloable, but thats because it's so braindead easy really. So you have braindead easy quests without any real thrill or style to them. It makes for a boring game outside of the party content if you ask me. The thing is until the endgame most of your content is that. Yet you're telling me this is the only content you want. Thats what I don't understand.

It's even more confusing to me because when I think FF I do think of parties of characters. Yet, in FFXIV it dosen't do much to encourage partying with people and forming groups that you want to team up with, like a party in a FF game. So actually to solo a FF seems like a flaw to me. Yes, I did solo everything in 14 that wasn't a dungeon. That wasn't a positive. For an MMO I meet no one. Thats kind of bad if you ask me. In WoW I did have to team up with people on my own server(gee thats kind of sad that this is of note) to beat some quests. Crazily thats how I meet people in the MMO, I had to work with them. Which to me is what you're supposed to do in a MMO.

See I don't think MMOs are single player rpgs and they shouldn't be. Because I can just go play a single player rpg.

Cerveza mas fina

  • I don't care for Islam tbqh
  • filler
Soloing has become way too big in MMO's.

It was introduced in the first place as something to fix games like FFXI in which after lets say level 10 it was almost impossible to lvl. So then in WoW you could quest your way solo to 60.

Soloing should have just been something thats optional really to kill some time when looking for a group, that group experience should have always remained the focus of mmo's.


  • Senior Member
As for MMOs, with FFXI, I of course started playing thinking I'd enjoy playing with other people.  After all, playing with other people can add unpredictability and social stuff that can make things interesting.  Before too long, I noticed that the unpredictability was an illusion.  There's a "proper" way to play, and if you aren't following the script exactly, people freak out. 

As a result, the game ended up offering considerably less variety and experimentation than even FF1 if you wanted to play with others.  But the world and story were pretty interesting and I wanted to see more, so I ended up hanging up my PLD/WAR and doing the solo DRG/WHM thing.  It was hard, but a lot more fun than the hamster wheel most of the other players were on.  And I could still chat with my linkshell of course, which was like having IRC.

MMO players have a tendency to get overly serious and focus on efficiency at all costs.  I can see that being enjoyable for some, but it's not what I'm looking for.  But I still wanted to see the world and play the story, so I did.
This is eaxctly what I'm talking about. 14 is nothing but this, except even more limited.

Classess go in one direction development wise.

Gear(so far) goes in one direction.

There is no real experimentation which is a shame since this game has jobs and sub jobs where you think you could master a few jobs and mix and match skills. Yet, you can't because only a few skills do mix with other jobs. Skills that are already in line with the mixed class, skills that that the mix class may already have a skill that fills the spot.

Cerveza mas fina

  • I don't care for Islam tbqh
  • filler
Oh yeah I thought thats what I said, WoW was a response to games like FFXI in which you couldn't solo.

And yeah that is the reason why it got so popular.

I played FFXI before WoW came out and it was rough sailing, waiting long hours to get a party going etc. WoW was amazing cause it offered both group content (dungeons) and solo content.  Those first few months of WoW are still prob some of the best game times I had.

Cerveza mas fina

  • I don't care for Islam tbqh
  • filler
As for MMOs, with FFXI, I of course started playing thinking I'd enjoy playing with other people.  After all, playing with other people can add unpredictability and social stuff that can make things interesting.  Before too long, I noticed that the unpredictability was an illusion.  There's a "proper" way to play, and if you aren't following the script exactly, people freak out. 

As a result, the game ended up offering considerably less variety and experimentation than even FF1 if you wanted to play with others.  But the world and story were pretty interesting and I wanted to see more, so I ended up hanging up my PLD/WAR and doing the solo DRG/WHM thing.  It was hard, but a lot more fun than the hamster wheel most of the other players were on.  And I could still chat with my linkshell of course, which was like having IRC.

MMO players have a tendency to get overly serious and focus on efficiency at all costs.  I can see that being enjoyable for some, but it's not what I'm looking for.  But I still wanted to see the world and play the story, so I did.
This is eaxctly what I'm talking about. 14 is nothing but this, except even more limited.

Classess go in one direction development wise.

Gear(so far) goes in one direction.

There is no real experimentation which is a shame since this game has jobs and sub jobs where you think you could master a few jobs and mix and match skills. Yet, you can't because only a few skills do mix with other jobs. Skills that are already in line with the mixed class, skills that that the mix class may already have a skill that fills the spot.

FFIV is basicly run to the next event in a group and smash up monsters.

At least FFXI had some depth to the combat and tactics to the grind.


  • Icon
I'm playing bf4 right now if anyone wants to join. Psn name is xjujux


  • Icon
Well. My free time is over. I'm having a lot of fucking fun on this ff xiv beta


  • Senior Member
Well. My free time is over. I'm having a lot of fucking fun on this ff xiv beta

Hell yes! Me too!



  • Icon
Well. My free time is over. I'm having a lot of fucking fun on this ff xiv beta

Hell yes! Me too!

(Image removed from quote.)

What server are you on?  We should party up bro


  • Senior Member
PS4 is getting GOTY 2013, The Swapper, in May. Get hype.

Positive Touch

  • Woo Papa
  • Senior Member
does this mean we get controller support in the pc version


  • the ex-XFE, now 3rd in-line for SFE
  • Icon
You may not have a hard time getting a party in XIV for the dungeons(which plenty are story required) since people will use them for leveling up other jobs. The only problem may be the actual main story bossess(Ifirt, Garuda, the one Judge dude)who as far as I remember have no actual rewards so once people are finished they won't want to do them again.

.... isn't this exactly what Duty Roulette was introduced to solve?


  • Senior Member
You may not have a hard time getting a party in XIV for the dungeons(which plenty are story required) since people will use them for leveling up other jobs. The only problem may be the actual main story bossess(Ifirt, Garuda, the one Judge dude)who as far as I remember have no actual rewards so once people are finished they won't want to do them again.

.... isn't this exactly what Duty Roulette was introduced to solve?
You tell me. I haven't played the game since November after I finished Graudua Hard Mode. Was that added in a recent patch?


  • Easy Victor
  • Senior Member
Duty roulette makes wait times less than 5 mins usually if you arent a dps. I love this game. Im on sarg with the old timers, main gaf is on ultros.


  • Easy Victor
  • Senior Member
actually I lie, primals/cape westwind can be a touch of a wait. good time to do now though, mass influx of people.


  • Senior Member
I'm level 15 now and started the pirates stuff. I'm really enjoying this (PC version but gonna get PS4 version when retail hits).


  • Easy Victor
  • Senior Member
what server?


  • Senior Member
what server?

Cuerl or something? I dunno, a friend of mine told me to get on it.

Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
  • Senior Member
The disc drive on my PS4 crapped out on me.  When I was watching Oz on DVD, it stopped.  Upon further attempts with other DVDs, BluGays, and PS4 games, it would not read any of the discs I put into it.  Fortunately, Sony will take care of it but I probably won't have it for a couple weeks I imagine.  Good thing there's nothing really worth playing on the PS4 at the moment :sabu

Not to worry, the Xbone's drive works great.  I got Rayman Legends and Plants vs. Zombies on it.  Going to step into the world of xfaggotry for a while :aah
« Last Edit: March 12, 2014, 11:03:37 PM by Mary Tyler Whore »

Eel O'Brian

  • Southern Permasexual
  • Senior Member
Do they offer you a free game or any thing for the trouble? I mean, five months usage.


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
  • Global Moderator
The first "big" game for the PS4 is out next week...along with the Metal Gear $30 demo.

And yet I don't care.




  • Senior Member
I'll be getting both.

Eel O'Brian

  • Southern Permasexual
  • Senior Member
Yeah, I'm trading in Asscreed towards inFamous: A Whole New Douche