're back, just in time to stuff your turkey's cavity with next-gen
consoles, Windows tablets, and game talk!
Segment One:
PS4 Roundup
6:00 - PS4 Hardware and Software likes/dislikes
26:20 - Killzone: Shadowfall
31:34 - COD: Ghosts
35:07 - Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag
38:15 - Battlefield 4
43:15 - Pay2Play on Next-Gen Consoles
59:20 - Dell Venue 8 Pro review and discussion
Segment Two:
1:15:00 - Resogun and Contrast
1:16:50 - Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds
1:28:15 - Diablo III: Reaper of Souls
1:39:45 - Grim Dawn Alpha
1:48:00 - Xcom: Enemy Within
2:01:45 - X Rebirth
2:07:40 - Super Mario 3D Land
We'll talk to you again soon!