Author Topic: Catch-all Cop Thread  (Read 168095 times)

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Great Rumbler

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Re: Catch-all Cop Thread
« Reply #60 on: April 10, 2015, 01:11:12 PM »
On Wednesday morning, “Fox & Friends” invited legal analyst Arthur Aidala onto the show to discuss the death of Walter Scott at the hands of Officer Michael Slager in North Charleston, S.C. In a recently surfaced video of the shooting, some have suggested that Slager can be seen planting a taser on the victim, to corroborate the story that Scott had been threatening him.

Aidala said that’s pretty much the norm.

“When I was in the DA’s office in the ’80s and ’90s, that was standard operating procedure,” he said. “Police officers — I hate to say this — would keep a second gun that nobody knew about on their ankle, so if they ever killed someone they shouldn’t have they would take that gun out…


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Re: Catch-all Cop Thread
« Reply #61 on: April 10, 2015, 02:48:04 PM »
Aerial footage showed the man falling off the horse he was suspected of stealing during the pursuit in San Bernardino County Thursday afternoon.

He then appeared to be stunned with a Taser by a sheriff's deputy and fall to the ground with his arms outstretched. Two deputies immediately descended on him and appeared to punch him in the head and knee him in the groin, according to the footage, reviewed several times by NBC4.

The group surrounding the man grew to 11 sheriff's deputies.

In the two minutes after the man was stunned with a Taser, it appeared deputies kicked him 17 times, punched him 37 times and struck him with batons four times. Thirteen blows appeared to be to the head. The horse stood idly nearby.

The man did not appear to move from his position lying on the ground for more than 45 minutes. He did not appear to receive medical attention while deputies stood around him during that time.

The man, identified as Francis Jared Pusok, 30, of Apple Valley, was hospitalized with unknown injuries, authorities said.


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Re: Catch-all Cop Thread
« Reply #62 on: April 10, 2015, 03:01:45 PM »
So what does police training look like over there? "Act like rabid dogs"?


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Re: Catch-all Cop Thread
« Reply #63 on: April 10, 2015, 03:05:07 PM »
Why would you...train...police? That doesn't make any sense. It's much easier to train the civilians.

Great Rumbler

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Re: Catch-all Cop Thread
« Reply #64 on: April 10, 2015, 03:10:47 PM »
That isn't even a case of "guy's on the ground but still struggling so the cops hit him a few times" this dude was clearly in a spread eagle position with his face in the dirt before the cops even got to him, then he clearly moves his hands to his back so they can be cuffed. And the cops don't even care, they just immediately attack him and then continue attack him for nearly five minutes.

How are more people not upset by this?

Human Snorenado

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Re: Catch-all Cop Thread
« Reply #65 on: April 10, 2015, 03:18:21 PM »
That isn't even a case of "guy's on the ground but still struggling so the cops hit him a few times" this dude was clearly in a spread eagle position with his face in the dirt before the cops even got to him, then he clearly moves his hands to his back so they can be cuffed. And the cops don't even care, they just immediately attack him and then continue attack him for nearly five minutes.

How are more people not upset by this?

"hur hur hur, shouldn't have run if he didn't want a beatdown"


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Re: Catch-all Cop Thread
« Reply #66 on: April 10, 2015, 03:23:02 PM »
I really think we should wait for all the facts, and the police's internal investigation first.


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Re: Catch-all Cop Thread
« Reply #67 on: April 10, 2015, 03:24:49 PM »
i love that they thought it was their homies from the police department flying in the chopper, so it was bidness as usual....OOPS!

that other video, man i cant believe they did j-rock from trailer park boys like that

Madrun Badrun

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Re: Catch-all Cop Thread
« Reply #68 on: April 10, 2015, 05:51:01 PM »


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Re: Catch-all Cop Thread
« Reply #69 on: April 10, 2015, 05:54:10 PM »
And they wanted his phone. Of course.


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Re: Catch-all Cop Thread
« Reply #70 on: April 10, 2015, 07:57:11 PM »
Forgot to mention it on here:
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  • The Smooth Canadian
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Re: Catch-all Cop Thread
« Reply #71 on: April 10, 2015, 08:23:55 PM »
Boogie pls:

Without getting into the minutiae of the law, I do not believe that it is truly a necessary law for our national security efforts, but neither do I believe that it is remotely the threat to civil liberties that the hysterical fringe in this country is portraying it as.

So I guess I'm sitting on my standard position on the fence on this one.

Not that "police reaction" means anything one way or another, but I will say that both on my private police forums, and around the office, everyone is saying outright this was a "bad shoot" on the face of it, and not objecting one bit to the charges the officer is facing.

I know that doesn't really matter for what this event "means", but I just wanted to acknowledge that, among those on the job in my circle, no one is bending over backwards in any "thin blue line" defence of this guy.  He has been charged with murder, and he deserves to be.   Just acknowledging that fact from this side of the fence.

And they wanted his phone. Of course.

It drives me batty that too many police officers, "bad" or good,  have done such a shitty job of adapting to the realities of policing in the 21st century.    Even when I went through training, "waaaaay back" in 2007, before smartphones were as ubiquitous as they are now, it was constantly emphasized that our actions may be recorded, and to be mindful and respectful of that fact.

Now, given that, there have still been many instances I have seen, where someone "observing" via a smartphone recording is hardly "neutral", but is actively obstructing a lawful arrest.  If you put yourself in the position of an officer who is lawfully arresting a resisting subject, and you have one or multiple "observers" sticking a cell phone in your face at the same time, that can become a legitimate officer safety concern.

But beyond that, to any officers who balk at being recorded, I'd say:  Dude, it's fucking 2015.  If you can't handle the fact your actions might be put on youtube, you need to reconsider how you're approaching the job.


  • The Smooth Canadian
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Re: Catch-all Cop Thread
« Reply #72 on: April 10, 2015, 08:32:17 PM »
Wow WTF  I like how the audio cuts right as the cops start kicking the dude
Aerial footage showed the man falling off the horse he was suspected of stealing during the pursuit in San Bernardino County Thursday afternoon.

He then appeared to be stunned with a Taser by a sheriff's deputy and fall to the ground with his arms outstretched. Two deputies immediately descended on him and appeared to punch him in the head and knee him in the groin, according to the footage, reviewed several times by NBC4.

The group surrounding the man grew to 11 sheriff's deputies.

In the two minutes after the man was stunned with a Taser, it appeared deputies kicked him 17 times, punched him 37 times and struck him with batons four times. Thirteen blows appeared to be to the head. The horse stood idly nearby.

The man did not appear to move from his position lying on the ground for more than 45 minutes. He did not appear to receive medical attention while deputies stood around him during that time.

The man, identified as Francis Jared Pusok, 30, of Apple Valley, was hospitalized with unknown injuries, authorities said.

the fuuuuuuuuuuck.  :-\


  • The Smooth Canadian
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Re: Catch-all Cop Thread
« Reply #73 on: April 10, 2015, 08:48:37 PM »
Okay, a small dose of positivity after all of that fuckery.


Officers determined an elderly woman, whom they declined to identify to protect her privacy, was suffering from dementia, and her husband was having trouble caring for her by himself.
There were no groceries in the house and the man explained he had started selling their possessions to make ends meet. Things had gotten so bad, he admitted to having pawned his wedding ring for food.
The two responding officers alerted the Alzheimer Society and the Community Care Access Centre, but felt they could do more. So they took up a collection at the station and bought the couple $150 worth of groceries.
The next day, the officers again went beyond the call of duty, and bought back the man’s pawned wedding ring (for $131) and returned it to him.
“They don’t want recognition,” said Cornwall Police Chief Dan Parkinson, who declined to name the nine officers and five civilian staff members involved. “They’re a humble group.”

Two major cells of a Canada-wide prostitution ring were disrupted between March 27 and April 1, 2015 in the wake of an investigation targeting an Asian-based international criminal organization that is allegedly involved in the smuggling of young women into Canada for sexual exploitation through various bawdy-houses.

As part of an investigation dubbed Project Confidence, investigators of the RCMP Immigration and Passport Section conducted a three-step operation in the Greater Montréal and Toronto areas, resulting in six arrests and sixteen searches.

It is alleged that the victims, who are mainly from Korea and China, received assistance from the criminal organization to enter Canada illegally via land crossings or with visas obtained through false pretenses. Upon entering Canada, the victims were taken over, controlled and exploited by a prostitution ring operating Canada-wide (Halifax, Montréal, Ottawa, Toronto, Winnipeg, Calgary, Edmonton and Vancouver).

Information came forward to police via a Crime Stoppers tip that suggested that a 19-year-old Timberlea male and a 23-year old Geneva, Illinois female had access to firearms and it was their intention to go to a public venue in the Halifax region on February 14th with a goal of opening fire to kill citizens, and then themselves. Evidence also supports that a 20-year-old male from Halifax was involved.

A third individual, a 17-year-old male from Cole Harbour, was released overnight without charge. Through the investigation, officers determined that the male was a person of interest. At this time, there is no evidence to link him to charges before the courts. The investigation is ongoing.

A fourth individual, a 19-year-old man, was found dead inside a Timberlea home. The death is under investigation by the Nova Scotia Serious Incident Response Team.

'RCMP and HRP have laid charges in this incident and have eliminated the threat,' said Chief Jean-Michel Blais, Halifax Regional Police. 'This is a reminder that this type of incident can happen anywhere. Recognizing our citizens may be anxious in the wake of this news, we have additional high visibility patrols in and around the city. We encourage people to go about their daily lives.'


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Re: Catch-all Cop Thread
« Reply #74 on: April 11, 2015, 12:44:17 AM »
Atlanta Hawks star Thabo Sefolosha appeared to suffer a severe blow from an NYPD officer's nightstick during his arrest Wednesday night ... based on this new video of the violent take down.
TMZ Sports just obtained this new angle of Sefolosha's arrest, shot by a witness outside 1Oak Nightclub in NYC ... moments after Pacers Chris Copeland was stabbed.
In this video you can clearly see Sefolosha being tugged in different directions by 6 officers. Additionally ... you can see one of the officers take a big swing with his baton, and it sounds like he makes contact with something.
A witness says Thabo told police, "Calm down."
As we've reported ... Sefolosha broke his fibula during the scuffle with cops, and based on this video it's possible it could've been caused by the officer's baton.

In their report, police said Thabo was aggressively charging at one of the officers before they got physical with him. That's not evident from either video we've obtained ... since they start after the scuffle began.
Thabo is out for the remainder of the season ... due to the injury. He was arrested for obstruction, but plans to fight the charges.

Great Rumbler

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Re: Catch-all Cop Thread
« Reply #75 on: April 11, 2015, 10:24:11 AM »
That looked more like a collapsible baton being expanded.

Great Rumbler

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Re: Catch-all Cop Thread
« Reply #76 on: April 11, 2015, 10:42:14 AM »
Not horrible like some of the other stuff, just really stupid:

Hill, a Philadelphia native and student at Allegany College of Maryland, explained how he was home from college and playing basketball with some little kids outside on the court, when two police officers approached and started to talk smack about how Hill wasn’t that good. Hill challenged the officers to a game and told Complex that he crossed up the officers every chance he got.

“The first cop, I crossed him and laid it up,” Hill said. Hill said the cop then got his partner to guard Hill, but the footage shows that the other officer didn’t stand a chance, either.

Great story, right? Sure. Until:

But then, in a third video, Hill is seen with handcuffs on, being arrested by the same cops with whom he had played basketball days earlier.

Hill told Complex that the officers said they arrested him because they “thought they saw something” in a car Hill and his friend were in. Hill said the officers took him down to the precinct and held him for an hour and a half while they searched the car.

Hill said that he and the officers agreed to meet for a rematch the next day, but the cops never showed. “I was at the courts and everything. ... They said they were bringing their basketball stuff, but they never showed up,” Hill explained. “I don’t wanna play them anymore, though. There’s no point. I did what I had to do to them.”


seagrams hotsauce

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Re: Catch-all Cop Thread
« Reply #77 on: April 12, 2015, 02:04:57 AM »
If I were that second cop, I would have shot everyone on that court. No way am I leaving any witnesses breathing after getting my ankles broke that bad, by a kid no less. Truly embarrassing.

Positive Touch

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Re: Catch-all Cop Thread
« Reply #79 on: April 12, 2015, 02:46:29 AM »
"fuck your breath"

Re: Catch-all Cop Thread
« Reply #80 on: April 12, 2015, 05:08:05 AM »

Madrun Badrun

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Re: Catch-all Cop Thread
« Reply #81 on: April 12, 2015, 10:45:10 AM »

Great Rumbler

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Re: Catch-all Cop Thread
« Reply #83 on: April 12, 2015, 12:25:01 PM »
Yeah, no way is that guy getting charged with anything.


  • Nylonhilist
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Re: Catch-all Cop Thread
« Reply #84 on: April 12, 2015, 01:10:42 PM »
A 73 year old reserve officer is doing a gun sting? He was given a support role but Beezy's article mentions how unusual this was for him to be there as the department policy is to pretty much only use them for low-risk stuff like traffic enforcement. If at the end of the day it turns out that this guy got assigned there by cashing in favors then I'd hope the regular police officers raise enough of a stink to get something done, but an arrest seems unlikely if the gun seller got shot for running/resisting arrest (it sounds like he got shot after being tackled).

seagrams hotsauce

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Re: Catch-all Cop Thread
« Reply #85 on: April 12, 2015, 02:14:01 PM »
Pretty telling that the video has these apes screaming "OH YOU DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WRONG MOTHERFUCKER?!!" and yet their faces are censored.  Guess they aren't feeling as confident in their judgement now as they were in the moment.


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Re: Catch-all Cop Thread
« Reply #86 on: April 12, 2015, 06:53:57 PM »
Atlanta Hawks star Thabo Sefolosha appeared to suffer a severe blow from an NYPD officer's nightstick during his arrest Wednesday night ... based on this new video of the violent take down.
TMZ Sports just obtained this new angle of Sefolosha's arrest, shot by a witness outside 1Oak Nightclub in NYC ... moments after Pacers Chris Copeland was stabbed.
In this video you can clearly see Sefolosha being tugged in different directions by 6 officers. Additionally ... you can see one of the officers take a big swing with his baton, and it sounds like he makes contact with something.
A witness says Thabo told police, "Calm down."
As we've reported ... Sefolosha broke his fibula during the scuffle with cops, and based on this video it's possible it could've been caused by the officer's baton.

In their report, police said Thabo was aggressively charging at one of the officers before they got physical with him. That's not evident from either video we've obtained ... since they start after the scuffle began.
Thabo is out for the remainder of the season ... due to the injury. He was arrested for obstruction, but plans to fight the charges.

footage confirms Thabo and Antic were arrested a street down from where the stabbing was reported for having not "cleared the scene". allegedly (witnesses) say they were just trying to block people from taking photos... police say thabo charged at them.

I love you guys, but I guaran-fucking-tee I can fill this thread with positive (and lamentable) cop stories quicker than you guys can fill it with negative ones.   

 :PP  :tocry

Great Rumbler

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Re: Catch-all Cop Thread
« Reply #87 on: April 13, 2015, 05:36:47 PM »
"He made an error," Sheriff Stanley Glantz told The Tulsa World newspaper. "How many errors are made in an operating room every week?"

Asked whether the shooting was justified, Glantz told the newspaper that the question was difficult to answer.

"It was unintentional," he said. "You know, justified means you had reason to do something. He had reason to get the gun out when the guy was fleeing."

Prosecutors on Monday charged the Tulsa County, Oklahoma reserve sheriff's deputy who shot and killed an unarmed man earlier this month with second degree manslaughter.

spoiler (click to show/hide)
The Tulsa World previously reported that Bates chaired Glantz's 2012 re-election effort and donated $2,500 to the sheriff's campaign.


  • Nylonhilist
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Re: Catch-all Cop Thread
« Reply #88 on: April 13, 2015, 06:07:40 PM »
I wonder if he'll take a plea or go to trial? Johannes Mehserle shot Oscar Grant while he was handcuffed and lying face down because of a mixup between his taser and gun and he ended up only being convicted of involuntary manslaughter and served a little over a year of prison time. This sounds like it was a more dynamic situation but the last year has had a lot more attention on unarmed black men being killed.

Madrun Badrun

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Re: Catch-all Cop Thread
« Reply #89 on: April 13, 2015, 08:51:20 PM »

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Catch-all Cop Thread
« Reply #90 on: April 16, 2015, 01:20:35 PM »
Report: Bosses Falsified Training For Oklahoma Deputy Who Killed Black Man


Phoenix Dark

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Re: Catch-all Cop Thread
« Reply #91 on: April 16, 2015, 01:24:04 PM »
Report: Bosses Falsified Training For Oklahoma Deputy Who Killed Black Man



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Re: Catch-all Cop Thread
« Reply #92 on: April 16, 2015, 01:28:29 PM »
That dude was 73? Jesus, what a clusterfuck.

Madrun Badrun

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Re: Catch-all Cop Thread
« Reply #93 on: April 16, 2015, 01:28:44 PM »
"He made an error," Glantz said. "How many errors are made in an operating room every week?"

I really hope multiple people go to prison for this. 

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Catch-all Cop Thread
« Reply #94 on: April 16, 2015, 02:28:56 PM »
I'd rather an error be made by a licensed professional doctor than some random dude with a fucking scalpel.


Positive Touch

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Re: Catch-all Cop Thread
« Reply #95 on: April 16, 2015, 02:56:13 PM »
I remember the first time I accidentally killed someone on the job. man my face was red. o wait no it was his because I murdered him

Joe Molotov

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Re: Catch-all Cop Thread
« Reply #96 on: April 16, 2015, 03:35:56 PM »
I'd rather an error be made by a licensed professional doctor than some random dude with a fucking scalpel.

"I was reaching for the scalpal and accidentally grabbed this chainsaw instead, whoops!"
~Some Guy that Donated a Lot of Money to the Hospital

Great Rumbler

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Re: Catch-all Cop Thread
« Reply #97 on: April 16, 2015, 06:09:40 PM »
This guy donated a bunch of stuff to the sheriff's department and was the chairman for the sheriff's re-election campaign in 2012. Yeah, I kinda think maybe there's a conflict of interest present.


  • Nylonhilist
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Re: Catch-all Cop Thread
« Reply #98 on: April 16, 2015, 07:15:08 PM »
Holy shit the report is claiming that they transferred 3 supervisors until one would agree to sign off on him having actually been trained to use his weapon correctly. The 73 year old reserve officer who claims he meant to use his taser might not be lying, he has a good case for showing how his bribing/shmooozing caused enough corruption to place his actually incompetent ass in a situation it wasn't prepared for. I'm not sure many jurors would be sympathetic to that but it's his best shot (pun not intended).

Madrun Badrun

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Re: Catch-all Cop Thread
« Reply #99 on: April 16, 2015, 07:26:07 PM »
ya its crazy.  But seriously it had to be much harder to move 3 people than just give the guy the training.  SMH.


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Re: Catch-all Cop Thread
« Reply #100 on: April 16, 2015, 07:33:28 PM »
Seriously. They acted as if he bankrolled the entire department or something.


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Re: Catch-all Cop Thread
« Reply #101 on: April 19, 2015, 03:35:34 PM »
The FBI counts as police, right?
The admissions mark a watershed in one of the country’s largest forensic scandals, highlighting the failure of the nation’s courts for decades to keep bogus scientific information from juries, legal analysts said. The question now, they said, is how state authorities and the courts will respond to findings that confirm long-suspected problems with subjective, pattern-based forensic techniques — like hair and bite-mark comparisons — that have contributed to wrongful convictions in more than one-quarter of 329 DNA-exoneration cases since 1989.

Madrun Badrun

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Re: Catch-all Cop Thread
« Reply #102 on: April 19, 2015, 04:19:40 PM »
Forensic science is really bad.


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Re: Catch-all Cop Thread
« Reply #103 on: April 20, 2015, 09:35:09 AM »

Voters in Parma, Missouri voted in their first African-American female mayor.

Tyrus Byrd will be sworn in as mayor on Tuesday evening, April 14, at the Parma Community Building.

According to Mayor Randall Ramsey, five out of six police officers resigned this week, effectively immediately.

Mayor Ramsey said the city's attorney, the clerk and the waste water treatment plant supervisor also turned in resignation letters citing "safety concerns."



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Re: Catch-all Cop Thread
« Reply #104 on: April 20, 2015, 06:16:52 PM »

A Cook County judge ruled prosecutors didn't prove their case — that a Chicago police detective acted recklessly when he fired into a crowd in 2012, killing 22-year-old Rekia Boyd.

Judge Dennis Porter's directed verdict means the legal team for Dante Servin didn't have to put on a defense before he was acquitted of all charges, touching off an angry scene in the courtroom as Boyd's family screamed.

Porter handed down the verdict Monday afternoon amid heavy security in his courtroom, but not before asking anyone who might become emotional to leave.

"I know this case has generated a lot of emotion ... but this is a court of law, not a court of emotion," Porter said before issuing a long ruling.

Porter said while he had no doubt that Servin did indeed shoot Boyd, he said prosecutors didn't prove Servin acted recklessly when he did so, a requirement for finding someone guilty of manslaughter.

After the verdict was read, screaming members of Boyd's family were dragged from the courtroom as Servin hugged relatives.

If you are unfamiliar with this case the cop's story was that someone shot at him. with intangible bullets never recovered, from an invisible gun no one saw, making a noise only he heard. not guilty.


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Re: Catch-all Cop Thread
« Reply #105 on: April 20, 2015, 06:39:06 PM »
So the prosecution held their dick all day, or what?

Great Rumbler

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Re: Catch-all Cop Thread
« Reply #106 on: April 20, 2015, 06:44:11 PM »
Wait, how often does a judge rule on a case like this before the defense even starts?

Porter pointed to a history of Illinois court rulings that say: When someone intends to fire a gun, points toward his victim and shoots — much like Servin did on March 21, 2012 — that behavior is not reckless.

Oh, okay...he wasn't reckless because he pointed his gun at the victim and pulled the trigger with the intent to fire his gun and hit the victim with a bullet.

Positive Touch

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Re: Catch-all Cop Thread
« Reply #107 on: April 20, 2015, 06:58:51 PM »
I see we're past the point where even bothering to construct a plausible lie is too much work

Madrun Badrun

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Re: Catch-all Cop Thread
« Reply #108 on: April 21, 2015, 09:09:53 PM »

seagrams hotsauce

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Re: Catch-all Cop Thread
« Reply #109 on: April 23, 2015, 01:00:40 AM »
This Jesse Kidler thing is pretty emblematic of how divided the conversation around police brutality seems to be these days/

The officer had been informed that the guy he was responding to might be trying to commit suicide by cop. He pulls on the guy, and he falls while backing up. He could (and I imagine more than a few folks would say he should) have lit this guy up and no one probably would have batted an eyebrow.

Now, according to a twitter search of his name, it seems he's either a paragon of police restraint or the worst and most negligent cop ever. I dunno. I wonder if the result would have been the same if the dude was white. Regardless, this guy fucked up and as a result another person hasn't been shot to death. I'll take the inverse of the status quo every once in a while.

Any thoughts, Boogie?


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Re: Catch-all Cop Thread
« Reply #110 on: April 24, 2015, 02:42:59 AM »
FAIRFIELD (CBS13) — A terrified mother in Fairfield on the ground in handcuffs, just moments after her son had been kidnapped.

Her husband recorded the altercation on Monday morning, and now the family is demanding an explanation from Fairfield Police.

The Guzman family says they were treated like criminals instead of worried parents after their son became the center of an Amber Alert. They’re happy to have their son home, but they’re saying police made a terrible situation worse.

The video shot by Paul Guzman picks up as Fairfield Police decide to take an emotional Suzanne Guzman to the ground.

The Fairfield mother had called the same police officers to her home after her car was stolen from her driveway with her 8-year-old son, Broc in the back seat.

“The cop grabbed her and and they dragged her down here too around the corner, where they slammed her to the ground and handcuffed her,” he said.

He says Fairfield Police officers insisted on first searching their home, something he says Suzanne stopped them from doing until Paul returned to corral their dogs.

“We have two dogs and one of them would bite somebody that they didn’t know coming into the house,” he said.
The Fairfield Police Department released the following body camera video from the encounter along with this statement:

“…Even though our initial information was that Brock was last seen in the vehicle, it was only assumed he remained inside when it was stolen.  In order to account for every possible scenario, including Brock escaping as the vehicle was being taken, officers requested to search the Guzman home to make sure Brock was not inside hiding.   

 Suzanne Guzman refused to consent to officers checking her home for Brock.  A Police Sergeant and one of our Crisis Intervention trained officers spoke to Suzanne Guzman for several minutes in an attempt to explain why we needed to search her home and gain compliance.  Suzanne Guzman continually refused, at one point demanding we get a search warrant.  Officers became so concerned they had dispatchers log the fact we were being denied entry into the home.

Based on the growing concern for Brock, and the exigent need to check the home, officers approached the front door.  As they did, one officer saw a “reddish substance smeared in the carpet” that at first look appeared to be blood.  Suzanne Guzman got up and pushed past officers toward the front door attempting to enter the residence.   Suzanne Guzman refused to move away from the door and struggled with officers as they attempted to move her away from the door.  After a short struggle, she was detained in handcuffs.  Paul Guzman was also later detained in handcuffs for trying to interfere with officers searching the home.

The dad was arrested for interfering with an investigation for filming it on his phone when he got there. His video is in the first link.


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Re: Catch-all Cop Thread
« Reply #111 on: April 29, 2015, 11:48:58 PM »
HOUSTON, Texas – A Houston Community College police officer has survived an assassination attempt after being stabbed by her assailant 14 times. The officer was saved by civilians who stepped in and stopped the attacker. The attacker told investigators he did this to get back at police for their brutality. A spokesman from the family said it might be related to the Baltimore riots.

Officer April Pikes remains in critical condition at Houston’s Ben Taub Hospital, a public relations official at the Houston Police Department said to Breitbart Texas. Her alleged attacker, Jeremiah M. Matthews, 23, was pulled off of her by a group of men while he was stabbing her and attempting to grab her pistol


Harris County prosecutors said that Matthews told them “he had the intent to attack a police officer and his desire to kill a police officer,” according to a report. One of the witnesses, Abe Baker, who helped stop the attack said, “I saw him on her, just stabbing her.”

“I wasn’t really thinking,” Baker said. “His arm was just up getting ready to stab her and I just grabbed his arm and took him down, and that’s when everybody else came over and we all just took him down.”

The HPD statement revealed that Matthews stabbed her several times before he was tackled and disarmed. The statement says he was attempting to gain control of her duty weapon. After taking down the suspect, the good Samaritans used the officer’s handcuffs to detain Matthews until other police officers arrived and arrested him.

The Click2Houston report states that Pike may lose her right arm. She was stabbed repeatedly in her right arm and torso.

The scene of the attack was a Walmart located in Meyerland (Southwest Houston), where Pikes was working an approved off-duty security job. Pikes was in uniform when she was attacked.

“He was in an upbeat mood, whistling and he had a fast pace, walking fast,” Baker said of the assailant, who was smiling and cheerful right up until the moment he began his surprise attack.

“He does have a diagnostic history of mental illness in the past. To what degree that played into what happened, we don’t know,” local community activist Deric Muhammad said, speaking on behalf of the Matthews family. He said it is possible that Matthews was inspired by the riots in Baltimore Monday night.

Cyrano66 • 7 hours ago
That vile, pile of societal excrement and star MSNBC host, Al Sharpton, is directly and personally responsible for this attempted murder. He needs to be put in jail for inciting violence and civil unrest.
Missie Ogyny  • 5 hours ago
String him up and pike him on a picket fence, in front of Walmart! It's ONLY fair!

And did anyone else notice that the RACIST BLACK HOMICIDAL MANIAC [Is that redundant?] has a "Family SpokesHole" named Derick MUHAMMED--a "local community activist"? Perhaps Muhammed is an analjihadist at the local Houston mosque??? Aass-salaami lickum...
WaitYourTurn  • 4 hours ago
Democrat violence is getting out of hand. It's beyond time for Democrat leaders to decry this anti-police behavior. Democrats are the only ones who can stop this insanity, short of vigilantism.

Madrun Badrun

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Re: Catch-all Cop Thread
« Reply #112 on: April 30, 2015, 12:06:54 AM »
Never read the comments.  Just never.

Madrun Badrun

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Re: Catch-all Cop Thread
« Reply #113 on: April 30, 2015, 09:27:24 AM »

I'm a Puppy!

  • Knows the muffin man.
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Re: Catch-all Cop Thread
« Reply #114 on: April 30, 2015, 09:46:22 AM »
Monster Drinks. Not even once.

Madrun Badrun

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Re: Catch-all Cop Thread
« Reply #116 on: May 01, 2015, 08:25:34 PM »

dude burnt a xmas tree in is backyard.  I like how they tase him while in cuffs after the dog bit his face.  Why the fuck did the cop even need to get the dog to attack him in the first place, he was showing his hands.  Not getting off the couch doesn't warrant a fucking dog bit.  'West Jordan police responded that the video shows only one aspect of the entire incident and that Hoogveldt resisted arrest'  wtf?

Joe Molotov

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Re: Catch-all Cop Thread
« Reply #117 on: May 01, 2015, 09:28:01 PM »

At least it was Congressional Republicans' security details, amirite guys? :hitler

Madrun Badrun

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Re: Catch-all Cop Thread
« Reply #118 on: May 01, 2015, 09:46:06 PM »


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Re: Catch-all Cop Thread
« Reply #119 on: May 02, 2015, 02:19:01 AM »
While this is true for New York (I'll assume they did their research) it does remain illegal in a number of states. I think Maryland was one or only recently changed their law.

It's premised on the officers having a right to privacy even while conducting their job in full public view. Plus using wiretapping statutes and stuff.