All fair points. I enjoyed the end stuff and felt it came together pretty well even if it was just nonsense anime power of hope & friends.
It definitely has filler, holy fuck does the lvl.84 MSQ quest drag. And I think it would've honestly been better if the
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End of Days causing negative dyunamis wave from space was...Zeromus from FF4, since that's exactly what Zeromus is...a negative wave of hate in space. I think if the story had been that the ancients caused it by sending out probes to deep space only to find Zeromus and bring earth to its attention it would've been better.
The whole "every race we encountered destroyed itself so we went crazy and tried to kill everyone back on Eorza" was a bit iffy.
That said I did like Hermes/Fanandiel. They could've got even more development and that finale of Hermes on the lvl.89 dungeon was just alright. Emet-Sech was done better.
I think you're right in that it's like Shadowbringers but not as good, but I think even if the story isn't quite as good, it pulls off the ending pretty well for the whole thing and that's impressive and quality.
I actually like the story of every expansion after ARR. Heavensward was great, Stormblood's Japan side story was great, Shadowbringers was great, Endwalker was great. ARR was ok but just too long and too much filler. I thought all the post-patch MSQs were weak and mostly filler except Heavensward which was exciting and finished off the story well.
Otoh, the more I play and get my other battle jobs to 90, the more I think the gameplay in Endwalker is stale af. The jobs I play really didn't get anything groundbreaking this expansion and pretty much just play the same as always with a couple new buttons. I think the Trails/Raid fights are still well designed, dungeons are still mostly boring with some fun bosses, but gameplay really feels like they gave up and it's just more of the same. I think Stormblood combat was the pinnacle of FF14's combat system and then Shadowbringers/Endwalker just started dumbing things down and making all jobs the same.
Also the Endwalker role quests are boring compared to the old job quests.
I feel like either the combat designers/gameplay designers mostly moved on to other projects or there is just a lack of direction in FF14's combat at this point. The encounters are still very well designed so they aren't falling off with that. It's just the gameplay rotations and style for the jobs need a refresh.
If that doesn't happen I'll still keep playing for the stories and raids, but definitely not as into the game now as I used to be. Having run the Pandeamonium raid a million times at this point I think this first tier is really plain, so I'm interested in seeing the quality of the first 24man in March.