Did my first dungeon. Couldn't figure out how to party chat (why is my chat always filled with green [NOVICE] people talking wtffffff), but I guess when you're the tank leader you don't have to talk, just get the enemy's attention and keep it on you while smacking.
I don't understand how the chests work? Need/Greed/Pass. Does only 1 person in your party get the item? Cause that's pretty lame.
I still have a hard time with the game's lock-on system. Disengaging one enemy and engaging another feels problematic a lot. Like if I'm auto-attacking the wrong enemy and I use left on the d-pad to target the enemy I actually want to hit, he'll hit them once and then go back to auto-attacking the wrong enemy. -_-
I did lvl.1-4 with Maurader & Rogue. I fucking love Rogue class. It's exactly what I wanted the combat to be and the opposite of slow zzz Gladiator. Attacks are fast and skills refresh much quicker and you take way more damage. I think I'm going to go Rogue -> 30, Pugilist -> 15 and do a Ninja build cause FF Ninja's have always been pretty cool whether it's FF6 or FFT. I think I'll focus on that as my main story run, and then after I'll roll a Black Mage & maybe push my Gladiator/Marauder up to Paladin (zzz) or Warrior. I'm already at lvl.18 now with Gladiator so might as well keep it around.
I don't get non-combat jobs at all

Like I thought they'd be a sub-class you can do within your main class, not a real regular drop your stats/equip to 1 kinda thing. I tried the goldsmith crafting job where you sit and tap rocks and build junk that's way less useful than what you can just buy and you have to buy the materials for it anyways so why not just buy it. What's the point of doing of leveling all these non-combat jobs? There's a ton of them. Are any of them fun or useful support classes to help you out on your main class?
Is the Golden Saucer part of Heavensword or do you eventually unlock it doing story quests?
I do like that there's a million quests in the game. I don't like that most of them are "go and kill x amount of a couple enemies" or just go talk to a couple of people and come back. I guess that's the basis of MMOs though.
Oh and whenever I do anything with a party it always starts out saying LIGHT PARTY. What does that mean?