General > The Superdeep Borehole

Ideally, where do you see yourself in 5 to 10 years?

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I still have a hard time answering this since so much can change within 5 years but *eh* I guess I would say:
Living in a nice little house, that's completely powered by solar panels, where I just do fun and creative things all day.  :doge

[disclaimer: this is assuming the world as a whole isn't a smoldering hellscape]

Before anyone posts in here I just want to say writing these things down (or typing) can be powerful. That's why they call it spelling, be careful about what you're casting. Bless up

I see myself being old as fuck.  :P

Career:  Being in a supervisory/managerial position. (already have my name in for a few promotions, so the next two months will see whether I get on that track or not).  Though, 10 years from now will also put me in range of thinking more about retirement than work (that will put me at 19 years of service.  Can go at 25, but always saw myself hitting 30 years at least).

personal:  A family.  I hope.   Though if it doesn't happen in the 5 year range, I don't know if that will still be a goal when the timeframe is stretched to 10 years.  :-\

Great Rumbler:
Still posting on The Bore, I guess.

Also, let's add a black belt in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu, a 600lbs deadlift, 450lbs squat, and an even faster sports car while we're at it. :P


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