Author Topic: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...  (Read 2257221 times)

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Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #14700 on: October 25, 2017, 02:14:47 PM »
Who the hell is $30 Italian meal? New account from today with 3 posts. Listed as part of the mod team. He closed the edited post notifications thread.

Someone has a side account....!


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Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #14701 on: October 25, 2017, 02:15:09 PM »
You get NeoGAF already isn’t, right?! The community left is GamerGate/4chan and those too simple/ignorant to understand what’s happening. Hatred is not okay to stand by and let roll.

Also those nice detailed threads you enjoyed were made by hard working progressive members that already left or are going to. Conservative red neck assholes aren’t going to put the work in for detailed write ups and elaborate OTs. They are too lazy and complain about anything that their delicate snowflake eyes can’t handle seeing about social and environmental issues.
:noooo :noooo :noooo :noooo

Man this is the first OT I know of that has happened since all this went down, we didn't know the game was going to be shown off in advance so it's not like an OT was prepped, you could call it comparatively low effort but it's as bloated and horrible as any OT has ever been.

Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #14702 on: October 25, 2017, 02:15:42 PM »
So did NPD ask who it was? Or did EL ban the account just to be safe?

To my knowledge NPD never inquired about the account. The NPD_mulcair account was just banned because it was an alt account misrepresenting its credentials as an NPD employee. The original sob story about NPD ninjas out to get them and needing to quit the forum came immediately after a request for a better tag from “GAF’s waifu” (or something, I don’t remember exactly) resulted in the tag being reverted to Member.

It’s possible that everything that was shared on Chartz is 100% true. I don’t know or care anymore.


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Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #14703 on: October 25, 2017, 02:17:07 PM »
Need to add Tyler to my linked in and vouch for hacking skills, and reading other people's mail. Could land him a job somewhere after this.


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Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #14704 on: October 25, 2017, 02:18:45 PM »
trump shills and hillary shills are better than LEAFS

go eat maple syrup in your igloos and drink milk out of bags, LEAFS

I think Justin Trudeau needs a shoulder to cry on, LEAFS


  • Do the moron
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Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #14705 on: October 25, 2017, 02:19:05 PM »
So did NPD ask who it was? Or did EL ban the account just to be safe?

To my knowledge NPD never inquired about the account. The NPD_mulcair account was just banned because it was an alt account misrepresenting its credentials as an NPD employee. The original sob story about NPD ninjas out to get them and needing to quit the forum came immediately after a request for a better tag from “GAF’s waifu” (or something, I don’t remember exactly) resulted in the tag being reverted to Member.

It’s possible that everything that was shared on Chartz is 100% true. I don’t know or care anymore.

Too mundane :boring

who is ted danson?

  • ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀✋💎✋🤬
  • Senior Member
Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #14706 on: October 25, 2017, 02:19:38 PM »
You get NeoGAF already isn’t, right?! The community left is GamerGate/4chan and those too simple/ignorant to understand what’s happening. Hatred is not okay to stand by and let roll.

Also those nice detailed threads you enjoyed were made by hard working progressive members that already left or are going to. Conservative red neck assholes aren’t going to put the work in for detailed write ups and elaborate OTs. They are too lazy and complain about anything that their delicate snowflake eyes can’t handle seeing about social and environmental issues.
:noooo :noooo :noooo :noooo

Man this is the first OT I know of that has happened since all this went down, we didn't know the game was going to be shown off in advance so it's not like an OT was prepped, you could call it comparatively low effort but it's as bloated and horrible as any OT has ever been.

not the first ot, i tried to do one for dsp twice but people posted porn and it got nuked


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Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #14707 on: October 25, 2017, 02:20:16 PM »
meanwhile I had someone in the newly tolerant GAF FGC room tell me I belonged in a concentration camp before I was booted out for not being woke enough. that'd be a real shame if it stopped them from getting in to Resettiera :doge

(Image removed from quote.)



  • Senior Member
Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #14708 on: October 25, 2017, 02:20:38 PM »
So did NPD ask who it was? Or did EL ban the account just to be safe?

To my knowledge NPD never inquired about the account. The NPD_mulcair account was just banned because it was an alt account misrepresenting its credentials as an NPD employee. The original sob story about NPD ninjas out to get them and needing to quit the forum came immediately after a request for a better tag from “GAF’s waifu” (or something, I don’t remember exactly) resulted in the tag being reverted to Member.

It’s possible that everything that was shared on Chartz is 100% true. I don’t know or care anymore.

Interesting. Thanks for answering though.


  • Do the moron
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Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #14709 on: October 25, 2017, 02:20:43 PM »
Who the hell is $30 Italian meal? New account from today with 3 posts. Listed as part of the mod team. He closed the edited post notifications thread.

$30 Italian meal! Like the old hilarious GAF meme! You know, from before the site was most widely known as the den of a sexual assaulter?

It's really a pathetic attempt at pandering yet the most GAF thing to do too.


  • just hanging around, being shitty
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Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #14710 on: October 25, 2017, 02:21:08 PM »
Need to add Tyler to my linked in and vouch for hacking skills, and reading other people's mail. Could land him a job somewhere after this.

does malka even have any employable skills? iirc, he made a living off of the forum


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Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #14711 on: October 25, 2017, 02:23:46 PM »
Steve, what's the ModBot password?


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Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #14712 on: October 25, 2017, 02:23:47 PM »
Who is "$30 Italian Meal"?

Could it be someone Bore knows?


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Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #14713 on: October 25, 2017, 02:24:04 PM »
trump shills and hillary shills are better than LEAFS

go eat maple syrup in your igloos and drink milk out of bags, LEAFS

I think Justin Trudeau needs a shoulder to cry on, LEAFS



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Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #14714 on: October 25, 2017, 02:24:58 PM »
Of all the gaf memes, that was the one that needed to die most. At the end nobody that was around for that was still laughing, it was merely used as a way to show that you had drank the culture koo-aid.

Pills Here

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Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #14715 on: October 25, 2017, 02:24:58 PM »
Reset is actively destroying gaf former communities already brehs.

They been coming into ppls discords full of people who don't want the Reseti, and are like,"JOIN OUR FORUM. WHO IS OUR REP." and people don't want them there, but they strong arm their way in some how. Then they start seeing that you were the "trash" of gaf (and by that I mean having your own opinions) and it turns into fucking war because you have said NO to their forum apparently.

I am reading this from at least three different people.

They are literally satiating their desires for a Gulag.


North KorERA


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Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #14716 on: October 25, 2017, 02:24:59 PM »
Need to add Tyler to my linked in and vouch for hacking skills, and reading other people's mail. Could land him a job somewhere after this.

does malka even have any employable skills? iirc, he made a living off of the forum

No. If GAF goes bye bye he's screwed.  :hyper


  • Senior Member
Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #14717 on: October 25, 2017, 02:25:17 PM »
So did NPD ask who it was? Or did EL ban the account just to be safe?

To my knowledge NPD never inquired about the account. The NPD_mulcair account was just banned because it was an alt account misrepresenting its credentials as an NPD employee. The original sob story about NPD ninjas out to get them and needing to quit the forum came immediately after a request for a better tag from “GAF’s waifu” (or something, I don’t remember exactly) resulted in the tag being reverted to Member.

It’s possible that everything that was shared on Chartz is 100% true. I don’t know or care anymore.

What I always wondered was how much it would have been for EL to pay for NPD's numbers and just post them officially. I wonder why no US gaming publication or website does it. Is it that expensive to get NPD console sales data to publish?


  • Senior Member
Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #14718 on: October 25, 2017, 02:25:36 PM »
meanwhile I had someone in the newly tolerant GAF FGC room tell me I belonged in a concentration camp before I was booted out for not being woke enough. that'd be a real shame if it stopped them from getting in to Resettiera :doge

(Image removed from quote.)

if that's the same Dahbomb as the gaf one they still have their account on gaf

Maybe the resetters need to be asking why that is?

Is he not true to the cause?

 :jeanluc :thinking


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Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #14719 on: October 25, 2017, 02:27:19 PM »
It's really a pathetic attempt at pandering yet the most GAF thing to do too.
well, second most. the most gaf thing to do is throw a fit and go to make your own forum...then never actually launch it because you are too concerned with how to exclude people that you never finish the damn thing


  • Senior Member
Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #14720 on: October 25, 2017, 02:27:26 PM »
meanwhile I had someone in the newly tolerant GAF FGC room tell me I belonged in a concentration camp before I was booted out for not being woke enough. that'd be a real shame if it stopped them from getting in to Resettiera :doge

(Image removed from quote.)

if that's the same Dahbomb as the gaf one they still have their account on gaf

Maybe the resetters need to be asking why that is?

Is he not true to the cause?

 :jeanluc :thinking

 :drudge First mole detected. Someone alert the ResetEra police.

Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #14721 on: October 25, 2017, 02:27:31 PM »
So did NPD ask who it was? Or did EL ban the account just to be safe?

To my knowledge NPD never inquired about the account. The NPD_mulcair account was just banned because it was an alt account misrepresenting its credentials as an NPD employee. The original sob story about NPD ninjas out to get them and needing to quit the forum came immediately after a request for a better tag from “GAF’s waifu” (or something, I don’t remember exactly) resulted in the tag being reverted to Member.

It’s possible that everything that was shared on Chartz is 100% true. I don’t know or care anymore.

What I always wondered was how much it would have been for EL to pay for NPD's numbers and just post them officially. I wonder why no US gaming publication or website does it. Is it that expensive to get NPD console sales data to publish?

It’s proprietary data. You’re not allowed to publicly dump the raw data even if you have legitimate access to it.


  • Senior Member
Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #14722 on: October 25, 2017, 02:27:42 PM »

Apparently some NeoGAF users are getting their accounts banned because they used to verify their Discord ID by PMing other GAFfers with their Discord credentials, in order to prove their identity and be able to register on the new forum. It's not clear if some mods are manually banning those people or if there's some kind of script. What's certain is that someone high up is deliberately going through them, and that's a huge invasion of privacy and breach of trust.

evilore is now going through private messages

this is a shit show

Pretty sure that reading PMs has been going on for years.  coughamiroxcough


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Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #14723 on: October 25, 2017, 02:28:29 PM »
So did NPD ask who it was? Or did EL ban the account just to be safe?

To my knowledge NPD never inquired about the account. The NPD_mulcair account was just banned because it was an alt account misrepresenting its credentials as an NPD employee. The original sob story about NPD ninjas out to get them and needing to quit the forum came immediately after a request for a better tag from “GAF’s waifu” (or something, I don’t remember exactly) resulted in the tag being reverted to Member.

It’s possible that everything that was shared on Chartz is 100% true. I don’t know or care anymore.

What I always wondered was how much it would have been for EL to pay for NPD's numbers and just post them officially. I wonder why no US gaming publication or website does it. Is it that expensive to get NPD console sales data to publish?

I would be surprised subscribers are allowed to publicize NPD numbers (beyond the chart with no sales number attached you see everywhere, maybe I'm thinking of another organization). I mean the whole point of their business is making people pay to access it.


  • Senior Member
Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #14724 on: October 25, 2017, 02:29:09 PM »
So did NPD ask who it was? Or did EL ban the account just to be safe?

To my knowledge NPD never inquired about the account. The NPD_mulcair account was just banned because it was an alt account misrepresenting its credentials as an NPD employee. The original sob story about NPD ninjas out to get them and needing to quit the forum came immediately after a request for a better tag from “GAF’s waifu” (or something, I don’t remember exactly) resulted in the tag being reverted to Member.

It’s possible that everything that was shared on Chartz is 100% true. I don’t know or care anymore.

What I always wondered was how much it would have been for EL to pay for NPD's numbers and just post them officially. I wonder why no US gaming publication or website does it. Is it that expensive to get NPD console sales data to publish?

It’s proprietart data. You’re not allowed to publicly dump the raw data even if you have legitimate access to it.

I know, but presumably they offer specific licenses that allow publication. After all, the console makers occasionally do post numbers.


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Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #14725 on: October 25, 2017, 02:30:36 PM »
Need to add Tyler to my linked in and vouch for hacking skills, and reading other people's mail. Could land him a job somewhere after this.

does malka even have any employable skills? iirc, he made a living off of the forum

Probably not. I think we are around the same age which means he bought gaf in high school. Unless he invested well hed have to move. Austonian pent house isnt cheap.


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Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #14726 on: October 25, 2017, 02:30:45 PM »
So did NPD ask who it was? Or did EL ban the account just to be safe?

To my knowledge NPD never inquired about the account. The NPD_mulcair account was just banned because it was an alt account misrepresenting its credentials as an NPD employee. The original sob story about NPD ninjas out to get them and needing to quit the forum came immediately after a request for a better tag from “GAF’s waifu” (or something, I don’t remember exactly) resulted in the tag being reverted to Member.

It’s possible that everything that was shared on Chartz is 100% true. I don’t know or care anymore.

What I always wondered was how much it would have been for EL to pay for NPD's numbers and just post them officially. I wonder why no US gaming publication or website does it. Is it that expensive to get NPD console sales data to publish?

Apparently (someone can correct me) A lot of companies use it for forecasting. So the in depth data subscription was apparently very pricey more than EL could probably afford or want to pay for certainly. Ditto these game websites. They took the top ten scraps that were thrown their way with no official sales numbers and then later maybe a few numbers from someone who had access to the hard data.

And some massaged numbers from the game company PR arms


  • Junior Member
Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #14727 on: October 25, 2017, 02:31:28 PM »
Man this is the first OT I know of that has happened since all this went down, we didn't know the game was going to be shown off in advance so it's not like an OT was prepped, you could call it comparatively low effort but it's as bloated and horrible as any OT has ever been.

At the very least, I've always appreciated OTs without the lolsowitty titles that losers spend pages trying to claim.


  • Finish the Fight
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Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #14728 on: October 25, 2017, 02:31:51 PM »
Back when they kicked out Aquamarine/NDP Mulcair and no one took their place I thought it was the beginning of the end for NeoGAF.

I never understand why did they did that (or missed it, i guess)?

Aqua had an alt, George, so y2k banned her.  Nuking her and zhuge killed salesgaf.

That's not what happened, NPD threatened legal action against Malka over the leaked data being posted. Lore instantly rolled over and gave them all Aqua's details aand since she had to have a paid email of course, it was easily traced back to her job related to NPD and she had to request a ban in order to keep her job

IIRC, she later got official permission by her employer to post the numbers, and that's what she used the Mulcair alt account for. But since alts were not allowed, they (Y2Kev) banned her again.

My general feeling was that whenever someone got popular or more popular than the mods themselves he or she would be banned.

It happened to me without reason when I was at the top of my game. At some point I had acquired ExciteBots screenshots before anyone else on the planet.
Aqua and Zhuge were also great assets to the community as well as Wario64. These members literally made the board valuable and the mods shat on them.
To this day I think it was Amirox who banned me because he disliked me in general. Although I suspected Opiate too as I had some run ins with him.

I won't lie I was pretty devastated when I got banned. I had so much information sitting in my PM box. Like proof that Nintendo and Nokia once had a deal from a guy who claimed he was the son of Nokia's CEO at that time.
He was even able to proof the whole thing with transcripts from a meeting that was attended by Yamauchi himself. Shiggy and myself would share a wealth of Rare gossip and rumors directly from the developers. A lot happened in those PM boxes.

As soon as you got popular or you'd question the mods they'd nuke you one way or another.


  • Senior Member
Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #14729 on: October 25, 2017, 02:32:43 PM »
I think maybe the protesters have mostly cleared out of GAF.

Seems like the account suicide threads are met with derision from the remaining gaffers.

Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #14730 on: October 25, 2017, 02:33:20 PM »
So did NPD ask who it was? Or did EL ban the account just to be safe?

To my knowledge NPD never inquired about the account. The NPD_mulcair account was just banned because it was an alt account misrepresenting its credentials as an NPD employee. The original sob story about NPD ninjas out to get them and needing to quit the forum came immediately after a request for a better tag from “GAF’s waifu” (or something, I don’t remember exactly) resulted in the tag being reverted to Member.

It’s possible that everything that was shared on Chartz is 100% true. I don’t know or care anymore.

What I always wondered was how much it would have been for EL to pay for NPD's numbers and just post them officially. I wonder why no US gaming publication or website does it. Is it that expensive to get NPD console sales data to publish?

It’s proprietart data. You’re not allowed to publicly dump the raw data even if you have legitimate access to it.

I know, but presumably they offer specific licenses that allow publication. After all, the console makers occasionally did post numbers.

Right. But they would only speak in non-specific terms. Like Sony might say “The PS4 was the #1 selling console this month” but they wouldn’t post the actual numbers associated with each console manufacturer.


  • Senior Member
Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #14731 on: October 25, 2017, 02:33:39 PM »

My general feeling was that whenever someone got popular or more popular than the mods themselves he or she would be banned.

It happened to me without reason when I was at the top of my game. At some point I had acquired ExciteBots screenshots before anyone else on the planet.
Aqua and Zhuge were also great assets to the community as well as Wario64. These members literally made the board valuable and the mods shat on them.

As soon as you got popular or you'd question the mods they'd nuke you one way or another.


This and the fact that I wasn't about to pretend that I didn't remember the suddenly holier than thou moderators from before they got their red name.


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Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #14732 on: October 25, 2017, 02:34:40 PM »

My general feeling was that whenever someone got popular or more popular than the mods themselves he or she would be banned.

It happened to me without reason when I was at the top of my game. At some point I had acquired ExciteBots screenshots before anyone else on the planet.
Aqua and Zhuge were also great assets to the community as well as Wario64. These members literally made the board valuable and the mods shat on them.

As soon as you got popular or you'd question the mods they'd nuke you one way or another.


Which makes no sense. Like Google banning ads for successful companies.


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Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #14733 on: October 25, 2017, 02:34:46 PM »

"Member $30 Italian Dinner?"


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #14734 on: October 25, 2017, 02:35:28 PM »
Do we need BCT credentials or just a pro-Black post history?
Great now they need to start the vetting process all over again now that somebody finally found a flaw in it.


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
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Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #14735 on: October 25, 2017, 02:35:38 PM »
(Image removed from quote.)

"Member $30 Italian Dinner?"

I almost made this joke due to just finishing the new SP game.


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Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #14736 on: October 25, 2017, 02:35:39 PM »
if that's the same Dahbomb as the gaf one they still have their account on gaf

Maybe the resetters need to be asking why that is?

Is he not true to the cause?

 :jeanluc :thinking
definitely the same one. the resetera people need to consider the types they are letting in, considering the head of the fgc discord also verified this user :wag


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Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #14737 on: October 25, 2017, 02:35:48 PM »
30$ Italian meal with bish avatar. Absolutely disgusting.


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Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #14738 on: October 25, 2017, 02:36:03 PM »

My general feeling was that whenever someone got popular or more popular than the mods themselves he or she would be banned.

It happened to me without reason when I was at the top of my game. At some point I had acquired ExciteBots screenshots before anyone else on the planet.
Aqua and Zhuge were also great assets to the community as well as Wario64. These members literally made the board valuable and the mods shat on them.

As soon as you got popular or you'd question the mods they'd nuke you one way or another.


Which makes no sense. Like Google banning ads for successful companies.

The pettiness of certain moderators who shall remain nameless was endless.

And as Tyler found out, at the end of the day they had their own agenda.

Pills Here

  • Junior Member
Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #14739 on: October 25, 2017, 02:36:18 PM »
I got banned from GAF because I'm beautiful  :'(


  • Finish the Fight
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Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #14740 on: October 25, 2017, 02:36:26 PM »

My general feeling was that whenever someone got popular or more popular than the mods themselves he or she would be banned.

It happened to me without reason when I was at the top of my game. At some point I had acquired ExciteBots screenshots before anyone else on the planet.
Aqua and Zhuge were also great assets to the community as well as Wario64. These members literally made the board valuable and the mods shat on them.

As soon as you got popular or you'd question the mods they'd nuke you one way or another.


Which makes no sense. Like Google banning ads for successful companies.
I think their rationale was that if you got very popular you'd be a threat to them. Because members would be like:
"I wonder what Nintex thinks about this" or "Wario64 posted this yesterday Amirox"

That probably drove them nuts if they covered for Evilore harrasment and Amirox pedo hobbies for free and someone else got the same perks.  :doge

My general feeling was that whenever someone got popular or more popular than the mods themselves he or she would be banned.

It happened to me without reason when I was at the top of my game. At some point I had acquired ExciteBots screenshots before anyone else on the planet.
Aqua and Zhuge were also great assets to the community as well as Wario64. These members literally made the board valuable and the mods shat on them.

As soon as you got popular or you'd question the mods they'd nuke you one way or another.


Which makes no sense. Like Google banning ads for successful companies.

The pettiness of certain moderators who shall remain nameless was endless.

And as Tyler found out, at the end of the day they had their own agenda.
It was all so dumb. Sure, ban someone jokingly for 2 weeks because you have mod powers. Swing that mod stick around, I would too. Haha banned. lol

However, permabanning the best members of your board is simply insanity.

I remember posting I had a banshield and would never be banned. woe is me.


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Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #14741 on: October 25, 2017, 02:37:29 PM »
I got banned from GAF because I'm beautiful  :'(


relatable post


  • Junior Member
Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #14742 on: October 25, 2017, 02:37:37 PM »
Do we need BCT credentials or just a pro-Black post history?
Great now they need to start the vetting process all over again now that somebody finally found a flaw in it.

For a group of people who kept saying that purity tests would be the death of the Democratic party, they sure do have a lot of purity tests. They also seem to be proving themselves right, by the way.


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Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #14743 on: October 25, 2017, 02:39:03 PM »
pretty sure best ff is ffxi: chains of promathia


  • Junior Member
Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #14744 on: October 25, 2017, 02:41:12 PM »


This and the fact that I wasn't about to pretend that I didn't remember the suddenly holier than thou moderators from before they got their red name.

I think they could handle you being a stinky uropeen, but once you were stateside they couldn't handle it! so jelly.

spoiler (click to show/hide)
might be confusing you with someone else


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Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #14745 on: October 25, 2017, 02:42:01 PM »
I can think of at least ten people off of the top of my head who got banned just because a cult of personality formed around them and they were more popular than the mods.

spoiler (click to show/hide)

Pills Here

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Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #14746 on: October 25, 2017, 02:42:26 PM »
pretty sure best ff is ffxi: chains of promathia

The best FF was Phantasy Star IV  :win


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Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #14747 on: October 25, 2017, 02:42:56 PM »
pretty sure best ff is ffxi: chains of promathia
Objectively saved Square at the time so


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Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #14748 on: October 25, 2017, 02:43:49 PM »
I've never been banned. I'm not popular or pretty :stahp


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Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #14749 on: October 25, 2017, 02:44:15 PM »


This and the fact that I wasn't about to pretend that I didn't remember the suddenly holier than thou moderators from before they got their red name.

I think they could handle you being a stinky uropeen, but once you were stateside they couldn't handle it! so jelly.

spoiler (click to show/hide)
might be confusing you with someone else

spoiler (click to show/hide)
that was me, yes


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Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #14750 on: October 25, 2017, 02:44:23 PM »
It happened to me without reason when I was at the top of my game. At some point I had acquired ExciteBots screenshots before anyone else on the planet.

Imagine this being the highlight of your life.  :neogaf


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #14751 on: October 25, 2017, 02:44:46 PM »

Shits getting weird now.

Just had someone message me on twitter randomly saying peace walker is the best mgs game.
http://Take a look at Oliver (@mabro.../mabromov?s=09

Haven't talked about mgs in forever so no reason. They are a new account and seem to be targeting gaf users (especially Bobby roberts) and trying to get people to click a link to logan reviews.

Noticed one person responded and the conversation turned to asking what they did for a living.

Weird feeling to be targeted like this.


  • hooker strangler
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Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #14752 on: October 25, 2017, 02:44:51 PM »
I remember posting I had a banshield and would never be banned. woe is me.

Yeaaaaah this is never a good idea, just sayin'


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Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #14753 on: October 25, 2017, 02:45:15 PM »
pretty sure best ff is ffxi: chains of promathia

After FFVII every FF was just so far up its own ass which is quite an accomlishment considering how far up its own ass FFVII was.


  • captain of my capsized ship
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Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #14754 on: October 25, 2017, 02:46:18 PM »
pretty sure best ff is ffxi: chains of promathia

You don't realize what you have done.

Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #14755 on: October 25, 2017, 02:46:35 PM »
He did tell us we'd get tired of winning but I'm not tired yet :)
You could drop the schtick if you're just a Republican/conservative, we haven't had real one in a while that I can think of. Especially haven't had one who isn't a former NFL player. Let alone one who will actually engage.

I mean, I kinda dislike being the Republican Defense Force/Democratic Attack Force By Default. Especially when my hearts not in it. The last two years for example have made it quite difficult. I mean even JayDubya doesn't help out anymore, typical libertarian trash. :paul

I'm a true believer albeit one open to listening to the other side.  The sane left centralist side not the insane Regressive Left.
In what?

Golfing and real life shitposting?  :doge


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #14756 on: October 25, 2017, 02:47:36 PM »
bish was a good mod

one of the only ones who took a harsh stance against anti blackness

we miss him


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Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #14757 on: October 25, 2017, 02:47:43 PM »

Shits getting weird now.

Just had someone message me on twitter randomly saying peace walker is the best mgs game.
http://Take a look at Oliver (@mabro.../mabromov?s=09

Haven't talked about mgs in forever so no reason. They are a new account and seem to be targeting gaf users (especially Bobby roberts) and trying to get people to click a link to logan reviews.

Noticed one person responded and the conversation turned to asking what they did for a living.

Weird feeling to be targeted like this.

I don't get it. What are they trying to say?


  • Finish the Fight
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Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #14758 on: October 25, 2017, 02:49:38 PM »
I remember posting I had a banshield and would never be banned. woe is me.

Yeaaaaah this is never a good idea, just sayin'
I was just joking around but at some point it all got super serial.
In 2017 NeoGAF I probably wouldn't last a day. Hell, I lost some Twitter followers because I stalked Americans all night on Twitter saying:
"Trump's got this in the bag!" as they posted the 99% - 1% odds.
As soon as the states rolled in: "Florida's red next, folks" and all they did was respond with: "THAT WILL NEVER HAPPEN!!!1" and half of my Twitter contacts are/were GAF people.

Even placed a 16:1 bet on some gambling site and made 4k. Best US President Ever.