Author Topic: The Other Forums Thread for 90's Kids ONLY  (Read 2192944 times)

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  • Y = λ𝑓. (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥)) (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥))
  • Senior Member
hello God, yes, it's me, i'd like to trade in Assimilate for Novid. yes yes, i'm sure.


  • Senior Member
Himu: Do you have any sources that link the XXY/XXX or whatever mutations to the DNA level?

Because I think Assimilates point is: At the DNA level 99% of folks are going to be genetically assigned XY (male), and XX (female) chromosome designations and there is zilch you can do to change that designation as a transgender. And you can't really argue against that since 48, XXXX and 49, XXXX have health defects. Will/Could these people live normal lives? Yes, but are they transgender? That's where your line of thinking becomes somewhat messy.

I don't get your point. I literally said in my Reset link that trans women are genetically male.

Cindi, for a 'chic' you and some of those resettranseras sure do love to stay around heavily male dominated circles.   :huh

The fuck?


What circles would those be? Please enlighten me.

oh yeahh we just gonna pretend forums like reset and even the bore aren't tilted heavily male  :badass

Oh my Lord.

You're serious.

It's a fucking website that happens to hit some of my interests. Yeah, I participate some things that are male dominated and competition heavy. Things like Jiu Jitsu and the fighting game community. But even those have female oriented cliques that I'm a part of. Outside of that, I'm heavy into makeup, fashion, and art which are female dominated. Most of my closest friends are women, many of whom have come from the aforementioned hobbies/interests.

You know nothing about me dude. :sabu

I don't get your point. I literally said in my Reset link that trans women are genetically male.

My point (and by proxy Assimilates) is that at the genetic level those birth defects are not really transgender. Your "point 2 and 3" show that at the DNA level they'd be considered one sex, but they themselves (physically and mentally) see themselves as the opposite gender. Hence: It becomes "messy" with your line of thinking of separating the "biological"/DNA-level gender assignment. These sorts of XY mutations in female-designated/body image sort of dealies are rare that it's hard to consider them transgender.

Basically, what I'm getting at is: Biologically speaking: What do you consider transgender in these cases/in any cases?


I never said nor claimed these cases are trans. They are merely examples of people who are impacted by birth and gender identity. That's all. My point was not that they are trans at all. My point is that claiming "trans women are not women because they have XX chromosomes" does not stand to scrutiny given the evidence that we have clear cut cases of exactly the fucking opposite. Clearly, chromosomes are not all someone needs to be measured as a man or a woman. Therefore, deducing trans women to chromosomes is just bad argumentation. Because if one case gets an exception, other cases get exceptions.

I'm a Puppy!

  • Knows the muffin man.
  • Senior Member
Ff6 -  ffvii- ffviii- ffix -ffx- ffiv-ffv- ffxv- ffxii- ffiii- ffxiii-ffi-ffii


  • Y = λ𝑓. (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥)) (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥))
  • Senior Member
Cindi, for a 'chic' you and some of those resettranseras sure do love to stay around heavily male dominated circles.   :huh
you know for a 'straight' guy, you really do like to act like a massive dick huffing taco


  • Do the moron
  • Senior Member
Male heavy forums yet full of bitches :larry :rollsafe


  • Now bringing you *Zen*
  • Senior Member
Cindi, for a 'chic' you and some of those resettranseras sure do love to stay around heavily male dominated circles.   :huh
you know for a 'straight' guy, you really do like to act like a massive dick huffing taco
what if i'm not straight?

are you misidentifying my sexual orientation?  :mynicca


  • Senior Member
I am willing to admit that I 100% don't understand the transgender thing. I understand the concept, but it makes no sense to me. Sex is a biological thing. How can you feel that you are a certain sex in your brain? I certainly don't experience any prevailing feeling like "I am a man, and I must wear pants." I am not drawn to pants. Pants is what the society decreed that I, as a person with a penis, should wear. It's kind of arbitrary, but I go with it, as I suspect most people do. That's the part that's hard to grasp to me. I cannot imagine having a penis but feeling like I have a vagina, or like I should have a vagina. I'm not trying to discredit your experience or saying it's not valid or it doesn't happen, it's just very strange to me, because I don't *feel* like I have a penis, I just know I have it.

I'm a Puppy!

  • Knows the muffin man.
  • Senior Member
Cindi, for a 'chic' you and some of those resettranseras sure do love to stay around heavily male dominated circles.   :huh
you know for a 'straight' guy, you really do like to act like a massive dick huffing taco
Dude, that's uncalled for. If assimilate sucked dick there'd at least be some reason for him to be here.


  • Nebuchadnezzar
  • Senior Member
I am biologically a moonwalker and would like it if you stopped assigning toxic malehood groupings to me used by proxy to oppress others.


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
  • Senior Member
Ff6 -  ffvii- ffviii- ffix -ffx- ffiv-ffv- ffxv- ffxii- ffiii- ffxiii-ffi-ffii

ESB > SW > ROTJ > Halloween Resurrection > Straight to Video Stir of Echoes Sequel > TFA > bad Curse of Oak Island ep I just watched > TLJ > TPM = RotS > R1 > AotC


  • Senior Member
I am biologically a attack helicopter and currently in therapy because war does that :fbm


  • Now bringing you *Zen*
  • Senior Member
I am willing to admit that I 100% don't understand the transgender thing. I understand the concept, but it makes no sense to me. Sex is a biological thing. How can you feel that you are a certain sex in your brain? I certainly don't experience any prevailing feeling like "I am a man, and I must wear pants." I am not drawn to pants. Pants is what the society decreed that I, as a person with a penis, should wear. It's kind of arbitrary, but I go with it, as I suspect most people do. That's the part that's hard to grasp to me. I cannot imagine having a penis but feeling like I have a vagina, or like I should have a vagina. I'm not trying to discredit your experience or saying it's not valid or it doesn't happen, it's just very strange to me, because I don't *feel* like I have a penis, I just know I have it.

I can see how someone can think that, something in the brain is telling that person their 'identity' is clearly against their actual biology. I don't have a problem with that at all. But just because you decide to go through hormone therapy (Pump some estrogen into your system and you'll start to want to cuddle real quick) and reassign their sex organ it doesn't mean biology is bullshit. They're still very much male in the biological sense. And that's perfectly ok, i don't understand why they have to fight that. It is what it is. let it fucking be.


  • Senior Member
Now I really want a "Cindi's Trans World" 2D platformer.

spoiler (click to show/hide)
I never *did* follow up on my Himuro Plinko easter egg...

“Trans world trans world. Party Time! Excellent! Wooowoooowoooowooo!”


  • Senior Member
Well, I guess what Cindi is trying to tell you is that biology should be irrelevant to how people interact and identify in the social sphere? I don't know. Like, when you start counting chromosomes and stuff you'll come across many cases where things don't line up according to how you see it should work.


  • Senior Member
I think Assimilate hasn't read a single one of my posts. He is an overly emotional taco tbh. Him harping on my calling "bullshit" which was hyperbole on purpose proves this. I mean, I said in my post that (most) trans women are biologically male.

I am willing to admit that I 100% don't understand the transgender thing. I understand the concept, but it makes no sense to me. Sex is a biological thing. How can you feel that you are a certain sex in your brain? I certainly don't experience any prevailing feeling like "I am a man, and I must wear pants." I am not drawn to pants. Pants is what the society decreed that I, as a person with a penis, should wear. It's kind of arbitrary, but I go with it, as I suspect most people do. That's the part that's hard to grasp to me. I cannot imagine having a penis but feeling like I have a vagina, or like I should have a vagina. I'm not trying to discredit your experience or saying it's not valid or it doesn't happen, it's just very strange to me, because I don't *feel* like I have a penis, I just know I have it.

Says nothing about clothes or that pants = dude. And yeah, it is strange. It's not normal. It's quite rare. I don't blame you for not understanding.

Bore Expert

  • Member
I’m sensing a love connection here



  • Now bringing you *Zen*
  • Senior Member
Well, I guess what Cindi is trying to tell you is that biology should be irrelevant to how people interact and identify in the social sphere? I don't know. Like, when you start counting chromosomes and stuff you'll come across many cases where things don't line up according to how you see it should work.
In that aspect i concur. Socially, who gives a fuck, whatever. However, you soon realize it doesn't stop there and we'll get someone wanting to "play with the females" in sports after being a fucking man during puberty. Shit like that is nonsense and why biology matters and why a lot of the trans movement are trying to squash it. It's fucking ridiculous.


  • Junior Member
Lime who?  it's all about Cream!

I would IP ban those fuckers just on the names alone. Either that or make their post invisible to all for kicks

Let's Cyber

  • Banned (duration pending)
  • Senior Member
oh yeahh we just gonna pretend forums like reset and even the bore aren't tilted heavily male  :badass
I essentially got to see two "kind" of therapists after that one revelation of 2013: male & female.

The male therapists poisoned me with drugs and it didn't really work out well at all--it might work for some people, but it didn't work for me. I remember someone telling me at some point Kagari was a manipulative [woman who lets you have sex with her if you give her money]. My father was extremely critical towards her, as well; in 2013 at the very least, not so much nowadays. Pulse/FFXV's White Pope/Mass Zerox20 & Bhunivelze/FFXV's Kuja-esque purple-haired man/Spyder are much worse, though: they are the actual villains. My relationship with my father drastically improved the moment Final Fantasy Versus XIII became Final Fantasy XV. I know Nomura said in several interviews Regis Lucis Caelum was never supposed to be a villain in the first place, but that was really the impression conveyed by the trailers of Final Fantasy Versus XIII.

My mother and female therapists advised me to continue building fantasies inside my head: that worked extremely well for me, but it may not be everyone's thing.

If I have been digging the Lightning trilogy's so thoroughly as of late, it's because I have already exhausted the mythology of Final Fantasy XV to death. Spyder will certainly be a thougher villain as the purple-haired Kuja, and for more than just having Lin/The Black-Haired Woman & Kagari on his side, but also because he got to win a tournament as Kefka once:

We will get back to Final Fantasy XV once the ARG is done.

She already ended the story a few days prior: "essentially a world's reboot as if they never met each other". Some Evangelion's mythos I wasn't acquainted enough with to be honest (FF, KH and Persona remain my poisons) so that I decided to translate it into...

..."sent to an alternate time dimension to obliterate her three nemesis-es as some kind of traditional redemption".

That's the moment the creeping ended for serious... hence her being crept out by "Silver": the story was supposed to be over at that point; not to mention the golden rule of all alternate reality games Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain strictly forbids any kind of private communications whatsoever.

Sexual objectification is great. Harassment is not. She never really minded I talked about her over at DisorderForums or elsewhere online, she just didn't want me to be officially engaged in private ever again.

Truth was more brutal than expected. I decided to back off the Internet afterwards, until an eventual reappearance of Final Fantasy XV. I stuck to the PSN if anything, but that was it... and here came a new challenger.

Terrina became the new main character, the Serah actively seeking her Lightning.

This is the moment the most cynical of you will question my devotion. I will put it extremely simply then: Lightning remains the only heroin in the entire series who has no romantical interest whatsoever, and that's why I personally enjoy the character. My relationship with Terrina is precisely that--brotherhood, while it's more complicated with Kagari.

In the mythology of the XIII's trilogy, Kagari is Etro, Terrina is Serah while I am Lightning.
In the mythology of XV, Kagari is Luna, Terrina is Cidney while I am Noctis--note that the Black-Haired Woman's spot is taken by someone I met IRL I'll talk about soon in the Relationships' thread.

As said above in Kraid's autistic summary, Terrina then got demodded and even progressively shunned by the community. Coincidentally, I was slowly but surely getting off my meds at the time, and soon...

...I will "show who is in charge", Spyder.


  • Now bringing you *Zen*
  • Senior Member
oh yeahh we just gonna pretend forums like reset and even the bore aren't tilted heavily male  :badass
I essentially got to see two "kind" of therapists after that one revelation of 2013: male & female.

The male therapists poisoned me with drugs and it didn't really work out well at all--it might work for some people, but it didn't work for me. I remember someone telling me at some point Kagari was a manipulative [woman who lets you have sex with her if you give her money]. My father was extremely critical towards her, as well; in 2013 at the very least, not so much nowadays. Pulse/FFXV's White Pope/Mass Zerox20 & Bhunivelze/FFXV's Kuja-esque purple-haired man/Spyder are much worse, though: they are the actual villains. My relationship with my father drastically improved the moment Final Fantasy Versus XIII became Final Fantasy XV. I know Nomura said in several interviews Regis Lucis Caelum was never supposed to be a villain in the first place, but that was really the impression conveyed by the trailers of Final Fantasy Versus XIII.

My mother and female therapists advised me to continue building fantasies inside my head: that worked extremely well for me, but it may not be everyone's thing.

If I have been digging the Lightning trilogy's so thoroughly as of late, it's because I have already exhausted the mythology of Final Fantasy XV to death. Spyder will certainly be a thougher villain as the purple-haired Kuja, and for more than just having Lin/The Black-Haired Woman & Kagari on his side, but also because he got to win a tournament as Kefka once:

We will get back to Final Fantasy XV once the ARG is done.

She already ended the story a few days prior: "essentially a world's reboot as if they never met each other". Some Evangelion's mythos I wasn't acquainted enough with to be honest (FF, KH and Persona remain my poisons) so that I decided to translate it into...

..."sent to an alternate time dimension to obliterate her three nemesis-es as some kind of traditional redemption".

That's the moment the creeping ended for serious... hence her being crept out by "Silver": the story was supposed to be over at that point; not to mention the golden rule of all alternate reality games Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain strictly forbids any kind of private communications whatsoever.

Sexual objectification is great. Harassment is not. She never really minded I talked about her over at DisorderForums or elsewhere online, she just didn't want me to be officially engaged in private ever again.

Truth was more brutal than expected. I decided to back off the Internet afterwards, until an eventual reappearance of Final Fantasy XV. I stuck to the PSN if anything, but that was it... and here came a new challenger.

Terrina became the new main character, the Serah actively seeking her Lightning.

This is the moment the most cynical of you will question my devotion. I will put it extremely simply then: Lightning remains the only heroin in the entire series who has no romantical interest whatsoever, and that's why I personally enjoy the character. My relationship with Terrina is precisely that--brotherhood, while it's more complicated with Kagari.

In the mythology of the XIII's trilogy, Kagari is Etro, Terrina is Serah while I am Lightning.
In the mythology of XV, Kagari is Luna, Terrina is Cidney while I am Noctis--note that the Black-Haired Woman's spot is taken by someone I met IRL I'll talk about soon in the Relationships' thread.

As said above in Kraid's autistic summary, Terrina then got demodded and even progressively shunned by the community. Coincidentally, I was slowly but surely getting off my meds at the time, and soon...

...I will "show who is in charge", Spyder.



  • Member
This is the same community that looked the other way for Tyler's history, for mod abuse, and pedophelia, and the continued covering up of this information.  GAF really only died because the same old bad shit got brought up at the wrong time.

lol pedophilia and cover ups. What did you want, for mods to arrest users based on fucking Voat rumors? According to these people anyone is a pedophile anyway (PIZZAGATE).


  • Member
This is the same community that looked the other way for Tyler's history, for mod abuse, and pedophelia, and the continued covering up of this information.  GAF really only died because the same old bad shit got brought up at the wrong time.

lol pedophilia and cover ups. What did you want, for random users to arrest users based on fucking Voat rumors? According to these people anyone is a pedophile anyway (PIZZAGATE).


  • Senior Member

♥ Contest exclusive to Playable, Guest, Secret & Habitant characters.
♥ Game consists in finding out the picture of the Final Fantasy XV's Black-Haired Woman thanks to her family name, Paola ?????
♥ One main quest completed = one letter revealed & PM'd to all participants, at the same time of course.
♥ Thanks to the pieces of information I have already spread across the board about her, only three letters should be necessary to find her picture.
♥ Boreans (banned GAFfers) sign up in this thread. Each Borean signed in gives me 1/4 EP (Eclipse Point), that represents 1/4 day.
♥ GAFfers (unbanned GAFfers) sign up in this thread. Each GaFfer signed in gives me 1/2 EP, that represents 1/2 day.
♥ Cap at 6 EP.
♥ All others allowed characters sign up in the's thread.
♥ PM me your submission. You only have one shot.
♥ Earn Final Fantasy XV: Episode Duscae should you be first to find the right picture.


  • Senior Member
Bork, the good, Japanese father who wants me to take everything as face-value. You have little to no idea about what is actually going on.

Big Jumbo, the abusive, Italian father who wants to kick me out of the house. My father is just like you, and I already spit on his face once to make him understand I was the one in charge from now on, after more than a decade of abuse on my mother & overall bullshit regarding my sister and me. Thank god my mother is now mentally strong enough to hold out.

Why cannot I post normally over at Mognet Central, Bork? I would ask Kagari directly, but she already lied to you by calling my act "creepy" and claimed she did not know me. She has a Lucrecia Crescent complex, preferred Hojo over Vincent and just has to resurrect Grimoire/John Satomayor to sort her arrogant bullshit out. In the Jurassic Park thread I linked to a few pages, she clearly talks about Prompto Argentum, her brother who backed off the theater because of the loud noises. You can ban/censor me for talking about Kagari on this one, I do not mind at all. She deserves a call-out.

Bork, why does Van Konsolidor has "Opex" in his signature? I have a perfect & rational explanation but I am not allowed to post it, apparently. Besides, why are you calling me out on talking to someone who, as you said, does not lurk this thread?

Bork, what do you think of EviLore's "Sexual objectification is fine, harassment is not"? Do you even know the difference between the two?

Is asking you questions "creepy", Bork?
« Last Edit: January 03, 2018, 01:28:40 AM by Cindi Mayweather »


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
  • Senior Member
oh yeahh we just gonna pretend forums like reset and even the bore aren't tilted heavily male  :badass
I essentially got to see two "kind" of therapists after that one revelation of 2013: male & female.

The male therapists poisoned me with drugs and it didn't really work out well at all--it might work for some people, but it didn't work for me. I remember someone telling me at some point Kagari was a manipulative [woman who lets you have sex with her if you give her money]. My father was extremely critical towards her, as well; in 2013 at the very least, not so much nowadays. Pulse/FFXV's White Pope/Mass Zerox20 & Bhunivelze/FFXV's Kuja-esque purple-haired man/Spyder are much worse, though: they are the actual villains. My relationship with my father drastically improved the moment Final Fantasy Versus XIII became Final Fantasy XV. I know Nomura said in several interviews Regis Lucis Caelum was never supposed to be a villain in the first place, but that was really the impression conveyed by the trailers of Final Fantasy Versus XIII.

My mother and female therapists advised me to continue building fantasies inside my head: that worked extremely well for me, but it may not be everyone's thing.

If I have been digging the Lightning trilogy's so thoroughly as of late, it's because I have already exhausted the mythology of Final Fantasy XV to death. Spyder will certainly be a thougher villain as the purple-haired Kuja, and for more than just having Lin/The Black-Haired Woman & Kagari on his side, but also because he got to win a tournament as Kefka once:

We will get back to Final Fantasy XV once the ARG is done.

She already ended the story a few days prior: "essentially a world's reboot as if they never met each other". Some Evangelion's mythos I wasn't acquainted enough with to be honest (FF, KH and Persona remain my poisons) so that I decided to translate it into...

..."sent to an alternate time dimension to obliterate her three nemesis-es as some kind of traditional redemption".

That's the moment the creeping ended for serious... hence her being crept out by "Silver": the story was supposed to be over at that point; not to mention the golden rule of all alternate reality games Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain strictly forbids any kind of private communications whatsoever.

Sexual objectification is great. Harassment is not. She never really minded I talked about her over at DisorderForums or elsewhere online, she just didn't want me to be officially engaged in private ever again.

Truth was more brutal than expected. I decided to back off the Internet afterwards, until an eventual reappearance of Final Fantasy XV. I stuck to the PSN if anything, but that was it... and here came a new challenger.

Terrina became the new main character, the Serah actively seeking her Lightning.

This is the moment the most cynical of you will question my devotion. I will put it extremely simply then: Lightning remains the only heroin in the entire series who has no romantical interest whatsoever, and that's why I personally enjoy the character. My relationship with Terrina is precisely that--brotherhood, while it's more complicated with Kagari.

In the mythology of the XIII's trilogy, Kagari is Etro, Terrina is Serah while I am Lightning.
In the mythology of XV, Kagari is Luna, Terrina is Cidney while I am Noctis--note that the Black-Haired Woman's spot is taken by someone I met IRL I'll talk about soon in the Relationships' thread.

As said above in Kraid's autistic summary, Terrina then got demodded and even progressively shunned by the community. Coincidentally, I was slowly but surely getting off my meds at the time, and soon...

...I will "show who is in charge", Spyder.

:nerds :woken

I'm a Puppy!

  • Knows the muffin man.
  • Senior Member
This just makes me miss Creepy Stalker. :brazilcry


  • Live Más
  • Senior Member
i sent a pm to be in that arg and then stupid bork ruined everything, thanks a lot jerkface :maf


  • Live Más
  • Senior Member
real shit


  • Senior Member
What the fuck is going on here.

Have you heard of our Lord and Savior Creepy Stalker?


  • Junior Member
Assimilate and Cindi should just hatefuck already and get it out of their system.

seagrams hotsauce

  • Senior Member
How old do you guys think assimilate is


  • Member
Sooooooo... this IS the thread where we point and laugh at /r/etc and other fora, right? I'm getting confused sometimes.

Like, how ridiculous the Engadget MS lack of games thread is. It's like watching bums shank each other over a half eaten hamburger. And I say that as a Ninthing who relishes half eaten hamburgers, and shanking other bums.

...Or how the mod handling of the intel bug thread is leaving a lot to be desired.


  • Junior Member
Sooooooo... this IS the thread where we point and laugh at /r/etc and other fora, right? I'm getting confused sometimes.

Like, how ridiculous the Engadget MS lack of games thread is. It's like watching bums shank each other over a half eaten hamburger. And I say that as a Ninthing who relishes half eaten hamburgers, and shanking other bums.

...Or how the mod handling of the intel bug thread is leaving a lot to be desired.



Sephiroth did nothing wrong, ripperoni pepperoni


  • Junior Member
I demand only the exquisite gaming experience, pls dont judge. Forsooth  :hans1


  • Winner of the Baited Award 2018
  • Senior Member
This just makes me miss Creepy Stalker. :brazilcry

Please, we all know you miss him all the time.


  • And I'm pretty sure fuck you (italics implied)
  • Senior Member
Himu: Do you have any sources that link the XXY/XXX or whatever mutations to the DNA level?

Because I think Assimilates point is: At the DNA level 99% of folks are going to be genetically assigned XY (male), and XX (female) chromosome designations and there is zilch you can do to change that designation as a transgender. And you can't really argue against that since 48, XXXX and 49, XXXX have health defects. Will/Could these people live normal lives? Yes, but are they transgender? That's where your line of thinking becomes somewhat messy.

I don't get your point. I literally said in my Reset link that trans women are genetically male.

Cindi, for a 'chic' you and some of those resettranseras sure do love to stay around heavily male dominated circles.   :huh

The fuck?


What circles would those be? Please enlighten me.

oh yeahh we just gonna pretend forums like reset and even the bore aren't tilted heavily male  :badass

Oh my Lord.

You're serious.

(Image removed from quote.)

It's a fucking website that happens to hit some of my interests. Yeah, I participate some things that are male dominated and competition heavy. Things like Jiu Jitsu and the fighting game community. But even those have female oriented cliques that I'm a part of. Outside of that, I'm heavy into makeup, fashion, and art which are female dominated. Most of my closest friends are women, many of whom have come from the aforementioned hobbies/interests.

You know nothing about me dude. :sabu

I don't get your point. I literally said in my Reset link that trans women are genetically male.

My point (and by proxy Assimilates) is that at the genetic level those birth defects are not really transgender. Your "point 2 and 3" show that at the DNA level they'd be considered one sex, but they themselves (physically and mentally) see themselves as the opposite gender. Hence: It becomes "messy" with your line of thinking of separating the "biological"/DNA-level gender assignment. These sorts of XY mutations in female-designated/body image sort of dealies are rare that it's hard to consider them transgender.

Basically, what I'm getting at is: Biologically speaking: What do you consider transgender in these cases/in any cases?


I never said nor claimed these cases are trans. They are merely examples of people who are impacted by birth and gender identity. That's all. My point was not that they are trans at all. My point is that claiming "trans women are not women because they have XX chromosomes" does not stand to scrutiny given the evidence that we have clear cut cases of exactly the fucking opposite. Clearly, chromosomes are not all someone needs to be measured as a man or a woman. Therefore, deducing trans women to chromosomes is just bad argumentation. Because if one case gets an exception, other cases get exceptions.

Shut the fuck up already, christ.


  • And I'm pretty sure fuck you (italics implied)
  • Senior Member
This just makes me miss Creepy Stalker. :brazilcry

Please, we all know you miss him all the time.

My nicca  :salute


  • Punk Mushi no Onna
  • Senior Member
Fashion, and art which are female dominated.

Here she goes again, fake news Cindi.


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
  • Global Moderator
This page
:trigger :trigger :trigger :trigger :trigger :trigger


  • Nebuchadnezzar
  • Senior Member
This thread went off the rails long before this page


  • GunOn™! Apply directly to forehead!
  • Senior Member


I never said nor claimed these cases are trans. They are merely examples of people who are impacted by birth and gender identity. That's all. My point was not that they are trans at all. My point is that claiming "trans women are not women because they have XX chromosomes" does not stand to scrutiny given the evidence that we have clear cut cases of exactly the fucking opposite. Clearly, chromosomes are not all someone needs to be measured as a man or a woman. Therefore, deducing trans women to chromosomes is just bad argumentation. Because if one case gets an exception, other cases get exceptions.

And that's where you and science disagree. Just because there's a .0001% chance of a mutation does not mean that biologically and on the DNA level that they are female. That one case that you posted about having an XY DNA structure while having the body of a female is super super super super rare to where it does not make the "science" of biology moot. There's corner-cases in everything that doesn't make the scientific method invalid.

Like I said, thinking that rare case is a valid case that "transgenders trump biology" is messy thinking. I'm all for considering someone that transitition'd their "new" gender, but on the biological level they still have the XY/XX designation they had on birth which they can not change. Unless science and gene/body modifications suddenly blows up to where you can get that assigned designation, you're still your "original" gender at the base level.

Assimilate and Cindi should just hatefuck already and get it out of their system.

:yeshrug Can't disagree on that.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2018, 08:53:17 AM by thisismyusername »


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
  • Global Moderator
That Ben Shapiro thread and this discussion reminds me of this.



  • Cereal mispeller
  • Member
I leave you chucklefucks for 3 days and come back to find y’all pissed all over the rug that really tied the room together. Jesus fist fucking Christ.


  • Senior Member


I never said nor claimed these cases are trans. They are merely examples of people who are impacted by birth and gender identity. That's all. My point was not that they are trans at all. My point is that claiming "trans women are not women because they have XX chromosomes" does not stand to scrutiny given the evidence that we have clear cut cases of exactly the fucking opposite. Clearly, chromosomes are not all someone needs to be measured as a man or a woman. Therefore, deducing trans women to chromosomes is just bad argumentation. Because if one case gets an exception, other cases get exceptions.

And that's where you and science disagree. Just because there's a .0001% chance of a mutation does not mean that biologically and on the DNA level that they are female. That one case that you posted about having an XY DNA structure while having the body of a female is super super super super rare to where it does not make the "science" of biology moot. There's corner-cases in everything that doesn't make the scientific method invalid.

Like I said, thinking that rare case is a valid case that "transgenders trump biology" is messy thinking. I'm all for considering someone that transitition'd their "new" gender, but on the biological level they still have the XY/XX designation they had on birth which they can not change. Unless science and gene/body modifications suddenly blows up to where you can get that assigned designation, you're still your "original" gender at the base level.

Assimilate and Cindi should just hatefuck already and get it out of their system.

:yeshrug Can't disagree on that.

You have no idea what I'm talking about. I am literally saying that XY does not change. :confused What are you even disagreeing on? It's just an example, among multiple examples, to show that arguing that "trans women are not women because they are not biologically women" is a bad argument because there's multiple cases of things like this, not exactly lining up. Yeah. they're rare. But being trans is also rare. The point is to articulate that exceptions exist, not that trans people are among those exceptions. Jesus Christ.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2018, 09:42:28 AM by Cindi Mayweather »


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
  • Global Moderator
You have no idea what I'm talking about. I am literally saying that XY does not change. :confused What are you even disagreeing on?

It's simple and the answer is to be found at 3:07:30 in this Lighting Returns: Final Fantasy XIII-3 cinematic.

The ARG touches on Zomok and a thread on the Dissidia forums that we all know and follow.  The famous post from October 12th, 2011

Let's Cyber

  • Banned (duration pending)
  • Senior Member
This page
:trigger :trigger :trigger :trigger :trigger :trigger
I was trying to get this thread back on track.

Bork, pls


  • Senior Member
You have no idea what I'm talking about. I am literally saying that XY does not change. :confused What are you even disagreeing on?

It's simple and the answer is to be found at 3:07:30 in this Lighting Returns: Final Fantasy XIII-3 cinematic.

The ARG touches on Zomok and a thread on the Dissidia forums that we all know and follow.  The famous post from October 12th, 2011.

What is Creepy Stalker's opinion on Kingdom Hearts?


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
  • Global Moderator
This page
:trigger :trigger :trigger :trigger :trigger :trigger
I was trying to get this thread back on track.

Bork, pls

It is only when viewing The 3rd Birthday will all be revealed.


  • Nebuchadnezzar
  • Senior Member
With respect to everyone, perhaps we can put this topic of discussion aside for a while and return to humorous posts mocking lord of the rings.


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
  • Global Moderator
You have no idea what I'm talking about. I am literally saying that XY does not change. :confused What are you even disagreeing on?

It's simple and the answer is to be found at 3:07:30 in this Lighting Returns: Final Fantasy XIII-3 cinematic.

The ARG touches on Zomok and a thread on the Dissidia forums that we all know and follow.  The famous post from October 12th, 2011.

What is Creepy Stalker's opinion on Kingdom Hearts?

That's true. Donald's Thundaga is almost as useful as Goofy's ability to share MPs with his allies. Still, I always set their behavior on support.



  • We've *all*
  • Senior Member
Tom Bombadil is agender


  • Nebuchadnezzar
  • Senior Member
Frodo and Samwise's story is analogous to PG broke-back mountain


  • Senior Member
This was our meet-up.

Picture ??? as Beatrix, Cor Leonis' doppelgänger (her "body-guard") as Kuja and me as Djidane.
Hmm... This boy could become a problem...


  • Senior Member
How old do you guys think assimilate is



  • Cereal mispeller
  • Member
Frodo and Sam aren’t gay! Why can’t we have just one example of a healthy intimate male relationship without the desire to wear leather and shove their dicks up each other’s butt while doing poppers??


  • Haughty and a little naughty
  • Senior Member
Frodo and Samwise's story is analogous to PG broke-back mountain

It's a very problematic relationship considering the age gap and Frodos position of power.


  • Punk Mushi no Onna
  • Senior Member
I'm still waiting on the woke sequel to Parasite Eve.

Parasite Steve.

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
  • Administrator
I'm still waiting on the woke sequel to Parasite Eve.

Parasite Steve.

Square made Parasite Adam and Parasite Eve, not Parasite Adam and Parasite Steve.


  • Punk Mushi no Onna
  • Senior Member
They're basically homophones at Square. Disgusting Japanese pigs.


  • Senior Member
So Lightning is a chick right?

It’s a testament to the ambiguous genders of square’s character designs that I’m not clear on this point.