maybe a weird good vibe but just a guy I used to watch on Old Internet, that requires too much context to explain if anyone is unfamiliar, so maybe it's a vibe for me only
Spoony is in a good place and thinking about making reviews again!
around 2016 he kind of lost his mind and was constantly angry on twitter, I think it was potentially untreated bipolar disorder, did nothing but watched wrestling and argued with his own former fans, had problems with women and money and housing, at some point his cute dog Oreo died

but now? he's actually streaming again, just playing some games, his twitter is full of jokes and riffs on things like RLM and Rifftrax, he's enjoying himself again, and got himself a new dog
and oddly enough he ended up recently being interviewed by the lead actor of Phantasmagoria 2, one of his most well-known reviews where he ripped the game to shreds, and they had a nice little discussion where he said he'd like to get back to making videos and just make people laugh again
Spoony is a very 2008 internet guy who did plenty of embarrassing, overacted goofs back in the day, and maybe a return wouldn't be able to recapture the same feel, but I like his current attitude and I hope he can be a success again and if nothing else continues his recovery