Author Topic: Other Forums |OT| ♀ C O R E V A L U E S ♀ Sponsored By THQNordic  (Read 6449023 times)

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Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #57900 on: February 05, 2019, 03:14:57 PM »
lmao marrec going full Era. The reason Neeson brought the anecdote in the first place is because he thought it was awful and it weighed on his conscience 40 years later. No one, including himself, if saying he should get a pat on the back, nor should you be reeeeeing about something he didn't do 40 years ago.

Ya, it's fucked up though that he did go roaming the streets looking to kill a black guy.

Like, how is this even a fucking question?

I'm not even saying anything should fucking happen to him, I'm just acknowledging that it's fucked up.

who ever said it wasn't fucked up though?

Quote from: Slaven
Liam acted on those racist feelings

So Neeson DID kill a guy. Lock him up.

Wandering around the streets with a weapon specifically in service of killing a black person is action

eeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh c'mon now.
Telling someone to go kys in an online game is also "an action". An action that is objectively more damaging to someone.

The implication is that taking the action to wander around looking for a random black dude to kill is no big because he didn't actually find a random black dude to kill

his quote was something to the effect of "looking for a black guy that's gonna start shit with me," so there was a variable of self defense in there as well. Since he wasn't attacked by a black man, he didn't go after any.


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Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #57901 on: February 05, 2019, 03:16:41 PM »
:thinking Dark Man...  :thinking

sometimes we become what we hate most  :-[

I made that joke like 10 pages ago motherfucker.

And I made a similar joke only 4 post above his and didn't even get a single like. This place is trash.  :maf

*edit* thanks for the pity-like, Cauliflower.  :-*
« Last Edit: February 05, 2019, 03:21:05 PM by stufte »


  • Dumbass Monkey
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Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #57902 on: February 05, 2019, 03:17:24 PM »

Who's fucking asking for a solution?! Things can be reprehensible without needing a direct "solution".

As for Neeson's specific case, like we can start to hypothesize how we'd stop random revenge thirsty white dudes from searching for black people to kill, but that involves acknowledging toxic masculinity and racism not "thought crimes" like y'all are implying lmao

The point of his anecdote isn't racism, or toxic masculinity.
Its about most humans having the capacity for great evil. Black people do heinous shit. Women do heinous shit.
e: and I'll tell you for free, way more people think about doing heinous shit than ever actually follow through and do that heinous shit.

The moral of this story isn't 'don't have bad thoughts'.
Its 'never reveal you have had bad thoughts publically, because you'll get hounded as though you had actually done the thing you thought about'.
Which itself is fucking terrifyingly toxic.

Joe Molotov

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Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #57903 on: February 05, 2019, 03:17:49 PM »
I need to know how hard he was looking for a black guy to kill before I know how outraged to be. Was he really going to kill somebody or was it like a "I was totally planning on going to the gym, but then something came up."


  • Dumbass Monkey
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Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #57904 on: February 05, 2019, 03:21:04 PM »
I can't help but feel if you really do want to go and commit a racially motivated murder, you're going to be able to do so, even in backwards ass 1970s Ireland


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Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #57905 on: February 05, 2019, 03:21:50 PM »
I go into black neighborhoods and cross the street onto the other sidewalk when I see someone approaching.  Neeson's instigation of violence sickens me.


  • Have You Ever
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Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #57906 on: February 05, 2019, 03:22:10 PM »
e: and I'll tell you for free, way more people think about doing heinous shit than ever actually follow through and do that heinous shit.

I've thought about posting on a few times but I always catch myself before making that mistake


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Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #57907 on: February 05, 2019, 03:24:21 PM »
e: and I'll tell you for free, way more people think about doing heinous shit than ever actually follow through and do that heinous shit.

I've thought about posting on a few times but I always catch myself before making that mistake

Quoting before you delete the evidence, you sick fuck.

Straight Edge

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Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #57908 on: February 05, 2019, 03:28:58 PM »
How many black people lived in Ireland during the 70s, other than the guy from Thin Lizzy?
Oi Oi


  • Dumbass Monkey
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Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #57909 on: February 05, 2019, 03:30:04 PM »
I like to re-enact the opening scene of Die Hard With A Vengeance, but haven't managed to get anyone to fall for my trap yet

Cauliflower Of Love

  • I found my bearings, they were in the race
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Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #57910 on: February 05, 2019, 03:30:09 PM »
Quote from: Murder Neeson's IMDB
Is a longtime supporter of the legalization of abortion in Ireland.


Quote from: Liam Coshon
Laid-back? My wife said that? Well, I guess I am. It takes a lot to get me riled.

Sure thing buddy

Quote from: Vigilante
Some mornings you wake up and think, "Gee, I look handsome today." Other days I think, "What am I doing in the movies? I wanna go back to Ireland and drive a forklift".

Is "drive a forklift" and irish idiom for stalking and killing?

Quote from: Liam Neeson
In Los Angeles, it's like they jog for two hours a day and then they think they're morally right. That's when you want to choke people, you know?

oh shit


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Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #57911 on: February 05, 2019, 03:30:27 PM »
How comfortable are you guys with the idea of armed people walking around near you having revenge fantasy's hoping you'll start shit with them?

It's almost like there's a middle ground between merely thinking about revenge and fully going through with revenge.. and Nesson hit that middle ground, which did include some.... *shock and awe* concerning ACTIONS.

That ended about nothing happening (as far we know) and most of the world not knowing about it.


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Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #57912 on: February 05, 2019, 03:32:37 PM »
I like to re-enact the opening scene of Die Hard With A Vengeance, but haven't managed to get anyone to fall for my trap yet

You don't even need the sandwich board these days, your racism is implied.


  • Have You Ever
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Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #57913 on: February 05, 2019, 03:33:34 PM »
Quote from: Murder Neeson's IMDB
Is a longtime supporter of the legalization of abortion in Ireland.


TFW you become an abortion doctor and start a clinic so you have the means to kill babies for money but then no one shows up  :goty

Cauliflower Of Love

  • I found my bearings, they were in the race
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Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #57914 on: February 05, 2019, 03:34:33 PM »
He's a liar too!

Quote from: Lying Neeson
I grew up in Northern Ireland, of course. Lived all through the Troubles; saw violence, the results of violence, at first hand. It's always terrified me and fascinated me. So it was a gut reaction, something about how that rage can eat you alive. I can understand that. I haven't known it myself, but I knew guys who did. Some of them aren't on this planet any more because of it.

Is this his confession?!?!

I'm keeping myself to myself. And I like it that way. I'm not hunting. I'm the opposite of a - what would a male cougar be? Is there such a thing? Whatever it is, I'm not that.

« Last Edit: February 05, 2019, 03:40:28 PM by Cauliflower Of Love »


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Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #57915 on: February 05, 2019, 03:36:35 PM »
Liam Neeson and marrec should fuck already.



  • Dumbass Monkey
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Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #57916 on: February 05, 2019, 03:39:03 PM »
Liam Neeson and marrec should fuck already.


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Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #57917 on: February 05, 2019, 03:44:25 PM »
Yeah, it's pretty telling. Just imagine for one second if a PoC actor admitted the same thing, targeting random white people in the street for murdering them, because they were white. Imagine someone like Jaime Foxx or Terry Crews admitting something like this... It would end their career in 5 seconds top and it would be everywhere in the news.

I'm seeing this a lot on Era and I don't think it's true.  But it's just a gut feeling so whatever.


  • Dumbass Monkey
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Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #57918 on: February 05, 2019, 03:44:44 PM »
Liam Neeson TAK3N up all the conversation meant I nearly missed this gem from the other thread that keeps on giving:

Also, as mods constantly state: "If you have an issue with moderation, feel free to PM a mod." If you are unsure if your argument will get you banned or not, have a mod review it.

Get your posts pre-approved for adherence to doctrine on your discussion forum brehs


  • Senior Member
Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #57919 on: February 05, 2019, 03:44:50 PM »

Who's fucking asking for a solution?! Things can be reprehensible without needing a direct "solution".

As for Neeson's specific case, like we can start to hypothesize how we'd stop random revenge thirsty white dudes from searching for black people to kill, but that involves acknowledging toxic masculinity and racism not "thought crimes" like y'all are implying lmao

The point of his anecdote isn't racism, or toxic masculinity.
Its about most humans having the capacity for great evil. Black people do heinous shit. Women do heinous shit.
e: and I'll tell you for free, way more people think about doing heinous shit than ever actually follow through and do that heinous shit.

The moral of this story isn't 'don't have bad thoughts'.
Its 'never reveal you have had bad thoughts publically, because you'll get hounded as though you had actually done the thing you thought about'.
Which itself is fucking terrifyingly toxic.

The moral of Neeson's story is "don't drop the fact that you roamed the streets in a murderous rage for a week during a press junket, maybe save that story for a memoir". Like, I really don't think Neeson's career is going to take a hit because there are people outraged on Twitter. He's not beholden to the preception of a small group of outraged black folk. He'll be fine.

As for what we can take from it, like the ravenous dogs we are? It's a deeply personal story about revenge and yes racism, the anecdote itself isn't about toxic masculinity or racism, obviously, but aspects of his actions were driven by both (as well as other personal things obviously). Like, this little anecdote can be more than one thing without devolving into some extreme counterreaction to SJWs calling for Liam's head. Whatever happened it was likely multiple decades ago and anyone trying to assume Neeson's mental state or views on black people based on something he did 30-40 years ago is tilting at windmills.

Straight Edge

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Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #57920 on: February 05, 2019, 03:47:14 PM »
Michael Collins’ dick in my butt
Oi Oi


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Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #57921 on: February 05, 2019, 03:47:39 PM »
How comfortable are you guys with the idea of armed people walking around near you having revenge fantasy's hoping you'll start shit with them?

It's almost like there's a middle ground between merely thinking about revenge and fully going through with revenge.. and Nesson hit that middle ground, which did include some.... *shock and awe* concerning ACTIONS.

That ended about nothing happening (as far we know) and most of the world not knowing about it.

Let’s repeat that mantra another 100 times because derp.

I mean, is not true?

Cauliflower Of Love

  • I found my bearings, they were in the race
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Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #57922 on: February 05, 2019, 03:47:40 PM »
Liam Neeson TAK3N up all the conversation meant I nearly missed this gem from the other thread that keeps on giving:

Also, as mods constantly state: "If you have an issue with moderation, feel free to PM a mod." If you are unsure if your argument will get you banned or not, have a mod review it.

Get your posts pre-approved for adherence to doctrine on your discussion forum brehs

And he doesn't think he's backseat modding?



  • Senior Member
Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #57923 on: February 05, 2019, 03:51:33 PM »

Who's fucking asking for a solution?! Things can be reprehensible without needing a direct "solution".

As for Neeson's specific case, like we can start to hypothesize how we'd stop random revenge thirsty white dudes from searching for black people to kill, but that involves acknowledging toxic masculinity and racism not "thought crimes" like y'all are implying lmao

The point of his anecdote isn't racism, or toxic masculinity.
Its about most humans having the capacity for great evil. Black people do heinous shit. Women do heinous shit.
e: and I'll tell you for free, way more people think about doing heinous shit than ever actually follow through and do that heinous shit.

The moral of this story isn't 'don't have bad thoughts'.
Its 'never reveal you have had bad thoughts publically, because you'll get hounded as though you had actually done the thing you thought about'.
Which itself is fucking terrifyingly toxic.

The moral of Neeson's story is "don't drop the fact that you roamed the streets in a murderous rage for a week during a press junket, maybe save that story for a memoir". Like, I really don't think Neeson's career is going to take a hit because there are people outraged on Twitter. He's not beholden to the preception of a small group of outraged black folk. He'll be fine.

As for what we can take from it, like the ravenous dogs we are? It's a deeply personal story about revenge and yes racism, the anecdote itself isn't about toxic masculinity or racism, obviously, but aspects of his actions were driven by both (as well as other personal things obviously). Like, this little anecdote can be more than one thing without devolving into some extreme counterreaction to SJWs calling for Liam's head. Whatever happened it was likely multiple decades ago and anyone trying to assume Neeson's mental state or views on black people based on something he did 30-40 years ago is tilting at windmills.

So: “let’s alll be shallow motherfuckers because people are emotionally hurt because a celebrity personal anecdote.”

Also, it was front page in CNN website.


  • Dumbass Monkey
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Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #57924 on: February 05, 2019, 03:53:42 PM »
The moral of Neeson's story is "don't drop the fact that you roamed the streets in a murderous rage for a week during a press junket, maybe save that story for a memoir". Like, I really don't think Neeson's career is going to take a hit because there are people outraged on Twitter. He's not beholden to the preception of a small group of outraged black folk. He'll be fine.

As for what we can take from it, like the ravenous dogs we are? It's a deeply personal story about revenge and yes racism, the anecdote itself isn't about toxic masculinity or racism, obviously, but aspects of his actions were driven by both (as well as other personal things obviously). Like, this little anecdote can be more than one thing without devolving into some extreme counterreaction to SJWs calling for Liam's head. Whatever happened it was likely multiple decades ago and anyone trying to assume Neeson's mental state or views on black people based on something he did 30-40 years ago is tilting at windmills.

I agree doing it on a press junket is about the worst situation possible to do so.
I disagree that viewing his actions as ultimately harmful only to himself and his own peace of mind and should be weighted as such is an extreme counter-reaction, but I guess the danger of holding extreme viewpoints is not recognising that they are.


Cui plagalis?


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Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #57925 on: February 05, 2019, 03:54:04 PM »
[The moral of Neeson's story is "don't drop the fact that you roamed the streets in a murderous rage for a week during a press junket, maybe save that story for a memoir".]

I hope when he write his memoirs he finishes every chapter with - "Needless to say I had the last laugh."


  • Dumbass Monkey
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Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #57926 on: February 05, 2019, 03:58:37 PM »
Yeah, it's pretty telling. Just imagine for one second if a PoC actor admitted the same thing, targeting random white people in the street for murdering them, because they were white. Imagine someone like Jaime Foxx or Terry Crews admitting something like this... It would end their career in 5 seconds top and it would be everywhere in the news.

I'm seeing this a lot on Era and I don't think it's true.  But it's just a gut feeling so whatever.

My gut feeling is if this was an identical story by, fuck, morgan freeman? there'd be a lot of posters saying how understandable feeling like that is because white supremacy


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Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #57927 on: February 05, 2019, 03:59:23 PM »
Thank GOD Liam Neeson wasn't in Chicago when Jussie Smollett was out getting Subway. Who knows how that would have ended. :(


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Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #57928 on: February 05, 2019, 04:00:42 PM »
Thank GOD Liam Neeson wasn't in Chicago when Jussie Smollett was out getting Subway. Who knows how that would have ended. :(

I mean... have we confirmed Liam Neeson's whereabouts?


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Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #57929 on: February 05, 2019, 04:02:43 PM »
Thank GOD Liam Neeson wasn't in Chicago when Jussie Smollett was out getting Subway. Who knows how that would have ended. :(

I mean... have we confirmed Liam Neeson's whereabouts?

Oh god... you're on to something I think.


  • Senior Member
Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #57930 on: February 05, 2019, 04:03:14 PM »
Yeah, it's pretty telling. Just imagine for one second if a PoC actor admitted the same thing, targeting random white people in the street for murdering them, because they were white. Imagine someone like Jaime Foxx or Terry Crews admitting something like this... It would end their career in 5 seconds top and it would be everywhere in the news.

I'm seeing this a lot on Era and I don't think it's true.  But it's just a gut feeling so whatever.

My gut feeling is if this was an identical story by, fuck, morgan freeman? there'd be a lot of posters saying how understandable feeling like that is because white supremacy

There a thread about Soulja Boy were most posters tried to ignore the user mentioning that he used homophobic slurs in twitter during his console business meltdown. Morgan Freeman is persona non grata in Reee, though.


  • Senior Member
Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #57931 on: February 05, 2019, 04:07:37 PM »
I mean, is not true?

It also goes without saying and just keeps deflecting from the point.   Obviously it's not equal to actually going through with it, but his actions greatly increased the chance that he'd commit murder.   "Well he didn't commit a murder" isn't an argument against the fact his actions were incredibly concerning.

But nobody is celebrating his actions. He said he was being a dumb fucker himself.

Anyways I think it's a good story and a super interesting moment of reflection personally;  and while for his personal sake he probably shouldn't have shared it's still interesting.

“It started a conversation”.

Dude, that is so Reee.


  • Winner of the Baited Award 2018
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Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #57932 on: February 05, 2019, 04:09:17 PM »
FFT > *


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Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #57933 on: February 05, 2019, 04:09:54 PM »
“It started a conversation”.

Dude, that is so Reee.

Wrong, ERA is antithetical to conversation


  • Dumbass Monkey
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Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #57934 on: February 05, 2019, 04:10:18 PM »
Morgan Freeman is persona non grata in Reee, though.

Oh, he is? What did he do?
I can't keep up with the unperson list any more

Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #57935 on: February 05, 2019, 04:10:28 PM »
The soft skulls already forgot about their defence of Bahar Mustafa huh?


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Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #57936 on: February 05, 2019, 04:10:59 PM »
“It started a conversation”.

Dude, that is so Reee.

Wrong, ERA is antithetical to conversation



  • Senior Member
Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #57937 on: February 05, 2019, 04:11:11 PM »
Yeah, it's pretty telling. Just imagine for one second if a PoC actor admitted the same thing, targeting random white people in the street for murdering them, because they were white. Imagine someone like Jaime Foxx or Terry Crews admitting something like this... It would end their career in 5 seconds top and it would be everywhere in the news.

I'm seeing this a lot on Era and I don't think it's true.  But it's just a gut feeling so whatever.

My gut feeling is if this was an identical story by, fuck, morgan freeman? there'd be a lot of posters saying how understandable feeling like that is because white supremacy

We already know how they would react

Quote from: Nepenthe

You're dodging the question quite deftly by framing this as being about babies.

The lyrics don't target all babies. Just white ones. The lyrics are also sung by a black man.

Now why, in right-wing resurgence 2018, Nazis marching in the streets 2018, online interconnectivity 2018, would a black man make pointed rhetoric towards specifically white people?

It's just a mystery, I guess.


  • Dumbass Monkey
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Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #57938 on: February 05, 2019, 04:11:49 PM »
Anyways I think it's a good story and a super interesting moment of reflection personally;  and while for his personal sake he probably shouldn't have shared it's still interesting.

I'd like to think that mayeb if it had been handled differently it could have been a teachable moment, and that other people who are suffering from dark thoughts might look to get help because if that bad ass from taken can get fucked up and need to talk to someone maybe they can too.

Sadly it is what it is.


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Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #57939 on: February 05, 2019, 04:12:57 PM »
“It started a conversation”.

Dude, that is so Reee.

Wrong, ERA is antithetical to conversation


god damnit now I need to go on GMA to apologize for not getting the joke


  • Senior Member
Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #57940 on: February 05, 2019, 04:12:59 PM »
Morgan Freeman is persona non grata in Reee, though.

Oh, he is? What did he do?
I can't keep up with the unperson list any more

Seems to be a creeper. Just probably not near Cosby levels.

Straight Edge

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Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #57941 on: February 05, 2019, 04:13:56 PM »
Morgan Freeman is persona non grata in Reee, though.

Oh, he is? What did he do?
I can't keep up with the unperson list any more

He's fucking his step granddaughter I believe.
Oi Oi


  • Haughty and a little naughty
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Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #57942 on: February 05, 2019, 04:15:19 PM »
Morgan Freeman is persona non grata in Reee, though.

Oh, he is? What did he do?
I can't keep up with the unperson list any more


  • Senior Member
Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #57943 on: February 05, 2019, 04:15:49 PM »
Morgan Freeman is persona non grata in Reee, though.

Oh, he is? What did he do?
I can't keep up with the unperson list any more

Seems to be a creeper. Just probably not near Cosby levels.

I thought it came out most of that shit was fabricated tho right? I can't keep up... :(


  • Dumbass Monkey
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Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #57944 on: February 05, 2019, 04:16:38 PM »
Did that interviewer deliberately pick the "He's right you know" image for that interview?


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Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #57945 on: February 05, 2019, 04:16:48 PM »
Anyways I think it's a good story and a super interesting moment of reflection personally;  and while for his personal sake he probably shouldn't have shared it's still interesting.

I'd like to think that mayeb if it had been handled differently it could have been a teachable moment, and that other people who are suffering from dark thoughts might look to get help because if that bad ass from taken can get fucked up and need to talk to someone maybe they can too.

Sadly it is what it is.

Phew! Liam Neeson wasn’t racist after all, explain John Humphrys and a male psychotherapist
Emotions! A male response to grief! A promotional stunt! Anything but racism…


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Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #57946 on: February 05, 2019, 04:20:05 PM »
Morgan Freeman is persona non grata in Reee, though.

Oh, he is? What did he do?
I can't keep up with the unperson list any more

(Image removed from quote.)

The last part I disagree, talking about racism is important... we shouldn’t let people like Nephente or Ttump being the dominant voices, though.


  • Haughty and a little naughty
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Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #57947 on: February 05, 2019, 04:20:15 PM »
Did that interviewer deliberately pick the "He's right you know" image for that interview?

Some dude on imgur did that. The real interview was on video


  • Senior Member
Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #57948 on: February 05, 2019, 04:22:03 PM »
Did that interviewer deliberately pick the "He's right you know" image for that interview?

Some dude on imgur did that. The real interview was on video

Some dude on imgur interviewed morgan freeman?!


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Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #57949 on: February 05, 2019, 04:23:47 PM »
(Image removed from quote.)
He's right, you know.

To be precise, as I have said thrice before, the right way to deal with the issue is to stop using the term race in any official or unofficial capacity because it has no scientific merit. There are no races.
And if there are no races, being racist makes no sense. The end.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2019, 05:03:50 PM by Occam »


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Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #57950 on: February 05, 2019, 04:24:41 PM »
that man's name?

Morgan Freeman


  • Dumbass Monkey
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Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #57951 on: February 05, 2019, 04:25:08 PM »

Ehh I mean this isn’t like Jessie Eisenberg levels bad

Is Jesse Eisenberg still the benchmark for "uhhhh holy shit" moments in press junkets?
Seems like recent events might have set a new standard...


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Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #57952 on: February 05, 2019, 04:25:18 PM »
I mean, is not true?

It also goes without saying and just keeps deflecting from the point.   Obviously it's not equal to actually going through with it, but his actions greatly increased the chance that he'd commit murder.   "Well he didn't commit a murder" isn't an argument against the fact his actions were incredibly concerning.

Anyways I think it's a good story and a super interesting moment of reflection personally;  and while for his personal sake he probably shouldn't have shared it's still interesting.

What would you say was the percent chance of committing murder, like, let's say Liam Neeson is at a baseline 1% chance to commit murder every day, but carrying around a beating stick gives him a sense of general empowerment which raises that chance to 3%

Now let's say if he was unarmed yet actively looking to commit murder on a particular day, the chance raises from 1% to 5%

However carrying a weapon might not increase the chance of murder by the same ratio, we might not be looking at 15% per se, and you also have to factor in the chance that the murder attempt might be unsuccessful and simply amount to assault, so we might be looking at numbers closer to 10%, let's say

Then you have to perform the math on the overall number of days he went around with that 10% chance in order to build a more complete picture of the sort of threat we're looking at here

At 1% chance per day for a week, there's about a 6.7% chance of murder every week he's not carrying a weapon with intent to kill

However at 10% chance per day for a week, it's closer to a 52.2% chance of murder every week he's carrying with death in his eyes, an astonishing increase of 45.5%

So I think that honestly reframes the conversation a bit


  • Dumbass Monkey
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Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #57953 on: February 05, 2019, 04:25:50 PM »
that man's name?

Morgan Freeman

(Image removed from quote.)

I loved him in Pulp Fiction


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Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #57954 on: February 05, 2019, 04:25:53 PM »
Morgan Freeman is persona non grata in Reee, though.

Oh, he is? What did he do?
I can't keep up with the unperson list any more

I thought it came out most of that shit was fabricated tho right? I can't keep up... :(

Dunno, I just remember he was kind of an asshole about it and some stuff seemed legit. I remember Silverster Stallone being the one with blatanty fabricated accusations.


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Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #57955 on: February 05, 2019, 04:29:00 PM »
that's some Scott Steiner level maths there, mate


  • Have You Ever
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Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #57956 on: February 05, 2019, 04:30:16 PM »
that man's name?

Morgan Freeman

(Image removed from quote.)

I loved him in Pulp Fiction

The film Pulp Fiction was made as an excuse for director Quentin Tarantulino to cameo in it for the sole purpose of getting away with saying nicca in front of everyone, as a white man

I think he's also into feet


  • Dumbass Monkey
  • Senior Member
Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #57957 on: February 05, 2019, 04:30:25 PM »
Two plus two is four.
minus one that's three.
quick maths.



  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #57958 on: February 05, 2019, 04:30:43 PM »
How many black people lived in Ireland during the 70s, other than the guy from Thin Lizzy?
There were hundreds of thousands but like, Liam Neeson either murdered them or drove them off in fear.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: Other Forums |OT| The Desperation For Outrage
« Reply #57959 on: February 05, 2019, 04:30:59 PM »
How many black people lived in Ireland during the 70s, other than the guy from Thin Lizzy?
There were hundreds of thousands but like, Liam Neeson either murdered them or drove them off in fear.
I once saw a movie with Liam Neeson in it. Stay safe.