Author Topic: Other Forums |OT| ~ B O R E V A L U E S ~  (Read 213796 times)

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Re: Other Forums |OT| ~ B O R E V A L U E S ~
« Reply #1800 on: March 07, 2019, 05:05:06 PM »
in Super Mario Bros. 3 he forces his kids onto warships to invade the Mushroom Kingdom

Maybe they’re canonically adults, just like James’s favorite squidgirls.

Turtles actually live longer than humans, so the bowser kids really are children, which is why they're not sexualized in any way


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Re: Other Forums |OT| ~ B O R E V A L U E S ~
« Reply #1801 on: March 07, 2019, 05:05:26 PM »
bork, this thread is a mess. There's been like 6 Other Forum links in the past 10 pages. Please clean it up, give Cream her own thread again. Feel free to delete James's posts that have 5 likes if that's what you have to do.

Hey, I tried to clean up the previous thread and just got shat on for it.

 :mouf :mouf :mouf


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Re: Other Forums |OT| ~ B O R E V A L U E S ~
« Reply #1802 on: March 07, 2019, 05:05:40 PM »
Hey, I tried to clean up the previous thread and just got shat on for it.
No one appreciates batman either


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Re: Other Forums |OT| ~ B O R E V A L U E S ~
« Reply #1803 on: March 07, 2019, 05:05:51 PM »
bork, this thread is a mess. There's been like 6 Other Forum links in the past 10 pages. Please clean it up, give Cream her own thread again. Feel free to delete James's posts that have 5 likes if that's what you have to do.

Hey, I tried to clean up the previous thread and just got shat on for it.

bork you know you will get shit on no matter what you do

there's a certain other person who always did the right thing regardless of public perception

:batman :batman :batman :batman :batman :batman :batman :batman :batman :batman


Man, you just get me so well.


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Re: Other Forums |OT| ~ B O R E V A L U E S ~
« Reply #1804 on: March 07, 2019, 05:06:26 PM »
Quote from: D i Z
Quote from: Kirblar
The idea that because bad actors are always going to throw shit out that you shouldn't try to adjust to good faith concerns is horrible.
In this situation would you be so kind as to do the sub division for us and define who are the bad actors and who is just flat out wrong? The situation is clearly defined historically.


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Re: Other Forums |OT| ~ B O R E V A L U E S ~
« Reply #1805 on: March 07, 2019, 05:07:12 PM »
A rag called jerusalem post is biased? Haaretz is the only reputable Israeli newspaper I've come across.
:gddr5 vilifying journalism :gddr5


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Re: Other Forums |OT| ~ B O R E V A L U E S ~
« Reply #1806 on: March 07, 2019, 05:08:39 PM »
What's the good faith concern here exactly?

I feel like I heard the same thing on a bunch of online forums back in 2014 when Gamergate was going on, in terms of "surely these people who have good faith concerns about women in games should be taken seriously", while that same level of concern and respect was never afforded to the victims of harassment. Which seems to be the same case with Omar here.
:rejoice GAMERGATE :rejoice


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Re: Other Forums |OT| ~ B O R E V A L U E S ~
« Reply #1807 on: March 07, 2019, 05:09:28 PM »
I got seven likes on a post the other day so really everything works out in the end

bork, if you need to go and delete this one too as part of the process, we all understand.


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Re: Other Forums |OT| ~ B O R E V A L U E S ~
« Reply #1808 on: March 07, 2019, 05:09:45 PM »
If you can't go an hour without rubbernecking the shitposts of irrelevant losers, ignore the slapfight and post links yourself.

....Hold up. Unban Jansen. He does nothing BUT post links. Problem solved!


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Re: Other Forums |OT| ~ B O R E V A L U E S ~
« Reply #1809 on: March 07, 2019, 05:10:03 PM »
bork, this thread is a mess. There's been like 6 Other Forum links in the past 10 pages. Please clean it up, give Cream her own thread again. Feel free to delete James's posts that have 5 likes if that's what you have to do.

Hey, I tried to clean up the previous thread and just got shat on for it.

bork you know you will get shit on no matter what you do

there's a certain other person who always did the right thing regardless of public perception

:batman :batman :batman :batman :batman :batman :batman :batman :batman :batman


Man, you just get me so well.

Cauliflower Of Love

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Re: Other Forums |OT| ~ B O R E V A L U E S ~
« Reply #1810 on: March 07, 2019, 05:10:44 PM »

Who the fuck wants the guy who lost to ted cruz to campaign for them?


That's like asking hillary to be a surrogate. (political surrogate i meant)


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Re: Other Forums |OT| ~ B O R E V A L U E S ~
« Reply #1811 on: March 07, 2019, 05:11:45 PM »


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