Author Topic: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible  (Read 4180749 times)

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  • Virgo. Live Music. The Office. Tacos. Fur mom. True crime junkie. INTJ.
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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #39120 on: August 24, 2019, 10:35:06 AM »
It is amazing that anyone knew anything before the widespread availability of the internet


I remember the bad old days of the mid-90s when knowledge was completely unobtainable :juicy

But at least climate change wasn’t a thing back then…


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #39122 on: August 24, 2019, 10:37:48 AM »


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #39123 on: August 24, 2019, 10:39:26 AM »
No they aren’t. No one is going to post a list because of how
Easily disseminated and mocked it will be.


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #39124 on: August 24, 2019, 10:41:07 AM »


  • Dumbass Monkey
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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #39125 on: August 24, 2019, 10:47:32 AM »
How does this man manage to make every post of his the forum equivalent of an all-you-can-eat buffet where everything is gruel ?


When I was a kid, if you didn't know the answer to a question, that was it. You just didn't get to know.

Want to learn the lyrics to a popular song you heard on the radio? Too bad.
Not sure how far away the Burger King is from the school? Oh well.
Want to check if it's true there are no poisonous snakes indigenous to your state? Not happening.

Before the ubiquitous nature of information, you simply couldn't know things.

And before people say "well you could use a map" where the heck was a 12 year old going to find a town map? It's not like Pokémon where your neighbor's sister has plenty on hand.

Finding the answer to anything that popped in your head was often time consuming, required you to buy something, and required travel. It is amazing that anyone knew anything before the widespread availability of the internet. There were so many things that I wished I could learn about when I was a little kid that I straight up couldn't and it's wild to think how different it is now.

jesus christ, why is he fronting like he's from the fucking middle ages?
If only there was some kind of book with phone numbers listing local businesses and their address!
If only that book was easily obtainable, and on literally every street corner in a phone booth!
If only there was some kind of repository of knowledge, like, some kind of book lending store, where you could look up information without buying things!


  • Do the moron
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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #39126 on: August 24, 2019, 10:52:50 AM »
Encyclopedias ? Is this an off brand copy of Wikipedia ?

It's not so much what he says than his terrible stiff, emphasis heavy writing style


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #39129 on: August 24, 2019, 11:01:06 AM »
I don't really understand why they wouldn't make clear who is and isn't "cancelled" by ERA. It helps avoids needless bans and dogpiles. Not everyone is going through social media with a fine toothed comb on a daily basis looking for excuses to 'cancel' people, even on ERA. We all know people like Boogie or Colin Moriarty are banned on ERA, so why not make it official?


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #39130 on: August 24, 2019, 11:03:54 AM »
“We do not have a list of banned sources to share at this time” implies that a list does exist.


  • Dumbass Monkey
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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #39131 on: August 24, 2019, 11:04:46 AM »
I don't really understand why they wouldn't make clear who is and isn't "cancelled" by ERA. It helps avoids needless bans and dogpiles. Not everyone is going through social media with a fine toothed comb on a daily basis looking for excuses to 'cancel' people, even on ERA. We all know people like Boogie or Colin Moriarty are banned on ERA, so why not make it official?

Can't arbitrarily shut down conversations if formal rules of discussion are established



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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #39132 on: August 24, 2019, 11:05:33 AM »
To be fair I don't think they've been actioning people posting "content ERA is not providing a platform to", just closing the threads but you'd think you would at least cut on some unnecessary busywork if users had a list and could avoid bothering with doomed to closure threads.

I don't know if it is laziness, incompetence, convenience or fear of ridicule but it is getting absurd.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2019, 11:11:35 AM by VomKriege »


  • Dumbass Monkey
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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #39133 on: August 24, 2019, 11:09:29 AM »
She literally unironically uses the term "SJW."

 :noooo :brazilcry :exxy

at this point in 2019sstupidfuckingculturewar it seems the only person who hasn't eyerolled at 'sjws' are the people the term is specifically mocking


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #39134 on: August 24, 2019, 11:11:02 AM »
“We do not have a list of banned sources to share at this time” implies that a list does exist.

Not necessarily. Could mean there is no formal list.
It's a non-committal statement at its finest.


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #39135 on: August 24, 2019, 11:11:21 AM »


Cauliflower Of Love

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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #39136 on: August 24, 2019, 11:12:20 AM »
Nudemac is only like 32 or something, but that’s ancient in gay years. :donot
Thankfully I’m completely and wholly straight.



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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #39137 on: August 24, 2019, 11:12:45 AM »
She literally unironically uses the term "SJW."

 :noooo :brazilcry :exxy

at this point in 2019sstupidfuckingculturewar it seems the only person who hasn't eyerolled at 'sjws' are the people the term is specifically mocking

SJW gonna SJW.

Cauliflower Of Love

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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #39138 on: August 24, 2019, 11:25:00 AM »
How does this man manage to make every post of his the forum equivalent of an all-you-can-eat buffet where everything is gruel ?

Jesus, dude just gave up no wanting to know things that easy?



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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #39139 on: August 24, 2019, 11:32:43 AM »
She literally unironically uses the term "SJW."

 :noooo :brazilcry :exxy

at this point in 2019sstupidfuckingculturewar it seems the only person who hasn't eyerolled at 'sjws' are the people the term is specifically mocking

SJW gonna SJW.
I just don't know why they don't tire of this endless war they are constantly waging. Seems incredibly exhausting to even pay attention to these Youtube goobers.  Move on with your lives. After Gamergate there seems to be have been an overreaction that has never quite left the community.  It's almost like a religion of sorts. Constant IN and OUT group dynamics at play there. Would make an interesting PhD thesis.


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #39140 on: August 24, 2019, 11:36:20 AM »
Imagine a place where you have to privately check with authorities whether you may or may not discuss something.

Straight Edge

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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #39141 on: August 24, 2019, 11:58:14 AM »
Keanu's beard does the heavy lifting for him. Without it he definitely looks 10 years older.
Oi Oi


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #39142 on: August 24, 2019, 12:04:37 PM »
When I was a kid, if you didn't know the answer to a question, that was it. You just didn't get to know.
You could ask?  :thinking

Want to learn the lyrics to a popular song you heard on the radio? Too bad.
Weren't these printed in CD cases back in the day? :thinking

Not sure how far away the Burger King is from the school? Oh well.
You could call and ask? :thinking

Want to check if it's true there are no poisonous snakes indigenous to your state? Not happening.
You could ask? :thinking

Before the ubiquitous nature of information, you simply couldn't know things.
Books and newspapers exist?  :-\

And before people say "well you could use a map" where the heck was a 12 year old going to find a town map? It's not like Pokémon where your neighbor's sister has plenty on hand.
In a store and most people certainly had maps? :thinking

Finding the answer to anything that popped in your head was often time consuming, required you to buy something, and required travel.

It is amazing that anyone knew anything before the widespread availability of the internet. There were so many things that I wished I could learn about when I was a little kid that I straight up couldn't and it's wild to think how different it is now.
It's wild to think how different information gathering is in 2019 yes but you could know PLENTY OF SHIT even before the internet was invented.


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #39143 on: August 24, 2019, 12:10:11 PM »
Why are SJW's so offended by "SJW"?

I don't even think it's just insane left people who are SJW's. It's also right wing people. The gamergate people complain about "SJW's" but what did they do the other day? Well, they review bombed Ion Fury for "folding to SJW's". Review bombing because it doesn't fit a specific agenda, doxxing;etc. is SJW behavior. Doesn't matter what the color the stripe. SJW-ism is politically agnostic.


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #39144 on: August 24, 2019, 12:31:39 PM »
Funny thing is, they constant swear the term "SJW" is a silly insult and they aren't bothered by it. Yet when someone says "SJW" in a serious manner, they don't laugh at that person, instead they get angry, upset, and want that person banned/cancelled ASAP. So, "SJW" will continue to be used if only because people react to it like this:
Quote from: Crossing Eden
She literally unironically uses the term "SJW."


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #39145 on: August 24, 2019, 12:37:27 PM »
I mean, Reset Era is hardly left. Just yesterday they were hoping for US military intervention in Brazil because of the Amazon. They were hoping for war, with America using its imperialist pimp hand. Hardly left. SJW as fuck though.


Look at the fat activism I've been posting. They say before and after weight loss pics are "triggering", that you can be healthy at every size. They're SJW's. This doesn't mean social justice or social activism is wrong. Just that they're extremists who flex their activism in regressive ways.

Accept that you're SJW's, Reset. :snob
« Last Edit: August 24, 2019, 12:42:20 PM by Cindi Mayweather »


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #39146 on: August 24, 2019, 12:45:04 PM »
Most people behave like SJW these days, especially on the internet.

I'm like one of the few who certainly isn't a SJW.  8)

However, it is much easier to behave like an SJW and be offended about everything and agree with millions of others that something is offensive.
The Ree's are SJW's because that's the easiest class you can pick in the culture wars.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2019, 12:49:29 PM by Nintex »


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #39147 on: August 24, 2019, 12:55:24 PM »
The reason it's a bad term is because it's often used as a catch-all slur against the people airing real grievances that really should be addressed, and whose anger is justified. That's why I never use the term.

There really ought to be a term that specifically singles out the people who take advocacy to the extreme and ruin the movement by making it seem like they are all a bunch of unreasonable, unthinking nuts. For instance, whatever mod banned this user:


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #39148 on: August 24, 2019, 12:57:15 PM »

Thread is full of "omg really?! he looks like, 30!!1!".

Reminder, this is Kojima these days:

(Image removed from quote.)

I don't know what those mofos are smoking :lol

:bow King :bow2


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #39149 on: August 24, 2019, 01:12:46 PM »
The reason it's a bad term is because it's often used as a catch-all slur against the people airing real grievances that really should be addressed, and whose anger is justified. That's why I never use the term.

There really ought to be a term that specifically singles out the people who take advocacy to the extreme and ruin the movement by making it seem like they are all a bunch of unreasonable, unthinking nuts. For instance, whatever mod banned this user:

SJW is used as a catch all slur against anyone with real grievances?

Problem is, thanks to social media, most who have real grievances also act like unreasonable, unthinking nuts. Many people in Black Lives Matter bring up good points and arguments against police brutality. But then most in the movement also think all white people are racist and that black people can't be racist. 

The Reset Amazon fire thread from yesterday is a great example. They care about the Amazon which is great. But then they also think America should invade Brazil because of it. So having a reasonable view and having a ridiculous, SJW-ish view isn't really that uncommon.

Much easier to just call them SJW's.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2019, 01:17:28 PM by Cindi Mayweather »


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #39150 on: August 24, 2019, 01:15:40 PM »
I don't really understand why they wouldn't make clear who is and isn't "cancelled" by ERA. It helps avoids needless bans and dogpiles. Not everyone is going through social media with a fine toothed comb on a daily basis looking for excuses to 'cancel' people, even on ERA. We all know people like Boogie or Colin Moriarty are banned on ERA, so why not make it official?

If they make it official for all to see, some devs who haven’t heard of the site might stumble upon them one day and the lunacy of who is banned and why will scare them away.


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #39151 on: August 24, 2019, 01:20:58 PM »
With SJW's it's all about their dumb feelings and entitlements.

There's an ever growing list of things you must do or must agree with which is not up for debate (unless they say it is, within the tiny constraints they've set for the debate).
The only way to improve is to get challenged, debate and come up with new ideas after looking at topics from multiple points of view. Sometimes I find myself agreeing with people I never thought I would agree with.
However, for the SJW's that will never happen and they grow in numbers (because it is much easier to just conform to group-think and be accepted than making up your own mind).

ResetEra is funnily enough sort of a preview of the direction society as whole in moving in.
On the other hand there's a counter movement of ever more 'radical' free thinkers.

Imagine what sort of following Charles Manson could've had if he had a YouTube channel and Podcast in our day and age. 


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Mr. Nobody

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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #39153 on: August 24, 2019, 01:25:32 PM »
The reason it's a bad term is because it's often used as a catch-all slur against the people airing real grievances that really should be addressed, and whose anger is justified. That's why I never use the term.

There really ought to be a term that specifically singles out the people who take advocacy to the extreme and ruin the movement by making it seem like they are all a bunch of unreasonable, unthinking nuts. For instance, whatever mod banned this user:

SJW is used as a catch all slur against anyone with real grievances?

Problem is, thanks to social media, most who have real grievances also act like unreasonable, unthinking nuts. Many people in Black Lives Matter bring up good points and arguments against police brutality. But then most in the movement also think all white people are racist and that black people can't be racist. 

The Reset Amazon fire thread from yesterday is a great example. They care about the Amazon which is great. But then they also think America should invade Brazil because of it. So having a reasonable view and having a ridiculous, SJW-ish view isn't really that uncommon.

Much easier to just call them SJW's.

So the few that are represent the whole?  :brain


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #39154 on: August 24, 2019, 01:27:15 PM »
On the other hand there's a counter movement of ever more 'radical' free thinkers.

People like Ben Shapiro are far from free thinkers.

The reason it's a bad term is because it's often used as a catch-all slur against the people airing real grievances that really should be addressed, and whose anger is justified. That's why I never use the term.

There really ought to be a term that specifically singles out the people who take advocacy to the extreme and ruin the movement by making it seem like they are all a bunch of unreasonable, unthinking nuts. For instance, whatever mod banned this user:

SJW is used as a catch all slur against anyone with real grievances?

Problem is, thanks to social media, most who have real grievances also act like unreasonable, unthinking nuts. Many people in Black Lives Matter bring up good points and arguments against police brutality. But then most in the movement also think all white people are racist and that black people can't be racist. 

The Reset Amazon fire thread from yesterday is a great example. They care about the Amazon which is great. But then they also think America should invade Brazil because of it. So having a reasonable view and having a ridiculous, SJW-ish view isn't really that uncommon.

Much easier to just call them SJW's.

So the few that are represent the whole?  :brain

How do you know if it's just a few? BLM is definitely idpol sjw-ism. Have you been to a BLM meeting irl or a BLM protest?


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #39155 on: August 24, 2019, 01:28:28 PM »


Oh wait, OP clarified.

She calls herself a monster because she can't have children. Literally comparing being unable to have kids to being a rampaging hulk...


:confused :confused

Don Rumata

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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #39156 on: August 24, 2019, 01:30:42 PM »


Oh wait, OP clarified.

She calls herself a monster because she can't have children. Literally comparing being unable to have kids to being a rampaging hulk...


:confused :confused
Capeshit movies really do rot your brain!  :pika


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #39157 on: August 24, 2019, 01:55:24 PM »
Jesus, how are all these "you are looking to be offended" comments even allowed on this board. What good kind of discussion does that bring? Feel like sometimes this forum can be just as bad as the old one when discussing certain things.

OP right now


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #39158 on: August 24, 2019, 02:00:15 PM »
I mean, Reset Era is hardly left. Just yesterday they were hoping for US military intervention in Brazil because of the Amazon. They were hoping for war, with America using its imperialist pimp hand. Hardly left. SJW as fuck though.


Look at the fat activism I've been posting. They say before and after weight loss pics are "triggering", that you can be healthy at every size. They're SJW's. This doesn't mean social justice or social activism is wrong. Just that they're extremists who flex their activism in regressive ways.

Accept that you're SJW's, Reset. :snob

they're insane, not good people as seen by innate belligerence


  • Haughty and a little naughty
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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #39159 on: August 24, 2019, 02:02:04 PM »


I like how the thread starts of with a bunch of people agreeing and nodding their heads until someone calls bullshit


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #39160 on: August 24, 2019, 02:05:33 PM »
This thread is not leading to productive discussion and is closed to further replies


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #39161 on: August 24, 2019, 02:36:11 PM »
I mean, Reset Era is hardly left. Just yesterday they were hoping for US military intervention in Brazil because of the Amazon. They were hoping for war, with America using its imperialist pimp hand. Hardly left. SJW as fuck though.


Look at the fat activism I've been posting. They say before and after weight loss pics are "triggering", that you can be healthy at every size. They're SJW's. This doesn't mean social justice or social activism is wrong. Just that they're extremists who flex their activism in regressive ways.

Accept that you're SJW's, Reset. :snob

They’re largely center-right corporatists and authoritarians.


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #39162 on: August 24, 2019, 02:38:04 PM »
Imagine a place where you have to privately check with authorities whether you may or may not discuss something.

(Image removed from quote.)

also if you do as told and PM a moderator once a week regarding a post you're making and whether it's appropriate, you'll get banned for pestering them

because anyone who doesn't already know which topics are approved is being disingenuous in their desire to find out


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #39163 on: August 24, 2019, 02:40:44 PM »
This thread is not leading to productive discussion and is closed to further replies

also what the fuck is productive discussion

is it a thread that you present to the public at large and say LOOK


look at this shining example of insightful conversation among humans, they really got to the heart of this matter

what the fuck is productive discussion


  • Do the moron
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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #39165 on: August 24, 2019, 02:56:46 PM »
we have our own opinion
do not compare us to Neogaf. We stay here for a good reason, same as yours.

Oh no the alt right Russian Polish avatarless sub 10k post counts bots are getting bolder !
Mods do something you cowards !


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #39166 on: August 24, 2019, 02:59:53 PM »
When kitchenmotors doesn't even entertain your outrage, you know it's time to pack it up I guess.


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #39167 on: August 24, 2019, 03:24:59 PM »
Taking the name of a plan spearheaded by a female colleague for his own plan strikes me as bad form.



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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #39168 on: August 24, 2019, 03:29:33 PM »
Isn't "female" frowned upon on ERA?  :shaking


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #39169 on: August 24, 2019, 03:32:37 PM »
These plans continue to not support nuclear energy pisses me off.
Dumbass hippies and arguably The Simpsons have sadly poisoned all discussion of nuclear energy

*Chernobyl and Fukushima radiate awkwardly in the corner*


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #39170 on: August 24, 2019, 03:34:16 PM »
As a side note, living in a country where nuclear power is prominent : it's not a panacea and managing it has its own set of issues (dismantling the plants is still an arduous, not properly mastered process. And waste obviously.). And I'm far from being a nuclear catastrophist. Please someone educate me if I'm wrong but it's also my understanding that Uranium isn't readily available to the point that we could imagine phasing out a big share of coal/oil/gas plants tomorrow with reactors in all major countries.


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #39171 on: August 24, 2019, 03:34:18 PM »
Isn't "female" frowned upon on ERA?  :shaking
Not when it's used like the adjective it is. I hope.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2019, 03:43:13 PM by Rufus »


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #39172 on: August 24, 2019, 03:36:58 PM »
These plans continue to not support nuclear energy pisses me off.
Dumbass hippies and arguably The Simpsons have sadly poisoned all discussion of nuclear energy

*Chernobyl and Fukushima radiate awkwardly in the corner*

How can a group of people frequenting a website that literally didn't exist in 2016 still be so mad at Bernie Sanders. Its almost as if that they didn't leave on masse from neogaf is a lie. 2020 going to come and go and we're going to find out that reretera still going to somehow be a top 10 website stumping for Hillary Clinton.


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #39173 on: August 24, 2019, 03:40:35 PM »


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #39174 on: August 24, 2019, 03:40:49 PM »

That's from 2009 so maybe outdated but my understanding is that indeed we couldn't suddenly triple or quadruple the number of reactors without shortening availability dramatically.


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #39175 on: August 24, 2019, 03:42:13 PM »
THQ Nordic voted 'Best Games Company' of Gamescom 2019

 :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

The first few posts on ResetEra at least demonstrate that part of the community is in on the joke.


  • Nebuchadnezzar
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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #39176 on: August 24, 2019, 03:42:35 PM »
sjws going to sjw, just ignore the fuckwits


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #39177 on: August 24, 2019, 03:44:28 PM »


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #39178 on: August 24, 2019, 03:45:07 PM »
THQ Nordic voted 'Best Games Company' of Gamescom 2019

 :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

Further proof that literally no one outside of RE gives a fuck about the 8chan thing


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #39179 on: August 24, 2019, 03:45:10 PM »
I mean, look at all the people in this thread who's first instinct was to grab popcorn for the lulz instead of give a damn. Everything wrong with the world right now.
