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Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake
« Reply #420 on: March 03, 2020, 04:25:42 PM »
red zombies :lawd


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Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake
« Reply #421 on: March 03, 2020, 04:30:30 PM »
red zombies :lawd

REmake too scary :brazilcry

And the thing about REmake is that it basically PERFECTED a formula. FFVII Remake, by all rights, should be Final Fantasy PERFECTED. That is a reasonable expectation for a game of its caliber. Instead, it has less AI features (from our knowledge before full release) than gambits. The combat isn't as good as X-2. No murmurings of how the materia system is in any way an improvement over the original.


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Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake
« Reply #422 on: March 03, 2020, 04:38:03 PM »
that's my (ironic) point. ff7 was always mids gameplay, it's fair to want better or even to expect better, but it is a remake :yeshrug

the entire game's legacy was not some crazy innovation in play. it was a show off piece in production values and storytelling. if you're saying that it sucks on its own merit, that's fine. but expecting entire portions of a remade game to be big departures from what they actually are - see Triumph's comments on midgar - is nonsensical.

Remakes should be better. REmake is better by leaps and bounds. It's reasonable to expect gameplay to improve. The gameplay has not improved at all.
RE2 remake was great but it wasn't "better." It was a modern take on an old game that stayed faithful to old game design elements while adding in new game design and extremely polished visuals. Modern remakes strive to be more like this since it makes more sense as a marketable product and the fans that are unhappy were never going to be satisfied in the first place. If you want to replay FF7 you can go back and do that. Calling the battle system garbage based on an hour long demo sorta implies that yall were going to hate it no matter what since it isn't turn-based.

Goes without saying

What the fuck is the point of a demo if it's not to judge and guage gameplay experiences that reflect the entire game? Your argument is "you gotta play the full game for blank amount of hours to reasonably say it's not good for you."

Your own argument can be used against you, you were gonna give this game a chance regardless of what this demo was. IIt's on Square Enix to make the game appealing in one hour, ten minutes, ten seconds, whatever amount of time.

Also, RE3 Remake is looking like it's going to completely dunk on the original, an improvement in any and every way possible. RE2 Remake is the best survival horror game this gen thus far. FFVIIR is going to be a middling RPG and a middling action game.


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Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake
« Reply #423 on: March 03, 2020, 04:45:00 PM »
BTW I dled RE2 remake demo along with FFVII remake demo. I played RE2 remake demo just a few minutes ago. It's not the same as the old formula but get this - it's GOOD. If you're going to deviate from the old formula make the new version good and fun to play.

I forgot how much FF fans are willing to excuse anything about that series. Probably more blind, naive, and just overall fanboyish than even Sonic fans.


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Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake
« Reply #424 on: March 03, 2020, 04:52:27 PM »
that's my (ironic) point. ff7 was always mids gameplay, it's fair to want better or even to expect better, but it is a remake :yeshrug

the entire game's legacy was not some crazy innovation in play. it was a show off piece in production values and storytelling. if you're saying that it sucks on its own merit, that's fine. but expecting entire portions of a remade game to be big departures from what they actually are - see Triumph's comments on midgar - is nonsensical.

Remakes should be better. REmake is better by leaps and bounds. It's reasonable to expect gameplay to improve. The gameplay has not improved at all.
RE2 remake was great but it wasn't "better." It was a modern take on an old game that stayed faithful to old game design elements while adding in new game design and extremely polished visuals. Modern remakes strive to be more like this since it makes more sense as a marketable product and the fans that are unhappy were never going to be satisfied in the first place. If you want to replay FF7 you can go back and do that. Calling the battle system garbage based on an hour long demo sorta implies that yall were going to hate it no matter what since it isn't turn-based.
What the fuck is the point of a demo if it's not to judge and guage gameplay experiences that reflect the entire game? Your argument is "you gotta play the full game for blank amount of hours to reasonably say it's not good for you."

Cmon bruh this isn't a new franchise, the point of this demo is to create a social media marketing blast and remind people it's releasing soon, not show off the depth of the battle system. It's the very start of the game for maximum nostalgia.

Your own argument can be used against you, you were gonna give this game a chance regardless of what this demo was. IIt's on Square Enix to make the game appealing in one hour, ten minutes, ten seconds, whatever amount of time.

Also, RE3 Remake is looking like it's going to completely dunk on the original, an improvement in any and every way possible. RE2 Remake is the best survival horror game this gen thus far. FFVIIR is going to be a middling RPG and a middling action game.

Idk what you're trying to say with the bold but my point is that they can't make an REmake style game for Final Fantasy with this kind of budget. REmake came out in 2002 and had trouble selling back then, FF7's gameplay would be utterly shat on by mainstream gamers in 2020.


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Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake
« Reply #425 on: March 03, 2020, 05:18:24 PM »
I see, you don't judge game demos, demo for demonstration, for their presentation and slices of gameplay, rather, you judge...nothing about the game and treat it as a gift from publishers and designers. Got it.  :doge


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Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake
« Reply #426 on: March 03, 2020, 05:52:21 PM »
i can't think of a single turn based jrpg where the battle system felt compelling in the first 5-10 hours.

i won't play this game for a long time most likely. but it does seem a lil' premature to right it off as shallow based on this given the genre.

Coffee Dog

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Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake
« Reply #427 on: March 03, 2020, 06:13:45 PM »
i can't think of a single turn based jrpg where the battle system felt compelling in the first 5-10 hours.

i won't play this game for a long time most likely. but it does seem a lil' premature to right it off as shallow based on this given the genre.

I mean, if it was a turn based JRPG, I'd totally get where you're coming from. But it's largely an action game, you're spending most of the game hitting square and triangle and dodging and blocking. And when those core mechanics that you will presumably using for all 30 hours handle below what you'd expect, you can absolutely say that would impact the whole game.

I mean, think about how they could improve the simplicity across those thirty hours. Cloud doesn't have like, a move list like other action games, filled with light and heavy attack strings. You arent going to be unlocking a Stinger or Air Hike that will improve his ability to do basic shit. The most you could hope for is a useful skill or magic, but that costs ATB! Back to mashing that square button combo.

The materia system is still a big fat unknown, and that could alter the character's abilities beyond just stat changes, but I doubt they'd sandbag the default player character that way.


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Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake
« Reply #428 on: March 03, 2020, 06:26:57 PM »
i can't think of a single turn based jrpg where the battle system felt compelling in the first 5-10 hours.

i won't play this game for a long time most likely. but it does seem a lil' premature to right it off as shallow based on this given the genre.

Play more hardcore dungeon crawlers.

Ask me for recs.


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Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake
« Reply #429 on: March 03, 2020, 06:32:43 PM »
Haven't tried it yet myself, but from the sound of it, I'm glad it's at least not this anymore...

Classic or not, this shit always drove me nuts.

Besides... turnbased combat in JRPG's peaked with Grandia 2.  It didn't get any better than that.


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Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake
« Reply #430 on: March 03, 2020, 06:35:17 PM »
so what I'm getting from this discussion is we should wait for critical mode DLC?


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Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake
« Reply #431 on: March 03, 2020, 06:39:04 PM »
Cindi, it’s one thing to dislike a game. It’s another to be so obnoxious in your dislike that you need to label those who don’t agree in a way that lessens them. I know a lot about being obnoxious, but I also know that’s what kind of ticks me off about you when jrpg discussions happen. I’ve stayed away from this thread because I’m going through a lot of personal shit myself right now and while I understand you are very sercure in your opinions, liking a game does not mean you have low standards or take anything.

I'm a Puppy!

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Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake
« Reply #432 on: March 03, 2020, 07:56:50 PM »
BTW I dled RE2 remake demo along with FFVII remake demo. I played RE2 remake demo just a few minutes ago. It's not the same as the old formula but get this - it's GOOD. If you're going to deviate from the old formula make the new version good and fun to play.

I forgot how much FF fans are willing to excuse anything about that series. Probably more blind, naive, and just overall fanboyish than even Sonic fans.
Cindi really is the beret wearing Lisa Simpson of the bore.


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Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake
« Reply #433 on: March 03, 2020, 09:24:54 PM »
....There's Sonic fans?


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Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake
« Reply #434 on: March 04, 2020, 12:21:45 AM »
Most JRPGs are mash X to win thousands of pointless random encounters, so I don't know why people are so upset about this game being more in line with that mentality than with Devil May Cry.

It is weird how surprised by this so many of you are. Did you not play a Square RPG after FFXII?

My legit complaint is how much of a step backwards the NPC AI is from FFXV, it feels a lot more like KH3 where Goofy and Donald are mostly worthless. I hope that they provide at least some tuning settings for AI in the final game but I sort of doubt it.


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Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake
« Reply #435 on: March 04, 2020, 12:39:24 AM »
You have like zero interesting combat options in FF7 until at the earliest after you get out of Midgar and start getting Enemy Skills. You get the following materia in Midgar:

Enemy Skill (no skills available until you leave Midgar)

I think there's like 2, maybe 3 items that you can toss for spell effects as well.


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Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake
« Reply #437 on: March 04, 2020, 12:55:01 AM »
You have like zero interesting combat options in FF7 until at the earliest after you get out of Midgar and start getting Enemy Skills. You get the following materia in Midgar:

Enemy Skill (no skills available until you leave Midgar)

I think there's like 2, maybe 3 items that you can toss for spell effects as well.

"FFVII gameplay isn't  interesting until you leave Midgar" isn't really a cogent argument given that this is a remake. That doesn't really make the gameplay presented within the demo good.

I have played many, many FF demos. VIII, X, XII, XIII, XV. They all are a pretty approximate estimation of the final games gameplay even if some features are cut.

Even though X's demo was just Zanarkand and Besaid, I still had fun with it and really enjoy messing with the CTB mechanics.

A games gameplay doesn't have to be full featured to be fun to be people.

Again, this is an argument of options. Which no one is making. What people are arguing is what's under the hood: the basics of the system. Having extra icing means jack shit if you think the cake tastes like ass.


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Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake
« Reply #438 on: March 04, 2020, 01:09:00 AM »
I don't know really what to say. I don't want to downplay anyones feedback which is "you just mash attack". Because at the end of the day, you do. But I guess my perspective is well I'm not sure what you'd expect from an action rpg. I mean I play Ys games and at the end of the day you just mash attack and dodge. With some of them requiring switching of party members and/or weapons. And its fun, they keep me on my toes and usually provide more interesting worlds, world building, story, adventure feeling or whatever then the more pure action game like Devil May Cry does.

So I'm not expecting DMC from this, though I doubt any of the people against this are either.

What I got was a pretty fine controlling action rpg that kept me on my toes...A lot of mashing attack which yeah I could see being tiring, but I don't know, I mashed X a lot, had to switch to Barret for Crowd control or taking out flying enemies, or to use his materia abilities,  dodged the well telegraphed attacks like the bossess electricity attacks, switched to Cloud's more damage dealing mode to take advantage of the stagger or when behind enemies and so on, and used abilities when the ATB was ready. I can only assume with more characters, more abilities, and enemies that are designed to do otherwise I'll be doing more and have to be on my toes more. I don't know it seems like a perfectly fine action rpg. It's not going to have the more possible strategic elements of a turn based game by definition. But I mean a lot of battles in FFVII were just me spamming attack with some magic here and there. It wasn't the most involved game either.  Which yeah I understand by making it more "involved" it's also stretchered out the battles. Instead of clicking attack, I know have to mash attack a lot. I guess I don't really care because now the "mindless" fight is more well dynamic. Feeling like I'm actively attacking is going to feel different then a menu select.  And if your not down with that, thats fine. It's not going to be Souls, Bayonetta, or Devil May Cry. But I dont see how it's worse then Ys, Witcher, Kingdom Hearts, Odin Sphere or even Tales even if you put in fighting game like button combinations. I'm rarely interested in anything beyond doing the combos over and over again in those games.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2020, 01:38:23 AM by Rahxephon91 »


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Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake
« Reply #439 on: March 04, 2020, 04:26:35 AM »
I don't know really what to say. I don't want to downplay anyones feedback which is "you just mash attack". Because at the end of the day, you do. But I guess my perspective is well I'm not sure what you'd expect from an action rpg.


Jrpgs are my favorite genre. The type of rpgs I like? Battle system rpgs and dungeon crawlers.

The fundamentals of jrpgs are:

1. resource management

2. item management (which ties in resources)

3. fight or flight

You can flight but that will limit your ability to level. Fighting too much over levels you. You have to decide between a limited pool of money to decide between weapons, armor, magic, and items for survival. This is why the Dragon Quest formula initially made famous and one jrpgs to this day use is town -> dungeon -> town -> dungeon. It's a way to keep the challenging steady. I may only have 500 gold for this amount so I can't afford to buy all the best weapons in this town. I can only pick one, and I need to buy more items. I'll have to forego an upgrade to survive to the next town. These three elements work in synergy. So, if you're a bad rpg player you can grind. But if you like a challenge like myself, you can make minute to minute decisions that will impact your journey an hour later.

In an action rpg, resources are tied to:

1. movement

2. attacks (distance/delay)

3. traditional resource pool like items.

It's not like time turn based games where things are more stat based because you can simply avoid an attack with movement.

This is why in Souls games, there's a stamina bar. Because you need a resource to create risk-reward.

As for your question, in what way, in this battle am I just spamming attack?

Enemies have movesets, hitboxes, patterns. A whole new assortment of things to think about you wouldn't in a turn based game.




Hitbox knowledge.


Moveset knowledge.

When to heal.

When to attack.

What do I expect from an action rpg?


Monster Hunter is in the same category.

The original FFVII is a pretty banal game. I can beat most enemies just holding down attack. Personally, in order for me to get a challenge from it is to make self challenges like getting Beta when you first encounter Midgar Zolom at level 15 or whatever.

Because I enjoy that challenge in an jrpg. So when you remake the most famous jrpg of all time, I kind of expect them to improve it. I mean, if you've got the utter balls to change a turn based game to an action based game, it should be a good replacement, correct? Yet despite the flaw of being too easy I still find the original FFVII to be fun.

Ys games are fun to me. It's also something you can't just mash. It's not DMC, nor is it Souls. But it's fun to me.

Sometimes easy is fun. Just because something is mindless doesn't make it bad. But having such low expectations that action rpg just means mashing attack sets a pretty low bar. Mindless can be fun. But it can also be very not fun. Long drawn out fights, just holding square to attack, positioning not mattering much, sluggish/stiff controls. It's just not fun to play. It doesn't even feel good to play.

Action rpgs means competition these days and the gameplay presented in the demo isn't good enough nor fun enough to justify such a rapid departure.

I'll sign off with another video from another game that's not a mindless arpg.

Also to end,"I guess my perspective is well I'm not sure what you'd expect from an action rpg". After all these years of arguing and defending FFVII Remake's change to an action rpg system...and, you don't understand why anyone would expect anything more than mash attack from an action rpg? So you defended a game this long full well having such a low opinion of action rpgs to begin with?

If you don't think mashing in an action rpg should matter much it means gameplay clearly isn't one of your higher priorities. Most people here who don't like the action rpg gameplay are jrpg fans that like jrpg for gameplay. Numbers, choices, risk-reward, do I leave this dungeon now to save face or should I continue and risk it all for glory?

We are here.

You are here.

This isn't to shit on you or a judgement but it's only to explain such a wide gulf in priorities. Some like spectacle, cool stories, anime dudes with swords, Honey Bee Inn fuckery. They're in for the experience.

But please understand, not all jrpg fans much less Final Fantasy fans have the same priorities. That also isn't to say that gameplay jrpg fans don't or can't enjoy story or that story jrpg fans can't or won't appreciate gameplay. But we tend to fall somewhere on a scale.

So if you're confused why people place priority on the action rpg system being good this explains why: we simply just have different tastes and priorities in our rpgs. Not a single person here brought up Devil May Cry nor does anyone expect Devil May Cry.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2020, 04:46:10 AM by Cindi Mayweather »


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Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake
« Reply #440 on: March 04, 2020, 04:44:22 AM »
I played, beat, and enjoyed Xenosaga Episode 1 and Shin Megami Tensi 3. I've played and beaten End of Eternity twice now. I was into the Souls games far before you felt the need to make a thread to highlight how you are into them. I've spent hours upon hours in Dragon Quarter. I still probably play the majority of JRPGs that come out.

You do not get to tell me what I am and what I like.

I do not find the Remake to be just a mash action rpg more so then any other action rpg. You do. I do not care. I will enjoy the game regardless. You will not.


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Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake
« Reply #441 on: March 04, 2020, 05:16:49 AM »
I think we can all agree this will be mediocre and wont be able to touch the original


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Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake
« Reply #442 on: March 04, 2020, 05:33:27 AM »
the problem we have here, is new fans claim to love VII but really they have ADHD and only know the characters from fucking kingdom hearts so can't handle "boring" turn based systems.
Like fuck offffff, the demo is fine, but ehh I feel like this shit if properly classic turn based would have been so much better than said kingdom hearts like nonsense.


Can't wait for the dead Aeris collectable figure that'll be bundled with part four in 20 years.


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Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake
« Reply #443 on: March 04, 2020, 09:36:02 AM »
main issue is understanding most people in US don't usually want turn-based jrpg mechanics these days. pretty sure they would have the data to back this up. 

I do think they could have done a better job bolting an option on, but as people have said we haven't seen much past the intro. I kind of like the mashup, but so far i don't think it's done particularly well...the scorpion fight was pretty tedious IMO. hoping it fleshes out more, am ok waiting for impressions.

I think they were smart to do a demo. it's kicking up a lot of conversation and getting a lot of people to try it. plus gets some bad reactions out of the way, although it will absolutely be review-bombed to hell and back.
even though people know what they are getting.
unless it ends up being 6 hours long or something.  :lol


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Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake
« Reply #445 on: March 04, 2020, 12:36:28 PM »
Eating terrible candy and rotting your teeth for throwaway DLC :lawd


  • Nebuchadnezzar
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Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake
« Reply #446 on: March 04, 2020, 01:33:33 PM »
Demi, hook me up 🥺

Mr Gilhaney

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Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake
« Reply #447 on: March 04, 2020, 04:55:41 PM »
Well I just played it, and I to my own surprise, really do not mind the combat. I'm a turn based lover, so expected to hate it. Could get annoying as the game goes on though I guess.

But overall, this assured me that I will get it.


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Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake
« Reply #448 on: March 04, 2020, 07:22:45 PM »
Well I just played it, and I to my own surprise, really do not mind the combat. I'm a turn based lover, so expected to hate it. Could get annoying as the game goes on though I guess.

But overall, this assured me that I will get it.

how did you find the literal worst picture on the internet for your avatar


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Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake
« Reply #449 on: March 04, 2020, 07:23:58 PM »
is that billie ellish deep throating a guitar head?

Don Rumata

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Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake
« Reply #450 on: March 04, 2020, 07:39:26 PM »
is that billie ellish deep throating a guitar head?
You call that a deep throat? :hitler

Mr Gilhaney

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Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake
« Reply #451 on: March 04, 2020, 07:43:34 PM »
Well I just played it, and I to my own surprise, really do not mind the combat. I'm a turn based lover, so expected to hate it. Could get annoying as the game goes on though I guess.

But overall, this assured me that I will get it.

how did you find the literal worst picture on the internet for your avatar

it isnt the worst i've had on here i think


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Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake
« Reply #452 on: March 04, 2020, 07:48:28 PM »
is that billie ellish deep throating a guitar head?
You call that a deep throat? :hitler

Given the size of it, yes.


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Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake
« Reply #453 on: March 07, 2020, 12:38:00 PM »
Finally tried this last night.  The game seems fine to me. Enjoyed it quite a bit.. not sure what all the button mashing complaints are about. ???  (Link has one attack in botw; his same tard sword swing, and no one complained about that.... And it's an ARPG!)  The music is remixed well and the characters are so much more fleshed out ... literally... (Cloud doesn't look like a DBZ reject with Popeye syndrome) Voice acting was fine... The boss battle wasn't all context sensitive BS... I will definitely be jumping on board for this Remake! .... $60 for a non-complete game/1 installment however, that's my hesitation.. especially with soooo much other quality titles are coming in the next month or 2.


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Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake
« Reply #454 on: March 07, 2020, 12:50:25 PM »
not sure what all the button mashing complaints are about. ???  (Link has one attack in botw; his same tard sword swing, and no one complained about that.... And it's an ARPG!)

Link has multiple combat options. What are you talking about?


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Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake
« Reply #455 on: March 07, 2020, 02:26:46 PM »
not sure what all the button mashing complaints are about. ???  (Link has one attack in botw; his same tard sword swing, and no one complained about that.... And it's an ARPG!)

Link has multiple combat options. What are you talking about?
With the 1 handed sword, he's got his left and right slashing when mashing attack... That's about it.  Sure, he's got different weapons, but this has different characters in place.


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Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake
« Reply #456 on: March 07, 2020, 02:27:52 PM »
not sure what all the button mashing complaints are about. ???  (Link has one attack in botw; his same tard sword swing, and no one complained about that.... And it's an ARPG!)

Link has multiple combat options. What are you talking about?
With the 1 handed sword, he's got his left and right slashing when mashing attack... That's about it.  Sure, he's got different weapons, but this has different characters in place.

So? This says nothing of button mashing or depth. BOTW is very engaging in its combat, especially since early many enemies can outright one shot Link.


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Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake
« Reply #457 on: March 07, 2020, 03:01:42 PM »
So, Cloud does the same attacks.. probably even a few more animations of sword swings (even air attacks).  Not to mention, the power stance brings another gameplay factor to the battles.
I do agree that the lock on and camera could certainly be tweeked, because it's pretty broken, but it was easy to break out of and adjust, block and parry(?) even with the power stance.  This (the gameplay) had more to it than I expected, so I was more pleasantly surprised and engaged than I thought I would.  I tried the normal difficulty and just barely beat the scorpion boss literally using all my items, but I found controlling everything quite ok.

As for BOTW, it's combat is simple and effective, but it's ultimately shallow when compared to other ARPG.  Dragon's Dogma shits all over BOTW when it comes to melee combat, but we know that that's not the focus in botw.
« Last Edit: March 07, 2020, 03:07:52 PM by Svejk »

Coffee Dog

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Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake
« Reply #458 on: March 07, 2020, 04:10:35 PM »
BOTW combat has no depth, wtf am I hearing?  :lol BOTW Link has less moves than Twilight Princess Link and Skyward Sword Link, and given that difficulty falls off after a couple hours you're just doing the same shit the whole game with no new moves or twists.

The reason people didn't complain about it in that title is the same reason why FFVIIR is still going to be well recieved: plenty of games with simple, mashy, easy combat sell millions and win awards and praise. Look at skyrim, or god of war. It's not something that deters audiences.
« Last Edit: March 07, 2020, 04:34:02 PM by Coffee Dog »


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Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake
« Reply #460 on: March 07, 2020, 05:33:49 PM »
No depth?  :lol :lol :lol  Maybe if you are limiting your combat to just "mash attack to swing sword at thing".

Yeah I'm seriously laughing at saying FFVII has as much depth in its combat as BOTW. Like, what.

I deleted the FFVII demo so I'll have to redownload it. I'll make a video of me doing nothing but holding down square. Not even releasing it. Just holding square.

Mr Gilhaney

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Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake
« Reply #461 on: March 07, 2020, 06:35:19 PM »
breakable weapons trash


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Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake
« Reply #462 on: March 07, 2020, 06:51:16 PM »
Reminder that the game isn’t out and y’all are trashing the combat depth based on the first 40 minutes of gameplay.


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Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake
« Reply #463 on: March 07, 2020, 07:09:34 PM »
No depth?  :lol :lol :lol  Maybe if you are limiting your combat to just "mash attack to swing sword at thing".
Lol not one of those was melee combat.  I think a point was missed and/or I failed to put my point out adequately.  I'm simply talking about good ol sword swinging combat.  As I said before in my prior post, we know the point isn't melee combat on botw anyway... But the fact that it's there and pretty shallow when compared to other action games with sword combat, it's ok... Everything else still makes it fun.  I feel the same with FF7R... It's still fun imo.  I think it's too expensive for not being complete imo as well.


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Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake
« Reply #464 on: March 07, 2020, 07:11:29 PM »
Why the fuck would I waste my time doing any of that shit in Zelda?


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Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake
« Reply #465 on: March 07, 2020, 07:27:52 PM »
and why is it being compared against the fucking opening level of the remake, as if that was all the combat was going to offer

Tuckers Law

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Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake
« Reply #466 on: March 08, 2020, 12:15:53 AM »
I’ll defend BOTW combat with my dying breath, that shit is my waifu.

Great Rumbler

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Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake
« Reply #467 on: March 08, 2020, 12:56:44 AM »
The Scorpion fight is complete trash.

I'll still buy this game for Jessie  :-[

lmao she gonna get squashed by that giant pizza breh :heh

Mr Gilhaney

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Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake
« Reply #468 on: March 08, 2020, 09:41:57 AM »
decided to replay ff7 in pure excitement. is the switch version good?

Pissy F Benny

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Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake
« Reply #469 on: March 08, 2020, 09:59:18 AM »
I can’t see it being any different to any other port other than probably being more expensive  :yeshrug

Mr Gilhaney

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Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake
« Reply #470 on: March 08, 2020, 10:01:28 AM »
it's SE, so i would never be surprised of fuck ups. some of their mobile phone ports are hopeless.

anyway paying for switch games :lol


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Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake
« Reply #471 on: March 08, 2020, 10:04:03 AM »
They're pretty much the same on every platform.

You've got the turbo mode to speed up annoying segments like loading times for battles and so on. There are two other options with constant limit breaks and another thing I forgot.

Don Rumata

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Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake
« Reply #472 on: March 08, 2020, 11:28:52 AM »
I'm gonna back Svejk on this, BotW has depth in it systems of course, but the nitty gritty of the combat (dodge, parry, attack) aren't all that complicated, and quite sloppy to boot, if i may add.
Of course when you take into consideration all the other systems, the game comes together very well.
But you could do the same for FF7r, once you start to multiply the characters in the party, each with their own talent, add spells, add summons, statuses, enemies with peculiar resistances etc etc, it may end up being decently deep.
A demo with two spells, 2 characters and what? 5 enemies total? Isn't really enough to start panicking.
Already the robot scorpion showed some interesting changes in strategy with its various stages, and Cloud's stances/parry mechanics, on how you should interface depending on whether the enemy is melee or ranged... you can just expand on all that in the actual game.

Anyway, i did try the demo and found it surpsisingly beautiful, the graphics are incredible, and the combat was decent enough for me.
I did find annoying a couple of things about it (using items in "real time" is shit, might as well just pause all the time) like i'd like to be able to cancel animations into a dodge, but i guess that would make it even more mashy.

No nostalgia for me as i've said previously, but i'm definitely interested now.


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Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake
« Reply #473 on: March 08, 2020, 04:29:46 PM »
Here's a (long) playthrough with some pretty good insight into the combat gameplay.

Seems there's a lot more to it than a basic button mashing feast huh.

Coffee Dog

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Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake
« Reply #474 on: March 08, 2020, 05:03:34 PM »
The problem with saying "there are tons of spells/summons/abilities to unlock" is that those things all use ATB.

Think about how much playtime you will be spending without ATB across this 30 hour title, how many hours of combat will make up this game. Block, dodge, and the square button will have to carry you the whole way, because Cloud's non-ATB moveset doesn't have any room to grow.

Don Rumata

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Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake
« Reply #475 on: March 08, 2020, 05:12:44 PM »
The problem with saying "there are tons of spells/summons/abilities to unlock" is that those things all use ATB.

Think about how much playtime you will be spending without ATB across this 30 hour title, how many hours of combat will make up this game. Block, dodge, and the square button will have to carry you the whole way, because Cloud's non-ATB moveset doesn't have any room to grow.
This is actually an element i'm unsure about too, maybe they could've made objects not use it at least.


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Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake
« Reply #476 on: March 08, 2020, 05:18:18 PM »
So, the contest-thing- I bought two Crunch bars after getting gas Friday.  Receipt doesn't say the names of the product, so I included them in the photo.  Rejected.  Supermarket didn't have any of the three candy bars they take for this thing.  Stopped at another gas station on the way home yesterday and they didn't have them either.  Was out today and stopped at another gas station right around the corner- bought two Butterfingers.  Their receipt doesn't list the names of the items either.   :lol :dizzy


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Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake
« Reply #477 on: March 08, 2020, 05:44:56 PM »
So, the contest-thing- I bought two Crunch bars after getting gas Friday.  Receipt doesn't say the names of the product, so I included them in the photo.  Rejected.  Supermarket didn't have any of the three candy bars they take for this thing.  Stopped at another gas station on the way home yesterday and they didn't have them either.  Was out today and stopped at another gas station right around the corner- bought two Butterfingers.  Their receipt doesn't list the names of the items either.   :lol :dizzy
Normally one would get 2 crunch bars, then get gas.  :rimshot

Joe Molotov

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Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake
« Reply #478 on: March 08, 2020, 09:18:37 PM »
Got my code today. :lawd


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Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake
« Reply #479 on: March 08, 2020, 11:25:47 PM »