Author Topic: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?  (Read 1130691 times)

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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15900 on: March 06, 2023, 05:01:01 PM »
This dummy needs to stop falling into the same traps as the people he was supposedly criticizing and saving us all from so quickly.


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15902 on: March 08, 2023, 11:21:06 AM »
Made it 3 years, but the vid finally got me  :dead


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15903 on: March 08, 2023, 01:22:32 PM »
Made it 3 years, but the vid finally got me  :dead

If you feel a sudden change for the worse in your situation, don't be brave, call a hospital.


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15904 on: March 08, 2023, 01:44:53 PM »

So American funded research in China organized by Dr. Fauci.

That's a big Yikes oof


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15905 on: March 08, 2023, 01:59:31 PM »
Made it 3 years, but the vid finally got me  :dead

If you feel a sudden change for the worse in your situation, don't be brave, call a hospital.

Will do, for sure, thanks. It feels like a decent cold right now, fever hasn't gotten above 100.9, just stuffy runny nose and a bit of a sore throat. I'm fully vaxxed and boosted so not too worried.


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15906 on: March 13, 2023, 05:41:35 PM »
My brother, who does not believe the hype, and has gotten one single shot, unknowingly got COVID. Instead of testing and isolating - "it's just a cold" - he went and visited my parents, where my 77-year old mother got COVID. She is in terrible shape now. Her health has never been great but she didn't need this.

THEN he tested and came back positive and feels that my mom got it because she lost natural immunity from getting the shots. Also, he still isn't isolating. He works at a hospital.


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15907 on: March 13, 2023, 08:27:50 PM »
feels that my mom got it because she lost natural immunity from getting the shots.


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15908 on: March 14, 2023, 04:30:05 AM »
THEN he tested and came back positive and feels that my mom got it because she lost natural immunity from getting the shots. Also, he still isn't isolating. He works at a hospital.
This never fails to surprise me.


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15909 on: March 14, 2023, 06:30:27 AM »
THEN he tested and came back positive and feels that my mom got it because she lost natural immunity from getting the shots. Also, he still isn't isolating. He works at a hospital.
This never fails to surprise me.
When I worked in the health department (well before covid), midwives were found handing anti-vaccination pamphlets to pregnant women.


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15910 on: March 14, 2023, 02:01:23 PM »
Check out what gets taught in many nursing schools sometime, especially anything about "holistic" nursing.

I'll get you started:
There are eight concepts in Rogers’ nursing theory: energy field, openness, pattern, pan-dimensionality, homeodynamic principles, resonance, helicy, and integrality.

The energy field is the fundamental unit of both the living and the non-living. It provides a way to view people and the environment as irreducible wholes. The energy fields continuously vary in intensity, density, and extent. There are no boundaries that stop energy flow between the human and environmental fields, which is the openness in Rogers’ theory.

Rogers defines pattern as the distinguishing characteristic of an energy field seen as a single wave. It is an abstraction, and gives identity to the field. Pan-dimensionality is defined as “non-linear domain without spatial or temporal attributes.” The parameters that humans use in language to describe events are arbitrary, and the present is relative; there is no temporal ordering of lives.

Homeodynamic principles postulate a way of viewing unitary human beings. The three principles of homeodynamics are resonancy, helicy, and integrality. Resonancy is an ordered arrangement of rhythm characterizing both the human and environmental fields that undergo continuous dynamic metamorphosis in the human environmental process. Helicy describes the unpredictable, nonlinear evolution of energy fields as seen in non-repeating rhythmicities, and postulates an ordering of the human evolutionary emergency. Integrality covers the mutual, continuous relationship of the human and environmental fields. Changes occur by the continuous repatterning of the human and environmental fields by resonance waves. The fields are integrated into each other, but are also unique.

In Rogers’ Theory of Unitary Human Beings, a person is defined as an indivisible, pan-dimensional energy field identified by pattern, and manifesting characteristics specific to the whole, and that can’t be predicted from knowledge of the parts. A person is also a unified whole, having its own distinct characteristics that can’t be viewed by looking at, describing, or summarizing the parts. Rogers also explains that people have the capacity to participate in the process of change. The environment is an “irreducible, pan-dimensional energy field identified by pattern and integral with the human field.” The two fields coexist and are integral to each other.
Rosemarie Rizzo Parse first published the theory in 1981 as the “Man-living-health” theory, and the name was changed to the “human becoming theory” in 1992.

The assumptions underpinning the theory were synthesized from works by European philosophers. The theory is structured around three abiding themes: meaning, rhythmicity, and transcendence.

The model makes assumptions about man and becoming, as well as three major assumptions about human becoming.

The Human Becoming Theory makes the following assumptions about man:

The human is coexistent while co-constituting rhythmical patterns with the universe.
The human is open, freely choosing meaning in a situation, as well as bearing responsibility for decisions made.
The human is unitary, continuously co-constituting patterns of relating.
The human is transcending multidimensionally with the possibles.

The Human Becoming Theory makes the following assumptions about becoming:

Becoming is unitary with human-living-health.
Becoming is a rhythmically co-constituting the human-universe process.
Becoming is the human’s patterns of relating value priorities.
Becoming is an intersubjective process of transcending with the possibles.
Becoming is the unitary human’s emerging.

The three major assumptions about human becoming are: meaning, rhythmicity, and transcendence.
Newman’s Health as Expanding Consciousness arose from Rogers’ Theory of Unitary Human Beings. It was stimulated by concern for those for whom health as the absence of disease or disability is simply not possible. The model has progressed to include the health of all people, regardless of the presence or absence of disease. Newman’s theory asserts that every person in every situation, no matter how disordered and hopeless it seems, is part of the universal process of expanding consciousness. This is a process of becoming more of oneself, of finding greater meaning in life, and of reaching new dimensions of connectedness with other people, as well as the world.

Margaret A. Newman was influenced by Martha Rogers’ Theory of Unitary Human Beings, Itzhak Bentov’s Concept of the Evolution of Consciousness, Arthur Young’s Theory of Process, and David Bohm’s Theory of Implicate as she developed her model of nursing.

The Health as Expanding Consciousness theory makes the following assumptions:

Health encompasses conditions described as illness, or, in medical terms, pathology.
These pathological conditions can be considered a manifestation of the total pattern of the patient.
The pattern of the individual patient that eventually manifests itself as pathology is primary, and exists prior to structural or functional changes.
Removal of pathology will not, in itself, change the pattern of the individual patient.
If becoming ill is the only way an individual patient’s pattern is able to manifest itself, then that is health for that individual patient.
Health is an expansion of consciousness.

According to Newman, “the theory of health as expanding consciousness was stimulated by concern for those for whom health as the absence of disease or disability is not possible. Nurses often relate to such people: people facing the uncertainty, debilitation, loss and eventual death associated with chronic illness. The theory has progressed to include the health of all persons regardless of the presence or absence of disease. The theory asserts that every person in every situation, no matter how disordered and hopeless it may seem, is part of the universal process of expanding consciousness – a process of becoming more of oneself, of finding greater meaning in life, and of reaching new dimensions of connectedness with other people and the world.”

Patients are open to the whole energy system of the universe, as well as constantly interacting with the energy. This process of interaction allows people to evolve their individual patterns of whole. According to Newman, understanding the patient’s pattern is essential. The pattern recognition is the expanding consciousness. The manifestation of disease depends on the pattern of the patient, so the pathology of the diseases exists before the symptoms begin to appear. Because of this, removal of the disease symptoms does not change the individual structure.

Newman redefines nursing according to her nursing process of recognizing the individual in relation to the environment, and it is a process of the understanding of consciousness. The nurse’s understanding of people helps them use the power within to develop the higher level of consciousness. Therefore, it helps to realize the disease process, its recovery, and its prevention.

She also explains the interrelatedness of time, space, and movement. Time and space are the temporal pattern of the patient, and they have a complementary relationship. People are constantly changing through time and space, and it shows a unique pattern of reality.
A bunch of quotes from nursing school textbooks back in the 1990's:


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15911 on: March 14, 2023, 02:17:29 PM »
One benefit to the pandemic may have been reminding (some) people that medical professionals are just as prone to conspiracy theories, pseudoscience, etc. as everyone else. The amount of people trying to leverage their MDs (and similar) to post just outright insane stuff on social media and advocate for crazy stuff on/in regular media was way too high even if you were already cynical about this.


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15912 on: March 14, 2023, 02:21:18 PM »
THEN he tested and came back positive and feels that my mom got it because she lost natural immunity from getting the shots. Also, he still isn't isolating. He works at a hospital.
This never fails to surprise me.

Working in life sciences research, and as such interacting with medics fairly regularly, I'm not surprised one bit.


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15913 on: March 14, 2023, 03:13:31 PM »
What are you taking about?

Chakras 101 and Introduction to Humors are core parts of nursing and medical education here.



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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15914 on: March 14, 2023, 03:54:59 PM »
I actually was somewhat shocked when I found out about this. An instance of Gell-Mann Amnesia where I ignored my own knowledge of academic fields to believe nursing schools just told you to like, I dunno, do what doctors said or whatever rather than develop their own "theories" about how science operates. But it does explain a lot of things I've experienced in the past. :lol

For medics/ambulance people I always assumed that it was more of a "type of person" willing to do that thing but now I probably should find out what they tell them. "Driving the ambulance faster causes friction within the life energy field that allows the harmful energy to dissipate, doctors later believe their actions at the hospital to achieve this."


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15915 on: March 14, 2023, 05:05:47 PM »
In nursing school they teach 19 years old how to stick tubes into penises.

Its grotesque.

Needs to be cancelled


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15916 on: March 16, 2023, 01:49:24 PM »
Instagram reminded me that today 3 years ago was the last time I went to a bar before we were hibernated


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15917 on: March 16, 2023, 02:26:03 PM »
Instagram reminded me that today 3 years ago was the last time I went to a bar before we were hibernated
And how long do you still have on your probation?


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15918 on: March 18, 2023, 07:11:38 AM »

Dr Tedros criticised China for not sharing the genetic information earlier and told a press briefing that "this data could have and should have been shared three years ago."

I wonder why they're sharing this now?


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15919 on: March 18, 2023, 10:10:46 AM »
They learned from the Russians, just change the story over and over again until people ignore the elephant in the room or the giant gain of function lab researching corona viruses funded by Dr. Fauci that was already taken over by the Chinese military September 2019.

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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15920 on: March 19, 2023, 02:41:58 AM »
tanooki soup sounds more appetizing tbh

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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15921 on: April 02, 2023, 04:44:20 PM »


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15922 on: April 06, 2023, 01:23:13 AM »
I went on a date and my date was like mask wtf weirdo, so I unmasked for the first time at like an indoor food mall/bar thing with hundreds of people and for the 1 on 1 date stuff with my date. I guess this is a test for how safe it is to unmask these days when no one is masking anymore.

I still wear a mask everywhere indoors and I am usually the only one in the whole place. I don't mind cause who cares, but I guess when it comes to dating, especially a first date, don't want to blow first impression with someone so just got to yolo.

There needs to be a dating site for like people who still mask indoors.


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15923 on: April 06, 2023, 04:43:02 AM »
I went on a date and my date was like mask wtf weirdo, so I unmasked for the first time at like an indoor food mall/bar thing with hundreds of people and for the 1 on 1 date stuff with my date. I guess this is a test for how safe it is to unmask these days when no one is masking anymore.

I still wear a mask everywhere indoors and I am usually the only one in the whole place. I don't mind cause who cares, but I guess when it comes to dating, especially a first date, don't want to blow first impression with someone so just got to yolo.

There needs to be a dating site for like people who still mask indoors.

you could always try muzmatch :rodney

Skullfuckers Anonymous

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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15924 on: April 11, 2023, 05:17:59 PM »
Time to unstick this thread mods. We won!

Covid - 1,127,104 (+ ~1000 per week)
USA - 1


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15926 on: April 25, 2023, 10:24:28 PM »
For a country that failed so hard on COVID, the US certainly kept acting like it was doing something for a lot longer than was necessary.

who is ted danson?

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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15927 on: April 26, 2023, 04:35:28 PM »


never thought about it that way, but it does make sense when you think

Skullfuckers Anonymous

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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15928 on: May 12, 2023, 07:23:36 PM »



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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15929 on: May 12, 2023, 10:13:03 PM »
Remember when the WHO pretended to be a serious organization?


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15931 on: May 26, 2023, 04:14:48 AM »

Knock knock, open up the door, it's real.


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15932 on: September 05, 2023, 10:24:06 AM »
I thought I posted here but I guess I didnt.

Both me and my gf had covid 3 weeks ago. First time for her (!) second for me. Both vax and boosted.

Both of our at-home tests came back negative, even with full-on symptoms. The test at the clinic came back positive immediately.

So just an fyi if you feel sick. Looks like the home tests arent calibrated for the current strain.

My symptoms started with sore throat, then runny nose, then sneezing. Minimal cough. Most annoying side effect was a headache every afternoon and fatigue. Lasted around a week before it cleared up.

GF had some tummy issues, did not have headache , and had more of a cough that lingered a little longer. She also felt a little chest pressure.

I was in person at work on day 1 of my symptoms but luckily didnt spread to anyone.

My gf did spread to her 98 (!!) year old grandmother, but she was given the anti viral and made it through.


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15933 on: September 18, 2023, 01:55:24 AM »
Yeah, I've been sick for 4.5 weeks straight and doing the rapid test every few days. Probably did 10+ of them and all negative. Since I'm immune suppressed it usually takes me a a week or two to clear even a cold, so this is long, but if it's something like covid it wouldn't be that surprising to take a while.

Also I basically starting feeling fatigued, then got sick, then got over it in like a week and a half and was feeling a lot better for about a week and then it came back and was way worse and that's been going on for about a couple of weeks, so it's not like 4.5 weeks constant, but like two bouts of whatever I have.

Basically having extreme fatigue and facial congestion on/off every day. Like a low grade flu where I just feel like shit, but not bad enough that I can't function. Going to try to go do a PCR test. Tried to get in to see my ENT but being USA healthcare system earliest I could get in was halfway through October. I'm not sick enough to feel like I need to go to the ER, but at this point I may go to an urgent care. Not that they'll be able to do anything without figuring out what's going on.

Was going to get the new booster but even if there's like a 5% chance this is covid I probably should hold off until this clears.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2023, 02:13:43 AM by Bebpo »


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15934 on: September 18, 2023, 03:49:28 AM »
If that's of any help, I've seen LFTs from different suppliers coming with very different instructions.

Some have very short swabs and only tell you to shove them in your nose.
I don't think they're as efficient, as I've heard from multiple people that they were presumably negative but then got different kits with longer swabs that tell you to use them for BOTH you nose and throat, which turned out to be positive.

That being said, at the moment there's a lot of nasty shit going around that is very much covid-like but isn't covid. That's in the UK mind you, no clue if that's the case in muhrica as well.

This was your monthly PSA.


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15935 on: September 20, 2023, 08:47:54 PM »
Man, if you want to get a real covid test in this post-pandemic when covid doesn't really exist, it's not easy in the USA.

Went to the big pharmacy chain first thing monday morning. The people there hadn't done a real covid test in so long they didn't know how to do it and had to look it up and it took like 15 minutes.

Then they sent it off and said "results in 2-5 days" and it's been over 2 days and still nothing (and I'm still sick and miserable). Like back during the pandemic, you go get a PCR test and you get the results the next day. This is so dumb. Like I guess you need to go to the actual hospital to get a covid test in a decent time here.

If that's of any help, I've seen LFTs from different suppliers coming with very different instructions.

Some have very short swabs and only tell you to shove them in your nose.
I don't think they're as efficient, as I've heard from multiple people that they were presumably negative but then got different kits with longer swabs that tell you to use them for BOTH you nose and throat, which turned out to be positive.

That being said, at the moment there's a lot of nasty shit going around that is very much covid-like but isn't covid. That's in the UK mind you, no clue if that's the case in muhrica as well.

This was your monthly PSA.

I've never done a throat test here in the USA. Even the PCR ones at pharmacies are just nasal swabs.


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15936 on: September 21, 2023, 04:23:14 AM »
Yeaaaah, that's not great. wtf muhrica.

If you still have some LFTs, while you're waiting for your PCR result I guess just give it a go.
Just rub the swab a couple times on both tonsils. Even if it's a short one unless you have ridiculously tiny hand size to mouth depth ratio it's doable.
Hope you don't have the strongest of gag reflexes though.


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15937 on: September 21, 2023, 02:22:32 PM »
I'm pretty sure this shit is all around us, because nearly everyone I talk to has some sort of symptom (sore throat, headache, cough, stomach ache, fever etc.) but everyone recovers quickly and can just continue on as normal as they go through it.

COVID tests have been phased out, most stores dumped their stock this summer because ze germans still buy them. The official government website says:
It is no longer necessary to test for COVID. Self-tests aren't required either.

and then there some stuff about asking your boss if you can work from home if you don't feel good.



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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15938 on: September 21, 2023, 02:35:41 PM »
Yeah, got my results from my PCR test and negative. On one hand that's good that it's not Covid. On the other hand still have no idea what it is and how to treat it and still feel crummy and face congested every day. Also a negative is that it means I could still get covid if I'm not careful and getting it while already being sick would be bad, so gotta be extra careful.

Been meaning to take my first vacation of the year (well in two years since I didn't take one last year), but until I feel better can't really make any plans.

I'm going to try to work out cardio a bit. Every once and a while when I've got a cold or something that goes on and on and never seems to get better, getting my body moving and sweating a bit sometimes helps clear up the final hurdle. Other times it just makes me a lot sicker. Gamble, but nothing seems to be changing and I haven't exercised for like a month+ now and feel lethargic.


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15939 on: September 27, 2023, 04:16:56 PM »
Was looking at some meetup events to go to and saw this disclaimer on one

"Through Quantum Hypnosis Sessions we've gained further information on how the covid vaccine disrupts the physical and energetic bodies. For this reason I ask anyone who has taken it, please inform the host."



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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15940 on: September 27, 2023, 05:45:10 PM »
Man, if you want to get a real covid test in this post-pandemic when covid doesn't really exist, it's not easy in the USA.

Went to the big pharmacy chain first thing monday morning. The people there hadn't done a real covid test in so long they didn't know how to do it and had to look it up and it took like 15 minutes.

Then they sent it off and said "results in 2-5 days" and it's been over 2 days and still nothing (and I'm still sick and miserable). Like back during the pandemic, you go get a PCR test and you get the results the next day. This is so dumb. Like I guess you need to go to the actual hospital to get a covid test in a decent time here.

If that's of any help, I've seen LFTs from different suppliers coming with very different instructions.

Some have very short swabs and only tell you to shove them in your nose.
I don't think they're as efficient, as I've heard from multiple people that they were presumably negative but then got different kits with longer swabs that tell you to use them for BOTH you nose and throat, which turned out to be positive.

That being said, at the moment there's a lot of nasty shit going around that is very much covid-like but isn't covid. That's in the UK mind you, no clue if that's the case in muhrica as well.

This was your monthly PSA.

I've never done a throat test here in the USA. Even the PCR ones at pharmacies are just nasal swabs.

I saw a sidewalk covid test booth today. Havent seen that since last winter

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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15941 on: September 29, 2023, 03:26:03 AM »
I never got it  :doge


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15942 on: October 01, 2023, 08:01:23 AM »
Was looking at some meetup events to go to and saw this disclaimer on one

"Through Quantum Hypnosis Sessions we've gained further information on how the covid vaccine disrupts the physical and energetic bodies. For this reason I ask anyone who has taken it, please inform the host."


That’s a dodged bullet, right there.


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?
« Reply #15943 on: October 01, 2023, 12:01:53 PM »