Author Topic: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread  (Read 3205442 times)

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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #42120 on: April 29, 2021, 02:28:45 PM »
(Image removed from quote.)

(Image removed from quote.)

these amateurs really should have googled and made sure the reviewer was white and cis before deciding to mock her for her shit takes  :lol


  • Finish the Fight
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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #42121 on: April 29, 2021, 02:29:19 PM »
And then a thread about “why allow review threads?” popped up but was quickly locked. Weird how Jeff Grubb being mocked earlier in the thread (for a review in which he liked the game) didn’t warrant a thread lock though.

Not a single person was making fun of that xenophobia review for the person being trans or in a wheelchair. They were mocking it because it was an awful review. Bad reviews constantly get made fun of on there. TransEra wants to be included and treated like everyone else right up until they actually are included and treated like everyone else. Then it’s time to treat them with kid gloves.
They don't want to be treated differently but they want it acknowledged that they are different.

It's the catch 22 of many of those groups. Then again, they all ride that identity politics dick so hard that sooner or later Serb nationalists will pick up the scent and start sheling villages.


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #42122 on: April 29, 2021, 02:32:39 PM »
(Image removed from quote.)

I'm gonna get smacked for this but some of you people need to grow the fuck up

This goes double for the PoliEra regulars in here gleefully mocking a trans leftist indigenous writer for making a comment that, shockingly, from her perspective she feels xenophobia is not limited to the GOP and it is personally off-putting to see a game lean on that prefix in the context of modern politics

Progressive website my ass

I can’t believe them damn MAGA chuds* would have the audacity to make fun of this absurd review. Time to scour all their social media to validate my bias right after being pissed someone was chased off Twitter for a bad take.

*said chuds are in fact, NOT MAGA chuds at all, just people clowning an absurd review


  • Haughty and a little naughty
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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #42123 on: April 29, 2021, 02:34:07 PM »
It’s also CRAZY how all of a sudden someone being essentially chased off of Twitter for a bad take is a bad thing again. Hey Era, it’s shit to do that to anyone, not just those you don’t like.

Yeah, they did the exact same thing to Lindsay Ellis, even blamed her for leaving twitter. As always it's simply "it's okay when I disagree with their opinion"


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #42124 on: April 29, 2021, 02:38:45 PM »
(Image removed from quote.)

I'm gonna get smacked for this but some of you people need to grow the fuck up

This goes double for the PoliEra regulars in here gleefully mocking a trans leftist indigenous writer for making a comment that, shockingly, from her perspective she feels xenophobia is not limited to the GOP and it is personally off-putting to see a game lean on that prefix in the context of modern politics

Progressive website my ass

I love how that post was enough to turn the tide of the thread.  :lol
Quote from: Stoopkid
Quote from: tulpa
yea jesus christ. the gamergate-tier rhetoric i'm seeing thrown out in this thread. and i reviewed and loved Returnal! i think it's some kind of masterpiece. i also enjoyed reading Dia's review and the harassment shit is driving her out of the industry. are we really gonna be better off without her voice because we happened to disagree with some of her twitter takes? for fuck's sake y'all, it's pathetic

I’m sorry but the shit she was tweeting at Neil was disgusting. Her and her Twitter journalist friends were embarrassing .

Quote from: tulpa
shame on you
Quote from: Icolin
very cool to see GG defenses get reintroduced
spoiler (click to show/hide)

Quote from: LudicrousSpeed
Yeah, he deserved every last bit of that dragging.



  • Member
Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #42126 on: April 29, 2021, 02:48:35 PM »


  • Senior Member
Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #42127 on: April 29, 2021, 02:50:53 PM »
Some of the truly heinous and deeply concerning things said about the reviewer

But what does a game by a Finnish creator have to do with the Democrats. Also it adds literally nothing to the review. It's a crack on democrats just to make a crack on democrats.

Bruh that Paste review is wild. They compared the Dualsense to a dildo running low on batteries

It just goes into tangents out of nowhere.

LOL did Peter K. Rosenthal write this

Looool no way, gotta check out the review haha...and also make sure my batteries are charged

Lock all these monsters up and melt the keys. DEEPLY. CONCERNING.


  • Haughty and a little naughty
  • Senior Member
Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #42128 on: April 29, 2021, 02:52:48 PM »
So like the title says there is an incredibly predictable (and I mean it's been this way since Neogaf we're all being honest with ourselves) pattern to review threads mostly just ending up being forum users taking out of context bits from reviews and throwing abuse towards writers, typically regarding games that in 99% of cases they haven't even played. *Coincidentally* this abuse tends to focused on minority or disabled reviewers yet this website that calls itself a progressive hub continues to allow this to go on unabated. Why?

Yes! Ban review threads on your gaming forum!



  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #42129 on: April 29, 2021, 03:17:17 PM »
  :shaking :exxy C*LIN :exxy :shaking


  • Have You Ever
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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #42130 on: April 29, 2021, 03:19:03 PM »
whoa that's trippy

:shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking :shaking


  • Senior Member
Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #42131 on: April 29, 2021, 03:41:44 PM »
Sony as usual showing how much they value their users. But imagine a key part of your identity is your PSN account. I understand the monetary value but identity?


Lol apparently he hacked one of his saves

The only thing I can think of is hacking my FFVIIR save to make Red XIII a permanent party member... but surely this punishment doesn’t fit that crime >.>

the things furries will do so they can have some hot fur ass on screen at all times


  • Member
Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #42132 on: April 29, 2021, 03:44:15 PM »

that Returnal thread is a trip. love to have mods, former mods and US Poli avatars shit all over indigenous criticism

I wrote this with the intention of posting it in Westlake's thread, which is a thread I'm upset was closed, and I'm still frustrated so I'm posting it here for posterity:

As an indigenous Canadian, whenever I read insensitive, unapologetic posts on here dressing down native American writers and their specific criticisms about the anti-Indigeneity worldviews inherent to many western works, I question why am I even here. I am clearly less important than the need to rehabilitate devs and journalists over their anti-indigenous rhetoric.
Indigenous-specific worldviews would be pro xenophobia sweetie  :)


  • Senior Member
Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #42133 on: April 29, 2021, 03:49:05 PM »
But by the time I was trying to solve the mystery of a mid century farmhouse, I kind of stopped caring about the promise of the future. Because I’m fully convinced now that AAA isn’t just a more expensive-looking caliber of game, it’s a creative dead end in an industry that doesn’t even realize it’s gasping for air in a world wracked by the seismic convulsions of capitalism.

The second I managed a run up to the mid century farmhouse in the middle of an overgrown alien ruin, I knew I’d made a mistake.

What is Solaris?


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #42134 on: April 29, 2021, 03:50:53 PM »
Games journalism does it again  :lol

(Image removed from quote.)

I haven't looked through the thread yet but I wonder if even Re will defend this
That is some of the most technically poor writing I've ever seen.


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #42135 on: April 29, 2021, 04:01:16 PM »

Quote from: ryan13ts, post: 63847686, member: 23072
A bit of a pointless update, but I'm just done with trying to get a PS5. Today was my breaking point with dealing with this, after getting screwed 4 times in one day out of getting now (First Target, then Gamestop, then seeing 2 reasonable personal offers online that were instantly sold).

In the last few months, I've done nothing live on my computer trying to get one, even going a full 24 hours one day without sleep doing NOTHING but searching and reloading store pages when restocks were plentiful and I still can't get one, out of dozens and dozens of restocks. It's always instantly gone as soon I try to check out, even when I use multiple devices in an attempt to just get one. I already have some substantial obsessive-compulsive mental health issues as it is already, and as you can imagine, these last 6 months, especially this last month, have nearly destroyed my mental health trying to get one.

Nothing should be this frustrating or insane of an experience. Retailers aren't helping the issue either, by refusing to even allow systems to be sold in store (At least EVERY retailer in my town anyways). Even with past systems that were a pain to get (Wii especially, and Switch and PS3's early on) you could get lucky if you were dedicated enough to get to stores early on restock day, but that's not even an option now. And as far as scalpers go, I'd legitimately would rather slit my throat than pay scum of the earth, pieces of shit exploiting people's desperation like myself and contributing to the problem of finding one in the first place. I've never had a particular favorable opinion of people like this, but I couldn't state what I think of people like that now without coming off as a psycho at this point.

So, I'm just done. I honestly feel I'm going to have a legitimate mental breakdown if I keep trying to deal with this, and it's not worth it over a fucking game system. Since I don't even have the option to maybe get one in-store, I'm just accepting I won't get one until it's either PS6 comes out, or one falls out of the fucking sky and into my lap.

Sorry for the rant, but I legitimately needed a vent after all this.

:insane :insane

I liked this one:

What frustrates me is how people go on talking about playing games on the PS5 as if everyone who wants one can easily get one.
The people who did get one seem to stop understanding how it's still kind of a white whale for most.

Imagine being so insensitive that you’d openly talk about PS5 games on a gaming forum when so many are suffering.
ResetEra: Captialism is the devil and is literally burning the world on fire.
Also Resetera: I'm depressed because I can't buy new Snoy product made by oppressed slave workers in China.


  • Senior Member
Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #42136 on: April 29, 2021, 04:02:28 PM »
you literally have to google this person and click through multiple links to learn she's trans  :lol

"you dare to mock my writing? I know something you don't know, pal. Guess what? I was trans all along."
I know this means I am some flavour of bigot, but I knew the reviewer was trans from the excerpt posted. It’s just obvious to me in a way that I know must be grossly offensive. Offensive, but I wasn’t wrong.

Tuckers Law

  • Senior Member
Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #42137 on: April 29, 2021, 04:12:51 PM »
That’s because you’re JK Rowlings-adjacent, Dave.  We see through your ruse.


  • Senior Member
Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #42138 on: April 29, 2021, 04:29:08 PM »
Hell, not just media consumption habits - all consumption habits. They're not a substitute for a personality even if capitalism has done extremely well at cannibalizing pre-existing community spaces and turning everyone into brand signifying machines.

“I want that the world get better and more critical of The Powers of Be, but I support shallow and idiotic media criticism because my social clique tells me to do.”


  • Senior Member
Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #42139 on: April 29, 2021, 04:31:25 PM »

I remember you having awful terrible takes Patrick. And what was the last scoop you got?


  • Punk Mushi no Onna
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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #42140 on: April 29, 2021, 04:39:05 PM »

I remember you having awful terrible takes Patrick. And what was the last scoop you got?

His last scoop probably went into his privated folder of creepshots.


  • Senior Member
Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #42141 on: April 29, 2021, 04:45:31 PM »
(Image removed from quote.)

I'm gonna get smacked for this but some of you people need to grow the fuck up

This goes double for the PoliEra regulars in here gleefully mocking a trans leftist indigenous writer for making a comment that, shockingly, from her perspective she feels xenophobia is not limited to the GOP and it is personally off-putting to see a game lean on that prefix in the context of modern politics

Progressive website my ass


  • ルカルカ★ナイトフィーバー
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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #42142 on: April 29, 2021, 04:47:03 PM »
Games journalism does it again  :lol

(Image removed from quote.)

I haven't looked through the thread yet but I wonder if even Re will defend this

And the even more problematic thing is the Xeno prefix also conjures up the horribly sexist game Xenoblade 2 with such horribly sexist character design like this:

Mythra cosplay:
spoiler (click to show/hide)


  • Senior Member
Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #42143 on: April 29, 2021, 04:49:56 PM »

Mythra cosplay:
spoiler (click to show/hide)

Deeply concerning stuff going on in my pants right now

Don Rumata

  • Hard To Be A John
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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #42144 on: April 29, 2021, 04:50:47 PM »
Locked for reports review.  :lol
Like clockwork.

Don Rumata

  • Hard To Be A John
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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #42146 on: April 29, 2021, 04:52:50 PM »
"Ok guys, we're making a shooter, what's an enemy that isn't problematic?"
"Let's play it safe, let's just go with alien monsters..."

*Sometime Later*


  • Senior's Member
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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #42147 on: April 29, 2021, 05:05:59 PM »
(Image removed from quote.)

I'm gonna get smacked for this but some of you people need to grow the fuck up

This goes double for the PoliEra regulars in here gleefully mocking a trans leftist indigenous writer for making a comment that, shockingly, from her perspective she feels xenophobia is not limited to the GOP and it is personally off-putting to see a game lean on that prefix in the context of modern politics

Progressive website my ass

I often wonder if they realise just how paternalistic it is to say shit like this when defending someone?


  • Senior Member
Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #42149 on: April 29, 2021, 05:24:09 PM »
This is nuts. Gaming journos can make the dumbest takes imaginable and expect not to be called out on it or be laughed at because something something Gamergate that happened, what, SEVEN years ago. And you got half of ERA being so "woke" and so peer pressured to go along with this dumb shit that they can get review threads locked because of some light ribbing from other users, which is elevated to the level of a GG harassment campaign.

It is all so dumb.


  • Junior Member
Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #42150 on: April 29, 2021, 05:50:20 PM »
The new cast of mst3k

This picture needs to be posted in the Reee thread promoting their new Kickstarter. Don't they know they are all white supremacist?

Cancel please.


  • Finish the Fight
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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #42151 on: April 29, 2021, 05:57:46 PM »
Even bdubs is defending white supremacy now  :(

The White Power hand sign thing is the dumbest thing.

Especially because those fuckers at 4chan/8chan came up with this nonsense to own the libs. Creating quite possibly the biggest self own paradox in history. :doge



  • Haughty and a little naughty
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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #42152 on: April 29, 2021, 05:58:29 PM »
Even bdubs is defending white supremacy now  :(


Go fuck yourself you smug douchebag

They're so eager for it to be real

Edit: jesus christ, 560 former contestants signed that letter. Just what the fuck has happened to people
« Last Edit: April 29, 2021, 06:04:33 PM by HaughtyFrank »


  • Iconzzzzz.... zzzzz
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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #42153 on: April 29, 2021, 06:03:39 PM »
Solidarity with Shiron.


  • Senior Member
Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #42154 on: April 29, 2021, 06:06:07 PM »

User Banned (1 week): thread derail, attacking other users, inflammatory accusations

Color me surprised that they actually banned him. Probably because he took a crack at PoliERA.  :lol
He would have been safe otherwise.

Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #42155 on: April 29, 2021, 06:07:10 PM »
Constructive thread is massively abuzz with anti-review-thread sentiments. Too many to list here, but it starts here:
Quote from: PaperSparrow
Didn't want to push too much on the point before today, because I know I'm in the minority here, but I really think review prediction/review threads should be severely moderated or removed altogether for big releases. The posters engaging with the topic responsibly does not imo outweigh the toxic console wars/hype that permeates the discussion. The few AAA release review threads I have stepped into over the past year have been awful and thinly veiled excuses to attack reviewers.

I know there are good posters in those threads and great info that comes out of reviews that people like to have aggregated, but it just isn't worth it for big, highly anticipated games that have way too much defensiveness behind them.

Review threads are the exact kind of toxicity Era isn't supposed to stand for:
Quote from: Bigg
I agree with this. If you're not going to ban these threads, at the very least they should be heavily moderated with a zero tolerance policy towards harassment or dunking on a review solely because of a negative score.

The Returnal OT is embarrassing, quite frankly. It's full of people dunking on negative reviews for a game they haven't played and posting quotes from those reviews out of context to present them in the most unflattering light. The game has an 86 on Metacritic and 85 reviews and yet all anyone is talking about is the 3/5 and 6/10 from Jeff Grubb and Dia Lacina, respectively. It's clear the thread was locked because mods were aware it was spiraling out of control but the damage has been done after 30 pages. The fact that a mod jumped on the Dia dunking is tremendously disappointing.

It's just a classic example of the toxicity this forum is supposed to be campaigning against.

Quote from: Bigg
Well, I say further in that post that people were "posting quotes from those reviews out of context to present them in the most unflattering light," so I clearly agree with you there.

My point isn't that "people aren't allowed to dislike reviews," it's that the culture of review threads are such that people excited for a game always go towards reviews that are critical of it and look for excuses to mock it. Again, the Returnal thread literally got to the point where a mod chimed in on calling the quote from Dia's review "cringe." People matter-of-factly said that Jeff Grubb never finished the game when all anyone needed to do was go on twitter and see that he posted that he stayed up late to finish it. And the fact that it took a poster calling out the other members of the thread for the mods to finally lock it and review it is too little too late. The thread should have been locked far earlier.

This happens over and over and over again. Kallie Plagge similarly got a lot of crap of her Cyberpunk 2077 review, and then the game came out and suddenly people agreed with most of her criticisms.

If review threads aren't going to be removed, then they need to be moderated to a degree that they clearly are not now.

Kyuuji takes the opposing view:
Quote from: Kyuuji
Seems kind of odd to me to lay it at the feet of the thread, when numerous other threads on a wide range of things from opinions to sensitive issues are moderated with the intent to get rid of users that are misbehaving.

I still find review threads both interesting and useful, part of why I was keen to make the Returnal one and provide as comprehensive a post as possible on it. If people are assholes in the thread, moderate the assholes. I still think it's possible to have decent discussions within them past that, like we do in most other threads on the board. It's also nice to have a celebration of the success of a game release, when there is one that does particularly well. Especially around a new IP and studio venture into the AAA space finding that success.
Quote from: Kyuuji
Quote from: PaperSparrow
I would lean towards heavier moderation rather than outright banning the threads myself, as there can be good takeaways/celebrations there with genuine posters, but that would require a harder stance on hype/console toxicity all around. There is an uncomfortably large amount of users that get way too negative/positive about a product and manage to skirt the current line in the sand just enough.

I guess it's just I can see mods not wanting to deal with that headache for something that's not as needed as news, an OT, the discussion of sensitive topics, etc. Review threads aren't the source of the issue though, for sure, and the underlying toxicity behind it I would prefer addressed.
For sure, I'm just hesitant to let the people that can't handle things like middling reviews or platform differences start to dictate which threads the rest of us are allowed to have. Seems to me if they weren't in a review thread they would be in the OT because, as you note, the thread isn't the issue but specifically those people. If there wasn't a review thread people would post the reviews in the OT and you'd have the same discussions and arguments in there.

Quote from: Bigg
As I illustrated in my last post, my issue is that the culture around review threads is a huge problem. People excited for a game finding the most critical reviews on metacritic and then quoting them out of context to make them look bad followed by a big dunkfest is not a one-off to the Returnal thread, it's a pattern. And it's clear that the mod team is just not moderating these threads as heavily or as severely as they should, because it keeps happening constantly. Either get rid of the threads or make a real concentrated effort to moderate them better.
At the same time there's a lot of people discussing the game and appreciating the reviews normally, often discussing them with people that have written them themselves. So I'm not chomping at the bit to gut the threads from the forum, when it'll do little to prevent the actual issue of some members being unable to handle a middling review. We don't prevent other threads from being made because console warriors decide to pipe up, we just ban those members because they're being assholes.

Era would definitely never, ever prevent a thread from being made or close a thread due to it being too much work to handle the assholes.

I can't decide if it's funnier if they ban review threads entirely, or if they just turn review threads into joyless slogs where you're not allowed to point and laugh at dumb shit in reviews.


  • Senior Member
Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #42156 on: April 29, 2021, 06:09:43 PM »

Quote from: tulpa
yea jesus christ. the gamergate-tier rhetoric i'm seeing thrown out in this thread. and i reviewed and loved Returnal! i think it's some kind of masterpiece. i also enjoyed reading Dia's review and the harassment shit is driving her out of the industry. are we really gonna be better off without her voice because we happened to disagree with some of her twitter takes? for fuck's sake y'all, it's pathetic

User Banned (1 Week): Inflammatory accusations, inappropriate comparisons to hate movements

That Gamergate shield seem to be weak even for ERA mods.


  • Haughty and a little naughty
  • Senior Member
Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #42157 on: April 29, 2021, 06:13:14 PM »
They made the classic mistake of attacking the mods. No one is ever allowed to question the mods.


Quote from: Kyuuji
This feels like a weird take when you're determining what the community 'really finds' worth discussing instead of, well, the community choosing which threads to be active in. If you want to allow 'a couple more spaces on the main page' for more interesting threads then ignore the thread.

Fuuuuuuck of Kyuuji  :lol

This is so insincere after the whole Cyberpunk bitching


  • Defender of Centrist Scum
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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #42158 on: April 29, 2021, 06:13:19 PM »
I'm gonna get smacked for this but some of you people need to grow the fuck up

This goes double for the PoliEra regulars in here gleefully mocking a trans leftist indigenous writer for making a comment that, shockingly, from her perspective she feels xenophobia is not limited to the GOP and it is personally off-putting to see a game lean on that prefix in the context of modern politics

Progressive website my ass

Returnal review thread bout to get turnt up.

A triple threat! 

AOTC is bad but at least Ewan is fun as obi wan. The sequel trilogy has no fun or cool characters.

I did like Obi Wan playing detective.  I would 'totes watch a Jedi SVU or Homicide.


  • Virgo. Live Music. The Office. Tacos. Fur mom. True crime junkie. INTJ.
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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #42159 on: April 29, 2021, 06:20:04 PM »
Even bdubs is defending white supremacy now  :(

The White Power hand sign thing is the dumbest thing.

Especially because those fuckers at 4chan/8chan came up with this nonsense to own the libs. Creating quite possibly the biggest self own paradox in history. :doge

(Image removed from quote.)

One of the major points for using a benign hand signal is to make people on the left become paranoid about any and every instance of it. The OP calling this person scum for doing a signal that a lot of people use to not signal white supremacist views is an example of how successful Nazis are.

Pound sand, Naziintex


  • Defender of Centrist Scum
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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #42160 on: April 29, 2021, 06:23:46 PM »
There is a new show on Peacock+ called "Rutherford Falls."

It's about native americans having to deal with Excel types telling them how to be more proper and civilized because we need a white women with grocery stocking experience to guide us.  It's a condemnation of those fucking whites who want to "educate" us.  Mac is starting to rage!


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #42161 on: April 29, 2021, 06:29:47 PM »
This is nuts. Gaming journos can make the dumbest takes imaginable and expect not to be called out on it or be laughed at because something something Gamergate that happened, what, SEVEN years ago. And you got half of ERA being so "woke" and so peer pressured to go along with this dumb shit that they can get review threads locked because of some light ribbing from other users, which is elevated to the level of a GG harassment campaign.

It is all so dumb.
The worst of it is that the criticism is completely valid. The defence meanwhile...


  • Finish the Fight
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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #42162 on: April 29, 2021, 06:46:12 PM »
Even bdubs is defending white supremacy now  :(

The White Power hand sign thing is the dumbest thing.

Especially because those fuckers at 4chan/8chan came up with this nonsense to own the libs. Creating quite possibly the biggest self own paradox in history. :doge

(Image removed from quote.)

One of the major points for using a benign hand signal is to make people on the left become paranoid about any and every instance of it. The OP calling this person scum for doing a signal that a lot of people use to not signal white supremacist views is an example of how successful Nazis are.

Pound sand, Naziintex
If you think about it the only thing the Nazi's were ever succesful at was making movies.


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #42163 on: April 29, 2021, 08:03:38 PM »
I see your returnal review and raise you:

"But when I look at these games, my excitement dims into frustration and, like the tiniest drop of ink in a crystal-clear glass of water, begins to take over. Though these games star women — monstrous women, badass women, or furry women — all the women are white (or voiced by white actresses), so I can’t quite feel the same sea change as others might when they look at these games.

Cis white women are a safe option. They are just as much the default as the white men they replace. When companies want to look progressive and inclusive, they hire white women. When video games similarly want to look progressive and inclusive, guess who gets put on the box. I’m reminded of BioWare’s campaign to have players vote on what the default female Commander Shepard would look like for Mass Effect 3. I remember being crushed when my choices were blonde, brunette, redhead, and two paper-bag-test-passing tan women."


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #42164 on: April 29, 2021, 08:16:43 PM »
Looks like the rable rousers bringing up GG are upset the mods saw through their bullshit derailment and is banning them:

Quote from: FoneBone
multiple posters being hit with one-week bans in the Returnal thread for criticizing the pile-on on Dia

Quote from: she_esh
It's ridiculous, this forum absolutely has a problem with women of color criticizing games (see the comments about Gita Jackson around TLOU 2's release last year too)

Quote from: OneEyedKing
Couldn't believe that when I saw it. Absolute shame that they're the ones being punished.

Yes, it is a shame you and your ilks' bullshit thread derail didn't come without consequences for once.  ::)

Quote from: PaperSparrow
I've seen some stupid comparisons to GG on this site, can't say it was unwarranted here. Even if you don't agree, at the end of the day a person was being personally targeted and attacked online, it wasn't making light or lessening GG by being used.

Laughing and pointing at dumb takes from reviewers' reviews isn't "GG harassment" for fuck sake.

Quote from: LudicrousSpeed
That mod note on the new Returnal thread is, well, one of those cases where I’m surprised and then I think about it for two seconds and I wonder why I had any expectations for a better response from Era.

I’m not sure how the hell you read the toxicity of that previous thread and determine the problem isn’t the dogpile or the mod engaging in the dogpile but the people who looked at that fucking disgusting toxic behavior and went “what the fuck?”

The mods identified the actual troublemakers and banned them for once. Bravo.


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #42165 on: April 29, 2021, 08:20:00 PM »
Quote from: Starseeker
This. The response from staff was downright despicable. Trans people hate this place with good reason, and the ones who are in the position to protect them only contribute to the problem.

Allowing criticism and mockery at a reviewer that happens to be trans = ERA is a hate site full of transphobic staff.


  • Haughty and a little naughty
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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #42166 on: April 29, 2021, 08:27:38 PM »
The staff post in the rebooted thread is pretty hilarious though

Thread rebooted. Members are allowed to critique reviews, laugh at them, roll their eyes at them, and disagree with them; this has always been the case and rarely caused serious problems. In the previous version of this thread, one review raised some eyebrows due to a tangent about the prefix "xeno" in a game about extraterrestrials, relating it to United States immigration policy.

This was not an issue until a certain famous alt-right troll decided to highlight that same review and inspire his followers to start a harassment campaign against its author on Twitter. We will not name the troll because him and all his content is already banned here.

In the wake of that awfulness, members who had previously posted anything critical about the review became targets of personal attacks and inflammatory accusations, essentially painting them as alt-right when all they had done was disagree with a video game review. That is not acceptable.

To be very clear, there must be no personal insults or attacks against the reviewer. Given the situation, commentary about that review itself should be worded politely and delicately or not at all. This is a thread for all reviews about Returnal and its metascores. The thread should not be hyperfocused on a single review.

They put all the blame on C*lin. While their critcism and cringing was well deserved, Colin was of course only trolling  :lol

Joe Molotov

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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #42167 on: April 29, 2021, 08:39:26 PM »

You come at a Jannie, you best not miss.  :mods


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #42168 on: April 29, 2021, 08:50:46 PM »
A.By is almost always in the thick of it whenever the mods and users have a dust up. Always instigating and poking at the mods. They have proven themselves to be an instigator/shit stirrer. I mean, weren't they the one that leaked the mods' Discord discussions? Or were they the one that dug up an old post from GAF from a BCT aligned mod to get him demodded? I know was deeply involved in one or both of those incidents.
« Last Edit: April 29, 2021, 09:01:15 PM by Averon »


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #42169 on: April 29, 2021, 09:16:18 PM »
Quote from: Starseeker
This. The response from staff was downright despicable. Trans people hate this place with good reason, and the ones who are in the position to protect them only contribute to the problem.

Allowing criticism and mockery at a reviewer that happens to be trans = ERA is a hate site full of transphobic staff.

Trans people hate it so much that they can't leave and go make their own forum.

And what response were mods supposed to have to people MOCKING THE CONTENT OF THE REVIEW AND NOT THE PERSON REVIEWING IT!?  :kinison

What "toxic behavior"? Its people laughing at the absurdity of bringing xenophobia and Democrats and the DualSense controller being like a vibrator with low batteries into a review about a shoot 'em up game.


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #42170 on: April 29, 2021, 09:37:14 PM »
A.By is almost always in the thick of it whenever the mods and users have a dust up. Always instigating and poking at the mods. They have proven themselves to be an instigator/shit stirrer. I mean, weren't they the one that leaked the mods' Discord discussions? Or were they the one that dug up an old post from GAF from a BCT aligned mod to get him demodded? I know was deeply involved in one or both of those incidents.

If true, please refer to this poster as A*By going forward.

Also, FUCK C*lin.


  • Senior Member
Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #42171 on: April 29, 2021, 10:36:23 PM »
A.By was trans? I thought that user was just stupid.


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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #42172 on: April 29, 2021, 10:50:19 PM »
In the wake of that awfulness, members who had previously posted anything critical about the review became targets of personal attacks and inflammatory accusations, essentially painting them as alt-right when all they had done was disagree with a video game review. That is not acceptable.

That have not stopped you before. What changed?


  • Senior Member
Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #42173 on: April 30, 2021, 01:44:22 AM »
I see your returnal review and raise you:
I’m going to need the author to explain how they know these characters are cis. That baseless and confident assertion seems rather problematic to me.

Cauliflower Of Love

  • I found my bearings, they were in the race
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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #42174 on: April 30, 2021, 02:44:07 AM »
ok, so some things are finally being put on paper.

the EU things about private information has not been ignored by the higher ups at DBA resetera.

Apparently a dba doesn't shield from fraud, and ___________ contributions.

There's been two very influential communities to the gamer circle that got roped up in a certain January event. 

Whiteman is having his last half in heaven.

e: resetera apparently doesn't even pretend to adhere to multi national privacy laws?  we us. USA USA....?


  • Winner of the Baited Award 2018
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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #42175 on: April 30, 2021, 05:43:08 AM »
In the wake of that awfulness, members who had previously posted anything critical about the review became targets of personal attacks and inflammatory accusations, essentially painting them as alt-right when all they had done was disagree with a video game review. That is not acceptable.

That have not stopped you before. What changed?

One of those members is a mod.

Don Rumata

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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #42176 on: April 30, 2021, 06:17:41 AM »
I see your returnal review and raise you:
I’m going to need the author to explain how they know these characters are cis. That baseless and confident assertion seems rather problematic to me.
Otherwise they would've mentioned it every 5 minutes.   :smug

Straight Edge

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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #42177 on: April 30, 2021, 06:23:40 AM »
I see your returnal review and raise you:
I’m going to need the author to explain how they know these characters are cis. That baseless and confident assertion seems rather problematic to me.

Is the voice actor Cis? Checkmate!
Oi Oi


  • Dumbass Monkey
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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #42178 on: April 30, 2021, 06:44:44 AM »
Gamergate was the worst thing to happen to games.  Not because of any harassment or grifters using it to make bank, nor because of any spotlight being shone on the hyper-insularity and questionable practices of the enthusiast press.  The truly worst thing about gamergate is how it is constantly being used by shitty games press to shield themselves from a critical discussion when they go and say outrageously dumb shit.

Can you imagine the era threads if they tried to expand it beyond garmes jurnalizm?
"Era, I'm an uber eats delivery driver, and the other day some alt-right gamergater chud gave me a one star review because I gave them a self indulgent blogpost instead of the meal for 4 that they ordered, can't fucking believe these people are allowed to eat food and obviously corporate didnt back me up, guess I'm destroying my car forever now"


  • Dumbass Monkey
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Re: Doxxing Files |OT| Do not use a pandemic to make a platform wars thread
« Reply #42179 on: April 30, 2021, 06:48:48 AM »
There was a couple guys outside the house then one ran over with the rifle pointed at his friend and his friend sped off in the car.

They chased him through the city for a bit but gave up when he found a police officer. The officer took chase of them, but didn’t even report anything..

God, I just want out of here.

You should have gone to a social worker instead of a literal murderer, ACAB defund the poliss