Author Topic: USA Politics Thread |OT| Son of a bitch!  (Read 396800 times)

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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Son of a bitch!
« Reply #5520 on: February 19, 2022, 07:07:28 PM »
Unnecessarily snipe at him. I have on block for a reason. I legitimately hate him and I'm happy at this reaction.
I think it's pretty unnecessary to take shots at foreigners like you have, especially since they're just as welcome here. Nintex is on "your side" and you don't really target him, but Potato and Madrun and whoever else disagrees with you gets attacked for being foreigners and told to get out. All while most of your posts are just rants about "liberals" being jerks to you, even though your current dispute isn't really with "liberals" broadly but with COVID and homeless policies in New York City.

Maybe Potato is taking it too personally, I don't know, he just seems to be giving you some shit back rather than pursuing any kind of leftist agenda. (Madrun is trying to sow discord as is typical of the Canadian menace.)

In the past I simply reminded Potato he's injecting a non-American perspective onto my American viewpoint. Pretty simple. :yeshrug He took it personally (good) which is precisely I brought up Euros and Australians in the aforementioned post. Nice, easy, reaction.

Oh no. Whatever will your incompetent snowflake brain ever do now?


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Son of a bitch!
« Reply #5521 on: February 19, 2022, 07:09:43 PM »
Benji, I'm not trying to sow discord, I'm legit tired of seeing Himu's dumb fucking rants in every thread.  It's nintex bad but then also aggressive on top.   The forum would be better without Himu here.

lol every thread

What you really mean is this and the Covid thread. lol Poor ol Madrun. Poor poor Arvie. :tocry


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Son of a bitch!
« Reply #5522 on: February 19, 2022, 07:10:33 PM »
The fact that you have chosen me, out of all the people who have called you out on your bullshit, to accuse of being leftist is just proof that you are not really coherent and don't really have a philosophy outside of ranting and raving about whatever it is that's triggered you on Twitter.

Get help.

What you think is just "fun and games on the internet" is actually some pretty deep seated malfunction in your brain and a cry for help.

I do want you to get that help. It's important.


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Son of a bitch!
« Reply #5523 on: February 19, 2022, 07:10:50 PM »
The Madrun Agenda:


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Resist Australian-style Fascism
« Reply #5525 on: February 19, 2022, 07:12:47 PM »
For the sake of transparency, again, it's not two issues. Here's a serious post without me fishing for a reaction.

Himu, I love you buddy - but what does the Republican party offer you besides a slight respite from the particularly annoying grievance politics from the Democratic party?  There's a lot to criticize with the left, especially their handling of sensitive issues regarding race and identity...  But what do the Republicans do for you?  Is it largely their stance on vax freedom?

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Life experience. Living in a blue city in a red state is a complete opposite experience to living in a blue city in a blue state. It's easy to say you're a progressive until you've actually lived in a place that actually is.

You would think moving to NYC would make me more liberal/progressive than I was. I moved here as a progressive. In the end, I had to learn what it was like to live with and sit with the impact of my own policies. It was a massive wake up call.

Liberalism leads to:

1. Mediocrity - Privileged liberals hewed and hawed about the Pandemic and being scared to even go out even as they sat in their homes doing Zoom meetings, complaining about having to commute to the office well after vaccines were available. Whether my former roommates or whatever, I just noticed that the privilege of being able to work from home was an elite status that the elite couldn't recognize was privileged, nor could they appreciate as the rest of us - like myself and others I knew - had to sacrifice our bodies, our time, our safety to make ends meet in the middle of a pandemic. Through this experience I saw the laziness that was bred through virtual meetings, the privilege of work from home that it creates, and the mediocrity it brings. The rest of us operated on pure grit and a will to live despite all odds. Meanwhile the privileged are too scared to live because of social anxiety. It's really pathetic.

2. Weakness - Tied into the last point, and as we can see from Biden's lack of leadership, liberalism leads to weakness. Endless complaining, no solutions, just bleeding hearts. Their solution to most problems is nothing. Or they do something but have no real end game plan so they protest the closing a nuclear plant to purport an increase in natural gas usage only to want to limit natural gas and increase gas energy prices a year later. They have no long term strategy. It is only ever feelings based finger pointing and victim blaming. There's almost never an idea of hope presented by the left. It's endless navel gazing and problems and doom and gloom. Going by the left, you can't do anything because you're black. You're a woman. You're this, you're that. Everything is tied to some victim complex of identity and I refuse to let my victories be defined by the color of my skin but the talent that I have and dreams I wish to achieve.

3. Excuse making - Black people can't get vote IDs despite the fact most black people live in the south and it's impossible to get anywhere in the south without a fucking drivers license and a car so most people already have IDs. Homeless are smoking crack on the subway and attacking people where children take the commute to school? Let's ignore it, they need a place to sleep! This all forms a trifecta of low expectations. They don't push anyone to do aspire to be their best, they merely look at society and victimize. Are these very real issues? In some cases, sure. But endless victimhood, what has it gotten us? Absolutely nothing. Hopes. Dreams. And a can do spirit. Maybe we will fail, but that's the tough America is made of.

More and more as I lived here I noticed that the real problems people face aren't met with respect but with money being thrown at the issue. It made me more fiscally conservative due to how much of my tax dollars go towards shit that don't solve anything.

Conservatives understand all of this. Although they have their own issues with liberty, Republicans have more respect towards it as a rule. I very much identify with the libertarians but the Libertarian Party isn't going to win a fight against the Democratic Party which I increasingly view as even worse for society than the Republicans especially through the lens of identity politics. I can talk to Republicans about things and they'll disagree on some things but understand where I'm coming from. I communicate my complex views on liberty and Democrats think I'm a bigot.

Over regulation, disregarding families and family values, no long term strategy, lack of strong leadership, privileged elitists, too fiscally liberal, reducing people to their identity/race/gender, the endless victim olympics, over 50 years of being a total clown show, their inability to get things done on a local/state/federal level, on and on and on. On most issues I realize I'm closer to the Republicans than the Democrats. A few years ago I flirted with conservatism and I wrongly put it in the box but I can admit I was wrong and I should have went all the way then and there. I've finally pushed the button.

At the end of the day we live in a two party system and the American people are keep choosing between the two because they can't govern. But for all of his faults, Americans did real well under Trump, especially our wallets and businesses and families.

Republicans offer me:

1. Hope. They actually believe the things they say. Conservatives just want upward mobility. That's what I want. Republicans actually believe if you work hard enough you'll make it. That's what I believe. I wouldn't have moved across the country if I didn't. In this, we are aligned. When I came here I found opportunity after opportunity after opportunity. Turns out opportunity knocks if you want it bad enough. No one stopped me because of my race. No one limited me but myself. By contrast, the left only judges, finger points, says this and that person thinks a certain way therefore they're bad and must be avoided.

2. A modern life. Republicans wisely understand that the conditions of our lives in here and now - today - is a rare circumstance in the circumference of human history and we should hold on to what we hold dear at all costs. Although there's much to improve, the liberal/progressive/communist idea of toppling what we have of unprecedented education, unprecedented peace, unprecedented opportunity for the human being to strive is bad. Often liberals are too concerned with transforming things without knowing what they're transforming them into. They are all heart, no brain.

3. Freedom. To own a gun. To own a business and run it how you like. To think what you want.

Throw in deregulation, school choice (as I plan for a family), more traditional values, lower taxes, better distribution of those taxes, less welfare programs that keep society mediocre, a can do spirit and it's pretty obvious which is better.

I think a better question is what the Democrats have to offer me.

I haven't even gotten into Vaccine mandates, the endless Covid safety parade, the endless Covid virtue signaling, turning vaccines into a full fledged identity, or the failures of the Biden administration. All of those things were the final domino enough to finally make me push the button. Republicans are by no means perfect but at this point, but they're closer to my ideals than the Democrats.

TLDR: Moving to NYC made me more conservative after challenging my progressive views. The only things I agree with Democrats on is healthcare reform (I get really good healthcare in NY and think it's worth paying a tax for) and a few other issues like decriminalization of drugs which funnily came from the more libertarian Colorado.


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Son of a bitch!
« Reply #5526 on: February 19, 2022, 07:16:16 PM »
There's two different modes. There's troll mode, fish mode, where I write purposely hyperbolic stuff, and then there's the real me, as in the response to Propa. If you think fish mode is genuine you're really fucking re re. :heh

Read this tweet which is a reply to the original thread.

Democrats and their endless virtue. "BUT PEOPLE ARE DYING!!!!!!!! :stop"

Yeah, and? It's a pandemic. Remember when Trump was Prez and they lost their shit at 400k dying under his watch? But they are really quiet about blaming Biden for deaths when it hits even more than Trump's numbers. Yet they still use PEOPLE ARE DYING!!! as an excuse, even when their rigid policies clearly aren't fucking working.

(Image removed from quote.)

LET'S DO IT! We have the momentum! Liberals have masks despite being triple vaxxed and endless faggotry. Have to make sure Liberals lose so much ground they lose an entire generation. We have to make sure liberals never see power again.


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Son of a bitch!
« Reply #5527 on: February 19, 2022, 07:17:03 PM »
Do you have a beast mode?  8)

Coffee Dog

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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Son of a bitch!
« Reply #5528 on: February 19, 2022, 07:17:35 PM »
I'm not really sure how you go from BIG COPE over not getting to work from home -> telling people to kill themselves because it makes you feel good


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Son of a bitch!
« Reply #5529 on: February 19, 2022, 07:18:44 PM »
Do you have a beast mode?  8)

Only on the women I love.

Boy yowza!!!



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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Son of a bitch!
« Reply #5530 on: February 19, 2022, 07:20:30 PM »
BIG COPE over not getting to work from home

Ah. A reductionist statement that reduces what I said into a meme. Never seen that on this forum before or from liberals for that matter. Coffee is fatal to dogs. I hope you don't drink too much, you hunkering phaggot.


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Son of a bitch!
« Reply #5531 on: February 19, 2022, 07:22:41 PM »


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Son of a bitch!
« Reply #5532 on: February 19, 2022, 07:24:54 PM » I tell my perspective from my life and you've got the liberals coming out calling me stupid for feeling that way whether it's Stro or some non-American. Most are liberal so I apply it to liberals. But my main ire goes beyond homelessness and covid policies but liberal policies in general, to which the liberal response in this thread and forum confirm to me: the problem is liberals. Since the liberals are unwilling to engage when I was being intellectually honest and nice, why should they get respect returned? I am nice to those who are nice to me.
It's fine to have problems with progressives and Democrats in general but for the most part you've only really outlined three broad disagreements with them:
-COVID policy in NYC, which is more extreme than most of the country, including even DC at times, and as you yourself have noted other Democratic Governors are not following Hochul in statewide policies while pushing back against the the larger coastal state Democrats that are closer to her
-homeless/crime policy in NYC, which as you yourself again noted Eric Adams (himself not very popular among progressives) seems to be trending away from the de Blasio policies (which themselves were far from the popular policies of Rudy and Bloomberg, both "liberals")
-they're jerks online

When you pressed him a bit, stost outlined his own policy interests regarding homelessness from a leftist perspective that probably wouldn't be entirely acceptable among big city progressives, Democrats or "liberals" and you didn't have too much criticism for those. The SF recall is interesting because it was a coalition on specific interests, where typical broad politics would have never succeeded (indeed the board members and their defenders tried to go exactly this route by accusing their multicultural San Francisco opponents of being Trumpers, Republicans, white supremacists, etc.) which I think is another instance of evidence for where if you want to bring down big city party-backed Democrats as you proclaim it's about building coalitions on issues, not engaging in MAGA style politics. I think you're probably right that the de Blasio polices weren't entirely popular even among Democrats, but you seem to be painting anyone who disagrees with you as inherently backing those.

In other words, I'm saying you need a little more Hugh Honey and less Vic Vinegar in both your real estate and your life.


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Son of a bitch!
« Reply #5533 on: February 19, 2022, 07:25:32 PM »
Hmm, pretend. No. More like, think a certain way but blow it up a bit. For show. Since no one wants to actually talk and treat people like humans here you might as go all out and make it your oyster.


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Son of a bitch!
« Reply #5535 on: February 19, 2022, 07:30:43 PM » I tell my perspective from my life and you've got the liberals coming out calling me stupid for feeling that way whether it's Stro or some non-American. Most are liberal so I apply it to liberals. But my main ire goes beyond homelessness and covid policies but liberal policies in general, to which the liberal response in this thread and forum confirm to me: the problem is liberals. Since the liberals are unwilling to engage when I was being intellectually honest and nice, why should they get respect returned? I am nice to those who are nice to me.
It's fine to have problems with progressives and Democrats in general but for the most part you've only really outlined three broad disagreements with them:
-COVID policy in NYC, which is more extreme than most of the country, including even DC at times, and as you yourself have noted other Democratic Governors are not following Hochul in statewide policies while pushing back against the the larger coastal state Democrats that are closer to her
-homeless/crime policy in NYC, which as you yourself again noted Eric Adams (himself not very popular among progressives) seems to be trending away from the de Blasio policies (which themselves were far from the popular policies of Rudy and Bloomberg, both "liberals")
-they're jerks online

This isn't a fair ascertainment of my views at all. I've made the argument for example that liberals own all culture. This means it's impossible to escape liberal viewpoints as well as people. So not only do you have to suffer with it in real life, in the media you consume, in the ways they impact your day to day life but you go online and they're fucking everywhere as well. It's not that liberals are jerks online. It's actually the cherry on top.

You're also pulling together homeless and crime policy into one batch. You've missed taxes, as well as the fact the Democrats don't get anything done or the fact that for the most part liberal policies are wholly reactionary.

When you pressed him a bit, stost outlined his own policy interests regarding homelessness from a leftist perspective that probably wouldn't be entirely acceptable among big city progressives, Democrats or "liberals" and you didn't have too much criticism for those. The SF recall is interesting because it was a coalition on specific interests, where typical broad politics it would have never succeeded (indeed the board members and their defenders tried to go exactly this route by accusing their multicultural San Francisco opponents of being Trumpers, Republicans, white supremacists, etc.) which I think is another instance of evidence for where if you want to bring down big city party-backed Democrats as you proclaim it's about building coalitions on issues, not engaging in MAGA style politics. I think you're probably right that the de Blasio polices weren't entirely popular even among Democrats, but you seem to be painting anyone who disagrees with you as inherently backing those.

In other words, I'm saying you need a little more Hugh Honey and less Vic Vinegar in both your real estate and your life.

I disagree with Shosta's homeless policy in general which was the same as NYC's to my memory and that's do nothing.


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Son of a bitch!
« Reply #5537 on: February 19, 2022, 07:32:58 PM »
:dead American troops to Canada


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Son of a bitch!
« Reply #5538 on: February 19, 2022, 07:40:10 PM »


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Son of a bitch!
« Reply #5539 on: February 19, 2022, 07:41:06 PM »
I'll spare Madrun the time and leave on my own will. I'm pretty sure Bork will ban me though anyways so you win anyways.

As a corollary, as I said elsewhere, the Bore is inherently toxic.

The environment of the Bore is made as such where I, or someone else, says something. Then people, rather than trying to understand what is being said, get on a soapbox of correctness and attempt to judge or bully the person in to why they're wrong. Person doubles down. Tirade continues. Person triples down.

The Bore does this with any person they don't like and always has. We are a monoculture and like to keep it that way. Look at Ghoul's posts on this page and thread. it's done specifically to create a reaction. He's acting like a toxic ass. So I respond as a toxic ass back. That's Bore 101.

You could argue it's the format, and that's true as far as it goes, but it's also the people. The Discord can be just as toxic.

I've been on this forum since it launched in 2006. Frankly, no one I used to like even posts anymore besides a few strays like Bebpo or Tiesto. I just post to get reactions now anyways. Posting here is pretty pointless and has been for some time.

If there's one bad thing for my mental health, as you all say, it's probably The Bore. The fact of the matter is, we don't like each other, and there's better things to spend ones time on. "Go where you're appreciated" is pretty good advice. I don't appreciate any of you or vice versa.

I hate you all.



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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Son of a bitch!
« Reply #5540 on: February 19, 2022, 07:46:34 PM »
God speed Himu I hope you find what you are looking for :fbm


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Son of a bitch!
« Reply #5541 on: February 19, 2022, 07:49:52 PM »
See you in a month


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Son of a bitch!
« Reply #5542 on: February 19, 2022, 07:54:55 PM »
See you in a month
I wonder what random issue his personality will be based on by then?


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Son of a bitch!
« Reply #5543 on: February 19, 2022, 07:55:29 PM »


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Son of a bitch!
« Reply #5544 on: February 19, 2022, 07:55:38 PM »
This isn't a fair ascertainment of my views at all. I've made the argument for example that liberals own all culture. This means it's impossible to escape liberal viewpoints as well as people. So not only do you have to suffer with it in real life, in the media you consume, in the ways they impact your day to day life but you go online and they're fucking everywhere as well. It's not that liberals are jerks online. It's actually the cherry on top.

You're also pulling together homeless and crime policy into one batch. You've missed taxes, as well as the fact the Democrats don't get anything done or the fact that for the most part liberal policies are wholly reactionary.
I disagree with your position on culture, doesn't seem like that at all to me. People seem pretty good at siloing. Even where progressives are dominant I don't see anything that suggests they're winning the fight, especially online. For example, the people still using Latinx are a rear guard that got crushed dramatically. People ignore/mock all the NFL's attempts at seeming woke. Elite culture has always pushed their views, I don't know why you're suddenly so upset about it that you're willing to become caustic, it's been this way our entire lives. Seinfeld was elite "liberal" culture in the 1990's.

I did toss crime in there because as I was writing the stuff comparing Adams and de Blasio I recognized that was part of what upsets people about Adams.

Taxes are taxes, one set of people are always going to want higher taxes on other people. Even Republicans, the Trump SALT changes were a direct attempt to wedge tax concerns into Democratic cleavages. That's why you had even NY Republicans who were otherwise MAGAtards voting against it in the House. At this point criticizing Democrats for wanting to increase taxes seems like low hanging fruit, they champion their desire for more taxes now days.

Democrats seem to get a lot done, they just have different priorities than you or I. For example, directing taxpayer dollars to well connected wealthy political groups, they get this done very well.

On the last point, I've called progressive politics reactionary for a long time just on this forum but you have to actually make that argument if you want them to listen to you about it. Insulting them for not getting it won't get them there, it will just harden them in their place on the right side of history and cause them to dismiss everything you say including the good parts.


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Son of a bitch!
« Reply #5545 on: February 19, 2022, 07:58:14 PM »
I can't give an exact percentage, but part of me is convinced the real Himu hasn't really existed for some quantity of time, and that the Bore account for Himu has been used for nefarious reasons for 16 years.

I may be wrong and it's actually one person behind the account. But if the main consistency is the lack of consistency..... :doge


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Son of a bitch!
« Reply #5546 on: February 19, 2022, 08:39:33 PM »


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Son of a bitch!
« Reply #5547 on: February 19, 2022, 09:13:36 PM »
Too soon. Not funny.


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Son of a bitch!
« Reply #5548 on: February 19, 2022, 09:35:09 PM »
Well, that was a lot to come back to after a couple of hours.


I'll spare Madrun the time and leave on my own will. I'm pretty sure Bork will ban me though anyways so you win anyways.

Yeah, because you need a break and this will stop any temptation you might have of doing more posting.  See you in 30.


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Son of a bitch!
« Reply #5549 on: February 19, 2022, 09:45:55 PM »
and here comes the online liberal jannies to silence a Black man for speaking truth to liberal power smh



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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Son of a bitch!
« Reply #5550 on: February 19, 2022, 09:46:05 PM »
Rather than clean this shit up, thread's closed.  Will make a new one shortly.