Nintex maybe a distinguished mentally-challenged fellow, but at least he stood by his distinguished mentally-challenged guns.
Regarding Nintex, you do not, under any circumstances, "gotta hand it to him."
where did I quote gotta hand it to him though?
Also what the fuck did you guys do to Riotous?
I quote "riotous — 26/10/2021
yeah and i just had a minor situation that was clear cut that pedo fuck Great Rumbler being a douchebag
and they all just defending him..
really annoying.. i just dont need that shit"
No discord shit happend though? Also I know to fuck my invite from cats was declined due to a group vote, fuck off shallow cunts.
Yes I'm absolutely a risk, I will dox the world, despite you having numerous pictures of me, my dogs, wife and know where I'm from absolute