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  • Punk Mushi no Onna
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There's a steel book?! Noooo


  • Senior Member
Started my replay of RE4. I'm on the Ashley section now, which is one of my favorite parts. It's funny playing it there's a lot of things that have aged but it's still fantastic and the best 3d game I've ever played. I'm beyond stoked and this remake has potential to become an all time favorite.

Is Resident Evil the best 3D gaming franchise? Of the 3D game franchises started in the 3D era I cannot think of a single one that has been as consistent and great and always evolving in interesting ways as Resident Evil. Games like Halo and Gears have seen better days. Tomb Raider, was once a leader but became a follower (Uncharted like). Virtua Fighter is dead. Is there any other franchise that started 3D, is still going, and just as relevant, if not more, than ever? Because I honestly can't think of a single one besides RE. Aside from RE6 the franchise has no real hiccups.

Essentially RE is to 3D gaming what Mario is for 2D gaming: pristine. The only competition it has are games that were originally 2D and became  3D like Mario, GTA (hasn't had a new entry in ten years) or Metal Gear (dead). That's quite a pedigree.

I guess there's Tekken.
« Last Edit: March 20, 2023, 09:48:17 PM by Himu »


  • Senior Member
You mentioned Uncharted.. I'd say it's been more consistent, though many less entries.  But RE had been around long enough to have a good handful of sub par RE games too; Survivor 1 & 2, Operation Raccoon City, Umbrella Corps, to name a few.


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
  • Global Moderator
Started my replay of RE4. I'm on the Ashley section now, which is one of my favorite parts. It's funny playing it there's a lot of things that have aged but it's still fantastic and the best 3d game I've ever played. I'm beyond stoked and this remake has potential to become an all time favorite.

Is Resident Evil the best 3D gaming franchise? Of the 3D game franchises started in the 3D era I cannot think of a single one that has been as consistent and great and always evolving in interesting ways as Resident Evil. Games like Halo and Gears have seen better days. Tomb Raider, was once a leader but became a follower (Uncharted like). Virtua Fighter is dead. Is there any other franchise that started 3D, is still going, and just as relevant, if not more, than ever? Because I honestly can't think of a single one besides RE. Aside from RE6 the franchise has no real hiccups.

Essentially RE is to 3D gaming what Mario is for 2D gaming: pristine. The only competition it has are games that were originally 2D and became  3D like Mario, GTA (hasn't had a new entry in ten years) or Metal Gear (dead). That's quite a pedigree.

I guess there's Tekken.

Wish I shared your enthusiasm.  I was pretty hyped for this until I played the demo.  Have replayed it several times and I just can't get into it like I did with the original game (which is one of my all-time favorites).  It feels like they tried to make it a bit more like the RE2 and RE3 remakes, I.E. more "survival horror" and less action.  And that's just not what I wanted from this. 


  • Senior Member
I have no idea what you're talking about. The villagers numbers have been increased and enemies like the chainsaw man take more to put down. There's more tactical strategy like setting the barn on fire. If anything it's more action packed with things knife parries.

You mentioned Uncharted.. I'd say it's been more consistent, though many less entries.  But RE had been around long enough to have a good handful of sub par RE games too; Survivor 1 & 2, Operation Raccoon City, Umbrella Corps, to name a few.

I don't think Uncharted really compares. 4 entries in 17 years versus how many entries in 27. Uncharted 4 is the same as 1 except with better story and writing and set pieces. Resident Evil 4 and 1 might as well be two different franchises and yet they're still Resident Evil. Uncharted doesn't have the longevity, creativity, nor influence of RE. The games you mentioned are spinoffs and even Zelda has those crappy cdi games.
« Last Edit: March 20, 2023, 11:01:19 PM by Himu »


  • Senior Member
I got burned out on the genre pretty quick early on.  Once Nemesis hit, it felt like they were all out of ideas.. felt like a unused asset, B tier, Majora's Mask shit. I wish I remembered more of RE4 back then (I remember bork back then praising the shit out of it more than the gameplay itelf :lol), but I remember jumping on RE5 on launch and thinking it was just ok.  I completely skipped 6 because it simply looked dumb as shit with the "over the top anime style action cut scenes" they were trying to emulate John Woo flicks, but totally missing the mark...  They lost their way again.   However, RE7 really was the true RE renaissance imo..  And in VR, it felt like experiencing RE1 again all over for the first time (in true 3D).  And then followed up with REmake2?  Capcom was muthufuckin back.

That being said, I wish I could share your enthusiasm for the franchise as a whole, but I feel it had more than it's fair share of dips.. However, mad kudos to Capcom for keeping it alive with top tier effort.  Granted, I never cared for zombie stuff or horror movies even back in the 80's and 90's, so it never resonated as much as it did others.  I just wanted to shoot exploding stuff with various weapons.  :aah :american :gun
« Last Edit: March 21, 2023, 09:05:19 AM by Svejk »


  • Senior Member
I got burned out on the genre pretty quick early on.  Once Nemesis hit, it felt like they were all out of ideas.. felt like a unused asset, B tier, Majora's Mask shit. I wish I remembered more of RE4 back then (I remember bork back then praising the shit out of it more than the gameplay itelf :lol), but I remember jumping on RE5 on launch and thinking it was just ok.  I completely skipped 6 because it simply looked dumb as shit with the "over the top anime style action cut scenes" they were trying to emulate John Woo flicks, but totally missing the mark...  They lost their way again.   However, RE7 really was the true RE renaissance imo..  And in VR, it felt like experiencing RE1 again all over for the first time (in true 3D).  And then followed up with REmake2?  Capcom was muthufuckin back.

That being said, I wish I could share your enthusiasm for the franchise as a whole, but I feel it had more than it's fair share of dips.. However, mad kudos to Capcom for keeping it alive with top tier effort.  Granted, I never cared for zombie stuff or horror movies even back in the 80's and 90's, so it never resonated as much as it did others.  I just wanted to shoot exploding stuff with various weapons.  :aah :american :gun

Every franchise has dips. That's what happens when you're a franchise. But RE more than any franchise I can think of knows when it's time change things up with those dips. And those low points are very, very short. With RE Code Veronica was a low point but they immediately came out with the best remake ever in REmake. RE6 was a low, but it came out in 2012 and RE7, which is highly regarded (can't wait to play it), came out in 2017 just a few years after. Meanwhile Final Fantasy has been an MMO for a decade with one mediocre single player entry and a controversial remake. GTA hasn't had a new game in a decade. Virtue Fighter is dead. Uncharted had only one entry last gen and it was at the beginning of the PS4 generation. Gears is past its glory days and so is Halo. Where the fuck is Mass Effect? Where the fuck is Dragon Age? other old franchises like Diablo barely innovate or do new things. Diablo is Diablo. Civ is Civ. What you see is what you get. Meanwhile Resident Evil is an almost thirty year franchise that manages to continuously revamp itself, stay current, and innovate. You can't really pick many franchises that can claim this, dude. You're missing my argument as RE had no low points. It's what it does after those low points. Most series never or barely bounce back. FF released XIII and kept giving us crap. RE released 6 and 7 came out a few years later. They were like,"what's RE6?" I cannot think of many franchises like that. Hell, we are in a thread for a remake of an almost twenty year old game that is seen as one of the most hype releases on the year while other franchises are stagnant or forgotten. That means something.

In terms of franchises that have similar longevity the only ones I can think of are Nintendo franchises like Mario and Zelda. Or Dragon Quest. Or Street Fighter maybe? Zelda came out with II but then Link to the Past came out. When they mastered the Zelda formula they came out with OoT, a certified banger classic. Even if you aren't keen on Majora's Mask, it's an experimental, unique game which takes balls to release after a game like OoT. Then Zelda had a stagnant period and bounced back with Breath or the Wild and Link Between Worlds and Zelda is probably more popular than ever in 2023. That's what I'm talking about: longevity. I'd say RE has had a shorter stagnant period than Zelda milked the OoT and LTTP formula for ages. Only Mario has been as consistent and always evolving. 64, Sunshine, Galaxy, and Odyssey all play different from each other with completely different focuses. Hell, there's even a vast difference between SMB, SMB3, SMW, and YI.

Donkey Kong could be another contender. Went from the original Donkey Kong to DKC to 3D Donkey Kong to Jungle Best to Donkey Kong Returns. Now there's rumors of an open world DK. Few gaming franchises have longevity like this. Even then DK doesn't have the popularity of RE.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2023, 01:17:23 PM by Himu »


  • Senior Member
The shooting range is ass in the original. The remake has a lot of hope in making one of the few negatives into a positive.

The Sceneman

  • Did my wife send you?
  • Senior Member
The shooting range is ass in the original. The remake has a lot of hope in making one of the few negatives into a positive.

yeah I replayed the Xbone port a couple years ago when it was on Gamepass, the only thing that sucked getting the 1000/1000 was completing the shooting gallery. Professional difficulty was a god tier gaming experience - the way the game was meant to be played :lawd


  • Senior Member
The shooting range is ass in the original. The remake has a lot of hope in making one of the few negatives into a positive.

yeah I replayed the Xbone port a couple years ago when it was on Gamepass, the only thing that sucked getting the 1000/1000 was completing the shooting gallery. Professional difficulty was a god tier gaming experience - the way the game was meant to be played :lawd

Yeah I completed the  third row and groan every time I see a shooting range door :lol It's so much more fun with the Wiimote.

It's so much better in the Wii edition. Come to think of it the Wii version may be the best version of the original.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2023, 07:35:15 PM by Himu »


  • Senior Member
I got burned out on the genre pretty quick early on.  Once Nemesis hit, it felt like they were all out of ideas.. felt like a unused asset, B tier, Majora's Mask shit. I wish I remembered more of RE4 back then (I remember bork back then praising the shit out of it more than the gameplay itelf :lol), but I remember jumping on RE5 on launch and thinking it was just ok.  I completely skipped 6 because it simply looked dumb as shit with the "over the top anime style action cut scenes" they were trying to emulate John Woo flicks, but totally missing the mark...  They lost their way again.   However, RE7 really was the true RE renaissance imo..  And in VR, it felt like experiencing RE1 again all over for the first time (in true 3D).  And then followed up with REmake2?  Capcom was muthufuckin back.

That being said, I wish I could share your enthusiasm for the franchise as a whole, but I feel it had more than it's fair share of dips.. However, mad kudos to Capcom for keeping it alive with top tier effort.  Granted, I never cared for zombie stuff or horror movies even back in the 80's and 90's, so it never resonated as much as it did others.  I just wanted to shoot exploding stuff with various weapons.  :aah :american :gun

Every franchise has dips. That's what happens when you're a franchise. But RE more than any franchise I can think of knows when it's time change things up with those dips. And those low points are very, very short. With RE Code Veronica was a low point but they immediately came out with the best remake ever in REmake. RE6 was a low, but it came out in 2012 and RE7, which is highly regarded (can't wait to play it), came out in 2017 just a few years after. Meanwhile Final Fantasy has been an MMO for a decade with one mediocre single player entry and a controversial remake. GTA hasn't had a new game in a decade. Virtue Fighter is dead. Uncharted had only one entry last gen and it was at the beginning of the PS4 generation. Gears is past its glory days and so is Halo. Where the fuck is Mass Effect? Where the fuck is Dragon Age? other old franchises like Diablo barely innovate or do new things. Diablo is Diablo. Civ is Civ. What you see is what you get. Meanwhile Resident Evil is an almost thirty year franchise that manages to continuously revamp itself, stay current, and innovate. You can't really pick many franchises that can claim this, dude. You're missing my argument as RE had no low points. It's what it does after those low points. Most series never or barely bounce back. FF released XIII and kept giving us crap. RE released 6 and 7 came out a few years later. They were like,"what's RE6?" I cannot think of many franchises like that. Hell, we are in a thread for a remake of an almost twenty year old game that is seen as one of the most hype releases on the year while other franchises are stagnant or forgotten. That means something.

In terms of franchises that have similar longevity the only ones I can think of are Nintendo franchises like Mario and Zelda. Or Dragon Quest. Or Street Fighter maybe? Zelda came out with II but then Link to the Past came out. When they mastered the Zelda formula they came out with OoT, a certified banger classic. Even if you aren't keen on Majora's Mask, it's an experimental, unique game which takes balls to release after a game like OoT. Then Zelda had a stagnant period and bounced back with Breath or the Wild and Link Between Worlds and Zelda is probably more popular than ever in 2023. That's what I'm talking about: longevity. I'd say RE has had a shorter stagnant period than Zelda milked the OoT and LTTP formula for ages. Only Mario has been as consistent and always evolving. 64, Sunshine, Galaxy, and Odyssey all play different from each other with completely different focuses. Hell, there's even a vast difference between SMB, SMB3, SMW, and YI.

Donkey Kong could be another contender. Went from the original Donkey Kong to DKC to 3D Donkey Kong to Jungle Best to Donkey Kong Returns. Now there's rumors of an open world DK. Few gaming franchises have longevity like this. Even then DK doesn't have the popularity of RE.
The Elder Scrolls?

Y'all talking about the Wii version of RE4.  Forgot I had that.  Been meaning to give it a try in forever.  Is it meant to be played with the gun attachment like Link's Crossbow Training, or just straight up nunchuk it?


  • Senior Member
Elder Scrolls has not had a new entry that isn't MMO in over ten years. They've milked Skyrim that entire time.


  • Punk Mushi no Onna
  • Senior Member
Ordered the game yesterday, they delivered it today. Good service.


  • Senior Member
Amazon shipping!


  • Senior Member
Anyone hear from Tasty?


  • Member
I don't think anyone posted in their witching hours thread at the wrong time following their post warning not to. Maybe they're just going through some things.

Hope things get better :heart


  • Punk Mushi no Onna
  • Senior Member
Deadzone issues on Xbox Series X (The version I got) haven't been fixed yet. Hoping there's a day 1 patch.


  • Administrator
  • Senior Member

Welp as I feared they took out the chainsaw decapitation, and made the game less campy. LAME


  • Senior Member
Anyone hear from Tasty?

He's off the bore


  • Administrator
  • Senior Member
I dont understand why cut content anyway just delay it a bit jesus christ.

The Sceneman

  • Did my wife send you?
  • Senior Member
I wonder if "big cheese" is still referred to as such


  • Senior Member
I got to the small time line last night and I lost my shit


  • Administrator
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The Sceneman

  • Did my wife send you?
  • Senior Member
I got to the small time line last night and I lost my shit

I like how calmly and gently - but assuredly - Leon delivers the line :rofl



  • Finish the Fight
  • Senior Member
I found a list of things they cut

Ada stuff is obviously DLC.

I used incidendiary grenades a lot in the original so I'll surely miss those.
Breakable doors, I noticed in the demo you couldn't kick in doors either.

Apart from that the U3 boss was always sort of buggy, truck driving Ganado's while fun more or less a QTE.
The gattling gun cultist room was a 'git gud' moment but could also be annoying at times.

It seems like most of what they cut are the weaker parts or things that didn't work well.
The clocktower was always messy with enemies dropping down or getting stuck on ladders.
Underground desert areas felt like a nod to Indiana Jones more than actual content.


  • Senior Member
I got to the small time line last night and I lost my shit

I like how calmly and gently - but assuredly - Leon delivers the line :rofl

My right hand is even better.


« Last Edit: March 22, 2023, 08:55:14 PM by Himu »


  • Senior Member
I found a list of things they cut

(Image removed from quote.)

Ada stuff is obviously DLC.

I used incidendiary grenades a lot in the original so I'll surely miss those.
Breakable doors, I noticed in the demo you couldn't kick in doors either.

Apart from that the U3 boss was always sort of buggy, truck driving Ganado's while fun more or less a QTE.
The gattling gun cultist room was a 'git gud' moment but could also be annoying at times.

It seems like most of what they cut are the weaker parts or things that didn't work well.
The clocktower was always messy with enemies dropping down or getting stuck on ladders.
Underground desert areas felt like a nod to Indiana Jones more than actual content.

Laser room and throne room?!?!


  • Senior Member
Beat my RE4 replay. I haven't replayed it in over ten years.

I used to think it didn't need a remake but this replay made me think otherwise. The game is unfortunately far from perfect. The island section, which is used to love, has a lot of flaws that drag the game down. Things like the Krauser boss fight just aren't fun. The Gatling gun ganado key card part isn't fun. The cover shooting section isn't fun. There's a lot of fat on the island and yet despite it all it's still such a great game. If the later part of the remake fixes these issues this could be something special. Especially modernizing the cover shooting part with modern cover shooting would be a significant step up.

I still think that from the town to the end of the castle the games pacing is unparalleled. So it's still best game ever, just that the end section takes it down a peg.

Also there's so much potential here to have better characterization for Ashley, Luis, Sadler, Mendes, Krauser, and even Ada. The fact we are getting more Luis is a major plus.
« Last Edit: March 23, 2023, 01:59:34 AM by Himu »


  • Administrator
  • Senior Member
I found a list of things they cut

(Image removed from quote.)

Ada stuff is obviously DLC.

I used incidendiary grenades a lot in the original so I'll surely miss those.
Breakable doors, I noticed in the demo you couldn't kick in doors either.

Apart from that the U3 boss was always sort of buggy, truck driving Ganado's while fun more or less a QTE.
The gattling gun cultist room was a 'git gud' moment but could also be annoying at times.

It seems like most of what they cut are the weaker parts or things that didn't work well.
The clocktower was always messy with enemies dropping down or getting stuck on ladders.
Underground desert areas felt like a nod to Indiana Jones more than actual content.

Laser room and throne room?!?!

Bruh laser room, throne room, iconic chainsaw beheading. How u gonna cut all that shit? Fucking hell. They really went full stupid over there at capcom.

Still excited to play it but I already know its not going to be as good as OG RE4

I honestly couldnt care less about Luis getting more exposure if it means no beheadings, cut content, no laser sight, dumb trader voice over. Jesus what were they smoking


  • my hog is small but it is mighty
  • Senior Member
Didnt even know you could get beheaded in re4 tbh. do people really actually get hot by the slow ass chainsaw man


  • Administrator
  • Senior Member
Didnt even know you could get beheaded in re4 tbh. do people really actually get hot by the slow ass chainsaw man




  • Administrator
  • Senior Member
Lools like we got the lame ass japanese censorship


  • Senior Member
Didnt even know you could get beheaded in re4 tbh. do people really actually get hot by the slow ass chainsaw man

You never died once to the Bella sisters or the chainsaw guy in the village the first time you played the game? Highly doubtful.


  • my hog is small but it is mighty
  • Senior Member


  • Member
Acid face melting > beheading


  • Administrator
  • Senior Member
Acid face melting > beheading

Ill bet you thats not in either

Ill bet you that blind guy doesnt chop your head off either anymore


Fuck man. What is this shit. Why do us like this? Is it censorship? Is it trying to make the game easier? I honestly dont get it.


  • Senior Member

Acid face melting > beheading

The eye popping out. Heck yes.


  • Punk Mushi no Onna
  • Senior Member

I haven't died much in the 4 hours I've played so far, but there seems to be enough cool death animations in this vid alone.


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
  • Global Moderator
Decided to get this although I was tempted to wait for the inevitable Gold Edition that should come out later on when all the DLC is released.  $58 for the deluxe.  Hope it's better than the demo!

Skullfuckers Anonymous

  • Will hunt bullies for fruit baskets. PM for details.
  • Senior Member
Bruh laser room, throne room, iconic chainsaw beheading. How u gonna cut all that shit? Fucking hell. They really went full stupid over there at capcom.

Still excited to play it but I already know its not going to be as good as OG RE4

I honestly couldnt care less about Luis getting more exposure if it means no beheadings, cut content, no laser sight, dumb trader voice over. Jesus what were they smoking

They really learned nothing from the re3 remake release.   :(


  • Senior Member
Bruh laser room, throne room, iconic chainsaw beheading. How u gonna cut all that shit? Fucking hell. They really went full stupid over there at capcom.

Still excited to play it but I already know its not going to be as good as OG RE4

I honestly couldnt care less about Luis getting more exposure if it means no beheadings, cut content, no laser sight, dumb trader voice over. Jesus what were they smoking

They really learned nothing from the re3 remake release.   :(

On the contrary, the Gmanlives review says the game is *longer* than the original and they opted to not cut stuff like things on the Island.


  • Senior Member
I really don't understand the problem with “cutting” things. Its a remake. A new game. Yeah some remakes have opted to be 1 to 1. But that's not what has to happen or should in my opinion.


  • Finish the Fight
  • Senior Member
I really don't understand the problem with “cutting” things. Its a remake. A new game. Yeah some remakes have opted to be 1 to 1. But that's not what has to happen or should in my opinion.
RE3 was very agressive with the cuts, they cut like half the game.
Still a great game but would've been better if it had a bit more meat on its bones.

With RE2 they made the right choices and from what I've read they've made the right choices here too or put in new content in place of the old stuff.
RE4 was very heavy on QTE's and those mechanics are kinda outdated so removing all the QTE stuff in 2023 makes sense.


  • Administrator
  • Senior Member

I haven't died much in the 4 hours I've played so far, but there seems to be enough cool death animations in this vid alone.

wtf so decapitations are in just not from chainsaw johnny? Great also wtf


  • Senior Member

I haven't died much in the 4 hours I've played so far, but there seems to be enough cool death animations in this vid alone.

wtf so decapitations are in just not from chainsaw johnny? Great also wtf

Someone posted that the villagers will decap Leon so yes.


  • Senior Member
I get the problem with RE3. But I also think if they had replaced what they didn't adapt with something worthwhile it really shouldn't matter. RE3R is fine, but even on it's own its pretty weak. Nemesis is a set piece and nothing more for instance. That Remake dosen't really do much to really stand out.

Skullfuckers Anonymous

  • Will hunt bullies for fruit baskets. PM for details.
  • Senior Member
You can’t preload this on steam  :picard

God damn it crapcom, get your shit together!

The Sceneman

  • Did my wife send you?
  • Senior Member
Installing now  :gamer


  • Senior Member
Done with the village. This shit is full of cuts.


  • Senior Member
Re: ℝℕ ℝ
« Reply #170 on: March 23, 2023, 10:32:32 PM »
I really don't understand the problem with “cutting” things. Its a remake. A new game. Yeah some remakes have opted to be 1 to 1. But that's not what has to happen or should in my opinion.

RE4 is in some areas 1:1, to the point that veterans will know where to go hide/look for items in some battles immediately. So now it sticks out when like an hour of build-up to the Mendez battle is just not there (and replaced by a crappy chase sequence, where have we seen that before? :doge).


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
  • Global Moderator

The Sceneman

  • Did my wife send you?
  • Senior Member
Shoulda spoiler tagged that bombshell  :-X


  • Punk Mushi no Onna
  • Senior Member
Re: ℝℕ ℝ
« Reply #173 on: March 24, 2023, 07:42:55 AM »
RE4 is in some areas 1:1, to the point that veterans will know where to go hide/look for items in some battles immediately. So now it sticks out when like an hour of build-up to the Mendez battle is just not there (and replaced by a crappy chase sequence, where have we seen that before? :doge).

Finished the village section yesterday. I kind of hate how much of it is 1:1. Should've been way more of a reinterpretation. It kinda feels like a Hollywood remake of the original.


  • Senior Member
Reading that the day 1 patch still doesn't address the XBX dead zone issue and the PS5 light flicker.  :doge  Supposedly a quick, temporary fix for the PS5 light flicker is turning off Depth of Field option and turning on motion blur.  Shammon, Capcom.


  • Senior Member
Re: ℝℕ ℝ
« Reply #175 on: March 24, 2023, 10:04:00 AM »
RE4 is in some areas 1:1, to the point that veterans will know where to go hide/look for items in some battles immediately. So now it sticks out when like an hour of build-up to the Mendez battle is just not there (and replaced by a crappy chase sequence, where have we seen that before? :doge).

Finished the village section yesterday. I kind of hate how much of it is 1:1. Should've been way more of a reinterpretation. It kinda feels like a Hollywood remake of the original.

I didn't believe the first rumours for the RE4make, because they would basically release two games with the exact same scenarios right after each other. Well, apparently that was no issue for Capcom. The castle feels exactly like Dimitrescu castle in atmosphere now. So far there's also been a couple of 1:1 room recreations, but overall the new castle might as well be from RE8.

I like that they took the most iconic RE4 setpieces and turned them up a notch. But everything inbetween has none of the original RE4 atmosphere, instead all the marks of "yet another RE Engine game". And just like the others, it's still good. But they really need to shake things up again. One or two more games that feel like this and we're about to reach another Resident Evil Zero/Code Veronica burnout point. The people who ask for a new RE1 remake in this style need to be slapped.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2023, 10:14:03 AM by paprikastaude »


  • Senior Member
I find hardcore to be really challenging. In terms of combat this has to be the most robust RE of all time.

Edit: putting it on standard. Shooting someone in the head and they don't react or stagger is BS.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2023, 05:39:20 PM by Himu »


  • cooler than willco
  • Administrator
This game rules. Glad I can enjoy RE4 in two different forms.


  • Member
Love this apart from Ada's voice. WTF were Capcom thinking here, she sounds like she isn't interested in existing.


  • Senior Member
Love this apart from Ada's voice. WTF were Capcom thinking here, she sounds like she isn't interested in existing.

Ah so it's Ada then.