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This is the best I can do tonight. I need more headshots to the chainsaw man. I'm trying to kill him but the timer makes things hard.

Note: kicks and melee really, really do big damage in this one, far more than in the original. In this video you can see the kick outright kill a dude, no decapitation like in the original with just one headshot -> stagger -> run up -> kick. Even better is you see how the one kick cleared that crowd? Kicks KILL in this and could be the knife replacement.since the knife is no longer infinite and has a resource attached to it. Kick/melee doesn't. Also notice that flash grenades stun and allow you melee! This will save tons of ammo and crowd clear without fear!
« Last Edit: March 10, 2023, 03:58:20 AM by Himu »


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Where is the chainsaw gore? The fuck  :-\


  • Senior Member
Gonna pass on the demo, but anyone try the gyro aiming?


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How is this not in? Like wtf and how am I the only one who annoys this


  • Senior Member
I'm convinced you cannot kill the chainsaw man.

How is this not in? Like wtf and how am I the only one who annoys this

Welcome to RE deaths since 5 where they noticeably censored the game to appeal to Japanese censors.  I was never expecting the gore of the original but I've been surprised and seen a villager gouge Leon's eyes with his fingers. So yeah, everything but decapitations basically. This shouldn't be a surprise if you've followed the franchise and played RE5 which also had chainsaw enemies.


  • Senior Member
I killed him.


  • Senior Member
I've killed him twice now.

Pardon the beginning. I wanted to trap and set the barn on fire and the damn lantern fell out of nowhere and I was caught in it. REmake4 articulates very plainly that your plans miiiight not work out how you want them to.

The trick is not being afraid to whip out the pistol and shoot him in the knee for a melee. In fact the pistol might be better against him than shotgun which is contrary to the original. As said prior melee is that good in this..


  • Finish the Fight
  • Senior Member
Welcome to RE deaths since 5 where they noticeably censored the game to appeal to Japanese censors.  I was never expecting the gore of the original but I've been surprised and seen a villager gouge Leon's eyes with his fingers. So yeah, everything but decapitations basically. This shouldn't be a surprise if you've followed the franchise and played RE5 which also had chainsaw enemies.


  • Senior Member
Fuck yes


  • Member
There's a random chance of a 'Mad Chainsaw Mode' difficulty in the demo.

You have a random chance of unlocking the mode each time you start a new run of the demo⁠—it's unclear if you have to finish it once to unlock the opportunity. Mad Chainsaw Mode ramps up enemy HP, poise, and aggression while also mixing up their placement...

I've beaten RE4 six or seven times now, some of those on Professional difficulty, and I've also five-star sweeped the Mercenaries mode to unlock the game's ultimate Handcannon weapon. I pretty handily cleared the demo last night and figured "I'm an RE4 pro, I'm ready for this!"

I was not ready for this. At the demo's very first fight not one, but four premium extra-strength Ganados rushed in to greet me.


  • Senior Member
How far does stealth get you in this? Can you use stealth during the village fight??


  • Senior Member
Played the demo a few times on PC and PS5 to figure out where to play this. PC version seems to run better than RE8 and really really smooth and good. PS5 framerate mode seems really good outside AA being a little less smooth. RT mode sucks on PS5 and is pointless. The haptic rumble in PS5 is weird, there's tons and tons of specific rumbles which is cool but it also rumbles every goddamn footstep you take when you run which is super annoying and it's crazy you can't turn that off. The HDR is kind of nice though (my PC monitor doesn't have HDR). Probably will go PC, dunno, could enjoy PS5 on framerate mode.

As for the game, well it's RE4. Still a lot fun. Looks pretty good and controls kind of funky but I haven't played RE4 in 20 years so I'm just going to assume that's how RE4 plays (weird momentum between running and slowing down transitions). Got used to the controls pretty quick and had a good time. Should be fun.

How far does stealth get you in this? Can you use stealth during the village fight??

I took out a few villagers before starting the set piece fight. Is that a new thing? I haven't played this since the GC version so no idea if you could take out villagers without alerting everyone and starting the set piece.


  • Senior Member
Yes that is absolutely new. In the og once you alert they're all aware of your presence.


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Welcome to RE deaths since 5 where they noticeably censored the game to appeal to Japanese censors.  I was never expecting the gore of the original but I've been surprised and seen a villager gouge Leon's eyes with his fingers. So yeah, everything but decapitations basically. This shouldn't be a surprise if you've followed the franchise and played RE5 which also had chainsaw enemies.

Thats dopr but not as cool as a chainsaw decap ☺️


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  • Finish the Fight
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Absolute banger, I love how stealth now works and you can stab some villagers before starting the fight and loot the village before alerting them.
The animations are fucking insane, I think for the handgun alone Leon has like 10 different idle/reload/re-equip animations. Plus all the 'organic' pushing away branches, flinching, turning, jumping etc. animations.
Looks like they needed to tweak a few things for the final build, but Leon S. Kennedy holding his gun like a gangbanger straight up murdering these farmers is.

Previous footage made it look like it was more scripted but even though there are some scripted events you can trigger, it's fully open ended on how you approach it.

This would be the uncontested GOTY shoe in based on these 25 minutes of gameplay alone if it didn't drop right between Metroid Prime Remastered and a sequel to Breath of the motherfucking Wild :lawd


  • Finish the Fight
  • Senior Member

The knife parry in this game is fucking crazy


  • Senior Member
Well, shit.  I was gonna pass on the demo and just wait for the release; go in practically blind, but y'all are making me reconsider trying the demo... 

Although things can change since this is a demo build, reading comparisons between Fif vs X, sounds like PS5 takes more a graphical hit compared to X, but gyro aiming is a actual game changer.  Does the Steam demo support it?  Even though I already pre-ordered on PS5 awhile back, I may look into the PC version.  Got a new laptop of late which bork helped me find .. getting close to being able to pop the cherry on it.   :takei


  • Senior Member
RE4 Remake demo impressions
« Reply #78 on: March 11, 2023, 01:03:10 PM »

Absolutely feels different compared to og RE4. I like the changes. Leon feels built for strength or stealth, you either commit to enemies head on, run away to get distance, or sneak to avoid combat or take out enemies easily.

The animations are phenomenal, Red Dead Redemption 2 quality of detail. Leon changing a handgun magazine feels better than entire AAA games. Can't emphasize enough how excellent animations are.

Visually, not the greatest on a technical level, but the art/environment/character designs are excellent. Incredible atmosphere and tone.

Combat is fucking baller. The feeling of stunning enemies to fuck them up with melee looks and feels great. Gunplay is excellent.

I was eagerly expecting this remake, but now I'm in full on erect hype mode. Third person action shooters have been in a slump I feel, and RE4 Remake is gonna be the GOAT action game for a long time I feel. A new standard for third person action games.


  • Senior Member
No idea on gyro aiming. Never been able to get that to work in any console. I hate motion everything in gaming that's not VR :maf

What's the parry? Did old RE4 have a parry? I don't remember parrying at all. Seems overpowered if you can just negate zombies attacking you here?


  • Finish the Fight
  • Senior Member
There's two parry moves. One when you ready the knife and one when you slash it.
The timing isn't easy and there's no invincibility frame after a succesful parry either.

It makes sense as an upgrade to the original RE4 knife gameplay.
In the original game the knife was an overpowered weapon and you could easily stun enemies with it.


  • Senior Member

The knife parry in this game is fucking crazy

Crouching to dodge is a game changer

Also there's actual stealth kills?!



  • Finish the Fight
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  • Senior Member
All we need now is a sub-par 3D Mario and a PN03 Remake.  :rejoice


  • Finish the Fight
  • Senior Member
F Z E R O  G X  R E M A S T E R E D  and this is the GOAT


  • Member
This game is gonna be so fuckin good dewds. We do it guy did it again.


  • Senior Member
I tried the demo for about 5 minutes before I stopped and deleted.  Not gonna be blue balled and just wait.  Besides, I'm at the ass end of Metro Exodus and need to wrap it up before all hands on dick for this.

Pissy F Benny

  • Is down with the sickness
  • Senior Member
I did the same tbh, I'm gonna buy it so might as well wait 2 weeks, I just wanted to see what the graphix look like on a proper telly.

The Sceneman

  • Did my wife send you?
  • Senior Member
I tried the demo for about 5 minutes before I stopped and deleted.  Not gonna be blue balled and just wait.  Besides, I'm at the ass end of Metro Exodus and need to wrap it up before all hands on dick for this.

Yeah its a remake of the best game ever so we know its gonna be at least "good" right? haha


  • Finish the Fight
  • Senior Member
I tried the demo for about 5 minutes before I stopped and deleted.  Not gonna be blue balled and just wait.  Besides, I'm at the ass end of Metro Exodus and need to wrap it up before all hands on dick for this.

Yeah its a remake of the best game ever so we know its gonna be at least "good" right? haha
Looking at this demo, low effort Remakes are going to have a really hard time after this and Metroid Prime Remastered.


  • Senior Member
They've always had a hard time. RE series has always set the benchmark for remakes. Honestly RE4 remake has to battle it out with REmake which is the best remake of all time. If RE4's remake is even in the same ballpark...:delicious


  • Senior Member
I prefer RE2's remake just because it's so different playing and feels like a bigger jump.

RE4 remake is cool, but it has the same problem as the Dead Space remake where in my memories of playing RE4 on GC twenty years ago I remember it looking like this but maybe not quite as good.

RE2 remake didn't look anything like my memories of RE2.


  • Senior Member
REmake 2 not having unique A mode and B mode makes it an inferior remake in my eyes. They reuse puzzles and neither mode influenced the other directly, something the original did. It also has less boss fights, reuses the Tyrant TOO much, lower enemy variety than the original. It's not as good RE2. The remake should be so good it replaces the original. REMAKE 2 doesn't do that.


  • Senior Member
I barely have any memory of playing RE4 back on GC.  I remember literally 2-3 scenarios, but that's it.  All I can remember is that it was pretty good, but I think I there were other games that captivated me more at the time, like Snake Eater, etc..  After playing REmake 2 and RE7VR, my RE interest has been redeemed to the PS1 days of RE1 and 2.  Like RE 3 and 6, those had me quickly drop the franchise and move on.  So glad Capcom has made real strides to keep this franchise exciting and fresh.

Ah shit.. totally forgot that there's some sort of VR implementation for REmake4 planned too.   If they basically port the Oculus one onto PSVR2....   :lawd


  • Senior Member
This remake will be interesting. I've played RE4 an upward of 20 or so times and I'm just as excited if not more than the people that haven't played it since release. What a release :rejoice


  • Member
Keen as a bean for this.


  • Senior Member
« Last Edit: March 16, 2023, 10:20:15 AM by Svejk »


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Lots of 10's so far! GET HYPE


  • Senior Member
Was expecting solid 8's and 9's, not 10's!  :whoo  I'll be honest, after this, I hope they don't ride the high and attempt to REmake 5 and 6.  Would rather they put it into a Dino Crisis Remake.
spoiler (click to show/hide)
Or a Bionic Commando 2009 Remake  :cody :ohyeah :betty  Game was so underrated.
spoiler (click to show/hide)

« Last Edit: March 17, 2023, 09:26:38 AM by Svejk »


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Just give me a new game

Getting kinda sick with all these remakes, there is no originality anymore


  • Senior Member
Just give me a new game

Getting kinda sick with all these remakes, there is no originality anymore
I get it and I agree, but there's still some classics of old that could use a face lift.  I'd rather they do a remake than make another MP or GAAS game.


  • Senior Member
I'll be honest, after this, I hope they don't ride the high and attempt to REmake 5 and 6.


Why? Remaking RE5 is precisely what is needed. Game would become a classic if they managed to split the routes between A and B like RE2, take the co-op out, make it more focused, and make the boss fights better. That game needs a complete revamp and with the current team they could make it soooo much better and potentially on par with RE4.

That said, Dino Crisis remake would be sick.

Just give me a new game

Getting kinda sick with all these remakes, there is no originality anymore

VII and VIII are a thing and IX has been announced? ???


  • Senior Member
IX's been announced already?!  :leon  snap

As much as they could use a REmake, I can't imagine 5 and 6 selling like RE4 will.  They'll underperform IMO.  Capcom already didn't want to do REmake 4.


  • Senior Member
Capcom already didn't want to do REmake 4.

Only because the original is so good and it's like playing with fire.

Not officially announced but heavily hinted at.


  • Senior Member



  • Senior Member
Not surprised the game is getting 10s. If you reviewed the original today it'd be a 10, it's one of the greatest games ever made. So buff up the visuals and controls and of course it's still a 10.

Skullfuckers Anonymous

  • Will hunt bullies for fruit baskets. PM for details.
  • Senior Member
I was ready to buy the $1000 special edition, but after reading Ed Smith’s review, I can’t believe people are going to buy this garbage.

this is the best game I’ve played since The Last of Us or Max Payne 3, and perhaps even better.

 :thinking Then why did you give it an 8/10?

The only real miss is Ashley. In the original game, she personified essentially every problem with videogames and female characters – if not a helpless, shrieking damsel, she was an obedient robot that we shouted orders at, or otherwise, when climbing a ladder or crawling under a desk, a sex object. The remake improves on Ashley, no doubt, but still patronises and condescends to the idea that a woman – a woman! – could be of some use to the player.

In one sequence, she hands Leon a map, where she’s circled a possible route for their escape. “You did this?” Leon asks, incredulous. “Wow, keep this up and I’ll be out of the job!” There’s also a moment where she has to turn a valve – just turn a valve – and she chirpily exclaims “leave it to me, I’m good at this stuff.” It’s as if Resident Evil 4 wants you to know that it’s thought about and tried to change Ashley, but at the same time, still doesn’t really give her anything to do or to be except a thing for us to protect.

I hoped Resident Evil 4 Remake would tackle this particular aspect of the original with more vigour. Despite all its other improvements, the fact that it doesn’t makes the remake feel that much more redundant.

Wow he’s too kind by only dropping 20 points for Ashley presence in the game. I guess gaming is still just for misogynists.


  • Administrator
  • Senior Member
I'll be honest, after this, I hope they don't ride the high and attempt to REmake 5 and 6.


Why? Remaking RE5 is precisely what is needed. Game would become a classic if they managed to split the routes between A and B like RE2, take the co-op out, make it more focused, and make the boss fights better. That game needs a complete revamp and with the current team they could make it soooo much better and potentially on par with RE4.

That said, Dino Crisis remake would be sick.

Just give me a new game

Getting kinda sick with all these remakes, there is no originality anymore

VII and VIII are a thing and IX has been announced? ???

Those are first person games and nothing like RE2 or RE4


  • Senior Member
Re: ℝℕ ℝ
« Reply #110 on: March 17, 2023, 02:42:39 PM »
I'll be honest, after this, I hope they don't ride the high and attempt to REmake 5 and 6.


Why? Remaking RE5 is precisely what is needed. Game would become a classic if they managed to split the routes between A and B like RE2, take the co-op out, make it more focused, and make the boss fights better. That game needs a complete revamp and with the current team they could make it soooo much better and potentially on par with RE4.

That said, Dino Crisis remake would be sick.

Just give me a new game

Getting kinda sick with all these remakes, there is no originality anymore

VII and VIII are a thing and IX has been announced? ???

Those are first person games and nothing like RE2 or RE4


Make something original.

"Okay, done"

That's not like RE4



  • Finish the Fight
  • Senior Member
10/10 banger only a week away :lawd



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Re: ℝℕ ℝ
« Reply #112 on: March 17, 2023, 07:17:05 PM »
I'll be honest, after this, I hope they don't ride the high and attempt to REmake 5 and 6.


Why? Remaking RE5 is precisely what is needed. Game would become a classic if they managed to split the routes between A and B like RE2, take the co-op out, make it more focused, and make the boss fights better. That game needs a complete revamp and with the current team they could make it soooo much better and potentially on par with RE4.

That said, Dino Crisis remake would be sick.

Just give me a new game

Getting kinda sick with all these remakes, there is no originality anymore

VII and VIII are a thing and IX has been announced? ???

Those are first person games and nothing like RE2 or RE4


Make something original.

"Okay, done"

That's not like RE4


I meant an original new game, not neccesarily different gameplay

Id love to see a new RE entry in third person


  • Finish the Fight
  • Senior Member
There's actually a third person version of Resident Evil Village now.

That game was already a banger in first person btw.


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Not saying they arent bangers! :) And yea I should get 8

team filler

  • filler
  • filler
instead of tank controls, they turned leon into a tank  8)


  • Finish the Fight
  • Senior Member
pre-ordered the Steelbook Edition.  :rejoice

Listed at 74.99 at Media Markt before but already dropped to 64.99.


  • Administrator
  • Senior Member
pre-ordered the Steelbook Edition.  :rejoice

(Image removed from quote.)

Listed at 74.99 at Media Markt before but already dropped to 64.99.

Lol nice ripoff, game is 48 euros at cdkeys


  • Senior Member
Re: ℝℕ ℝ
« Reply #118 on: March 18, 2023, 10:32:15 AM »
I'll be honest, after this, I hope they don't ride the high and attempt to REmake 5 and 6.


Why? Remaking RE5 is precisely what is needed. Game would become a classic if they managed to split the routes between A and B like RE2, take the co-op out, make it more focused, and make the boss fights better. That game needs a complete revamp and with the current team they could make it soooo much better and potentially on par with RE4.

That said, Dino Crisis remake would be sick.

Just give me a new game

Getting kinda sick with all these remakes, there is no originality anymore

VII and VIII are a thing and IX has been announced? ???

Those are first person games and nothing like RE2 or RE4


Make something original.

"Okay, done"

That's not like RE4


I meant an original new game, not neccesarily different gameplay

Id love to see a new RE entry in third person

tbf RE2make is practically an all new mainline game. It shares the plot beats and a few key visuals, but progression and level design is wholly different and they came up with a completely new core design/balancing to make oldschool zombies work with new controls.

Which is also why I ::) when people whine about "cuts". A side by side comparison doesn't make sense, RE2 was a "remake" in the same sense as Starfox 64 or Super Castlevania 4.

So far RE4make feels like the first one you could blame for being a rehash, since it goes significantly more into being 1:1.

The Sceneman

  • Did my wife send you?
  • Senior Member
pre-ordered the Steelbook Edition.  :rejoice

(Image removed from quote.)

Listed at 74.99 at Media Markt before but already dropped to 64.99.

I was seeing what cool physical versions were available locally, Gameplop has a "lenticular case" version for $130NZD which doesn't even include the deluxe shit, you gotta pay for the upgrade. Steelbook is $130 from a diff vendor and again does not include the bonus content. I'll pass and buy digital and save $30 and get the extra guns.