Author Topic: "A black sheriff?!": The Official Topic of Obama and New Era American Politics  (Read 1879114 times)

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Phoenix Dark

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911 truthers aren't simply "left wing." Alex Jones would be on the right wing of any political scale. And this idea that "groups" suggest you're liberal while being an individualist suggests you're conservative is ridiculous. Everything we've heard about this guy's political thought process suggests he's a far right wing lunatic. That in no way slanders people on the right; there are lunatics on the edges of both sides.

Olivia Wilde Homo

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Truthers come from all different ideologies from the anarchists (extreme right) to the communists (extreme left)  If you go the GAF thread, you find morons of all different political views defecate their opinions on the WTC7, Israeli connection, etc.

Generally, I've found more right wing libertarian truthers than anything else but that may be dependent entirely on exposure.


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More vitriol from the right, defending their queen's persecution complex


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More vitriol from the right, defending their queen's persecution complex

"How dare he? When he has a bastard son, and a slut for a wife!"

Faux outrage ftw!

 :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl

Amazing how you can rile people up over absolutely fucking nothing....god people are beyond pathetic sometimes.

**I do think the joke was in poor taste, however.  Don't really care for jokes about children of political figures or celebrities, no matter  who is telling them. 

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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"rapes children with his mouth."


edit: holy shit she looks like a white twin of Lynne Thigpen
« Last Edit: June 18, 2009, 02:12:53 PM by Phoenix Dark »


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"rapes children with his mouth."


edit: holy shit she looks like a white twin of Lynne Thigpen

omg!  :o


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I absolutely love the irony of Palin refusing to go on Letterman's show because it may boost his ratings, when in fact that's exactly what happened.


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Barry Egan

  • The neurotic is nailed to the cross of his fiction.
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Oh, hey FoC

Stoney Mason

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My boy SD must be bumming on this whole Sanford thing...


  • Murdered in the digital realm
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That shit is hilarious. Could he have played this any worse?

The Fake Shemp

  • Ebola Carrier
This was the biggest political trainwreck since Nixon. :lol

The Fake Shemp

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Phoenix Dark

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Fuck I missed the presser. Affair?

"dear friend from Argentina" is code for cheeseburger  :lol

edit: lol @ the black people laughing in the back of the presser. wtf man

edit 2: now I feel bad for him, but moreso for his family  :'(
« Last Edit: June 24, 2009, 06:14:40 PM by Phoenix Dark »

Flannel Boy

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PD would like a dear, dear friend from Brazil.

Phoenix Dark

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you better believe it

The Fake Shemp

  • Ebola Carrier
Oh, Fox, you card you:


Flannel Boy

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Phoenix Dark

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Emails revealed
Wrote Sanford: "I also suspect I feel a little vulnerable because this is ground I have never certainly never covered before - so if you have pearls of wisdom on how we figure all this out please let me know... In the meantime please sleep soundly knowing that despite the best efforts of my head my heart cries out for you, your voice, your body, the touch of your lips, the touch of your finger tips and an even deeper connection to your soul."

far more articulate than the Kwame Kilpatrick texts  :lol

Stoney Mason

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Emails revealed
Wrote Sanford: "I also suspect I feel a little vulnerable because this is ground I have never certainly never covered before - so if you have pearls of wisdom on how we figure all this out please let me know... In the meantime please sleep soundly knowing that despite the best efforts of my head my heart cries out for you, your voice, your body, the touch of your lips, the touch of your finger tips and an even deeper connection to your soul."

far more articulate than the Kwame Kilpatrick texts  :lol

A booty call is a booty call.

Dickie Dee

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Emails revealed
Wrote Sanford: "I also suspect I feel a little vulnerable because this is ground I have never certainly never covered before - so if you have pearls of wisdom on how we figure all this out please let me know... In the meantime please sleep soundly knowing that despite the best efforts of my head my heart cries out for you, your voice, your body, the touch of your lips, the touch of your finger tips and an even deeper connection to your soul."

far more articulate than the Kwame Kilpatrick texts  :lol

Damn, my panties just dropped

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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recursivelyenumerable ghost wrote it

Barry Egan

  • The neurotic is nailed to the cross of his fiction.
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Emails revealed
Wrote Sanford: "I also suspect I feel a little vulnerable because this is ground I have never certainly never covered before - so if you have pearls of wisdom on how we figure all this out please let me know... In the meantime please sleep soundly knowing that despite the best efforts of my head my heart cries out for you, your voice, your body, the touch of your lips, the touch of your finger tips and an even deeper connection to your soul."

far more articulate than the Kwame Kilpatrick texts  :lol

Damn, my panties just dropped

really?  When I read that I think "man, only a Christian, smh".


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Phoenix Dark

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« Last Edit: June 25, 2009, 04:32:55 PM by Phoenix Dark »

Van Cruncheon

  • live mas or die trying
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 :lol :lol :lol

Rush should post on EB

from the comments:

Did he really mean to suggest that a GOP politician sought refuge in Argentina based on his political beliefs?

Isn't that a self-inflicted Godwin violation?

:lol :lol :lol


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this affair began before obama was president  :lol

Phoenix Dark

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The Fake Shemp

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The body of evidence suggesting that we should nuke Detroit from orbit grows more and more every day.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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I laughed so hard when this happened

Valenti :bow

Conyers: Ya'll want to pay a tax hike on water?
Valenti: It depends, is the water leaking into Cobo?

« Last Edit: June 26, 2009, 02:19:06 PM by Phoenix Dark »


  • "Hero" isn't the right word, but its the first word that comes to mind
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uggh  >:(

As long as those fools keep electing these incompetent and corrupt officials, I don't feel sorry for them.


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Has anyone else here registered to the White House youtube channel? I had no idea Obama did weekly addresses.


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Has anyone else here registered to the White House youtube channel? I had no idea Obama did weekly addresses.
President's have been doing those forever. Since FDR I believe. Obama though is the first one to have them be primarily as youtube addresses, before it was only radio.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Does any politician look like more of a doughebag than Coleman? His face is just annoying


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let's see the reaction from drudge report

"magical negro spell cast upon people, developing..."

keep up the good work

Finally. I want to watch O'Reilly just to hear him say "Senator Franken."


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You know, I get the whole freedom of speech thing. But really, these are just straight up lies. Why isn't every other channel or news station clamping down on this evil thing. It's like it's just straight out of V for Vendetta, what the hell.


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Washington Post publisher Katharine Weymouth said today she was canceling plans for an exclusive "salon" at her home where for as much as $250,000, the Post offered lobbyists and association executives off-the-record access to "those powerful few" — Obama administration officials, members of Congress, and even the paper’s own reporters and editors.

I know their revenue streams are dying off, but who could think that this was anywhere in the neighborhood of a good idea?

It's worse than those Russia/China advertising inserts that are made up to look like part of the paper.

Palin just stepped down as Governor of Alaska.

Stoney Mason

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Palin next president confirmed bitches!

So, when will her Fox News show start?

My God she is irritating.

Stoney Mason

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So, when will her Fox News show start?

She already has the Greta Van Susteren show which will now be renamed Greta and Sarah: Road to the White House.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2009, 04:57:55 PM by Stoney Mason »

So she is resigning because of all the media criticism? YOU'RE AN ELECTED PUBLIC OFFICIAL, THAT'S WHAT HAPPENS.


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So... she can't handle Alaska's politics? Or she's doing something else?

I'm half leaning toward there's obvious higher aspirations. But the other half of me feels that there's a scandal about to hit.

She will get slammed during a presidential run for not even being able to hang in there and finish out a term.


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Hitler Stole My Potato

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Ding dong the distinguished mentally-challenged witch is gone


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she's apparently getting out of politics. probably going galt.

Van Cruncheon

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please let the sanford-palin sex tape surface


Stoney Mason

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The actual resignation.



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God I wanna listen to Hannity and Limbaugh Monday just to hear their pathetic damage control.

please let the sanford-palin sex tape surface




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Word is now no 2012, but a some major shit is about to asplode.

Hitler Stole My Potato

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The actual resignation.



Aggressively stupid.  Did she even think about what she'd say beforehand or did she just get up there and start rambling like an idiot?  I just don't understand how anyone could listen to her talk and think that she's anywhere near qualified to hold any office of government. A colossal embarrassment.

I now hear on the news that they're talking about how her leaving early will give her time to write a book.  I bet that more than half of that will be filled with illustrations.

Olivia Wilde Homo

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I don't really see how anyone can be surprised.  Palin does better with the public playing the martyr than she does holding a public office.



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I don't really see how anyone can be surprised.  Palin does better with the public playing the martyr than she does holding a public office.

I wonder if she's like a chick-Jesus that thinks sacrificing herself will help the GOP.