Author Topic: Guild Wars 2 - U jelly cuz its free  (Read 83133 times)

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Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Re: Guild Wars 2 Beta (Next BWE 7/20. Launches 8/28)
« Reply #120 on: July 10, 2012, 01:06:43 AM »
The beta key situation is quite stupid. You'd think they would want opinions from as many different people as possible, not just the true believers who decided to throw them $60 early.


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Re: Guild Wars 2 Beta (Next BWE 7/20. Launches 8/28)
« Reply #121 on: July 10, 2012, 03:16:15 AM »
My only explanation for the money based betas so far is that they wanted to refine the game more before letting in a more generalized audience. I hope they do open up the last beta a bunch, because they need a stress test that will be equivalent to what will happen at launch.

Also, PD! All you need to know about RP and the RP servers! We all know you're rolling Tarnished Coast now.


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Re: Guild Wars 2 Beta (Next BWE 7/20. Launches 8/28)
« Reply #122 on: July 12, 2012, 05:04:03 PM »
Flannum and Johanson just did a Twitch tv on endgame.

A quick summary:

Orr (final zone) is made up almost entirely of Dynamic Events with little to no Heart quests. Players will have to progress through the siege of Orr. They compared it to storming the beaches of Normandy. There are three initial mainpaths to moving further towards the inner circle of the island. One of these paths will include submarines and boats, another will be based on ground troops and building bridges. The third is a combination of both. Once you make it past this first stage, you get near to the corrupted temples of the Gods. There were 5-6 Gods in the first game and it sounds like they each have a temple on the island. Zhaitain (main villian) has corrupted the temples and the players must recapture each of the temples to remove the corruption. Meanwhile, scattered throughout this area are small statues of the Gods. If the God statue you are near belongs to a corrupted temple then you will be afflicted by corrupted states and effects. Like a corrupted Melandru statue may periodically wrap players legs in vines, while a corrupted Dwayna statue may disable your heal skill. Beyond this area, is another path that leads to the final dungeon. This path is full of the small statues, so clearing out the temples is important. All of this is based on the DE system.

They described Dynamic Events as mostly falling into three categories. The most basic DE is a one-off Event that spawns and exists until completed and then goes back onto its cycle timer. An example of this is the great boar hunt in Queensdale. The second categories is the pendulem/push DE that has fail/succeed conditions and goes back and forth along a fail/succeed path. An example of this is the Centaur attacks on towns in Queensdale. Centaurs start off from their Centaur camp, will take outposts and waypoints along the way, and push towards the town of Beetletun. Players can push them back from one spot and then back towards the next, and the battle will ebb and flow in a two way manner. The third category of events they described as webbed events, and we haven't seen much of these yet, but these are very common on Orr. These events are like the fail/succeed events, but upon one stage completing, other smaller events are created that go in their own direction. This creates the "web" flow of events where you have a main line fail/succeed, but you also have other events being created by your failure and success that branch out in another direction.

They then discussed Legendary Weapons, Mystic Forge crafting and downleveling. The Mystic Forge seems to be a big part of endgame item creation. Some transmutations and item creation will use up skill points, and this is designed to make gaining XP at level 80 useful, since you can still gain XP towards new skill points. The skill points can then be used in the Forge to transmute crafting materials or create prestige gear. They also said that due to downleveling, content they add in any section of the game is playable at 80. They remarked on adding a new low level dungeon and how it is still playable for max level characters and still provides XP and dungeon-specific armor designs.

Now, Legendary Weapons are weapons that will require gathering a lot of materials from through out the world and game. These materials cannot all be bought or traded, so you will have to earn some of them yourselves. Like the rest of the gear philosophy of the game, Legendary Weapons are not any stronger than max 80 weapons, they just look cooler. They described a few of the legendary weapons they have in game so far:

-Rainbow Bow -- This shortbow has the head of a unicorn at its tip and the arrows it fires leave behind a rainbow trail.
-The "Ironman" Hammer -- This hammer has a ball of liquid metal in it. The liquid metal starts to flow over the character's body and leaves a liquid metal trail. They described it as something out of Terminator in its visual effect, making you look liquid metallic.
-The Day Sword and the Night Sword and the DayNight Greatsword -- This is a set of two greatswords that can be combined into one Greatsword. The day sword will always show an image of the day's sky along its blade. Like a moving image of the day's sky. The night sword is the same thing, but the blade shows the night's sky at all times. The combined Greatsword shows the day or night depending on what time it is.

It also sounds like a good portion of the dungeons are for level 80.

Someone transcribed what they said of Orr:

Orr is very focused on these large meta events and fighting your way into orr and then taking it, the first zone in orr has 3 assault paths players have to do, the northern path is the sea and air path where you're firing golems to the beaches and subs that sail in, the center path is pretty much just the navy with subs and boats progessing, then the southern path which is another meta chain where troops are progressing along bridges and pontoons, and eveyrthing that had been built during the meta chains to get forces into Orr. once you get them into Orr it unlocks more new event chains where you're trying to take control of the corrupted god temples that were corrupted by Zhaitan, then there's little god statues scattered all over Orr and if the Orrians hold control of the god temples the little god statues will cause all klnds of effects to happen if you're near them like roots will come out of the ground and grab you or you might not be able to use some of your healing abilities, it all depends on what statue you're near. now the players want to actually take hold of the corrupted temples because it makes the progression through Orr easier, now also it allows for you to get to the final dungeon of the game (story wise) and it's a huge event chain getting to that point in southern Orr and a big part of the game is goign to be everyone working together to hold these things and fighting up to the final battlefront and holing it so that the dungeon can be done
« Last Edit: July 12, 2012, 06:10:22 PM by etiolate »

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Re: Guild Wars 2 Beta (Next BWE 7/20. Launches 8/28)
« Reply #123 on: July 14, 2012, 03:16:07 PM »
My only explanation for the money based betas so far is that they wanted to refine the game more before letting in a more generalized audience. I hope they do open up the last beta a bunch, because they need a stress test that will be equivalent to what will happen at launch.

Also, PD! All you need to know about RP and the RP servers! We all know you're rolling Tarnished Coast now.

I didn't know what RP was when I chose my WoW server!

I find myself still concerned about PvE, months after the beta introduction/content dump. Raids, dungeons, gearing, etc were my favorite aspect of WoW. Not just because of the challenge, but because it included everything I liked about the game (social interaction especially, working hard on challenges for days to weeks to even months). I still feel like it's going to be a cluster fuck given how hard enemies hit, lack of specific party roles, etc.

When I did the first DE against some big worm, multiple people died within seconds - not because they stoop in or near bad stuff, but simply due to how much damage goes out regardless of what you do. I don't think I could deal with that in a dungeon setting without getting annoyed.

It seems like the game is doing a lot of stuff right, but I'm pretty sure WoW will keep its PvE crown


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Re: Guild Wars 2 Beta (Next BWE 7/20. Launches 8/28)
« Reply #124 on: July 14, 2012, 03:35:46 PM »
That wasn't the giant worm at the end of the Norn tutorial was it?

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Re: Guild Wars 2 Beta (Next BWE 7/20. Launches 8/28)
« Reply #125 on: July 14, 2012, 06:59:10 PM »


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Re: Guild Wars 2 Beta (Next BWE 7/20. Launches 8/28)
« Reply #126 on: July 14, 2012, 07:24:49 PM »
Oh, well all those tutorial bosses are set to insta-kill players. You aren't meant to avoid it and I'm pretty sure you can't avoid it. They wanted players to see the downed state within the first hour of play, so they made giant bosses that kill you.

Anyways, I should be able to hit 30 so I can see how they do their dungeon design. I really liked some of the dungeons in EotN. The Flame Citadel has a lot of traps and interesting rooms, and about all the EotN dungeons were based upon finding a key to unlock the next level, while also having a hidden map that showed the locations of secret and important areas. I've watched videos of Ascalon Catacombs, but that's not really as informative as playing the encounters and getting a real feel of how they work. I know there are traps and "locked door" gates. The unknown bit is the group combat versus mobs.


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Re: Guild Wars 2 Beta (Next BWE 7/20. Launches 8/28)
« Reply #127 on: July 14, 2012, 07:50:39 PM »
Having a lot more fun with The Secret World than I did in the GW2 Beta  :patel

spoiler (click to show/hide)
I'll probably still buy GW2 in a few months when it's cheaper.


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Re: Guild Wars 2 Beta (Next BWE 7/20. Launches 8/28)
« Reply #128 on: July 14, 2012, 07:58:46 PM »
I enjoyed The Secret World. The combat is pretty bad, but the quests are cool.


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Re: Guild Wars 2 Beta (Next BWE 7/20. Launches 8/28)
« Reply #129 on: July 14, 2012, 08:46:37 PM »
Combat's not anything to write home about, but it's serviceable (don't really see it any differently from what I played of GW2 in that respect).

The Ability Wheel / Skill system is really interesting. Crafting is pretty neat as well.


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Re: Guild Wars 2 Beta (Next BWE 7/20. Launches 8/28)
« Reply #130 on: July 14, 2012, 09:44:49 PM »
GW2 combat is like miles beyond TSW or the standard fare.

The crafting is cool, though I didn't fully understand how to create state mods. I only fiddled with it in the beta though.


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Re: Guild Wars 2 Beta (Next BWE 7/20. Launches 8/28)
« Reply #131 on: July 15, 2012, 05:51:44 PM »
TSW has an adventure game vibe to its quests. There's investigation quests and quests that involve internet usage. One quest had me try to guess a doctor's password for his computer files. The hints were "composer" and "seasons". So it required some real world knowledge to guess. The game has an in-game browser to bring up and do google searches with. The NPCs even reference using google. There's also quests that involve dying and going into the spirit world to solve them. There's bits of horror game in there as well.

Cerveza mas fina

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Re: Guild Wars 2 Beta (Next BWE 7/20. Launches 8/28)
« Reply #132 on: July 16, 2012, 03:21:26 PM »
Hype down to 0 after playing some Beta.

Clunky, nothing new, F2P bs implementation.

Very pretty though.

Would have been cooler if they expanded on original GW idea and structure.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Re: Guild Wars 2 Beta (Next BWE 7/20. Launches 8/28)
« Reply #133 on: July 16, 2012, 03:44:13 PM »
The game was clunky as fuck when I played, but "nothing new" is a ridiculous charge


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Re: Guild Wars 2 Beta (Next BWE 7/20. Launches 8/28)
« Reply #134 on: July 16, 2012, 04:23:04 PM »
clunky and nothing new are both ridiculous

come on peoples

Cerveza mas fina

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Re: Guild Wars 2 Beta (Next BWE 7/20. Launches 8/28)
« Reply #135 on: July 16, 2012, 04:36:30 PM »
Whats new?

I don't mean any micro changes compared to other games like "you can do 2 moves while down" and "you dont need to talk to npc's anymore"


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Re: Guild Wars 2 Beta (Next BWE 7/20. Launches 8/28)
« Reply #136 on: July 16, 2012, 04:50:08 PM »
People are more concerned with trolling me than talking about the game.

Anyways, BWE3 Post with all the things added to the BWE:

It seems all chars are getting wiped, so I won't be able to level up to get to the first dungeon. On the other hand, I'll be playing the fuck out of that GVG inspired map.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Re: Guild Wars 2 Beta (Next BWE 7/20. Launches 8/28)
« Reply #137 on: July 16, 2012, 04:52:12 PM »
How was it not clunky? Maybe they've fixed it, but I found movement and jumping to feel quite bad, and more like a bad third person shooter than WoW.


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Re: Guild Wars 2 Beta (Next BWE 7/20. Launches 8/28)
« Reply #138 on: July 16, 2012, 05:25:10 PM »
It just didn't feel clunky to me. What was clunky?

I played a lot of PVP. If things were clunky, PVP would be the hardest test on that. Instead, people were hopping rooftop to rooftop in Battle of Khylo. There's an Ele spike combo that requires aiming and execution. You Ride the Lightning in to a target, and follow with a switch to fire and two burst skills. You gotta pull it all off bang-bang-bang. If the game was clunky, I don't see how that combo works.


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Re: Guild Wars 2 Beta (Next BWE 7/20. Launches 8/28)
« Reply #139 on: July 16, 2012, 10:46:19 PM »
TSW is also supposed to have monthly updates with Quest NPC story death and new NPCs being introduced to pick up the story. Really dynamic areas.

I loved Asheron's Call's vision for monthly updates, hopefully this follows suit.

How was it not clunky? Maybe they've fixed it, but I found movement and jumping to feel quite bad, and more like a bad third person shooter than WoW.

WoW is amazing with regard to the feel of movement and jumping. It was such a step forward from what I'd dealt with in FFXI for so long that I was astonished. Unfortunately most every MMO since has had major issues with this. GW2 isn't an exception to that.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2012, 10:48:17 PM by Freyj »


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Re: Guild Wars 2 Beta (Next BWE 7/20. Launches 8/28)
« Reply #140 on: July 17, 2012, 01:31:45 AM »

This guy talks about lack of instant movement, but the character moves instantly when you hear him slam the W key. This is why I don't get what you are talking about. It's like some mental quirk.

I think you're getting hung up on animations. WoW has short, stubby animations. Characters move like toys. The lurch forward on moving forward is more of a sudden jerk in WoW, and the characters limbs are not a big part of the running animation, as each is a small step you mostly see in their feet. There are no transition animations.

GW2 has longer, natural strides and transition animations. When a character runs, their legs are a part of the running animation. All input and animation is instant, but there's more animation involved than WoW players are used to. There is some disconnect because they did decide to make movement instant. To compare, Mario turns quick in Super Mario Bros than in Mario 64 because there is a sense of momentum in Mario's turn on the N64, while Mario Bros is just a 2d sprite flip. GW2 is like Mario 64 if they still had that momentum animation, but the turn was instant.


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Re: Guild Wars 2 Beta (Next BWE 7/20. Launches 8/28)
« Reply #141 on: July 17, 2012, 11:19:03 PM »


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Re: Guild Wars 2 Beta (Next BWE 7/20. Launches 8/28)
« Reply #142 on: July 20, 2012, 08:48:38 PM »
Sylvari starting area is obviously the last zone they touched up. There's been more bugs in my time there than the previous two BWEs in the human area. It mostly has to do with interactive NPCs and objects bugging out. I'm sad the Engineer's 4th Shield skill is bugged and the knockback isn't working, but it seems like the 5th shield skill's throw attack is improved. Travels a long distance and stuns, then hits on return, too.


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Re: Guild Wars 2 Beta (Next BWE 7/20. Launches 8/28)
« Reply #143 on: July 22, 2012, 12:26:12 PM »
You're pretty upset over a video game you don't even like  ???


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Re: Guild Wars 2 Beta (Next BWE 7/20. Launches 8/28)
« Reply #144 on: July 22, 2012, 05:53:16 PM »
Massive Images with a worm slayn by the Friends of Fred.

Cerveza mas fina

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Re: Guild Wars 2 Beta (Next BWE 7/20. Launches 8/28)
« Reply #145 on: July 22, 2012, 06:26:47 PM »
Looks horribly uninspiring sorry mayne  :-\


  • Crotch Digger
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Re: Guild Wars 2 Beta (Next BWE 7/20. Launches 8/28)
« Reply #146 on: July 23, 2012, 01:06:51 AM »
I think it looks awesome, but that's probably because I've never played any other MMO's.

Well, I played Anarchy Online back in the day, but we all know how that ended.  :(


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Re: Guild Wars 2 Beta (Next BWE 7/20. Launches 8/28)
« Reply #147 on: July 23, 2012, 02:23:30 AM »
Troll harder bishis

So the final event is called Hunger Royale. It's a Day Z influenced Hunger Games/Battle Royale themed deal. It's basically team based survival in the starter Asura zone. You get a rifle for your weapon with five abilities and then utilities and a heal and elite. All the abilities except the rifle butt attack are based on supplies and ammo. Using your rifle uses up ammo and eating rations to heal uses up your rations. Using a stealth cloak uses up a stealth cloak supply and so on.

Supplies are spread around the world in unmarked spots.

The first round had no other rules other than survive. If you die then you go back to base. Second round has the hunger effect. The hunger makes you slowly lose health, making rations really valuable. The third round will have death penalties, so each time you do you come back with less health.

edit: I take that back, the third round turns you into a little floating robot when you die.

Pretty cool, but I am only watching on Twitch since I'm not home for the next few days.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2012, 02:28:34 AM by etiolate »


  • Crotch Digger
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Re: Guild Wars 2 Beta (Next BWE 7/20. Launches 8/28)
« Reply #148 on: July 23, 2012, 03:09:02 AM »
That sounds cool, but CG and I were instancing :(

and got kicked off :((

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Re: Guild Wars 2 Beta (Next BWE 7/20. Launches 8/28)
« Reply #149 on: July 23, 2012, 03:10:06 AM »
So like outside of PvP, what is there to do in this game.


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Re: Guild Wars 2 Beta (Next BWE 7/20. Launches 8/28)
« Reply #150 on: July 23, 2012, 03:12:21 AM »
That sounds cool, but CG and I were instancing :(

and got kicked off :((


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Re: Guild Wars 2 Beta (Next BWE 7/20. Launches 8/28)
« Reply #151 on: July 23, 2012, 03:13:01 AM »
So like outside of PvP, what is there to do in this game.



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Re: Guild Wars 2 Beta (Next BWE 7/20. Launches 8/28)
« Reply #152 on: July 23, 2012, 03:26:17 AM »
I hope they refine that final event a bit and include it as a game mode. All they need to do is shrink the map size some. The final minutes was made up of the last remaining survivors wandering around in search of rations as their health slowly ticked away. The remaining survivors were surrounded by hordes of robot players. The robots offer a protective shield, can drop a little ammo and can mark areas on the map. So they're basically there to support remaining players.

Someone did find a way to get out of the hunger state and robot state by using a transformation tonic, so they'd have to remove that from the mode. It was pretty cool looking overall. Main problems were the size of the map being maybe a little too big. Since there was a timer for each round, it was possible to not see another player for minutes at a time. It would require a lot of people to make work though. Everyone in the zone was split up into four teams. It would only work well with a mass of people, and they already have WvWvW full of people and PVE zones as well. I think you'd need at least 80 total people so you have 20 on each side for a permanent game mode like this.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Re: Guild Wars 2 Beta (Next BWE 7/20. Launches 8/28)
« Reply #153 on: July 23, 2012, 03:32:38 AM »
So like outside of PvP, what is there to do in this game.


yea but I'm getting the impression that PvE isn't good. Raiding/dungeons that aren't noteworthy, and quests that are well done but don't carry the game for people who are purely PvE focused.


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Re: Guild Wars 2 Beta (Next BWE 7/20. Launches 8/28)
« Reply #154 on: July 23, 2012, 04:13:06 AM »
I would rank the quality of each element of the game as thus:

1. PVE
2. WvWvW
3. sPvP

WvWvW can rise to number one when you have an active and evenly matched battle. The uneven battles or playing from behind in third place isn't as fun. Unorganized WvW just doesn't work. What some people claim is just a zergfest actually requires a lot of coordination to succeed at. If your server does not communicate and doesn't have a big guild to run some shit then you'll lose a lot of the map. When the GAF guild left Henge of Denravi, the server fell off in WvWvW. We lost to the RP server we had an epic battle to last time.  Yet, when its a good matchup then it's a lot of fun and a lot of XP.

PVE is more consistent and full of content. This BWE I did the Sylvari area so it was a whole new part of the world to see. I didn't like it at first. There was a Heart area that turned you into a dog which was pretty cool, but the other hearts were kinda meh. Things didn't get better until I found a spider cave with mushrooms you could eat. The mushrooms made you bigger or smaller and this helped you with completing Events and the Heart in the area. Going small allowed you to go into spider nests. Going big allowed you to pick up rocks and smash them on spiders. I then found some spiral area with a spiraling plant in the middle. The plant was a jumping puzzle with a Skill Point challenge at the bottom. The skill point was simply drinking some nectar or whatever, but the jumping puzzle was pretty challenging. When I finally climbed the top of the plant and hopped across some floating rocks, I made it to the ledge of a cliff. There I was rewarded with a treasure chest. I kept exploring around the cliff edge and wandered into a cave with the Nightmare Court about. The posse I was with took them out and we kept hopping down leaves and giant mushroom tops, until we came to a dark area where a DE spawned.

I have tons more PVE stories I could mention. My favorites were the swamp and its tough bosses. The giant wurm that spawns when you do the correct Dynamic Events, the Asuran Lab with giant Thunder cannons and a Dynamic Event that looks you shoot mobs with the cannon, the jumping puzzles, some of the story mode instances like the one thats like a tower defense game, the mini-creature dynamic event by the bay in the Sylvari starting area, and the defense against the Hylek invasions (mostly because I was doing this with one or two other people and it made it very challenging.).

I also checked out The Grove and Rata Sum. I discovered The Grove had a diving platform with goggles, but you don't notice it because it's just a part of the naturey topography. It also doesn't seem like a diving area because it's in the middle of the city. You actually dive through the gap between pathways and land in the lake below. I then discovered a second jump point nearby, but it didn't have the goggles. It's not as cool without the goggles since they make you do an actual dive into the water.

I did a bit of the Keg Brawl activity. I guess rugby is a good aproximation of how it plays. One or two keys drop in the middle and you can punch, kick or do a giant stomp to knock players over and steal the keg. To score points you have run the keg back to your brewmaster. Unfortunately, I did this at like 4am pst and there were only five of us playing and it's not much fun with so few players. You can toss the keg, too, but I basically had nobody to toss it to.

Did the new sPvP map, Legend of the Foefire. It feels larger than the other two Conquest maps and has a really big open middle area with rises at four corners around the middle area. Getting to the Guild Lord of the other team isn't so hard. You can break down the door pretty quickly and dispatch the guards in good time just a solo invader, but it alerts the team you're attacking and you can't solo the Guild Lord unless the other team totally ignores you. He has too much health to go down quickly.

I also spent most of my PVE time on Engineer and a good amount of PVP time on Engineer. Despite one of my fav skills form last BWE being broken this time, I found the class a lot of fun to play. It's a mix between the Pyro and Demo and Engineer from TF2 and The Midnight Bomber from The Tick, with a bit of mad scientist thrown in. I loved using the flamethrower on groups of enemies and I loved when a DE spawned a bunch of mobs that would rush towards the front. I'd just lay all my bombs, including "The Big One" and they'd all go off in a huge explosion.

My issues were WvW had a poor matchup to start with and had some issues this time around, and that the Mesmer is getting worse with each BWE. I might switch my main over to Engineer. I'm not sure. It depends on if they make an announcement about major changes for Mesmer or not. It was easily the most bitched about class this BWE. It seems the bugged Phantasm trait from last BWE covered up some big power issues the class is having. They did improve Confusion and fixed one bugged trait though. SPVP will NOT be adequately balanced by launch. I was listening to a podcast on this issue and all the players agreed upon this and the crew discussing it were from some of the bigger pvp guilds in the beta. I think a good estimate of when sPvP will start to look balanced and meta appears is about 3 months after launch. The Mesmer needs a lot of work, but so does downed state and the thief. Elementalist, Necro, Warrior and Guardian are all strong right now. Necro was godly this BWE, with tons of condition damage while being the hardest thing to kill in game. Eles could last forever as well if set up right.

They all work well in PVE though, except the Mesmers issue with Clones being tied to a single mob.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Re: Guild Wars 2 Beta (Next BWE 7/20. Launches 8/28)
« Reply #155 on: July 23, 2012, 04:24:59 AM »
Yea I certainly had fun with the quest system/DEs, I just wonder how consistent that will work throughout the game/levels. And being a raid guy, I've been told this ain't the game for me  :'(


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Re: Guild Wars 2 Beta (Next BWE 7/20. Launches 8/28)
« Reply #156 on: July 23, 2012, 05:34:19 AM »
Well raiding burnt me out awhile ago, and I quit raiding long after I had actually tired of it. That doesn't mean there aren't parts of raiding that I liked. Most of the things I liked about raids exist in GW2.

-Huge Raid Bosses
-Massive Cooperative Fight with an epic feel
-Really interesting dungeons
-A big reward for your effort

These things are in GW2, but they're not within a typical raid format. I've fought the Shadow Behemoth and the Swamp Wurm, both huge bosses that require a lot of people to fight. The Shadow Behemoth is really cool, has different stages and spawns adds. We've seen one Dragon encounter at a Con demo, and it dwarfed the Wurm and the Shadow Behemoth. Defeating these monsters drops a huge treasure chest that everyone gets loot from.

I haven't tried a instanced dungeon yet. I did do the WvW Indiana Jones dungeon, and I liked it, but it's not the instanced dungeon style. I can't say how good GW2s dungeon will be at this point.

What made me tire of raiding is this:

-Gear Treadmill Design and Grind
-All the grinding for needed rep and pots and gold to pay repairs. Often being in the raiding game left you less time to do other things you wanted to since raiding required you spend time getting supplies and upgrades for yourself, and then leveling certain crafts and other tasks for your guilds raid progression. I wanted more of my own time.
-DKP: This basically turns a game into a job. It's horrible. I hope WoW's devotion to 10 mans allow small guilds to raid without bullshit like DKP. Just a bunch of friends playing together and downing shit. That's how it should be. Not playing with a bunch of players you don't trust or even know so you have to setup some sort of earnings system.
-Waiting to fill out the raid roster. This includes breaks for player swapping and not being able to do raids because someone didn't show. It's annoying for the other 20 or so players if the raid gets killed because the tank didn't show, but its also annoying for the individual that has to schedule his or her life around a game. Again, it turns it into a job.

Things I'm indifferent to bored with:

-The fight coordination. I'm glad the holy trinity is mostly gone in GW2, but I had good times within the trinity as well. Most problems rely on poor class balance. The game becomes a caste system pretty quickly. The other problem you don't realize until you play a system without the trinity is how much everyone but the tank doesn't give a fuck about the boss. It's either a fat target or something thats waddling behind your Healer UI.
-The same old song and dance. Some people really like doing all the research for a fight and watching videos and all the UI crap all over to monitor events, but the raid bosses haven't really changed much over WoW's expansions. It's like all the same dance steps, just swapped around between bosses.

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Guild Wars 2 Beta (Next BWE 7/20. Launches 8/28)
« Reply #157 on: July 23, 2012, 12:29:46 PM »
I'm fine with a lot of the loot grinding, but found rep grinding to be quite annoying. It's specifically designed to keep you in raids for months, as you often cannot gain the rep outside the raid. I've long wished for raid zones that were more than just the place you fly to in order to enter the raid, and hearth out when you're finished. You'd think a fortress of evil like ICC, Dragon Soul, Ulduar, whatever would be surrounded by some end game content you could grind up before or after entering the raid - even if the rewards were capped. Instead most raids are in zones that are 1-3 levels below the required raid level.

I love raiding. I don't like the preparation that goes into it. I used to get all my work/school stuff done in anticipation of 9PM raids. Now I no longer feel like I can meet those deadlines and requirements. I prefer being able to raid when I want, preferably with friends, even if it's just for 30 minutes. WoW raids are often too micro managed, and still wind up being poorly implemented due to folks showing up late, being no shows, "oh wait I forgot to repair" etc etc.

Personally I think WoW's bosses are still quite impressive. Dragon Soul has some fights that feel like older material, but also some fresh stuff as well as new takes on old designs. Plus the Deathwing fight alone is one of the best in the game's history.


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Re: Guild Wars 2 Beta (Next BWE 7/20. Launches 8/28)
« Reply #158 on: July 23, 2012, 07:03:59 PM »
I am totally against the gear treadmill at this point. I'd probably still be playing Rift to fill the time if the game didn't have a gear treadmill.

Totalbiscuit put up his final beta impressions. He comments on his concern about endgame because we haven't seen any of it yet. He also comments on the "whole game is endgame" idea. He's right in that he shouldn't be forced into low level content he hasn't done yet and there should be some sense of a bigger dragon to kill next.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Re: Guild Wars 2 Beta (Next BWE 7/20. Launches 8/28)
« Reply #159 on: July 23, 2012, 08:42:18 PM »
Great video from TB. He definitely hit on a major concern of mine in terms of wanting a different game than WoW, but at the same time wanting WoW. One of the biggest problems with WoW is that the world is pretty much dead. Players congregate in their faction's city and only leave for raids, daily quests, or scattered PvP attacks. Leaving the rest of the world to new players and alts doing the same old quests I did 6 years ago for the most part. So basically each expansion is like building a new floor on a burning building.

The dynamic events were very fun in beta, and I think they could keep the game fresh for awhile and certainly be cool for your alt characters. But once you finish all that and get to end game...yea. So as TB said I find myself enjoying the major differences like dynamic events while also wishing for a more defined/established end game that includes raids and dungeons I can grind with friends/guild.


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Re: Guild Wars 2 Beta (Next BWE 7/20. Launches 8/28)
« Reply #160 on: July 23, 2012, 09:58:35 PM »
The endgame is mostly a mystery at this point for anyone not into PvP. They've talked about what they plan on having with Orr and 80 lvl dungeons, while also talking of throwing in new DEs. They haven't shown a huge Dragon since that Gamescon demo.

So either the silence is them leaving a lot to wow people after release or the silence is a sign of nothing much to show. Because of all the other MMO release, everyone feels the silence is because of impending disappointment.


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Re: Guild Wars 2 Beta (Next BWE 7/20. Launches 8/28)
« Reply #161 on: August 03, 2012, 06:57:53 AM »

During the brief stress test, I managed to find Skrittsburgh in Brisbane Wildlands. I am posting about it because it feels like a preview of things to find later on.

Skrittsburgh is a cavernous city made by the Skritt. The Skritt are a rat/mouse race with a collective intelligence. The important bit is that its a faction's city out in the world that behaves as part of a large DE chain.

Skrittsburgh has:
-A Skritt King
-Vendors, Merchants and crafting areas like a smaller city. It also has special Shinies Merchants which have some unique items.
-Outer Boroughs with Heart quests
-A collection of discarded items from all the races.

To get into Skrittsburgh, the area has to be safe. When I first got there, I began doing a Heart in an outer borough. While I was doing this, the Nightmare Court attacked the city, took over the city, and the city was closed off. Me and some other players had to do some Dynamic Events in the outer boroughs. Once we did a couple of those, we earned the Skritt's trust and they opened the city gates. Inside the city I found all the merchants and the King (who had treasure chests I could open.). I explored some of the other boroughs and finished off a heart quest and a couple of Skill Challenges. One skill challenge was drinking Skritt beer, the other was getting to the top of this discarded pirate ship and fighting some Skritt for a shiny treasure. While I was doing this, bandits began setting poison traps outside Skrittsburgh to kill Skritt leaving the city. I started to head in the bandit direction, but then Destroyers invaded Skrittsburgh and attacked the King. I got to the giant Destroyer boss too late and the King died. The Skritt then turned hostile and kicked me out of the city. I was then told I would have to wait until they elect a new King. As part of the clean up, I started doing DEs that were fallout from the Destroyer attack. Basically, Skrittsburgh is a large set of caves and boroughs in the middle of the zone. It can be attacked from different angles. You'll find yourself fighting human bandits, Nightmare Court Sylvari, Inquest Asurans, or the Destroyers from underneath. When we cleared out all the invaders, the Skritt opened the city again.

So it's an entire little city with special merchants that opens and closed its doors depending on how well defended it is by the players.


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Re: Guild Wars 2 Beta (Next BWE 7/20. Launches 8/28)
« Reply #162 on: August 25, 2012, 02:03:51 AM »
It's ALIVE! We're in.

Their overflow servers are overloaded.

Human Snorenado

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Re: Guild Wars 2 Beta (Next BWE 7/20. Launches 8/28)
« Reply #163 on: August 25, 2012, 02:14:41 AM »
It's ALIVE! We're in.

Their overflow servers are overloaded.


Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Re: Guild Wars 2 Beta (Next BWE 7/20. Launches 8/28)
« Reply #164 on: August 25, 2012, 03:09:01 AM »
Will this be the official thread? I'll post in the gaf one too but I seriously doubt I'll join their guild

havin' fun?


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Re: Guild Wars 2 Beta (Next BWE 7/20. Launches 8/28)
« Reply #165 on: August 25, 2012, 04:01:29 AM »
Yeah having fun. You can be in multiple guilds. I rolled on GAF's server (Stormbluff Isle). I'm in the Gaf guild and I made a guild for CG, Rodi and I.

There's a few issues so far:
-Metrica Province is like overflowing with people and it and the human area probably have a ton of overflow servers. It's been hard for people in parties to get into Metrica because the game tries to put people in a party int he same server.
-But their "Join In" function isn't working right, so noone can get together until they all queue into their regular server version. They had this issue in the first BWE in a different form.
It took a bit of time but CG and I ended up in the Stormbluff server together.
-Hall of Monument Stone is not being sent to me. >| Some people are getting it and some aren't.
-Getting a mail error. I sent silver to fund the GAF guild expansion, then tried sending a bow to CG but it said "still processing previous mail". I have a feeling this is part of their anti-farmer/gold spamming thing. Not sure.

Otherwise, everything is going fine and I had no trouble logging in. Asuras are adorable.

CrystalGemini and I:


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Re: Guild Wars 2 Beta (Next BWE 7/20. Launches 8/28)
« Reply #166 on: August 25, 2012, 05:17:06 AM »
So how long ago has the game been released?


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Re: Guild Wars 2 Beta (Next BWE 7/20. Launches 8/28)
« Reply #167 on: August 25, 2012, 05:36:43 AM »
It's not officially released yet. Prepurchasers get 3 day head start. Launch is the 28th.


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Re: Guild Wars 2 Beta (Next BWE 7/20. Launches 8/28)
« Reply #168 on: August 25, 2012, 05:50:57 AM »
Have they changed the transfer server system?  Do we still need copper coins or whatever for server transfer?


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Re: Guild Wars 2 Beta (Next BWE 7/20. Launches 8/28)
« Reply #169 on: August 25, 2012, 06:50:54 AM »
I am not sure what you mean. At launch, all world transfers will be free until everyone settles down to a server they like. They may have this option open for a couple weeks or just a few days. Not sure.

Guesting is free, but its not available until after they close off World transfers. After that point, transferring your home world will cost real world money. Playing on another world/server in PVE will remain free with the guesting feature. It's only for WvWvW that you are tried to those on your World.


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Re: Guild Wars 2 Beta (Next BWE 7/20. Launches 8/28)
« Reply #170 on: August 25, 2012, 07:25:59 AM »
I see, thats awesome.


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Re: Guild Wars 2 Beta (Next BWE 7/20. Launches 8/28)
« Reply #171 on: August 25, 2012, 07:42:06 AM »
Well it seems they had their first downtime, though some people are still able to keep playing. Most are left out right now though. I guess there's some streamers still going.

I got six hours straight of time, others got more since they logged on earlier. Good but not perfect pre-launch.


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Re: Guild Wars 2 Beta (Next BWE 7/20. Launches 8/28)
« Reply #172 on: August 25, 2012, 08:34:48 AM »
I have been trying to login for the last 2.5 hours.


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Re: Guild Wars 2 Beta (Next BWE 7/20. Launches 8/28)
« Reply #173 on: August 25, 2012, 08:48:11 AM »
Now i got "connection error(s) detected. retrying" :/.


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Re: Guild Wars 2 Beta (Next BWE 7/20. Launches 8/28)
« Reply #174 on: August 25, 2012, 11:33:28 AM »
How are the controls sloppy?


  • I must hurry back to my comic book store, where I dispense the insults rather than absorb them.
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Re: Guild Wars 2 Beta (Next BWE 7/20. Launches 8/28)
« Reply #175 on: August 25, 2012, 12:05:36 PM »
I played a little today and it might be even worse than the last time I played. I'm fucking SHOCKED by how sloppy the intro is, how sloppy the controls are, how chaotic everything is. It's just........ wow. Just wow.

Sounds just like Guild Wars to me. Complete shit. ArenaNet just got a big marketing budget this time to make slick videos and pay viral marketers to annoy forums.


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Re: Guild Wars 2 Beta (Next BWE 7/20. Launches 8/28)
« Reply #176 on: August 25, 2012, 12:20:51 PM »
The way characters move is unresponsive as fuck. WoW does it better, amazingly enough. An 8 year old fucking game does it better.

Even Guild Wars 1 feels better.

Eh, I disagree.  And i am from Australia which have to use american servers.


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Re: Guild Wars 2 Beta (Next BWE 7/20. Launches 8/28)
« Reply #177 on: August 25, 2012, 12:26:32 PM »
I played a little today and it might be even worse than the last time I played. I'm fucking SHOCKED by how sloppy the intro is, how sloppy the controls are, how chaotic everything is. It's just........ wow. Just wow.

Sounds just like Guild Wars to me. Complete shit. ArenaNet just got a big marketing budget this time to make slick videos and pay viral marketers to annoy forums.

The sheer hype for this thing is ridiculous for what it is. I don't know why any of you would have anything to do with the GAF Guild considering most of those people are fucking crazy.

Giving it a month or two and maybe a price drop, I liked Guardian a LOT more than Thief / Engineer but didn't get to play it very long.

spoiler (click to show/hide)
And yes, the movement is janky. WoW's is more responsive, but we've been down this road. I'm not really a fan of hyper realistic or Mario on Ice movement and would prefer things didn't feel so god damned floaty.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2012, 12:28:10 PM by Freyj »


  • I must hurry back to my comic book store, where I dispense the insults rather than absorb them.
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Re: Guild Wars 2 Beta (Next BWE 7/20. Launches 8/28)
« Reply #178 on: August 25, 2012, 12:38:52 PM »
The movement and the character's stiff animation is what bugged me the most about the first game, so much so that I barely played it. When I saw GW2 gameplay videos the characters animated and moved exactly the same; only in a slightly better graphics engine. Same shit, different graphics.

Did anyone seriously, and I mean seriously, expect they would get a WoW-level MMO with no monthly fees from ArenaNet?

Human Snorenado

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Re: Guild Wars 2 Beta (Next BWE 7/20. Launches 8/28)
« Reply #179 on: August 25, 2012, 01:09:51 PM »
Guys, please understand:  Manabyte is the blizzard fanboi that everyone thinks I actually am.