Author Topic: hungrynoob mentally prepares us | What is THE truth? | listen to your heart  (Read 74613 times)

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  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
you're assuming that July 2018 means July 2018 but if you remove the manipulations of your perceptions you can see that it's faith that will be rewarded


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Going by their front page, maybe James Gunn getting fired is the public revelation that Q promised.


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
  • Senior Member
Going by their front page, maybe James Gunn getting fired is the public revelation that Q promised.

"In the Erisian Archives is an old memo from Omar to Mal-2: 'I find the Law of Fives to be more and more manifest the harder I look.'"


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member

–]SukiBulaPromises made. Promises kept. - Q 11 points 3 hours ago*
This is genius imo. I’ve often tried to explain logic to Q followers. One must always choose a starting place and draw logical conclusions from there. This anon has hit it out of the ball park. A noteable among noteables.

And everything that has happened to date points to DJT being in complete control: Sword dance in SA, Forbidden palace in China, North Korea, Queen, NATO, Helsinki.

I should add that the ‘chaos’ we appear to be dealing with in the US, is only a smoke screen for the sake of the American people, that we have time to come to grips with the truth about the last 100 years.. and also to allow us to feel we’ve had a part in the rebirth of our nation.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member

edit: roseanne deleted some tweet about Qanon and the coming arrests for Obama's birth certificate fraud that this dude responded to since i posted it
« Last Edit: July 21, 2018, 01:43:31 PM by benjipwns »


  • boo
  • Member
If all this Q stuff is real, how come he's just putting it all out in the open for the deep state to see? :thinking

Who said it was out in the open to see?

Not all Q followers see the same.

The Q drops have already taken into account the premise you describe.

Except there's a subreddit where people take all the pieces and put them together...

Many levels of looking, Im still learning as well. Many dont put in the time to learn.

In reference to the Obama video Benji posted where he claimed to be the first US president from Kenya.

Feeling like youre living in a theatre performance yet?

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
  • Administrator
*unzips pants*

Enjoy the show.


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Trump says: “In a key sentence in my remarks, I said the word would instead of wouldn't. The sentence should have been: “I don’t see any reason why I wouldn’t or why it wouldn’t be Russia. Sort of a double negative. So you could put that in and I think that probably clarifies things pretty good by itself.”

Did you catch what he is really saying? “so you could put that in”. Who? Where? Trump knows the fake News media has no interest in the truth and will certainly not archive it. Do you think Trump, all of a sudden, cares about what MSM understands and keeps from him? No. He is talking to us. He is saying: I want to clarify a point that I know is of interest to you. Once I clarify it, “put it in”, add it to the other points I have already made since my Great Falls speech. You got it? Now, ask yourself why isn’t Trump even more explicit since he is clarifying? Wouldn’t it be more powerful and unequivocal to say: “would not” instead of “wouldn’t”? Why is he using “n’t” instead of “not”? Because he wants us to focus on nt. What is NT? Expand your thinking. Windows NT is a family of operating systems produced by Microsoft. link. Windows NT 3.1 was the first version of this operating system that was intended for workstations and servers, its latest version is known under the name Windows Server 2016. Through this input, Trump has put to rest all the speculations regarding the interpretation of “mirror” in the Q1675 riddle. He is saying: yes the server interpretation is also correct, I am validating it, add it to what you already know.


  • Y = λ𝑓. (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥)) (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥))
  • Senior Member
hungrynoob, did you already respond to my and Nola's rebuttal of your forced Kennedy retirement theory?


  • boo
  • Member
hungrynoob, did you already respond to my and Nola's rebuttal of your forced Kennedy retirement theory?

Nope. not yet, I have been busy.

I will be busy for a little bit more for me to reply with anything in depth, but cnsidering 99% of all other replies is "you are wrong" with no explanation, when i ready i doubt there will be anything else of substance worth replying to anyway so it will always be there.


  • Y = λ𝑓. (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥)) (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥))
  • Senior Member
Ok, well, when you're ready there's like at least 4 posts from both of us telling you why it doesn't make any sense that Kennedy would have to be forced to retire, so all of that is definitely worth replying to.


  • boo
  • Member
Ok, well, when you're ready there's like at least 4 posts from both of us telling you why it doesn't make any sense that Kennedy would have to be forced to retire, so all of that is definitely worth replying to.

From your perspective yes?

Whilst im at it, ill ask the question again, what is the filter that dictates what image you see in this world?

You can say why it doesnt make sense, but it doesnt necessarily mean you are correct. The underlying theme of all is how you think about things in general.

There is a lot of emotional manipulation on this board, how frequently are you interacting with THE TRUTH?


  • Y = λ𝑓. (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥)) (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥))
  • Senior Member
If we can't even agree that the posts Nola and I made were legitimate points worth responding to then I don't know if you're functionally capable of having a real conversation.

I don't know what the filter is. Just tell me so you can stop chanting the koan.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
that might be a typo he might mean what is the filler and we all know what filler is


  • boo
  • Member
If we can't even agree that the posts Nola and I made were legitimate points worth responding to then I don't know if you're functionally capable of having a real conversation.

I don't know what the filter is. Just tell me so you can stop chanting the koan.

I never said they weren't I already told you i need time to sit and properly respond. Perspective, your filter on reality is perspective.


  • Y = λ𝑓. (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥)) (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥))
  • Senior Member
I think confirmation bias is exactly the sort of thing that would make you think routine retirements would be weird but ok, I await your response to our posts.


  • Finish the Fight
  • Senior Member

Ok, this is weird. Putin is seemingly supporting Trump vs. 'powerful forces' who wish to undermine US/RU relations.
This is Putin visibly following the Trump line domestically vs. Trump following the Putin line.

I don't recall Putin ever doing so before.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
after seeing some of the Kennedy comments pop up seemingly everywhere, i looked a bit into that whole aspect of this...the impression is that JFK was going to kill off the deep state, but they killed him first

which is, not even a new conspiracy theory, so that's totally unfun

but it doesn't really sit with anything JFK did while in office and is one of those "had he lived" tales like how he would have prevented Vietnam, cut taxes more, passed civil rights, stopped immigration, announced he was a Republican in old age as the party left him ala Reagan, etc.

he thought Eisenhower's warning of a "military-industrial complex" aka "the deep state" was the ramblings of an elderly kook with dementia...he empowered the "deep state" by dismissing Eisenhower's carefully constructed NSC to force the agencies against each other on all options due to his experience in the military, Kennedy felt he and RFK could run it all through themselves, and they pushed for greater empowerment of the military, FBI and CIA to operate with a free hand, it was only the need for a scapegoat for the Bay of Pigs that forced out Allen Dulles who had been lying to two Presidents (though Ike knew it and left Dulles in place as it became the least dangerous place to have him) and RFK was put in de facto charge of it and he approved basically everything the CIA and FBI wanted because he was enamored with them and Hoover

the "deep state" had no need to take out JFK, they had a free hand under his brother, and their tendency to ignore the military command was outweighed by the empowerment of the rest of the bureaucracy plus the extra cash that poured into the military

LBJ was much worse for the "deep state" because he was a micro-manager like Nixon would be too, and ultimately Vietnam and the paranoia of two White Houses back to back would bring the hammer down (however small and easily ignored) from Congress on much of the "deep state" for one of the only times in US history

i know, i know, but i made this trash thread so i might as well poke some holes in it, especially when it's leaking into comments outside YouTube finally and only me posting my long winded referential heavy drivel on The Bore can stop it


  • Icon
after seeing some of the Kennedy comments pop up seemingly everywhere, i looked a bit into that whole aspect of this...the impression is that JFK was going to kill off the deep state, but they killed him first

which is, not even a new conspiracy theory, so that's totally unfun

You can see from the comment threads that the Q following is a mix: for some this is their first conspiracy or close to it (seen Pizzagate, Ron Paul, and Benghazi all cited as "awakening" moments), and some are old heads who've believed in some form or another of shadow government for decades.

So it's not surprising that they're bringing back classics like JFK, the Rothschilds, etc. At this point Q lore is basically the Conspiracy Theory EU.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
I'm always fascinated a bit by things like this where people who would never otherwise, start learning about history, but entirely through warped or strange sources. You see it traditionally in Holocaust Denial, which is way more interesting from a historiography point of view than it's treated by laymen who just focus on the whole Holocaust Denial part, which often leads to a total rejection of non-aligned sources. Glenn Beck's revival of looking at the Progressive Era could have been this except he flamed out and turned on everybody instead. There's quite a bit of it in Alex Jones' fanbase. Ron Paul's too, especially the Lew Rockwell wing which is way too willing to accept pro-Confederate or similar type historians.

And you always get the same kind of response, even though a lot of these views or positions have been entertained by "accepted" historians simply because it's interesting to explore and debunk, but sometimes the extreme revisionists actually do score victories in the historiography. I mentioned Turkey in the Poli thread, but the "collapse" of the Ottoman Empire theory that's accepted by modern historians was once a fringe view that was treated as totally nutty and non-academic and then some new sources were found and "standard" historians relooked at it and took out a bunch of the kookier stuff to otherwise essentially accept the arguments. Even in many of these cases where you can find such "mainstream" versions saying roughly the same stuff, you'll still have these pockets where they point to some random dude's self-published tome as the REAL STORY, even if the main disagreement with the mainstream is his conclusions. (Generally, that it probably wasn't the Jews behind whatever.) As was mentioned in the conspiracy theory thread, lots of the agents and other people involved think the OKC investigation was incomplete and botched, and many of the "theory" books cover the same territory in the investigations problems, it's just their conclusions (Muslims, false flag, etc.) are extra often flimsy steps too far for the "mainstream" accounts. (Especially since they are more careful to never try and claim what it was.)

One of my favorites from recent years was the Laurie Mylroie books. She turned out to be partially right about the governments incomplete investigation of Ramzi Yousef's whole business since they assumed it was a closed loop as in most pre-9/11 terror investigations. Except when Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and all the al Qaeda stuff was captured in Afghanistan, and the FBI or DHS or whoever went and finally followed up with the few holes regarding Yousef it basically killed off everything else she had written about SADDAM DOES ALL TERROR to where she was reduced to demanding they do DNA blood tests of everyone in hopes her theory they were related would stand up*. And the conservatives who were entertaining her as an expert basically dropped her as completely toxic.

It'd be like people out there still holding up her books as proof about Saddam and terror or whatever. Which I should probably investigate to see if still is a thing in fringes or if it's one of those where everybody just agreed to shut up about it in return for nobody bringing up what was said once.

*I think they did, as standard procedure not because of her, but essentially told another writer the details so he could put that it showed they weren't as an unofficial response to bury her for good. I should see if she's still around and moved into new conspiracy theories.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2018, 04:33:09 AM by benjipwns »


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
Laurie Mylroie
@K24English correspondent covering State Department and Pentagon. Every day, K24 questions US officials on #Kurdish news!

She seems to have made the correct jump to now Iran is the center of all terrorism and needs to be destroyed. Too crowded of field to write books in though Laurie! You'll never get back to AEI with that, they probably have a hundred experts on Iran there arguing that.


  • Icon
She's working for a Kurdish news outlet now, so that lines up nicely.

Also, lemme use her third book to make a point about Deep State rhetoric.

It's become a fairly common talking point to say "oh, you believe the people who brought us the Iraq War?" when talking about all the various parts of the Trump-Russia miasma. Not so much among longtime Republicans who still support the invasion or at least don't want to badmouth it, but from people who have gotten politicized recently (etiolate loved to bring this up despite never caring about the war in the Bush years).

As someone who wasted too much time reading blogs back then, that's crazy ahistorical. For all the CIA's eventual complicity in selling the war, the impetus came from the administration and the political appointees, who pressured the bureaucrats to get what they wanted. You don't even have to rely on accounts after it was clear this was a big fuckup and everyone went into CYA mode; this was openly discussed at the time. Conservatives were writing columns about how the CIA was undermining our president with their dusty, hidebound ways of thinking. If the CIA was pushing for war, what the hell was the point of the Office of Special Plans?

Kids today. They don't know. I was there, man, I was there.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
I have Bush vs. The Beltway ( it for 25 cents at an inventory dump store) and it's wonderful. Even the military were trying to stop Bush and Cheney from getting the truth out, not just the CIA and State! I forget which side Rumsfeld was on. And the media was covering for the Beltway deep state just to score points against heroic reformer and anti-terrorism leader Bush!


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
I once had a saved document from one of those prominent websites/blogs that proved Saddam did 9/11 in alliance with Iran and probably Syria. It was like eight pages long printed.

I'm sure Charles Johnson of lgf likely saw it once and generally approved before he realized the error of his ways and ideology and how terrible and racist everything he believed was again. :teehee


  • Icon
There was a whole subgenre of books just about how awesome Bush was.

Then in two years gas prices go up, they lose the House, and "he was never really conservative, that was the problem." Fast enough to give you whiplash.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
circa 2006

circa 2017


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
was looking for another book but couldn't find it, but did find this, for 99 cents:
"DEEP STATE" WARS: UNABRIDGED: Historical proof that a cult of rich, intelligent, and evil Americans engineered the Civil War, WW2, Vietnam War, Gulf War, Iraq War and more Kindle Edition

This book is incredible but historically validated with proof that a multi-generational cult ( think of the opposite of a mainstream church ) of rich, intelligent, and evil Americans engineered the Civil War, WW2, Vietnam War, Gulf War, Iraq War and more.

the cover could use some work though:


  • Senior Member
I was thinking about how Q relies on a bunch of hidden signals to show the conspiracy, but it just doesn’t really make sense that Q would need hidden signals.

Like everybody that reads anything political knows about it, so the deep state would obviously know about it, and obviously be able to go on 8-Chan and read all of the hidden signals and Q drops for themselves. Like, why try to be coy about something that everybody already knows about? Might as well just come out and say whatever it is you want to say.


  • Icon
The early "drops" were actually full sentences and pretty direct about what they were talking about. Basically comparable to the Louise Mensch/Claude Taylor stuff. It got more obscure and symbolic as it went along.

It's a clever way of sustaining interest. Gnosticism is a big part of the appeal of conspiracy theories, and Q has ramped up that aspect by turning everything into a puzzle. It's also a lot easier to avoid failed predictions when the posts are free verse poetry that can be interpreted a billion ways in hindsight.


  • Senior Member
I get that is why the huckster is doing it.

I just think that this is a critical flaw in the conspiracy theory. If Trump is doing all this with a wink and a nod and like telling people to turn off the lights at 1:24 pm exactly to send a signal to the QArmy, like, straight up why would he do that?

Every body with an internet connection can read all about the Q-puzzles and watch a YouTube video to figure out his secret information. There’s no reason for Trump to give secret clues, because the Q drops And the resultant videos are all in plain sight.

That said, did you notice that “Hillary” was seen in a Moomoo and a wig? Are you sure that was Hillary? When was the last time you saw Jeffrey Tambor? What did he learn from a trace Lysette?


  • Finish the Fight
  • Senior Member
Q returned today with a post but more importantly The Donald is reciting Qanon lines again


  • Senior Member
I'm glad you decided to take up hungrynoob's mantle, Nintex.


  • Senior Member
Enjoy your last week in the dark.

The storm commenced by August 1.

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
  • Global Moderator
If tomorrow ends and nothing happens, I am going to be SO MAD.


  • Senior Member
It’s going to be real annoying because Hungrynoob isn’t going to own up to being conned. He will instead disappear for like 6 weeks, and then come back like Q didn’t predict the entire Democratic Party to be rolled up in a giant sting operation by the end of July.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
Uh, you're not going to hear about it because it's being done in SECRET.

I swear, sometimes...


  • Senior Member
It’s going to be real annoying because Hungrynoob isn’t going to own up to being conned. He will instead disappear for like 6 weeks, and then come back like Q didn’t predict the entire Democratic Party to be rolled up in a giant sting operation by the end of July.

read between the lines, sheeple

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
  • Administrator
Just remember: What you're seeing and what you're reading is not what's happening.


  • Y = λ𝑓. (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥)) (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥))
  • Senior Member


  • Senior Member
Uh, you're not going to hear about it because it's being done in SECRET.

I swear, sometimes...

It was real clever of them to get that Barry Soetero impersonator to eat lunch with the Joe Biden impersonator yesterday.


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
  • Senior Member
Does Q get until 23:59 UTC or do we have to go through all the time zones?


  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
  • Senior Member
That reddit link is just hard on the brain :snoop

Sorry to break it to ya: if W Bush didn't get arrested, Obama and HRC aren't getting arrested either.

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
  • Administrator
I’ve been on this train ride since 2015. Since the 90s, really, if you count waiting to see the Clintons face justice.

If something BIG, and I mean cataclysmic and devastatingly BIG does not happen today, then I’m out. I’ll still pull the lever for Trump in 2020, but as far as following this rollercoaster ride day-to-day following and believing promises, tick-tocs, happenings, etc., it’s not for me. I’m exhausted from being the laughing stock of people around me when asked about politics.

If there is no boom today, then there is no more Q for me. I’ll just tend to my house, family, and buy a shit ton of ammo.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
Non-believers like that fraud don't deserve Qanon's proven facts, good riddance. If he can't learn to remove the manipulation of his perceptions then what good is he to Donald Trump and Robert Mueller's efforts to bring down the pedophile conspiracy.


  • Senior Member
I’ve been on this train ride since 2015. Since the 90s, really, if you count waiting to see the Clintons face justice.

If something BIG, and I mean cataclysmic and devastatingly BIG does not happen today, then I’m out. I’ll still pull the lever for Trump in 2020, but as far as following this rollercoaster ride day-to-day following and believing promises, tick-tocs, happenings, etc., it’s not for me. I’m exhausted from being the laughing stock of people around me when asked about politics.

If there is no boom today, then there is no more Q for me. I’ll just tend to my house, family, and buy a shit ton of ammo.

I’m hoping this is a hungrynoob reddit post. But I think he is foreign or something. Dutch people love their conspiracies. Lol, wypipo!


  • Icon
The next Qanon post will be number 1776, that's cute.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member


  • Estado Homo
  • Senior Member


  • Punk Mushi no Onna
  • Senior Member
The next Qanon post will be number 1776, that's cute.

Woah! That's when WW2 started.


  • Good Christian
  • Senior Member
Tried reading the two first pages. It's like someone wrote a script to post random generated shit.

I don't understand this thread.

Am I not high enough?


  • 🧘‍♂️
  • Senior Member
Tried reading the two first pages. It's like someone wrote a script to post random generated shit.

I don't understand this thread.

Am I not high enough?
Yes.  :ufup


  • Senior Member
Tried reading the two first pages. It's like someone wrote a script to post random generated shit.

I don't understand this thread.

Am I not high enough?

Try hitting your head with a brick a couple of times and it'll all make sense


  • Icon


  • Estado Homo
  • Senior Member
It's funny how QAnon went from 4chan to Boomer MAGA Christwarriors on Twitter


  • Senior Member
The US flag bow on her cankle cast is a nice touch.

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
  • Administrator
It's funny how QAnon went from 4chan to Boomer MAGA Christwarriors on Twitter


*dad on his riding lawnmower reading Qanon tweets*


  • Senior Member
Tried reading the two first pages. It's like someone wrote a script to post random generated shit.

I don't understand this thread.

Am I not high enough?

These are merely true verified facts. What you choose to do with them is up to you.


  • Senior Member

It’s happening. Obama linked to NXIVM. Someone check his BBC for a brand.

I'm a Puppy!

  • Knows the muffin man.
  • Senior Member
so.....what's the truth that's supposed to be out today?