General => The Superdeep Borehole => Topic started by: The Fake Shemp on July 03, 2009, 10:15:24 AM

Title: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: The Fake Shemp on July 03, 2009, 10:15:24 AM
Imagine, people weeping and crying over his casket and then a - bam! - a puff of smoke and fireworks go off.  The smoke clears and he jumps out of his casket, landing on the floor as jets of fire shoot out in front of the stage and the opening cue from Thriller starts.

That would be so awesome.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: The Fake Shemp on July 03, 2009, 10:23:53 AM
I hope this is the case! :rock
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: Herr Mafflard on July 03, 2009, 10:25:37 AM

Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: muckhole on July 03, 2009, 10:29:48 AM
And then the double irony when he keels over in the first number.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: The Fake Shemp on July 03, 2009, 10:31:17 AM
That reminds me of that MSNBC reporter Jon Stewart mocked who said, "We're witnessing history here - Michael Jackson can only die once."

O RLY? :lol
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: Veidt on July 03, 2009, 11:30:01 AM
That'd actually be awesome. :lol

Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: Powerslave on July 03, 2009, 11:56:00 AM
That'd actually be awesome. :lol

No it wouldn't.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: The Fake Shemp on July 03, 2009, 12:11:20 PM
How would it not be awesome?

His memorial service is already at the Staples Center - is there a better venue for the comeback tour of the century?


Jesus will be so jealous.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: DJ_Tet on July 03, 2009, 12:13:00 PM
I've been hoping he faked his death for awhile now.  That said, he'd have no reason to give up the ruse so quickly.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: Phoenix Dark on July 03, 2009, 12:17:12 PM
He's in Cuba with Tupac right now, laughing at us.

Would that be the greatest hoax ever?
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: The Fake Shemp on July 03, 2009, 12:19:28 PM

Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: Powerslave on July 03, 2009, 12:21:54 PM
He's in Cuba with Tupac right now, laughing at us.

Would that be the greatest hoax ever?

Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: ManaByte on July 03, 2009, 01:24:13 PM
Well, they are charging ticket prices.....

Huh? Wat? No they aren't. The tickets are free.

Randy Phillips, chief executive of AEG Live, which owns the Staples Center and was Jackson's promoter, said tickets would be free. He was not sure how they would be distributed. A press conference to announce further details was planned for Friday.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: ManaByte on July 03, 2009, 01:36:29 PM
Dude, there was never a $25 price. They've been saying from the inception that it would be free. At least that's what they've been saying on all LA area radio stations, including the largest one in the fucking country.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: ManaByte on July 03, 2009, 01:46:30 PM
Sorry, I take the word of actual news over the Octomom tabloid site. That site's basically Perez Hilton without the photoshopped cocks.

They claim they learned it "exclusively" yesterday? Uh huh. Local LA news was reporting on Staples center as early as MONDAY.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: ManaByte on July 03, 2009, 03:25:43 PM
Tickets are FREE...via lottery
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: Joe Molotov on July 03, 2009, 03:28:02 PM
Imagine, people weeping and crying over his casket and then a - bam! - a puff of smoke and fireworks go off.  The smoke clears and he jumps out of his casket, landing on the floor as jets of fire shoot out in front of the stage and the opening cue from Thriller starts.

That would be so awesome.

Then another puff of smoke, and the people that committed suicide over his death rise from the grave as zombies and start dancing around!
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: ManaByte on July 03, 2009, 03:31:47 PM
New clip from the last rehearsal:
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: ManaByte on July 03, 2009, 03:36:49 PM
This is what it says after signing up:

Your registration for your chance to attend the Michael Jackson Public Memorial Service has been received. If your application is successful, you will receive an email on Sunday, July 5, 2009 after 11:00 a.m. Pacific Time with your exclusive unique code and instructions on how to obtain your two free tickets to attend the Public Memorial Service.

A valid ticket will be required to enter the STAPLES Center and L.A. LIVE area on Tuesday, July 6, 2009.

The tickets will be distributed for either the public memorial service in STAPLES Center or a live television broadcast in the adjacent Nokia Theatre.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: The Fake Shemp on July 03, 2009, 03:37:59 PM
Imagine, people weeping and crying over his casket and then a - bam! - a puff of smoke and fireworks go off.  The smoke clears and he jumps out of his casket, landing on the floor as jets of fire shoot out in front of the stage and the opening cue from Thriller starts.

That would be so awesome.

Then another puff of smoke, and the people that committed suicide over his death rise from the grave as zombies and start dancing around!


Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: Veidt on July 03, 2009, 03:39:04 PM
New clip from the last rehearsal:

Well.... I guess he just.... "Moon" Walked himself, into an early grave........YEEAAAAAAAAHHH!!
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: ManaByte on July 03, 2009, 03:41:41 PM
I dare someone to make that their avatar on GAF and post in the MJ thread.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: Himu on July 03, 2009, 03:51:59 PM
 :lol :lol

Real life Thriller would be amazing
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: ManaByte on July 03, 2009, 05:21:45 PM
So how much do you think the memorial tickets can be scalped for?
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: Diunx on July 03, 2009, 05:30:16 PM
It would only be awesome if 4 different MJ appear before his resurrection claiming to be the real one.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: ManaByte on July 03, 2009, 05:31:01 PM
Local news just said LAPD is expecting 700,000-1,000,000 people to try to get into the Staples Center area on Tuesday. HOLY SHIT.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: ManaByte on July 03, 2009, 10:32:36 PM
Over 500,000,000 people have signed up for tickets so far. 8,750 will win.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: The Fake Shemp on July 03, 2009, 11:06:01 PM
The lottery is actually for 17,500 tickets.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: Madrun Badrun on July 03, 2009, 11:14:02 PM


 :lol :lol :lol
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: ManaByte on July 03, 2009, 11:30:55 PM
The lottery is actually for 17,500 tickets.

Yes but each winner gets two wristbands. Thus only 8,750 winners are being chosen.

More details just came out on it.

The 8,750 winners will be notified after noon on Sunday. They'll be given a code to take to Ticketmaster and they'll get two wristbands. Then those with wristbands can somehow claim their tickets somewhere.

LAPD is closing a multi-square mile are of downtown LA sometime after midnight on Tuesday.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his fun
Post by: ManaByte on July 04, 2009, 01:29:09 AM

MJ loved Demoral so much he sang about it.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: The Fake Shemp on July 04, 2009, 02:59:58 AM
See, he is faking it!
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: demi on July 04, 2009, 06:10:05 AM
That morphine song is rough as fuck. Except the really uncomfortable to listen to Demerol part (not because he died of it but it's just so out of place and it makes me hope nobody is actually hearing the same thing I am)
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: Sideshow Raheem on July 04, 2009, 09:05:32 AM
This reminds me of the The Onion article about Elvis Presley, "Elvis Dead: Is Elvis Alive?"

"Elvis Presley, 'The King of Rock and Roll,' was found dead in his mansion Tuesday, raising the question: Is Elvis Alive?"

Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: cool breeze on July 06, 2009, 08:11:21 PM

change in plans!

he comes out and stops his fans from bludgeoning these guys, then breaks out into Beat it

Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: Veidt on July 06, 2009, 08:28:24 PM
Wtf is that real?!
That is messed up.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: Great Rumbler on July 06, 2009, 10:01:23 PM
Fred Phelps just needs to die already.

In 2003, before the fall of Saddam Hussein during the Iraq War, Phelps wrote Hussein a letter praising his regime for being, in his opinion, "the only Muslim state that allows the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to be freely and openly preached on the streets."[68] Furthermore, he stated that he would like to send a delegation to Baghdad to "preach the Gospel" for one week. Hussein granted permission, and a group of WBC congregants traveled to Iraq to protest against the U.S. The WBC members stood on the streets of Baghdad holding signs condemning both Bill and Hillary Clinton, as well as anal sex.[69] After Hussein was executed in 2006, Phelps released a video commentary that stated that both Hussein and Gerald Ford (who had died the same week) were now in Hell.

The entire Westboro congregation picketed a 1997 inaugural ball,[66] denouncing Gore as a "famous cigarillo pimp."

Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: brawndolicious on July 06, 2009, 10:18:25 PM
"famous f@g pimp"

I'm not even sure if that'll be an insult in 10 years.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: muckhole on July 06, 2009, 10:32:53 PM
Jackson's ghost on Larry King!

[youtube=560,345]9Am67-Sew7k[/youtube] (
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: The Fake Shemp on July 07, 2009, 12:10:50 AM
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: muckhole on July 07, 2009, 12:27:56 AM
I can't even begin to imagine what a Michael Jackson haunting would consist of.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: DJ_Tet on July 07, 2009, 12:38:37 AM
The question is, if Michael Jackson wore a sheet to haunt people, would anyone notice?
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his fun
Post by: bork on July 07, 2009, 04:56:07 AM
I can't even begin to imagine what a Michael Jackson haunting would consist of.

He did like a whole movie/musical on the very subject!

Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: tehjaybo on July 07, 2009, 10:59:52 AM
Any of you dudes goin to the funeral?

Nope. Sold my ticket for $25.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: ManaByte on July 07, 2009, 02:11:39 PM
It's starting.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: Hollywood on July 07, 2009, 02:16:58 PM
What's the delay?
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: ManaByte on July 07, 2009, 02:17:16 PM
It wouldn't be good for the president to attend the funeral of a child molester.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: ManaByte on July 07, 2009, 02:17:51 PM
What's the delay?

A kid walked by the casket and Michael got stiff.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: tehjaybo on July 07, 2009, 02:20:16 PM
What's the delay?

A kid walked by the casket and Michael got stiff.

Oh wow.   :lol :lol :lol
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: ManaByte on July 07, 2009, 02:23:44 PM
Oh fuck. Kobe is there. He's going to try to turn it into the Kobe Show just like he does with the Lakers.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: Hollywood on July 07, 2009, 02:26:17 PM
This has more of a quiet crowd than a Lakers home game.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: ManaByte on July 07, 2009, 02:27:02 PM
LOL my friend just IM'ed me this:
"So an alleged rapist is at an alleged pedophile's memorial.  oh the bitter irony."
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: ManaByte on July 07, 2009, 02:28:42 PM
He isn't a child molester, Mana.

What channel are you guys watching, BTW?


I'm watching NBC's feed.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: Hollywood on July 07, 2009, 02:32:35 PM
Here we go. Damn look at the cameras going off, shit, have some respect people.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: Hollywood on July 07, 2009, 02:36:13 PM
 :lol You can hear single people yelling.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: ManaByte on July 07, 2009, 02:36:52 PM
They don't see it as a funeral, it's just a free concert for them. Thus the yelling and camera flashes.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: ManaByte on July 07, 2009, 02:39:55 PM
Stevie Wonder will sing You Are Not Alone. Watch.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: Brehvolution on July 07, 2009, 02:41:49 PM
I heard that since he was mostly plastic, they were going to melt down his body and make legos out of it so the kids could play with him.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: Hollywood on July 07, 2009, 02:41:58 PM
Mariah looks like she can barely sing.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: ManaByte on July 07, 2009, 02:43:04 PM
I heard that since he was mostly plastic, they were going to melt down his body and make legos out of it so the kids could play with him.

Willco posted that joke in the death thread.

And they're melting him down into plastic bags. So he'll still be white, plastic, and dangerous for kids to play with.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: Brehvolution on July 07, 2009, 02:44:04 PM
Figures... I'm always lttp.  :(
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: Hollywood on July 07, 2009, 02:49:41 PM
Lionel Richie, ladies and gentlemen
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: ManaByte on July 07, 2009, 02:49:58 PM
Lionel Richie is still alive?
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: The Fake Shemp on July 07, 2009, 02:50:23 PM
The last two performers look choked up, Mariah could barely sing.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: ManaByte on July 07, 2009, 02:50:34 PM
LOL those backup singers look bored.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: The Fake Shemp on July 07, 2009, 02:51:12 PM
Lionel Richie is immortal.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: ManaByte on July 07, 2009, 02:51:16 PM
The last two performers look choked up, Mariah could barely sing.

Because she knows she'll never be famous enough for this type of funeral.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: ManaByte on July 07, 2009, 02:52:14 PM
Friend just IMed me:
"Has he jumped out of his coffin as a zombie to perform Thriller yet?"

and he doesn't read EB. LOL
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: ManaByte on July 07, 2009, 02:53:41 PM
Where the hell are all the white people? MJ died as a white guy.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: The Fake Shemp on July 07, 2009, 02:54:25 PM
Why are people yelling in the Staples Center? :lol
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: Phoenix Dark on July 07, 2009, 03:01:54 PM
I'd probably forfeit a year of my life just to ensure Jackson jumps out the casket and starts dancing
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: The Fake Shemp on July 07, 2009, 03:05:12 PM
I'd kill Diablo Cody to see that.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: ManaByte on July 07, 2009, 03:06:21 PM
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: The Fake Shemp on July 07, 2009, 03:06:35 PM
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: ManaByte on July 07, 2009, 03:07:01 PM

"This is a moment I wished I didn't live to SEE come"

How did he see it?
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: The Fake Shemp on July 07, 2009, 03:07:05 PM
"Moment I wish I didn't see come." :lol :lol

Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: Phoenix Dark on July 07, 2009, 03:07:32 PM
The most important question: how would N Korea respond to a Michael Jackson resurrection
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: The Fake Shemp on July 07, 2009, 03:08:13 PM
They'd shoot dongs at us
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: ManaByte on July 07, 2009, 03:10:40 PM
Is his coffin really gold?

Yes. It's the same coffin James Brown was buried in.

No one knows what they did with James Brown's body.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: The Fake Shemp on July 07, 2009, 03:12:48 PM
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: Hollywood on July 07, 2009, 03:14:53 PM
Oh God Kobe .. WTF :lol
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: ManaByte on July 07, 2009, 03:14:59 PM
Kobe fuck.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: ManaByte on July 07, 2009, 03:15:22 PM
Fucking ball hog rapist.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: The Fake Shemp on July 07, 2009, 03:15:22 PM
Kobe Bryant? :lol
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: ManaByte on July 07, 2009, 03:17:00 PM
MJ made Magic a better point guard? WTF?
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: The Fake Shemp on July 07, 2009, 03:17:34 PM
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: The Fake Shemp on July 07, 2009, 03:18:25 PM
The greatest moment of Magic Johnson's life was eating a bucket of Kentucy Fried Chicken with Michael Jackson? :lol

omg the visual image
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: Hollywood on July 07, 2009, 03:19:49 PM
LOL was good until Magic thanked the city like it was a postgame interview.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: BobFromPikeCreek on July 07, 2009, 03:20:01 PM
 :lol :lol :lol KFC
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: WrikaWrek on July 07, 2009, 03:20:26 PM
Blackness confirmed.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: The Fake Shemp on July 07, 2009, 03:21:26 PM
Apparently, the credentials for giving a MJ eulogy is being black and eating fried chicken.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: ManaByte on July 07, 2009, 03:21:39 PM
And being on a FOX reality show.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: The Fake Shemp on July 07, 2009, 03:23:27 PM
To be fair, Hudson is doing pretty well.

I want to see an animated .gif of Magic Johnson and Michael Jackson eating a bucket of fried chicken. :lol
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: ManaByte on July 07, 2009, 03:24:42 PM
Oh fuck no. Get that idiot off the stage now.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: The Fake Shemp on July 07, 2009, 03:24:59 PM

Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: ManaByte on July 07, 2009, 03:25:07 PM
He looks thin? Is he dying of cancer? One can hope.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: The Fake Shemp on July 07, 2009, 03:27:00 PM
He is on some diet and working on a book.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: ManaByte on July 07, 2009, 03:27:44 PM
So he's betraying he blackness by not eating KFC?
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: Hollywood on July 07, 2009, 03:28:19 PM
Is Don King going to speak too?
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: ManaByte on July 07, 2009, 03:29:37 PM
Is Don King going to speak too?

He'll sing a duet with Sharpton. Then they'll make out along with Jesse Jackson.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: The Fake Shemp on July 07, 2009, 03:32:12 PM
Fucking Staples Center

Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: The Fake Shemp on July 07, 2009, 03:33:07 PM
He's dead, you dumb fucks.  Shut the fuck up - its a memorial service, not a concert!
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: ManaByte on July 07, 2009, 03:33:20 PM
Hey look,  he's white!
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: The Fake Shemp on July 07, 2009, 03:33:31 PM
Did I hear people boo John Mayer? :lol
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: BobFromPikeCreek on July 07, 2009, 03:34:15 PM
He's dead, you dumb fucks.  Shut the fuck up - its a memorial service, not a concert!
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: ManaByte on July 07, 2009, 03:34:29 PM
Hey look, the casket is moving. Michael must be spinning.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: The Fake Shemp on July 07, 2009, 03:37:45 PM




Some dude literally yelled, "We want more!"
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: Hollywood on July 07, 2009, 03:37:51 PM
These people are annoying as fuck.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: The Fake Shemp on July 07, 2009, 03:38:18 PM
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: BobFromPikeCreek on July 07, 2009, 03:38:26 PM
People are stupid.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: The Fake Shemp on July 07, 2009, 03:40:06 PM
Brooke Shields is still do-able.

She is falling apart on stage, though.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: The Fake Shemp on July 07, 2009, 03:41:55 PM
"But what we did do was _________."

Anyone guess something other than LAUGH?
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: Mr. Gundam on July 07, 2009, 03:42:02 PM
It's an honest falling apart, though, so I think it's fine.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: The Fake Shemp on July 07, 2009, 03:50:23 PM
Jermaine is going to cry.

At least he has a heart.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: ManaByte on July 07, 2009, 03:50:40 PM
He looks like one of the California Raisins.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: The Fake Shemp on July 07, 2009, 03:51:57 PM
Mini MLK
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: ManaByte on July 07, 2009, 03:52:22 PM
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: The Fake Shemp on July 07, 2009, 03:52:56 PM
MLK was a large man!
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: ManaByte on July 07, 2009, 03:53:26 PM
These two look like they hit the KFC buffet nightly.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: The Fake Shemp on July 07, 2009, 03:53:49 PM
Michael Jackson was the best street sweeper ever.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: cool breeze on July 07, 2009, 03:54:30 PM
someone needs to come on stage and tell people to stop treating this like a concert or party

Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: The Fake Shemp on July 07, 2009, 03:55:12 PM

ManaByte, go down to the Staples Center and hit all the attendees leaving in the fucking face.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: ManaByte on July 07, 2009, 03:55:14 PM
someone needs to come on stage and tell people to stop treating this like a concert or party

Bbububububu it is. And it was FREE!
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: The Fake Shemp on July 07, 2009, 03:57:23 PM
Michael Jackson made people with strokes smile!

That just seems cruel.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: ManaByte on July 07, 2009, 03:57:37 PM
It's so nice for all these big famous black people to pay tribute to a white guy.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: The Fake Shemp on July 07, 2009, 03:58:31 PM
Joe Jackson is wearing fucking sunglasses to his child's funeral? :lol

He was fucking smiling too! :lol
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: ManaByte on July 07, 2009, 03:58:52 PM
So the house of representatives supports pedophiles now?
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: ManaByte on July 07, 2009, 03:59:32 PM
HOLY SHIT. A congresswoman just said MJ was innocent.

Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: The Fake Shemp on July 07, 2009, 03:59:46 PM

Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: BobFromPikeCreek on July 07, 2009, 04:00:50 PM
Innocent. :rock
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: ManaByte on July 07, 2009, 04:01:21 PM
Just wait until Macaulay Culkin writes his autobiography.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: Beezy on July 07, 2009, 04:03:48 PM
Joe Jackson is wearing fucking sunglasses to his child's funeral? :lol

He was fucking smiling too! :lol
The whole family is wearing sunglasses.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: ManaByte on July 07, 2009, 04:04:30 PM
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: The Fake Shemp on July 07, 2009, 04:04:37 PM
Then the whole family is distinguished mentally-challenged.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: The Fake Shemp on July 07, 2009, 04:05:20 PM
Sweet, political battle incoming!
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: Hollywood on July 07, 2009, 04:05:47 PM
Joe Jackson is wearing fucking sunglasses to his child's funeral? :lol

He was fucking smiling too! :lol
The whole family is wearing sunglasses.

Yeah, WTF is weird about that? I wore sunglasses to funerals before, a lot don't want to just break down lin front of everyone.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: The Fake Shemp on July 07, 2009, 04:06:18 PM
At an indoor memorial service?  Fucking weirdos.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: ManaByte on July 07, 2009, 04:06:28 PM
Dumb bitches keep yelling for Michael. He's dead you stupid cunts.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: cool breeze on July 07, 2009, 04:06:56 PM
btw, is Paul there? I know there were problems in the past, but they still had history.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: ManaByte on July 07, 2009, 04:07:16 PM
Was Usher working as an usher during the service?
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: Beezy on July 07, 2009, 04:07:31 PM
Oh look, Usher is a dick too because he's wearing sunglasses!

Stfu, Willco.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: The Fake Shemp on July 07, 2009, 04:08:08 PM
I didn't wear sunglasses to my grandfather's funeral and it was outdoors!  I cried like a man.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: ManaByte on July 07, 2009, 04:10:47 PM
Yikes. Latoya looks scary. Good thing for that hat.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: BobFromPikeCreek on July 07, 2009, 04:12:19 PM
Usher breaks down crying in the arms of Michael's family, and some dumb bitch in the audience is hollering "MICHAEL JACKSON!"
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: ManaByte on July 07, 2009, 04:14:57 PM
Wait for the VIPs to leave, then gas the rest of them.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: Hollywood on July 07, 2009, 04:16:29 PM
Wow Smokey looks great, he's 69 years old!
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: The Fake Shemp on July 07, 2009, 04:19:10 PM
Yeah, he looks like he's in his 50s
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: Mr. Gundam on July 07, 2009, 04:19:58 PM
Who is the kid?
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: BobFromPikeCreek on July 07, 2009, 04:22:33 PM
Man, putting that kid on the stage was the least subtle display of opportunistic promotion.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: The Fake Shemp on July 07, 2009, 04:23:13 PM
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: cool breeze on July 07, 2009, 04:23:35 PM
selling a kid at a funeral

Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: Mr. Gundam on July 07, 2009, 04:25:58 PM
Being a white city dweller who doesn't listen to popular music, I have no idea who some of the people on the stage are...
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: The Fake Shemp on July 07, 2009, 04:26:35 PM
Who the fuck is that ALIEN!?!
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: The Fake Shemp on July 07, 2009, 04:28:47 PM
Haha, did anyone see the look on Lionel Richie's face? :lol
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: BobFromPikeCreek on July 07, 2009, 04:30:24 PM
Who is that girl singing Heal The World? She's pretty hot.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: Mr. Gundam on July 07, 2009, 04:30:38 PM
Did I see the Corey's on stage? Was that MC Hammer in the background?

Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: The Fake Shemp on July 07, 2009, 04:31:07 PM
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: ManaByte on July 07, 2009, 04:31:39 PM




Do the distinguished mentally-challenged fellows in the audience have FUCKING LIGHTERS LIT?!?!?!?!?!?!!
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: ManaByte on July 07, 2009, 04:32:11 PM
LOL they just showed Sharpton. He wasn't singing and looked confused.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: ManaByte on July 07, 2009, 04:33:54 PM
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: Mr. Gundam on July 07, 2009, 04:34:10 PM
The Seattle NBC affiliate just broke away to the noon news.  :lol
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: The Fake Shemp on July 07, 2009, 04:34:27 PM
 :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: The Fake Shemp on July 07, 2009, 04:35:30 PM

:lol :lol
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: BobFromPikeCreek on July 07, 2009, 04:35:55 PM
Oh god. Those eyes.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: Himu on July 07, 2009, 04:36:05 PM
 lol @ Usher eyein' this dude's crazy hair at the Michael Jackson memorial
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: ManaByte on July 07, 2009, 04:37:11 PM
Someone on GAF posted a pic of Pedobear with one white glove and everyone is screaming for him to be banned. LOL
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: Mr. Gundam on July 07, 2009, 04:37:39 PM
I thought it was pretty funny.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: Himu on July 07, 2009, 04:37:48 PM
Post the pic, faggo.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: ManaByte on July 07, 2009, 04:38:23 PM
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: Himu on July 07, 2009, 04:39:20 PM
They didn't even use any effort.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: Mr. Gundam on July 07, 2009, 04:39:56 PM
I did see Corey Feldman there!

Corey Feldman showed up at Michael Jackson's public memorial Tuesday at L.A.'s Staples Center dressed as the King of Pop.

He arrived at 10:19 a.m. dressed as the singer from his Dangerous era - wearing all black, a military-style jacket, a black fedora and sunglasses. He also had strands of his hair hanging in front of his face - a 'do Jackson famously sported.

Feldman used a Kleenex to wipe tears from under his sunglasses.

John Mayer gave him a puzzled look.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: ManaByte on July 07, 2009, 04:40:00 PM
Haha his "kids" are talking now.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: The Fake Shemp on July 07, 2009, 04:40:05 PM
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: Tucah on July 07, 2009, 04:40:44 PM
Paris  :'( :'( :'( :'(
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: Himu on July 07, 2009, 04:40:49 PM
I can't be the only one who finds it weird to see his kids talking can I? I mean, he like, basically shielded them from society.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: Mr. Gundam on July 07, 2009, 04:41:12 PM
I was surprised they let her talk.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: ManaByte on July 07, 2009, 04:41:23 PM
That and they aren't his kids.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: Himu on July 07, 2009, 04:41:27 PM
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: The Fake Shemp on July 07, 2009, 04:41:30 PM
That poor thing.  She totally broke down.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: BobFromPikeCreek on July 07, 2009, 04:41:54 PM
 :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: The Fake Shemp on July 07, 2009, 04:42:04 PM
That and they aren't his kids.

This is kind of of a dumb argument.  You have to be a biological parent to be a parent now?  He's the only father she ever knew.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: Eel O'Brian on July 07, 2009, 04:42:11 PM
corey feldman talked a lot of shit about jackson during his trial and afterwards, then did a 180 on all that smack talk right after he died

it either took a lot of balls or a total lack of self-awareness to show up there, considering some of the stuff he'd said
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: Himu on July 07, 2009, 04:42:31 PM
That was fucking sad.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: Himu on July 07, 2009, 04:43:10 PM
That and they aren't his kids.

Are you vapid? The dude took care of them. He's their father.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: ManaByte on July 07, 2009, 04:43:37 PM
They say he ever adopted them either.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: Phoenix Dark on July 07, 2009, 04:44:00 PM
Fucking ball hog rapist.

what year is it again?
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: Himu on July 07, 2009, 04:44:12 PM
Who cares
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: The Fake Shemp on July 07, 2009, 04:44:13 PM
He didn't legally adopt them, but do you doubt he raised them, financially and emotionally?
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: ManaByte on July 07, 2009, 04:44:36 PM
NBC said the crowd was respectful? What the fuck did they watch?
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: cool breeze on July 07, 2009, 04:44:41 PM
Paris' brief bit was so sad  :'(

and I really hate everyone who was yelling out right before Paris got to speak.  Show some respect.  I hope they all get constipated.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: The Fake Shemp on July 07, 2009, 04:45:25 PM
NBC said the crowd was respectful? What the fuck did they watch?

They weren't, at all.  You don't fucking yell and shit during a fucking memorial.

It was a goddamn disgrace.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: Mr. Gundam on July 07, 2009, 04:45:31 PM
NBC in Seattle is still on the local news. Way to go, King 5.  :lol
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: Himu on July 07, 2009, 04:46:25 PM
NBC said the crowd was respectful? What the fuck did they watch?

Have you ever been to a funeral like ever? You don't say shit, unless they make a joke or words of encouragement. A lil "Amen!" or something.

You don't find that crowd disrespectful and you find Michael to not be his kid's father. What is wrong with you?
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: ManaByte on July 07, 2009, 04:46:32 PM
Paris' brief bit was so sad  :'(

and I really hate everyone who was yelling out right before Paris got to speak.  Show some respect.  I hope they all get constipated.

They have to drive home on SoCal freeways. That's worse.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: ManaByte on July 07, 2009, 04:47:18 PM
NBC said the crowd was respectful? What the fuck did they watch?

Have you ever been to a funeral like ever? You don't say shit, unless they make a joke or words of encouragement. A lil "Amen!" or something.

You don't find that crowd disrespectful and you find Michael to not be his kid's father. What is wrong with you?

What? I wasn't saying they were respectful. NBC said that and I was wondering what NBC was watching to say that.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: The Fake Shemp on July 07, 2009, 04:47:27 PM
Haha, people are on GAF are saying that Paris' speech exonerates Michael Jackson.

Yes, bad people are always bad parents!  His kids loved him, it proves he was innocent all along!
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: The Fake Shemp on July 07, 2009, 04:48:16 PM
I was wondering what NBC was watching to say that.

Oh, I don't know, maybe the entire fucking service!
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: Himu on July 07, 2009, 04:49:47 PM
Haha, people are on GAF are saying that Paris' speech exonerates Michael Jackson.

Yes, bad people are always bad parents!  His kids loved him, it proves he was innocent all along!

Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: ManaByte on July 07, 2009, 04:49:50 PM
NBC is interviewing people coming out and they said "great great show" and "great perfomance"

FUCKING IDIOTS. It was a FUNERAL not a concert!
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: ManaByte on July 07, 2009, 04:51:32 PM
"Subdued crowd"?!? WTF
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: Eel O'Brian on July 07, 2009, 04:52:46 PM
i watched a little of this on my break, will probably watch the whole thing tonight

what a strange combination of heartfelt emotion and gaudy tastelessness

Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: The Fake Shemp on July 07, 2009, 04:53:50 PM
"That was some of the best music I've ever seen!" :lol

Did people go there for a memorial?
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: ManaByte on July 07, 2009, 04:54:06 PM
That's the real Michael Jackson. The white dude who died was the impostor.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: Himu on July 07, 2009, 04:54:18 PM
Where can I watch it later tonight? My satelite fucked up and didn't record.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: cool breeze on July 07, 2009, 04:55:30 PM
i watched a little of this on my break, will probably watch the whole thing tonight

what a strange combination of heartfelt emotion and gaudy tastelessness

that kinda sums it up

the crowd was awful.  I was actually getting angry that no one gassed them, especially during the end.

you want class? how about yelling out and cheering when the family is trying to eulogize the member that died?

or how about the kid who was getting promotion during the funeral? that's tasteful.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: Phoenix Dark on July 07, 2009, 04:56:46 PM
NBC said the crowd was respectful? What the fuck did they watch?

Have you ever been to a funeral like ever? You don't say shit, unless they make a joke or words of encouragement. A lil "Amen!" or something.

You don't find that crowd disrespectful and you find Michael to not be his kid's father. What is wrong with you?

How were they disrespectful considering the show was held in a fucking sports/concert center
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: The Fake Shemp on July 07, 2009, 05:00:27 PM
How were they disrespectful considering the show was held in a fucking sports/concert center

It was held in the Staples Center because it was the only venue that could hold that many people and they wanted as much of the public there as possible - not for it to be a concert.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: Phoenix Dark on July 07, 2009, 05:01:20 PM
How were they disrespectful considering the show was held in a fucking sports/concert center

It was held in the Staples Center because it was the only venue that could hold that many people and they wanted as much of the public there as possible - not for it to be a concert.

True, I'm just saying the crowd reactions weren't shocking/disrespectful given the venue. It's not like they were cutting up in a cathedral
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: Himu on July 07, 2009, 05:02:13 PM
So you can't sing and have fun at funerals now?

My grandma's funeral wasn't like a normal funeral by any definition. One of my cousin's made a rap and rapped during it. No one gave a crap, it was out of love. It was still a funeral despite us having fun, and we respected where we were.

Point is, you don't pull that crap at a funeral.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: The Fake Shemp on July 07, 2009, 05:03:53 PM
Don't be dumb, Himuro.  Nobody had a problem with that.  We had a problem with the constant yelling and the totally inappropiate soundbytes of, "We want more!"  Someone literally yelled, "Encore!"  That's fucking ridiculous.  Get your KFC-eatin', troll ass out of here.

As for you, Maurice, the place of the venue should not dictate decorum.  If the President comes to your dorm room, are you going to make fart noises and play Halo 3 because you're not at the White House?  No.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: Phoenix Dark on July 07, 2009, 05:04:38 PM
Not saying you can't sing at a funeral. I'm black dude  :lol

I'm just saying from what I saw, I didn't see anything disrespectful. But yea, don't want to muddy up the thread too much


Edit: Actually Willco, we'd burn US flags and call Osama
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: cool breeze on July 07, 2009, 05:04:55 PM
it depends on what they are talking about

Smokey Robinson, Brooke Shields or Magic telling funny stories? go ahead and laugh

Usher breaking down after singing Gone too Soon or while family members are trying to eulogize Michael? NO

Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: Himu on July 07, 2009, 05:07:12 PM
Don't be dumb, Himuro.  Nobody had a problem with that.  We had a problem with the constant yelling and the totally inappropiate soundbytes of, "We want more!"  Someone literally yelled, "Encore!"  That's fucking ridiculous.  Get your KFC-eatin', troll ass out of here

You misunderstand me. I thought that Phoenix's post bolding the word "show" was a way of suggesting he felt it was more of a show than a funeral simply because of the way it was conducted and the location it took place.

I'd never label a funeral a "show" ever.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: Beezy on July 07, 2009, 05:07:16 PM
But yea, don't want to muddy up the thread too much
Don't worry, Manabyte already did that.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: The Fake Shemp on July 07, 2009, 05:07:32 PM
I'm all for remembering the dead with song and fond memories, but the audience was disrespectful.  And the fact that the memorial was held at the Staples Center doesn't excuse bad behavior.

Someone showed up in a t-shirt?  Are you kidding me?

... Ugh.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: ManaByte on July 07, 2009, 05:39:18 PM
Local news said people were dancing during the songs.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: DJ_Tet on July 07, 2009, 05:54:52 PM
Some people danced, some people spammed the internet with inane dribble.  Different strokes.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: ManaByte on July 07, 2009, 06:48:39 PM
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: Himu on July 07, 2009, 06:52:34 PM
Is there a channel replaying the memorial later tonight for those who missed the majority of it?
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: ManaByte on July 07, 2009, 07:02:32 PM
There are already torrents of it up.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: Eel O'Brian on July 07, 2009, 07:08:06 PM
someone needs to explain the word "inappropriate" to corey feldman

i wonder if he asked joe jackson to be his agent afterwards

Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: Eel O'Brian on July 07, 2009, 07:13:45 PM
al sharpton defenders in that gaf thread need to do a little research into when cuddly unca al was busy destroying six lives back in 87 over false rape/molestation charges involving a teen

kinda ironical, innit
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: DJ_Tet on July 07, 2009, 07:16:15 PM
someone needs to explain the word "inappropriate" to corey feldman

i wonder if he asked joe jackson to be his agent afterwards

If it had been anyone other than Feldman I'd agree.  But Feldman (and Alfonso Ribiero) kinda earned the right to dress like that.  Hell Feldman dressed like that in a movie where he did an MJ dance.  It's not like Jessica Simpson or someone else showing up in MJ regalia. 
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: Eel O'Brian on July 07, 2009, 07:20:31 PM
i'm not talking about how he dressed in that sense, i mean he made some pretty slanderous comments about jackson after their falling out, and continued to do so up until his death, when all of a sudden he and michael were "the best of pals all over again!"

it's an obvious publicity grab, pretty tacky, but totally feldman
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: ManaByte on July 07, 2009, 07:22:19 PM
someone needs to explain the word "inappropriate" to corey feldman

i wonder if he asked joe jackson to be his agent afterwards

If it had been anyone other than Feldman I'd agree.  But Feldman (and Alfonso Ribiero) kinda earned the right to dress like that.  Hell Feldman dressed like that in a movie where he did an MJ dance.  It's not like Jessica Simpson or someone else showing up in MJ regalia. 

But Feldman testified AGAINST Jackson in the 2005 trial.

Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: etiolate on July 07, 2009, 07:25:02 PM
If the man lived a freak show of a life, and from all words and condolences suffered of it, is it really honoring to have a freak show funeral?
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: Beezy on July 07, 2009, 07:32:11 PM
If the man lived a freak show of a life, and from all words and condolences suffered of it, is it really honoring to have a freak show funeral?
Besides the screaming fans, how was it a freak show?
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: DJ_Tet on July 07, 2009, 07:38:45 PM
someone needs to explain the word "inappropriate" to corey feldman

i wonder if he asked joe jackson to be his agent afterwards

If it had been anyone other than Feldman I'd agree.  But Feldman (and Alfonso Ribiero) kinda earned the right to dress like that.  Hell Feldman dressed like that in a movie where he did an MJ dance.  It's not like Jessica Simpson or someone else showing up in MJ regalia. 

But Feldman testified AGAINST Jackson in the 2005 trial.

He was subpoenaed.  He testified that MJ showed him pornography and claimed that MJ never molested him or any children in his presence. 
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: DJ_Tet on July 07, 2009, 07:39:51 PM
i'm not talking about how he dressed in that sense, i mean he made some pretty slanderous comments about jackson after their falling out, and continued to do so up until his death, when all of a sudden he and michael were "the best of pals all over again!"

it's an obvious publicity grab, pretty tacky, but totally feldman

Totally agree on that last point.  As for the former, I can sort of understand why he was frustrated.  Still, he always claimed that MJ never molested him.  He's hardly the worst 'slanderer' that MJ had to deal with.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: cool breeze on July 07, 2009, 08:12:43 PM
LaToya is just petty.  There is a really old interview with her and Michael and she keeps talking about how she wants to be in his position, making him get all embarrassed and feel bad.

Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: Diunx on July 07, 2009, 08:23:01 PM
Fuck I couldn't see because of school, all I saw was usher fake crying, I can't believe I missed his kids talking, are they normal?
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: Diunx on July 07, 2009, 08:33:18 PM

Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: brawndolicious on July 07, 2009, 08:37:00 PM
The only reason for Jackson's memorial in Staples Center is because he recorded Thriller.  That's why he's being buried in a gold-plated casket too.  In fact, that's also probably the reason why he didn't actually die in prison with his dick burned off in an acid-lime bath and why he's not being buried in a pine box.

All because of two good songs.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: Diunx on July 07, 2009, 08:41:16 PM
You are the worst poster on this site, and with people like foc and powerslave posting here thats quite an accomplishment.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: Eel O'Brian on July 07, 2009, 08:41:58 PM
let's not get carried away

also i need a torrent link of this
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: The Fake Shemp on July 07, 2009, 08:57:40 PM
Fuck I couldn't see because of school, all I saw was usher fake crying, I can't believe I missed his kids talking, are they normal?

Kids look normal and his daughter, Paris, will be remember as the definining moment of this memorial.

... How long do we give GAF before we see a "Paris Jackson is going to be hot when she's older!" thread?
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his fun
Post by: FlameOfCallandor on July 07, 2009, 09:24:06 PM
Do black people not know that Al Sharpton is a joke?
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: cool breeze on July 07, 2009, 09:34:11 PM
Fuck I couldn't see because of school, all I saw was usher fake crying, I can't believe I missed his kids talking, are they normal?

Kids look normal and his daughter, Paris, will be remember as the definining moment of this memorial.

... How long do we give GAF before we see a "Paris Jackson is going to be hot when she's older!" thread?

at least a few weeks

actually, yeah, that should be about right.  When the new dies down on gaf and tabloids start getting more pictures, which they will, it will happen for sure.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: muckhole on July 07, 2009, 09:43:38 PM
You just know Joe Jackson has the van idling around back with the back doors wide open selling T-shirts and posters.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: BobFromPikeCreek on July 07, 2009, 10:00:34 PM
You just know Joe Jackson has the van idling around back with the back doors wide open selling T-shirts and posters.

I SURVIVED The Michael Jackson Memorial
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: chronovore on July 07, 2009, 11:05:08 PM
Japanese TV is full of nothing but the funeral today. Over and over again; nothing but Mariah and Lionel and Paris snippets being shown, with resident American expert Dave Spector explaining it all. Good grief, all of his brothers wearing the silver glove, and all the people outside dressed as the deceased. Death makes people do inappropriate crap, apparently.

OTOH, this is the most rational thing I've ever seen come from Variety:
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: Eel O'Brian on July 08, 2009, 01:30:47 AM
okay, just fast-forwarded through this

some of it left a bad taste in my mouth, as if i were watching a late-night infomercial hawking the eventual release of that rehearsal dvd

although i have to admit his little girl at the end got to me, that was simple and pure grief

also pissed me off a bit, because if taking a surgical grade anesthetic ends up being the cause for his death (after being warned about it) then that was an insane, criminally irresponsible thing to do and leave those kids in such a state
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: The Fake Shemp on July 08, 2009, 01:43:12 AM
Yeah, like I said, Paris will be remembered as the defining moment of the memorial.  So much of it was a production and that was the only thing that really pulled at the heartstrings, not to mention that it cast a spotlight on the side of Michael Jackson we never knew - beloved father.

I forget what news outlet I read it on, but their sentiment was similar to mine in that the Jackson family produced a 2+ hour spectacle (with dozen of guest appearances!) designed to deflect the negative side of Jackson's legacy and it was the impromptu eulogy of an 11-year-old girl that accomplished that aim - not guest performances.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his fun
Post by: chronovore on July 08, 2009, 12:34:16 PM
Yeah, I saw that guy's eyes and was like "RUN!"  :o
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his fun
Post by: Cheebs on July 08, 2009, 12:49:33 PM
Yeah, like I said, Paris will be remembered as the defining moment of the memorial.  So much of it was a production and that was the only thing that really pulled at the heartstrings, not to mention that it cast a spotlight on the side of Michael Jackson we never knew - beloved father.

I forget what news outlet I read it on, but their sentiment was similar to mine in that the Jackson family produced a 2+ hour spectacle (with dozen of guest appearances!) designed to deflect the negative side of Jackson's legacy and it was the impromptu eulogy of an 11-year-old girl that accomplished that aim - not guest performances.
It worked because she wasn't a celebrity. It was clearly a honest statement that proved the fact, that despite all his strangeness he raised what seems like a shockingly normal and very well-loved little girl.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: cool breeze on July 08, 2009, 01:44:28 PM
That guy is cool.  He does the back up vocals for I'll Be there.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: FlameOfCallandor on July 08, 2009, 01:48:20 PM (

'Memorial like a macabre circus'

WHEN 11-year-old Paris Michael Jackson, who has spent her childhood hidden from the spotlight behind a veil, was pushed in front of a microphone to address 19,000 people and billions more at home - my mind was made up.

This wasn't a memorial for a pop icon or the greatest entertainer the world has ever seen. It was a reminder of why MICHAEL JACKSON became a deeply unhappy, lonely man living an utterly bizarre existence. It was a macabre circus.

Taking children to a funeral is one of the most difficult decisions a parent will ever have to make. But the King of Pop's young daughter speaking as the climax of the memorial just wasn't right. Paris didn't look comfortable and more importantly, capable, of doing it. As the family gathered on stage I was surprised to see the children being paraded in front of a gold coffin holding the remains of their beloved father. Then, as JANET Jackson struggled to lower the mic stand for her niece's tiny frame, I just couldn't believe my eyes. I understand the yanks do mawkishness like no other, but putting a grieving child in the spotlight is questionable.

Having said that, her few words were deeply touching, bringing a tear to the eye. Or Congresswoman Sheila Jackson-Lee to be reminding us all you are "innocent until proven guilty" under the American constitution.

MAGIC JOHNSON so very nearly got it right with a touching anecdote. Unlike his career on the court, he then dropped a clanger by mentioning Kentucky Fried Chicken five times.

It says a lot when a little Welsh kid, who came seventh in Britain's Got Talent, was the best thing about the memorial. SHAHEEN JAFARGHOLI sang his socks off in front of a baffled audience who clearly didn't have a clue who he was. Luckily, choreographer KENNY ORTEGA was there to explain to the crowd who the Swansea lad was. And he also grabbed the chance to remind everyone about the great work AEG had done putting the memorial together with only days notice.

Something he should have been used to from the This Is It fiasco. AEG, Kentucky Fried Chicken, The Staples Center and Brooke Shields' career all received priceless PR adrenaline injections. And a world record was broken for the most people wearing sunglasses indoors.

I did notice one fitting tribute to all the parasites who sucked money and life out of Jacko during his troubled life. Boxer MIKE TYSON, singer CHRIS BROWN and promoter DON KING all weeping in the crowd. The memorial was missing producer QUINCY JONES, the one honourable character capable of giving "The Earl Spencer" speech. It took the sickly events at Jacko's memorial service for my disappointment to kick in that the King of Pop never had his chance to take a glorious final curtain call in London.

Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his fun
Post by: Cheebs on July 08, 2009, 01:54:38 PM (

'Memorial like a macabre circus'

WHEN 11-year-old Paris Michael Jackson, who has spent her childhood hidden from the spotlight behind a veil, was pushed in front of a microphone to address 19,000 people and billions more at home - my mind was made up.

This wasn't a memorial for a pop icon or the greatest entertainer the world has ever seen. It was a reminder of why MICHAEL JACKSON became a deeply unhappy, lonely man living an utterly bizarre existence. It was a macabre circus.

Taking children to a funeral is one of the most difficult decisions a parent will ever have to make. But the King of Pop's young daughter speaking as the climax of the memorial just wasn't right. Paris didn't look comfortable and more importantly, capable, of doing it. As the family gathered on stage I was surprised to see the children being paraded in front of a gold coffin holding the remains of their beloved father. Then, as JANET Jackson struggled to lower the mic stand for her niece's tiny frame, I just couldn't believe my eyes. I understand the yanks do mawkishness like no other, but putting a grieving child in the spotlight is questionable.

Having said that, her few words were deeply touching, bringing a tear to the eye. Or Congresswoman Sheila Jackson-Lee to be reminding us all you are "innocent until proven guilty" under the American constitution.

MAGIC JOHNSON so very nearly got it right with a touching anecdote. Unlike his career on the court, he then dropped a clanger by mentioning Kentucky Fried Chicken five times.

It says a lot when a little Welsh kid, who came seventh in Britain's Got Talent, was the best thing about the memorial. SHAHEEN JAFARGHOLI sang his socks off in front of a baffled audience who clearly didn't have a clue who he was. Luckily, choreographer KENNY ORTEGA was there to explain to the crowd who the Swansea lad was. And he also grabbed the chance to remind everyone about the great work AEG had done putting the memorial together with only days notice.

Something he should have been used to from the This Is It fiasco. AEG, Kentucky Fried Chicken, The Staples Center and Brooke Shields' career all received priceless PR adrenaline injections. And a world record was broken for the most people wearing sunglasses indoors.

I did notice one fitting tribute to all the parasites who sucked money and life out of Jacko during his troubled life. Boxer MIKE TYSON, singer CHRIS BROWN and promoter DON KING all weeping in the crowd. The memorial was missing producer QUINCY JONES, the one honourable character capable of giving "The Earl Spencer" speech. It took the sickly events at Jacko's memorial service for my disappointment to kick in that the King of Pop never had his chance to take a glorious final curtain call in London.

That article made it seem like Paris Jackson was paraded out there forced to speak to a crowd. That was obviously not the case. Janet was going to speak but the daughter stepped up instead.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: Phoenix Dark on July 08, 2009, 02:07:47 PM
Those aren't his kids  :lol
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: duckman2000 on July 08, 2009, 02:18:34 PM
although i have to admit his little girl at the end got to me, that was simple and pure grief

Yeah, grief in the spotlight. I guess it's fitting for the individual the funeral was for, but it's a bit weird given how adamant that individual was on keeping the kids away from the spotlight. Then again, the whole funeral thing was weird; seemed more like a cover festival of stars looking to make another memorable appearance. Meh.

As for the drug bit, it smells like another Heath Ledger bit. Dude takes drugs, leaves kid(s) behind. What a star!

Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his fun
Post by: Cheebs on July 08, 2009, 02:19:30 PM
Those aren't his kids  :lol
wtf? They aren't his biological kids but he raised them and has his name on their birth certificate. They are just as much his kids as any kids who are adopted by parents at birth. What are you on about?
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his fun
Post by: Phoenix Dark on July 08, 2009, 02:20:24 PM
Those aren't his kids  :lol
wtf? They aren't his biological kids but he raised them and has his name on their birth certificate. They are just as much his kids as any kids who are adopted by parents at birth. What are you on about?

Talking about the biological aspect. The GAF thread is ridiculous
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his fun
Post by: Cheebs on July 08, 2009, 02:21:57 PM
Those aren't his kids  :lol
wtf? They aren't his biological kids but he raised them and has his name on their birth certificate. They are just as much his kids as any kids who are adopted by parents at birth. What are you on about?
Talking about the biological aspect. The GAF thread is ridiculous
There isn't anyone who thinks they are his biological kids are there? It's pretty obvious they aren't. Hell, the daughters words implied she knows as well. But is really doesn't matter he was their dad anyway.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: Phoenix Dark on July 08, 2009, 02:25:00 PM
wow gtfo cheebs
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: FlameOfCallandor on July 08, 2009, 02:27:44 PM
Why are you arguing with PeeDee Cheebs? PeeDee is black he knows Michael Jackson.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his fun
Post by: Cheebs on July 08, 2009, 02:30:26 PM
wow gtfo cheebs
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: Phoenix Dark on July 08, 2009, 02:31:02 PM
Why are you arguing with PeeDee Cheebs? PeeDee is black he knows Michael Jackson.

Damn right. Ask Bill O'Reilly

Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his fun
Post by: Cheebs on July 08, 2009, 02:32:40 PM
Damn right. Ask Bill O'Reilly

That's not O'Reilly!
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: Phoenix Dark on July 08, 2009, 02:33:52 PM
ninjaaa edit :punch
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: FlameOfCallandor on July 08, 2009, 02:34:39 PM
Weren't black people throwing MJ under the bus as a legitmate black person not 3 or 4 years ago. I seem to remember a Chappel skit or joke saying such.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: Phoenix Dark on July 08, 2009, 02:39:11 PM
"Chappel"=black people

Many black people I know felt bad for him and felt obliged to defend him from the white media. It was pretty obvious to me that he didn't want to look black, look like his father, etc. I have family members with serious vitaligo - they look more Obama, less Jackson. Yet there are people who will say he didn't  bleach his skin. Well why did he change his big black nose to look more European (before it fell off into the reptilian territory)
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: Madrun Badrun on July 08, 2009, 02:42:02 PM
The top two threads of this form are discussing race.  I'm starting to feel uncomfortable. 
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: tehjaybo on July 08, 2009, 03:37:17 PM
The top two threads of this form are discussing race.  I'm starting to feel uncomfortable. 

We don't like your kind around here.

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: Beezy on July 08, 2009, 03:55:13 PM
"Chappel"=black people

Many black people I know felt bad for him and felt obliged to defend him from the white media. It was pretty obvious to me that he didn't want to look black, look like his father, etc. I have family members with serious vitaligo - they look more Obama, less Jackson. Yet there are people who will say he didn't  bleach his skin. Well why did he change his big black nose to look more European (before it fell off into the reptilian territory)

This is what he did:

Alternatively, some people with vitiligo opt for chemical depigmentation, which uses 20% monobenzone (monobenzylether of hydroquinone). This process is irreversible and generally ends up with complete or mostly complete depigmentation.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: Phoenix Dark on July 08, 2009, 04:14:20 PM

Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: ManaByte on July 08, 2009, 04:16:09 PM
As for his nose, it was reconstructed after he fell on his face and shattered his nose during a complicated dance routine in 1979.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his fun
Post by: Cheebs on July 08, 2009, 04:20:16 PM
Quincy Jones said Jackson didn't have the disease. I believe him, it is just too fucking big of a coincidence that a man who already was obsessed with making himself seem white with his facial surgeries would magically have the disease that makes you turn white.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: Beezy on July 08, 2009, 04:52:51 PM
Where did Quincy Jones say that?

He had vitiligo way before the nose surgeries got out of hand, whether you believe it or not. There are a bunch of pics that show it.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: Powerslave on July 08, 2009, 07:56:42 PM

Motherfucking Michael Jackson
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: Eel O'Brian on July 08, 2009, 08:11:14 PM
although i have to admit his little girl at the end got to me, that was simple and pure grief

Yeah, grief in the spotlight. I guess it's fitting for the individual the funeral was for, but it's a bit weird given how adamant that individual was on keeping the kids away from the spotlight.

the more i think about it the more i feel like i shouldn't have seen that part, like i was spying through a church window during a funeral or something

but i do understand the sentiment behind it, and some of the other genuine statements made in his defense during that whole tacky mess

i can only imagine having a fairly heinous charge against you broadcast on news channels around the world 24/7 for months - it would ruin you as a human being, and it wouldn't matter if you were found not guilty

to know that people you've been around your whole life, and every single person you meet from that moment forward,  will have that question bouncing around in their mind at least once, there's no way it can be anything but soul-crushing

so i can certainly understand why someone would turn to a combination of painkillers to make all that blur away and go numb for a while, although i personally think he should have sacked up for the sake of his kids

also, swaggaz and beezy are about the only sane people still left posting in that gaf RIP thread, the adulation there has long turned - no exaggeration - genuinely disturbing

i think i'm all done talking about everything except for the music once in a while, though

loved listening to the jackson five on my mom's transistor radio (AM 4ever, baby), will always remember laughing and dancing my stupid little white kid dance to thriller on that cheap tape recorder - the rest of it, anything other than the groovy tunes and the silly memories behind them, can fuck off and away from this point on

Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: etiolate on July 09, 2009, 03:31:56 AM
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: Bloodwake on July 10, 2009, 04:14:29 PM
I really can't bitch about Michael Jackson's funeral.

I mean, look at the complaints and then remember who we are talking about. MICHAEL JACKSON. There was no way any memorial service wasn't going to be like that for Michael Jackson.

Borys's point is invalid. The Pope and Diana weren't Michael Jackson. The fans acted exactly like Michael Jackson fans were going to anyways. They did the same shit at his trial. Was that appropriate?

Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: ManaByte on July 11, 2009, 12:44:56 AM

Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: Phoenix Dark on July 12, 2009, 12:08:54 AM


Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: Phoenix Dark on July 12, 2009, 06:54:37 AM

Title: Re: Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael Jackson's comeback tour started at his funeral
Post by: Himu on July 12, 2009, 07:54:11 AM
Weren't black people throwing MJ under the bus as a legitmate black person not 3 or 4 years ago. I seem to remember a Chappel skit or joke saying such.

Nope. Michael has always been a big influence on black music and the black community. People care less about his personal life, and more on the music and dance contributions. You don't need to look further than current r&b singers like Usher, Ne-yo, Chris Brown. They all take a piece of Michael Jackson as their persona, some try to *be* Michael Jackson when they perform and this is a musical artist who, musically, stopped being relevant to the mainstream in 1995 or 1996.

That's mad influence.