General => The Superdeep Borehole => Topic started by: Himu on March 14, 2020, 05:03:17 PM

Title: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Himu on March 14, 2020, 05:03:17 PM
This is beautiful.
Title: Re: Star Trek thread for non assholes since the other thread is nothing but bitching
Post by: Occam on March 14, 2020, 07:04:26 PM
Conservatives have broken brains, news at 11.
Title: Re: Star Trek thread for non assholes since the other thread is nothing but bitching
Post by: Himu on March 16, 2020, 12:10:41 AM
So my impressions of Star Trek Picard:

- I really, really love it and look forward to it each week.
- I find it to be the successor to the old Star Trek formula.
- It gives me a lot of encouragement to fight in a cruel universe.
- It carries over the old Trekkian slow, deliberate pacing. So much of it is talking about feelings and stuff such as this scene.

How do you think it will evolve in season 2? Will Picard go back to Starfleet?
Title: Re: Star Trek thread for non assholes since the other thread is nothing but bitching
Post by: MMaRsu on March 16, 2020, 09:49:27 AM
You cant post in the other Star Trek thread because some of us don't like the new show, so you need a safe space to talk about it?

What a baby
Title: Re: Star Trek thread for non assholes since the other thread is nothing but bitching
Post by: Himu on March 16, 2020, 01:23:56 PM
No, I can't post in the other Star Trek thread because NONE of the other posters like it and it's just endless shitting on it without anything constructive. I can't even post anything about liking it without some ass mongler just saying "no". Fuck off.
Title: Re: Star Trek thread for non assholes since the other thread is nothing but bitching
Post by: Stoney Mason on March 16, 2020, 01:45:14 PM
You cant post in the other Star Trek thread because some of us don't like the new show, so you need a safe space to talk about it?

What a baby

Safe space versus shit thread. Tough choice.
Title: Re: Star Trek thread for non assholes since the other thread is nothing but bitching
Post by: CatsCatsCats on March 16, 2020, 02:57:43 PM
I like Q
Title: Re: Star Trek thread for non assholes since the other thread is nothing but bitching
Post by: Yeti on March 16, 2020, 07:36:38 PM
I wish there had been a safe space thread for LOST back in the day. :'(
Title: Re: Star Trek thread for non assholes since the other thread is nothing but bitching
Post by: Himu on March 17, 2020, 12:28:17 AM
So my impressions of Star Trek Discovery season 2 as someone that really liked season 1 despite the issues:

- The slower pacing really does the show wonders.
- Saru remains fantastic
- lost of old Star Trek type episodes that are stand alone but also help move the plot forward. They've found a nice balance between the two. It's like a mixture of DS9 and TNG in that regard.
- far more ethical considerations
- a bit too much fanservice for my liking and that was my main issue with it before and it's a massive complaint but it doesn't take over the show as much as I thought it would, which is good.
- I really like the new smart ass engineering lady.
- So much talking! So little action! Trek! :hyper
- Dorky stuff like "the power of math, people!" is kind of lame, but they're nitpicks and fit the characters. Tully, as a socially weird person would totally say that geeky shit despite being a professional. So it's not too much skin off my nose despite not liking it.
- A bit too much comedy.

Overall, it's a considerable improvement on season 1 despite whatever issues it has such as the Red Angel. Still watching and will fully review once I'm done!
Title: Re: Star Trek thread for non assholes since the other thread is nothing but bitching
Post by: Himu on March 17, 2020, 02:13:56 AM
I posted it in the Star Trek thread and just got bitching. It's what prompted the creation of the thread in the first place.
Title: Re: Alternate Star Trek thread
Post by: Himu on May 23, 2020, 01:26:22 PM
Bumping and renaming.

No RLM content.
Title: Re: Alternate Star Trek thread
Post by: Mr Gilhaney on May 23, 2020, 01:30:27 PM
Hoping the mod team will do a better job at not making this thread escalate. Take a proactive stance, you cowards. All the best wishes.
Title: Re: Alternate Star Trek thread
Post by: Tasty on May 23, 2020, 01:31:09 PM
I just watched Justice (TNG) and started reading the production details, man the original version before Roddenbery "sexed it up" sounded so much cooler.

John D. F. Black's original pitch featured a story about capital punishment. His idea was based on a film treatment detailing the colony planet of Llarof where capital punishment is handed down as a sentence for any offense except against those who are immune from the law. In the treatment, a security officer is killed by a local law enforcement officer, who is then killed himself by his partner for unjustly killing the Enterprise crewman. The planet would have had a rebel faction who wanted to overthrow the laws, which Picard refused to back initially whilst citing the Prime Directive. A second draft featured a rebel leader executed for treason.[1] Black explained the premise of a society that developed laws to prevent terrorism and chaos: "Let's say that what we do is kill everybody who is a terrorist or suspected of being a terrorist. Now the people who have killed everybody, what do they do?"[2]

The idea was re-written by the show's creator Gene Roddenberry and writer Worley Thorne. It was Roddenberry and Thorne who created the godlike entity and sexed up the Edo.

Roddenbery and Lucas might have more parallels than I thought.
Title: Re: Alternate Star Trek thread
Post by: bork on May 23, 2020, 01:31:53 PM
Hoping the mod team will do a better job at not making this thread escalate. Take a proactive stance, you cowards. All the best wishes.

This is a warning to stop shit posting or you will get banned. 

Carry on.
Title: Re: Alternate Star Trek thread
Post by: Tasty on May 23, 2020, 01:32:10 PM
Hoping the mod team will do a better job at not making this thread escalate.

Take a proactive stance, you cowards.

Way to go  :wow
Title: Re: Alternate Star Trek thread
Post by: Mr Gilhaney on May 23, 2020, 01:35:15 PM
Hoping the mod team will do a better job at not making this thread escalate. Take a proactive stance, you cowards. All the best wishes.

This is a warning to stop shit posting or you will get banned. 

Carry on.
Title: Re: Alternate Star Trek thread
Post by: Himu on May 23, 2020, 01:35:46 PM
I just watched Justice (TNG) and started reading the production details, man the original version before Roddenbery "sexed it up" sounded so much cooler.

John D. F. Black's original pitch featured a story about capital punishment. His idea was based on a film treatment detailing the colony planet of Llarof where capital punishment is handed down as a sentence for any offense except against those who are immune from the law. In the treatment, a security officer is killed by a local law enforcement officer, who is then killed himself by his partner for unjustly killing the Enterprise crewman. The planet would have had a rebel faction who wanted to overthrow the laws, which Picard refused to back initially whilst citing the Prime Directive. A second draft featured a rebel leader executed for treason.[1] Black explained the premise of a society that developed laws to prevent terrorism and chaos: "Let's say that what we do is kill everybody who is a terrorist or suspected of being a terrorist. Now the people who have killed everybody, what do they do?"[2]

The idea was re-written by the show's creator Gene Roddenberry and writer Worley Thorne. It was Roddenberry and Thorne who created the godlike entity and sexed up the Edo.

Roddenbery and Lucas might have more parallels than I thought.

That sounds fascinating. Roddenberry was too much of a horn dog.
Title: Re: Alternate Star Trek thread
Post by: Stoney Mason on May 23, 2020, 01:51:04 PM
Breaking my last post rule here just because I was responding a person via private message and since it relates I might as well post it here.

The board has always been up and down in quality. I'm not trying to pretend like the board was once in a perfect golden state. But ever since GAF went down imo, the board has increasingly slowly gotten worse and worse when it comes to discussion. I have some guesses as to why that is but they are probably honestly just me trying to blame-scape something when its probably many many factors that contribute to such a thing.

All I know is that what ended up happening is that increasingly I only want to post in a few threads where the people in that thread feel like a community. And everybody can respectfully agree/disagree with each other because they've known each other for some time so you know when a person posts whether you necessarily agree or disagree you can respect that person because you know him and you know he is posting from a real individual perspective. Something has happened over time where now it no longer feels like that. It feels like there are teams. It feels like people post because they want their side to score internet points or likes or whatever. And the discussion now involves those teams fighting each other instead of individual people expressing themselves. And because it feels like you can easily stereotype the other side, it not longer seems worthwhile to actually discuss anything. Because everybody is entrenched in their position or you don't feel like arguing against a team. That is what happened in that Star Trek thread as an example over time for whatever reason. There are two teams and they both constantly try to score on each other. And even if you don't necessarily want to fight as a team, you get drawn into it to support a side because one side seems to pile up the likes to score. That kind of division use to exist mainly in political threads but now every thread feels like that for some reason to me. So its just easier to be an asshole because you know you have backup.

So just to be clear. My issue with this thread is not specifically RLM. Although yeah I do think people should resist the temptation to drop videos all the time, especially from one source as if that video has some extra meaning on a message board. You don't do that on a messageboard. At least all the time. You argue your opinion. You discuss things from your perspective. Not the perspective of one source of one video of people on the internet. I don't care whether its a game, or a book, or a movie. I care about what you have to say about it. Not what random internet video has to say about it. Which is not to say a video may not have a good point or two. But chill with it. I go to the movie review thread to see what you people think about movies. Not Ao scott or peter travers or some other critic. If I want their review I can go get their review from the source. 

Now I fully believe that not everybody who hates something is simply apeing their opinion from a video. And I fully understand that people can form their opinion prior and then agree with a video. Cool. Not saying you can't ever post that video. Just maybe recognize that not everybody views that source in that same way you do. I don't want to argue a video like I'm doing homework. I want to discuss things with humans.

The second bit is respect people who disagree with you. Don't talk shit about an opinion likes its fucking math. It's all opinion shit. Respect an opinion. You don't have to be an ass about it. Maybe try to find a little common ground. There are things I like and dislike about everything. But not in this thread it feels like. Everybody is pushed to hate everything or love everything. So some posters end up talking shit 24/7 and its like why are you here if you hate that thing apparently. And I'm sure to others it feels like somebody is praising something 24/7 so it feels like a constant lovefest as if a person can't see the flaws in something.

Some people like Old Trek. Some people like New Trek. Some people like Both. Some people have legit criticisms of both. Cool. Discuss it. Be Respectful.

I say all this realizing I'm as guilty of breaking every single rule I've stated here in the past. So maybe going forward here let's try to actually do that. And I will make a personal legit effort to do the same and drop the snark and attitude so I can legit post in a thread, I use to enjoy.

edit: note this message was written before the thread split or thread closure thing. I was going to post it in whatever was the trek thread(s)
Title: Re: Alternate Star Trek thread
Post by: shosta on May 23, 2020, 01:55:20 PM
So is this the thread for logging my journey watching the amazing show Deep Space Nine?
Title: Re: Alternate Star Trek thread
Post by: Himu on May 23, 2020, 01:56:51 PM
This is completely unnecessary.

Mods took a more proactive effort in injecting themselves in the Star Trek thread, and not letting shit die on its own, than they did with actual racists and transphobes in the Outside Forum thread because FreeDUMB of Speech. Now we have only one Star Trek thread when it was originally split for a reason.

I'm taking a break.
Title: Re: Alternate Star Trek thread
Post by: bork on May 23, 2020, 01:58:12 PM
Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

Title: Re: Alternate Star Trek thread
Post by: curly on May 23, 2020, 01:58:29 PM
meanwhile perfect harmony in the commie cosplay threads :rejoice
Title: Re: Alternate Star Trek thread
Post by: D3RANG3D on May 23, 2020, 01:58:53 PM
Title: Re: Alternate Star Trek thread
Post by: Nintex on May 23, 2020, 02:00:16 PM
meanwhile perfect harmony in the commie cosplay threads :rejoice
Outside of the occasional banter a perfect harmony in pretty much every thread tbh  :idont
Title: Re: Alternate Star Trek thread
Post by: bork on May 23, 2020, 02:00:57 PM
And now this thread is going to shit.  OK.  Do you guys want me to re-open the old thread?  Do we really NEED to have Star Trek threads on here just because some of you can't get along? 

I'll re-open if you guys can be respectful of one another.
Title: Re: Alternate Star Trek thread
Post by: Stoney Mason on May 23, 2020, 02:01:34 PM
Damned if you do, damned if you don't.


Just leave it. New Start is fine. Let's just try to act like reasonable people instead of monsters. Maybe that will work. Maybe it won't. But new thread new me at least.
Title: Re: Alternate Star Trek thread
Post by: shosta on May 23, 2020, 02:02:13 PM
Let's just have a rule that if you shit up a thread beyond reason you get banned from that thread for a week. No need for all the ado or ceremony or locks.
Title: Re: Alternate Star Trek thread
Post by: CatsCatsCats on May 23, 2020, 02:02:41 PM
Let's just have a rule that if you shit up a thread beyond reason you get banned from that thread for a week. No need for all the ado or ceremony or locks.

Title: Re: Alternate Star Trek thread
Post by: Nintex on May 23, 2020, 02:03:10 PM
Let's just have a rule that if you shit up a thread beyond reason you get banned from that thread for a week. No need for all the ado or ceremony or locks.
no arbitrary rules please  :hmph

rename this thread to the MOD SUMMIT  :klob
Title: Re: Alternate Star Trek thread
Post by: Momo on May 23, 2020, 02:03:23 PM
May I make a suggestion? No more general trek thread, make a thread for each series (group old and new maybe) and everyone can successfully stay out of each others way. No one is going to go into the Picard thread and just start talking mad shit months after they are done with it for example while people who enjoyed it will stick around.
Title: Re: Alternate Star Trek thread
Post by: shosta on May 23, 2020, 02:03:27 PM
Let's also make another rule that if you read at least half of Sandman, cats^3 adds you back on Facebook.
Title: Re: Alternate Star Trek thread
Post by: bork on May 23, 2020, 02:03:44 PM
Let's just have a rule that if you shit up a thread beyond reason you get banned from that thread for a week. No need for all the ado or ceremony or locks.
no arbitrary rules please  :hmph

rename this thread to the MOD SUMMIT  :klob

This is now your warning to stop shit-posting or you will be banned.
Title: Re: Alternate Star Trek thread
Post by: CatsCatsCats on May 23, 2020, 02:04:05 PM
No. It’s a complete series.
Title: Re: Alternate Star Trek thread
Post by: Momo on May 23, 2020, 02:05:08 PM
No. It’s a complete series.
it really isn't and that's the issue that starts arguements
Title: Re: Alternate Star Trek thread
Post by: curly on May 23, 2020, 02:06:27 PM
And now this thread is going to shit.  OK.  Do you guys want me to re-open the old thread?  Do we really NEED to have Star Trek threads on here just because some of you can't get along? 

I'll re-open if you guys can be respectful of one another.

Imagine my surprise that this episode was kicked off by a poster of a certain nationality not being able to converse nicely with the other boys and girls. Seems like posters of said nationality are at the root of a lot of these problems, maybe something should be done about that :kermit

spoiler (click to show/hide)
although tbh I don't even mind nintex that much anymore, he's basically a gimmick poster at this point

Title: Re: Alternate Star Trek thread
Post by: team filler on May 23, 2020, 02:06:59 PM
Title: Re: Alternate Star Trek thread
Post by: CatsCatsCats on May 23, 2020, 02:07:09 PM
No. It’s a complete series.
it really isn't and that's the issue that starts arguements
Sandman, hon, not Trek. Phasers to stun
Title: Re: Alternate Star Trek thread
Post by: BIONIC on May 23, 2020, 02:09:01 PM
Let's just have a rule that if you shit up a thread beyond reason you get banned from that thread for a week. No need for all the ado or ceremony or locks.

Bitch still thinks he’s a ree mod  ::)
Title: Re: Alternate Star Trek thread
Post by: Momo on May 23, 2020, 02:10:32 PM
No. It’s a complete series.
it really isn't and that's the issue that starts arguements
Sandman, hon, not Trek. Phasers to stun
I'm not mad posting, just trying to help, the Star Trek thread is about the only thread I post in consistently and kinda want that to continue
Title: Re: Alternate Star Trek thread
Post by: bork on May 23, 2020, 02:11:18 PM
bork, just chill and stick to a decision, man. No need to worry too much about what's going on. Thread became a shit show because people got really in their feelings over a new show in a decades long brand but they'd have calmed down eventually. Look at Stoney up there deciding he'll make some effort instead of continuing with random ribbing and snark.

Old thread is closed and here's a new thread. It's done. If peeps get in their feelings again they'll cool down eventually. I agree with tasty that the board did get better than where it was like 3 years ago, plus emotions are running high now with corona which means you can let people vent for a bit.

That's all fine.  A few people were just going too far. 

Title: Re: Alternate Star Trek thread
Post by: CatsCatsCats on May 23, 2020, 02:11:21 PM
I know, simple misunderstanding, just bein cute about the phasers lol
Title: Re: Alternate Star Trek thread
Post by: shosta on May 23, 2020, 02:11:55 PM
Tail end of DS9 S2 really is good, I'll post a review when I'm totally finished with it!
Title: Re: Alternate Star Trek thread
Post by: Tasty on May 23, 2020, 02:11:55 PM
Breaking my last post rule here just because I was responding a person via private message and since it relates I might as well post it here.

The board has always been up and down in quality. I'm not trying to pretend like the board was once in a perfect golden state. But ever since GAF went down imo, the board has increasingly slowly gotten worse and worse when it comes to discussion. I have some guesses as to why that is but they are probably honestly just me trying to blame-scape something when its probably many many factors that contribute to such a thing.

All I know is that what ended up happening is that increasingly I only want to post in a few threads where the people in that thread feel like a community. And everybody can respectfully agree/disagree with each other because they've known each other for some time so you know when a person posts whether you necessarily agree or disagree you can respect that person because you know him and you know he is posting from a real individual perspective. Something has happened over time where now it no longer feels like that. It feels like there are teams. It feels like people post because they want their side to score internet points or likes or whatever. And the discussion now involves those teams fighting each other instead of individual people expressing themselves. And because it feels like you can easily stereotype the other side, it not longer seems worthwhile to actually discuss anything. Because everybody is entrenched in their position or you don't feel like arguing against a team. That is what happened in that Star Trek thread as an example over time for whatever reason. There are two teams and they both constantly try to score on each other. And even if you don't necessarily want to fight as a team, you get drawn into it to support a side because one side seems to pile up the likes to score. That kind of division use to exist mainly in political threads but now every thread feels like that for some reason to me. So its just easier to be an asshole because you know you have backup.

So just to be clear. My issue with this thread is not specifically RLM. Although yeah I do think people should resist the temptation to drop videos all the time, especially from one source as if that video has some extra meaning on a message board. You don't do that on a messageboard. At least all the time. You argue your opinion. You discuss things from your perspective. Not the perspective of one source of one video of people on the internet. I don't care whether its a game, or a book, or a movie. I care about what you have to say about it. Not what random internet video has to say about it. Which is not to say a video may not have a good point or two. But chill with it. I go to the movie review thread to see what you people think about movies. Not Ao scott or peter travers or some other critic. If I want their review I can go get their review from the source. 

Now I fully believe that not everybody who hates something is simply apeing their opinion from a video. And I fully understand that people can form their opinion prior and then agree with a video. Cool. Not saying you can't ever post that video. Just maybe recognize that not everybody views that source in that same way you do. I don't want to argue a video like I'm doing homework. I want to discuss things with humans.

The second bit is respect people who disagree with you. Don't talk shit about an opinion likes its fucking math. It's all opinion shit. Respect an opinion. You don't have to be an ass about it. Maybe try to find a little common ground. There are things I like and dislike about everything. But not in this thread it feels like. Everybody is pushed to hate everything or love everything. So some posters end up talking shit 24/7 and its like why are you here if you hate that thing apparently. And I'm sure to others it feels like somebody is praising something 24/7 so it feels like a constant lovefest as if a person can't see the flaws in something.

Some people like Old Trek. Some people like New Trek. Some people like Both. Some people have legit criticisms of both. Cool. Discuss it. Be Respectful.

I say all this realizing I'm as guilty of breaking every single rule I've stated here in the past. So maybe going forward here let's try to actually do that. And I will make a personal legit effort to do the same and drop the snark and attitude so I can legit post in a thread, I use to enjoy.

edit: note this message was written before the thread split or thread closure thing. I was going to post it in whatever was the trek thread(s)


This isn't a thread for mea culpas. Should have kept this to PM.

Now Cindi's on break. Great.
Title: Re: Alternate Star Trek thread
Post by: team filler on May 23, 2020, 02:12:17 PM
No. It’s a complete series.
it really isn't and that's the issue that starts arguements
Sandman, hon, not Trek. Phasers to stun
Title: Re: Alternate Star Trek thread
Post by: Momo on May 23, 2020, 02:12:18 PM
And now this thread is going to shit.  OK.  Do you guys want me to re-open the old thread?  Do we really NEED to have Star Trek threads on here just because some of you can't get along? 

I'll re-open if you guys can be respectful of one another.

Imagine my surprise that this episode was kicked off by a poster of a certain nationality not being able to converse nicely with the other boys and girls. Seems like posters of said nationality are at the root of a lot of these problems, maybe something should be done about that :kermit

spoiler (click to show/hide)
although tbh I don't even mind nintex that much anymore, he's basically a gimmick poster at this point

you're not helping, then again you aren't here to help.
Title: Re: Alternate Star Trek thread
Post by: bork on May 23, 2020, 02:12:33 PM
So this is the new Trek thread.  Please keep it on-topic going forward. 

For those who just came in here for the drama and feel the need to respond to this with some snarky comment or shitpost following this one, you will get a ban.

Title: Re: Alternate Star Trek thread
Post by: CatsCatsCats on May 23, 2020, 02:12:36 PM
This post is out of context cuz of too fast posting what is this!

Acquiring Picard
Title: Re: Alternate Star Trek thread
Post by: Momo on May 23, 2020, 02:17:30 PM
Bork, can you remove the alternate from the thread title maybe add Star Trek : A new hope :lol
Title: Re: Alternate Star Trek thread
Post by: Stoney Mason on May 23, 2020, 02:17:43 PM
I got somebody to watch Galaxy Quest with me last weekend. It was their first time. They were laughing their ass off. I felt so proud.


Title: Re: Alternate Star Trek thread
Post by: team filler on May 23, 2020, 02:17:59 PM
So this is the new Trek thread.  Please keep it on-topic going forward. 

For those who just came in here for the drama and feel the need to respond to this with some snarky comment or shitpost following this one, you will get a ban.

I've enjoyed every trek movie I've watched  :trumps

good film series  :pimp
Title: Re: Alternate Star Trek thread
Post by: CatsCatsCats on May 23, 2020, 02:18:06 PM
Galaxy Quest is dope af.
Title: Re: Alternate Star Trek thread
Post by: Tasty on May 23, 2020, 02:22:27 PM
I never watched any of the old ST movies, which ones are good? :idont

2, 3, 4, 6.

Maybe TMP Director's Cut.

2 and 6 are the best by far.
Title: Re: Alternate Star Trek thread
Post by: bork on May 23, 2020, 02:24:34 PM
I never watched any of the old ST movies, which ones are good? :idont

2, 3, 4, 6.

Maybe TMP Director's Cut.

2 and 6 are the best by far.

Didn't like V?
Title: Re: Alternate Star Trek thread
Post by: bork on May 23, 2020, 02:25:25 PM
which was the one set during modern day with Whales?

Title: Re: Alternate Star Trek thread
Post by: Tasty on May 23, 2020, 02:27:49 PM
I never watched any of the old ST movies, which ones are good? :idont

2, 3, 4, 6.

Maybe TMP Director's Cut.

2 and 6 are the best by far.

Didn't like V?

Imagine if Disney was just like "Oh yeah, one of those 9 Skywalker Saga movies? Yeah it doesn't exist and it's not canon despite its obligatory inclusion on streaming services and boxsets. Sorry we made something that bad. Yeesh."
Title: Re: Alternate Star Trek thread
Post by: Madrun Badrun on May 23, 2020, 02:29:59 PM
Title: Re: Alternate Star Trek thread
Post by: Tasty on May 23, 2020, 02:30:38 PM

This is actually pretty well done. :lawd
Title: Re: Alternate Star Trek thread
Post by: Madrun Badrun on May 23, 2020, 02:32:09 PM
Title: Re: Alternate Star Trek thread
Post by: Madrun Badrun on May 23, 2020, 02:32:20 PM
Title: Re: Alternate Star Trek thread
Post by: D3RANG3D on May 23, 2020, 02:35:00 PM

This is actually pretty well done. :lawd

Killua's dad was in Star Trek. :o
Title: Re: Alternate Star Trek thread
Post by: bork on May 23, 2020, 02:36:19 PM
Title: Re: Alternate Star Trek thread
Post by: team filler on May 23, 2020, 02:39:08 PM
remember watching trek movie and finding the borg queen alluring, but not knowing why  :lol

just want her to mommy dom me  :noah

 :nope no, not like that  :oreilly
Title: Re: Alternate Star Trek thread
Post by: Tasty on May 23, 2020, 02:40:01 PM

This is actually pretty well done. :lawd

Killua's dad was in Star Trek. :o

:lol I usually see the opposite comparison, that Killua's dad is Khan. :lol
Title: Re: Alternate Star Trek thread
Post by: D3RANG3D on May 23, 2020, 02:42:13 PM

This is actually pretty well done. :lawd

Killua's dad was in Star Trek. :o

:lol I usually see the opposite comparison, that Killua's dad is Khan. :lol

That's the joke.  :-[
Title: Re: Alternate Star Trek thread
Post by: team filler on May 23, 2020, 02:44:28 PM
Title: Re: Alternate Star Trek thread
Post by: Madrun Badrun on May 23, 2020, 02:46:26 PM
Title: Re: Alternate Star Trek thread
Post by: bork on May 23, 2020, 02:52:46 PM
I guess II would be considered the best movie?

Not sure if I ever saw all of it.   :-[  I remember thinking III was kind of boring, enjoyed IV, V was...a thing, and I always just kind of forget about VI apart from Klingon Christopher Lloyd.

Edit: He was in III.   :lol  OK, what was VI?  Kirk gets framed and goes to prison?
Title: Re: Alternate Star Trek thread
Post by: Himu on May 23, 2020, 03:07:55 PM
I never watched any of the old ST movies, which ones are good? :idont

1 - flawed but good Star Trek. Watch Directors Cut.
2 - great but might hit less if you haven't seen Space Seed. Do so before watching.
3 - I like it but it's not perfecr, much less good. It's enjoyable and crucial for Kirk's later development.
4 - my personal favorite Trek movie. It has 80's SAVE THE WHALES all over it and it's totally of its times but it's fucking hilarious and I'm a sucker for time travel shit.
5 - we don't talk about this one.
6 - the best Trek film. A culmination of the entire series as Kirk's character fights the racism he has towards Klingons. This is pure Trek and by far the best film the franchise has to offer.

TNG's First Contact is good. Generations is fun. The rest are forgettable.

JJ Trek, I like the original Star Trek. It gets dumb but I still like it. Into Darkness does not exist. Beyond is okay and the best Trek movie since First Contact not that means anything.
Title: Re: Alternate Star Trek thread
Post by: bork on May 23, 2020, 03:09:35 PM
OK, wow, didn't know that V was so reviled.   :o

Beyond felt like more of a long TV episode than a movie, if that makes sense.  Some of the TNG movies feel that way to me, too.  Not that it's a bad thing, but I guess they just don't seem as epic.
Title: Re: Alternate Star Trek thread
Post by: Coffee Dog on May 23, 2020, 03:16:39 PM
Aren't the TNG movies reviled? Most trekkies I know seem to hate them.
given how shit the new ones are I can't imagine they're that bad

They're pretty bad, even compared to the Abrams stuff imo.
Title: Re: Alternate Star Trek thread
Post by: Himu on May 23, 2020, 03:18:31 PM
Aren't the TNG movies reviled? Most trekkies I know seem to hate them.

No. First Contact is regarded as among the best Trek movies and is (or was) the finale to the Borg story for Picard.

Generations is ok but it's not awful.

Insurrection has okay ideas but poor execution. I like it a lot. It feels like a higj budget TNG ep and I love it for that.

It's mostly Nemesis that gets the ire. Imagine last gen gray Gears of War color palette in Star Trek.
Title: Re: Alternate Star Trek thread
Post by: GreatSageEqualOfHeaven on May 23, 2020, 03:18:54 PM
The TNG films veer away from what people liked about TNG to make them more movie like, but as standalone movies they're just not that good.

Voyage Home is probably the best movie in terms of standing on its own feet as a movie and not needing to know shit about anything going in.
Title: Re: Alternate Star Trek thread
Post by: Himu on May 23, 2020, 03:27:15 PM
Anyways, apologies to MMrasu. Sorry for calling you names and a snitch. Turns out Nintex is the snitch.

I said I liked Picard. Not love. I love Star Trek and saw many things I like about Trek in it. I don't think it was all that great but it was enjoyable enough for me to get a Star Trek fix. I have plenty of criticisms but enjoy it enough to let them slide.
Title: Re: Alternate Star Trek thread
Post by: Himu on May 23, 2020, 03:30:25 PM
May I make a suggestion? No more general trek thread, make a thread for each series (group old and new maybe) and everyone can successfully stay out of each others way. No one is going to go into the Picard thread and just start talking mad shit months after they are done with it for example while people who enjoyed it will stick around.

I like this suggestion.
Title: Re: Alternate Star Trek thread
Post by: Madrun Badrun on May 23, 2020, 03:53:43 PM
All I want is one thread to post memes in and talk about how good Picard is.  Maybe that should be a separate thread.  Also, make a sperate thread for TNG movies and a seperate thread just for Nemisis.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Tuckers Law on May 23, 2020, 10:46:10 PM
I unironically love Star Trek V.  Yeah a lot of it is really dumb, but I am always entertained each time I watch it.

For best though, my vote would be still go to one of the Meyer movies, probably Wrath of Khan.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: benjipwns on May 24, 2020, 02:05:02 AM

This is actually pretty well done. :lawd
for comparison, since it has essentially the same Kirk/McCoy conversation snippet, followed by shots of every single crew member:
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: benjipwns on May 24, 2020, 02:45:59 AM
if you're really going to split threads (lol) just make a Classic Trek thread for random shit, VomTrek and StosTrek logs, memes, etc. and then a thread for currently airing Trek where you can all argue about who the biggest taco is
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: benjipwns on May 24, 2020, 02:58:01 AM
not director's cut/extended cuts:
Star Trek: The Motion Picture - one star
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan - five stars
Star Trek III: The Search for Spock - three stars
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home - three stars
Star Trek V: The Final Frontier - one star
Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country - five stars
Star Trek Generations - one star
Star Trek: First Contact - four stars
Star Trek: Insurrection - two stars
Galaxy Quest - four stars
Star Trek: Nemesis - two stars
Star Trek - one star
Star Trek Into Darkness - one star
Star Trek Beyond - three stars
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: ToxicAdam on May 24, 2020, 03:51:43 AM
That’s a good list, I agree with all of it.

There is something about the original movie that I find compelling though. It’s such an oddly paced movie with weirdo choices in it that I can’t help but watch it every time it’s on (which isn’t often, tbh).
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on May 24, 2020, 07:37:32 AM
Ok well I apologize to Cindy, to be honest the first thing I read when I woke up was her post, and it triggered me inmensly. Especially when she talked about shit I never even said.

but whatevs. Trek is the shit. Picard sucks shit through a straw.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Stoney Mason on May 24, 2020, 09:49:45 AM
That’s a good list, I agree with all of it.

There is something about the original movie that I find compelling though. It’s such an oddly paced movie with weirdo choices in it that I can’t help but watch it every time it’s on (which isn’t often, tbh).

I very much like the original movie. I understand why some people don't care for it, but for me it feels like the path not taken. A more mature version of trek ditching some of the campier aspects of the earlier show. It actually feels like a science fiction movie. A slow one albeit but one nonetheless. By the comparison the Star Trek 2009 reboot movie is exactly the direction I don't especially care for by comparison. I'm down to watch the old one at the drop of a hat because I find it really interesting. I struggle to sit through the 2009 one at all as there just isn't any meat on those bones for me.

I'm also against splitting the thread anymore. It's fucking Star Trek. You don't need 20 threads dividing it like its some super important topic. There aren't 20 star wars threads covering the different variants in the star wars universe. What you need is a more mature post style that shows that just because you don't like something, you don't need to endlessly spam post about how much you don't like something. Try talking about something you do like in the star trek universe. Instead of how much you can't shut your mouth about something you don't like. That's a good  start.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on May 24, 2020, 11:39:55 AM
Nah I disagree. Legitimate criticism has as much a place in a discussion about a long running tv series, as positivity does.

Im not looking for a Star Trek safe space where all we talk about is shit we liked. There is plenty to make fun of in shit that's not as good. Wether that be Troi and Lwaxana episodes, or Picard, or Disco or whatever really.

If it's someone legitimate opinion that one thing is bad, they shouldnt be withheld from the thread simply because someone doesn't like to read negativity surrounding things that maybe they did like.

It's not like we (the people who don't like Picard) were filling the thread with nonsensical hate posts regarding Discovery (which was a turd imo) or Picard (which had its good moments, but overall the story is also a giant turd).

And me personally, I don't like it when legitimate criticism or faults are laid out, people who did like it go "Oh lord another RLM parrot blablabla", when in actuallity, most of my personal opinions were such before any RLM related content appeared. I'm pretty sure that goes for most posters in the Trek thread. We don't think RLM is infallible, or that everything they say is gospel. So to see some responses being boiled down to "oh lol you think the same as RLM so you must be a parrot go watch another of their vids and stay out of this thread".

So in a lot of cases, Cindy and or Nacho has been acting like that, even you Stoney. I don't like that because we aren't in the Trek Thread to shit on Star Trek. But just because RLM also finds a lot of the same faults that other posters did, doesn't mean we parrot RLM. That's just insulting.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Stoney Mason on May 24, 2020, 11:51:59 AM
edit: I regret this post.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on May 24, 2020, 12:05:44 PM
I'm not gonna spam the thread with videos that try to validate my singular viewpoint. That is why the last thread became shit.

Noone was spamming the thread to prove their viewpoint. Noone was spamming the thread in general. This is the untrue bullshit I was referring to earlier. I barely ever saw you in the Star Trek thread, and now all of a sudden it's being spammed? Please show some receipts man.

It's perfectly fine to speak about shit you liked and also speak on things you didn't like. I'd be curious to know why you didn't enjoy Voyager that much. For me that makes interesting discussion. Im rewatching it now and I like it more than I did before.

Wtf? Now you are going to block me? For what?

Now that's insulting.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Stoney Mason on May 24, 2020, 12:12:05 PM
For best though, my vote would be still go to one of the Meyer movies, probably Wrath of Khan.

I once was at library where he (Nicholas Meyer) came to give a talk about trek. It was really interesting. He basically said before the movies he had no knowledge nor any interest in trek. And that he was basically making Horatio Hornblower movies. It's more complicated than that of course but that's basically the simplified version of what he was saying. I think sometimes it takes somebody with an outsider view on a franchise to do something interesting with a franchise instead of going inside baseball with it.

But I think all the meyer trek films are really fun. Star Trek 4 is also pretty magical to me even though he didn't direct that one. It's the one that dates itself the most, but it also feels like a perfect time capsule of that particular moment in time.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Madrun Badrun on May 24, 2020, 12:20:16 PM
I like Discovery and Picard. I don't like Voyager for instance.

Ummm please accompany me to discord so I can insult you and your family.  I like Picard and Voyager but I don't like Discovery very much. 
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on May 24, 2020, 12:22:26 PM
Just FYI I actually sort of enjoyed the first few episodes of Picard.

But gotta push the narrative that mmarsu is an annoying poster who won't agree with anyone or listen to reason, nevermind have a decent discussion about it all. No mmrsu is a RLM parrot and his opinions are shit.


I also went through about 20 pages, no spamming there, no RLM videos being spammed. But hey Stoney you do you man. If you want to ignore me based on obvious bullshit, instead of actually trying to have a normal discussion ( which I dont think you ever did in the Star Trek thread, you were on the RLM hate train as much as others ) this could have been solved in a fine manner.

I hate it when people try to make shit stick that's certainly not true, and then try to insult me on top of it with unbased shit that has no basis in reality. I like you Stoney, we never had issues beyond the Trek stuff. So if you want to block me that's your perogative but I will perceive it as a personal insult. We could still talk Skyrim?

That's the last I'll say on it, I probably won't post in here no more since I don't feel like having this constant discussion with people who either don't read posts, have preconceived notions build on nothing in reality.
Title: Re: Alternate Star Trek thread
Post by: MMaRsu on May 24, 2020, 12:26:37 PM
Anyways, apologies to MMrasu. Sorry for calling you names and a snitch. Turns out Nintex is the snitch.

I said I liked Picard. Not love. I love Star Trek and saw many things I like about Trek in it. I don't think it was all that great but it was enjoyable enough for me to get a Star Trek fix. I have plenty of criticisms but enjoy it enough to let them slide.

Dang I missed this post. Yeah also sorry to you for being a dick. And I did report Nachobro by the way, which is why Bork came in the thread in the first place I think. So I am a snitch in some way. But hey that report button isn't there for nothing.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Stoney Mason on May 24, 2020, 12:26:39 PM
I like Discovery and Picard. I don't like Voyager for instance.

Ummm please accompany me to discord so I can insult you and your family.  I like Picard and Voyager but I don't like Discovery very much.

Absolutely fine with that. Picard was an okay to good first season for me and I have hopes for the future but I found significant sections of it kinda boring or waiting for something to happen in the plot that was significant. Voyager I watched a couple of years ago after skipping it during its original run. It's fine. I like all trek to a degree. But I have zero desire to rewatch the good episodes of it and its the trek I like the least by far. I much prefer enterprise to it by comparison. I like Discovery fine. Nice action. Plot move forwards. It has the action parts that kind of remind me of tos instead of the stuffy boring bits I didn't especially like from TNG. But its all opinion. I like all trek so for me its simply a sliding scale. 
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Madrun Badrun on May 24, 2020, 12:28:46 PM
Honestly, the only thing I dislike about Discovery is the time setting.  Think I'm only interested in Trek that pushes the world-building forward. 
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: GreatSageEqualOfHeaven on May 24, 2020, 12:33:15 PM
I'm in a minority in that I liked Enterprises temporal cold war stuff, but it was probably more in the concept than the execution.

There's a fucking great sci fi show waiting to be made based on that premise.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Stoney Mason on May 24, 2020, 12:33:56 PM
Honestly, the only thing I dislike about Discovery is the time setting.  Think I'm only interested in Trek that pushes the world-building forward.

Honestly the time setting is kinda a non-factor for me. Enterprise is a pretty flawed show but I found that time setting honestly the most interesting as it kind of told stories before everything was all setup. I'm fine with future stuff of course where you can build out on the lore but in the end it all comes down to execution for me. It can be in any time period as long as they tell compelling stories that make me care in the moment. I get the desire for new stuff (new races and new conflicts) but most stuff in trek tends to be superficial so I'm cool with a deep dive on the existing stuff that adds depth.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Madrun Badrun on May 24, 2020, 12:46:19 PM
Enterprise I was good with but it scratched that itch for me already.  I really enjoyed the temporal cold war stuff and thought it was a shame the show ended when it did.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Madrun Badrun on May 24, 2020, 12:47:46 PM
I'm in a minority in that I liked Enterprises temporal cold war stuff, but it was probably more in the concept than the execution.

There's a fucking great sci fi show waiting to be made based on that premise.

I haven't read it yet but its got a lot of praise last year. 
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Joe Molotov on May 24, 2020, 03:42:36 PM
not director's cut/extended cuts:
Star Trek: The Motion Picture - one star
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan - five stars
Star Trek III: The Search for Spock - three stars
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home - three stars
Star Trek V: The Final Frontier - one star
Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country - five stars
Star Trek Generations - one star
Star Trek: First Contact - four stars
Star Trek: Insurrection - two stars
Galaxy Quest - four stars
Star Trek: Nemesis - two stars
Star Trek - one star
Star Trek Into Darkness - one star
Star Trek Beyond - three stars

Mostly agree, but I might bump Insurrection up to a 3 because Picard gets to add another hot milf to his harem.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: benjipwns on May 24, 2020, 11:18:41 PM
I once was at library where he (Nicholas Meyer) came to give a talk about trek.
But have you ever brought him into the courtroom to establish plot details of Star Trek II vs. Star Trek IV?
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Great Rumbler on May 24, 2020, 11:43:12 PM
not director's cut/extended cuts:
Star Trek: The Motion Picture - one star
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan - five stars
Star Trek III: The Search for Spock - three stars
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home - three stars
Star Trek V: The Final Frontier - one star
Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country - five stars
Star Trek Generations - one star
Star Trek: First Contact - four stars
Star Trek: Insurrection - two stars
Galaxy Quest - four stars
Star Trek: Nemesis - two stars
Star Trek - one star
Star Trek Into Darkness - one star
Star Trek Beyond - three stars

I actually really like The Motion Picture. Yeah, I know it's more 2001: A Space Odyssey than Star Trek but it works for me. Only seen the Director's Cut, though, so maybe the theatrical cut is kinda garbo by comparison.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Madrun Badrun on May 29, 2020, 11:36:20 AM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: CatsCatsCats on May 29, 2020, 11:39:59 AM
V good meme
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: chronovore on May 30, 2020, 07:40:31 AM

I'm in a minority in that I liked Enterprises temporal cold war stuff, but it was probably more in the concept than the execution.

There's a fucking great sci fi show waiting to be made based on that premise.

Netflix Travelers has aspects of the concept. It’s a great show.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: chronovore on May 30, 2020, 07:44:23 AM
DS9 is a good show.

“Defiant” with Riker is SUCH a fantastic episode! And then they unfortunately IMMEDIATELY follow up with a Lwaxana episode that also brings Keiko O’Brien at peak shrillness in.

Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: GreatSageEqualOfHeaven on May 30, 2020, 11:27:25 AM

I'm in a minority in that I liked Enterprises temporal cold war stuff, but it was probably more in the concept than the execution.

There's a fucking great sci fi show waiting to be made based on that premise.

Netflix Travelers has aspects of the concept. It’s a great show.

yeah, Travellers is good, but its mostly accidental - they fix a problem, and it creates new unintended problems. They stop an asteroid that would have caused a biodome in the future to be destoryed wiping out a big chunk of the population, and then all new travellers from that point on never experienced that dome being destroyed, but instead the people of that dome became a rebel faction trying to fuck up the original mission.

You also see some elements of it in Quantum Leap - the 'original mission' ostensibly being to tweak a bunch of variables in the past so that in the future Sam Beckett doesn't forget to carry the 1 or whatever, and the quantum leap experiment goes as planned rather than fucking up. But as the series progresses it gets a bit more biblical, and his job isn't doing things to salvage the original experiment at all, its to try and make the world better as a mission from god, and theres an opposed team (presumably from the devil) trying to make the world worse. But its only a couple of episodes and the finale that touch on that.

I'd really like to see something weaponising time travel and the military application of temporal mechanics doing spy vs spy shit but never big overt actions that tips 'the other side' off as to what they're up to, like obvious history book rewrites like killing hitler or whatever.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Himu on May 30, 2020, 11:49:29 AM
DS9 is a good show.

“Defiant” with Riker is SUCH a fantastic episode! And then they unfortunately IMMEDIATELY follow up with a Lwaxana episode that also brings Keiko O’Brien at peak shrillness in.


Lwaxana is much better on ds9. Don't get the complaint
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Madrun Badrun on May 30, 2020, 12:05:08 PM
I've always liked Lwaxana and Keiko because they are believably flawed. 
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: GreatSageEqualOfHeaven on May 30, 2020, 12:22:08 PM
The only tolerable lwaxana episode is her and odo stuck in a turbolift, and thats because a really good character moment for odo offsets that its lwaxana
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: shosta on May 31, 2020, 05:09:12 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: shosta on May 31, 2020, 05:51:36 PM
Finishing up Maquis Part 1. They done kidnapped Gul Dukat :titus
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: shosta on May 31, 2020, 10:19:07 PM
"I'm not just any Cardassian. I'm Gul Dukat, Commander of the Second Order. You have 15 seconds to lower your shields or we'll destroy you."

Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Stoney Mason on June 01, 2020, 01:27:13 AM

Star Trek: Voyager was launched 25 years ago and continues to have a strong fan base, but it never achieved the same level of ratings as its predecessor, Star Trek: The Next Generation.

Bryan Fuller, who had worked on Deep Space Nine before writing for Voyager and eventually becoming a staff writer (then story editor, then co-producer), was the guest on the latest episode of the excellent Inglorious Treksperts podcast to celebrate Voyager‘s 25th anniversary, where he revealed some of the show’s inside drama.

Voyager chasing The Next Generation
Fuller spoke about how from its start, Voyager was “very much a reaction” to the more serialized Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, which had premiered two years before, adding the show was “in some ways an antidote to the vision of Deep Space Nine.” Fuller talked about how Voyager was pulled in different directions, trying to recapture the magic of TNG, while differentiating itself from DS9:

I think Voyager initially was trying to be The Next Generation and finally decided what it was going to be around season four. I think part of that in a strange way is we lost very quickly the dynamics of the Maquis interacting with a Starfleet crew. They were terrorists and committed terrorist acts and everybody was like, “It’s okay, let’s all go together.”… That’s not good storytelling. You need to know these characters are coming from a place that is culturally different, so they can’t just be regular members of the crew which it fell into very quickly to solve the problem of Deep Space Nine.

The podcasters and Fuller acknowledged that eventually Voyager found its voice and delved into some high-concept science fiction ideas. Fuller gave a lot of credit to showrunner Brannon Braga and Braga’s writing partner Joe Menosky, while pointing out their struggles with Voyager co-creator and executive producer Rick Berman:

Brannon Braga should be given a lot of credit – Brannon Braga and Joe Menosky – and it really was their two voices more commonly than anybody else’s. I think what was interesting in the evolution of the show was you could sense the creative struggle. I witnessed the creative struggle when I was working there. There was an appetite for these bigger, bolder science fiction stories. And there was a lot of resistance from Rick Berman in embracing them because he was chasing The Next Generation and was not allowing Voyager to be the show that it could be.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: shosta on June 01, 2020, 01:04:23 PM
Someone PLEASE tell me I get to see sexy Mirror Universe Kira again. :noah
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: GreatSageEqualOfHeaven on June 01, 2020, 01:20:27 PM
Someone PLEASE tell me I get to see sexy Mirror Universe Kira again. :noah

quite a few times if you're only on season 2
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: shosta on June 01, 2020, 03:46:16 PM
Ok. I'm done with Season 2. You all were right, all the good eps were on the back end. Starting a war with a technologically superior civilization, shit's crazy :titus

Best episode was the absolutely Kafkaesque Tribunal.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: benjipwns on June 02, 2020, 12:08:50 AM
The funniest part of the Maquis stuff on Voyager is how they all forgive Tuvok for being a Federation spy within their ranks for months and probably why they got caught in the first place. I can see them accepting roles within the crew (i.e. all pawns of Janeway's madness) for the greater good had it not been dropped almost immediately, especially since they were given some pretty plum positions with first officer and chief engineer. But IIRC, Tom Paris openly mistrusts Tuvok more than the Maquis crew ever does. Not that you're given much of their views or even an idea of how many of the crew they are after that first season really.

Though I guess part of that is in character for Chakotay since he also totally forgives the other spy in his crew at least twice even after they hook up with the Space Mongols and try to kill everyone.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Stoney Mason on June 02, 2020, 07:22:39 AM
Yeah voyager was partially a victim of time and place. It still needed to be so traditionally trek but initially its trying to tell a darker story but it completely neuters itself in that regard.

I remember liking the pilot quite a bit back in the day but then being so turned off after the first episodes that I immediately dropped the show and didn't watch the series until this thread so many years later.

It does find itself later but voyager continues to be my least favorite trek ever although it was certainly interesting to watch it so many years late and there were certainly parts of it that hooked me.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Tuckers Law on June 02, 2020, 12:03:26 PM
The most credit I will give to Voyager is the whole Brad Dourif character’s storyline, which was genuinely excellent Trek.

The maquis stuff was absolutely disappointing, though.  There should have been long-lasting and lingering distrust between the two groups, similar to how the crew of Destiny in Stargate Universe reacted when they worked together with prisoners from the Lucian Alliance.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: shosta on June 02, 2020, 12:49:27 PM
I can't be the only person that thought the first two eps of Season 3 had... questionable writing choices.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Madrun Badrun on June 06, 2020, 04:39:46 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Madrun Badrun on June 09, 2020, 09:12:01 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: team filler on June 09, 2020, 09:13:43 PM
finally a good star trek  :rejoice
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Stoney Mason on June 10, 2020, 11:40:24 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Madrun Badrun on June 15, 2020, 11:20:49 AM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Madrun Badrun on June 15, 2020, 11:22:53 AM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Tuckers Law on June 15, 2020, 12:35:30 PM
This is fantastic.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on June 16, 2020, 07:20:34 AM

Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: benjipwns on June 16, 2020, 07:47:49 AM
Captain James T. Kirk: I can't believe I kissed you.
Martia (appearing as Kirk): Must have been your lifelong ambition. (
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Madrun Badrun on June 18, 2020, 11:28:35 AM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: GreatSageEqualOfHeaven on June 18, 2020, 12:59:00 PM

Yup, there's another Star Trek show coming to TV. But this one’s different! Lower Decks is Star Trek in animated comedy form, marking the first time the venerated 56-year-old brand has launched a pure comedy (no, Star Trek V: The Final Frontier doesn’t count). Writer Mike McMahan says he pitched the concept to CBS All Access by saying, “I want to do a show about the guy who brings the yellow cartridge to the back of the food replicator so that a banana comes out the front.”

If that sort of sci-fi goofing on an animated series brings to mind Rick and Morty, as it so happens, McMahan is a former writer on the Adult Swim hit (which surely didn't hurt his pitch). The animation also looks slightly similar. Yet McMahan says Lower Decks clearly distinguishes itself in a couple of key ways. First, while Lower Decks is aimed at adults, the show is far more PG-13 than R-rated. "It's definitely not a kids show, but only because it's a little bit more complex than a kid show would be," he says. And then, there's the show's entire perspective. “The fun of Rick and Morty is that it breaks down sci-fi tropes and is told through Rick Sanchez, who has a very specific, chaotic, nihilistic lens,” he says. “Lower Decks treats mythological sci-fi things just as important as a regular Trek show, while finding new stories to tell — just from a different angle. It's not disassembling mythological sci-fi things. It's treating them as important for everybody on the starship as it would be in a regular star Trek show."

That angle focuses on the adventures of low-ranking crew members of Starfleet’s USS Cerritos (a name that sells us on watching this show as much as anything). The crew is assigned the less glamorous jobs on a city-size starship while the bridge crew led by a traditionally heroic captain does all the so-called “important” work. “The big stories are happening in the bridge crew and there's more kind of social-emotional stories happening to the Lower Deckers," he says. "So it's like their job and the world they're in get affected by these sci-fi stories. But the funny thing too is that whatever menial job you have to do in Star Trek, it might be something that they do every day, but it's still sort of a fascinating look into stuff that happens onboard that haven't been highlighted in another series. So instead of being on the turbolift — the elevators in Trek — our guys are repairing the turbolift. We also spend a lot of time in the bar. You'll also see the Lower Deckers go on away missions doing things that the bridge crew doesn't have to deal with."

While the focus is on the Lower Deckers, the bridge crew isn't kept entirely distant and anonymous. For instance, the crew sometimes interacts with the captain, Carol Freeman (Dawnn Lewis). "She is sort of trying to do this balancing act that all captains do, where they demand respect and are admired and trusted by the crew, but then they also kind of have to be the bad guy," he says. "And a thing we play with a lot is that the Lower Deckers don't always get all the information they're delegated to, but they don't get to have a voice and they don't get to know the context a lot of the time."


Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: shosta on June 18, 2020, 01:01:51 PM
How is that real :dead
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on June 18, 2020, 01:08:44 PM


Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on June 18, 2020, 01:09:51 PM

Yup, there's another Star Trek show coming to TV. But this one’s different! Lower Decks is Star Trek in animated comedy form, marking the first time the venerated 56-year-old brand has launched a pure comedy (no, Star Trek V: The Final Frontier doesn’t count). Writer Mike McMahan says he pitched the concept to CBS All Access by saying, “I want to do a show about the guy who brings the yellow cartridge to the back of the food replicator so that a banana comes out the front.”

If that sort of sci-fi goofing on an animated series brings to mind Rick and Morty, as it so happens, McMahan is a former writer on the Adult Swim hit (which surely didn't hurt his pitch). The animation also looks slightly similar. Yet McMahan says Lower Decks clearly distinguishes itself in a couple of key ways. First, while Lower Decks is aimed at adults, the show is far more PG-13 than R-rated. "It's definitely not a kids show, but only because it's a little bit more complex than a kid show would be," he says. And then, there's the show's entire perspective. “The fun of Rick and Morty is that it breaks down sci-fi tropes and is told through Rick Sanchez, who has a very specific, chaotic, nihilistic lens,” he says. “Lower Decks treats mythological sci-fi things just as important as a regular Trek show, while finding new stories to tell — just from a different angle. It's not disassembling mythological sci-fi things. It's treating them as important for everybody on the starship as it would be in a regular star Trek show."

That angle focuses on the adventures of low-ranking crew members of Starfleet’s USS Cerritos (a name that sells us on watching this show as much as anything). The crew is assigned the less glamorous jobs on a city-size starship while the bridge crew led by a traditionally heroic captain does all the so-called “important” work. “The big stories are happening in the bridge crew and there's more kind of social-emotional stories happening to the Lower Deckers," he says. "So it's like their job and the world they're in get affected by these sci-fi stories. But the funny thing too is that whatever menial job you have to do in Star Trek, it might be something that they do every day, but it's still sort of a fascinating look into stuff that happens onboard that haven't been highlighted in another series. So instead of being on the turbolift — the elevators in Trek — our guys are repairing the turbolift. We also spend a lot of time in the bar. You'll also see the Lower Deckers go on away missions doing things that the bridge crew doesn't have to deal with."

While the focus is on the Lower Deckers, the bridge crew isn't kept entirely distant and anonymous. For instance, the crew sometimes interacts with the captain, Carol Freeman (Dawnn Lewis). "She is sort of trying to do this balancing act that all captains do, where they demand respect and are admired and trusted by the crew, but then they also kind of have to be the bad guy," he says. "And a thing we play with a lot is that the Lower Deckers don't always get all the information they're delegated to, but they don't get to have a voice and they don't get to know the context a lot of the time."



Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Tasty on June 18, 2020, 01:14:57 PM
This is like that Star Wars show by the Robot Chicken guys that Disney mercifully killed before it ever made it to air.

Unfortunately I don't think a buyout is gonna save us this time :(
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Madrun Badrun on June 18, 2020, 01:16:58 PM
If Harley Quinn can work, I don't see why this can't
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Tasty on June 18, 2020, 01:17:04 PM
Did they look at DC's Powerless and go "Yup, that sounds like a winning formula for a Star Trek show"? :thinking

It's like trying to make an entire *series out of "The Zeppo." Good writing can make anything work but I feel like this particular concept would get stretched thin pretty quickly, and wouldn't be surprised if season 2 (if it comes) changes the entire base concept while retaining some of the characters.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on June 18, 2020, 01:50:43 PM

Yup, there's another Star Trek show coming to TV. But this one’s different! Lower Decks is Star Trek in animated comedy form, marking the first time the venerated 56-year-old brand has launched a pure comedy (no, Star Trek V: The Final Frontier doesn’t count). Writer Mike McMahan says he pitched the concept to CBS All Access by saying, “I want to do a show about the guy who brings the yellow cartridge to the back of the food replicator so that a banana comes out the front.”

If that sort of sci-fi goofing on an animated series brings to mind Rick and Morty, as it so happens, McMahan is a former writer on the Adult Swim hit (which surely didn't hurt his pitch). The animation also looks slightly similar. Yet McMahan says Lower Decks clearly distinguishes itself in a couple of key ways. First, while Lower Decks is aimed at adults, the show is far more PG-13 than R-rated. "It's definitely not a kids show, but only because it's a little bit more complex than a kid show would be," he says. And then, there's the show's entire perspective. “The fun of Rick and Morty is that it breaks down sci-fi tropes and is told through Rick Sanchez, who has a very specific, chaotic, nihilistic lens,” he says. “Lower Decks treats mythological sci-fi things just as important as a regular Trek show, while finding new stories to tell — just from a different angle. It's not disassembling mythological sci-fi things. It's treating them as important for everybody on the starship as it would be in a regular star Trek show."

That angle focuses on the adventures of low-ranking crew members of Starfleet’s USS Cerritos (a name that sells us on watching this show as much as anything). The crew is assigned the less glamorous jobs on a city-size starship while the bridge crew led by a traditionally heroic captain does all the so-called “important” work. “The big stories are happening in the bridge crew and there's more kind of social-emotional stories happening to the Lower Deckers," he says. "So it's like their job and the world they're in get affected by these sci-fi stories. But the funny thing too is that whatever menial job you have to do in Star Trek, it might be something that they do every day, but it's still sort of a fascinating look into stuff that happens onboard that haven't been highlighted in another series. So instead of being on the turbolift — the elevators in Trek — our guys are repairing the turbolift. We also spend a lot of time in the bar. You'll also see the Lower Deckers go on away missions doing things that the bridge crew doesn't have to deal with."

While the focus is on the Lower Deckers, the bridge crew isn't kept entirely distant and anonymous. For instance, the crew sometimes interacts with the captain, Carol Freeman (Dawnn Lewis). "She is sort of trying to do this balancing act that all captains do, where they demand respect and are admired and trusted by the crew, but then they also kind of have to be the bad guy," he says. "And a thing we play with a lot is that the Lower Deckers don't always get all the information they're delegated to, but they don't get to have a voice and they don't get to know the context a lot of the time."



Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on June 18, 2020, 02:08:08 PM
What captains were bad guys? Aside from the captains on ships we dont follow, those were mostly assholes because the story needed them to be
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: GreatSageEqualOfHeaven on June 18, 2020, 02:16:34 PM
What captains were bad guys? Aside from the captains on ships we dont follow, those were mostly assholes because the story needed them to be

its how you explain the concept of "authority" to people who had helicopter parents and have never worked a job.
A captain will order people to do stuff that might not involve them living their best life. Because its important to do it. So sometimes they're the Bad Guy.

e: I mean, if part of the pitch for this is that the red shirt crew are a bunch of fucking entitled whiners constantly trying to seek validation from the captain and trying to renegotiate every order for reasons why they need to shut down the warp reactor immediately, because they just finished their shift and it'll take aaaaaages to restart it, and does it have to be right now, that's potentially funny.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on June 18, 2020, 02:24:26 PM
I'd rather have a show about O'Brien where it's about his suffering aka Keiko and at the end he divorces that bitch and bums Julian.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on June 18, 2020, 02:24:43 PM
I already imagine what this show is like

"Damnit the captain ordered us to do X again"

"Aww again? That's gonna take FORever!! "

"Well at least we'll have X up and running and we can do X"

Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Stoney Mason on June 18, 2020, 02:26:04 PM
I already imagine what this show is like

What's new?

Half of you already pre-conceive your notions period
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on June 18, 2020, 02:30:34 PM
I already imagine what this show is like

What's new?

Half of you already pre-conceive your notions period

So? Why does that matter? I'll watch it and if it's funny I'll love it.

If it's shit I'll just shit on it.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on June 18, 2020, 02:37:03 PM
It's going to be more Drek what else is new.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: GreatSageEqualOfHeaven on June 18, 2020, 02:42:57 PM
I already imagine what this show is like

What's new?

Half of you already pre-conceive your notions period

Starfleet might not be a military organisation, but everything from the shows seems to suggest they have a fairly rigorous system of rules of behaviour and conduct for people in its service, which rolling up your uniform sleeves and drinking cocktails on duty probably don't fall under.

As shown in one of the only 2 pieces of promotional material you supply.

Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Tuckers Law on June 18, 2020, 03:30:50 PM
Every Star Trek fan knows that the actually evil officers in Starfleet don’t stay captains for long at all; they get fast track promoted to Admiral.

Sheesh, next thing you know people will start telling us that Captain Jellico was a villain.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on June 18, 2020, 03:45:49 PM
No he just had his own command style.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on June 18, 2020, 03:51:50 PM

Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: GreatSageEqualOfHeaven on June 18, 2020, 05:06:18 PM
Every Star Trek fan knows that the actually evil officers in Starfleet don’t stay captains for long at all; they get fast track promoted to Admiral.

Sheesh, next thing you know people will start telling us that Captain Jellico was a villain.

I really don't think they're saying the captain is a bad guy - they're saying it's like when mom is the 'bad guy' and tells you you're grounded until you do your chores.

Except 'mom' is a starfleet captain expecting a degree of professional commitment when lives could be at stake.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Madrun Badrun on June 19, 2020, 10:41:30 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Madrun Badrun on June 23, 2020, 11:15:42 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Madrun Badrun on June 26, 2020, 03:07:30 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Tasty on July 06, 2020, 04:52:26 PM

Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: GreatSageEqualOfHeaven on July 06, 2020, 05:16:37 PM
Hey, if they learnt from every other failed attempt, including marvels own attempts to combine the mcu with tv shows, go for it.

Which is make a decent standalone film that you need zero prior knowledge to enjoy, and then in an entirely throw away post credits scene suggest there might be more to come.
Then make another decent film, same rules apply.
Then another. Then another.
Then 5 years down the line you have a selection of decent franchises all working fine independently, then bring them together.

Don't churn out some mediocre crap and expect people to buy into it just because there might be a pay off 5 years down the line.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Tuckers Law on July 06, 2020, 05:17:29 PM
How is paramount/cbs so bad at this?  Can’t they just make a new flagship show instead of fucking the OG crew to death with all their reboot bullshit?
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on July 06, 2020, 07:06:18 PM
Goddamn someone buy this off em already.  :yuck
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: GreatSageEqualOfHeaven on July 12, 2020, 11:09:36 AM

Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Tasty on July 12, 2020, 11:11:51 AM
Trek and Morty
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: VomKriege on July 12, 2020, 11:35:53 AM


Thought it was "USS Doritos".

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Derivative but why not ?
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: VomKriege on July 12, 2020, 11:39:56 AM
I'd rather have a show about O'Brien where it's about his suffering aka Keiko and at the end he divorces that bitch and bums Julian.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on July 12, 2020, 01:26:19 PM
I'd rather have a show about O'Brien where it's about his suffering aka Keiko and at the end he divorces that bitch and bums Julian.

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: bork on July 13, 2020, 08:38:38 AM

Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on July 13, 2020, 08:40:45 AM
Comments are turned off.

Is this shit supposed to be funny??

Who likes this kind of humor, 12 year olds?
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: bork on July 13, 2020, 08:51:20 AM
Comments are turned off.

Is this shit supposed to be funny??

Who likes this kind of humor, 12 year olds?

Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on July 13, 2020, 08:51:50 AM
Cmon dont tell me you thought any of that was funny bork
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Tasty on July 13, 2020, 09:10:20 AM
In the interest of not letting this thread get as negative as the last one, I recommend we just ban talk of this cartoon outright.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: bork on July 13, 2020, 09:30:52 AM
Cmon dont tell me you thought any of that was funny bork


spoiler (click to show/hide) did you think I liked it?  It looks bad.  Not even good-bad.  Just...bad.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Himu on July 13, 2020, 11:16:34 AM
TNG season 5 is the best season and Netflix should add a shuffle button to all Trek shows except DS9
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Great Rumbler on July 13, 2020, 11:17:38 AM


calarts :neogaf
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Himu on July 13, 2020, 11:22:32 AM
American animation :neogaf
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Great Rumbler on July 13, 2020, 11:24:33 AM
Finally, something all of us can agree on! :rejoice
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Tuckers Law on July 13, 2020, 11:56:33 AM
It looks so awful.  They could’ve at least gone the same animation route as the Netflix Castlevanias and make it Trek themed shonen.  Still probably wouldn’t care to watch it, but I’d probably detest it less.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Himu on July 13, 2020, 12:22:09 PM
It looks so awful.  They could’ve at least gone the same animation route as the Netflix Castlevanias and make it Trek themed shonen.  Still probably wouldn’t care to watch it, but I’d probably detest it less.

American animation do something besides comedy and the occasional super hero show?

Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on July 13, 2020, 01:08:22 PM

Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on July 13, 2020, 01:14:00 PM

I would take a Picard-Kun/Sensei please notice me over that shit.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: chronovore on July 13, 2020, 10:01:18 PM
I am actually looking forward to it. It looks like fun. I don’t expect everything to be a laugh a minute, but I think it’s a fresh take on the franchise. Might’ve been cooler if they let Seth MacFarlane do it though.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: benjipwns on July 13, 2020, 11:44:15 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Himu on July 14, 2020, 11:15:59 PM

My favorite Vulcan besides Spock and the best character on VOY not named EMH or Seven.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Madrun Badrun on July 15, 2020, 03:37:25 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Tasty on July 15, 2020, 04:17:39 PM
Reed Hastings: *greenlights Deep Space Nine-2*
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on July 15, 2020, 04:28:12 PM

My favorite Vulcan besides Spock and the best character on VOY not named EMH or Seven.

Tuvok is awesome
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Sideshow Raheem on July 16, 2020, 02:29:21 AM
Lower Decks more like Upper Dreck, right?

I like the premise, but am not expecting much. On the plus side, it will likely be less stupid than Voyager or the remakes.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: team filler on July 16, 2020, 03:23:33 AM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Madrun Badrun on July 18, 2020, 01:06:07 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Tasty on July 18, 2020, 01:19:57 PM
I caught a bluegill!

I wonder if it calls me pinklung.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: GreatSageEqualOfHeaven on July 22, 2020, 05:42:49 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: VomKriege on July 26, 2020, 09:42:53 AM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: chronovore on July 27, 2020, 04:28:13 AM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on July 30, 2020, 07:35:49 PM

DS9 fanfic sequel by the actual DS9 cast.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on July 31, 2020, 02:08:55 PM

DS9 fanfic sequel by the actual DS9 cast.

Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Madrun Badrun on August 03, 2020, 03:59:13 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Himu on August 06, 2020, 07:09:27 PM
This was pretty good, surprisingly. Them noping out of the Borg cube fight legit made me laugh out loud.

The mood envoked old Trek but with a comedic twist, which is no different than Orville except with the actual property. My hope is that the show turns out great.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: GreatSageEqualOfHeaven on August 07, 2020, 05:20:47 PM
As with Picard I'll withhold opinion until I can actually see it, but I do find it suss as fuck that none of the UK broadcasters or streaming services have picked it up for transmission over here, whereas Discovery and Picard were available same day on Netflix and Amazon respectively.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Himu on August 07, 2020, 07:38:16 PM
Your Trek broadcasts keep changing. First Disco was on Netflix, then Picard wasn't.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: chronovore on August 07, 2020, 10:41:59 PM
Picard and Discovery both on Netflix Japan, if you peeps use a VPN at all…
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: bluemax on August 08, 2020, 12:07:46 AM

Yup, there's another Star Trek show coming to TV. But this one’s different! Lower Decks is Star Trek in animated comedy form, marking the first time the venerated 56-year-old brand has launched a pure comedy (no, Star Trek V: The Final Frontier doesn’t count). Writer Mike McMahan says he pitched the concept to CBS All Access by saying, “I want to do a show about the guy who brings the yellow cartridge to the back of the food replicator so that a banana comes out the front.”

If that sort of sci-fi goofing on an animated series brings to mind Rick and Morty, as it so happens, McMahan is a former writer on the Adult Swim hit (which surely didn't hurt his pitch). The animation also looks slightly similar. Yet McMahan says Lower Decks clearly distinguishes itself in a couple of key ways. First, while Lower Decks is aimed at adults, the show is far more PG-13 than R-rated. "It's definitely not a kids show, but only because it's a little bit more complex than a kid show would be," he says. And then, there's the show's entire perspective. “The fun of Rick and Morty is that it breaks down sci-fi tropes and is told through Rick Sanchez, who has a very specific, chaotic, nihilistic lens,” he says. “Lower Decks treats mythological sci-fi things just as important as a regular Trek show, while finding new stories to tell — just from a different angle. It's not disassembling mythological sci-fi things. It's treating them as important for everybody on the starship as it would be in a regular star Trek show."

That angle focuses on the adventures of low-ranking crew members of Starfleet’s USS Cerritos (a name that sells us on watching this show as much as anything). The crew is assigned the less glamorous jobs on a city-size starship while the bridge crew led by a traditionally heroic captain does all the so-called “important” work. “The big stories are happening in the bridge crew and there's more kind of social-emotional stories happening to the Lower Deckers," he says. "So it's like their job and the world they're in get affected by these sci-fi stories. But the funny thing too is that whatever menial job you have to do in Star Trek, it might be something that they do every day, but it's still sort of a fascinating look into stuff that happens onboard that haven't been highlighted in another series. So instead of being on the turbolift — the elevators in Trek — our guys are repairing the turbolift. We also spend a lot of time in the bar. You'll also see the Lower Deckers go on away missions doing things that the bridge crew doesn't have to deal with."

While the focus is on the Lower Deckers, the bridge crew isn't kept entirely distant and anonymous. For instance, the crew sometimes interacts with the captain, Carol Freeman (Dawnn Lewis). "She is sort of trying to do this balancing act that all captains do, where they demand respect and are admired and trusted by the crew, but then they also kind of have to be the bad guy," he says. "And a thing we play with a lot is that the Lower Deckers don't always get all the information they're delegated to, but they don't get to have a voice and they don't get to know the context a lot of the time."



Yes Cerritos, Cerritos Auto Mall!

(Stupid radio jingle)
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Stoney Mason on August 11, 2020, 01:25:28 PM
So I finished up Season 2 of the Orville.

I'm mixed on it like I am on the show in general. There is some good. There is some mediocre. And there are some bits that drag it down alot.
Spoiler warning also.

Let's start with the good. I think the structure of the season is much better than the first. In a modern show you have to build towards something. It can't just be x number of random episodes like its 1950. And this season does a much better job of that. It still has mostly a single episode focus but the season and episodes feel linked in a way that wasn't the case in the first season. It feels like we are building towards something even if that something isn't clear. And that's a big step in making the show feel cohesive and functioning for modern television. Individually that was the best improvement for me compared to anything in Season 2.

Next I think they did a good job replacing the security officer. I like her better than the original women they cast if I'm being honest. She's seems like the most competent person on the crew and she's doesn't feel like a goof character. She could slide in on any actual trek show and it wouldn't miss a beat which couldn't happen with a lot of other characters on the orville.

I think the cringe humour has been reduced. There were lots of moments in the first season where the humour didn't land and it felt like a forced family guy take on trek. There are still some broad gags like the Dolly Parton bit in the female Moclan planet but that wasn't so bad and in general they did a better job of letting the humour come from the universe and characters they've established instead of writing more forced joke gag bits.

And finally I'll say that I think the show is really earnest and some of that is endearing. It's kind of a backhanded compliment but I think they actually try to do a good job of making a star trek knock off which isn't the highest artistic ambition in the world but I think they take it as seriously as you can doing such a thing.

Now on the mixed or bad stuff. The show is a comfort food show. It's utterly safe and doesn't have one interest in challenging preconceived trek tropes or in general clearly established narratives tropes in sci-fi or entertainment in general. And there is nothing inherently wrong with that approach even if it isn't my personal favorite approach. But if that's the key to your show then you have to execute on it perfectly. You either gotta make it so entertaining I don't care or you gotta do something unique when you tackle a topic that has been handled a billion times before. And the orville on execution is all over the place. Sometimes it works and sometimes its so generic or not executed in an optimum fashion that its drags down the whole enterprise for me.

Lots of episodes in Orville Season 1 & 2 have this issue but to save time I'll pick the worst offender for Season 2 episode "Lasting Impressions". This is the trek trope of crew member falls in love with non-real entity and suffers heartbreak. Super common trek episode we've all seen a billion times. The moment this episode begins you know beat by beat minute by minute exactly how this episode is gonna play out. So you feel immensely tired the moment the episode starts because you know you are about to sit through 40 minutes of a ritual you've seen time after time. It's hard not to want to fast forward through this stuff. Because the execution is "okay" but its not like the acting chops of these people, the editing of the show, or the cinematography of the show are noteworthy or anything. So you just sort of sit through it hoping for some interesting spin on it and it never comes and then the episode ends and you feel like you wasted your time. Not because these are bad people or bad characters per se but the ambitions of the show is so low in these cases that its a bit depressing. It's like trying to do Romeo and Juliet and being so earnest about it that you don't realize nobody wants to see another take on Romeo and Juliet unless you have something unique to say within that framework. It's not enough just to redo Romeo and Juliet for the billionth time unless this is some kind of high school production training ground or a stage play and you have great actors doing it. That episode is a really bad example of it but Season 2 is littered with this stuff and that is still the biggest flaw with the show for me. I wish they were just more ambitious or had base level better writing. Either one would be fine but it needs at least one of them.

That's the biggest issue but here are my other nitpicks in no particular order. I'm so so done with the Ed and Kelly relationship stuff. It's too much. It always makes me end up liking the characters in general less especially Ed. And to be fair I think the execution of it in Season 2 is better than Season 1 where it was awful but I'm still done with it. They just go to that well too much when they could serve them so much better.

Another nitpick for me is that the plotting too often revolves around characters doing dumb stuff instead of having a better writing mechanic to advance the plot. There is lots of this that happens but one example that had me eye roll was the bit on the kaylon home planet where they discover a graveyard of billions of skulls. They are already suspicious of the kaylon at this point but pop down to the planet to have a friendly chat to immediately get taken hostage. I understand this is just a way to get the plot from Point A to Point B but on the orville they often take the dumbest route to do that instead of doing something slightly more clever. Like I said there are lots of stuff like this through episodes but I don't want to turn this into an individual episode nitpicking thing or I would be here all day. It's basically another version of better writing but on the moment to moment level versus a larger creative writing issue I had with the show.

I think that's a good place to stop for my random off the cuffs thoughts on Season 2. After both seasons I always find myself wishing I liked the show more. Not disliking it and happy that it exists to serve that sect of the audience that wants a very very traditional trek show. I don't really belong to that sect but I do like Trek so the Orville will always scratch a bit of that itch for me. As far as the standout episodes

"Nothing Left on Earth Excepting Fishes" was a good one. I find the relationship between Ed and the Female krill 20 times more interesting than anything they've done with Ed and Kelly.

"Deflectors" was good. The Orville's best morality episodes always feature the Moclan and the scene at the end where the security chief puts Klyden on blast was super good and cathartic.

I also thought the final two episodes of the season were pretty good. "Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow" & "The Road Not Taken". As a pair of episodes I thought they worked quite well together and are stronger than their individual parts. I thought the Road Not Taken was actually a potentially more interesting direction for the show than the actual show is. Darker and a little bit more dangerous.    

The Worst episode for me was "All the World Is Birthday Cake". That episode is dumb dumb dumb. I could write a whole thing about why that is the worst writing on the show all season.    
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on August 11, 2020, 05:25:35 PM
Rumor has it patrick stewart isnt happy they turned jean luc picard into a golem
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: chronovore on August 11, 2020, 06:44:20 PM
Rumor has it patrick stewart isnt happy they turned jean luc picard into a golem
Picard should’ve been a limited series bridge to a spin off with that crew, either minus SirPat or dragging back Tom Hardy to play a younger, cloned Picard to redeem himself for Nemesis.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on August 11, 2020, 06:59:40 PM
Rumor has it patrick stewart isnt happy they turned jean luc picard into a golem
Picard should’ve been a limited series bridge to a spin off with that crew, either minus SirPat or dragging back Tom Hardy to play a younger, cloned Picard to redeem himself for Nemesis.

I will only accept this if he has the Bane mask and does the voice.  :hmph

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And a sitcom based on those cheeky feckers the O'Romulans.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on August 13, 2020, 09:03:31 AM

Shit wrong thread
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on August 18, 2020, 01:02:32 PM

Fuck yeah Scotty you the man
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Madrun Badrun on August 23, 2020, 09:41:51 AM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on September 13, 2020, 01:13:20 PM

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Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on September 17, 2020, 08:27:28 AM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on September 17, 2020, 12:38:23 PM
I think you could reverse those and it would work as well

Virgin quark has to help his mother
Kiss the grand nagus scepter
Barely any of his schemes work out
Is the joke of the ferengi community
Never gets a girl to love him

Whereas Odo

is a badass and can shapeshift into anything
Had sex with multiple females on the show
Almost always outsmarts Odo
Is in charge of the entire security on the station
Got with Major Kira
Doesnt have a mother
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: GreatSageEqualOfHeaven on September 17, 2020, 01:41:35 PM
 - has more than one episode with Lwaxana Troi

 - never has an episode with Lwaxana Troi

as always the Lwaxana Troi coefficient is the decider
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: chronovore on October 04, 2020, 06:53:14 AM
Watched Shakaar episode of DS9… S3 e24

I’d had some rum but, Jesus, this show is fantastic. It’s is such an ensemble effort. I hate to drag TNG into this, but it’s my gold standard. And DS9 may surpass it. Regarding Shakaar, Nana Visitor kills it in every scene. I know Nurse Ratchet (Kai Winn) is supposed to be a great actress, but she’s hit or miss depending on the director.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Madrun Badrun on October 11, 2020, 10:33:03 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on October 12, 2020, 11:53:30 AM
Moar memes!
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Madrun Badrun on October 12, 2020, 08:18:38 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on October 14, 2020, 05:53:51 PM
Scientists Are Starting to Take Warp Drives Seriously, Especially One Specific Concept

In layman's terms, the Alcubierre Drive achieves FTL travel by stretching the fabric of space-time in a wave, causing the space ahead of it to contract while the space behind it expands.

In theory, a spacecraft inside this wave would be able to ride this "warp bubble" and achieve velocities beyond the speed of light. This is what is known as the "Alcubierre Metric"....According to White, Alcubierre's theory was sound but needed some serious testing and development. Since then, he and his colleagues have been doing these very things through the Eagleworks Labs.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Madrun Badrun on October 15, 2020, 09:25:28 AM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Madrun Badrun on October 15, 2020, 09:26:35 AM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on October 15, 2020, 11:26:15 AM
S3 of discovery is out

I heard they go to the future so I checked it out

its just a melodrama show with Michael Burnham now
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on October 15, 2020, 11:34:02 AM
S3 is Andromeda.  (
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Tuckers Law on October 15, 2020, 12:03:36 PM
Ah yes, that’s what Discovery needed more of: more melodrama.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on October 15, 2020, 12:23:49 PM

Dose Megaman Busters (
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on October 16, 2020, 11:29:52 AM

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Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on October 22, 2020, 07:45:05 AM


 :lol fuck that
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on October 28, 2020, 08:06:38 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: benjipwns on October 28, 2020, 10:56:44 PM


 :lol fuck that
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: GreatSageEqualOfHeaven on October 29, 2020, 06:48:05 AM
He's Clem Fandango
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on October 29, 2020, 02:51:39 PM
Episode 7 of the new discovery season is called Unification part III
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on October 29, 2020, 02:54:42 PM
We have a Non-Binary Wesley Crusher now...

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Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Tasty on November 14, 2020, 10:20:17 PM

They're making me watch Picard s2 and by extension Picard s1.

Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on November 18, 2020, 09:55:52 AM
Did Wesley Crusher create the Borg?

Thanks for the A2A, this will be Gospel according to Bill and by no means Canon. I have been a Trekkie since I was little and my mother brought me up watching reruns and then when we could afford a VCR and the tapes we bought the series and each movie as it came out. I actually really liked each of them for what they were at the time and can still watch any Trek with an eye of nostalgia forgiving the shortcomings that so many of my fellow fans pick apart. All this being said from the moment I saw the Borg arrive on my small screen I shouted V’ger!

For those of you who have not watched “Star Trek the Motion Picture” (first of all shame on you) the premise is (Spoilers) one of the early Voyager probes, specifically Voyager 6, launched with the simplistic commands to learn all that is learnable” and return that knowledge to its Creator. Voyager 6 was lost to deep space not long after its launch and passed out of mankind’s understanding.

The movie suggests that when it did Voyager 6 eventually wound up at a planet of sentient machines who saw it as a cousin of sorts and reading its directive provided it with the mechanism to fulfill that program. When that “new” entity attempts to return to its point of origin it has grown to a massively powerful and entirely non-biologic creature that translates everything it encounters into a kind of digital storage thus furthering its program. Fast forward to the Enterprise having penetrated into the heart of the cloud and reaching the central part of structure and discover the original Voyager 6 probe, they tried to send the command code from Enterprise but V’ger burned out the antenna purposely wanting the “Creator” to come in person and enter the command personally “to touch God”

Seeing the Borg at first glance I remembered this scene where Commander Will Decker “merged” with Ilia who had been co-opted by V’ger as a way to communicate with the Carbon Based units “infesting” Enterprise.

At first encounter the Borg Drones were not interested in the crew at all they only scanned the new Enterprise and did not interact with the crew until they tried to stop the Borg from taking data from the computers.

So My TLDR to did Wesley Crusher create the Borg is NO. Will Decker and V’ger did.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: bork on November 18, 2020, 05:22:27 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: chronovore on November 22, 2020, 10:14:09 AM
Did Wesley Crusher create the Borg?

Thanks for the A2A, this will be Gospel according to Bill and by no means Canon. I have been a Trekkie since I was little and my mother brought me up watching reruns and then when we could afford a VCR and the tapes we bought the series and each movie as it came out. I actually really liked each of them for what they were at the time and can still watch any Trek with an eye of nostalgia forgiving the shortcomings that so many of my fellow fans pick apart. All this being said from the moment I saw the Borg arrive on my small screen I shouted V’ger!

For those of you who have not watched “Star Trek the Motion Picture” (first of all shame on you) the premise is (Spoilers) one of the early Voyager probes, specifically Voyager 6, launched with the simplistic commands to learn all that is learnable” and return that knowledge to its Creator. Voyager 6 was lost to deep space not long after its launch and passed out of mankind’s understanding.

The movie suggests that when it did Voyager 6 eventually wound up at a planet of sentient machines who saw it as a cousin of sorts and reading its directive provided it with the mechanism to fulfill that program. When that “new” entity attempts to return to its point of origin it has grown to a massively powerful and entirely non-biologic creature that translates everything it encounters into a kind of digital storage thus furthering its program. Fast forward to the Enterprise having penetrated into the heart of the cloud and reaching the central part of structure and discover the original Voyager 6 probe, they tried to send the command code from Enterprise but V’ger burned out the antenna purposely wanting the “Creator” to come in person and enter the command personally “to touch God”

Seeing the Borg at first glance I remembered this scene where Commander Will Decker “merged” with Ilia who had been co-opted by V’ger as a way to communicate with the Carbon Based units “infesting” Enterprise.

At first encounter the Borg Drones were not interested in the crew at all they only scanned the new Enterprise and did not interact with the crew until they tried to stop the Borg from taking data from the computers.

So My TLDR to did Wesley Crusher create the Borg is NO. Will Decker and V’ger did.
Add a link or at least quote tags if you’re gonna do that:
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: chronovore on November 24, 2020, 05:09:20 AM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Great Rumbler on November 24, 2020, 01:32:54 PM
why would someone make this
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: chronovore on November 25, 2020, 09:43:26 AM
It’s canon, you proletariat mind slave!
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Tasty on December 04, 2020, 01:29:40 PM
Discovery s3 spoilers: (

Well well well well well


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I guess every franchise needs its own Crisis on Two/Infinite Earths now...

Still not gonna lie, pretty cool moment.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on December 15, 2020, 03:14:51 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on December 21, 2020, 05:01:49 AM
This is amazing
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on December 24, 2020, 01:31:47 PM
I wish there were more The Next Generation and Deep Space 9 crossover episodes

It could be cool if the enterprise docked a few more times there

Also dont understand why Picard didnt apologize to Sisko when he told him they met in battle at Wolf 359
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Tuckers Law on December 24, 2020, 03:21:28 PM
This is amazing

I can't stop watching this, and I'm dead sober.

I think I might know too much about Star Trek...
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: chronovore on December 24, 2020, 06:51:17 PM

Merry Christmas, fellow nerds!
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Tasty on December 26, 2020, 08:58:50 AM

This was so fucking awesome.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: benjipwns on December 26, 2020, 11:23:53 PM
"back off! back off!" and "fly her apart then!" are two of my favorite lines
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: G The Resurrected on December 27, 2020, 12:12:46 AM
Discovery has grown on me and after 3 seasons I’m feeling good about where they are taking the show. I just hope Picard season 2 is good. The first season was like a failed Mando S2 fanfest.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on December 27, 2020, 09:06:07 AM
The only good thing about Discovery is the Terran shit.

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The only character to get any meaningful character growth in this series is Phillipa. :neogaf

Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Tasty on December 27, 2020, 09:17:56 AM
"back off! back off!" and "fly her apart then!" are two of my favorite lines

"FLY HER APART THEN" Until that point I never thought I'd call Sulu badass but he shot past Sisko with that one line. :whew
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Great Rumbler on December 27, 2020, 08:09:10 PM
"back off! back off!" and "fly her apart then!" are two of my favorite lines

"FLY HER APART THEN" Until that point I never thought I'd call Sulu badass but he shot past Sisko with that one line. :whew

Reminds me of Captain Worf from First Contact:
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Tasty on December 27, 2020, 08:20:12 PM

Aaaand now I'm watching Star Trek 6 again.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Tasty on December 27, 2020, 08:34:49 PM
"Don't believe them! Don't trust them!"

"They are dying."

"Let them die."
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Tasty on December 27, 2020, 08:56:15 PM
Remember when Star Trek was good? Like really good?  :mjcry
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on December 27, 2020, 09:05:18 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: GreatSageEqualOfHeaven on December 28, 2020, 07:48:48 AM
Remember when Star Trek was good? Like really good?  :mjcry

the last thread got closed because people got mad that people were saying nu star trek is total shit and seemingly written by misanthropes who cannot comprehend the existence of human kindness or altruism, even as an aspirational target for humanity to reach
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Tasty on December 28, 2020, 08:26:00 AM
I think it's better to reflect on what was good and why than denigrating and tearing down what's new. They could easily go hand in hand but I really feel like it's a huge disservice to Trek to just ignore what came before, and I'm at the point where I'm fine with nuTrek existing and people liking it.

I just still hold out hope that one day they'll crank down the action a little.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on December 28, 2020, 08:46:56 AM
Well Ive started another rewatch of DS9 and im friggin loving it. Its pretty damn good from the beginning tbh
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on December 28, 2020, 12:59:09 PM
Remember when Star Trek was good? Like really good?  :mjcry

the last thread got closed because people got mad that people were saying nu star trek is total shit and seemingly written by misanthropes who cannot comprehend the existence of human kindness or altruism, even as an aspirational target for humanity to reach

Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on December 29, 2020, 02:47:44 PM
Miles O Brien or Julian Bashir?

Who is the better character

Id say Julian because he has a more interesting backstory, on the other hand he doesnt really develop all that much. But neither does O Brien
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: GreatSageEqualOfHeaven on December 29, 2020, 04:38:18 PM
Nah, its clearly O'Brien.
It's why they give him so many solo episodes.

Brashirs 'interesting' backstory was clearly because the character is dull AF and the writers were told to give him something interesting as a backstory, and even then it barely came up.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on December 29, 2020, 06:33:52 PM
Well, Miles is obviously more likeable that's for sure
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on December 29, 2020, 09:12:55 PM
It also doesn't help that Bashir was a sex pest for a seemingly long time on the show, he would flip flop being confident and a neurotic mess in the first season and kind of annoying in a Wesley Crusher kinda way.

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Garak getting all homoerotic with him in the early seasons of DS9.  :lol

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Alterna Bashir and Evil O'Brien aka Smiley were definitely bumming each other.

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Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on December 30, 2020, 04:01:56 PM

Ya heard it folks, pack it in, Quark is a racist jew now.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: benjipwns on December 30, 2020, 10:20:31 PM
But they did change it up. The Quark who Sisko scares into staying on the station never would have accepted his nephew in Starfleet, best friends with a hoo-man (and so many hoo-mans he himself befriends over seven years), his Moogi wearing clothes, or a fee-male in business, let alone his brother as the Nagus.

DS9 is a show about becoming more accepting, the other Treks (sans Enterprise) start with that as their premise because Goddenberry said so.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Madrun Badrun on December 30, 2020, 10:38:31 PM
That fucker liked root beer in the end.  I know it.  Personal canon.  Some days I dream about sharing a cold glass of A&W with him. 
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Madrun Badrun on January 01, 2021, 08:42:37 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: chronovore on January 05, 2021, 08:33:47 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Great Rumbler on January 05, 2021, 10:08:35 PM

Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: GreatSageEqualOfHeaven on January 06, 2021, 03:58:09 AM
when you look at a picture of star trek spaceships, you can see what a boring ass design they have, but wtf is even going on there?
They look like 3D printed bathroom accessories
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on January 06, 2021, 07:14:38 AM
I just threw up in my mouth a little bit
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Tuckers Law on January 06, 2021, 07:33:10 AM
My favorite design is the one that will Q-snap away all of Discovery.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Madrun Badrun on January 07, 2021, 02:39:33 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Madrun Badrun on January 07, 2021, 04:54:14 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Madrun Badrun on January 07, 2021, 04:55:29 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Madrun Badrun on January 08, 2021, 05:55:04 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: GreatSageEqualOfHeaven on January 18, 2021, 02:55:50 PM

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Fucking turn in your PHDs you fucking hacks

if you didn't watch STD S3 - and I don't fucking blame you - all the warp drives in the galaxy exploded ??? because a baby mutated while being born to be part dilithium ????????? and sent a resonance through subspace when he cried ??????????????????

Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Potato on January 22, 2021, 05:52:59 PM
I'm about 2/3rds of the way through Discovery S3 and am thoroughly bored. I really don't care about "the burn" and this season has been a massive missed opportunity to just enjoy a little bit of a break from the dumb story arc and just do a season of planet of the week episodes.

For a show called Discovery, there is very little in the way of exploration and discovery.

At this point I'm watching it to humour my friend who is a massive Trekkie.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: GreatSageEqualOfHeaven on January 22, 2021, 06:22:37 PM
the reveal of 'the burn' is the most stupid fucking :rage thing in a show that is entirely built on stupid fucking :rage moments, and fuck nu-trek, and every fucking writer on it who apparently think beverly crusher fucking a ghost is peak star trek

:rage :rage :rage
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Potato on January 22, 2021, 06:28:01 PM
Yeah, gotta say the teen boyfriend/pronoun drama made for some seriously :era  moments.

Having read your spoilers on the source of the burn, I can't wait to roll my eyes when I get there. I will also be texting my friend to tell him Trekkies are fucking idiots.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on January 22, 2021, 06:41:43 PM
Star Drek  :neogaf
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Potato on January 22, 2021, 07:21:00 PM
Terran Tilly will haunt my dreams forevermore. She's fucking hideous enough as a ditzy fat girl, but add the emo makeup and and faux badgirl attitude and  :trigger .

Speaking of which, whoever decided that Tilly should be the new number one is a complete fucking moron. She's an incompetent, unconvincing comic relief character. Put her in a clown suit, not a position of authority.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on January 23, 2021, 03:23:03 AM
Pretty glad I stopped watching this turd after S1
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Sman on January 23, 2021, 04:31:46 AM
I'm about 2/3rds of the way through Discovery S3 and am thoroughly bored. I really don't care about "the burn" and this season has been a massive missed opportunity to just enjoy a little bit of a break from the dumb story arc and just do a season of planet of the week episodes.

For a show called Discovery, there is very little in the way of exploration and discovery.

At this point I'm watching it to humour my friend who is a massive Trekkie.

Gone through season 2 and it feels like a soap opera in space.

It's a pity because the production values are pretty high. Wasted.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: GreatSageEqualOfHeaven on January 23, 2021, 10:05:20 AM
Gone through season 2 and it feels like a soap opera in space.

It's a pity because the production values are pretty high. Wasted.

And season 2 is probably its apex  :-\

I can't even call it a soap opera, because those usually rely on things like character motivations, and most of the crew don't even get a soap opera level of characterisation.
Fucking CW YA Genre Trash shows get more character work done.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Potato on January 30, 2021, 06:52:04 PM
Up to episode 12 and this is getting so fucking bad.

Even my Trekkie mate agrees that it absolutely jumped the shark this season.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Madrun Badrun on February 03, 2021, 09:50:45 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Tasty on February 03, 2021, 10:13:06 PM
:lol :lol :lol
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: GreatSageEqualOfHeaven on February 04, 2021, 03:53:39 AM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on February 05, 2021, 12:42:48 PM

Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Tasty on February 05, 2021, 03:19:58 PM

RIP General Chang :'(
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Tasty on February 05, 2021, 03:22:23 PM
THR linked this:

:crazy Whoah
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on February 07, 2021, 06:15:18 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: chronovore on February 07, 2021, 08:27:01 PM

Looks like I need a Universal Translator.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on February 07, 2021, 08:29:12 PM
Turn on captions, dialogue is in English.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Madrun Badrun on February 15, 2021, 12:15:09 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Madrun Badrun on February 17, 2021, 11:07:31 AM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on February 20, 2021, 05:54:10 AM
Picard S2 has started filming 🤦🏼‍♂️

I wish theyd just cancel this trash they call trek
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: GreatSageEqualOfHeaven on February 20, 2021, 07:52:26 AM
In fairness, Lower Decks was okay (it finally got picked up for international streaming), but that admittedly might be just how lowered my expectations are right now.

I mean, its not good enough that I'd actively recommend it to anyone, but at least it didn't make me :rage :stahp
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on February 20, 2021, 10:26:05 AM
Picard S2 has started filming 🤦🏼‍♂️

I wish theyd just cancel this trash they call trek

They also renewed STD for like two more seasons Paramount+ needs it's content apparently.

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Jesus wept because we are still getting Drek instead of Trek.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Tasty on February 20, 2021, 10:44:47 AM
Star Trek honestly at this point needs to collapse in on itself to the point no one attempts anything new for 4-5 years. Then we can get an entirely new creative team and executive apparatus involved to steward the franchise back to what it should be.

I'm officially one of the cliche grumpy Star Trek nerds, and I don't care. :trumps No problem voting with my eyeballs and skipping NewDrek until there's something worth my while.

The sad part to me is that old Trek, even when varying in quality, still paid attention to canon details like sets and race makeup, and corporate-oriented NewDrek doesn't give a shit and we'll never get that kind of consistency and reverence back now that it's lost. So that still irks me a little, too.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Tasty on February 20, 2021, 10:53:47 AM
Even as bad as Doctor Who's (apparently) gotten in recent seasons, they don't recast old Doctors and make new "better" versions of the old sets when touching on old canon. No, they use whatever they have and don't reinvent the wheel just because they had nothing to do with the "old era." NewDrek may as well just be an entirely different IP to be honest.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: GreatSageEqualOfHeaven on February 20, 2021, 11:07:13 AM
Doctor Who does actually pretty regularly revamp the TARDIS control room with each new Doctor

(and has recast old Doctors as needed)
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Tasty on February 20, 2021, 11:13:24 AM
Of course, and Star Trek is fine to make new ships. That's now what I was talking about.

Old Trek and new Doctor Who do stuff like this:

You won't see NewDrek do this, because they don't care. And also, they kinda can't anymore even if they wanted to. That sucks IMO.

"We were always at war with Eastasia."


"TOS era ships always looked this way."
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: GreatSageEqualOfHeaven on February 20, 2021, 12:12:01 PM
Oh, sure, if you want to use redesigns / recastings as indicators of just how little of a shit they clearly give for the source material they're supposedly building on, I'm with you - it's just in and of itself set dressing / costume / makeup is a bit of a nitpick. For example, Enterprise in many ways has better looking sets / costumes / makeup than TOS just as a result of IRL time passing and IRL improvements and expectations.

Like, Klingons now looking like shark people in and of itself isn't necessarily a red flag.
Klingons now being Space-ISIS, and having plans like full body surgical alteration and psychologically constructed artificial personalities in order to better infiltrate their enemies for a sneak attack is just fundamentally at odds with a proud warrior race with an honour based caste system, even though theres that one tribble episode where a klingon is in disguise.

Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on February 25, 2021, 07:00:47 PM


Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: GreatSageEqualOfHeaven on February 25, 2021, 07:03:30 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Tuckers Law on February 25, 2021, 07:38:26 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Madrun Badrun on February 25, 2021, 07:43:37 PM
TBH if they can put a little of good Trek into a kids show, I think that could make for a good kids show. 
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Potato on February 25, 2021, 08:54:42 PM
Looks like a shitty Star Wars spin-off
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on February 26, 2021, 03:15:47 AM
Raffi is back for Picard Season 2 as well

 :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X
Comments on her IG

"I love what you did with the character!!"

 :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X

Also on that kids show:

"Kate Mulgrew was previously announced as reprising the iconic role of Captain Kathryn Janeway to lead this brand new Prodigy bridge crew."

Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on February 26, 2021, 03:47:04 AM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Tasty on February 26, 2021, 10:58:54 AM
Star Trek is officially a whore franchise now.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Madrun Badrun on March 15, 2021, 04:50:27 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: chronovore on March 15, 2021, 10:55:38 PM
I don't get it.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Madrun Badrun on March 15, 2021, 11:18:23 PM
It's the meme about mom thinking the knock-off brand is the same as the true brand.  The last girl is the knock-off Minuet

There is nothing deep about it.  Just the joy of recognizing the meme format and the reference.  Which is bliss. 
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: chronovore on March 15, 2021, 11:25:43 PM
I had forgotten that episode's ending.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Borealis on March 15, 2021, 11:26:08 PM
The 'Prodigy' logo lettering is beyond offensive.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: benjipwns on March 16, 2021, 03:45:37 AM
Grudge is a “Queen,” and she knows it. Everyone—her so-called owner, Cleveland “Book” Booker, Michael Burnham, Ryn, Zareh, and Tilly—bows down to her, some more willingly than others. And nothing, not extended periods in space, not ship-rattling attacks from enemies, rattles her. Ever. She’s a cool kitty with a ’tude. We call it “Cattitude.”

As a cat, Grudge, has a particular take on the universe, her seeming indifference masking a wit as sharp as her claws.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Potato on March 16, 2021, 04:41:25 AM
Yeah, pretty much fuck Discovery.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: GreatSageEqualOfHeaven on March 16, 2021, 05:59:21 AM
I mean, the Star Trek franchise has traditionally been strongest in the crazy cat lady demographic, so... wait, what?
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Tuckers Law on March 16, 2021, 04:25:48 PM
Discovery is the worst thing to happen to Star Trek.

Yes, worse than the worst episodes that Enterprise and Voyager had to offer!  Worse than TNG Sub Rosa!
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: GreatSageEqualOfHeaven on March 16, 2021, 04:31:21 PM
I actually wonder if Sub Rosa is the only episode of Trek the Discovery writers have actually seen, because every single fucking series so far has had people with ghosts only they can see, two of the series ghosts of people they want to fuck, the other more ambiguous on 'secret bestest teenage friend'
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on March 17, 2021, 04:41:11 AM
I really am so glad I didnt watch Discovery trash beyond S1

Picard S2? No I dont think so I dont think I will watch that
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Madrun Badrun on March 20, 2021, 05:35:51 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Madrun Badrun on March 21, 2021, 05:06:50 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Madrun Badrun on March 21, 2021, 05:09:23 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Madrun Badrun on March 21, 2021, 05:12:48 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Tuckers Law on March 21, 2021, 08:13:11 PM

Enterprise encountering a green lantern is still less stupid than Nu Trek..
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: GreatSageEqualOfHeaven on March 22, 2021, 05:47:17 AM

Congratulations Discovery on not achieving any of that then
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on March 23, 2021, 12:36:54 AM

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Madrun Badrun on March 25, 2021, 01:41:41 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on March 25, 2021, 01:42:47 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Tuckers Law on March 25, 2021, 08:10:04 PM
mods halp
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: chronovore on March 25, 2021, 08:17:28 PM
I stayed up with some whiskey last night and watched JJ Abrams’ Star Trek for the second or third time, and finally actually enjoy the heck out of it. There are still a few things I am not fond of, like a Romulan dump truck/crane from the future being able to take out federation warships, and Spock’s casual diddling of the timeline (“whelp, 6 billion Vulcans ded, guess I’ll give Scotty his trans-warp transporter equation a couple decades early”), but I can get in on the fun and enjoy the actors playing with the legendary roles. I like Chris Pike better as Kirk than Shatner, as this version is not afraid to fail, and still manages to have a brash, cocky attitude.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Madrun Badrun on March 26, 2021, 01:50:39 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: chronovore on March 30, 2021, 11:27:31 AM
Man, seriously, fuck Kai Winn. One of the best villains in Star Trek.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Madrun Badrun on March 30, 2021, 11:29:58 AM
100%  One of the best in a lot of media. 
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: G The Resurrected on March 30, 2021, 11:39:03 AM
The folks behind What We Left Behind are at it again, this time with Voyager. The coffee cup got me to help fund it. (

Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Tuckers Law on March 30, 2021, 02:41:19 PM
If it’s a 90minute documentary focused solely on Brad Dourifs character, I am 100% on board.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Madrun Badrun on April 01, 2021, 12:59:29 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on April 01, 2021, 03:04:04 PM
I remember not being able to watch Voyager past the first scorpion episode, because I guess the network here didnt syndicate it yet or it might even not have been made yet im not sure.

Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Madrun Badrun on April 03, 2021, 05:05:54 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Madrun Badrun on April 03, 2021, 05:07:00 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Tuckers Law on April 03, 2021, 07:29:11 PM
Keiko is absolutely O’Brien’s beard.  Everyone on that station knows it and doesn’t care, not when there’s people like Riker roaming the galaxy.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on April 03, 2021, 08:25:12 PM
I am all for shows doing their own thing, but not being the tv equivalent of GB 2016.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: GreatSageEqualOfHeaven on April 03, 2021, 08:33:36 PM

this is some bors level strawmanning in this comic, lol  :curious
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Madrun Badrun on April 03, 2021, 08:38:55 PM
I like the new shows, mostly because they give me the opportunity to post comics like that.   :curious
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: GreatSageEqualOfHeaven on April 03, 2021, 08:45:18 PM
I just want something half decent to watch  :(

the international streaming services aren't even bidding against each other for broadcast rights to nu-trek stuff any more, as there's so little interest after discovery and picard.
I really find it hard to believe thats what cbs want with what was - even quite recently! - a franchise that you could still get a decent selling movie out of.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Madrun Badrun on April 04, 2021, 12:38:21 PM
Title: Q
Post by: chronovore on April 05, 2021, 07:53:08 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on April 05, 2021, 08:26:08 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on April 06, 2021, 06:12:00 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Tasty on April 06, 2021, 06:17:30 PM
Shit :dead
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Nintex on April 06, 2021, 06:59:35 PM
I just want something half decent to watch  :(

the international streaming services aren't even bidding against each other for broadcast rights to nu-trek stuff any more, as there's so little interest after discovery and picard.
I really find it hard to believe thats what cbs want with what was - even quite recently! - a franchise that you could still get a decent selling movie out of.
Movie wise Sonic the Hedgehog is a bigger franchise now.  :kermit
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Madrun Badrun on April 06, 2021, 08:28:44 PM
Sonic the Hedgehog deserves it. 
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: GreatSageEqualOfHeaven on April 07, 2021, 06:47:35 AM
more like

Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on April 15, 2021, 08:34:16 AM
Last week’s big news that Paramount Pictures had put a Star Trek movie on the calendar for the summer of 2023 has fans buzzing and wondering if it will be connected to all the Star Trek TV happening on Paramount+. Now the man in charge of all those TV shows is weighing in on the new reality of modern franchises.

“I think vertical alignment has made it so that it’s impossible not to accept the reality that the line between movies and television is gone. It doesn’t mean that you can’t have a feature that is separate from television. But if they aren’t connected in some way, then you’re basically running two universes parallel as opposed to interconnected, and I think that those messages could potentially cancel each other out.”

Alex Kurtzman trash is now canon  :yuck :yuck :yuck
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Tasty on April 15, 2021, 09:00:21 AM
That was always going to be the case, hence why so many nerds including me got butthurt.

At least the Kurtzman movies you could shunt off into the Kelvin timeline and throw that in the bin, but short of some timey-wimey bullshit Discovery and especially Picard are always going to be with us.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on April 15, 2021, 10:14:52 AM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Madrun Badrun on April 16, 2021, 07:40:11 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Madrun Badrun on April 17, 2021, 02:22:07 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Madrun Badrun on April 18, 2021, 08:18:40 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: benjipwns on April 18, 2021, 09:40:51 PM
I actually had that issue, an annual, when I was younger. IIRC, it was Q's doing.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: chronovore on April 19, 2021, 04:17:00 AM
It's hard to know if we are meant to take it seriously, or if it's satyr(e).
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Sideshow Raheem on April 19, 2021, 07:15:48 AM
Stuff I hate in Star Trek:

1) Person flying the ship becomes chief engineer.
2) Guy thrown off ship becomes new captain after picking a fight with the old captain.
3) Captain Janeway gets advice from hologram.

Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: benjipwns on April 20, 2021, 08:24:32 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Madrun Badrun on April 22, 2021, 10:48:59 AM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on April 24, 2021, 12:26:49 AM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: benjipwns on April 27, 2021, 12:11:31 AM

better pitch than Picard imo
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Tasty on April 27, 2021, 08:57:00 AM

Saw this ad on Pornhub. ViacomCBS is really expanding their marketing for Paramount+.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Madrun Badrun on April 28, 2021, 12:27:46 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on April 29, 2021, 05:39:44 AM
So where I work I see there is a customer who has the name Mog  :o

Once he has a son he will be the son of Mog

Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Madrun Badrun on May 26, 2021, 10:20:39 AM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Madrun Badrun on May 26, 2021, 10:22:54 AM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Madrun Badrun on June 01, 2021, 05:32:01 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Madrun Badrun on June 09, 2021, 03:51:15 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Tuckers Law on June 09, 2021, 07:18:18 PM
Jeffrey saw what David Warner was doing and went all, “hold my beer.”  Bless them both.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: chronovore on June 09, 2021, 10:57:10 PM
NGL, makes me want to re-watch his ENT episodes.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Madrun Badrun on June 22, 2021, 01:29:04 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Madrun Badrun on June 22, 2021, 01:30:00 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: chronovore on June 22, 2021, 08:21:09 PM
Yeah, I really feel like they mishandled that whole aspect of his character. It was better in DS9, just a bit.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Madrun Badrun on June 22, 2021, 09:29:04 PM
I've always liked that.  Same with Keiko being a flawed character.  It made the series feel grounded for me.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: GreatSageEqualOfHeaven on June 23, 2021, 05:14:13 AM
Got to admit, future alex comes back in time to tell past alex to be moar klingon and that worf is actually awesome and to stop being not a big fan of worf isn't my favorite episode.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Madrun Badrun on June 24, 2021, 04:46:25 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Madrun Badrun on June 26, 2021, 02:14:52 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on June 26, 2021, 09:05:58 PM
spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Madrun Badrun on July 05, 2021, 02:40:50 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Madrun Badrun on July 05, 2021, 02:42:18 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on July 17, 2021, 11:50:10 AM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Madrun Badrun on July 19, 2021, 11:54:33 AM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: benjipwns on July 19, 2021, 07:13:19 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on July 20, 2021, 01:48:25 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Madrun Badrun on July 21, 2021, 07:45:44 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Madrun Badrun on July 25, 2021, 10:43:55 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Madrun Badrun on July 28, 2021, 01:58:05 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Madrun Badrun on July 31, 2021, 09:32:05 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Madrun Badrun on August 01, 2021, 10:10:52 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on August 03, 2021, 02:41:07 PM

Additionally, Kurtzman will remain at the helm of the growing Star Trek franchise for the next six years.

Jesus wept.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on August 04, 2021, 05:03:27 AM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Sideshow Raheem on August 14, 2021, 08:08:17 PM
Don't want to be that guy who whinges about the Star Trek but... The latest Star Trek: Lower Deck is out, and it's an homage to and parody of "Where No Man Has Gone Before."

In it, Beckett (the female lead) cures the Mitchell character by kicking him in the balls multiple times.

Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: benjipwns on August 15, 2021, 10:25:47 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Madrun Badrun on August 17, 2021, 07:56:17 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on August 24, 2021, 04:55:33 AM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on September 03, 2021, 04:29:15 AM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on September 03, 2021, 04:34:27 AM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Tasty on September 03, 2021, 07:22:18 AM

Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Tycoon Padre on September 03, 2021, 09:58:23 AM

Remember when Picard snapped the queen's fuckin spine in two with his bare hands? Cuz he was mad she gave his boyfriend Data skin so that she could fuck him instead? That's some Star Trek baby
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: GreatSageEqualOfHeaven on September 04, 2021, 04:14:13 PM
Picards a robot now and datas super extra dead, so they can now fuck
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: benjipwns on September 10, 2021, 01:55:30 PM
GOG is adding Activision era Trek games:

Away Team is complete trash, do not touch.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Tasty on September 10, 2021, 02:02:24 PM
Wow, there's a lot of Star Trek videogames.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: benjipwns on September 10, 2021, 02:20:18 PM
The Activision era was pretty good for Trek games because a lot of them were designed as games first and then brought the Trek stuff into play rather than going "okay, we've got Trek, now how do we make a game out of it?" Elite Force is one of the better examples of this, they went to a good FPS team in Raven, gave them the Quake 3 engine, a fully modeled Voyager and voices from the entire cast and they made a good FPS out of it with lots of Trek trappings.  The Armada games are similar in that they designed them as strategy games and kept what worked for that.

Not that there weren't good earlier Trek games (and GOG has many of them) just that they were really hit or miss.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Tasty on September 10, 2021, 02:59:29 PM
The IP is definitely very malleable to different properties. It's kinda good in retrospect TOS ended early (despite the Trekkies developing) and TNG hard-reset things with a new century and cast (and that TNG was good, too.) The fanbase and IP holders both realize the value in semi-serialization, and not focusing on the first era for nostalgia-bait (outside some crowdpleasing episodes here and there, of course.)

Though, Disco and Abramsverse going back to the TOS well goes against that. Just like I hope that Game Freak is done with blatant genwun pandering, I also hope ViacomCBS moves past mining TOS (and now TNG with Picard). Disco S3 was a decent start, throwing the crew out of TOS era entirely.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Tuckers Law on September 10, 2021, 04:55:46 PM
I’m still nostalgic for multiplayer of Elite Force 1, it was a nice “different flavor” of good ole quake 3.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: benjipwns on September 10, 2021, 11:24:44 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Madrun Badrun on September 13, 2021, 12:00:51 PM
Episode 5 of Lower Decks was actually good.  Hope it's more like that in the future. 
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Tasty on September 13, 2021, 01:06:30 PM
For some reason I had a dream I sat down and watched Lower Decks. :lol No clue why. Maybe I should?
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Madrun Badrun on September 13, 2021, 01:10:40 PM
I mean it's not great so far, but I watch it when I need something to do for 20 mins while I eat and not feel compelled to start another episode.  It's fine for that. 
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Tasty on September 13, 2021, 01:11:40 PM
Yeah subbing to Paramount+ is ugghh
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Madrun Badrun on September 18, 2021, 10:01:53 PM
Lower Decks is growing on me.  The last half of season 1 had some fun episodes.  Started season 2.  Think it might just have needed to find its footing.  It's at its best when it's pointing out the absurdities in previous StarTrek and at its worst when it tries to do family guy-level gag jokes, however, there seems to be less of this as it goes on.  I think actually having a few sincere moments would make the show good.

Also like half the voice actors are my favourite comedians so that helps.   
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: GreatSageEqualOfHeaven on September 19, 2021, 07:31:34 AM
Lower Decks is on Amazon Prime over here, because after the fucking mess that was Discovery and Picard, Netflix and Amazon obviously stopped bothering trying to outbid each other for streaming rights, and I get the feeling Lower Decks was thrown into the deal for free when they suckered Amazon into paying actual money for Picard :teehee

Which yeah, it is the best thing in NuTrek right now.
Same as how Harley Quinn cartoon is way better than any of the CW DC shit, despite ostensibly being played for laughs at the IPs expense.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: chronovore on October 06, 2021, 02:36:45 AM
Yeah, I'm able to watch Lower Decks on Amazon Prime Japan, and it's pretty fun. It's playful and self-referential, which works for us geeks, as RedLetterMedia are so found of hounding and yowling about.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: GreatSageEqualOfHeaven on October 10, 2021, 07:35:34 AM
Oh hey, trailer for Discovery Season 4 and it looks like a big shake up; this season there is a big potentially universe ending mystery box and burnham is going to be at the centre of solving it.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on October 10, 2021, 08:00:19 AM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on October 12, 2021, 08:11:54 AM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: benjipwns on October 13, 2021, 07:33:12 AM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Uncle on October 13, 2021, 09:16:07 AM
given the necessity and propensity for space missions to have to take into account every possible eventuality, you know it was somebody's responsibility for planning what to do with his corpse if he just has an old age heart attack or something
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: benjipwns on October 29, 2021, 10:55:37 AM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Uncle on October 29, 2021, 11:41:47 AM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Tuckers Law on October 29, 2021, 03:31:36 PM
It would be wonderful if he was doing that deliberately as a shitpost.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Tuckers Law on November 04, 2021, 05:53:11 PM
Not solely focused on Star Trek, but drinker still lays in thick and goes for the throat.

Discovery is SUCH TRASH.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on November 21, 2021, 06:30:30 PM

O Brien!
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: GreatSageEqualOfHeaven on November 22, 2021, 04:29:05 AM

Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Tasty on January 06, 2022, 10:06:45 PM

Yikes... what kinda sets they running over there? :thinking
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: benjipwns on January 13, 2022, 11:31:18 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Madrun Badrun on January 25, 2022, 02:48:23 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Madrun Badrun on January 25, 2022, 02:49:51 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Tasty on January 31, 2022, 12:35:48 AM

Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on January 31, 2022, 04:10:32 AM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on January 31, 2022, 07:23:23 AM
Video not available
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Uncle on January 31, 2022, 07:43:45 AM
Video not available

I envy you
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Borealis on February 01, 2022, 07:47:01 PM
Only just found out about this:

In 2018, Kurtzman signed a new five-year deal with CBS Television Studios to oversee and expand the Star Trek franchise on television, including serving as executive producer on Star Trek: Discovery (which he also co-showruns with Michelle Paradise), Star Trek: Short Treks, Star Trek: Picard, and Star Trek: Lower Decks.

In August 2021, Kurtzman and Secret Hideout extended its overall deal with CBS Studios, through 2026.

 :info :donot :goty
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Madrun Badrun on February 05, 2022, 07:30:16 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Madrun Badrun on February 05, 2022, 07:34:12 PM

spoiler (click to show/hide)


Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: GreatSageEqualOfHeaven on February 06, 2022, 08:36:29 AM
I dunn if thats a photoshop or a cosplay, but Guy Fieringhi is :delicious
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: benjipwns on February 08, 2022, 10:38:45 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on March 03, 2022, 05:36:50 PM
Skipped through the first episode

horrible schlock time travel multiverse trash
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on March 03, 2022, 09:47:25 PM
Skipped through the first episode

horrible schlock time travel multiverse trash

Are we talking about Pukehard or Disgracery?
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on March 04, 2022, 06:59:14 AM
Skipped through the first episode

horrible schlock time travel multiverse trash

Are we talking about Pukehard or Disgracery?

Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on March 04, 2022, 07:53:24 AM

Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on March 04, 2022, 08:21:44 AM

Wtf if one guy can fix this why cant a fucking entire crew fix it? It looks so much better
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: chronovore on March 09, 2022, 12:38:42 AM
Watched the first ep of PICARD s2 on Japanese Amazon Prime, and it starts from the MILF Irish/Romulan woman making a move on Picard, essentially. This seems like weird egotism. Like having Shatner require that some hot ensign put a move on the geriatric and bloated Kirk in the later movies. C'mon.

Wtf if one guy can fix this why cant a fucking entire crew fix it? It looks so much better
Deepfakes were not really being explored at the time.
Luke's appearance in star wars tv stuff is going to change that.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on March 09, 2022, 05:57:36 AM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Madrun Badrun on March 09, 2022, 08:33:01 AM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on March 11, 2022, 03:18:00 AM
Spoilers ahead for Picard S2 E2

Ok so not quite an 'mirror universe'. It's a bit too on the nose though. And I hate the cursing in this 'Star Trek'. I thought humanity was above cursing and stuff? I hate how Picard acts in this show compared to TNG. So fucking stupid and out of character constantly.

So after the 'big bang' ending to E1, where Picard blew up the Stargazer near the Borg ship coming through a spacetime anomaly, Q intervened and transported the crew back to a time where in 2024 something was changed in that point in time, so that the entire Federation (Now called the Confederation hurr hurr) is now a totalitarian regime (even though they call it that and also authoritarian but that's a different thing I believe) hellbent on making the Galaxy bend under the rule of Humanity.

So even though they are thrust into this world where everyone is a madman, they still find a way to seemingly coincedentally meet up with eachother and verify that they are still themselves from the 'other' time.

So they find out that this Confederation has captured a lot of enemies of Humanity, including the Borg Queen. The Borg Queen tells them that they are misaligned in time, that something was changed. Luckily, through (magic?) the Borg Queen is able to 'calculate' where and when this change took place exactly. How is she able to calculate this? Not explained, don't dwell on the details. So they enlist the help of the Borg Queen, abduct her from the palace of the confederation.

All of our characters have their place in this world and they are thrust into a situation not quite unlike the Mirror Episode in the original Star Trek with Kirk. They act out their role as much as they can, General Picard at least comes across like he's trying to act, which is good. I enjoyed that.

I cannot tell you how much I hate Agnes Jurati. Her character is beyond stupid, how and why they let a murderous influential unstable personality on board a starship is absolutely beyond my understanding. This time she almost throws the entire charade into the open, and exposes herself to scrutiny from a Magistrate from the Confederation (oh yeah, Seven's husband). "Why did you call her Seven?"  "Oh she's my highschool drinking buddy hurr hurr". Fuck you Agnes. You fucking suck.

And now it seems she will be influenced by the Borg Queen. She instantly hooks the Borg Queen up to the ship, so she can help the crew make a timejump to 2024. Supposedly we might be seeing Sisko, but I'm not sure. They said his name during this episode so it might be possible they are going back to the Bell Riots from DS9.

Then there's Q. Delance is doing an amazing job as Q if I might say so. He hasn't missed a beat. It was fun seeing him. But how Picard was acting against him, fucking stupid.

"I have no time for your bullshit Q" is something TNG Picard would never say. At least not the bullshit part.

Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Tasty on March 14, 2022, 10:57:18 PM
Bumming around Netflix and decided to pop on a random TNG episode I haven't remembered watching. Wasn't sure I'd finish.

The Defector.

Right out of the gate it's awesome with Patrick Stewart doing some Shakespeare, then right into Romulan Warbird action. :lawd Writing is so on point, political tension so high. Will this lead to war?! Is this guy a defector or spy?! :o

Forgot what quality TV was like for a min.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Uncle on March 15, 2022, 07:56:44 AM
Right out of the gate it's awesome with Patrick Stewart doing some Shakespeare
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: chronovore on March 16, 2022, 02:18:55 AM

Vampire Diaries actor plays Kirk. Article implies that the series will shift to Kirk focus? I am confused.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: GreatSageEqualOfHeaven on March 16, 2022, 01:01:06 PM
Discovery was a huge pile of shit, and even the people who initially defended it under a "b-b-but TNG wasn't good until season 2 or 3" mantra have given up and acknowledged that its fucking shit, so I can only assume when Alex Kurtzman hears fans saying "STOP THIS SHIT AND GIVE US SOMETHING MORE LIKE CLASSICS TREK" what he actually hears is "WE WANT MORE OF OLD CHARACTER (IN NAME ONLY)", so will continue making his 'original' shit and selling it under a name it doesn't warrant.

It's particularly galling if they're going to pivot to not-Kirk because Brand Recognition™ because Anson Mount and Rebecca Romjin had fucking great chemistry as characters, and could carry a decentish monster of the wek scifi show
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: benjipwns on March 17, 2022, 06:57:43 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on March 18, 2022, 05:09:01 AM
Picard Episode 3...

Still meh

Borg queen
Jurati hacking into the borg queen
Timetravel hijinx

Boring and predictable
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on March 18, 2022, 05:12:36 AM

Who  ???
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Tuckers Law on March 18, 2022, 01:43:04 PM
Picard Episode 3...

Still meh

Borg queen
Jurati hacking into the borg queen
Timetravel hijinx

Boring and predictable

Man, why are you still subjecting yourself to this?  They can’t learn if we actually still watch this shit!

Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Tasty on April 03, 2022, 04:23:50 PM

Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Sideshow Raheem on April 04, 2022, 03:56:57 PM
Rebecca Romijn plays "Number One" on the new Star Trek series. Someone took that literally. The character's named Una.

I don't mean to be that guy, but this seems very, very dumb.

Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Madrun Badrun on April 04, 2022, 04:29:21 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: chronovore on April 05, 2022, 10:14:25 AM
Rebecca Romijn plays "Number One" on the new Star Trek series. Someone took that literally. The character's named Una.

I don't mean to be that guy, but this seems very, very dumb.

Could be it's retconned that her nickname is derived from her name.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: GreatSageEqualOfHeaven on April 05, 2022, 11:57:50 AM

its her rank, not her nickname

Picard  :  Riker
Pike  :  Mystique
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Madrun Badrun on April 05, 2022, 12:36:26 PM
Nominative determinism was proven to be true by scientists at the Daystrom Institute in the mid 23rd century. 
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Sideshow Raheem on April 05, 2022, 10:02:44 PM
Rebecca Romijn plays "Number One" on the new Star Trek series. Someone took that literally. The character's named Una.

I don't mean to be that guy, but this seems very, very dumb.

Could be it's retconned that her nickname is derived from her name.

It's clearly a title. Picard calls Riker number one for the entirety of Next Generation.

Also, Dr. M'benga is chief medical officer so I guess he takes a demotion for the original series.

Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: chronovore on April 05, 2022, 11:05:24 PM
Rebecca Romijn plays "Number One" on the new Star Trek series. Someone took that literally. The character's named Una.

I don't mean to be that guy, but this seems very, very dumb.

Could be it's retconned that her nickname is derived from her name.

It's clearly a title. Picard calls Riker number one for the entirety of Next Generation.

Also, Dr. M'benga is chief medical officer so I guess he takes a demotion for the original series.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Sideshow Raheem on April 06, 2022, 09:33:32 AM
The remastered director's cut of the Motionless Picture is out on Paramount+. Has anyone seen it?

I never hated the original, but Harlan Ellison was right. I was thinking there might be some additional scenes that would make watching this worthwhile.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Uncle on April 06, 2022, 10:25:41 AM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Tasty on April 06, 2022, 10:55:58 AM
IIRC the DC additions are super minor, they don't change much about TMP.

Don't know if I saw the Remastered Edition or not but I remember it being a very pretty film to look at, the initial scene on Vulcan was gorgeous.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: benjipwns on April 06, 2022, 01:27:01 PM
It's mostly just cut differently and the pacing is a little better, it's still Motionless but it doesn't feel as slow or that nothing is happening because the pacing is improved. Wise never had an original "final" cut because they were so behind on everything and the film was sent still wet to the premiere, so the original theatrical cut was still cobbled together in places. The one cut they used to show on TV, Spock never comes back from the space walk, it cuts to something else and then he's just suddenly back on the bridge. :lol
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Tasty on April 07, 2022, 08:31:18 AM
Star Trek to boldly go straight into the garbage, start selling NFTs (
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Tasty on April 08, 2022, 11:17:24 AM
Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Is Giving Spock a Canonical Full Name (
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on April 08, 2022, 03:04:44 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Tasty on April 09, 2022, 10:09:38 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: paprikastaude on April 10, 2022, 05:53:08 PM
Not solely focused on Star Trek, but drinker still lays in thick and goes for the throat.

Discovery is SUCH TRASH.

What a distinguished mentally-challenged take :lol

But please, go to war. While I stay where bad Stark Trek movies are the worst thing to happen.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Polident Hive on April 11, 2022, 06:44:19 AM
This is being pedantic for the sake of it. Wasn’t Kirk’s deal in Beyond growing older than his father? Not growing old in a midlife crisis way. It’s a moment that stuck with me, for an extremely lame reason: there’s a similar scene in Batman vs Superman and both came out at about the same time.

Thinking about it, Beyond was the last new Star Trek media I saw. Coming up on six years ago. Thought it was entertaining at the time. They wrote around and in Nimoy’s passing decently.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Madrun Badrun on April 11, 2022, 06:00:53 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: benjipwns on April 11, 2022, 06:56:38 PM
This is being pedantic for the sake of it. Wasn’t Kirk’s deal in Beyond growing older than his father? Not growing old in a midlife crisis way. It’s a moment that stuck with me, for an extremely lame reason: there’s a similar scene in Batman vs Superman and both came out at about the same time.

Thinking about it, Beyond was the last new Star Trek media I saw. Coming up on six years ago. Thought it was entertaining at the time. They wrote around and in Nimoy’s passing decently.
Yep, both Kirk and Bruce are reflecting on their career realizing they're older than their father ever got to live to be. I thought it was one of the better touches for both characters, that sort of "I've gotten to live longer than dad did and this is what I'm doing with it?" Batman's was a little more severe by creating a death wish, Kirk learns how much he treasures his crew. (Batman doesn't learn this until ZSJL.)

I really really liked Beyond. It and The Video Game (funny enough) gave me faith in the Abramsverse once it was out of the hands of Abrams and Orci and Kurtzman. The actors were good from the start, but the material was so shit, The Video Game being halfway Trekian made me enjoy it despite the gameplay and then Beyond was just great. Unfortunate that rather than Lin and Pegg and the crew getting another crack at a film we've instead had all these series that are just...

Also a bit unfortunate that Khan John Harrison and the Klingons were so wasted in Into Darkness, while I'm not the biggest fan of simply reusing Khan for the new "universe" I think Lin and Pegg could have made both work in a much more acceptable way at this point in the careers of the crew that could have drawn interest back to the franchise rather than what happened with Into Darkness where it ended up simply mocking the franchise and I can't imagine would have interested more casual or non-fans anyway. The Klingons especially have been wasted, being a mention in the first film and a joke in the second rather than the looming threat they were supposed to be. (The comics, originally written with Orci and Kurtzman's approval of fleshing out the Abramsverse, actually started sketching them out as this threat on the frontier before Into Darkness did what it did.) Even Enterprise didn't botch their first runs with the Klingons this bad.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on April 17, 2022, 10:37:14 AM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on April 22, 2022, 11:56:31 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Tasty on April 28, 2022, 11:27:32 AM


spoiler (click to show/hide)
Quote from: YouTube Comment
At one point in time, these Hellraiser movies were considered schlock cinema. Yet look how adeptly they’re able to convey the tension and menace of the monsters’ attack versus the amateur, laughable execution of Picard.

Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on April 29, 2022, 07:58:01 AM
Lol that's Hellraiser? Never seen em, was always too scared as a kid

But yes that scene is better than anything in Picard

The final episode of season 2 is next week.

Dare I say the first season is better than this trash? That's saying something  ::) :o
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on May 01, 2022, 12:40:33 AM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: chronovore on May 01, 2022, 07:05:12 PM

Double points, actor being in both a Hellraiser and a Star Trek.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on May 04, 2022, 07:32:43 PM
I am pretty curious about Strange New Worlds, we'll see tomorrow :)

But it cant be worse than Discovery or Picard!
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on May 04, 2022, 08:06:24 PM
It will be shite, handled with the same surgical precision of Dr. Gallagher's mallet as it were.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Uncle on May 04, 2022, 09:23:33 PM
names series Strange New™ Worlds

puts in Pike and Spock :doggy
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Tasty on May 05, 2022, 12:35:13 AM
But it cant be worse than Discovery or Picard!

Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Tasty on May 05, 2022, 07:33:00 AM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on May 05, 2022, 09:47:56 AM
Strange New Worlds EP1 a whole lotta sex happened in the first five minutes  :exxy oh Star Drek.  :lol

spoiler (click to show/hide)
They really like to have a Soong ancestor or descendant on these shows don't they, and apparently Gorns are space orcs who eat and rape other species it'sjustlikeoneofmyjapaneseanimes.jiff and muh blumpf. :doge

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Allegorical precision of Dr. Gallagher's mallet indeed.  :kobeyuck

Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on May 05, 2022, 10:00:22 AM
Picard S2 finale was really some next level stupidity wtf
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on May 05, 2022, 03:29:56 PM
I liked the first episode of Strange new Worlds!
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Tasty on May 07, 2022, 10:30:21 PM

Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: VomKriege on May 08, 2022, 12:47:41 PM
I've read a couple people saying Prodigy was ok-ish for what it was.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: VomKriege on May 08, 2022, 12:51:16 PM
And a bunch of actors left the show before season 3 : (
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Polident Hive on May 08, 2022, 04:24:46 PM
Strange New Worlds was alright. Think I tried watching the others and couldn't finish the pilots. So an improvement! faint praise!

Made me think of Enterprise filtered through 2009 Trek, with a few too many quips. My understanding is it'll be a different adventure each week? Dude playing Pike seems cool but should've kept the hair and beard from the intro. Could tone down the shoulder pads on the uniforms, too. Jamis serving as the ship doctor is a nice surprise.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on May 12, 2022, 08:48:48 PM
Saw the second episode of Shart Trek SNW and congratulations you made a bog standard sci-fi episode so this is like the Citizen Kane of episodes in all of the shite that makes up the Kurtzman Drek sub milieu.  :titus

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This is the only halfway respectable episode of Nutrek which is fucking astounding but, like always there has to be somebody with a tragic back story god they just can't help themselves can they.  :doge
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: VomKriege on May 13, 2022, 06:26:36 PM
I've been thinking about what makes Star Trek good or bad and I'm a little unsure what really makes things click... A lot of the common issues people will point in Voyager you can also find in earlier series. One note crew members, flip flop characterisation, concepts that don't really make sense, variable acting quality, formulaic stereotypes, corniness, unsubtle stories etc. Even the whole tone thing... DS9 pulled it off.

One thing though I'd say is that Voyager didn't really up the ante on scrambling the characters and punching up with the alien novelty. Data is the Logical Spock, Odo is kinda the Spock... Worf is the torn between two cultures Spock, DS9 has a ton of that but Dax I suppose... Voyager had Talaxians and Ocampans on the crew and that's just not as good. Torres is rethreading Worf issues. Enterprise is mostly all humans.

I think RLM was on to something about how TNG S1 was so dry character wise but they got a lot richer... There's a ton of things to nitpick continuity wise and a lot of ideas and interactions that you can find meh but by and large it works in the broader sense of making those people feel real.

Beyond Jeri Ryan wearing that spandex like a boss, 7 of 9 was a lot stronger... Not necessary subtler... A general premise.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: VomKriege on May 13, 2022, 06:57:16 PM
Riker is not a favourite of mine but it's impossible to hate him after that student exchange on a Klingon ship episode.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Uncle on May 13, 2022, 07:09:20 PM
I would say being internally consistent with its own characters and continuity, not abandoning the core premise of the show when convenient

and when you want to get inspiring or meaningful, let it happen as a natural consequence of story events rather than trying too hard to wax philosophical/spiritual

it's hard to keep an audience's attention with so much media to consume these days, so modern story design is all based around setting up mystery boxes, and whether they have a planned answer or not, they almost never come together satisfyingly, or various elements will feel contrived or outlandish to suit the needs of having a pew pew space battle

old trek had room for conflict-of-the-week so you could just...tell a self-contained story without worrying yourself OR the audience about whether it fits into a grand narrative

yes DS9 was more of a long term narrative but they kept having smaller stories throughout
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Uncle on May 13, 2022, 07:11:09 PM
this is possibly the best scene in all of star trek

these days the crew run in circles screaming at each other or saying "science, fuck yeah" while dabbing because it's so gosh darn relatable for the kiddos
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Polident Hive on May 13, 2022, 08:27:51 PM
Can’t elaborate well but characters being emotionally mature, reasonable adults, professionals, however you’d frame it, was part of the old trek appeal to me. There wasn’t a lack of interpersonal drama or emotions. The characters just weren’t acting like bratty teenagers. Everybody became Westley, as written by Joss Whedon.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Uncle on May 13, 2022, 08:53:19 PM
demonstrating that flavor of maturity requires restraint, and restraint means you are passionless and unable to effectively and decisively defend the downtrodden

restraint means embracing the dogwhistle of "waiting for all the info / willingness to hear bOtH sIdEs" instead of guillotining those who deserve it

professionalism allows those who are unshackled by such trivialities to act carelessly and go as low as they want, confident you won't "lower yourself to their level" thereby losing the war

maybe the idea that people could maintain a culture of earnest professionalism was always a fantasy, but a thoughtful mutual respect is so satisfying to see
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: GreatSageEqualOfHeaven on May 14, 2022, 07:29:56 AM
Can’t elaborate well but characters being emotionally mature, reasonable adults, professionals, however you’d frame it, was part of the old trek appeal to me. There wasn’t a lack of interpersonal drama or emotions. The characters just weren’t acting like bratty teenagers. Everybody became Westley, as written by Joss Whedon.

I fucking wish NuTrek felt like it was written by Joss Whedon. The Nevers shows he can still write a watchable TV show, even though he's doubleplus cancelled.

I don't know if its because the writers are idiots, or just that they have a lazy contempt for their audience and assume they are idiots, but it is written by/for idiots.
That's where you get "Science, fuck yeah!" from - because at no fucking point does anyone apply actual science (even treknobabble science) in an interesting or creative way.
You start wondering if the writers even went to a physics class the underlying principles are so fucking "A wizard Scientist did it!" shoddy - which is fine I guess in a 'indistinguishable from magic' environment where you have space monks with laser swords and concepts like 'destiny' and 'chosen one' are treated seriously, but thats not fucking star trek.

Also like Uncle says, there seems to be a real reluctance to even attempt to see a 'both sides' argument, which happened all the fucking time in TNG; you know that episode where it turns out warp speed is permanently and irrevocably fucking up subspace? It's an obvious allegory for contemporary travel pollution, but its made extremely clear its a big fucking deal that there are no easy or obvious fixes for, and nobody is an outright bad guy for having a different position on the seriousness and urgency of the situation (and more tellingly, nothing gets fucking fixed and the writers just kinda brush the implications under the carpet ever since).
That same episode in NuTrek would be:

Also a general gripe about modern TV writers; I kind of get that they have to use Twitter to build a fanbse and get gigs, but I wish to fucking christ they would get the fuck off twitter, because increasingly it seems like writers are just writing shit so they can get a dunk on someone or other on twitter.
It's like they all want their version of The Newsrooms Osama Is Dead scene, but don't get that keeps getting posted because it is fucking awful.

The above please gtfo twitter tv writers is partially inspired by NuTrek, but if truth be told, no matter how fucking miserable and poorly written NuTrek is, it's still way fucking better than Nu Who :stahp
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Tasty on May 14, 2022, 08:31:02 AM
It's like they all want their version of The Newsrooms Osama Is Dead scene, but don't get that keeps getting posted because it is fucking awful.

I forgot, was that the scene where they played Coldplay?
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: VomKriege on May 14, 2022, 11:10:31 AM
It's like they all want their version of The Newsrooms Osama Is Dead scene, but don't get that keeps getting posted because it is fucking awful.

I forgot, was that the scene where they played Coldplay?

Journalist on plane breaks the big news he's privy to and dedicate it to the jetliner's pilots.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Tasty on May 14, 2022, 11:45:44 AM
Ah yeah that's right, Fix You was for Gabby Giffords getting shot in the head.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: VomKriege on May 14, 2022, 04:08:11 PM
 :nsfw :exxy :mods
For encyclopedic purposes
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Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on May 14, 2022, 04:14:54 PM
Where is that spinal cord in the ass out pic?  :bolo

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Spock is half human.  :expert
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: VomKriege on May 14, 2022, 05:06:53 PM
Never finished Enterprise, which I sort of regret, I'll maybe come around to that. It's really middling but it's still Trek mostly. Though to stand what I said earlier not a lot of strong memorable characters in that cast except Phlox. The whole Archer W Bush, good old boys crew going to space thing didn't really work for me even if the angle of Human/Vulcan mistrust in early Federation days was interesting.

To be fair I suppose there's only so many permutations you can have on that sort of starship crew configuration.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: VomKriege on May 14, 2022, 05:26:24 PM (

Ouch  :lol
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: chronovore on May 14, 2022, 08:46:37 PM
Never finished Enterprise, which I sort of regret, I'll maybe come around to that. It's really middling but it's still Trek mostly. Though to stand what I said earlier not a lot of strong memorable characters in that cast except Phlox. The whole Archer W Bush, good old boys crew going to space thing didn't really work for me even if the angle of Human/Vulcan mistrust in early Federation days was interesting.

To be fair I suppose there's only so many permutations you can have on that sort of starship crew configuration.

Excepting its series finale, the final season of ENT is some of the best Star Trek available. Just a heap of fun, 2-3 episode mini-arcs, written by the stewards of Trek lore, featuring some great, deep cuts.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: GreatSageEqualOfHeaven on May 15, 2022, 08:58:57 AM
I'm in a minority in that I liked the premise of a temporal cold war - although I think it might have worked better with a previously known faction / species who had exhibited some temporal fuckery previously; maybe the aliens from that TNG 2-parter where they visit Mark Twain? - and didn't like the earth getting nuked revenge mission season much.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: benjipwns on May 15, 2022, 11:44:32 AM
Season 3 is great because it's what both Voyager and Enterprise should have been. A ship in the unknown that faces actual unknowns, that has to deal with actual moral challenges and has recurring issues that aren't reset at the end of every week even though the ship has no access to endless resources.

The Xindi were stupid until the middle and then became stupider at the end because otherwise the plot couldn't be wrapped up, the Trek 9/11 January 6th triggering event was stupid, parts of the season drag too long and it wasn't until Manny Coto took over that the writers were given approval to mine Trek's history and drop Braga's vision that it began to truly work but Season 3 was the first time that the show escaped HEY REMEMBER THIS FROM TNG ANYWAY BYE and being carried solely by Archer, T'Pol and Phlox (and Shran but don't tell him I said that) being the only humans involved ever.

The Temporal Cold War was stupid and was Braga's standard time travel crutch being completely unexplored while also providing him an out for when he inevitably fucked up the timeline since he had no interest in the Trek canon that he didn't personally write.

Like Voyager, the first two seasons of Enterprise have good episodes but also like Voyager (though Voyager's early seasons stuck to it more) the people in charge didn't actually care at all about the premise. Voyager's failure was more evident because it was happening alongside a show that made the original premise its entire reason for being.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: VomKriege on May 15, 2022, 04:09:13 PM
I went to late season 2 IIRC. The Temporal Cold War was a bit whatever, seemed like way too complicated and bloated a concept for the setting and famously no one really knew or care who was the antagonist really.

being carried solely by Archer, T'Pol and Phlox (and Shran but don't tell him I said that)

Yeah I think that was my assumption : You don't really need more than a handful of bold characters providing a good dynamic in whatever science fiction story of the week you have, TOS coasted by on this despite the writing being really hamfisted sometimes. It only gets better the wider the amount of characters working you have at your disposal and Voyager and Enterprise fell a little short there.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on May 15, 2022, 06:11:41 PM

Rick and Morty talk about Star Trek: Picard's emotional finale and embarrassing conclusion. What does it all means? How does they all get to the end of the show while having all the feels and crying butterfly tears? Finally! Patrick Stewart had his say in the direction of Star Trek. He got to act and have all the character moments he always wanted! The result: A turd the size of the moon fell on my face. He rubbed his old shit in my mouth and told me that Picard's mother hanging herself was this moment in his past that made his character not have all the feels and cry butterfly tears all these years later. WOW! What a deep, complex emotional story! I farted butterfly farts! I had to watch the whole season while wearing diapers because I was shitting blood.

Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on May 19, 2022, 11:33:33 AM
Watched the third episode of Shart Trek SNW and it's another serviceable episode but seriously can we stop with the edgy back stories already, how many people statistically with such backstories would you have one on a single ship.  :lol

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And get some lighting on those sets!  ::)
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: VomKriege on May 19, 2022, 01:10:25 PM
Edgier than Tasha Yar ?
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on May 19, 2022, 01:12:24 PM
Edgier than Tasha Yar ?

No, but didn't they walk it back on the episode where they met up with Tasha's sister and she said her sister was crazy?

The backstories so far:

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Uhura's family was killed.

Soong was bullied for being Khan's descendant so she hates augmented people and feels outrage at Una for being a secret augment who is also her savior.

Soong was a Gorn captive which are now rapey anime space orks who not only rape but eat other species so I guess this one is probably as edgy as Tasha's.

Una is an augmented human which is a no-no in the Federation/Star Fleet. 

Dr. M'Benga has a terminally ill daughter who he is hiding in the medical transporters pattern buffer.

Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on May 19, 2022, 03:47:59 PM
Watched the third episode of Shart Trek SNW and it's another serviceable episode but seriously can we stop with the edgy back stories already, how many people statistically with such backstories would you have one on a single ship.  :lol

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And get some lighting on those sets!  ::)

I know right? Jesus christ does everyone need to have a tragic backstory? LMAO so ridiculous. I havent met a single crew member who was just like yeah I wanted to join the federation and my past is pretty great. Maybe they'd be boring because they'd be like Ensign Kim though.

Miles better than anything Discovery or Picard tho
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: VomKriege on May 19, 2022, 04:12:02 PM
That's just something I thought for 25 seconds but on average I'd say the TNG cast ended up having the most tragic backstories (Word war orphan, Crusher dead husband, Troi and Riker some heavy duty parental issues, etc), but it's also a matter of tone. DS9 too but some of it wasn't so much backstory than ongoing plot.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on May 19, 2022, 04:33:05 PM
Maybe I'm complaining to complain but they try to force emotional payoffs in the Shart Trek verse out of nowhere for these characters that were barely characters that people don't give a shit about.

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One that sticks out is the robutt chick from STD who died and we were supposed to care when she only had a few lines of dialogue if I remember correctly.  :lol

A lot of those back stories were barely touched on in old Trek sure they might mention them here and there and basically go over it with a fine tooth comb a few seasons later when we give a shit about the characters so it has an emotional payoff.

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One example is Worf he played football as a youth and killed someone during a game that's why he always seems conflicted about expressing himself this was revealed late in TNG or on DS9 I don't remember.

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This isn't just relegated to just Shart Trek it's modern movies and tv that don't seem to understand this basic concept.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: VomKriege on May 19, 2022, 04:39:41 PM
Of course tone and presentation matters a lot, I've only seen excerpts of current Trek edited for demonstration but for sure they didn't hit those notes in the same way, it was a lot more... clinical in TNG.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Uncle on May 19, 2022, 06:09:04 PM
this is probably a broader subject than anyone will want to talk about in this thread but I've been thinking about how often long arcs filled with D R A M A have fucked up TV shows recently

I think the realities of long-form filming and actor entanglements and writers changing jobs have made it so that long arcs just can't survive any initial planning process they go through

I don't want to throw the baby out with the bathwater and say that shows all need to be monster-of-the-week episodic, but I just wonder if maybe modern writers should assess whether they can really stick the landing or not

every other finale has been falling flat since game of thrones, I'm at the point where I get annoyed at the very prospect of setting up a mystery box because I know they're not going to follow through on a plan and it's going to be stupid in the end

some of the best episodes of all trek shows have been one-offs, plan out your story, have a beginning middle and end, call it done

Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Tasty on May 19, 2022, 07:16:20 PM
Buffy was in the middle of that initial wave of network TV going hard on season-long arcs. Back then it seemed like everything was so fricking serialized, the season arc felt fresh...

Nowadays it's basically a given. I'm not sure I prefer serialized TV generally, certain series like Star Trek and Black Mirror do it pretty well but it depends on the series. Overall I enjoy digging into characters and plot but like everything it has to be well written.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Nintex on May 19, 2022, 07:22:30 PM
The only 2 long running shows that come to mind that nailed the ending were Homeland (after 2 dissapointing seasons prior to the final season no less) and Breaking Bad.
The final season of Better Call Saul is great so far too.

Lots of other shows ended up getting rushed to the finish line prior to the GoT season finale like Boardwalk Empire.
GoT sorta set a new standard for ending a show in the worst imaginable way.

Shorter shows with just 1 or 2 seasons usually manage to do better.
The problem is usually that the writers 'finish' their 2nd or 3rd season with a grand spectacle but then it continues sort of aimlessly.
Disney Marvel (although not just a TV Show) has the same problem after Endgame. 
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: VomKriege on May 19, 2022, 07:43:50 PM
I suppose I must be wrong because it's obviously not done but you'd think there would be room for a good sci-fi anthology, mostly episodic and self contained series in current formats... Having the best of both worlds with shorter seasons cutting down the chaff and filler you had in 20+ episodes per season of old television and a little more budget to explore more elaborate loaf than "ridges on nose and foreheads".

But the Twilight Zone reboot was a downer so I suppose it's easier said than told.

I guess the TLDR is "The Orville".
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on May 19, 2022, 07:55:17 PM
Speaking of which Season 3 starts June 2nd. :rejoice

Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: GreatSageEqualOfHeaven on May 20, 2022, 09:04:25 AM
I think I've said this before, but something like Burn Notice had pretty much the perfect setup / balance between season long arc and monster of the week procedural; if your setup has the heroes doing a regular job that involves investigating unusual things and helping people on the way (which fucking star trek should have built in as writers guide point 1, ffs) then you can have whatever the fuck season long arc mystery box you want, you just need to progress towards that slightly as part of your weekly resolution.

The real problem is that their story arcs are pretty shit to begin with, and paper over that with MYSTERY which means everything else has to go full r*tard so that the shitty overall plot can accomodate the MYSTERY.
This isn't a problem based on things like not knowing for sure they're getting another season, because it is entirely fucking possible to write an interesting storyline that can be meaningfully concluded in one season, but also open doors to additional storylines once completed. Its that the writers really aren't very good. They're either making it up as they go along, or they just don't give a fuck about a meaningful narrative where events have internal logical consistency.

There's quite a few shows where you can see the writers had like... a solid 3 season arc, and things got a little bloaty and unneccessary when they kept going into season 4 and beyond, and its only the fans who continue sticking around, but I think more shows land 'an ending' when they can than don't.
Nothing about Discovery or Picard suggests the writers even talked to each other between episodes, let alone have any fucking clue what the story they wanted to tell was. Because they didn't have one. They just had AWESOME CHARACTERS BEING AWESOME for their own pet definitions of awesome and flung shit at a wall, as far as I can tell.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: benjipwns on May 20, 2022, 03:48:36 PM
I'd actually criticize Burn Notice as too formulaic after the first couple seasons for my taste. The plot never truly advanced outside of the season premiere, the midseason break cliffhanger episode and the season finale. It was always something Michael had to spend a few minutes on that might complicate the story of the week or vice versa. But part of that also was because after they lept up to Management Frasier's Dad they struggled to sustain the Big Bads of every season culminating in the complete collapse of the show at the end.

That said, the USA programs of the era like Burn Notice, White Collar, Suits, etc. were better than many at finding that balance in general even if every season didn't. Though probably the best run of that whole era was Covert Affairs finding its feet by ditching the story of the week, all the previous dumb ongoing plots and establishing some actual stakes that seemed to redirect everything to write its way to a climax.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Tuckers Law on May 20, 2022, 04:55:43 PM
I loved Burn Notice, but it definitely relied too much on its formula for overall story.  I don’t know that it could have ever pulled off an incredible Hannibal-esque mid-season redirect, but it would have been nice to see the story grow a little more organically.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: VomKriege on May 20, 2022, 06:56:34 PM
Every annoying Trek fan knows about Geordi - Leah extreme cringe arc but I always forget how the second episode ends up a lot... less critical one might think.

Warning extreme care post : (

It's still a little weird to me the show sorta went "well yeah they could get married ultimately !", really muddies the "projecting : don't do it fellas" part.

Those reaction shots :delicious
Science officer in the background doesn't care though.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: GreatSageEqualOfHeaven on May 21, 2022, 07:37:08 AM
Yeah, I specifically namechecked Burn Notice as an example of a show whose basic premise could potentially be strung along forever, but in practice only had 3 or so seasons worth of ideas of what to do with it and things start getting stale / formulaic after a really enjoyable first few seasons that people really liked.

Because lets be clear, that is very definitely not the position nuTrek finds itself in.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Tuckers Law on May 21, 2022, 04:38:09 PM
I gotta give them credit: of the two Nu-Trek shows I've watched, their formula for each is very concise.

Discovery formula: Michael Burnham is space jesus and best at everything.

And for Picard's formula:
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Tasty on May 21, 2022, 04:51:02 PM
I think I've finally realized the problem with NuTrek is the producers are too old and the writers are too young.

Ideally that would be flipped, could lead to some interesting ideas and well-written execution.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Tuckers Law on May 22, 2022, 12:29:18 AM
It would most certainly help if the writers could write good material, even with crap producers.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Tasty on May 25, 2022, 03:29:54 AM

A+ thumbnail
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: chronovore on May 25, 2022, 04:29:31 AM
People say "use your art to make your dreams reality," but that thumbnail is proof that they shouldn't.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on May 26, 2022, 01:47:31 PM
A new worlds episode! lets see whose tragic backstory we'll see today!
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on May 26, 2022, 02:17:05 PM

"Why is that blip so much bigger?"

ADR line from someone on the fucking bridge crew...


Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: VomKriege on May 26, 2022, 02:41:53 PM
I know Star Trek is at heart naval but 2d imaging still :doge
Listening to some podcast about the end of DS9 and in retrospect they really rush the conclusion in that series. I understand it can't be helped and I enjoyed it just fine for what it was but you always want good character moments for a great ensemble cast and I suppose books are a much better vessel if you need that sort of space.

Also looked at a couple sequences of Babylon 5, which is a show I haven't seen in a couple decades and boy... That's rough. The camera work especially felt super flat, with a bunch of lifeless master shots. The Star Trek shows have sometimes issues with production value but I didn't expect such a wide gap on revisiting. The acting also meh apart from Katsulas who really crushes it.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on May 27, 2022, 07:36:37 AM
A new worlds episode! lets see whose tragic backstory we'll see today!

No new tragic backstories surprisingly.  :lol
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: GreatSageEqualOfHeaven on May 27, 2022, 08:15:47 AM
Also looked at a couple sequences of Babylon 5, which is a show I haven't seen in a couple decades and boy... That's rough. The camera work especially felt super flat, with a bunch of lifeless master shots. The Star Trek shows have sometimes issues with production value but I didn't expect such a wide gap on revisiting. The acting also meh apart from Katsulas who really crushes it.

Which is absolutely a testament to the writing that it still holds up despite the shoddy vfx work and hugely variable acting chops. Same deal as classic Doctor Who tbh (which suffers even worse on the production side of things, but generally better on the acting side of things, even though it regularly veers into huge Stage Ham territory)
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on May 27, 2022, 11:04:52 AM
It was a decent episode. I really like Pike and Spock
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: VomKriege on May 27, 2022, 01:32:01 PM
Also looked at a couple sequences of Babylon 5, which is a show I haven't seen in a couple decades and boy... That's rough. The camera work especially felt super flat, with a bunch of lifeless master shots. The Star Trek shows have sometimes issues with production value but I didn't expect such a wide gap on revisiting. The acting also meh apart from Katsulas who really crushes it.

Which is absolutely a testament to the writing that it still holds up despite the shoddy vfx work and hugely variable acting chops. Same deal as classic Doctor Who tbh (which suffers even worse on the production side of things, but generally better on the acting side of things, even though it regularly veers into huge Stage Ham territory)

Classic Who (or Who in general) is never something I dipped into though I'm a little familiar with it and I know it was long synonymous with the BBC attempting to stretch centimeters into miles in the SFX and music department. I don't think bad VFX is necessarily a deal breaker, it was expected of any TV show really, but I kept... rosier memories.
Trek has all those issues in spade too but I have a newfound appreciation of how it has a smaller delta of variance, shall we say. Not that there's an incredible mystery there, people often quote that B5 episodes had roughly half the budget of DS9.

(Stage Ham... Did someone say Brian Blessed ?)
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on May 31, 2022, 05:19:17 PM
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Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on June 02, 2022, 06:42:20 PM
Watched the first episode of The Orville...a pretty serious episode about post war hate/grief.

Everything got upgrades in tech/uniforms, but I am a little worried that they might have changed the tone of the show from the goofy Trek spoof to being totally serious from now on since there was little to no humor in this episode, when in the past they would have a tense scene only to get sucker punched by poop and/or dick joke.

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Yaphit was in this so...Norm McDonald was in this episode.  :cry
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on June 03, 2022, 04:10:58 AM
Shart Trek SNW Ep 5 my favorite episode so far, it handled the body swap meme way better than TOS did lol.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: GreatSageEqualOfHeaven on June 03, 2022, 08:12:29 AM

for Bork who didn't believe us when we talked about beverly crusher getting fucked by scottish ghosts in the previous thread
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Tuckers Law on June 03, 2022, 12:23:39 PM
What an awful, awful episode of Star Trek.  It may just be the worst ever standalone episode in Trek.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on June 05, 2022, 10:45:30 AM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: benjipwns on June 05, 2022, 10:51:58 AM
What an awful, awful episode of Star Trek.  It may just be the worst ever standalone episode in Trek.
The writers and producers loved it:
Braga noted the show was not popular among who he dubbed "hard-core fans". "I've come to notice that whenever you infuse a show with sexual themes, some of these fans seem to short-circuit. I mean, the weather array malfunction causing thunderstorms – it was fun!" (Star Trek: The Next Generation Companion (? ed., p. ?))

René Echevarria recalled, "I can still reduce Brannon to shudders when I go into his office and say, 'I can travel on the power transfer beam'. But the cast loved it. Every woman on the lot who read it was coming up to Brannon and patting him. Ultimately I think it was worth doing because it was campy fun and the production values were wonderful. The sets look great and everybody threw themselves into it. Gates did a wonderful job. It just got bigger and broader and to the point of grandmother leaping out of the grave. Just having Beverly basically writhing around having an orgasm at 6 o'clock on family TV was great. For that alone it was worth doing. We got away with murder." (Captains' Logs: The Unauthorized Complete Trek Voyages)

Ronald D. Moore stated, "I kinda liked it. I thought it was good to try a different genre on TNG and mix things up a little. It's not a perfect show by any means, but I'm glad we did it." (AOL chat, 1997)

Braga commented, "It was the best performance I've ever seen. I just thought she did a wonderful job. Picard catches Beverly masturbating for crying out loud! What a tough role to play. When I was writing the words, 'She writhes around in the bed having invisible sex,' I just thought, 'Oh man, we're asking for trouble. Are they gonna be able to pull this off?' Thanks to [director] Jonathan Frakes and Gates, it was not hokey. It was very good. Look, I scripted the first orgasm in "The Game". This was mild by comparison. Sure it was racy. Even Rick Berman had said, 'I can't believe we're doing this.' I think they trimmed quite a bit out of the writhing sequences." (Captains' Logs: The Unauthorized Complete Trek Voyages)

At an Austin, Texas convention in 2012, Gates McFadden stated she wasn't very fond of this episode. "I was basically in love with a lamp! This woman is a doctor and falls in love with a lamp! How the hell does that work?"
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Tasty on June 05, 2022, 11:15:34 AM
It was very good.

[citation needed]
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Madrun Badrun on June 07, 2022, 11:49:18 AM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Madrun Badrun on June 07, 2022, 11:51:44 AM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Madrun Badrun on June 07, 2022, 11:54:25 AM

:dead it happened to me
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: GreatSageEqualOfHeaven on June 07, 2022, 02:31:52 PM
sing along to faith of the heart but change the specific words faith of the heart to rock flag and eagle
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: VomKriege on June 09, 2022, 03:15:32 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: chronovore on June 09, 2022, 08:46:11 PM

:dead it happened to me

It didn't have the "SKIP INTRO" button when I watched, so I got good at the jump-skip to the end instead. That song can forever suck it.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Madrun Badrun on June 10, 2022, 06:41:15 AM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Sideshow Raheem on June 10, 2022, 08:22:03 AM
Latest Star Trek bordered on gruesome.
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Child sacrifice is not an exaggeration. And the new sacrifice got to see exactly what happened to his predecessor.

Also, apologies to M'Benga's daughter as a cure was presented but ultimately eluded her.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on June 11, 2022, 02:12:49 AM
Shart Trek Ep 6

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The Orville Ep 2

A decent body horror episode, the comedy is back in a subdued TNG era awkward humor sort of way.  :-\
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on June 12, 2022, 07:53:01 AM

Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: VomKriege on June 12, 2022, 08:57:06 AM
The magic of prop shops and popular locations. Still more subtle than the original series having a Nazi of a Chicago Gangster planet.
Maybe the Robin Hood episode in TNG was some sort of deal like that though.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on June 12, 2022, 11:07:33 PM

Damn this is dope
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: GreatSageEqualOfHeaven on June 13, 2022, 04:03:07 AM
lmfao that thats the episode they chose to animate; threshold is definitely up there (down there) with sub rosa
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: GreatSageEqualOfHeaven on June 13, 2022, 04:06:46 AM
shit, well, if we've done sub rosa and threshold;
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on June 13, 2022, 04:42:18 AM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on June 15, 2022, 06:45:11 PM
New episode of new worlds was great imo
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Madrun Badrun on June 15, 2022, 08:35:20 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on June 17, 2022, 09:02:42 PM
I think hell froze over Shart Trek had a better episode than The Orville.  :mindblown
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on June 18, 2022, 03:48:14 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Madrun Badrun on June 20, 2022, 05:30:02 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on June 20, 2022, 06:36:29 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Madrun Badrun on June 24, 2022, 04:45:59 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on June 24, 2022, 05:07:06 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on June 24, 2022, 05:16:54 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: VomKriege on June 24, 2022, 06:52:40 PM
Two episodes of Hell.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on June 26, 2022, 07:46:16 AM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on June 26, 2022, 03:08:50 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on June 27, 2022, 06:52:12 AM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on June 27, 2022, 09:00:08 AM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Himu on June 27, 2022, 02:05:34 PM
How is Strange New Worlds?
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on June 27, 2022, 02:24:02 PM
It's watchable except that first episode is a piece of shit.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Himu on June 27, 2022, 02:32:25 PM
Does it present progressive values as the only way forward or is it like classic Trek that shows multiple sides of an issue, that things aren't so black and white, and that disagreeing forces - like say, the war-like Klingon versus the always logical Android - can somehow come to compromise? Trek was great because it showed that multiple viewpoints can add their take to the whole and that true leadership is getting opinions from a variety of sources and not just one. If there's one problem with modern Trek it's that it presents only one solution as permissible, much less possible. This is acutely anti-Trek.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on June 27, 2022, 02:38:33 PM
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EP1 has Jan the 6th as the catalyst for the Eugenics Wars/WW3 if that answers your question.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Himu on June 27, 2022, 02:39:54 PM
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EP1 has Jan the 6th as the catalyst for the Eugenics Wars/WW3 if that answers your question.

Yes, I read about that. But aside from that not much stupid liberal navel gazing?
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on June 27, 2022, 02:47:45 PM
Not really at least not in my opinion, but they still act like snarky unprofessional assholes.

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It still isn't something I would sign up to P+ but it's worth watching it through the internet store.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Himu on June 27, 2022, 02:50:02 PM
Snarky unprofessional assholes? So it's still Orville cosplay where they curse and all that jazz? I'll give it a shot.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on June 27, 2022, 02:50:57 PM
It's even less funny than that.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Himu on June 27, 2022, 02:53:44 PM
It's even less funny than that.

Yeah I remember Tilly and the I FUCKING LOVE  SCIENCE crap. Even I as someone that likes Discovery roll my eyes at that bs. It doesn't feel genuine.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: benjipwns on June 27, 2022, 02:54:11 PM
While I don't agree with you on the perniciousness of progressive shit in shows overall, I think you'll find Strange New Worlds much better than Discovery and Picard even on that point since I know the kinds of things you're referring to.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Himu on June 27, 2022, 02:58:24 PM
Progressivism isn't inherently bad. The problem is that the modern idea of progressivism. In the 90's, progressivism was a future where people of different ideas could live together and try to understand another. Today it means "believe in the same things I do or else - this is the future". So it depends on the definition and 90's Trek absolutely stands for the formers ideals.

Again, I'll give it a shot. Looking forward to it. I still like Picard and Discovery. My problem is that they seem to have really bought into the idea that Star Trek is for progressives only and not for a wide group of people.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: benjipwns on June 27, 2022, 03:10:51 PM
I actually think that current Trek's vision of the future even vis a vis Trek itself is ample grounds for criticism. I'm just not sure it has as much to do with progressivism as much as it is the writers are stupid and unimaginative and so can only view the future through modern politics and their own lens which is modern progressivism. Say what you will about Gene's vision of the future (lmao) but it tended to be pretty radical and out there and then found its way back to us through what similarities remained. It was trying to talk about things inherent to the human condition that we might never advance past rather than simply commenting on modern issues through metaphor. Gene knew he couldn't just do stuff like racial equality without metaphor but he wasn't just trying to comment on human racial equality, he really meant that stuff regarding aliens too. Gene wanted to hit on and possibly sexually harass everybody not just humans of different skin colors.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on June 27, 2022, 03:13:34 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Himu on June 27, 2022, 03:53:09 PM
I'm just not sure it has as much to do with progressivism as much as it is the writers are stupid and unimaginative and so can only view the future through modern politics and their own lens which is modern progressivism.

So we aren't arguing the same thing? Or is your take more a nuanced take with more elaborate language?
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: benjipwns on June 27, 2022, 06:09:00 PM
Or is your take more a nuanced take with more elaborate language?
No, I'm just basically saying they're dumb rather than deliberate.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Himu on June 27, 2022, 06:24:33 PM
Or is your take more a nuanced take with more elaborate language?
No, I'm just basically saying they're dumb rather than deliberate.

Ah. It's hard for me to not equate modern progressivism with "dumb" as a bug rather than a feature, though. To me they're the same.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Tasty on June 27, 2022, 06:42:46 PM

I mean he was pretty much saying this ever since TOS s3, and especially after TMP failed
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: benjipwns on July 06, 2022, 05:24:35 PM
Preview of that Star Trek game coming from the former Telltale guys:

Set after TNG.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on July 07, 2022, 12:30:18 PM
New worlds had a non binairy villain

It’s not this character’s queerness that makes them a villain. They’re not being villainized because they’re queer. They just happen to be, which I think is heavily refreshing versus in real life where we’re being villainized because of our queerness.

Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on July 07, 2022, 02:35:55 PM
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It's the chick who hijacked the enterprise how she is non-binary maybe you are as confused as I am.  :lol
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on July 07, 2022, 05:18:52 PM
The villain isnt even non binary what a non interview
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on July 07, 2022, 05:20:05 PM
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It's the chick who hijacked the enterprise how she is non-binary maybe you are as confused as I am.  :lol

I know there were concerns that having a villain who is played by a trans woman who is clearly a queer person would be sending a wrong message. I understand that queer people have had a really long and complicated history with TV and film, and they’ve been very mistreated in the media. Now we see [that] in legislation and in real life. That being said, I think it’s high time we let queer people be villains, you know?

 ??? ??? ???

Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on July 07, 2022, 06:57:05 PM
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Fnished up the Season of SNW and I got to say that I never would have imagined that I would be typing these words but Shart Trek has surpassed The Orville at least tentatively it might change when The Orville finishes up but here we are. :mindblown

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This season of the Orville has been pretty underwhelming so far, my nitpicks:

1. The humor being gone I regret ever saying it shouldn't be there in the first place.

2. The lighting being darker it isn't as egregious as in Shart Trek but it still annoys me, this is probably because they use different cameras.

2a. To expand on the lighting this is more of a art direction thing the third series has a way more generic inside the ship it went all brushed metal with the light blue lighting instead of the comfy 80's office design language that was very TNG era ripoffy so maybe this was changed because of a copyright issue.

3. The CG looks worse, what the fuck was up with that episode with the Talla fighting the alien CG creatures talk about amateur hour.

4. I don't like the shuttle redesign or their fighter jet thing design wise this could be down to copyright shenanigan's for all i know.

5. Charly sucks.

6. New OP sucks, nah the soundtrack in general compared to previous seasons.

Things I do like:

1. Bortus's make up was improved, the last episode it looked odd the one about time travel.

2. Repercussions from previous seasons have been addressed or made worse.

3 I like the homage to Galaxy Quest since they have a beryllium sphere on their engineering deck.  :lol


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Can only hope this is a direction shows take from now on not just trek but all shows and or media and feck off with injecting current year politics into shit. :rejoice

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SNW EP1 was absolute current year politics gobshite, but fucked off with that shit after that episode.

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The Orville was probably hampered by the Coof which caused 4 eps to be canned and maybe that's why it's a mess but only time will tell when the season actually ends.

Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on July 08, 2022, 09:12:50 AM
I havent enjoyed the orville this season at all.. i dunno why because I was hyped for it but its just not that fun to watch.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Tycoon Padre on July 09, 2022, 07:51:06 AM
This week's Orville was pretty good, I liked seeing

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the return of Laura, as I still think the first episode with that character is probably the strongest in the whole series.

The ending was really abrupt and resolved things too neatly, without really dealing with the consequences of what they'd done, but the show has been pretty good about coming back to unresolved plot points like this (Topa, Teleya) so I expect we'll see more of this storyline if we miraculously get a 4th season.

The stuff with Isaac and Charly was fun too, the show's humor is kinda hit-and-miss for me but I thought this was right in the sweet spot of where it works.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Madrun Badrun on July 11, 2022, 08:35:57 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: VomKriege on July 12, 2022, 10:46:31 AM
Linking to purple site because there was some discussion of Patrick Stewart being very much at the front seat of steering the TNG movies and Picard (which makes a lot of sense that he has so much leverage) : ( (

Which you don't have to read in the most uncharitable way but certainly Stewart himself coopted a tone change.

Certainly failure are as much a team effort than success though it's always fun pointing fingers at the usual suspects.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: chronovore on July 13, 2022, 02:46:53 AM
The TNG movies took the tone from an ensemble cast and made things nearly entirely about Picard or Data.

ST: Picard let’s you know from the title where the focus will be, sadly.

“Absolute fucking hubris!”
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: GreatSageEqualOfHeaven on July 13, 2022, 09:08:28 AM
Doesn't explain why Discovery was fucking awful though, unless we think clem fandango has real hollywood juice
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on July 14, 2022, 01:26:22 PM
I gotta say I was apprehensive of Strange New Worlds, but on Episode 10 now and I have to say its really good, I would say its a perfect mix of classic Trek and some stuff.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: benjipwns on July 14, 2022, 03:25:24 PM
Stewart had leverage with the films because he was becoming a big enough star that he could just give up the role and still find himself stuff like X-Men. He's since admitted that he probably pushed too hard for Picard to get the "best stuff" in the movies, in particular Insurrection should have been more balanced. But I imagine that they had to give him nearly everything he wanted to get him back now. Even Jeri Ryan probably wouldn't have as much pull for Seven.

Data became the B-plot in Nemesis because Spiner was aging out of the role and wanted to be killed off which is leverage no one else on the cast had. It was less natural than fitting his role into First Contact was. Also because the director knew nothing about Trek he thought all the stuff about Data was super fascinating even though it was mostly just retreading ground TNG had done countless times before. They probably should have let Frakes direct again instead of blaming him for Insurrection. It also would have been far smarter if they had pushed all that to irrelevance in the movie until the end where Data realizes he can sacrifice himself and come back in B4 for a potential sequel rather than it being some stupid masterplot of Shinzon's that ultimately goes nowhere anyway.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: VomKriege on July 18, 2022, 04:33:56 AM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on July 18, 2022, 07:22:25 AM
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Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on July 18, 2022, 09:52:45 AM
I cant watch anymore Picard. Not even funny joking memes
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: chronovore on July 18, 2022, 10:35:18 PM
Yeah, I'm sad about it, but I noped out partway through s2e2. Just… no.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Tuckers Law on July 25, 2022, 11:21:46 AM
David Warner is in Sto Vo Kor now.  :cry
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: VomKriege on July 25, 2022, 06:59:13 PM
Patrick Stewart Money
You know who it is
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: benjipwns on July 31, 2022, 11:37:18 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on August 13, 2022, 07:18:36 AM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on August 15, 2022, 02:31:55 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: chronovore on August 17, 2022, 02:21:13 PM
In USA at the moment, finally able to watch Strange New Worlds. First episode was really good.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: benjipwns on September 01, 2022, 03:08:50 AM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: benjipwns on September 03, 2022, 06:43:27 PM
Ton of Star Trek comics:
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on September 07, 2022, 02:26:03 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: benjipwns on September 10, 2022, 09:03:48 PM

Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on September 17, 2022, 03:18:43 AM

"Admiral Leeta" ???????
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: benjipwns on September 17, 2022, 04:25:51 AM
Mirror Leeta, she was part of the rebellion against the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance in the Mirror Universe. In the game they made her a captain of some rebellion ship after the prior ones get killed, I presume she has since been promoted.

Star Trek Online takes place after Voyager and I think some of the Relaunch books, it has its own separate continuity from that point. The storyline setting is pretty far in the future now, I haven't played any of it in many years so I don't know the specifics. Jeff Gerstmann has definitely gotten a lot of content from them for his lifetime subscription though!
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: benjipwns on September 18, 2022, 02:31:15 PM
Got an ad earlier that they made a Star Trek Lower Decks themed idle/clicker game. Will check it out and report back as is my duty.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Occam on September 19, 2022, 12:03:34 PM
Until Strange New Worlds, Lower Decks was the only good new Star Trek, because it is made by people who have actually watched and understood TNG/DS9/VOY. Wish those same writers were allowed to create a serious new Star Trek series that takes place after Voyager.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Tasty on September 19, 2022, 10:35:46 PM
Popped on a random TNG episode on Pluto TV. I've only watched like 5 mins and I haven't seen this one before, apparently there's some kinda Theon Greyjoy situation where some guy took some Earthling's son as a custom of war and raised him as his own. The family on earth wants the son back, but the kid actually loves his kidnapper-dad and I can already tell it's a huge moral quandry for Picard.

Fuck fuck fuck, whenever I decide to put TNG on it's never the wrong decision. They were on something else with this show. Acting and writing at full strength.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: chronovore on September 24, 2022, 08:51:48 AM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Tasty on September 28, 2022, 02:58:05 PM

Gee, who could have seen this coming? :derp

Then this February, Abrams announced during the Paramount Global investors day presentation that a new “Trek” movie “will be shooting by the end of the year” and would feature “our original cast.”

The only problem, according to insiders, was that Pine, Quinto and the rest of the cast had not yet officially signed up for the movie when Abrams made his announcement, leaving Paramount with less than a year to secure the in-demand actors.


The rather inevitable news comes roughly one month after director Matt Shakman exited the “Star Trek” film.

:derp :derp
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: benjipwns on September 29, 2022, 06:13:20 PM
Got an ad earlier that they made a Star Trek Lower Decks themed idle/clicker game. Will check it out and report back as is my duty.
So this is made by the same devs who do the Always Sunny and The Office idle games (among others ( and the core is pretty much the same game just with everything swapped out for Star Trek. They lean into the licenses well on these, as you complete tasks you get little comic book cutscenes taken from the actual episodes, in this game they use the Holodeck to setup the possibility of bringing in all kinds of Trek stuff instead of just being limited to what appeared in the episodes. Of course, that could alter the quality of the cutscenes as they'll have to write them instead of just adapt the show. On other games they have made plenty of assets, like in the Always Sunny game they have tons of variations of the gang based on all the various episodes. It's a idle game so there's not much to talk about with the gameplay lol. There's monetization which I still find amazing because I choose to believe nobody actually purchases anything for these, there's also your typical ad boosts for like four hours of double output, etc. but it's not too annoying and only nags once unlike some games. If you want an idle game to futz around with once a day or whatever and want to go "heh Star Trek" this probably will work.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on October 07, 2022, 12:18:50 PM

Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Tuckers Law on October 07, 2022, 01:42:52 PM
Missed opportunity to use Jerry Goldsmith’s banger Klingon Attack musical theme.  Maybe they can add “today IS a good day to die!” emote.

Wait, did I just see some Trill skins?!?  Awesome, though getting something more wild lie Jem’hadar would be nice too.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Tasty on October 10, 2022, 05:32:50 PM

"Revenge + Star Trek = a fresh idea"
-Some fucking executive somewhere
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on October 10, 2022, 07:34:28 PM

Zorg cameo in the ST universe.  :doge

Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Tasty on October 10, 2022, 07:40:59 PM
Revenge is a more recurrent theme in modern Trek than any of Roddenberry's ideas, ugh.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Uncle on October 10, 2022, 08:51:01 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: benjipwns on October 10, 2022, 09:06:19 PM
Kinda funny that they're like "so anyway forget that whole cast, here's all of TNG plus Seven" and probably all the rest of the galaxy stuff too?
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Tasty on October 10, 2022, 09:29:05 PM
Kinda funny that they're like "so anyway forget that whole cast, here's all of TNG plus Seven" and probably all the rest of the galaxy stuff too?

Why not? They chucked Soji and the DataXPicard love angle into the trash with the transition to S2. The desperation is palpably pathetic.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Tasty on October 10, 2022, 09:30:30 PM
  • since "today is a good day to die" is so iconic, worf will die; he's a pacifist now because he has some incurable klingon disease, and his options were to frantically seek death to die in glorious battle, or seek inner peace and enjoy the time he has left, beaming with pride at alexander's accomplishments (elevating him in memory of his first actor who died)
  • worf was always beaten easily so the writers could show that a threat was actually a threat, and they'll subvert this meme by making him abandon pacifism for a moment to demonstrate he kicks all kinds of ass
  • we will see worf succumbing to his illness on his deathbed saying something like "I always imagined dying after a long, fierce battle" and someone will say "you have, have"
  • geordi runs an old fashioned bookstore on earth and we are introduced to him giving a child a book and saying "...but you don't have to take my word for it"
  • moriarty and lore are both involved because moriarty was "a program that can defeat data" which means either he's summoned to beat lore, or lore is summoned to beat him (the only thing he still desires, beating the equivalent of data)
  • if someone didn't already say "shut up wesley" last season, they will in this one
  • beverly crusher will be saved or something and picard will have a nice candlelit dinner ready for her and she'll snuff it out and say "I don't like candles" while t-posing directly into the camera
  • I'm not going to watch this and it's likely redlettermedia won't either so I'll probably never know if I was right

This sounds way better than where I'm expecting things to go. :lol You think these writers know canon?
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on October 11, 2022, 04:48:00 AM

"Revenge + Star Trek = a fresh idea"
-Some fucking executive somewhere

 :trash :snoop
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: benjipwns on October 13, 2022, 08:32:53 AM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on October 18, 2022, 06:19:07 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: GreatSageEqualOfHeaven on October 19, 2022, 12:58:42 PM
When did Tim Curry get so swole and why is he in a star trek uniform :confused
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on December 20, 2022, 04:30:35 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: chronovore on December 21, 2022, 03:28:12 AM
Amazon Japan had Discovery for free. Now it’s a rental. I can pay for it.

I can also pay a prostitute to crush my nuts, but I’m not doing that, either.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: benjipwns on December 21, 2022, 08:40:47 PM
From same account:
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: benjipwns on January 04, 2023, 12:47:48 AM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on January 04, 2023, 09:17:57 PM
oBrien does loves his rapids
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Tasty on January 09, 2023, 07:38:41 PM

Get ready for PICARD: THE MOVIE.

Even though they did that four times already...
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on January 10, 2023, 06:43:10 AM
Why do they keep bringing back Raffi the most useless fucking shit character ever
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on February 06, 2023, 12:10:49 PM

tl;dr supposedly S3 is good.  :doge
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: chronovore on February 08, 2023, 01:05:06 AM
Like "good" as in enjoyable, or as in "not bad"?

I barely made it through s1, and did not make it past s2's opening episode.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on February 08, 2023, 07:20:33 AM
Supposedly back to form as in like "real Trek",  according to two youtubers that hate modern Trek (Robert Meyer Burnett and Dave Cullen), haven't seen it personally though wish I could've gotten access to those 6 episodes they give reviewers but hey it starts airing next Thursday.

I hated Picard Season 1 and dropped Season 2 like an episode into it, the dunces that ran the show left to work on projects they actually wanted to work on so they hired Terry Matalas who worked on DS9, and gave him full control of this shit bird so there is some hope, I mean how let down were people when they hired that Shabon clown and he just game us the same shit as before.

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Robert Meyer Burnett hated Strange New Worlds BTW which I liked, so he's way more jaded than I am...
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on February 16, 2023, 12:42:48 PM
So Picard S3 is out

Well one episode. Just skipped through it, Raffi is still a prominent figure  :-X :-X :-X

Shit looks so dark and gloomy, and ofcourse there is a BIG EVIL SHIP at the end of the episode

 :trash :trash :trash :trash :trash :trash :trash :trash :trash :trash :trash
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on February 16, 2023, 12:54:41 PM
Watched the first episode of Picard as well wasn't impressed either...wished they would just dump the whole thing.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on February 16, 2023, 12:58:13 PM
Honestly I dont think im gonna bother watching it. Previous seasons were absolute trash. Yeey we got some old actors isnt gonna bring me back if their just keep shitting in the spirit of Trek.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on February 17, 2023, 08:00:27 PM

Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on February 18, 2023, 07:42:09 AM


 :rage :rage :rage :rage
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Uncle on February 18, 2023, 12:48:34 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on February 19, 2023, 01:08:44 PM

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One of the points they overlooked on the trailer for plot speculation was they brought back Moriarty if there ever was a galaxy brain who's the actual villain it's probably Moriarty.

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On another note I binged the second season of Picard, and while it could be argued that it is better than the first that was all negated by having Wesley Crushers annoying ass show up on the last episode.  :ufup :trash :kobeyuck :holeup :nope :forspoken

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Rios pulling a Phllip J Fry and doing the nasty in pasty. :dead
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on February 23, 2023, 08:52:53 PM
Picard Season 3 Ep2 was much better than the first.

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Worf showed up as Raffi's glowie handler. (

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Speaking of Raffi should have given her the boot along with the rest of the old crew.

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Jack Crusher Beverly's new son is Picard's son apparently.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on February 24, 2023, 08:45:44 AM
Lopping heads off like its nothing

Picards long lost son bullsheit

"Raise the shields" as if they wouldnt have shields up after transporting them right away

Shaw being a dumbass and letting an old retired admiral make the decisions

Yes it was better but still kinda crap

The raffinplotline smh
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on February 24, 2023, 01:36:12 PM
Yeah the NuTrek stank is still there.

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What the fuck at Zorg getting a Sex/Dialect change and being the villain in this. (
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on March 02, 2023, 08:08:11 AM
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One thing I forgot to mention was WTF at the Ferengi being named Sneed like that shitty Nu Simpsons joke the kids nowadays are obsessed with.  :doge
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Madrun Badrun on March 07, 2023, 11:45:32 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on March 09, 2023, 02:09:16 PM
On one hand, the new episode is aight

On the other hand, its fucking distinguished mentally-challenged. Picard saying "fucking" Riker says "goddamn", Seven and Shaw talk about cannabis like its still a thing.

And ofcourse we need some ominous save the world type shit to happen, because ofcourse we do.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on March 09, 2023, 02:44:53 PM
I haven't seen it yet but man leave that shit for a parody/homage like The Orville.  :doge
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on March 09, 2023, 09:09:39 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on March 11, 2023, 04:24:48 AM

Who are these hacks and what have they done with the real Mike and Rich
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on March 12, 2023, 01:36:21 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on March 16, 2023, 06:05:38 AM
Picard S3 Ep5 the best episode so far...

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There was some eye rolling shit like a gang of Vulcan criminals, and super changelings lol.

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Ro came back and still looks good.  :whew
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Madrun Badrun on March 16, 2023, 10:20:06 AM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on March 16, 2023, 02:58:43 PM
Picard S3 Ep5 the best episode so far...

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There was some eye rolling shit like a gang of Vulcan criminals, and super changelings lol.

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Ro came back and still looks good.  :whew

Hmm yes but its all still very grimdark. So many people getting killed  :trash

Cant have fun I guess
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: benjipwns on March 16, 2023, 03:10:26 PM
I was looking up something from a Trek novel and took a look at the upcoming Trek releases across the franchise (fucking barren outside of Paramount+ lol) and discovered that they shunted the previous novels into a new timeline to avoid conflicts with Picard. So now there's the main franchise, the relaunch novels, Kelvin and Online.

Although I also learned that Kelvin is all but dead and even when they announced another movie last year they didn't tell any of the actors they were announcing it. :lol

ViacomCBS is apparently also still pretending there's a Trek movie coming out this December even though there's no cast, no director, no writer, no production team (Kurtzman's people are doing a different movie though Paramount+ series are getting priority from them), etc.

At least the license is finally unified though. Shari Redstone apparently considers it the most important IP they own.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on March 16, 2023, 08:50:28 PM
The most important IP for them to poop on!

Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on March 17, 2023, 12:33:23 AM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on March 17, 2023, 04:35:16 AM
Lmao at reee cooming hard over Shaw. He's not an interesting character and neither is seven of nine.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on March 17, 2023, 04:46:17 AM
Shaw needs an ass whooping tbh.

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I never liked 7 of 9 outside of her looks. :mysoggyknees
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on March 17, 2023, 06:31:59 AM
I quite enjoyed seven of nine in Voyager but she doesnt act like a borg at all anymore
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on April 01, 2023, 03:43:26 PM
They had Tuvok on, that was cool. Im hoping we'll see Janeway soon as they keep teasing her
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on April 05, 2023, 02:30:26 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on April 13, 2023, 05:16:57 AM
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The Enterprise D is back!
:hyper :whew :whoo :lawd :rejoice :woooo :delicious :ryker :snob
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on April 13, 2023, 05:39:44 AM
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The Enterprise D is back!
:hyper :whew :whoo :lawd :rejoice :woooo :delicious :ryker :snob

Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on April 13, 2023, 06:19:25 AM
Also lol remember THE BORG guys?  :-X
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on April 13, 2023, 08:26:42 AM

Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on April 14, 2023, 02:56:29 AM
The whole series has been about the Borg though.  ???

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Didn't they retcon the Borg shit again and Mikey Spock is the one who first encountered them?

I know they did that shit in Star Trek: Enterprise....
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on April 14, 2023, 09:05:22 AM
The whole series has been about the Borg though.  ???

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Didn't they retcon the Borg shit again and Mikey Spock is the one who first encountered them?

I know they did that shit Star Trek: Enterprise....

I thought the slate was supposed to be wiped clean with this season. Retcon the previous two horrible seasons.

Also this season hasnt even been about the borg in any way

Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on April 14, 2023, 10:42:03 AM
The whole series has been about the Borg though.  ???

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Didn't they retcon the Borg shit again and Mikey Spock is the one who first encountered them?

I know they did that shit Star Trek: Enterprise....

I thought the slate was supposed to be wiped clean with this season. Retcon the previous two horrible seasons.

Also this season hasnt even been about the borg in any way


And yet here we are, at the remember the borg chestnut.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Sman on April 14, 2023, 01:06:27 PM
I sat through one season of Discovery.  :yuck

I only watched only one episode of Picard (the pilot).  >:(

All the clips I've seen of Picard season 3 seems like a whole lot of stupid mixed with some forced fan service.

Strange New Worlds is so-so, but nowhere near as bad.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on April 14, 2023, 03:47:04 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on April 15, 2023, 01:28:41 AM
I think Season 3 of Picard is better than SNW, I think both shows are a step in the right direction now if only shows can not try be game of thrones and be their own thing... :trumps
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on April 15, 2023, 04:54:36 AM
I think Season 3 of Picard is better than SNW, I think both shows are a step in the right direction now if only shows can not try be game of thrones and be their own thing... :trumps

Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on April 15, 2023, 10:57:10 AM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Sideshow Raheem on April 17, 2023, 10:36:07 PM

One of the dumbest Trekisms ever: The pilot becoming the chief engineer. Topped only by the child flying the starship.

Fun fact: The pilot also became the chief engineer in The Orville.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on April 18, 2023, 09:04:17 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on April 20, 2023, 12:11:40 PM
S3 of Picard wrapped up, it was a decent TNG fanfic.  :-[
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on April 20, 2023, 05:34:46 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on April 21, 2023, 10:41:48 AM
S3 of Picard wrapped up, it was a decent TNG fanfic.  :-[


It was mediocre compared to anything TNG.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Sideshow Raheem on April 21, 2023, 01:56:35 PM

Not sure about the Kirk joke. It was pretty funny when he couldn't drive a flivver. But a revolving door?

I guess the revisionist history is that Kirk is dumb and didn't grow up on Earth?
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on April 21, 2023, 02:48:42 PM
Isn't it just like all the remake/reboot/sequels that make old characters retardados and the new and improved aka "woke" characters are perfect?
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on April 24, 2023, 06:20:22 AM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on April 24, 2023, 07:54:18 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on April 27, 2023, 04:27:13 PM
 :uguu :expert
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: benjipwns on April 29, 2023, 03:31:18 AM
EXCLUSIVE HUGE NEWS from America's Top News Source:
Quote from:
Tim Russ, the actor who played the Vulcan Tuvok in Star Trek: Voyager in the 1990s, has revived his acting career with a fresh gig: portraying disgraced former President Barack Hussein Obama on television and in public, sources at U.S. Army Cyber Command (ARCYBER) told Real Raw News.

For years, alternative news has claimed that Obama actual had faced justice and been replaced by body doubles and doppelgangers, spitting images of the man who reportedly smells like sulfur and was dubbed “Lord of the flies” after insects inexplicably landed on his head during numerous press conferences.

White Hats, however, remain unconvinced that Obummer bought the farm, and say parables of his demise may be premature. As one high-ranking source at Guantanamo Bay told RRN, “If someone got him, it wasn’t us, and we’ve not seen substantiable proof he’s dead. We’ve never heard chatter—and his death would be pretty big deal.”
The dossier alleges that Russ has been obsessed with Obama since at least 2014. A then-57-year-old Russ petitioned his agent to secure an audition for Southside With You, a 2015 film—entirely fictitious, by the way—about a young, lovestruck Obama wooing Michelle on a first date across Chicago. Told he was too old to play the part, Russ argued he could be de-aged through CGI and play a convincing Barack Hussein Obama.

“The CIA papers don’t say why they need actors to imitate Obama, but clearly say they approached Tim Russ last year. They mention putting Russ through rigorous training so that even astute observers wouldn’t be able to tell he wasn’t Obama unless they were right up in his face. They taught him to walk, talk, and act like Obama, just like they taught actor Arthur Roberts to pretend to be Joseph Biden. Tim Russ is the new Hussein Obama,” our source said.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: chronovore on May 01, 2023, 01:04:33 AM
S3 of Picard wrapped up, it was a decent TNG fanfic.  :-[

Yeah, "All Good Things…" will be the canonical end for me, but I enjoyed s3 Picard as long as I didn't think about it too much.
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Crusher's DNA +Picard's DNA will give the Borg a genetic code they need to unlock the trap they laid 35 years ago as part of the transporter technology's lossy format?! And the renegade Changelings cooperated with them because… what? Why?

I will watch a Star Trek: Legacy if they have the Enterprise G helmed by 7-of-9 and bossing around Ensign J. Crusher.

Don't need much of the TNG crew after this, but I expect that they'll roll them into seasons for ratings boosts.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: benjipwns on May 01, 2023, 01:37:44 AM
Yeah, "All Good Things…" will be the canonical end for me
You're going to upset him:
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: chronovore on May 02, 2023, 12:59:02 AM
Yeah, "All Good Things…" will be the canonical end for me
You're going to upset him:

Yeah, NEMESIS can suck my dick.

The only good thing to come out of that film was when Picard's clone reenacted the climax of Excalibur, hauling his impaled self along the spear to get to Picard, and I said, "Oh, he's hoisted on his own Picard."
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Sideshow Raheem on May 02, 2023, 01:24:06 PM
James Kirk becoming captain by picking a fight with the old captain is still among the stupidest things in all of Trekkdom. It's certainly the dumbest thing in new Trek, and that's no small feat.

Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Uncle on May 02, 2023, 01:33:40 PM
literally monkey screeching displays of dominance and doe-eyed "science, fuck yeah" from a supposedly enlightened, evolved, idealized human race
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on May 03, 2023, 05:27:59 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on May 09, 2023, 12:43:53 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on May 10, 2023, 06:11:49 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on May 24, 2023, 02:58:43 PM

Game is Epic only, 1080p 30fps locked on pc.

Not buying this turd but im dling it for sure, havent played a Trek game since Elite Force 2.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on May 25, 2023, 06:15:53 AM
Hmm well jank aside it seems allright.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Sideshow Raheem on June 14, 2023, 01:56:29 PM
Season two for Strange New Worlds debuts tomorrow (June 15).

Am excited to see some stuff here.
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Kirk! The new engineer who should be Scotty. The inclusion of characters from Lower Decks.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on June 14, 2023, 02:01:30 PM
Characters from lower drek...
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Sideshow Raheem on June 16, 2023, 02:20:27 PM
The first episode for the second season of Strange New Worlds is pretty dumb.

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Big conspiracy episode. There's a dilithium mining planet we're led to believe is co-run by the Klingons and the Federation. (Each side gets 30 days in charge?) There's a huge mining cavern and wow! there's a whole Federation ship inside it. But neither the Klingons nor the Federation know about it. Only the bad guy terrorist operation made up, apparently, of humans and Klingons knows about it.

The ship inside the cavern is going to be used to start a war! And there's Enterprise!

Maybe it's me, and maybe I missed something, but this seems a very big thing to miss on a well-populated, heavily mined planet.

I did like the end, however, in which they attempted to further humanize Spock.

Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Sideshow Raheem on June 16, 2023, 02:44:31 PM
The first episode for the second season of Strange New Worlds is pretty dumb.

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Big conspiracy episode. There's a dilithium mining planet we're led to believe is co-run by the Klingons and the Federation. (Each side gets 30 days in charge?) There's a huge mining cavern and wow! there's a whole Federation ship inside it. But neither the Klingons nor the Federation know about it. Only the bad guy terrorist operation made up, apparently, of humans and Klingons knows about it.

The ship inside the cavern is going to be used to start a war! And there's Enterprise!

Maybe it's me, and maybe I missed something, but this seems a very big thing to miss on a well-populated, heavily mined planet.

I did like the end, however, in which they attempted to further humanize Spock.


Rewatched the episode...
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Still doesn't make sense. Each "side" is granted access to the planet for 30 days and the planet's government is apparently independent. It's the Klingons' turn for access. Still not understanding how no one but the terrorists know about the missing starship inside this huge mining cavern.

Care button now off, but if anyone can explain it to the dumb folks in the room...

EDIT: The starship was built in, not recovered from, the cavern. Don't know if this is smarter or dumber, all things considered.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on July 06, 2023, 04:28:49 AM
New episode was allright I guess!
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on July 14, 2023, 04:57:35 AM
New episode was really fun

also nurse chapel is fucking hottttt
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Sideshow Raheem on July 23, 2023, 12:08:55 PM
It can't be worse than the planet of the black people or the planet of the drunk Irish people episodes....

Maybe this is the holodeck/dream sequence episode with the Lower Decks folks in it.

EDIT: Holodecks? I think they appeared in the animated series. Too lazy to check.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Sideshow Raheem on August 11, 2023, 01:30:07 PM
Liked the last couple of episodes, but they're really going hard with making Uhura the star and also the new Wesley Crusher who saves the ship all the time.

It was embarrassing when the Lower Decks characters went back in time to fawn over how great Uhura is. And then, in case you missed it, Uhura muses to one of the Lower Decks characters she doesn't know how she can relax when she knows she has to become a universally known badass.

Last episode of the season:
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Scotty and a terrible cliffhanger.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on August 13, 2023, 09:49:30 PM
My question is more how do space lizards build spaceships they cant even seem to hold tools
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: Sideshow Raheem on August 14, 2023, 02:42:40 PM
My question is more how do space lizards build spaceships they cant even seem to hold tools

They eat each other until they work together with each other. New Trek only makes sense in spurts.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on August 15, 2023, 10:55:09 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on August 29, 2023, 04:55:56 PM
Quark is back baby! This time as another greedy son of a gun (I assume) since he's the money man
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: chronovore on August 30, 2023, 03:35:31 AM
My question is more how do space lizards build spaceships they cant even seem to hold tools

It’s possible that they’re a different species of Gorn than the shipbuilding class. It’s mentioned that the ones in the colony are “the young,” so maybe they develop opposable digits on puberty, or only learn fine motor skills later in their lifecycle.

Seriously, there are hundreds of other inexplicable problems in any Trek series. Reversing engineering fixes to nitpicks is more fun than exposing them.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on September 01, 2023, 05:44:08 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on December 11, 2023, 06:54:37 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on December 18, 2023, 11:32:34 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on December 18, 2023, 11:49:17 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on December 28, 2023, 02:30:10 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on December 29, 2023, 05:32:08 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: bork on January 05, 2024, 04:16:54 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on January 05, 2024, 05:02:43 PM
 :ufup :trash
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on January 05, 2024, 06:32:19 PM
a Star Trek streaming TV movie like the Section 31 film starring Michelle Yeoh

Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on January 05, 2024, 06:57:12 PM
 :ufup :trash

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The sad thing is Michelle Yeoh's character is the only character in Star Drek/Nutrek that had any kind of character growth and or arc, and she was basically funny little mustache man, what did they mean by this?  :hmm

Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: D3RANG3D on February 18, 2024, 04:44:23 PM
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: chronovore on March 21, 2024, 05:57:35 AM
I've been on a re-watch of Star Trek: Enterprise s4 from the fertile fan-mind of Manny Coto. It's really some top-tier Trek; if you've never seen it, please give it a shot. Scott Bakula leads as Captain Archer, but this is very clearly an ensemble effort, unlike the TNG movies or even Discovery, which is really about Michael more than any other character.

My re-watch will stop with the penultimate episode, as the series finale is a TNG wank-fest that pisses everyone off.
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on May 28, 2024, 04:33:17 PM
This made me laugh really hard

(The gowron part)
Title: Re: Star Trek Thread part 2: The Kurtzman Strikes Back
Post by: MMaRsu on May 31, 2024, 12:13:15 PM