General => The Superdeep Borehole => Topic started by: Himu on December 12, 2021, 06:40:57 PM

Title: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: Himu on December 12, 2021, 06:40:57 PM
Last year I moved to NYC. Being away from Texas I was allowed the freedom to get in my head and see what I wanted, what was really me with;etc. with the freedom to embrace my whole self. Earlier this year I detransitioned. When I did I was left with the pit of my actions and what got me to transition in the first place.

I realized that transition was me fully running away from my pain as a man. As a teenager I was emasculated, molested, sexually assaulted, and more. I felt barren, emasculated, and had no idea how to be a man as an adult so I decided to hide in an extended arrested development: since I failed at being a man, I decided to stop being one.

The realization brought out a lot of emotions. I wanted to, respectfully, address some of the people that helped contribute to this so I could move forward. One person in particular ended up making things worse. The result was me blaming women, feminism, and more on my transition. I ended falling a Red Pill rabbithole via YouTube. Thanks to Red Pill I began to loathe women and started to shift the blame of one woman onto all women. This was extremely hard to get out of and I ended up ostracizing many old friends. The past is the past now, and we are no longer friends. That's fine. I ended up being banned here for some of what I said. Without friends, or any kind of person to go to I had two options: further embrace Red Pill and continue on the same path that made me lose decade old friends or do some soul searching. I decided to soul search instead. I joined Red Pill detoxify communities that would help me see through Red Pill BS and started to attend therapy. I got a therapist that was female and being a former misandrist was completely open and fully understanding where I was coming from. The experience was life changing as we parted stories to explain how or why we thought the things we had. The more we talked, and the more I could express myself without judgement, the more she pushed back and offered a counter point to consider without judgement. She helped me through stories of my abuse, molestation, feeling inadequate, how I felt like a failure of a man;etc.

I've been doing this since September. Somehow as I healed from my experiences and the more I had therapy, the better I got with women in a non toxic way. I realized being vulnerable with women doesn't mean weakness and all women wanted was emotional connection and strong leadership. I've been talking to a woman since October and we are feeling deep feelings for each other. We are considering each other marriage. This experience taught me that women don't want overly masculine men. They don't want overly feminine men either. They want balanced men. I still have some healing to do but I feel like I've finally, finally, FINALLY rid myself of my demons. My mother and family are shocked at my present mental state, as if I've come back alive after disassociating for so years.

As for trans, I am convinced it's a mental illness. Or at least, a mental disorder that comes from disassociation to the psyche after intense gender related trauma that makes you question your very self. I highly suggest reading r/detrans. Most if not all of the users there were abused in some form and decided to retreat into transition to run away from their problems. When I look at all of my trans friends I notice similar patterns even if they haven't detransitioned. I support trans rights and people to exist, but the entire ideology is false. Getting out felt like leaving a cult.
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: Himu on December 12, 2021, 07:05:39 PM
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: BIONIC on December 12, 2021, 07:08:21 PM
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: james on December 12, 2021, 07:10:11 PM
Strong start but you missed the pool with your landing
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: Nintex on December 12, 2021, 07:11:08 PM
therapist and big-pharma be like

trans :money
detrans :money

retrans :money
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: Himu on December 12, 2021, 07:21:41 PM
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: Himu on December 12, 2021, 07:27:59 PM
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: Sai on December 12, 2021, 09:10:44 PM
yoooo I straight up do not give a shit
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: team filler on December 12, 2021, 09:19:00 PM
assy was right  :)
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: Propagandhim on December 12, 2021, 11:10:00 PM
Glad you're doing well and congrats on the relationship , Himo.  : )
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: Space Jam is Canon on December 13, 2021, 12:22:08 AM
Many years of tough love could never seem to instill this in you, but the lesson is and always has been that there's no shortcut to you figuring out your profoundly fragile sense of identity, Himuro.

Your experiences are your own and if detransitioning is the grace you need to show yourself, then you should do that. No one here wants to see you suffer. But I'm also sure everyone who knows you is still wondering if you'll ever fucking learn that videogame forum tribalism doesn't map to complex social problems. If you want your therapy to work, you have GOT to be honest about your long history of shitty dogmas and shallow epiphanies. The progress you want to make is straight up not going to happen unless you or someone else can hold you accountable for this.
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: Potato on December 13, 2021, 12:36:08 AM
Good to see you use the word "balance". Keep aiming for balance in all things in your life and you'll be fine. Be cautious of overcompensating when trying to find that balance though.

Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: SmokyDave on December 13, 2021, 06:02:39 AM
Glad you're OK.

My secret to happiness is realising that I'm not the best me I can be, and living with it if I'm not willing to work on it. It's the only way I can parent my daughter without being paralysed by the fear of failure or not being 'enough' of a kingpin for my wife and kid.

Don't measure yourself against what you believe a 'proper' man / adult is. Those people don't exist and if they did, they'd be miserable boring fucks.

This experience taught me that women don't want overly masculine men. They don't want overly feminine men either. They want balanced men.
Some women want overly masculine men. Some want overly feminine men. Some want balanced men. Some want none of the above.

None of that matters. Be yourself, and only worry about what the woman you are interested in 'wants'. Taken as a group they'll break any rules you think you can figure out.
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: Uncle on December 13, 2021, 08:25:02 AM
therapist and big-pharma be like

trans :money
detrans :money

retrans :money

Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: Kurt Russell on December 13, 2021, 08:29:59 AM
All the best. I don't have any real point of reference to relate to anything you've experienced, but I sincerely wish you the best and hope that you ultimately achieve happiness.
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: Transhuman on December 13, 2021, 09:09:42 AM
You say that being trans is a mental illness, but (no offense) why would I listen to someone who is admittedly mental unwell. Just because you convinced yourself you had cancer doesn't mean everyone who has cancer is faking, you know what I mean?

Oh yeah, and all that stuff Kurt said about happiness and stuff too. That greeting card shit. Merry Christmas!
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: Great Rumbler on December 13, 2021, 11:42:34 AM
Himu, I respect your personal choice to leave being trans behind and I hope you find your way to the kind of happiness that you're searching for, but please leave the detrans/actually trans people have a mental illness stuff off The Bore.
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: Himu on December 13, 2021, 12:01:47 PM
Ah. So don't express your personal experiences. I completely, wholly understand. Everything the trans community does is A-okay and there's zero room for criticism. Got it. I respect it but please don't express yourself after all you've been through. You might as well tell me to go fuck myself.

Bore, observe lesson one from trans cult like behavior. You can never say what you want regarding the trans community. You either fully accept them or you're on thin ice. Even perspectives from those that were deep in the community are not allowed. Sound like a cult and a wider culture that forces trans perspective on society? I'd say so. This is how they grow.
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: Himu on December 13, 2021, 12:09:29 PM
Many years of tough love could never seem to instill this in you, but the lesson is and always has been that there's no shortcut to you figuring out your profoundly fragile sense of identity, Himuro.

Your experiences are your own and if detransitioning is the grace you need to show yourself, then you should do that. No one here wants to see you suffer. But I'm also sure everyone who knows you is still wondering if you'll ever fucking learn that videogame forum tribalism doesn't map to complex social problems. If you want your therapy to work, you have GOT to be honest about your long history of shitty dogmas and shallow epiphanies. The progress you want to make is straight up not going to happen unless you or someone else can hold you accountable for this.

I agree.
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: Himu on December 13, 2021, 12:10:44 PM
I posted an anti red pill video about getting people out of that toxic ideology and you DELETE IT??

Proving me right.

I'll repost it.
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: Great Rumbler on December 13, 2021, 12:49:52 PM
Ah. So don't express your personal experiences. I completely, wholly understand. Everything the trans community does is A-okay and there's zero room for criticism. Got it. I respect it but please don't express yourself after all you've been through. You might as well tell me to go fuck myself.

Bore, observe lesson one from trans cult like behavior. You can never say what you want regarding the trans community. You either fully accept them or you're on thin ice. Even perspectives from those that were deep in the community are not allowed. Sound like a cult and a wider culture that forces trans perspective on society? I'd say so. This is how they grow.

No, I'm asking you, politely, to not paint the entire trans community with the same broad brush. Extend to them the same courtesy that people here extended to you when you transitioned.
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: Tuckers Law on December 13, 2021, 12:51:55 PM
Glad to hear you’re in a better place and headspace for yourself, that’s great.  A couple years back I heard a former coworker of mine also detransitioned after having been a woman for a few years, and I always wondered what the impetus or mentality was for them deciding to go back to male, so you sharing your experience on this is much appreciated and I feel gives me a little more perspective on that.

I don’t agree necessarily that all trans people are suffering from mental illness of some form, but I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that I sometimes think there’s something about, “not feeling comfortable in one’s own skin,” (which most everyone feels at one time or another), that a lot of people who begin pursuing transition are experiencing.  It’s a topic so fraught with misunderstanding that I rarely ever bring it up.

You say that being trans is a mental illness, but (no offense) why would I listen to someone who is admittedly mental unwell. Just because you convinced yourself you had cancer doesn't mean everyone who has cancer is faking, you know what I mean?

Oh yeah, and all that stuff Kurt said about happiness and stuff too. That greeting card shit. Merry Christmas!

I really don’t agree with your analogy here.  Nobody makes a choice to pursue cancer, and for all the talk of someone being mentally or emotionally trans at birth, they still have to make the choice to transition physically.
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: Uncle on December 13, 2021, 01:00:57 PM
I read the detrans reddit links and they were not hateful at all imo, I get that they were posted in context of proving trans people are mentally unwell or whatever but what I read was regular people going through regular stuff and trying to work out how they feel/their identity

I'm sure even most of the detrans people would say their experience isn't necessarily representative of everyone

if the subreddit was invalid or toxic or hateful it would not survive the current climate at reddit, it's more or less a thoughtful support group
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: Himu on December 13, 2021, 01:15:00 PM
While I do think gender dysphoria is a mental illness, trans people get the fullest extent of my love and sympathy. I remain friends with multiple trans people. Although I view it as a mental illness I don't think I am being bigoted for having these views because I am also friendly with people that Bipolar or are Schizo. The main criticisms are the culture surrounding being trans, online trans spaces, deligitimizing valid detrans perspectives, inability to take criticism (especially white trans people instilling their white privilege into minorities, the whole Chappelle situation), cries of transphobia just because someone doesn't want to be with/have sex with you, and the cult like mindset in-between.The things happening in the wider trans community, such as people online insisting that if you have doubts you're trans you're actually trans because "cis people don't think about their gender" should be rightly and thoroughly deconstructed in public space and mocked.

Trans people and their allies (of which I do not label myself as such) must contend with these problems and face them rather than censor them or they will face wide systemic cultural backlash within ten years time.
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: Himu on December 13, 2021, 01:21:49 PM
Also the idea that believing gender dysphoria is a mental illness is being hateful is pretty extreme and evidence of societal pressure to instill trans values on wider society. Thinking dysphoria is mental illness is not an extreme position. You are potentially coddling those with real issues to make them feel better about themselves in the name of progress and acceptance.
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: Uncle on December 13, 2021, 01:27:03 PM
also the assumption that if you think someone is mentally unwell then you must by necessity hate them, or think less of them, or dehumanize them, when it's just another attribute people have

I thought prevailing theories at present are that no one is "normal," no one is 100% mentally healthy, everybody has one or more disorders and it's like join the club

probably not fair to characterize EVERYONE in a group as being the same in some way, but I also feel that can get tiresome, like of course not everyone fits into a box, to have to say so repeatedly just makes it impossible to discuss anything
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: Himu on December 13, 2021, 01:28:54 PM
also the assumption that if you think someone is mentally unwell then you must by necessity hate them, or think less of them, or dehumanize them, when it's just another attribute people have

I thought prevailing theories at present are that no one is "normal," no one is 100% mentally healthy, everybody has one or more disorders and it's like join the club

Precisely. Even losing weight can lead a mental disorder in body dysmorphia. But that's a disorder and being trans isn't? Losing weight is far more common than being trans. Consider the societal implications.
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: Great Rumbler on December 13, 2021, 01:47:05 PM
We're still squarely within the era where a massive chunk of American society views trans people as the butt of a joke at best, weirdo child-predators that should be in prison at worst. Just a couple a years ago a parent group for the school I went to was encouraging students to beat up the school's sole trans student. So if the trans community is getting a little more leeway than they should, they've kinda earned some time to work through things.
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: james on December 13, 2021, 02:24:15 PM
if the subreddit was invalid or toxic or hateful it would not survive the current climate at reddit, it's more or less a thoughtful support group

Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: Mr. Gundam on December 13, 2021, 02:27:14 PM
I'm very glad you're doing better after some really dark times recently. I'm happy that you're in therapy and working through your issues but your last paragraph is highly problematic. While that might be your experience, please don't generalize what you've gone through to everyone that identifies as trans. I hope you're sharing this paradigm with your therapist who sounds really good at pushing back on problematic thought processes. You're coming off as having a very black/white wrong/right dichotomy when we all know the world doesn't work that way.

Also, let's not forget that homosexuality used to be in the DSM, but no one of sound mind and body now would claim that being gay is a mental illness.
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: james on December 13, 2021, 03:10:38 PM
You're coming off as having a very black/white wrong/right dichotomy when we all know the world doesn't work that way.

Is this your first time with OP?
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: benjipwns on December 13, 2021, 03:13:47 PM
Gender dysphoria and being trans aren't the same thing. They aren't mutually exclusive. They're conflated because, until recently, access to medical procedures and drugs were kept behind the requirement of a gender dysphoria diagnosis. In most cases to receive government funding for such is still kept behind such a diagnosis. As such, people who are merely trans pursue a diagnosis of gender dysphoria.

Maybe being trans is a mental illness, you can certainly make try to that argument (I don't find it very convincing), but it is not and has not ever been listed in the DSM as one. Is this technical hair splitting? Again, maybe. But I don't find it very convincing to say that someone can't identify as the gender they choose to (or feel like or whatever explanation they give) without inherently being mentally ill.

Adults should be able to access elective medical procedures and drugs they desire without needing a medical diagnosis. Adults should be able to identify as whatever gender they want to without needing a medical diagnosis.
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: Mr. Gundam on December 13, 2021, 03:14:07 PM
You're coming off as having a very black/white wrong/right dichotomy when we all know the world doesn't work that way.

Is this your first time with OP?

Nope, just stating the obvious.

I remember some very angry Himuro posts from well over a decade ago.
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: Nintex on December 13, 2021, 03:19:36 PM
After the gay trail blazers set the stage for LGBTQAI+ acceptance by their straight counterparts over the last 30 years, the trans community decided to piss off the feminists and pick a fight with Dave Chapelle.
That has set back the acceptance of their particular group by at least 2 or 3 decades.

Now they need to get back in favor with the black community and white women first and the straight white males know they have no say in it anymore until they do.
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: Himu on December 13, 2021, 03:34:16 PM
We're still squarely within the era where a massive chunk of American society views trans people as the butt of a joke at best, weirdo child-predators that should be in prison at worst. Just a couple a years ago a parent group for the school I went to was encouraging students to beat up the school's sole trans student. So if the trans community is getting a little more leeway than they should, they've kinda earned some time to work through things.

Not when it comes potentially damaging children they don't. I know people that got BA's when they were minors. Leeway only allows stuff like that to continue.
Ah. So don't express your personal experiences. I completely, wholly understand. Everything the trans community does is A-okay and there's zero room for criticism. Got it. I respect it but please don't express yourself after all you've been through. You might as well tell me to go fuck myself.

Bore, observe lesson one from trans cult like behavior. You can never say what you want regarding the trans community. You either fully accept them or you're on thin ice. Even perspectives from those that were deep in the community are not allowed. Sound like a cult and a wider culture that forces trans perspective on society? I'd say so. This is how they grow.

No, I'm asking you, politely, to not paint the entire trans community with the same broad brush. Extend to them the same courtesy that people here extended to you when you transitioned.

How am I being discourteous?
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: benjipwns on December 13, 2021, 03:35:49 PM
After the gay trail blazers set the stage for LGBTQAI+ acceptance by their straight counterparts over the last 30 years, the trans community decided to piss off the feminists and pick a fight with Dave Chapelle.
That has set back the acceptance of their particular group by at least 2 or 3 decades.
This seems unlikely. Bostock came just five years after Obergefell despite a seemingly more hostile Court. Most religious groups are already far more tolerant and supportive of trans kids than they were gay kids even a few decades ago. (Look at who is making the actual testimony against the current wave of anti-trans laws in the states, it is not dominated by trans activists.) While I agree with criticism that these groups are not accepting this out of entirely altruistic motives they are accepting it nonetheless.

Trans extremists are unlikely to achieve acceptance of their views, but then that's true of most extremists. The fact is that legal parity is easily within reach, especially since the remaining steps are not trans-exclusive, and it seems unlikely that trans extremists venting against Dave Chappelle will have halted that course for decades. Gay extremists weren't happy with the same-sex marriage approach either and this is the result:
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: Himu on December 13, 2021, 03:38:48 PM
Gender dysphoria and being trans aren't the same thing. They aren't mutually exclusive. They're conflated because, until recently, access to medical procedures and drugs were kept behind the requirement of a gender dysphoria diagnosis. In most cases to receive government funding for such is still kept behind such a diagnosis. As such, people who are merely trans pursue a diagnosis of gender dysphoria.

Maybe being trans is a mental illness, you can certainly make try to that argument (I don't find it very convincing), but it is not and has not ever been listed in the DSM as one. Is this technical hair splitting? Again, maybe. But I don't find it very convincing to say that someone can't identify as the gender they choose to (or feel like or whatever explanation they give) without inherently being mentally ill.

Adults should be able to access elective medical procedures and drugs they desire without needing a medical diagnosis. Adults should be able to identify as whatever gender they want to without needing a medical diagnosis.

How are things diagnosed then? When I originally talked a therapist about my gender issues they said,"I can't tell if you're trans or not." So why am I coming here exactly? But they were quick to sign off on me getting access to hrt.

Where's the line? How do you formally diagnose without being too liberal? Where is a line between acceptance and taking advantage of vulnerable people for money so they can get stuck on hrt meds?

Here's the takeaway:

- progressives and liberals are too accommodating in their attempts to be accepting
- access to hrt is too easy
- medical establishment is using people's pain get them on hormones and potentially sterilize them
- therapists have been too accommodating in their attempts to not diagnose
- trans diagnoses are far too liberal

This is precisely why Rumblers leeway argument falls on its head.
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: Himu on December 13, 2021, 03:42:45 PM
I'm very glad you're doing better after some really dark times recently. I'm happy that you're in therapy and working through your issues but your last paragraph is highly problematic. While that might be your experience, please don't generalize what you've gone through to everyone that identifies as trans. I hope you're sharing this paradigm with your therapist who sounds really good at pushing back on problematic thought processes. You're coming off as having a very black/white wrong/right dichotomy when we all know the world doesn't work that way.

Also, let's not forget that homosexuality used to be in the DSM, but no one of sound mind and body now would claim that being gay is a mental illness.

In what way am I being black and white? I think I've been perfectly fair. Have I said trans people are destined for hell? Nope. Have I said that trans is destroying society? Nope. It's a minority of a minority of the population. Have I said all trans women are men plotting to abuse women in restrooms? Nope! All I've said I personally think trans is a mental illness/disorder. Far from black and white. On the contrary, it is measured and compassionate. I've met and have known hundreds of trans people. Almost all of them are unhappy and broken. Noticing the pattern is pretty easy. I don't think it's black and white to say that for the most part, transitions are a retreat. The stories of many former FTM's and others confirm this. With the recent uptick in transitions, surely not all of these people are actually trans when society makes even being remotely gender non conforming to be equitable to being trans.

Like I said: measured. fair.
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: benjipwns on December 13, 2021, 03:54:28 PM
How are things diagnosed then? When I originally talked a therapist about my gender issues they said,"I can't tell if you're trans or not." So why am I coming here exactly? But they were quick to sign off on me getting access to hrt.

Where's the line? How do you formally diagnose without being too liberal? Where is a line between acceptance and taking advantage of vulnerable people for money so they can get stuck on hrt meds?
You don't need to diagnose if people can simply access things because they want to rather than needing some kind of a diagnosis that something is wrong and needs to be medically addressed.

The only reason for overdiagnosis of gender dysphoria is because it's a way to circumvent the gatekeeping of requiring a diagnosis in the first place.

Let psychologists and others help those who have gender dysphoria and wish to combat it. While those who just wish to be trans can get access without needing to bother anyone unnecessarily. I think this helps both groups.
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: CatsCatsCats on December 13, 2021, 03:59:24 PM
After the gay trail blazers set the stage for LGBTQAI+ acceptance by their straight counterparts over the last 30 years, the trans community decided to piss off the feminists and pick a fight with Dave Chapelle.
That has set back the acceptance of their particular group by at least 2 or 3 decades.

Now they need to get back in favor with the black community and white women first and the straight white males know they have no say in it anymore until they do.

Shut the fuck up idiot.
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: team filler on December 13, 2021, 04:00:01 PM
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: Himu on December 13, 2021, 04:00:26 PM
How are things diagnosed then? When I originally talked a therapist about my gender issues they said,"I can't tell if you're trans or not." So why am I coming here exactly? But they were quick to sign off on me getting access to hrt.

Where's the line? How do you formally diagnose without being too liberal? Where is a line between acceptance and taking advantage of vulnerable people for money so they can get stuck on hrt meds?
You don't need to diagnose if people can simply access things because they want to rather than needing some kind of a diagnosis that something is wrong and needs to be medically addressed.

The only reason for overdiagnosis of gender dysphoria is because it's a way to circumvent the gatekeeping of requiring a diagnosis in the first place.

Let psychologists and others help those who have gender dysphoria and wish to combat it. While those who just wish to be trans can get access without needing to bother anyone unnecessarily. I think this helps both groups.

Gatekeeping is better. The trans community didn't have these issues decades prior. I'm well aware of the gatekeeping argument. However, being too liberal is a threat to trans people and trans rights. Surely you can see that, when teenage girls who think they're trans are allowed (with parent approval because they too think she's trans) to have her breasts removed at 16. The stories of detransitioners, especially FTM detransitioners, are a harrowing story of medical malpractice and trying to contain them will only harm the trans community in the long run.
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: team filler on December 13, 2021, 04:39:16 PM
you still want to be called cindi  ???

anyway, you are completely right about all this trans stuff  :clap

assimilate was right and never should have been banned  :hesright
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: james on December 13, 2021, 04:39:24 PM
I got fat and now Im trying to transition back to skinny. Its a harrowing story of medical malpractice. :fbm
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: team filler on December 13, 2021, 04:40:09 PM
I keep looking more and more amazing  :rejoice
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: Himu on December 13, 2021, 04:41:17 PM
you still want to be called cindi  ???

I don't want to be, I just haven't asked a name change and feels to me the powers that be are so tired of me they won't change it anyways so I don't care.
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: james on December 13, 2021, 04:54:50 PM
Lets put up the new name to a vote  :rash
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: Himu on December 13, 2021, 04:57:38 PM
Lets put up the new name to a vote  :rash

I'm fine with Himu. Please leave this thread. You don't contribute much.
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: james on December 13, 2021, 05:02:01 PM
Filler, like this post if you think I contribute to this thread
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: team filler on December 13, 2021, 05:03:39 PM
Filler, like this post if you think I contribute to this thread
best himu said "you don't contribute much" so even he thinks you contribute  :lol
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: james on December 13, 2021, 05:04:35 PM
Filler, like this post if you think I contribute to this thread
best himu said "you don't contribute much" so even he thinks you contribute  :lol

Im fine with that
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: Sai on December 13, 2021, 05:06:18 PM
mods, please change xir username to 'doesn't contribute much'
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: Sai on December 13, 2021, 05:06:42 PM
After the gay trail blazers set the stage for LGBTQAI+ acceptance by their straight counterparts over the last 30 years, the trans community decided to piss off the feminists and pick a fight with Dave Chapelle.
That has set back the acceptance of their particular group by at least 2 or 3 decades.

Now they need to get back in favor with the black community and white women first and the straight white males know they have no say in it anymore until they do.

Shut the fuck up idiot.
quoting for new page
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: james on December 13, 2021, 05:09:37 PM
After the gay trail blazers set the stage for LGBTQAI+ acceptance by their straight counterparts over the last 30 years, the trans community decided to piss off the feminists and pick a fight with Dave Chapelle.
That has set back the acceptance of their particular group by at least 2 or 3 decades.

Now they need to get back in favor with the black community and white women first and the straight white males know they have no say in it anymore until they do.

Shut the fuck up idiot.
quoting for new page

What new page  :doge
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: BIONIC on December 13, 2021, 05:10:31 PM
Nintex is intelligent.
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: team filler on December 13, 2021, 05:10:57 PM
Nintex is intelligent.
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: Great Rumbler on December 13, 2021, 05:32:16 PM
How am I being discourteous?

All you gotta do is look at the posts by half the people in this thread to see where going down this road leads.
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: Himu on December 13, 2021, 05:34:22 PM
How am I being discourteous?

All you gotta do is look at the posts by half the people in this thread to see where going down this road leads.

Half of those people are morons.
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: team filler on December 13, 2021, 05:49:33 PM
all you gotta do is look at the people editing himu's posts for no real reason  ::)
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: bork on December 13, 2021, 05:55:26 PM
I'm fine with Himu.

Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: Kurt Russell on December 13, 2021, 06:14:26 PM
Nintex is Nintelligent.

Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: Himu on December 13, 2021, 06:14:27 PM
I'm fine with Himu.


Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: team filler on December 13, 2021, 06:19:03 PM
welcome back, breh  :mynicca
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: Nintex on December 13, 2021, 06:30:29 PM
I see we've finally left the Berenstein universe.  :whew

Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: CatsCatsCats on December 13, 2021, 07:57:27 PM
Filler, like this post if you think I contribute to this thread

You don't contribute to anything you fucking pervert.
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: BIONIC on December 13, 2021, 09:10:47 PM
james is a contributor.
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: Space Jam is Canon on December 13, 2021, 09:59:31 PM
james should not ever be mentioned in the same breath as Himuro. Himu might be infamous, but he's also a fucking legend and directly involved in at least 3 of the top 5 Bore moments. Did you go to the park, james?
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: james on December 13, 2021, 10:03:24 PM
james should not ever be mentioned in the same breath as Himuro. Himu might be infamous, but he's also a fucking legend and directly involved in at least 3 of the top 5 Bore moments. Did you go to the park, james?

Who's on the front page bitch
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: Uncle on December 13, 2021, 10:06:53 PM
well regardless I hope you continue to identify strongly with elaine from seinfeld
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: Great Rumbler on December 13, 2021, 10:16:27 PM
I'd trade james for Himu.

Put Nintex and filler of waivers tbh
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: team filler on December 13, 2021, 10:20:47 PM
can't you just go in the discord to have it that way  ???

oh wait it's a snoozefest in there without us and with himu  :crowdlaff
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: Himu on December 13, 2021, 11:44:40 PM
can't you just go in the discord to have it that way  ???

oh wait it's a snoozefest in there without us and with himu  :crowdlaff

I was kicked out of the discord during my redpill moment and was told I could never come back. I've personally severed ties with all of them and don't plan on speaking to any of them the rest of my life.
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: team filler on December 13, 2021, 11:45:46 PM
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: james on December 14, 2021, 12:50:49 AM
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: Ghoul on December 14, 2021, 03:11:10 AM
can't you just go in the discord to have it that way  ???

oh wait it's a snoozefest in there without us and with himu  :crowdlaff

I was kicked out of the discord during my redpill moment and was told I could never come back. I've personally severed ties with all of them and don't plan on speaking to any of them the rest of my life.

Hate to break it to you, becoming a PUA isn’t a red pill moment. :wut

Good grief, I really hope you work through this with your therapist as when reading your posts, you’re really in need of some actual guidance and quite possibly a lot of different medications to stop your fixative behaviours and your tendencies to just go absolutely off the deep end when you change. I’ll be watching out for your DID phase as that system is surely going to be quite a lot of fun.
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: Himu on December 14, 2021, 04:21:08 AM
can't you just go in the discord to have it that way  ???

oh wait it's a snoozefest in there without us and with himu  :crowdlaff

I was kicked out of the discord during my redpill moment and was told I could never come back. I've personally severed ties with all of them and don't plan on speaking to any of them the rest of my life.

Hate to break it to you, becoming a PUA isn’t a red pill moment. :wut

Good grief, I really hope you work through this with your therapist as when reading your posts, you’re really in need of some actual guidance and quite possibly a lot of different medications to stop your fixative behaviours and your tendencies to just go absolutely off the deep end when you change. I’ll be watching out for your DID phase as that system is surely going to be quite a lot of fun.

I hate to break it to you but you have no idea what red pill even is. It is either outdated (you're a liberal, still thinks it's 2016 and think it's a political ideology and not a dating strategy) or you're massively not clued into culture, which makes you sound like a liberal to begin with because those on the left tend to ignore what's going outside of their sphere of influence because "ew bad sexism" rather than fixing problems.

Either way, you are massively uncocked with the radical shift happening in society. Red pill date strategy is now mainstream. Go to YouTube and search for date advice and you will be bombarded with red pill content. Kevin Samuels has nearly half of 2 million subscribers and is massively red pilling black men and making a big splash in black culture and that's one spurious example.

Red pill in its current form is a date strategy that is a reaction to feminism, women having more options than they can deal with due to the result of online dating, and many of their impossible dating standards.

I highly suggest clueing yourself into culture because you will be penis slapped in the face within five years time because red pill is massively radicalizing young men and your statement makes you sound like an ignoramus. Because if you were knowledgeable you'd know PUA, at this point in time, *is* the Red Pill.

I might have behavior issues like you say but at least I'm not as stupid nor as much of a leftist cuck.
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: Himu on December 14, 2021, 04:31:58 AM
For non morons
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: SmokyDave on December 14, 2021, 04:39:30 AM
Oh crikey, it's High Value Male time.

Strip all these theories, strategies, and games away. Or, if knowledge of self must come from youtube:

Right, now I'll see my contentedly-low-value-because-we-can't-all-be-special ass out  :lol
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: Ghoul on December 14, 2021, 04:44:29 AM
calling people stupid libs doesn't make you as smart as you think you are. If you knew a damn thing about me, you'd know I'm not even from the US, so this "liberal" shit doesn't apply here.

 Just go back to youtube for some dating advice. :doge I forgot you're already a red pill master after "Falling down a youtube rabbit hole"

 :doge :doge :doge :doge :doge :doge :doge :doge :doge :doge :doge :doge :doge :doge :doge :doge :doge :doge :doge

Example of your average PUA/Red Pilled guy trying to get a date:
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: Himu on December 14, 2021, 04:52:29 AM
Oh crikey, it's High Value Male time.

Strip all these theories, strategies, and games away. Or, if knowledge of self must come from youtube:

Right, now I'll see my contentedly-low-value-because-we-can't-all-be-special ass out  :lol

Red pill was honestly necessary for me so I'm glad I got out of it.

The StephisCold video on female nature :aah

I like your value Dave.
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: Himu on December 14, 2021, 05:05:45 AM
I told my therapist why I was red pilled and she didn't bat an eye and told me she didn't blame me for falling for it. Shit, I'd hate women too after all that. :rejoice
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: Himu on December 14, 2021, 05:30:03 AM

Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: Nintex on December 14, 2021, 05:32:17 AM
I highly suggest clueing yourself into culture because you will be penis slapped in the face within five years time

Newsfeed worthy :rejoice
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: Himu on December 14, 2021, 05:34:38 AM
I highly suggest clueing yourself into culture because you will be penis slapped in the face within five years time

Newsfeed worthy :rejoice

Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: Mr Gilhaney on December 14, 2021, 05:39:33 AM
I dont know you that well, Himu, but it's always a ride when I come in here and see your threads. Whatever hopefully makes you happy, breh. Hope you've found it.

Either way, I hope the new matrix introduces a new pill. Sick of this red or blue pill shit. Need new colours
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: benjipwns on December 14, 2021, 06:06:21 AM
Kevin Samuels has nearly half of 2 million subscribers
So nearly one million?
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: Nintex on December 14, 2021, 06:09:50 AM
Kevin Samuels has nearly half of 2 million subscribers
So nearly one million?
Give or take 10 billion :trumps
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: Ghoul on December 14, 2021, 01:20:44 PM
I told my therapist why I was red pilled and she didn't bat an eye and told me she didn't blame me for falling for it. Shit, I'd hate women too after all that. :rejoice

Your therapist is just a headmate, from the first page to this, you show the same old bullshit you always do. GO OFF SPECIAL KING.

Holy shit, you equate everything to cuck libs and WOW COOL GUY ALT RIGHT AMI RIGHT?

You're just a fucking mess, imagine getting fucked up so hard you force yourself into becoming trans, then becoming youtube redpilled. HAHAHAHAHAHAA

Do me a favour, the next time you tell anyone they're dumb, look at your life, as holy shit,

you're an emotional distinguished mentally-challenged fellow. So smartttttt, go pick up my fucking order from a takeaway and drop it at my door, no tip, the only one I'll give is SHUT THE FUCK UP!


Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: Himu on December 14, 2021, 02:21:40 PM

:lol I'm laughing while riding the subway train. You're a massive fucking loser.  This is pathetic you're so bothered.
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: Uncle on December 14, 2021, 02:25:11 PM
what is the significance of himuro, I'm not an anime man so I don't know if it's like the pseudonym that shinzaki took after his father was assassinated by the queen's mobile suit strike force or w/e
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: Himu on December 14, 2021, 02:28:36 PM
what is the significance of himuro, I'm not an anime man so I don't know if it's like the pseudonym that shinzaki took after his father was assassinated by the queen's mobile suit strike force or w/e

Huh? What do you mean?
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: Uncle on December 14, 2021, 02:31:48 PM
I don't know what himuro means! I mistakenly assumed it was an anime reference  ???
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: Himu on December 14, 2021, 02:35:13 PM
I don't know what himuro means! I mistakenly assumed it was an anime reference  ???

It is. It's named after Himura Kenshin from Rurouni Kenshin. Some guy already had the name Himura Kenshin so I changed the name to have an o at the end. I was like 14.
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: Cauliflower Of Love on December 15, 2021, 09:24:27 AM
good for you.

also going from hating men to hating women to hating trans, just means you need to get that last bit of hate out of your sytem.

Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: Himu on December 17, 2021, 06:02:20 PM
The other day when I was banned was the worst mental health day I've had in months. Through my therapy though, I've learned how to find good coping mechanisms and ways to recognize toxicity. I've been on The Bore since 2016 when it was first created so these are people I've been talking to since I was like 20. Because of that shared time I thought over the years that we were friends. When I first getting online message boards my parents warned me that people online aren't your friends. In my foolish adolescence I didn't believe them. Now, with wisdom, I realize they absolutely correct.

Putting the math together, I start to realize that one of the main triggering aspect is my use of message boards. The reality is, when analyzed, the people of The Bore are toxic. You're not good people. Being months away from a single Borean person taught me this fact. I've been doing really good and made so much progress. I realized the other day Facebook doesn't make me toxic. Even Reddit doesn't make me toxic. But what about The Bore and its people makes me devolve into a toxic person when I'm fine everywhere else?

One of the prompts my therapist has me do is writing down things I love about women, making female friends, and stuff like that.

The other day I wrote this about about what I love about women.


The other week I made this post on Reddit for a female friend struggling to find modest clothes:

I'm posting these to show how much I'm trying on a daily basis to do good by women and improve as a man, something I've neglected for about 6 years.

The other day it really bothered me when Mr. Gundam talked about how I'm misogynistic because preferring women with modest clothing, or how that's a red flag in itself. I was bothered by the cruel judgement of others on here and elsewhere. But then it dawned on me: these people don't know me. You're ghosts in a machine. Like, real talk. Who are you?

Something happened to me the past few months. You see, somehow through therapy and talking to men in a legitimate, healthy manner I began to see my worth again. The old Himuro they bullied and trolled and made fun of, I mean, he had little worth. Now I know why the other day was so triggering. Because it was a reminder of a time when I didn't know my value and let a bunch of nobody's online bother me and my mental health.

To be true, I've made a lot of mistakes. For one, I personally DM'd Shosta's girlfriend on Instagram and preceded to "flirt" with her with Red Pill catch phrases and tactics. It was awful and also embarrassing. I was really an asshole for doing it. I sent her a private message later apologizing for this. But I'm also brave enough to step forward and admit I did publicly if only to own up to my mistake and publicly say this simple fact: you have nothing to shame me over.

But at the end of the day, despite my flaws, I'm NOT a bad person. I'm always opening up to my issues and trying to improve. I don't like tooting my horn, but  again, I don't know you people and you don't know me. You're not the person that gave away free turkey for Thanksgiving, took it on the subway for a 30 minute trip, just to make someone's Thanksgiving a little better. I did. You're not the person that, the other week, gave some of the last of their money to a homeless person and left the rest to God. I did. You're not the person taking time out of their day to help men de-radicalize from toxic online philosophies. I am.

You don't know me and there's absolutely no reason I should let the behavior of others dictate mine.

Take Gundam. He's a school counselor yet he thinks having a preference for women that dress more modestly and conservative is a "red flag". I pray he does not have Jewish or Muslim students for their sake so they don't feel judged. Gundam I highly suggest looking into sensitivity training for those who think differently than you as a counselor.

The other day I gifted the woman I care for a deep tissue massage. She works two jobs while taking care of her mother. It drives me crazy how hard she works so I gifted her with a massage to help her de-stress. She has a business selling feminine items such as pads for periods. I've been helping her get more customers by letting any female friends I know about them. I don't hate women. Honestly, I'm not sure I ever did. I was a hurting person dealing with decades of pain and trying to find a path forward and how to become a better man.

To Bork: nothing I wrote  in that thread the other day was bannable in terms of offense. I would request you to explain your actions but the past is the past.
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: Himu on December 17, 2021, 06:05:22 PM
also going from hating men to hating women to hating trans, just means you need to get that last bit of hate out of your sytem.

I do not hate trans people.
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: bork on December 17, 2021, 06:21:21 PM
The other day when I was banned was the worst mental health day I've had in months. Through my therapy though, I've learned how to find good coping mechanisms and ways to recognize toxicity. I've been on The Bore since 2016 when it was first created so these are people I've been talking to since I was like 20. Because of that shared time I thought over the years that we were friends. When I first getting online message boards my parents warned me that people online aren't your friends. In my foolish adolescence I didn't believe them. Now, with wisdom, I realize they absolutely correct.

Putting the math together, I start to realize that one of the main triggering aspect is my use of message boards. The reality is, when analyzed, the people of The Bore are toxic. You're not good people. Being months away from a single Borean person taught me this fact. I've been doing really good and made so much progress. I realized the other day Facebook doesn't make me toxic. Even Reddit doesn't make me toxic. But what about The Bore and its people makes me devolve into a toxic person when I'm fine everywhere else?

Himu, I've known you online for all this time, too- you constantly change your opinions and beliefs and throughout it all, people (Is that everyone? no- of course not) on here have always been supportive of you, even when you shit all over us, leave for a while, and come back.   There are some toxic people on here for sure as there are in real life and elsewhere.

But at the end of the day, despite my flaws, I'm NOT a bad person.

Nobody thinks you're a bad person.

You don't know me and there's absolutely no reason I should let the behavior of others dictate mine.

Yes- that's something that you should have never let affect you.

To Bork: nothing I wrote  in that thread the other day was bannable in terms of offense. I would request you to explain your actions but the past is the past.

No, I have no problem explaining that to you.  I was not interested in talking about on Facebook, however.  You didn't get banned for the content of your posts.  You got banned because it had absolutely nothing to do with the thread and was starting up shit with another member.
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: bork on December 17, 2021, 06:27:55 PM
Also, I edited your post.  That Discord stuff has no place here, especially with the use of a real name.
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: Himu on December 17, 2021, 06:33:02 PM
I talked to PD about my detransition and my thoughts on trans and he gave me the dap and agreed the way they're going with things ain't it. Bros being bros without judgement and reservation :rejoice
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: Himu on December 17, 2021, 06:52:00 PM
"You had posts censored and replaced with doge emotes and was banned not because of content of the posts themselves"


I understand wanting to not allow wars to enflame but surely you can see how and why this would increase discord Illuminati gossip on this site right?
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: demi on December 17, 2021, 07:15:30 PM
Hi Himu, did you play SMTV yet. It's pretty good
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: Himu on December 17, 2021, 07:18:02 PM
Hi Himu, did you play SMTV yet. It's pretty good

Hey Demi! I haven't. Is it still a hardcore dungeon crawler? Glad it's good.
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: demi on December 17, 2021, 07:22:36 PM
Uhhh I dunno about hardcore dungeon crawler, but it feels like an SMT game
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: Himu on December 17, 2021, 07:23:28 PM
Is there a lot of handholding? Like, the game telling you what to do?
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: Uncle on December 17, 2021, 07:34:56 PM
Putting the math together, I start to realize that one of the main triggering aspect is my use of message boards. The reality is, when analyzed, the people of The Bore are toxic. You're not good people. Being months away from a single Borean person taught me this fact.

But at the end of the day, despite my flaws, I'm NOT a bad person. I'm always opening up to my issues and trying to improve.

I hope you take this in the light in which it is intended, as introspective and hopefully thoughtful and respectful

my first thought at reading the first quote was, as a people of the bore (I guess not an old guard but nominally at least) this means I must be toxic, so I think, am I toxic? I try not to be, but no one is perfect

then reading the second quote, I couldn't help but remember one of the detrans links you had posted, where someone looked around at their group of friends, recognized that ALL of them were queer in some way, and how this was statistically highly unlikely

and then they thought about themselves, and how it seemed absurd to try to claim that they themselves must be "the one true trans" and everyone else was faking

it feels similar to me, the idea that "everyone else here is toxic but I'm a good person," I would allow for the possibility that everyone is mostly good, or everyone is somewhat toxic, recognizing that everyone is the hero of their own story and tries to insist they can't be toxic (like I was thinking of myself)

this is not an accusation or condemnation, just a comparison based on the story from the link you had shared
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: Himu on December 17, 2021, 07:38:40 PM
Putting the math together, I start to realize that one of the main triggering aspect is my use of message boards. The reality is, when analyzed, the people of The Bore are toxic. You're not good people. Being months away from a single Borean person taught me this fact.

But at the end of the day, despite my flaws, I'm NOT a bad person. I'm always opening up to my issues and trying to improve.

I hope you take this in the light in which it is intended, as introspective and hopefully thoughtful and respectful

my first thought at reading the first quote was, as a people of the bore (I guess not an old guard but nominally at least) this means I must be toxic, so I think, am I toxic? I try not to be, but no one is perfect

then reading the second quote, I couldn't help but remember one of the detrans links you had posted, where someone looked around at their group of friends, recognized that ALL of them were queer in some way, and how this was statistically highly unlikely

and then they thought about themselves, and how it seemed absurd to try to claim that they themselves must be "the one true trans" and everyone else was faking

it feels similar to me, the idea that "everyone else here is toxic but I'm a good person," I would allow for the possibility that everyone is mostly good, or everyone is somewhat toxic, recognizing that everyone is the hero of their own story and tries to insist they can't be toxic (like I was thinking of myself)

this is not an accusation or condemnation, just a comparison based on the story from the link you had shared

The Bore has toxicity within it that leads to toxic behavior in myself such as name calling and treating a person like crap as seen above which isn't my usual go to behavior. I'm not claiming I'm free from the toxicity. I'm saying I recognize it as a toxic environment and it helps lead to toxic behavior. Look at some of the replies in this thread and elsewhere: it amounts to nothing but bullying. That's the bore in a nutshell. Now that I'm aware of it, I can choose to not participate within the toxic framework and allow it to influence my behavior.
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: Uncle on December 17, 2021, 07:45:05 PM
so it isn't the people, so much as it is the format, which leads to fronting and one-upmanship, behaving more extreme than you might otherwise for the purposes of theater
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: Himu on December 17, 2021, 07:46:58 PM
so it isn't the people, so much as it is the format, which leads to fronting and one-upmanship, behaving more extreme than you might otherwise for the purposes of theater

The environment of the Bore is made as such where I, or someone else, says something. Then people, rather than trying to understand what is being said, get on a soapbox of correctness and attempt to judge or bully the person in to why they're wrong. Person doubles down. Tirade continues. Person triples down.

The Bore does this with any person they don't like and always has. We are a monoculture and like to keep it that way. Look at Ghoul's posts on this page and thread. it's done specifically to create a reaction. He's acting like a toxic ass. So I respond as a toxic ass back. That's Bore 101.

You could argue it's the format, and that's true as far as it goes, but it's also the people. The Discord can be just as toxic.
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: Himu on December 17, 2021, 07:56:51 PM
I also recognize these behaviors in many of my progressive acquaintances. On my Facebook I would make a post supporting Dave Chappelle or something and the progressive would come in and soapbox about how wrong I am rather than have a discussion of understanding and empathy. Wiith them all being white would, funnily enough, prove Dave's point from the special correctly about the behavior of white leftists/lgbt and the treatment they have towards those that are black.
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: Uncle on December 17, 2021, 08:08:02 PM
makes me think of this article benji quoted ( (I know  :doge) from a couple weeks back

it's about more than rowling
In times of conflict, we’re all familiar with the notion of sacrificing convention for the cause – it is hard to insist on civility in times of war. But this is something else, a “lol-nothing-matters” world in which the stakes are so low that your actions cease to carry any moral weight. Rowling becomes simultaneously something more and something less than human in this scenario, an undefeatable supervillain who can absorb all the abuse you throw at her. When you’re convinced you won’t land a single blow anyway thanks to her protective privilege, what’s the point in exercising restraint?

The answer used to be that brutality is corrosive to the self, to the soul. The rules were there not for your enemy’s sake, but your own – to protect you from becoming the thing you hated. He who fights monsters should take care that he doesn’t become one, and so on, and so monstrous behaviour was taboo. Proving that you were worthy of power meant proving that you wouldn’t abuse it when you won it; you wouldn’t break the social contract around something like doxxing for the same reason you wouldn’t kick a dead body, or stub out a cigarette on the arm of a braindead patient. Just because the guy can’t feel it, doesn’t mean it’s acceptable.

But suppose you never intend to rule. Suppose instead that your identity and the identity of your movement is founded above all in a sense of intractable helplessness, of impotent doom. Suppose you’re sure that no matter how hard you swing you’ll never hit anything but air.

With no power comes no responsibility. We may soon discover how far the norms of the social contract can be eroded: how cruel people can be to an unfeeling target before any sense of conscience kicks in.

maybe it's false memories that there ever was a time when people respectfully disagreed, or agreed to disagree, but it does feel like it's getting worse
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: Himu on December 17, 2021, 08:36:50 PM
Progressives tend to laugh and celebrate when a person dies because said person was a "piece of shit" ignoring the consequences of dancing on someone's grave entails you too being a piece of shit.

Don't mistake me as highlighting only progressives as this being a sole case against them. The entire argument is bolstered on the rigidity of humans within groups as a rule. Each and every group has their own sense of morality and dehumanizes their opponents. Humanity 101.

I believe this is why the left people in this thread that believe I "hate" trans people are projecting their values on to me. They hate their opponents and people they disagree with so my arguments against the trans movement must mean I hate them. It's a projection. A transparent veil, a pointed finger, and the wag of a nail. Nothing more.
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: HardcoreRetro on December 18, 2021, 05:26:06 AM
Here's the secret, modern progressives aren't progressive.
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: Cauliflower Of Love on December 19, 2021, 02:03:49 AM
also going from hating men to hating women to hating trans, just means you need to get that last bit of hate out of your sytem.

I do not hate trans people.

As for trans, I am convinced it's a mental illness. Or at least, a mental disorder that comes from disassociation to the psyche after intense gender related trauma that makes you question your very self.

This is hatred, founded on a disdain based on your self professed personal experience. Personal experience that is filled with ignorance and prejudice. 

Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: Himu on December 19, 2021, 03:21:38 AM
::) alright
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: ToxicAdam on December 19, 2021, 10:29:01 AM
Seems like the underlying problem has always been severe narcissism.

Hopefully aging tempers this and you can ween off the obsession with identity. Buddhism and yoga are great tools to help rewire your brain.
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: Cauliflower Of Love on December 28, 2021, 01:11:24 AM
Seems like the underlying problem has always been severe narcissism.

Hopefully aging tempers this and you can ween off the obsession with identity. Buddhism and yoga are great tools to help rewire your brain.

this person is too cynical to ever come back to a normal person like you or me.
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: Stoney Mason on January 05, 2022, 04:05:10 PM
Seems like the underlying problem has always been severe narcissism.

Hopefully aging tempers this and you can ween off the obsession with identity. Buddhism and yoga are great tools to help rewire your brain.
The underlying problem is that he is really dumb. It’s really that simple.
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: Beezy on January 05, 2022, 05:47:25 PM
Welcome back, Stoney
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: Himu on January 05, 2022, 05:54:35 PM
Seems like the underlying problem has always been severe narcissism.


Seems like the underlying problem has always been severe narcissism.

Hopefully aging tempers this and you can ween off the obsession with identity. Buddhism and yoga are great tools to help rewire your brain.
The underlying problem is that he is really dumb. It’s really that simple.

Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: Trent Dole on January 05, 2022, 06:04:06 PM
Hahaha what the fuck is this  thread. A lot of posts are nuked so it's not entirely easy to figure out. But like, what is masculine and feminine varies places to place country to country society to society etc. Your not fitting conveniently into wherever you ares supposed ideal mold is is fine and is actually normal cause you're not an ideal anything, you're a person. Humans are inherently flawed beings. Maybe you're just you. And maybe you don't entirely fall under what is conventionally male or female. Maybe you're a bit of both. Maybe you're Bowie.
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: Himu on January 05, 2022, 06:05:53 PM
A lot of posts were nuked? :lol Censorship! On the Bore?!?! :dead

Nah, I'm pretty fine being a man and also being masculine. Thanks for the support.

edit: oh right, there was the first page detrans stuff. lmao
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: Himu on January 06, 2022, 01:40:58 AM
Meditating on my weaknesses as a person, I think one weakness ties down to my predilection to get bogged down with what the "right answer" is. It's what partly promotes this identarian, binary thinking. I tend to think in a black and white way and think if 2+2=4 so I often come to conclusions in a rigid manner. Benji's criticism of me applying a leap of logic when I felt my conclusions to be perfectly logical helped glean a window into my mind. I tend to do what I think is right and externalize this onto others or society but that's not how the world works. It also doesn't lead to healthy mindsets. I have, in my view, very valid criticisms of the left so my natural inclination is to think,"then I guess the right is correct". Thankfully due to Benji's caution I've spotted that blind spot and kept it in its tracks. Being mindful of the problem or if you've even a problem to begin with is half the battle. Learning where and when this type of thinking starts is very helpful so I can continue to fight it. I'm still convinced I have autism. Still haven't gotten tested but relaying these thoughts to my therapist on how we can improve this kind of mind trap I fall in to which forces me to swing in specific ways and behaviors.
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: Stoney Mason on January 06, 2022, 07:18:04 AM
Nope. Still sticking with really dumb.
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: Himu on January 06, 2022, 07:40:50 AM
I'm blessed and honored you came out of retirement in your hole at Reset Era to come say hello specifically to me. This shows me your love as a concerned party as you're not one to be emotional or to chastise. I really appreciate you coming back to check on me. :)

How do you do, Stoney? You been safe and sound during the pandemic?
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: Stoney Mason on January 06, 2022, 08:13:01 AM
I saw you made a few stupid posts as per usual so it’s always fun to call that out and see what stupid flavor of the week agenda you are on. Can’t really do that on resetera. I have to pretend the other person is reasonable. So it’s easier to just tell it as it is on here which is one of the few benefits to this place. The novelty will wear off soon though. And I’ll be gone until next year again.
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: Himu on January 06, 2022, 08:21:23 AM
I saw you made a few stupid posts as per usual so it’s always fun to call that out and see what stupid flavor of the week agenda you are on. Can’t really do that on resetera. I have to pretend the other person is reasonable. So it’s easier to just tell it as it is on here which is one of the few benefits to this place. The novelty will wear off soon though. And I’ll be gone until next year again.

Have a happy New Year to you as well. :)

I'm surprised though. Why read a site you said you were over? You even made an avatar to commemorate the occasion yet you came specifically to talk to me. It's as care?

HE CARES Y'ALL! See? I always knew there was a beating heart beyond that steel exterior. It's the perfect contrast with me who tends to wear my heart on my sleeve. :heartbeat
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: Stoney Mason on January 06, 2022, 08:37:35 AM
The dumbness of your posts attracts like a magnet. It’s my form of rubbernecking. I admit it’s not healthy but you rarely see such a mix of dumb and obliviousness of the dumb. It’s the mythical double rainbow.
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: Himu on January 06, 2022, 08:46:47 AM
The dumbness of your posts attracts like a magnet. It’s my form of rubbernecking. I admit it’s not healthy but you rarely see such a mix of dumb and obliviousness of the dumb. It’s the mythical double rainbow.


I have a fan!

I'm glad you're enjoying it. What is your favorite in my latest dumbness? :skinner

As someone that has known you for a long time you should really reconsider participating in unhealthy cycles. It's also something I'm working on. In 2022 we are working on fixing our negative traits! You should really course correct if it's so unhealthy. It's very concerning.
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: team filler on January 13, 2022, 06:24:09 PM
himu, your journey has been absolutely phenomenal. these chumps couldn't last a day in your shoes and will never understand. You rule, dude.
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: Stoney Mason on January 13, 2022, 06:36:43 PM
himu, your journey has been absolutely phenomenal. these chumps couldn't last a day in your shoes and will never understand. You rule, dude.
It is rare to go from a dumbass to a complete dumbass. What a journey.
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: naff on January 13, 2022, 07:04:30 PM
thinking in dichotomies is pretty endemic to internet plebians, but i think you've always taken it to the extreme from your identity to arguing about whether a game is a platformer or not. in forum culture, opinions are often written as polemics you're either with me or against me. my identity, my films, my videogames. my views are correct and yours are wrong. logging off might help.
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: team filler on January 13, 2022, 08:02:18 PM
himu is doing great. y'all overreacting as usual  ::)
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: Stoney Mason on January 13, 2022, 08:07:30 PM
himu is doing great. y'all overreacting as usual  ::)
Next year’s Himu post. I’m now an Arab pansexual catholic nun. Btw all straights are mentally ill and gayness is a myth.
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: team filler on January 13, 2022, 09:39:15 PM
are you ok?
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: Himu on January 13, 2022, 10:54:16 PM
Thank you filler
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: Stoney Mason on January 13, 2022, 11:06:45 PM
are you ok?
Stick to ass-licking bro. We ain't friends. Same with himu. I'm here to troll and be an asshole. Especially to the creator of this thread.
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: Himu on January 13, 2022, 11:09:19 PM
Online friends don't exist anyways.
Title: Re: The deconstruction of Himuro
Post by: team filler on January 14, 2022, 04:29:27 AM
love you guys anyway  :yeshrug