Author Topic: MAF SPECIAL EDITION: The School of Valkyrie Profile 2 - MINOR MINOR spoilers...  (Read 2119 times)

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Spheres are important, here are a few of my favorites:

For Power Leveling I use a combination of these

2x Experience/No OTH Sphere + Extra Bonus Sphere + Sword Blessing (120% Attack) Sphere

Now the 2x Experience Sphere is self explanitory. No OTH isnt a problem, money is never a problem in this game, I have had 700k sitting around at one point. The Extra Bonus Sphere WILL NOT WORK if you cannot get an enemy to overkill quickly. That is where you get the major bonuses. Any party that can get an enemy to overkill before using up the bulk of their AP to do so will reap MASSIVE benefits from this sphere. It is important to note that at some point the bonus CAN max out. Im pretty positive I did this in a fight with some enemies that can summon more of themselves. Sword Blessing CAN help lower level parties get to overkill faster, but is optional. Generally at the beginning of a level you will only be able to draw maybe 2 spheres anyway, so the first two ive listed are the best for leveling.

It is important to note, that with Extra Bonus Sphere, it is possible to make MORE experience from a lower level area than a higher level one, since you can overkill faster and pound on the damage. I HIGHLY recommend you use archers for your range, specifically their attacks that do multiple hits. Make sure they attack last in the order so when overkill hits they are getting in every hit they can.

Also, you dont want to grind in levels that are TOO low a level, or you will obliterate enemies beyond the point of milking them for bonuses. Areas I recommend for grinding include:

\Royal Underground Path/ -- grind here first, master the basic battle system here first
\Kythena Plains/ -- grind here second, no sense wasting resources in the castle before hand
\Audoula Temple On The Lake/ -- grind here, do not grind in the mines or the lost forest
\Sahma Desert/ -- grind here until you are capable of grinding the next area effectively
\Surts Volcano Caverns/ -- grind here a long time. Once you get the 2xEXP orb and BONUS orbs, grind here a lot -- MAIN GRINDING DUNGEON
\Forest Of Spirits/ -- Last fantastic dungeon to grind. Can get up to, with cleverness, 500k experience from one non-boss fight.

I would also recommend that once you get your spheres, you find an area of a dungeon where 1-2 enemies are close to the AREA enterance, that way you can kill those two, run out, run back in, and they have respawned. This is faster than running the length of areas and WILL save you time. You should have the 2xExp sphere shortly before or after the Volcano, I cannot remember which. When you get it make sure you spend at least one period of play grinding enemies there with the sphere equipped. ALSO VERY IMPORTANT, locate and obtain the INCREASED MASS sphere before you grind the Volcano. There is a decreased mass sphere there that makes enemies fly from you and ruins your chance at successful overkill. However if you simply beat the dungeon and restore the decreased mass sphere you wont need the increased mass sphere.... It is one of the tougher dungeons however.

Note: In the Forest of Spirits, when there are Elven Wolves around, LET THEM summon more of themselves, and keep killing all but the leader, and you will just keep stacking on that wonderful experience.

Spheres for FIGHTING BOSSES ----

200% Recovery -- Shield Blessing -- HP Drain OR Poison Pin or Sword Blessing

The combination for bosses varies a lot more and what I say here should be taken as advice more than instruction. However, I will say the 200% recovery sphere is ESSENTIAL for boss combat. Best example would be First Aid. First Aid, when it randomly activates, will heal half of the damage taken from an attack. Doing the math 200% recovery orb will heal AN ENTIRE attack. This sphere saved me in a boss fight where I was hit with 2000+ damage, only to have first aid heal me for the full damage taken. Nothing like being able to shrug that off. Additionally any heal items you use will also get the 200% boost, so an item that heals the whole party for 1500 normally will now heal for 3000. OMG OMG OMG.

The shield blessing/sword blessing stuff is no brainer. Increased def and attack. Stack that on top of the skills that do the same thing and ZZOMG. Poison Pin and HP drain both are useful to widdle the bosses down but as you progress through the game your poison attacks and HP drain spheres do very little against the massive HP numbers bosses have.

As for skills...

Always have everyone learn survival and first aid. its just a good idea. survival prevents a killing blow leaving the attacked party member at hp of 1, allowing you to heal a member of your party after they take the hit. First Aid is required for the reasons stated above.

All the other skills are pretty situational. Some skills let you kill mages fast, monsters fast, scaled monsters fast yadda yadda yadda. Force Field (100) is nice early on, I suspect there is a higher force field and I will check it out tonight, but (100) isnt bad. It basically sucks up to 100 damage from a hit, multiple times in a battle. There's also counter, evade, all that good stuff. I will say I have a harder time seeing the visual triggers for things like counters in VP2 than the original.

--Einjejrjrjajjrjarar..aww fuck it--

I am currently in the process of liquidating my non-essential party members. When you FREE a soul, you basically materialize them and let them go on with their lives. Youll start seeing them around various towns. Aside from leaving you items that permanently boost stats when they leave your party, if you talk to them in towns they will give you lots of money and sometimes items. It is worth it to hunt them down after you free them.

Liquidation is important. In general you will always use a central 4 people. Just so you know, if its a main character type they will leave your party at some point so focus on leveling your summoned characters. Anyway, liquidation. I had four archers. I only USED one, so I got the other three to a level I could free their souls, and did so. All the stat boosting items they left behind I then used on the remaining archer making them a SUPER ARCHER stat wise. Also what you get when you free them depends somewhat on the items they are wearing.

By the end of the game you want to have freed as many people as possible, because the bosses that await you are a doozy.


DRAGON in Palace Of The Venerated Dragon

Zombie Dragon: This boss has so much god damned HP, and his attack ranges change in split seconds. While the outer ring is generally safe, you're still victim to spells like Brain Rot. The idea is to destroy the three orbs hidden in the walls around him, and then attack, but he's still fairly tough. I had a worse time with the Zombie Dragon than the Hrist Arngrim combo.

Palace of Venerated Dragon: Very long dungeon...very long. An entire section of this dungeon is filled with poison air that poisons your whole party. There's also a part where you have to carry a crappy negative sphere around for a while and suffer its effects, but the crux is this, do you carry the 300% attack + WEAPON DESTROY sphere, or the NO MENU sphere that has a good bonus. I ended up having to carry the 300% attack sphere just cause the enemy with 300% attack was brutalizing me.

Crawsus Forest Ruins: Short Dungeon, but there are some important factors:

1.) Lightning strikes shrines in the area at random intervals, you have to knock these shrines out. when you do the lightning has to go somewhere.

2.) You need to place a sphere on each dias in the dungeon. When you place a sphere on 2 of the 3, the water in the area turns to POISON.

3.) Lightning, when it strikes you, has knockback. When you are traversing the level and making timed jumps on logs over poisoned water LIGHTNING CAN STRIKE YOU AND SEND YOU INTO THE WATER, poisoning your whole party. Whats best is when youre coming out of the water and lightning strikes you again knocking you into an ENEMY initiating a fight with you poisoned and without initiative. LOL.

The two dungeons mentioned above are not places to level up, you should only return to gather spheres for your growing collection. I did fight the Zombie Dragon twice but that was by mistake lol :(

Anyway that's it for now, this game has an amazingly deep combat system that if manipulated correctly, can make the game incredibly easy for someone patient enough.

« Last Edit: October 19, 2006, 01:52:50 PM by MrAngryFace »

The Miles Trahan Burger Experiment

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Re: The School of Valkyrie Profile 2 - MINOR MINOR spoilers...
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2006, 01:12:01 PM »
Damn, that's one long post.


Van Cruncheon

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Re: The School of Valkyrie Profile 2 - MINOR MINOR spoilers...
« Reply #2 on: October 19, 2006, 01:18:06 PM »
good advice, though. vp2 is a tricky game and i was getting pwned early on, so this'll prove useful.


  • I have the most sensible car on The Bore
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Re: The School of Valkyrie Profile 2 - MINOR MINOR spoilers...
« Reply #3 on: October 19, 2006, 01:20:02 PM »
Its also important to remember that while VP2 LOOKS real-time it is not. In some battle situations it is a good idea to lightly tap the analog stick or d-pad in whatever direction to initiate one 'turn' and edge towards an enemy to avoid over-shooting your attack range and letting the enemy get first attack.


  • I have the most sensible car on The Bore
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Did anyone buy this amazing game or not wtffffffffffffff?

Human Snorenado

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Ok, this game is unbridled awesomeness in all of it's forms.  I started a game but was getting my ass kicked about 1/3 of the way through chapter 3, so I started over with an eye for maximizing my characters.  I started the original file Monday, the new one yesterday and now I'm at roughly the same point but I'm KICKING ALL KINDS OF ASS.  Lots of stuff strikes me as dumb luck, though, regarding the Einherjar.  Like, if you get Roland instead of Kraad the game is a lot more difficult because when you release him, you don't get Kraad's bitching heavy sword, the Kraadicator or whatever.  That thing has like 170 ATK!  Holy shit!  And if you get Tyrith instead of Celes, the game is a lot harder because Celes is a fucking house, at least so far she has been.

Anyway, I was getting fuck owned in the optional forest quest my first run through, but then on the second one I figured out how to make poison checks, maximize Einherjar on their release to pump up my party, and now I laugh at trolls and kill them before the first crystal can run out. I'll definitely be on the lookout for some of the shit you posted MAF, gotta go clear out the mines and then the Water Temple.

The Miles Trahan Burger Experiment

  • Can he only eat just one?
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  • I have the most sensible car on The Bore
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Honestly I ignored both the mines and forest till a lot later in the game. The mines are obnoxious without the cancel evade sphere, and the forest side boss hits HARD. So hard in fact he was one of the two deaths I had in the game.

Just go water temple and grind there a while, get all the orbs n items, then focus on being strong enough for the fire mountain which is challenging but a good place to grind. You'll also want the Increased Mass sphere for the fire mountain to cancel the decreased mass sphere in the level that will prevent you from landing hits. Of course you could always find that sphere in the level and restore it, effectively removing it.

Human Snorenado

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Yeah, the thing is that I beefed the fuck out of my main party to the point where it didn't really matter.  Like in the mines, I had Lezard in my party with his fire spell armed, and then I fought the boss with a sphere that gave life when you were hit with fire attacks or some shit.  But I was still able to beat the shit out of the boss with basically three characters, because Lezard would just restore health when he hit the Queen Wasp lol.

I took a short break to go get hammered, but now I'm about to dive back in and wreck some shit.  For reference, I just finished the water temple and my main party members (Alicia, Celes, Arngrim and Rufus) are all between 14th and 18th level.  Time to go beat the shit out of some more shit.


  • I have the most sensible car on The Bore
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Which one is Celes? I dont think I got her in my run. I love how you get different warriors depending on the draw.

I was invited upon completing the game to play through it again but at a harder setting. It still tugs at me but I have too much other shit to play. BTW there's some awesome 2 x Experience orbs n shit existing, you should be able to get that orb around the fire mountain point in the game at which point you can grind there for a while.