Author Topic: Weird request: Dalek Text-to-speech software?  (Read 15076 times)

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  • Legend in his own mind
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Weird request: Dalek Text-to-speech software?
« on: January 29, 2008, 03:11:59 PM »
Please tell me this exists. I need it.

Hilarity would ensue.


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
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Re: Weird request: Dalek Text-to-speech software?
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2008, 05:17:06 PM »
Oh man, that would be awesome.  I want, too.  I would make so much use out of it. 

I will poke around later and see if I can't find anything.

Eric P

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Re: Weird request: Dalek Text-to-speech software?
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2008, 05:23:09 PM »

The daleks have always been hot property. Even before the renaissance of their parent series on TV recently many people were fascinated by them. This tutorial will enable you to record your voice and make it sound similar to the iconic aliens. However, we should point out that the intellectual property rights in copyright, trademark and anything else dalekky belong to the BBC and the estate of Terry Nation. If you decide to record some novelty phrases using this method, it's best to do so in the privacy of your own home and not as a public performance. We've recorded some sample sounds to accompany this tutorial, but these steer clear of any trademark phrases as no violation of rights is intended. It's just a bit of fun.

We'll be using the open source sound editor Audacity to create this effect. It's freely available for download at Download and install the latest stable version for Windows. This enables you to record and edit sound recordings and you can also process the recordings with various plugins.

The dalek voice on the TV series is performed by actor Nicholas Briggs, who has had many years of practice creating the perfect voice. It's a combination of his own vocal performance and a piece of equipment called a ring modulator. Details of the precise settings are probably a closely guarded secret, but with a little trial and error and the willingness to make a fool of yourself, it's possible to come up with something that sounds pretty close to the real thing.

When preparing your own performance bear in mind that daleks tend to talk in a sing song manner, using staccato syllables in a rather nasal monotone. The pitch varies from dalek to dalek and it's the grating quality that the ring modulator brings to the mix. You can get a similar effect without digital processing by performing an opera singer like vibrato as you speak. You need a goodly amount of phlegm in the throat and a willingness to send yourself hoarse to pull it off though. It's better to use a ring modulator filter in Audacity.
