Author Topic: Now that the elitists are gone, we can reach concensue on the soon-to-be-MOTY  (Read 17556 times)

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Bandai has also completely disowned it.

The PS2 G-Saviour game is pretty fun, though.


  • Senior Member
Saw Transformers 2.

All in all, wayyyyyyy better than the first.

It's fucking funny, it's got crazy action, mecha porn, and it's just a fun flick in general. The human characters are actually likable this time and the action - one of the biggest problems with the original - has been fixed completely due to the fact you can tell who is who, which I couldn't when watching the first.

To be honest, the two main problems I have with it is the coon ass Autobots who speak ebonics, have gold teeth, and say things like,"We cayn't reaaad." which was borderline offensive and more proof that Michael Bay is completely incapable of making black or black-esque characters who aren't walking stereotypes.

The other problem was it was far too long and there was a giant lull in the action at points. They could have trimmed that part a good 30-40 minutes or something.

But overall, fucking awesome. If you like mechs, if you like robots being absolutely slaughtered and complete mayhem in your action movies go see it. You won't regret it.

Some scenes left my mouth completely open because how awesome they were. As a fan of giant robots, I was damn happy. That was fucking awesome.


  • Member
I watched the movie tonight. It was way too long for its own good. They wasted an entire hour trying to establish a reason for why a sequel is necessary. What is unbelievable is that apparently no one knows that alien robots exist, with the exception of shia, Megan and the military dudes.  :lol How is that even possible?? Apparently no one in LA witnessed the events that occured in the first movie, and the media did an amazing job at covering it up.  :lol

Also, I was just stunned at the stereotypes in this movie. The two "black" robots are borderline racist. I didn't even find them funny. One of them apparently has a gold tooth  ::) and they both claim that they can't read, and they are clearly supposed to be dumb. Really?? How can Bay get away with these things. It is pathetic.

And don't get me started on the cheesiness of the movie. The slowmotion scenes with the military (is that like a Bay Fetish or something?) and Megan Fox. The whole stuffed in your face patriotism was too much. Are they trying to save America or the entire World? ??? and I love how the military decides that they are going to take over an inhabitated village and pretend that the civilians aren't even there  ::)

And then you have Shia's dad who keeps telling his son "don't do it son!! Don't listen to him" even though he has no fucking idea about what is going on.   >:(   Same with me, I couldn't tell who was who in the fight scenes. I could recognize Optimus Prime and Bumblebee because of their colors. But a lot of the other robots had the same colors, a messy designs and you couldn' tell them apart.

the whole movie was a jumbled mess.
« Last Edit: June 25, 2009, 04:02:46 AM by castle007 »


  • Member
But the worst part about my rant, is that there was just enough funny parts and enjoyable action scenes in the movie to get me through it.  :lol

Why do you hate America so much, castle?

because I don't  ???   

Trust me, I wouldn't be living here if I did. I just don't like Michael Bay movies because of the way he presents America. He thinks it is just about being a badass, having lots of explosions around you while disregarding other people, and playing rock music  >:(

The guy is a hack, but people actually like his movies.

(I have to admit though, The Island was pretty good).


  • green hair connoisseur
  • Senior Member
you misspelled "the rock" there bro


  • Member
you misspelled "the rock" there bro

that was a good movie too.


  • relapsed dev
  • Senior Member
you misspelled "the rock" there bro

that was a good movie too.

It's the last good soundtrack that Hans Zimmer did, to boot.


  • I'm cute, you should be too.
  • Senior Member
Only in Amerikka one can direct a movie featuring nicca-robots.


u mad?

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
  • Global Moderator
The Island was pretty good, because it was prob hard to fuck up a sci fi masterpiece book.

As far as I know The Island wasn't based on any book. It was, however, a ripoff of a low-budget scifi movie from 1979.


  • I'm cute, you should be too.
  • Senior Member
Only in Amerikka one can direct a movie featuring nicca-robots.


u mad?

What about wacky-jappy robots?


idk I'm not the one mad.


  • Member
 I hope no one in America watches this movie today.

cool breeze

  • Senior Member
I saw the movie earlier today. (spoilers and stuff ) One of my friends described it as a video game, and I agree.  The "story" is bad enough to be average for video games, each scene feels more like a level since there is no connection between them and it's enjoyable for the CG orgy fights as long as you don't try and think.  Nothing at all in the movie makes sense.  It's like, at one point they're in a city, then they're in a busted old warehouse, then they're in a forest (???), then Mexico, then the city again, then the Air in Space Museum that has doors that lead into a desert (what?), which teleports them into Egypt...and somewhere along the way there are robots in some cyber jungle, and another time they are on Cybertron or something.  But the fights look crazy.  It's not quote Speed Racer levels of CG orgasm, just almost.  And for some reason Optimus is a badass now.  He fights the three strongest robots from the last movie and almost fucks them all up; in Transformers 1, he got rocked by Megatron alone.  Then later on he basically fucks up the real ultimate power and Megatron like it was nothing.  It's like Michael Bay decided to bring the rain, so he did.  The last movie's black transformer wasn't black enough, so he made two unmistakable ones.  The last movie only had a few "look at Megan Fox" scenes, so he made a lot more of the movie just shots of her acting sexy like.

Much better than Wolverine because the action was better and the story was more nonsensical


  • Used to worship Muckhole. Now worships Robo.
  • Senior Member
I saw the movie earlier today. (spoilers and stuff ) One of my friends described it as a video game, and I agree.  The "story" is bad enough to be average for video games, each scene feels more like a level since there is no connection between them and it's enjoyable for the CG orgy fights as long as you don't try and think.  Nothing at all in the movie makes sense.  It's like, at one point they're in a city, then they're in a busted old warehouse, then they're in a forest (???), then Mexico, then the city again, then the Air in Space Museum that has doors that lead into a desert (what?), which teleports them into Egypt...and somewhere along the way there are robots in some cyber jungle, and another time they are on Cybertron or something.  But the fights look crazy.  It's not quote Speed Racer levels of CG orgasm, just almost.  And for some reason Optimus is a badass now.  He fights the three strongest robots from the last movie and almost fucks them all up; in Transformers 1, he got rocked by Megatron alone.  Then later on he basically fucks up the real ultimate power and Megatron like it was nothing.  It's like Michael Bay decided to bring the rain, so he did.  The last movie's black transformer wasn't black enough, so he made two unmistakable ones.  The last movie only had a few "look at Megan Fox" scenes, so he made a lot more of the movie just shots of her acting sexy like.

Much better than Wolverine because the action was better and the story was more nonsensical

Well to be fair, if I'm remembering correctly (if not i'm sure it will be pointed out) the main autobots the decepticons (besides megatron and a few others) feared were Ironhide for his offensive power and Optimus because while not originally designed to be a fighter or a Prime, became something more and could handle pretty much any Decepticon. If he showed up they would try to gang up on him or leave him to Megatron.

But as far as the movie goes, yea, the final boss kinda sucked to be such a supposed badass.


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
  • Global Moderator
Just got back from Bayformers 2: More Shit Blows Up and More Megan Fox Titties Edition.  Here's my thoughts, which echo some others in this topic.


-The transition from scene to scene was fine to me; it didn't have a "video game" feel to it.  However, the very first scene in the movie just cuts right to the next without anything to connect the two, and that was just plain BAD.

-Most of the cast from the original movie return, and there is a lot more nonsensical banter between Sam, his parents, Mikala, his new roommate, the Sector 7 guy, and some of the minor Transformer characters.  I actually like this stuff far more than any of the robot "action" that went on.

-More titties n' gore.  I was surprised at the amount of robot on robot violence going on; there were little kids in the audience and I saw a number of parents taking their kids out after seeing robots getting ripped in half or their heads crushed and robot "guts" oozed out.  Also the gratuitous panty/ass shot of the Decepticon college chick was surprising.  The number of slow-moving running/jumping bouncy Megan Fox titty shots were not though.

-Did I just write "Decepticon college chick?"  Yeah, that was just way too much Terminator-like.  Someone should take the shot of the girl walking through the campus after the main characters and dub Terminator music over it, it would be a perfect fit.  I guess this was supposed to be the film's version of Pretenders, and it was a surprise, so fine.

-The action.  There's a lot more robot stuff going on this time, but I still had a very hard time following what the fuck was going on.  Stop making all the Decepticons look the same and give them some color!  I did like Ravage though.

-The teleport to Egypt was a bit too far-fetched, even for a movie with alien robots.

-Was that temple front that the dead Primes were hidden in re-used from Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade?   :lol

-Even worse than that was the scene when Sam is dead and he's in "robot heaven" or whatever, and the former Primes talk to him.  Then he gets revived by the magic robot-pixie dust!   ::) ::) ::) ::)

-I was enjoying the film decently enough (for a Bay summer flick) up until the Egypt stuff.  So that's what, the last third of the movie?  It dragged on and on and on AND ON here and most of the endless running/soldiers firing shit could have been removed.

-The two "black" robots got tons of laughs from the audience.  The "we don' read" comment and the gold tooth one of them had was a head shaker.

Another dumb summer movie, as expected.  It was still a lot fucking better than X-Men Origins!
« Last Edit: June 26, 2009, 11:34:14 PM by the lyte edge »


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
  • Global Moderator


  • I must hurry back to my comic book store, where I dispense the insults rather than absorb them.
  • Senior Member
Local drive in is doing a double feature of Transformers 2 with ... Transfromers 2. That five hours of awesome.


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
  • Global Moderator
Local drive in is doing a double feature of Transformers 2 with ... Transfromers 2. That five hours of awesome.

WTF why?


  • I must hurry back to my comic book store, where I dispense the insults rather than absorb them.
  • Senior Member
They have three screens and each is always a double feature. The Transformers one just happens to not have a second movie this week. So it's actually Transformers three times since they repeat the first movie after the second for free.

It's actually a great deal on the weekend since you can see three movies for $7. After the double feature you just turn your car around for a third.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2009, 06:55:40 AM by ManaByte »


  • Member
Saw Transformers 2.

All in all, wayyyyyyy better than the first.

You have terrible taste...

It's fucking funny

...terrible sense of humor...

The human characters are actually likable this time

...terrible judge of character...

and the action - one of the biggest problems with the original - has been fixed completely due to the fact you can tell who is who, which I couldn't when watching the first.

...and you're blind.

They have three screens and each is always a double feature. The Transformers one just happens to not have a second movie this week. So it's actually Transformers three times since they repeat the first movie after the second for free.

It's actually a great deal on the weekend since you can see three movies for $7. After the double feature you just turn your car around for a third.

We've got a drive-in that does the same thing. I've seen some great double features over the years: Pirates of the Caribbean and Finding Nemo, 40 Year Old Virgin and Wedding Crashers, Dark Knight and Wall-E.


  • Let your soul glow
  • Senior Member
Saw it.

Disappointing, it certainly gives new meaning to non stop action but there was basically no story or character. Love the 1st one, i certainly do not love this one.

The Fake Shemp

  • Ebola Carrier
Saw it.  Too long, but the bad stuff was way, way over exaggerated (as is the case with folks with an agenda).  It's just way too fucking long.  It felt like ten fucking hours leading up to the climax.


  • I must hurry back to my comic book store, where I dispense the insults rather than absorb them.
  • Senior Member
I think Mudflap and Skids are actually supposed to be distinguished mentally-challenged hillbillies instead of black.


  • I have the cutest car on The Bore
  • Senior Member
So awesome.


  • Senior Member
Just saw it. Aside from action, the first one is better in every single respect. Meh.


  • Senior Member
Ok.  Saw this.  Here is my opinion (hereafter to be regarded as THE opinion):  This movie was an enjoyable ride, despite its many glaring flaws.  Granted, this could be because I had REALLY low expectations. 

First, the good :  this movie really delivered on action.  When I go see a movie based on toy robots that lived only to beat the shit out of each other, I want 75% of the movie to be violent robot-on-robot action - and TF2 did that for me.

The humor (and I do not mean the hackneyed stereotype blackbots)  was surprisingly good.  The kid's mom, Jetfire, parachute douche and even the blackbots calling the guy a pussy all made me giggle.  Granted, I also giggled at a good many things that were not intentionally funny (most of which will be covered in the bad section)

The bad: sensible plot?  What is that?  Believable character transitions, like Sam from whiny bitch to savior of the world?  Nonexistent.

Horrible, HORRIBLE stereotyping, and the worst of it wasn't even the blackbots (though they nearly offended me, and I'm as white as they come).  No, the worst was the psychotic girlfriend who felt the need to whine for her boyfriend to tell her he loved her every other freaking line of dialogue she had.  She was even interrupting his basic talk with god to whine about it.  WOW WOMEN ARE SO NEEDY.  Not to even MENTION the fact that she sent him off to college in a trashy approximation of a wedding getup. 

The length.  Wow.  Hard to believe a movie with such jarring, nonsensical transitions could run that long, but it really did feel like forever.  Also, decepticons need more distinctive paintjobs, half the time I could tell if the robot getting owned was megatron, starscream, or decepticon_001.

All in all, I expected nothing and got much more, which is a good thing.


  • Let your soul glow
  • Senior Member
I liked the Twins "blend in like a ninja", they were harmless really.


  • Member
I liked the Twins "blend in like a ninja", they were harmless really.

In the same way that Jar Jar is harmless, sure.

With a few days of reflection, I have to say that the movie is still shit.


  • Let your soul glow
  • Senior Member
I liked the Twins "blend in like a ninja", they were harmless really.

In the same way that Jar Jar is harmless, sure.

With a few days of reflection, I have to say that the movie is still shit.

Jar Jar had way too much time on screen. The Twins barely show up.


  • Member
Jar Jar had way too much time on screen. The Twins barely show up.

They had as much screen time as Optimus Prime.  And more than most of the other Autobots or Decepticons.


  • Used to worship Muckhole. Now worships Robo.
  • Senior Member
Jar Jar had way too much time on screen. The Twins barely show up.

They had as much screen time as Optimus Prime.  And more than most of the other Autobots or Decepticons.

Because they were pretty much stuck with Sam and then with the Sector 7 guy for alot of the movie.


  • How's my posting? Call 1-866-MAF-BANS to report flame bait.
  • Senior Member
The twins felt like they were in it just as much as Jar Jar to me.


  • Let your soul glow
  • Senior Member
The twins barely talked, and were barely the focus of the camera. Nothing like Jar Jar.


  • Senior Member
Ok, crackmonkey.   They were onscreen and making color commentary through a good deal of the movie.  I saw WAY too much of their distinguished mentally-challenged gold teef.


  • Kentucky-Bore's Last Hope
  • Senior Member
I saw WAY too much of their distinguished mentally-challenged gold teef.

Pretty much this.  I laughed, but I think it's because everyone else was laughing as well. 

spoiler (click to show/hide)
And I might be borderline racist.  BLAME MY UPBRINGING!


  • Let your soul glow
  • Senior Member
People laughed, they are funny.

Blend in like a ninja.


  • Kentucky-Bore's Last Hope
  • Senior Member
It's Kentucky.  The reason people are laughing is because this is what is going through their minds:

Huh huh.  huh huh huh huh.  stupid black people.  huh huh.  they really are all like that.  huh huh.  the movies even said so.  huh huh.  cant wait to tell the boys at the next klan meeting.  huh huh.

Not because it's funny.


  • Let your soul glow
  • Senior Member
Not once i thought of them as black. Americans and their boring ass shitty racism talk has bored the world out of their fucking skull by now.


  • Senior Member
Some things the twins said did make me laugh, but more often they made me roll my eyes.  If you didn't get that they were ghetto (maybe not black, specifically, but def a mockery of ghetto life) you are in denial.

ps that is also a river in egypt.

The Fake Shemp

  • Ebola Carrier
The only thing I really, truly hated was that Bay spent what felt like ten hours leading up to this climatic robot duel that was terribly anti-climatic.  How do you create a giant robot made up of like eight Transformers and have him just eat sand and die?  How does Optimus Prime become, quite possibly, the coolest fucking toy ever created and fight "The Fallen" for like thirty seconds?

We sat through fifty hours of build up for that?

Pretty much everything after the Smithsonian felt like Michael Bay was dragging his feet in boots filled with lead.


  • Let your soul glow
  • Senior Member
Some things the twins said did make me laugh, but more often they made me roll my eyes.  If you didn't get that they were ghetto (maybe not black, specifically, but def a mockery of ghetto life) you are in denial.

ps that is also a river in egypt.

Ghetto yes, they looked ghetto.


  • Senior Member
The only thing I really, truly hated was that Bay spent what felt like ten hours leading up to this climatic robot duel that was terribly anti-climatic.  How do you create a giant robot made up of like eight Transformers and have him just eat sand and die?  How does Optimus Prime become, quite possibly, the coolest fucking toy ever created and fight "The Fallen" for like thirty seconds?

We sat through fifty hours of build up for that?

Pretty much everything after the Smithsonian felt like Michael Bay was dragging his feet in boots filled with lead.

This, too.  I mean, yes, the way they defeat the giant mecha robot was cool-ish, but it seemed really Deus Ex Machina.  and YES, wtf to optimus going all super-autobot and then fighting the Fallen for (honestly it was more like ten) seconds?


  • How's my posting? Call 1-866-MAF-BANS to report flame bait.
  • Senior Member
The twins barely talked, and were barely the focus of the camera. Nothing like Jar Jar.
they had more screen time and dialouge than all the transformers except perhaps optimus prime. Even then it's about even.

Herr Mafflard

  • Senior Member
If it's any consolation, I thought Year One was much, much worse than Transformers 2.


  • Let your soul glow
  • Senior Member
The twins barely talked, and were barely the focus of the camera. Nothing like Jar Jar.
they had more screen time and dialouge than all the transformers except perhaps optimus prime. Even then it's about even.

The deceptions had the majority of dialog in the movie, plus that old transformer and Optimus. The twins barely speak, and i'm glad the transformers overall almost don't speak, because who gives a fuck about what they have to say.


  • I must hurry back to my comic book store, where I dispense the insults rather than absorb them.
  • Senior Member
In the theater right now waiting to see it for the first time. Bay better give me $7.50 worth of mayhem!


  • Kentucky-Bore's Last Hope
  • Senior Member
In the theater right now waiting to see it for the first time. Bay better give me $7.50 worth of mayhem!

I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry.



  • Senior Member
In the theater right now waiting to see it for the first time. Bay better give me $7.50 worth of mayhem!

Oh shit...


  • Kentucky-Bore's Last Hope
  • Senior Member
RIP ManaByte

August 02, 2006, 07:30:30 PM - June 30, 2009, 01:53:41 PM

 :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(


  • I must hurry back to my comic book store, where I dispense the insults rather than absorb them.
  • Senior Member
Holy shit. That wasn't a movie. That was an ILM demo reel.

The only part in the entire twelve hour long thing that was even remotely cool was the Bumblebee fight because it was like the ONLY one where you could see what the fuck was going on.

And yea that Smithsonian teleport was the biggest WTF in the history of movies. Did Bay actually think ANYONE would think that a massive field with mountains is right in back of the FUCKING AIR AND SPACE MUSEUM in WASHINGTON FUCKING DC?



  • Senior Member


  • Kentucky-Bore's Last Hope
  • Senior Member
Poor guy, never even saw it coming.   :'(


  • I must hurry back to my comic book store, where I dispense the insults rather than absorb them.
  • Senior Member
G.I. Joe is going to be even worse.


  • I must hurry back to my comic book store, where I dispense the insults rather than absorb them.
  • Senior Member


  • Humble motherfucker with a big-ass dick
  • Senior Member
Transformers 1 was on tv last night, how can a movie with giant robots and Jon Voight as the president of the United States be so shitty?


  • Senior Member
The Giant robots aren't Gundams and Jon Voight is not Morgan Freeman.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
Bay annihilated, Willco disgraced! Now, lets discuss the REAL moty



  • Senior Member
Bay annihilated, Willco disgraced! Now, lets discuss the REAL moty

Pfft. You clearly haven't seen the trailer for RoboGeisha.

 :nsfw gore  :nsfw



Holy cow.


  • relapsed dev
  • Senior Member
G.I. Joe is going to be even worse.

GI Joe is going to be excellent, in a Robot Jox kind of way.


  • The Smooth Canadian
  • Icon
Transformers 1 was on tv last night, how can a movie with giant robots and Jon Voight as the president of the United States be so shitty?

Voight was SecDef, not President. :P