Author Topic: Meme Machine Memorial Thread of Things You Saw on Reddit  (Read 1883695 times)

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Re: The Outside Link Thread (All Your GAF, OA, SA, YouTube, etc. Links Go In Her
« Reply #2100 on: January 19, 2010, 02:12:14 PM »
Just like anything, when something becomes mainstream, it turns into shit. Thus, NeoGAF.

Is this why we have shit coming out of our asses?

I keep trying to construct a witty response to affirm this statement, but I can't even begin. The answer is yes.

:bow Kosma :bow2

And Stoney, I'm in the conversation with a slight bias, as I really don't like NeoGAF. Even if you take all that is good, it's practically nothing compared to the pile of negativity that site spawns every minute. I'm bitter towards it and what it has become, and I don't really have an open mind when it comes to considering NeoGAF as a force of good.

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
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This actually got released in theaters:



  • The Muffin Man
  • Senior Member
This actually got released in theaters:


Youtube comment: "Yeah sure, we have an MRI machine - back in the spare bedroom. Careful not to use it and the ceiling fan at the same time, it'll blow a fuse."



  • a smudge of excrement on a tissue surging out to sea with a million tons of raw sewage
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Re: The Outside Link Thread (All Your GAF, OA, SA, YouTube, etc. Links Go In Her
« Reply #2103 on: January 19, 2010, 03:36:14 PM »
veidt = jibril?

and who is the airwolf guy?

Purple Filth

  • This cosmic dance of bursting decadence and withheld permissions twists all our arms collectively, but if sweetness can win—and it can—then I'll still be here tomorrow to high-five you yesterday, my friend. Peace
  • Senior Member
Re: The Outside Link Thread (All Your GAF, OA, SA, YouTube, etc. Links Go In Her
« Reply #2104 on: January 19, 2010, 03:45:30 PM »
Just like anything, when something becomes mainstream, it turns into shit. Thus, NeoGAF.

I look at it in quite the opposite manner actually. When you go to most normal mainstream boards that have videogame discussion, the talk is generally rather pleasant and upbeat. It only gets shitty when you go to the more hardcore or fan oriented sites.

GAF gaming side reminds of when hip-hop became very insular and a culture arose around it and suddenly you had to be hardcore and "keep it real".

This is a really good point. The other stuff in your post I don't really agree with, however. OT comes off as really elitist, and all the regular thread authors really know how to play their audience by reporting on rapes and white people dying to illicit "Hang the fucker" and "Deserves to be shot in the nuts" responses, while the rest is dick-waving and bullshit, really.

Double-standards out the asshole on the mods' part regarding the law.

The best thing about GAF is also the worst thing about GAF. There are so many people there that whatever niche interest you have you can be sure there are some people who share it. That's cool.

There are also so many people there that the troll and fanboy population is out of control. People behave in a different manner than they normally would just to show off in front of an audience. And so many people almost always leads to Draconian style moderation because of the above reasons which is even worse there because of the arbitrary nature of the moderation and the inconsistent way the rules are enforced.

Its fine for what it is and has its good points and good posters and I happily posted there for years and may some day in the future again but basically the place has burned me out so for the current time I've avoided it and stopped posting there.

Stoney dropping the facts as usual :rock

I also agree with the niche interest thing and i'm surprised at some of the things people like on their.

Bannings are hilarious but its annoying how the fanboys now know how to skirt with the rules and not get themselves banned  :'(
« Last Edit: January 19, 2010, 03:48:55 PM by Purple Filth »


  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
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Re: The Outside Link Thread (All Your GAF, OA, SA, YouTube, etc. Links Go In Her
« Reply #2105 on: January 19, 2010, 03:49:31 PM »
veidt = jibril?

and who is the airwolf guy?

Cool if true


  • The Muffin Man
  • Senior Member
No wonder fistful stopped posting here :teehee

Fresh Prince

  • a one-eyed cat peepin' in a seafood store
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Nerds-that-think-they-aren't-nerds: I'm looking at you, hipster in the $300 jeans thread. You're a fucking dork. Trust me, everybody is talking about that stupid ass fedora that you're wearing ever-so-subtly tilted. I have a lot more respect for the guys with the fucking statues above than you. At least they can bond together and enjoy each other's company while they play Dungeons and Dragons and fantasize about the football jocks bagging their groceries after college. The only good thing about you is helping to keep the economy afloat by buying your overpriced hipster clothes that you swear are more comfortable and better designed as your tiny balls bulge through the front of your skinny jeans. I'm not saying being concerned about your appearance makes you a douchebag, but wearing a fedora definitely does. So does wearing boots with the shoelaces undone. And PLEASE tell that girl that just scammed you for a free drink how much your jeans cost. She won't feel bad when she hits you up for more free drinks before leaving you as you go home alone and masturbate on your couch while your cat watches you.
Hi-larious :bow2

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
  • Global Moderator
I'd be reading that thread right now if GAF's servers weren't a couple of Apple IIe's taped together with a hamster wheel.


  • Senior Member
veidt = jibril?

and who is the airwolf guy?

Yeah. I am indeed Jibril :lol
How'd you guess?

Cool if true

I <3 you too EB
« Last Edit: January 19, 2010, 06:02:55 PM by Veidt »


  • Senior Member
Nerds-that-think-they-aren't-nerds: I'm looking at you, hipster in the $300 jeans thread. You're a fucking dork. Trust me, everybody is talking about that stupid ass fedora that you're wearing ever-so-subtly tilted. I have a lot more respect for the guys with the fucking statues above than you. At least they can bond together and enjoy each other's company while they play Dungeons and Dragons and fantasize about the football jocks bagging their groceries after college. The only good thing about you is helping to keep the economy afloat by buying your overpriced hipster clothes that you swear are more comfortable and better designed as your tiny balls bulge through the front of your skinny jeans. I'm not saying being concerned about your appearance makes you a douchebag, but wearing a fedora definitely does. So does wearing boots with the shoelaces undone. And PLEASE tell that girl that just scammed you for a free drink how much your jeans cost. She won't feel bad when she hits you up for more free drinks before leaving you as you go home alone and masturbate on your couch while your cat watches you.
Hi-larious :bow2

Link to thread?


  • kill me
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I never would have guessed Veidt was Jibril.


  • Senior Member
I never would have guessed Veidt was Jibril.
Yep. I'll now upload the same avatar on both GAF and EB. To make it easier to recognize.

Fresh Prince

  • a one-eyed cat peepin' in a seafood store
  • Senior Member
His rant against fashion nerds is the best though. Real vitriol there.


  • kill me
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Is veidt some GAF celebrity? WTF?

He just posts a lot.



  • Senior Member
Unfortunately that's the case  :-\


  • Senior Member

Thanks.  There have been a ton of 500 errors and it is a pain to browse right now.

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
  • Global Moderator
I never would have guessed Veidt was Jibril.

That blows my mind.


  • Senior Member
Re: The Outside Link Thread (All Your GAF, OA, SA, YouTube, etc. Links Go In Her
« Reply #2119 on: January 19, 2010, 07:05:44 PM »
I never would have guessed Veidt was Jibril.



  • Senior Member


  • Senior Member

The guy who said Eli's twist was on par with The Sixth Sense posts here?


  • Senior Member
Yes. Because Sixth Sense was ruined for me :-\


  • Senior Member
I never would have guessed Veidt was Jibril.

wow. what?

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
oh, Veidt is the black guy from GAF who's religious? didn't expect that

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
  • Global Moderator

The guy who said Eli's twist was on par with The Sixth Sense posts here?

And this:

Quote from: Jibril
What an absolutely great film. We came out beyond satisfied. The story was great, leaving you both happy and mystified at the same time.I haven't experienced any of its sort, in such a long time. That twist was daring and gave me a grin the size of  a suspension bridge. Cinematography was fantastic. There's moments in this film I'd want to frame and hang up on my wall. And  Al Green was a great way to get me mesmerized and into it. Action scenes were phenomenal. The combat felt so fluent and realistically portrayed at the same time.  Mila throwing that grenade, blowing up the car and running away as it's flying towards her. A+.

Performances where great. I was shocked at the moment Eli was shot. He played it off like the hero he was. Absolutely astounding.

Best post-apocalyptic film I've ever seen.The kind of film I'd like to have done myself.

I might go see this again. And I'm there day one for the Blu-Ray.

Now if you'll excuse me. I'll put on Al Green and rate this a 100% on rotten tomatoes.

Gary Whitta. You are amazing.


  • Senior Member

Holy shit.


  • Senior Member
i thought Veidt was a white dude from sweden or something


  • Senior Member


  • Senior Member
Isn't Veidt that Mooslim guy?

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
moslem apologist :piss2


  • Senior Member
I herd he sleeps with goats.

Junpei the Tracer!

  • I started with Nightbright and ended with Comics
  • Senior Member
Heh. That's quite the surprise, I thought Veidt was just Veidt.


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Re: The Outside Link Thread (All Your GAF, OA, SA, YouTube, etc. Links Go In Her
« Reply #2134 on: January 19, 2010, 07:22:08 PM »
I herd he sleeps with goats.

Don't Moslums sacrifice and eat goats on their national holiday of Id? So he keeps goats just to eat them?


  • Senior Member


  • Senior Member
I wouldn't know, I don't know anything about the country of Africa; sorry!


  • kill me
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The Man Who Sleeps With Goats


  • Senior Member
I wouldn't know, I don't know anything about the country of Africa; sorry!
:lol :lol

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
himu your avatar looks like it got hit in the face with a shovel

flat face :piss2



  • Senior Member
Maurice, please take your mom's dildo OUT of her nightstand and firmly place it IN YOUR ASS, you homo!!!

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
white women :piss2

*daps Veidt*


  • kill me
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:rofl i love you guys


  • cooler than willco
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himu your avatar looks like it got hit in the face with a shovel

flat face :piss2

Thank you, exactly what I was thinking. Himu has such shit taste in women, virtual or otherwise. Stick to wiping your ass while you jack off.


  • Senior Member
Re: The Outside Link Thread (All Your GAF, OA, SA, YouTube, etc. Links Go In Her
« Reply #2144 on: January 19, 2010, 07:29:27 PM »
Veidt has gotta have an appreciation for white women. You're pushing it, PD! First that talk in the log thread about you rather studying and getting good grades than pussy and now this!

Face it, Mr. Sendak! You're gay! You're even more gay than me!!! What has EB turned you into? What have we done?!


  • Senior Member
Veidt loves all kinds of women. He just loves black girls more.
Sorry white and asian girls.

1. black girls
2.White girls
999999999999999. Asian girls.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2010, 07:32:12 PM by Veidt »


  • Senior Member
Demi, just because she's not hairy doesn't mean she's ugly okay?!

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
himu your avatar looks like it got hit in the face with a shovel

flat face :piss2

Thank you, exactly what I was thinking. Himu has such shit taste in women, virtual or otherwise. Stick to wiping your ass while you jack off.

lol @ Himu wiping his butt with his shirt, then going to pick up white women at a Radiohead concert :piss2

MLK annihilated


  • Senior Member
the australian chick in himu's avatar is pretty hot.


  • Senior Member
himu your avatar looks like it got hit in the face with a shovel

flat face :piss2

Thank you, exactly what I was thinking. Himu has such shit taste in women, virtual or otherwise. Stick to wiping your ass while you jack off.

lol @ Himu wiping his butt with his shirt, then going to pick up white women at a Radiohead concert :piss2

MLK annihilated

ROFL :lol


  • Senior Member
Re: The Outside Link Thread (All Your GAF, OA, SA, YouTube, etc. Links Go In Her
« Reply #2150 on: January 19, 2010, 07:36:08 PM »
himu your avatar looks like it got hit in the face with a shovel

flat face :piss2

Thank you, exactly what I was thinking. Himu has such shit taste in women, virtual or otherwise. Stick to wiping your ass while you jack off.

lol @ Himu wiping his butt with his shirt, then going to pick up white women at a Radiohead concert :piss2

MLK annihilated

What do you fap on then? Do you sit in your boxers like a fruit cake? I bet you accidentally get your white stuff on your boxers on the regular and wear them to school.


  • kill me
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fistful is correct, and veidt is correct about asians


  • Senior Member
Re: The Outside Link Thread (All Your GAF, OA, SA, YouTube, etc. Links Go In Her
« Reply #2152 on: January 19, 2010, 07:37:09 PM »
Veidt loves all kinds of women. He just loves black girls more.
Sorry white and asian girls.

1. black girls
2.White girls
999999999999999. Asian girls.


Asians  :-\

They look so goddamn similar to me.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
Re: The Outside Link Thread (All Your GAF, OA, SA, YouTube, etc. Links Go In Her
« Reply #2153 on: January 19, 2010, 07:38:10 PM »
himu your avatar looks like it got hit in the face with a shovel

flat face :piss2

Thank you, exactly what I was thinking. Himu has such shit taste in women, virtual or otherwise. Stick to wiping your ass while you jack off.

lol @ Himu wiping his butt with his shirt, then going to pick up white women at a Radiohead concert :piss2

MLK annihilated

What do you fap on then? Do you sit in your boxers like a fruit cake? I bet you accidentally get your white stuff on your boxers on the regular and wear them to school.

Real talk? I just unzip/unbutton pants, pull dick out my underwear, and fap. When I'm done I wipe the evidence in my underwear and put my dick back in. Then I go wash my hands


  • Senior Member
The fuck is wrong with their legs? They look like they have man legs. No behind, no boobs and the faces. mothefuck the faces are utter shit.


  • Senior Member
Re: The Outside Link Thread (All Your GAF, OA, SA, YouTube, etc. Links Go In Her
« Reply #2155 on: January 19, 2010, 07:38:44 PM »
himu your avatar looks like it got hit in the face with a shovel

flat face :piss2

Thank you, exactly what I was thinking. Himu has such shit taste in women, virtual or otherwise. Stick to wiping your ass while you jack off.

lol @ Himu wiping his butt with his shirt, then going to pick up white women at a Radiohead concert :piss2

MLK annihilated

What do you fap on then? Do you sit in your boxers like a fruit cake? I bet you accidentally get your white stuff on your boxers on the regular and wear them to school.

Real talk? I just unzip/unbutton pants, pull dick out my underwear, and fap. When I'm done I wipe the evidence in my underwear and put my dick back in. Then I go wash my hands

:rofl :rofl


  • kill me
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Mixed chicks  :heart


  • Senior Member
I can't say that about all asians though. Some pure asian girls are beautiful. But the majority is shit


  • cooler than willco
  • Administrator
Thats even worse PD, clearly fake. Yall is some sick niccas.


  • Senior Member
:bow blasians :bow2

Bingo. Could not agree more.

Followed by Wasians